jaspersalvo · 2 years
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"Hey, I'm super sweet. Probably the sweetest guy you know. Duke Salvo, America's sweetheart." Duke grinned, cheesy, trying to put on his best attempt at an innocent puppy style face. "What did I ruin? Nothing. Your hair looks nice most of the time too, Josie. I guess." He went back to the meal, "Can you grab plates?"
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                    “   no   ,   it   really   wasn’t   !       it   was   almost   sweet   —   do   you   know   how   rare   it   is   to   place   duke   salvo   and   sweet   in   the   same   sentence   ?   ”       josie’s   props   her   phone   up   once   again   ,   hitting   the   record   button   ,   hoping   he’d   finally   repeat   himself   .       but   what   comes   next   brings   a   sigh   out   of   lips   ,   making   a   show   of   rolling   her   eyes   when   tossing   the   phone   on   his   couch   .       “   your   hair   always   looks   nice   ,   so   i’ll   give   you   that   ,   but   way   to   ruin   the   moment   !   ”
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jaspersalvo · 2 years
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"Good thing they don't watch sports." That wasn't true. Nicholas loved a good soccer game, but basketball, not their scene. Duke rolled his eyes, "You know, jealousy doesn't look good on you, Tomas. Gives you that line on your forehead." He reached over to take the glass, sipping it, "Yeah? What's going on with that whole thing?"
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"Your parents are going to lose their shit when they see your junk on TV. It won't be too bad seeing as how they'd have to use a magnifying glass to find anything," he laughed before pouring two glasses for the both of them. Duke Salvo making an ass out of himself wasn't unheard of, but Tomas couldn't pass up on the off chance that it could happen on live television. "Hey, do me a favour and keep my phone for later. Gemma's going to kill me if I leave her another drunk voicemail."
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jaspersalvo · 2 years
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"God, what are you trying to get out of me this time, Ros?" He'd been more of an open book with her than most, finding it easy. A little game of give and take, but it was Duke. He was fickle. He'd give until he got to take what he wanted, then go back to his high and mighty attitude.
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          “do you mean … looking at you?"   she supposes she should’ve seen this coming.  rosalind bishop’s eyes.  in the same way the reporters often asked celebrities about their style,  her eyes seem to never escape the topic,  either.  leans back in her chair,  glass pressed against red lips before pulling away,  brows scrunching at the question.   "is anyone perfectly fine?”   way to get existential,  rosalind.
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jaspersalvo · 2 years
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"Because it just doesn't make sense with the brine..." Duke trailed off, trying to ignore the fact that Franny's logic was completely right. Salty, sweet, crunchy. "Lifechanging? Fine. I'll try it... What are you willing to bet on?" Couldn't resist. "Fifty bucks it's gonna be terrible?"
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               offense  is  written  on  her  features,  turning  to  face  her  friend  with  a  slightly  wrinkled  nose  at  his  words.  “  what  the  fuck's  wrong  with  my  idea  ?  it's  the  perfect  balance  of  salty,  and  savory,  and  possibly  sour  depending  on  the  pickle.  don't  act  all  high  and  mighty,  it  could  be  lifechanging  but  you're  refusing.  ”
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jaspersalvo · 2 years
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"Vienna." Voice stayed steady, too steady, really. Lacking any emotion except the slight raise of an eyebrow. "What a lovely surprise." Not at all. Of course, the Salvos were apt to continue to build their restaurant empire. And his mom loved hotels. They were a place to exude elegance, with an ever steady customer base. Win win. "So you gonna say anything or just stare at me? I wouldn't really blame you."
closed starter for @jaspersalvo
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Vienna was making her way through the hotel lobby when she'd spotted him. She had every right to be there seeing how her father owned it, but she didn't have a clue why he was there. If their families were going into business, Vienna had half a mind to move to another country altogether.
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jaspersalvo · 2 years
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God. Duke didn't know what it was like to have a little sibling - only how to be the little sibling - and this was tiptoeing on his nerves. But he managed to reign in the rage, "Hey, don't fucking throw things at me. I didn't do anything." A sigh. A longer sigh, "Okay, can you actually tell me what happened? If ya don't, I'm gonna walk away."
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       "  why  would  you  care  ,  stupid  jerkface  with  your  stupid  jerkface  perfect  looking  hair  and  ...  "  and  takes  straw  stirrer  out  to  throw  at  him  ,  but  can't  even  finish  sentence  ,  eyes  watering  and  bottom  lip  trembling  .  small  ,  black  straw  falls  to  bartop  ;  scrubs  at  their  eyes  before  anything  close  to  tears  can  fall  ,  sniffles  .  how  long  have  they  been  here  for  ?  they're  not  sure  .  "  it  doesn't  matter  .  people  are  dumb  .  i'm  gonna  grow  up  with  my  50  cats  and  be  single  forever  because  people  are  stinky  and  mean  .  "
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jaspersalvo · 2 years
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"Because it has nothing to do with anything." For all the chaos and temper that Duke brought, being spontaneous when it wasn't serving him was a tough sell. "You could be." He reached over to grab his coffee from the counter, "That one yours?" No move to pass it to her, only a note that it was there.
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               she looks confused by the question, unsure why there was any assumption that she wasn't alright. this was usually her train of thought : constantly all over the place. " yeah? why wouldn't i be? ... am i bleeding or something? " it wasn't hard to imagine, she tended to randomly injure herself ; never one for having good luck.
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jaspersalvo · 2 years
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"Did you read the article? Think I did one hell of an interview." All his interviews were great. He could sell water to a fish. And of course, that was what he was assuming Elias was talking about
          ⁺ .  ᕀ       open   to   :       @jaspersalvo   .
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                    “   i   read   a   tweet   about   a   new   yorker   article   about   you   .   ”
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jaspersalvo · 2 years
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Even after having a minute to think about it, it hurt betting against them, but if he looked hard enough, one of the players on the Knicks was limping... or was Duke just trying to see things to make his chances better? "Deal." Tomas never said when, and Duke was gonna keep that loophole in his back pocket. "My apartment's amazing, so what's the problem?"
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"The Knicks are taking this one, man. I was being nice with the $500, but fine," he said, looking out over the players huddled together during a time out. "$500 and loser has to streak across the court." Tomas didn't think that Duke would actually follow through on his bet if he lost, but he did like the idea of making the guy sweat. "You'll regret saying that when I end up crashing on your couch tonight."
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jaspersalvo · 2 years
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"Wow, yeah, thanks for keeping track of the time for me, A. It has been a while." Duke nearly rolled his eyes. It was odd, watching a fallen friendship come back into your life constantly, but it was Duke. He wasn't exactly the best at maintaining relationships, so instead, he'd lace his words with sickly sweet tones. Acting as if everything was intentional. "Are we neighbors now?" Head nodded towards the building the other came from.
location: unspecified participants: abel fioretti-badeaux & duke salvo( @jaspersalvo )
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"duke," abel greeted their friend with a nod of the head, "how've you been? it's uh, been a while."
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jaspersalvo · 2 years
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"There's only one solution to that." Patting around his pocket, Duke produced a flask, sliding it over, watching it spin across the table, "Don't let it fall, c'mon."
location     :     anywhere indoors status     :     open  to  all          (  @nepofmstarters  )
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                 nursing  a  hangover,  glasses  are  covering  their  eyes,  shading  the  bright  sun  from  their  gaze  but  that's  not  stopping  the  throbbing  in  their  temples.  taking  a  hearty  sip  of  the  steaming  coffee,  they  finally  look  towards  their  company.  “  must  you  talk  so  loud  ?  my  head  is  going  to  explode.  ”  
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jaspersalvo · 2 years
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"Oh c'mon, Josie, it wasn't that bad, get over it." Duke didn't usually backtrack on what he said, just tried to manipulate the reception or the circumstance. "My hair looks great today, so you're welcome to immortalize it anyway."
          ⁺ .  ᕀ       open   to   :       @jaspersalvo   .
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                    “   hold   on   a   sec   !       i   want   to   record   this   so   i   can   replay   it   to   you   when   you’re   being   a   dick   .       repeat   that   for   me   ,   duke   ?   ”
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jaspersalvo · 2 years
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"You good?" The wayward thoughts or wandering mind was something that Duke Salvo had never really experienced... Unless he was under the influence of something (or many somethings) else. So in this state, the response was deadpan confusion.
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" you know what i never understand? how come it's always overwhelmed or superstitious? what if i'm just whelmed or a little stitious? there should be something for just an average feeling instead , someone should get on that. " @nepofmstarters
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jaspersalvo · 2 years
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Glancing over at his name, a laugh easily sounded. "That's a weak bet. Only $500? Wait, are you betting for or against them?" Another sip of his drink - perks of watching from the box. The New Yorker in him hated betting against them... but the promise of maybe winning was enough. "Yeah? And we're going." Not a question, a statement. A confirmation
closed starter for @jaspersalvo
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The game was in its second quarter, but Tomas had barely noticed. The Knicks were fine. Really, he was just looking for an excuse to hang out in one of private suites. As much as he wanted to sit courtside, he couldn't bear the idea of showing up on the jumbotron with a busted nose. The other assholes he invited complained that they were missing out, but they had no problem drinking all of his alcohol and running up his tab. He was quietly grateful that Duke was nice enough to show up and keep him sane. "Okay, bet: $500 on the Knicks. Oh, and you pay for drinks at the afterparty. I heard one of the guys on the team booked out a lounge for the night."
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jaspersalvo · 2 years
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Stinky jerkface. That really showed him. It was enough for another eye roll, but expression softened (barely) when he looked over at her face. Noticing the eyes. Duke was an ass, but he grew up with sisters, he wasn't completely blind to picking up on the cues hidden behind the words. "What's going on?"
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         a  genuine  scowl  at  the  other's  words  :  knows  not  if  it's  because  head  is  pounding  or  because  he  reeks  of  something  they  can't  quite  place  their  finger  on  .  "  sorry  i  didn't  get  something  to  your  liking  .  next  time  i  order  i'll  make  sure  to  keep  the  random  man  at  the  bar  in  mind  .  "  scowl  only  deepens  AFTER  he  downs  the  drink  and  then  takes  a  crack  at  her  drink  .  "  i  already  had  three  of  those  drinks  ,  jerkface  .  so  WHAT  if  i  had  a shirley  temple  ?  "  and  eyes  are  still  watering  ,  "  maybe  i'll  have  another  one  ,  stinky  jerkface  .  "
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jaspersalvo · 2 years
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“You mean my sullen look of mystery doesn’t look flirty to you? Wow, I’m heartbroken,” Duke reached over to take the glass anyway, swirling it slightly before sniffing at it. “God, did you get a glass straight full of bottom shelf stuff? You know there’s actually quality vodka to sip.” He sighed, “Bottoms up...” It was Duke. A kid practically raised in bars and restaurants, despite his whining about it, he shot back the cup with ease. “What are you drinking anyways? A shirley temple?”
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           there's  a  moment  of  pause  from  lulu  .  oddly  quiet  ,  pushing  cherry  around  in  glass  with  black  stirring  straw  .  eyes  flicker  to  the  other  ,  and  shakes  her  head  ,  pushing  full  glass  of  clear  liquid  toward  the  other  (  user  beware  :  vodka  does  not  taste  like  water  despite  the  way  it  looks  .  )  as  she  shrugs  .  "  you  look  like  you  ...  need  it  more  than  me  .  "  party  of  three  identical  glasses  sit  around  the  short  one  that  has  cherry  in  it  .  "  bottoms  up  .  on  me  .  " ** // @jaspersalvo !!
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jaspersalvo · 2 years
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"Never say that to me again.” He could feel his stomach churning just thinking about it. Sure, it hit the crunch and salty balance, but it was no nachos. “If you’re hungry we can go to one of my parents’s places, guarantee it’ll be a feast. You in?”
SPECIAL DELIVERY : jasper salvo ( @jaspersalvo )
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she's been moody , to say the least. and because of that , she's been avoiding. taking a joke wasn't something franny could do when fighting the inner fire of rage , but her invite had been a conscious decision. “ know what i can't stop thinking about ? that thing on tiktok where you wrap a pickle in melted cheese. ”
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