Eight more days of submitting prompts! Be sure to send in your ideas!
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Hello, and welcome to the 2021 Fantom Multiship Event! We’re so glad to have you! Read on for rules and info, and then feel free to apply!
What is the Fantom Multiship Event?
In brief, it’s an event to boost the vast diversity of content in the Julie and the Phantoms following. Even in such a short time, this fandom has created an incredible amount of writing, art, edits, theories, and headcanons for a huge variety of characters, AUs, and- you guessed it- ships. There are masterpieces for Jukebox, outstanding creations for Peterpatter, absolute gems for Flarrie, Jularrie, Julynn, and everything in between. The list is endless! This event is intended to bring together the fans of every ship this fandom has to offer.
What will I do as part of the event?
Well, that’s fairly simple! Every participant will have the prompt list and a set amount of time to complete it. Then, on the second week of April, the pieces will be posted under the tag #jatpmultiship21. There will be seven prompts provided (voted by YOU) and each creator can select on their application how many they think they can handle! You can create art, writing, or edits. If you have another medium, feel free to message this blog and ask us about it!
How do I join?
Thank you for asking! The application can be found here. After you submit your application, we will get in contact by email ASAP and confirm your spot. After the prompts have been voted on, you can start creating!
That’s great, but what are the rules?
The expectations are fairly simple:
1. Be respectful. Every fantom is equal! Trashtalking another ship or member is an automatic ticket towards removal from the event.
2. Follow through. If you need an extension or have another problem, let us know! Otherwise, please try to finish your pieces by the day that prompt is due!
3. Tag appropriately. There are very few restrictions on the content you can create, but please tag it with others in mind. Others may have different reactions to content than you- just be empathetic.
4. Have fun with it! It’s an event with rules and restrictions, sure, but at the end of the day, it’s for the fun of it all! Create what you want to see! Put your heart in into it! You’ve got this! Anything you make will be adored by us and others in this incredible fandom!
Do I have to do a different ship every day?
You don’t necessarily have to do entirely different ships every day of the event- however, we do ask that you do no more than three pieces for each ship that you choose. Since the max amount of prompts is seven, that’s at minimum three ships.
How does prompt voting work?
Prompt submission (found here) will be continuing until February 8, 2021. It’s a simple sheet- simply fill in the prompt you’d like to see and click submit. You can submit as many as you’d like. After the deadline, the prompt voting sheet will be submitted. You will able to select a maximum of seven prompts to vote as being part of the event. Voting will be from February 9 to February 16, 2021. After that, it’s time for creation!
That’s about it, fantoms! Thank you for your interest- I hope to see you in the 2021 Fantom Multiship Event!
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