jasprstuart-blog ¡ 7 years
“Oops. That’s what I get for not looking.” Charlotte replied as she rose to her feet and approached the handsome man. “Questions? Colour me intrigued good looking. Ask away. I’ll see what answers I can assist you with.”
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Jasper chuckled, not taking to heart the mistake. “Do not worry, it happens.” Considering it seemed like she had been expecting rosy cheeked new employees, he couldn’t blame her for assuming that he would have been one of them. “I was curious if you allow patrons to rent out your club for the night? I have a friend coming to town in need of some... entertainment. Only, he tends to get a bit thirsty.”
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Job Seekers || OPEN
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jasprstuart-blog ¡ 7 years
Athena didn’t look away. Actually she was pushing herself to not shy away from his stare, or be intimidated by it, wherever his eyes might rest or wander. It was another challenge to overcome, not feeling uncomfortable or on edge. It had helped to move in together. Breaking a few barriers that otherwise would have been just as challenging. Listening, Athena couldn’t help but make herself a list of the qualities he was mentioning. Good in bed and decent blood.. Smart and with a taste for darker things. Well, for one her blood had to be decent, otherwise she felt as if he would have said so the day they met. Anything in bed she had no clue of. It was hard to know if you had any talent what so ever when you had no experience. She did consider herself smart, and being raised around dark magic, she would definitely say darker things were an interest. Three out of four wasn’t so bad. “Thats quite the story. I’m sorry you had to kill her.” Athena said speaking quietly as to match his volume. She wasn’t foreign to death, or knowing those who had taken life. She had too, once. One time too many though. “Its probably not going to be very easy, especially when its been that long..” she trailed off a little, unsure whether she should say what she felt compelled to say. “I sincerely hope thats not true though. Cause that would kind of.. suck.” She bit her lip a little, not eager to contemplate a loveless marriage. She might not know that much about this kind of love, but she knew it was something she wanted to experience and try her best to achieve. “I’d say two out of three so far isn’t that bad. Unless I’ve been boring you for days and you’ve been too polite to say anything.” 
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The death of Delilah was one that Jasper had not thought about for quite a long time. He had shut the book on that part of his life. His affection for her had not gone farther than novelty, but after he’d killed her there had been the absence of family. Jasper couldn’t remember the last time he had a family of his own. “It had to be done. We all make mistakes and I made a mistake with her.” Jasper mentally shut the door on that past, not wanting to dig it back up again unless he absolutely need to do so. Love was not something he had with Delilah and not something he’d ever really had with anyone. It seemed like that was something Athena had been hoping would be a possibility. Maybe with any other person, love could be in the picture. Athena being beautiful, alluring, interesting, and tempting... any other person would likely fall for the woman. Jasper wasn’t really sure he knew how to love. Care, yes. Love? Maybe. “You’ve hardly been boring, little bird,” Jasper said softly. “You’re intriguing and I want to know more. If you were boring, I would have ignored your presence entirely.”
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jasprstuart-blog ¡ 7 years
He wasn’t directly asking a question.. it was more of an observation spoken out loud for her to reply to. Trouble was, she didn’t know entirely how to. Either way she should try. “Eager isn’t exactly the word I’d use, but yeah.. When I agree to something I generally don’t see the point in stalling and..” she took a deep breath, preparing to making this admittance. “I don’t like feeling vulnerable. Weak. The way you’re looking at me like I’m about to topple over any minute makes me want to prove its not necessary.” Yes, she had opted for brutal honesty, now she could only hope he wouldn’t take it the wrong way. “Sure, its possible to.. decorate a little or something.” Athena was far too used to these types of rooms, to temporary living arrangements. Which had gotten to a point where she had learned not to care anymore, not to get too attached. Listening to him describing what sounded like a very specific dream house, she couldn’t help but smile. It did sound nice. “You have things stored overseas or you have the capital to bring things from wherever?” she had to ask, a little amused but also curious. The picture he was painting was far more extravagant than she had ever lived. Though if thats what he wanted, Athena wasn’t at all opposed to it. “We could always save up and build one if there isn’t one to buy. Sounds like you’d know how.” Actually she was tempted to ask if he had any degrees in arcitechture or interior design because it sure sounded like he might. Biting down on her lip in concentration Athena refused to get frustrated that she still didn’t have her perfect balance back, grateful for Jaspers steadying hand. “Oh so I do have a say?” She grinned at him, teasing. “Blue is a really nice color. And its actually nice that you have a lot of thoughts on ideas on it cause I’ve lived fairly minimalistic my whole life, so this isn’t something I have tons of opinions on.” 
She nodded, knowing he was right, even if she was nervous what he might think of her decidedly bad habits. “Yes I’m sure. The whole lockdown is making me restless. Let’s do something productive instead of just.. sitting around waiting for it to be over.” 
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Weak. That stirred up confusion for Jasper. It seemed as if he was feeling that quite often around the little witch. A part of him wanted to tell her that she was weak in comparison to him. She did not have vampire strength or speed, making her weak in that regard. Jasper had no inclination to her abilities as a witch other than her mention of dark witchcraft, but he had no measure to the degree. Jasper was smart enough not to say anything in that regard in hopes of not having Athena rip his head off. Jasper instead focused elsewhere. “A little bit of both. I couldn’t bring all my things from my home in England back here. I wasn’t living there that long but I seemed to have collected enough things. And if there’s something that I do not have and want, I can get it. Being alive for so long allows for certain...advantages.” Jasper admittedly like to keep his connections alive and he hadn’t spent his entire lifetime simply twirling his thumbs around. “Maybe we’ll build the house, maybe we’ll find one to buy. Either way, it’s something we can figure out down the road. You’re sadly correct in the fact that the Council will not let us move out will the marriage ceremony is over.” Jasper let go of Athena, nodding toward the door of the suite. “You’ll have to lead the way to the room. It’s getting late so we should try to be quick about it.”
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jasprstuart-blog ¡ 7 years
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Charlotte didn’t look up as the door open, temporarily flooding the moodily lit Club with light, before the relief of darkness fell again. “Leave your resume at the end of the bar.” She called out briskly, “Then have a seat honey. We’ll be getting to auditions as soon as my business partner returns. She just had to step out for a moment.” 
Jasper raised his eyebrows, not sure why the woman was asking for his resume. Nor why she thought he was there for auditions. “I was not aware you also have male entertainers. But I’m sadly not here for an audition, but more so for answers to some questions.” Jasper shoved his hands into his pockets, chuckling. “Should I come back another time, then?”
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Job Seekers || OPEN
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jasprstuart-blog ¡ 7 years
Athena took a guess, given the way he was looking at that mini-fridge, that it had been emptied out. Which wasn’t the end of the world, she had some nutrition bars and snacks stored in Nico’s room where she had moved in four days prior. Lots of moving all of a sudden.. not that she truly minded. She was used to being on the move, never settling down. Yes she dreaded the sleeping arrangements and nights. It was hard to hide your nightmares when you weren’t sleeping alone, and she wouldn’t be able to keep from explaining them for long. But that was a problem for later. “I have some stuff in my room. Well Nico’s room but all my stuff is there so..” she lifted her head in a careful shrug, flexing her neck muscles a little to test out her inner ear balance. The world didn’t start spinning as she did so, which was a good sign. Her smile widened a little in response to seeing him distracted. There was something so human about that, disappearing into your own mind. “Not everyone thinks that way right off the bat. Cause its kind of.. old fashioned, but in a good way. So yeah I am saying thank you.” Athena replied softly, getting by with a small nod. Just mentioning water had her thirsty, reminding her that it had been a while since she drank or ate something. 
Crossing her legs under her where she sat, Athena glanced about the room. It was identical to Nico’s, to the one she had been given upon arrival, and it was fairly neat looking. As in it did not seem like it had been used much. She couldn’t entirely make sense of why that mattered to her. Maybe it was his looks, that charming smile.. it was hard to believe no other girl had been up here. Looking back at Jasper she eagerly took the glass, taking large gulps of water, emptying half the glass in seconds. As he mentioned moving her stuff, she was quick to swing her legs over the edge of the bed, ready to stand up. “We can go get it right now. I don’t have a bunch of stuff to move so one trip should do it.” She said, taking a few more sips of the glass. “Pretty sure we’re stuck here. Not just for now but until the whole marriage ceremony has been done. A fitting house? How does one of those look like?” From how he said it, she had a feeling he knew exactly what he wanted. Getting to her feet, Athena swayed a little, the lightheadedness somewhat returning. Despite it all she smiled. “Now that would be neat.” 
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“You’re quite eager now to move your things even though you seemed reluctant on the entire thing earlier,” Jasper said as he watched Athena carefully. If she started to tilt too far to one side, Jasper could at least trust his quick unnatural reflexes to catch her before she hit the ground. He was very sure that showing up with his fiancee unconscious with a concussion would not be a good idea. “My hope is that we can do what’s possible to make this hotel room feel more like a home for the time being.” Jasper wasn’t sure just what it would take to make the hotel room feel more like a home. He hated living in such a temporary place, nothing belonging to him. “I’d like a nice home full of space, I have things that I’d like to bring from overseas whenever there’s a more permanent place. A big bedroom, maybe even with a balcony to stand out on during the night.” Jasper smiled, putting together piece by piece the idea of a house. “Beautiful on the outside. The architect in New Orleans is astounding compared to many places. I’d love to have a home that showcases that beauty.” Living for a long time allowed Jasper to appreciate the changes in architecture of buildings. Some periods he could remember made some poor choices, but other periods he fondly wished would come back into style. “I like the idea of a blue house. Unconventional, but unique.” Jasper stood up from the bed to set a hand at Athena’s elbow, hoping to steady her a bit. “But it would be your home too. I’d want to make sure you like the home as well.” And the room for her brother, that was something Jasper could do if it would make her feel more comfortable and it would... establish a civil relationship between himself and her brother.
“This will be a nice way for us to get used to living together, learn our quirks and habits.” Jasper knew he certainly had his own habits that would disagree with some people when it came to living together. At least she wouldn’t have to worry about him eating her food. “Are you sure you’re okay with going to get your stuff? Even if it takes just one trip...”
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jasprstuart-blog ¡ 7 years
Athena was aware that she was more transparent than she would like to be. She wasn’t used to being observed, as she was normally the one doing all the observing. Now though she knew that Jasper was paying attention. How much she couldn’t be sure, just as she only had one way of knowing what he was thinking, which would be to ask. As he backed up, Athena tried to make sense of the jarring feelings she was left with. Half relieved, half disappointed. It was all very confusing.. especially since each feed made her feel closer to him, and even more confused as to how that really worked. It was partly a cheat though, she did understand that. The feeling of closeness, of sharing something with him that no one else got to, wasn’t entirely true and wouldn’t be until they knew each other better. She nodded, to show that she was paying attention, processing the information he was giving her as she trailed next to the cart, picking items off shelves here and there. Two for two lacking knowledge of relationships. Now that would make things interesting. “Why did you keep her around for longer? What was the difference between her and the other ones?” She had to ask, even with his added reassurance, as she glanced back over, meeting his eyes with her own. “It shouldn’t matter cause we have no choice, you mean? Or have you changed your mind about relationships?” She cocked a brow, a bit curious, a tiny tad challenging. “I wouldn’t mind hearing more.” 
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Jasper leaned against the cart as he stared at Athena, debating just how much he actually wanted to tell. Then again, he’d promise himself that he’d be entirely honest. What was the point in lying and pretending to be someone he wasn’t just for the sake of a little witch? If they were going to attempt to make their marriage work, it would be better she know the truth. “I was young, reckless. She was a pretty human who was allured into the darker parts of the world. At first I kept her around because she was good in bed and her blood was the best I had at the time. Then I thought it would be a good idea to turn her into a vampire. She was smart and had a certain taste for the darker things.” Jasper was careful with his volume, wanting to make sure no one human would be around to overhear. “I quickly learned after a few months of her being reborn that it was a bad choice and killed her.” It was regrettable, having to kill someone. But Jasper had an ease of doing it after the times he had to do it over his lifetime. “We must marry, we have no choice in that. And it isn’t relationships that I’m opposed of, it’s the thought of loving someone. Letting another person into my life like that has not been something that I have done since my family. Perhaps it’s something that I can’t do anymore,” he said with a shrug. “Most of those I kept around otherwise were for sex or blood. Sometimes for good conversation.”
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jasprstuart-blog ¡ 7 years
“Hey, I’m not judging. My kind are all a little possessive. If they tell you otherwise, they’re lying,” the brunette mused with a purse of her lips, grabbing a water to drink instead. “Well then a bar or a club does sound right up your alley, doesn’t it?” she challenged with a lifted brow. Her eyes fell back onto her water, giving it a chug. Her lips curled more at the questions, offering him a wide-eyed nod, “Unfortunately. The rich have to entertain themselves somehow, right?” Readjusting on the stool she sat upon, Meera explained further, “They throw these big parties, wear a bunch of animal masks, and from what I understand - it’s a BDSM fiesta. Honest to God. And they call us the freaks of nature.”
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Jasper laughed as he brought his glass back up to his lips, taking a sip to try to stop laughing. “Everyone is a little possessive,” he pointed out. “But yes, a bar or club is my preferred method when it comes to enjoying myself. Everyone is lost in their own whims and fantasies, it becomes a different world where everyone enjoys themselves.” Jasper set his glass down, leaning on the bar top of the lounge. “I suppose the same could be said for these...strange people into animal masks and such. Everyone loves a little pleasure mixed with pain, but I just don’t see the point in add bunny masks into the mix. Perhaps it fits with the,” Jasper thought for a moment to search for the word. “Furries? Is that what they are called?”
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jasprstuart-blog ¡ 7 years
The concept of both cooking and eating as she pleased were new concepts to Athena. In many ways she had to reintegrate back into society, into normalcy, or what passed as such for a witch in a city of supernatural creatures. Though things like these were easier to get back into and wrap her mind around. Remembering the old normal where those patterns and habits were easy to pick back up. What was less easy to come to terms to were the fact that she was safe. To stop looking over your shoulder and whole heartedly believe there was no one lurking in the shadows or watching you. That anxiety and paranoia she had not yet been able to put behind her. When he came up from behind she turned, waiting for the usual panic to set in. For her skin to crawl, her breath to accelerate, her heart to pump hard as her mind was clouded over with overwhelming fear. Her breathing did pick up alongside her heart, though none of the other symptoms she had gotten so used to arriving when in close proximity to anyone, guys especially. Instead there was this tingling sensation, along with curiosity as she stared back at Jasper. “Could be fun.” She agreed with a smile, lifting her shoulders in a small shrug when he asked if it was something couples did. “I think so? Can’t say I’ve been in a whole lot of relationships so I don’t really have much to compare anything with. No? Not your thing?” She asked, going for subtlety.
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Jasper picky up little pieces of information that led him to realize there was a past with Athena. She’d already pretty much said so during their first meeting, but Jasper hadn’t put much thought into it in the moment. Now, he was starting to see it was really something he would have to take into consideration if things between the two of them were going to continue. “Relationships...Not really,” Jasper said as he took a few steps away from Athena and moved back to go behind the cart. “I like to keep company, but never done relationships. Never been married before either,” Jasper said as he pushed the cart farther down the aisle. “I suppose no one has really kept my attention long enough for that to happen. The longest I’ve kept someone around has been... maybe a year at most? And that was only once, long ago.” Jasper stopped the cart to move it aside for a couple passing through the aisle. “That should not matter where we are concerned,” he added, looking over to Athena. “But if you’re interested in knowing my history in terms of romantic and sexual partners, I can certainly tell you more.”
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jasprstuart-blog ¡ 7 years
“Then ew I’d vote no dirt. But thats also kind of sad, never getting to taste food again.” She said, thoughtfully, sure that she would miss it if she couldn’t eat it anymore. Not that she would have that kind of issue or so she thought. Or wanted to think was more like it, given that things were all light and uncomplicated right now. They might not be a year or two into the future. Eying the countless boxes of cereal, Athena started searching for something with limited sugar. She wasn’t a big fan of processed food, preferring to make what she could from scratch, especially now that she had a small kitchen at her disposal again. “Because people like different things. Its like with cheese, someone decided to try to make any taste they could come up with and it got completely out of control.” She thought it was fairly excessive. No person bought all of these or needed this many choices. Finally finding the one she had been looking for, she had to hold back a groan realizing it was at a very high shelf. Eying Jasper she swallowed her usual pride. “Any chance you can reach that?” She pointed at the right box. “An official lazy day? How.. american. Can’t say we had that in Greece. Heard of Looney Tunes but never seen it. Only one of those I have seen is Chip ‘n’ Dale in greek. Next Sunday should be cartoons Sunday.”   
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Delicious looking food was always an enemy to Jasper, especially if it was something he could smell would be fantastic. It wasn’t the thing he missed the most about being human, but it was certainly something he’d taken for granted. How easy it was for everyone else to just stop at a bakery and eat a pastry while Jasper could only stare. The countless boxes of cereals, however? Jasper wanted no part in that decision. Most of them seemed like they would only rot his teeth out anyway. Stopping the cart, he walked around to stand behind her and spot the cereal that she’d been reaching for on the high shelf. Jasper grabbed it easily, although he kept it high above Athena as he looked down at her. “I like the sound of that, just spending the day watching cartoons.” Jasper lowered the box of cereal, placing it in the cart to join all the other things that Athena had put into there. “That’s thing domestic couples do, right? I can’t even remember the last time I was in what you could actually call a relationship.”
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“Well I like to believe that everyone can use some lessons every now and then if it’s terrible. If they’re unteachable well then… yeah I have no problems with telling someone that they suck and I won’t be seeing them around.” It sounded heartless but a lot of the time Bailey could say that he was. At least when it came to forming emotional attachments.
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“I’ve had a few of those, unteachable people who you just have to give a little shove at and hope the next person in better. It’s when there are tears that follow that are annoying. I had one woman long ago who could have drowned the world with the way she was crying once I told her she was no good in bed.” Jasper shrugged his shoulders. That was back in the forties and not a time he really wanted to relive. “In my experience, men tend to be the ones more eager to learn, but occasionally a woman comes around and can be transformed into one of the best.”
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jasprstuart-blog ¡ 7 years
It was kind of odd to be in a grocery store. For the past five years Athena hadn’t dared to enter one, too scared of being spotted or caught on camera. She had lived off of vending machine food for months on end, before resorting to steal by unlocking locks with her magic and disabling cameras and alarms in small highway kiosk’s. Walking around in this fairly big store she tried to ignore the sensation of being out of place. “You really have it in for advertisements.. I mean I agree with you I just don’t see the point in caring. Its not like its gonna change..” She shrugged a bit. “I believe thats called marketing and yes. There should be websites online with percentages for the biggest brands and such.” Noticing how he was staring at that odd fruit she picked a couple, just in case, placing them in the cart before moving further down towards the cereal. “I’ve heard vamps can eat. Truth or lie?” She cocked a brow at him before grinning, still finding it amusing about the cartoons. “I don’t know. How’s sunday different from all the other days? Okay so name a few good cartoons.” 
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“It’s kinda the truth,” Jasper said with a shrug. “It all tastes vile and does nothing for me nutritionally. It’s like if you ate dirt every day, it’s gonna taste disgusting and do nothing for you.” Jasper pushed the cart over toward the cereal to follow Athena, his eyes staring at the baked goods he’d caught a glimpse of over by the bakery. That was something he missed, the sweet taste of a cake. At least he had his own form of sweet still, but it wasn’t the same nonetheless. “Why... are there so many cereals?” Jasper asked eyes wide as he stared at them all. Cereal hadn’t been invented yet when he was human, already a vampire by the time it came around. He’d never actually stood in a cereal aisle to see just how many there were. “Sunday’s the day you do nothing but be lazy, by the way. And the classic Looney Tunes is always at the top of the list. Kiko the kangaroo, George and Junior, and still love Chip ‘n’ Dale.”
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jasprstuart-blog ¡ 7 years
Since she could do little else, Athena only watched as he moved about, trying not to overthink it as she felt that small sense of guilt start to gather. She hadn’t expected this type of fierce reaction, that he’d care this much. And she was at a loss at what to do with it and how to address it. Instead of yelling and making dramatics, she should have explained better. All her life she had neither learned nor come to experience what the other species were truly like. They had lived so sheltered, easily isolated on the island, and when she first left for her on protection she had hardly spoken to anyone, regardless of their species. Everyone had been a threat then, a wild card. Keeping her eyes steady, she did not look away or flinch at the rough sounds or his turbulent stare. When someone neared a more unstable state, Athena tended to find her calm. “He was never going to be ecstatic from the start but any sibling would feel the same. Its not like I am thrilled about his fiancee either. But he won’t Jasper. Not when I ask him to do anything but. As long as its something I want and which makes me happy, Nico won’t do anything.” She tried to reassure, unable to hide that she was indeed touched at how sincere he seemed. How fierce. At last she did not have to fear that he didn’t want her or was in this for the long haul, though it was likely that her lack of confidence would spike later. Would he really want her when he realized how damaged she was? How someone else had wrecked her body and left her scared shitless? “You know, I do have a mind of my own, if you haven’t noticed. I don’t take orders from anyone, I make my own choices. My brother is not going to come in between us. I want this to work out just as much as you do.”
No matter how little or much you prepared or thought on an arranged marriage beforehand, Athena was beginning to realize that you couldn’t be in it and easily keep distance from the one you were paired with. She hadn’t expected anything because she was so sure she’d be disappointed. Because her only expectation had been that her husband would realize how broken she truly was and then turn away. Trusting that he wouldn’t was hard. Opening up, searching for compromise, showing you cared, that was hard too. But she didn’t understand how her brother’s fiancee could be so determined to push all possibility of love away. How she thought that doable. As she stared back at Jasper Athena couldn’t help what she felt. His species might be foreign to her, and his personality might be a handful, but there was a good man behind all that hubris and rough language. Sure, there was no denying how handsome he was, it was almost painful to look at because she had no idea how to handle how her own emotions were making her feel. They scared her, warned her that no matter how good or kind or sincere, no strange male could ever be trusted again. They reminded her what had happened the last time she let a guy into her life, trusted him and was honest with him. That night Eros hadn’t just abused her body, he had abused her trust as well. And yet she was kind of thrown that after everything, despite everything, Jasper was going to be hers. The thought, along with their locked gazes caused desire to pool into her belly. He was hers. Unable to keep from blushing a little bit Athena hugged the pillow close.
Athena tried not to show just how relieved she felt when he agreed. Thank the fucking lord.. “I know you’d never hurt me, and as soon as Nico gets that he’ll back off.” The relief along with the realization that the dizziness was nearly gone had her smiling, cocking a brow at the examination his eyes were giving her. How about that, the big, strong vampire was actually nearing an apology. She wanted to laugh a little, glad that she could inspire him to tap back into his humanity. The witch had ah bunch it had been a while since he last did that of his own free will. “Despite the intense conversation, yes I am.” Athena replied with a small nod. “Did you entirely clean out your mini bar when you got here? Cause if not the hotel puts stuff in there which they charge on the room if its used. I can just pay them later. But yeah it would be nice to have some food around to avoid having to go out for every meal.” She shrugged a bit. The lightheadedness and risk of fainting would probably pass if she drank and ate something. Exhaling a little deeply, she debated whether or not to ask nicely, or to remain stubborn and move to get herself a glass of water. Her eyes were probably betraying her as they went to the kitchen area, then back to him. It was his admission that did it. “Can I have a glass of water? There’s cups in the cupboard and water in the tap. And I’ll hold off on testing my balance a little while longer.” She hesitated, but only for a small moment,pushing herself a little closer to him and reaching out to put her hand on top of his. “Thank you for looking out for me.”
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Jasper looked over at the mini-fridge, admittedly having cleaned it out by getting rid of everything in it. Considering he had no need for it originally, he’d asked those in the suites near his own if they wanted the items. Jasper hadn’t cared about a charge, preferring nothing having gone to waste. He realized he could have saved it for Athena, but his pair hadn’t been a concern previously. “We’ll have to get stuff for you eventually. At least so you have snacks if anything,” Jasper said distractedly. He was trying to remember what had originally been stocked oddly enough. “Hm?” His attention was caught by the feeling of Athena’s hand on his own, staring down at the sight. “Not something you have to thank me for, it’s what I do. You’re going to be my wife. It’s my duty to take care of you,” Jasper said as he looked back up at Athena. “I’ll get you that water.”
Pushing off the bed, he headed over to the cupboard to grab a glass for the water. After filling the glass with tap water, Jasper made his way back over to the bed to hand the glass to Athena. “When you’re feeling better we can go get your stuff and move it into the room. I’d much prefer not being stuck in a hotel room, but we have no choice at the moment. Hopefully the real estate in this area has a house fitting enough, we might have a problem if there isn’t one.” Jasper, in all his years, had been awfully picky about where he lived. Even if one thing didn’t suit his needs or he disliked aesthetically, he’d pass it over. “Maybe we can even get a house with a room for your brother...”
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jasprstuart-blog ¡ 7 years
Skipping ahead, though not at top speed as she was trying to hide her limb, Athena kept taking down items and tossing them into the cart Jasper was pushing around. It was nice that he had come, given that she was the only one who needed food. Then again he didn’t seem all that willing to let her out of his sight. Another thing she had noticed but had yet to bring up. Maybe she was just being paranoid.. and a little silly. It wasn’t as if this would be the last time she would need food, and it could be practical if he sort of knew what she ate. She also wondered if that had any influence on how she tasted.. maybe. “I’m sure thats happened before, though I can’t say I’ve seen it. The store probably does it to promote what they have. Making it look fancy and all.” She shrugged, grabbing a couple of bananas and placing them in a plastic bag. “He watches cartoons. Now there’s a surprise.” 
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In the past, if Jasper ever needed something from the store he always sent out someone else to get it for him. It was easier back when he was staying in England for a bit, able to just send one of the vampires he kept in his little circles or even one of the humans they entertained. It kept Jasper free from wasting his time on things he didn’t need to waste it on. One thing he couldn’t avoid were advertisements everywhere. That was something the change in times had brought that Jasper was not a fan about. “Food isn’t supposed to be fancy. Just like your toilet paper shouldn’t have to be enticed with bears and puppies to get you to buy it. Has anyone actually tried to see how many people buy a specific brand of something because of how they market it?” Jasper shook his head as he stopped in front of a stand, eyeing the product in front of him. Dragon fruit. He’d seen that on the Food Network. Admittedly, he’d watch that sometimes and sometimes it made him miss food. “And of course I watch cartoons. What else are you supposed to do on Sundays? But not these ridiculous new cartoons. Some of ‘em are a little disturbing.”
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jasprstuart-blog ¡ 7 years
Jasper had taken charge of pushing the shopping cart in an effort to feel a little bit more normal. It was silly things like grocery stores that Jasper hadn’t come to need anymore and he never understood why they had to be as fancy as they were. Granted, it was a million times more convenient to not have to farm or produce everything yourself. Jasper leaned against the handle bar of the cart, glaring at a display of apples that had been piled high into a pyramid. “They do know that it’s impractical to do that, right? What if some bastard idiot decides to take from the bottom and send everything falling?” He huffed, sending a glare in the direction of a child about to reach for an apple while his mother was turned away. “Or is that only something that happens in tv show cartoons?”
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jasprstuart-blog ¡ 7 years
“Yeah I was thinking about it. Someone suggested to start two just for the people who might have certain… likes. For one that I would personally like… hot and guy. That’s my standards are.” Bailey raised an eyebrow, “I do know that, I have my fair share of sex stories. But you never know if someone is bad in bed if you don’t try.”
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Jasper laughed, wondering if having the standards of ‘hot and guy’ made it easy to find partners in bed. That’d mean less boredom and he didn’t really see anything wrong with that. “So then what do you do if they do turn out to be absolutely awful? Do you stick it out till the end and fake your way through it? Do you teach them the right way? Or try to get out of there?”
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jasprstuart-blog ¡ 7 years
“She’s yours,” Meera repeated, clucking her tongue in a tease thereafter. “Careful. You sound awfully possessive.” Although, she got the gist of what he was actually referring to. “What sort of parties are you going to? – If they include bunny masks and leather whips, I don’t wanna hear about it.” 
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Jasper furrowed his eyebrows in confusion even if it was supposed to have been a tease. He never really understood when people said he was being possessive. Then again, he viewed things different than most other people. “Call it possessiveness or not, but she’s my little bird.” Jasper shrugged his shoulders, focusing back on his drink that he really wanted refilled. “I can assure you they do not involve bunny masks and leather whips. Usually plenty of alcohol, warm bodies, and good music.” Jasper narrowed his eyes in the direction of the wall. “Why... would bunny masks and leather whips go together? Is that what people are doing in the bedroom these days?”
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jasprstuart-blog ¡ 7 years
Athena was still struggling to entirely connect the dots here. To a degree she understood that just the knowledge of their upcoming marriage meant a whole lot more to him. With the feeding involved it was like certain aspects had been rushed along. Like the fact that he did care to protect her even though he hardly knew her. There was this odd mix of protectiveness and possessiveness that came with it which she couldn’t entirely make sense of. On one level she found it reassuring, knowing the chances of Jasper hurting her, physically anyway, were very slim. On the other hand it was confusing and a little scary. Athena had never really felt like she belonged anywhere, much less like she belonged to someone. Mainly she contributed it to the blood lust, that he felt and thought like that because there was this unspoken contract of her giving him her blood. After everything that had just happened, she didn’t really mind that part, but she was struggling to catch up. She didn’t want him to share that with someone else. She did care how he felt, and she was prepared to put this marriage first. At the dig that Nico couldn’t do anything however, she could not help but scoff in between her slow steps. “He’s a black witch with a great deal of power, and he’s killed for me before. He probably won’t do anything when I ask him not to but don’t kid yourself, you’re both equally matched.” She wasn’t able to speak as loudly as she wanted to, needing her breath for walking, though she was also intently listening. God grief apparently this had struck a real nerve. “Oh come on Jasper, you can’t be this naive! There’s been peace for about five minutes and he doesn’t trust easily. And this has less to do with you being a vampire than it has to do with how overprotective my brother is! And no one said anything about you stopping.” Athena pressed her lips together very hard, trying to hold back the urge to yell right back at him. 
Instead she shot him an annoyed stare as she dragged her ass past him and into the room, leaning against the wall right next to the door as she steeled herself for a moment, then crossed the floor to the bed. Once there she kicked off her shoes and managed to prop herself with a pillow up against the headboard. “Because I’m your fucking fiancee and you don’t hear me calling you names for talking down my only family!” The witch broke out yelling. She couldn’t help it. She’d had enough. “It was a nice gesture and I appreciate it. There, satisfied?” Grabbing a pillow, something to hold onto so she would have something to grab instead of getting to her feet like she felt the urge to. “Oh the hell you don’t! Do not put words in my mouth! I did not say that I was ashamed about it. Frankly I’ve been a fucking sport considering I have never, ever been fed on or been with a vampire, much less a guy in five years. God, listen to what I’m telling you. He would be livid! He wouldn’t agree with it and he is all that I have. So its not bullshit. That is how he would react and he’s been trough enough for one day. I’m sorry if it pisses you off that I care a tad more about his emotions than yours right now. We hardly know each other.” 
Leaning back against the headboard, Athena had to fight with herself to keep her eyes open and alert. Though then she noticed his shirt was coming off. Oh great.. For a moment all she could do was stare, her brain totally betraying her by wondering how those abs would feel under her touch, finding herself momentarily tongue tired at how ridiculously hot he looked like this. Damn it. “If you do care about what I think then my brothers opinion should matter. It matters to me Jasper. I might be yours now but he’s my only living family. He is all that I have had my entire life. But I will talk to him. I’ll explain it, and he will get over it eventually..” she couldn’t exactly promise that would happen overnight. Athena forced herself to sit up more, trying to catch his eyes with her own. This had just gotten wildly out of hand. “What you and I decide to do is our business, okay? Not Nico’s, and I will make that clear to him. I just didn’t want to worry him in any way.. can’t you at least understand that?”
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Jasper rummaged around through the dressed to find a shirt he wanted to wear, frustration still evident in the way he didn’t seem to care how rough he was being with the dresser itself. Mentally, he was trying to tell himself to calm down. Overreacting wasn’t going to help anyone in this situation and really, Jasper wasn’t even sure what entirely he was feeling. There were always too side to Jasper, the vampire side of him that struck hard into the predator and instincts. The other side of him was the remnants of his humanity that constantly made Jasper feel as if he were in a dangerous game of tug-a-war. Over the century, he’d hardly paid any attention to that more human side of him. With the addition of Athena in his family, as his wife, he had a feeling he was going to have to tap into it more often that not. Jasper stood up when he found the shirt he wanted, hitting the drawer with his hip and sending it hard into the dresser. Thankfully it stayed closed. He stood there, staring back at Athena as he pulled his shirt over his head. “What happens if your brother decides he doesn’t like it? Us? What happened if he tries to do something to put a stop to it? While it might not have been in my plans to end up married to a witch and settling in this god forsaken city, that is the way things have been fated to happen. I have no intention of letting someone take you from me even if it is your brother.”
When news had reached Jasper that he was ordered to New Orleans for an arranged marriage, Jasper had laughed it off to begin with in the den of men and women he’d entertained himself in. When it became apparent that it was not a funny little joke, Jasper had not reacted angrily or bitter. There had been a playful gleam in his eyes, the idea that he would have someone to play with that belonged to him. The marriage part was a little bothersome for a man who’d never exchanged vows before, but there would be no love between them, he’d been sure. Now he stood in front of Athena, the bed at his knees as he looked down at her sitting form. She was certainly a warm body, beautiful and full of curves that Jasper’s hands itched to trace along. She did belong to him in how Jasper saw it. His witch, his blood. Jasper had never been good at sharing. Even with simple humans in the past that he’d favored, he never allowed anyone to touch until he was done. A few vampires had lost their heads for forgetting that fact. Jasper had no intention of sharing Athena, even the idea of anyone downstairs brushing up against her making him bristle. And beyond sharing, he did not appreciate people trying to take what belonged to him. The idea that her brother might vehemently oppose the two of them and take her away or convince her away? That was a thought Jasper did not want to entertain. But here Athena sat, assuring him that what they did would be their business and not her brother’s.
As hard as it was, Jasper finally settled down to agree. “Fine. I’ll trust that you’ll speak to him and make it clear that what happens between us is our business and not for him to interfere. I have no intention of hurting you, you can assure him of that. If anything were to happen, it would be an accident.” Jasper sat down on the edge of the bed beside Athena, looking at her closely. She was fierce and beautiful, stubborn but had a kindness that he’d seen earlier that he hadn’t been expecting. She’d keep him on his toes and oddly, Jasper liked that. “Are you feeling better?” It was his way of apologizing, Jasper not the best at saying ‘I’m sorry’ when he really needed to say it. “I realize now I have no food or drink for you, we might have to go shopping.” He’d looked over to the kitchenette, pursing his lips as he tried to remember if there was anything at all. Jasper didn’t even keep blood bags, his preferred and only method being fresh. “I don’t want you to move if you’re only going to fall over.”
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