javi-reno · 1 year
13 part 2
“We’ll get a wheelchair from our sick bay, and depending on how you feel we could teleport over.”
Smiling she spoke softly, “I could get one too, and we could race each other around their corridors. Would drive them bonkers.”
“Let’s not get flung into the brig. Can you imagine Pabbi’s face if he had to come and get us”
She smiled and laughed softly, “I’m sure he’d be puzzled because I don’t usually recommend things like this. Though I’m sure there have been wheelchair races for as long as they’ve existed.”
-grins at a memory- “it wouldn’t be the first one I was involved in”
She smiled, “Wouldn’t be my first either.”
“Teleport is fine” -he shrugged looking resigned-
She nodded, “I’ll bring along a wheelchair just in case, putting weight on your knee as it is may make it worse.”
“So wheelchair into transporter?” -Javi was trying to get the details down, so he could have it planned on his head-
She nodded, “Yes. I don’t want you to be injured more attempting to walk to the base hospital.”
-he nods looking at his hands- “first time leaving the ship since I arrived”
Lily Bede
She nodded, “I haven’t left much either, except for the few trips we’d gone to Earth. You won’t be going alone.”
-he just nods- “let’s get it over with” -LC jumps onto his perch on his shoulder, laying like a strange type of scarf-
She nodded, standing up and smiling as LC draped himself over Javi’s shoulders.
“Looks like we have an added escort. Oi monkey” -he moved his hand in front of LC so he could see it and made a movement and he ran off- “he will be back in a second, gone to get his harness”
She smiled, and watched as LC jumped down and ran off. “He’s welcome to come along, and having his harness means he won’t become lost running around the base.”
“He likes getting it but putting it on is a bit more of a fight. I might need you to chase him cause I’m not sure I’ll be able to. Here he come.” -lying cat was approaching with his harness crouched low like a tiger dragging pray-
She nodded and bent down to pick up the harness.
Carefully she held LC and slipped the harness over his head and then put his arms through before clipping it closed around his body.
“While my two won’t bring me theirs, they know it means they get to go outside so they don’t mind having it put on. I try to do quickly so they don’t become upset.”
“Oh that’s not fair. He normally runs away when it’s time to put it on.”
She smiled, “Keep a hand on his chest while you slip the harness over his head, his rear and tail against your knees. This way he doesn’t have an opportunity to run off.”
“Normally don’t even get a chance to pick him up….”
“I’ve been doing this for a long time with my two. We’ll need to practice more often with him so he’s used to his harness.”
-hold his hands out- “come on monster, onto your perch and let mushy get the doom chair for me”
She nodded, “I’ll return quickly, I have to go and get the wheelchair.”
“Like I said, doom chair” -he was focusing on making sure LC was settled onto his shoulders-
She nodded, “They can be fun to race.”
Hopefully that thought might help Javi smile, though she understands being frightened of needing to go to hospital.
-Javi was currently seemingly arguing with LC about wether his hair needed grooming-
When she returned with the chair she smiled, watching LC grooming Javi.
-Javi half threw up his hands in defeat and noticed lily standing there watching with a grin- “he won”
She continued to smile, “They usually do.”
“He certainly does when he thinks I need grooming” -he looks at the chair- “guessing I need to get into that”
She nodded, “Probably when he’s hungry too, like my two do.”
Walking closer she set the brakes on the wheels so it wouldn’t roll. “Yes, I can help if you need.”
Javi nodded,realising that lily hadn’t actually seen him standing since he had fallen except to stand from the floor next to the sofa and then sit straight onto it.Would explain why she hadn’t picked up on him being hurt.Standing he took a step forward,wincing and biting his lip.
She took the brakes off the wheels and brought the chair closer to the sofa, setting the brakes again.
She felt horrible for not having picked up on this sooner, and stood at his side to help him get to the wheelchair.
“Stop feeling bad. I was hiding it. You couldn’t have know.” -Javi looked up having picked up her colours as soon as she touched him, letting her help him to the chair-
She nodded, “Injuries like this could get worse quickly without prompt attention, please don’t hide them in the future.”
While helping him sit she also pet LC.
“I didn’t want to be a burden. Besides we were having a good day.” -settles somewhat comfortably into the chair-
She smiled, “You’re never a burden, and we can still have a good day.”
She took the brakes off the wheels and began to walk slowly towards the doors.
-Javi remains doubtful but didn’t respond, resuming his battle with LC over being groomed-
She walked slowly, pushing the wheelchair and occasionally attempting to pet LC while he groomed Javi.
“Oi monster watch the teeth, the tongue is bad enough”
She tried to stifle a laugh, “Naughty cat. Trying to nibble as he cleans?”
“Pretty sure he tried to take a whole slice of skull half the time.” -reaches a hand up trying to convince him to move to another spot-
She nodded, “I’ve never understood why they are so aggressive when grooming, you aren’t caked in mud.”
“Probably because we don’t smell like them enough”
She smiled, “That is true, and I probably smell the strangest of all to them as I’m not human. To them, we’re all aliens.”
“Gotta remember I’m not fully human. I hate to think what I smell like”
“Couldn’t be any more stranger than me.”
She attempted to pet LC again as she walked pushing the wheelchair.
-LC licked her hand before going back to his grooming- “it’s a good thing I use pet safe hair stuff”
She smiled, giving LC an ear rub before placing her hand back on the wheelchair. “Agreed, don’t want them getting sick from grooming you because of the hair stuff.”
-Javi stared ahead, lowly humming the execution march as they wheeled along-
She noticed and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I understand a trip to hospital is frightening, unfortunately this isn’t something we could treat here as we’re bolt leery of EMH still. You won’t be alone.”
“I was trying to lighten the mood”
She nodded, exhaling slowly. “I’m still learning your sense of humour, so I hadn’t caught it this time.
“It was half hearted I’ll admit.”
She smiled, “I better understand now, though I’d probably hum it in all seriousness as I’m terrified of hospitals and doctors.”
“Very tempted. But I’ll behave till after”
She nodded, “No worries. I know you probably aren’t looking forward to a few more weeks of medical leave.”
“Can’t say I am. Plus they still haven’t approved me for top surgery. If I ever get approved for that it would be another 6 weeks off. Starting to wonder if it’s all worth it.”
She gently rubbed his shoulders, having stopped walking for a moment. “I’m still fighting them on it, and won’t be backing down. I don’t understand why they are being so difficult.”
“Because it’s not a medical necessity. I can’t prove that the broken ribs and breathing problems are directly related to binding. In their words I should just stop binding if it’s causing problems.”
“Not binding will make you feel worse mentally, and your mental health is just as important as your physical. I thought the broken ribs had been from a previous injury, unrelated to binding.”
“Both. Binding weakens your ribs and muscles around your chest. Section 31 enjoyed targeting the areas that made me feel worse. My chest is one of the biggest.”
Listening she nodded, “That I didn’t know. I would love to knock one of them out, preferably those cunts who had their hands on you.”
“It’s a nice thought but I’d rather section 31 just stayed away.” - scratches LC head as they get closer to the transporter- “you do know these things practically cause a meltdown every time I use them?”
She nodded, “I would rather they did too, though if they do come here they’ll have one hell of a fight.”
Looking at the transporter she spoke, “We could take the lift to the shuttle bay, and take a shuttle over.”
“Let just get down there. I just want this over”
it didn’t really matter the method of travel. He was only just hanging onto his nerve and was just hoping to get through the and back to the ship”
She nodded, knowing he was already uncomfortable and in considerable physical pain. The last thing she wanted was to cause him mental suffering by using the transporter.
Why hadn’t she thought of this option sooner? Closing her eyes she called the Tardis to where they’d been standing, and when it appeared she used her screwdriver to open the doors. “This way would be the fastest.”
-pats lying cat- “good job your head mate or the singing might deafen ya.” -looks at lily- “is it safe to take them down to the space station?”
She smiled, “We can disguise it as one of the standard issue shuttles, and they won’t be the wiser. They also won’t be able to get into it, no matter what they do.”
“As long as it doesn’t put them in danger. Wouldn’t want that to happen for my sake.”
-Javi smiled as the tardis sang-
She pushed the wheelchair onto the Tardis and settled it close to the console as the doors closed behind her.
She set the coordinates for the base, and disguised the Tardis to look like one of the ship’s shuttles.
-Javi found him humming along with the tardis, swaying as he subconsciously followed the tardis movements. He didn’t notice his collar bones glowing. To busy looking around-
She’d begun the dematerialisation sequence, and they reappeared on the base in the shuttle bay.
Looking at Javi she smiled, at least he felt comfortable here.
Javi felt warm and safe, a lot like when he was snuggling with lily and Joe after a meltdown. Even LC had dozed off.
She smiled, not wanting to break this moment of peace by having to leave her ship.
Walking to Javi, she looked at him. “Ready? We’ll come back here as soon as they say we can.”
-Javi blinked looking at her- “I guess. Let’s make sure they don’t see the mark on my arms. Don’t fancy the questions.”
-he was still embarrassed over his relapse and really didn’t want questions from strangers-
She nodded, “We discussed this should they ask, I fell in cultivation and you helped me out of a mushroom bed. They really can’t argue that one, wouldn’t have the mycelium to stand on.”
She wouldn’t let them push him around, with prying questions or anything else that would make him uncomfortable.
“We discussed it when I had a meltdown and punched a wall. Didn’t know if we were using that excuse this time” -scratches LC head as he licked his face trying to keep Javi calm- “let’s get this over with”
She nodded, “We definitely can use it this time, they really can’t pry further into it.”
She reached down to pet LC before walking with Javi away from the console.
-Javi closed his eyes letting himself rock slightly, the weight of LC helping to ground him-
She walked steadily pushing the wheelchair, leaving the Tardis disguised as a shuttle.
-Javi winces slightly at the change in noise. The station sounded a lot louder then the tardis and even louder then the ship-
She also winced at the brightness and the sound. “I’ve no idea where we’re going. This is my first time on a base.”
Not knowing where she was trying to go made her feel anxious.
“Isn’t there a map on the wall? There normally is in places like this” -he hasn’t opened his eyes, and is only just resisting the urge to put his fingers in his ears to block the noise-
She walked closer to the wall, her hand still on the wheelchair. “Yes, there is. Thankfully we aren’t far at all. It’s actually on this floor.”
“Let’s go then before my head explodes” -Javi leans forward so it looks like he is resti his head in his hands but he is actually covering his ears-
She nodded and began to walk fairly quickly, making the trip from the shuttle bay to the on base hospital.
Walking through the doors they were greeted by the CMO. “I believe he may have a broken knee.”
-Javi looked up when he felt a change in humming immediately closing his eyes again against the glare of the hospital-
The CMO nodded and lead them to an exam room, and she followed behind with Javi in the wheelchair.
-Javi looked through his eye lashes at the room, it was a standard med room with several empty bed and instruments. At the doctors gesture he started to stand from the chair to move to a bed only to stop when they spoke.
“Animas aren’t allowed in here”
She exhaled slowly and glared at them, “This cat is an emotional support animal, they aren’t considered pets.”
-Javi ignored them and carried on trying to menovor himself from the chair to the bed, lying cat steady on his shoulders-
She walked over in an attempt to help Javi, while trying to contain her feelings toward the staff.
She had hoped humanity would be better than it had been three centuries ago, though she was seeing they haven’t changed much.
“Thanks mushy” -Javi murmured letting her help him get settled and grabbing her hand not wanting her to leave
She smiled at him and nodded, “You’re welcome.
Sitting down in the wheelchair she held his hand, having no intention to leave.
“Name?” The doctor was glaring at them both.
“Javier Reno-Bede” -ok it wasn’t official but it would save them poking around his file to much-
“Next of kin”
“Captain lily Bede or First officer Joseph Bede”
“You can not have your commanding officers as your next of kin”
She took a deep breath and held his hand, trying to be polite though the icy glare hadn’t faded. “Joseph and I formally adopted Javi, he’s also part of our command team.”
Hopefully tonight she wouldn’t be in the brig…
-the doctor glares before leaving the next of kin area blank-
“Nature of injure”
“Hurt my knee falling down a elevator shaft”
“An elevator shaft?”
“There is no need to make up stories, if you had fallen down something like that you would be dead.”
She held her breath before replying, “He’s not making that up, it’s how he was injured and why we are here.”
“I’m going to do a full scan. Dna make up, bone and tissue. Should tell us everything we need to know”
-the doctor was basically ignoring lily-
She listened and nodded, fully aware they’d been ignoring her.
There had been thoughts of smacking them with a smaller P.stellaviatori, and it would have been a waste of a perfectly good mushroom.
-Javi lowered his head to hide his smile having picked up on lilys thoughts before looking at the doctor and agreeing-
-a blood light scanned them from top to toe causing LC to hiss, the doctor looked at the results frowning-
“You have torn a ligament in your knee and cracked
Your knee cap.”
They kept frowning.
“It going to need to be immobilised for at least 6 weeks to prevent it from rupturing completely. A metal brace should do the job. But what more interesting is your genetic make up, did you know your parents?”
Lily Bede
She smiled when she felt Javi lean on her, continuing to hold his hand.
Listening as they spoke she nodded, and she knew Javi would probably not like more medical leave.
When they mentioned Javi’s parents she looked at them, “We hadn’t met them, my husband and I adopted him.”
Hopefully they wouldn’t continue pry.
“Well it’s very odd, your reading at 40% human 60% something else. What that something else is isn’t on our database. I’d like to do some more tests see if we can’t find out…”
“No” -Javi had gone pale at the mention of more tests-
She looked at the CMO and the icy glare returned alongside earlier thoughts. “He’s said no, that’s it. Since all he needs is a brace and six weeks of medical leave, I’d like to take my son back home.”
“But imagine what we might learn! His dna structure and genetic makeup is unique…”
-Javi cut him off, his voice angry-
“I said no. It had nothing to do with my medical care and I won’t be a mystery for you to play with. Thank you for your time but we must return to the ship”
She really wished she had a P.stellaviatori to smack them with… “He’s not a bloody science experiment! This is unrelated to his care and not why we are here. Thank you for treating him, we’ll be leaving now.”
-the doctor was opening and closing his mouth and stuttering but Javi ignored him, trying to get off the bed and onto the chair, it was only LCs hiss that warned him that the medic was coming towards him with a sedative-
She immediately stood to block the medic, when she heard LC hiss.
-Javi reacted without thinking, his hand raising and gripping the doctors bare up sending a flare of black unconscious through it, knocking him out-
She looked at Javi, “When you’re ready, we are getting out of here.”
She was quite upset with the staff of this base’s hospital, between the questions and the attempted sedation without consent.
-glances at the unconscious doctor and starts trying to get out of the bio bed- “let’s get out of here. How much trouble am I in for that?”
She quickly moved to help Javi back to the wheelchair, “By me, none. I plan to report them to Command. They really shouldn’t be trying to sedate anyone without their consent, or attempting to use them as a science project.”
Looking at Javi, “Once you’re settled hold on to LC, because we’re running back to the shuttle.”
-looks at the doctor- “I could make him forget that I knocked him out… won’t make him forget the rest and it would leave him confused but he won’t remember me knowing him out” -he wouldn’t do that without lilys permission. It’s not something he does as a rule.-
She nodded, “That wouldn’t be a bad thing, might help us in the long run.”
While she wanted nothing more than to get them out of there, she waited a moment.
-Javi closed his eyes and put his hand back on the doctors arm, pushing out white confusion and grey forgetfulness into the person. Pulling away be swayed drained-
“That should do it. The whole visit will be a bit of a blur to him.”
-he went to stand and fell into lily- “sorry”
She stood close and caught him when he fell backwards into her, “It’s alright. Let’s get out of here and go home.”
-he nodded and let her guide him into the chair closing his eyes once he was seated, LC taking refuge under his top-
She helped him back to the wheelchair, giving LC an ear rub before he went to hide.
Turning quickly, she walked out of the base hospital but sent a message telepathically [ Hold onto LC,…”
“… I’m going to run down this corridor to the shuttle bay.” ]
She knew a bond had formed, and also hopefully he heard her in his mind. Once in the corridor she repeated herself aloud.
[“don’t worry he is safe in my top. Just get me out of here. Please”] he hated how broken his metal voice sounded but it was harder to hide emotions mentally
She nodded, [ “We’ll be back home with a quickness, I just don’t want him getting lost here.” ]
She ran quickly down the corridor and to the Tardis, disguised as an unassuming shuttle.
The doors swung open, and she continued to run until she was back at the console.
Once they closed behind them, she aimed her screwdriver at the console. They dematerialised on the base, and reappeared on the ship.
-Javi started to relax once he heard the tardis singing, the sentient ship calming him in a way few things can- “I don’t know why my genetics is strange or why people find it so interesting..” -his eyes where still shut-
She sat down on the seat by the console and reached for his hand, “Anyone who’s different they automatically find interesting. I’d always been afraid of what they would do to me when they found out that I’m actually not human…”
“… and I’m not going to let them have that same opportunity to find out with either of us. It’s why Joe has been so protective of me.”
“I don’t want to be interesting. I just want to live. And things are changing. 40-60. The levels have changed. Last time I was scanned on discovery I was 50-50. Now im 40-60. I’m even less human then I was before..”
She nodded, “I want you to live, too. The only time I’ve ever heard of that was during regeneration, when every cell is remade. May I ask the Tardis to scan you?”
“Will the results change how you think of me?” -Javi wanted to know who he was but not if that meant risking the family he was building-
She looked at him and held his hand, “Your results could come back 60% mushroom and you’re still my son. If you identified as a mushroom you’re still my son. Nothing would chance how I see you or think of you.”
-he took a deep breath- “scan me. We need to know what’s going on”
She held his hand and nodded, hearing the sounds of the Tardis change. “You’ll hear the results in your mind.”
-Javi listen then looked confused- “what’s a child of the tardis? And who is river song? Cause apparently im their direct descendant..”
She nodded, “I’ve never met River Song. Do you remember your parents, anything about them?”
It didn’t seem right to answer a question with a question, but she didn’t have an answer about River.
Answering him slowly, “When we scan Joey, he comes back as biologically ours and also as a child of the Tardis. We conceived him here and I spent a lot of time here as a protective measure. You both have some energy of the time vortex”
“Don’t know anything about my parents. I was found wondering round trill as a kid. Was training to be a guardian before they decided I’d be better off on earth. Never made it. Was on the same ship as Jet when it crashed into a asteroid and that was that..”
-he looked confused
“So what does me being a child of the tardis mean..” -a screen flickered to life on the console a picture of a curly haired blond woman on the screen with some writing in galifrayan- ‘professor river song aka melody pond. Daughter of Amila Pond and Rory Williams. Child of
The tardis. Wife of the doctor
She listened as he spoke and nodded, Trill and it’s people were something else she hadn’t known about. “This happened right before you were on Discovery?”
Looking at the screen she nodded, “That explains whom River is, though I’ve never met her. You have enough energy from the time vortex to be different from a garden variety human, though not enough to make you go mad…”
“… a Time Lord mind and a human body are biologically incompatible, and madness will result. It would explain why you haven’t died from the fall recently in the lift.”
“But why the change. I was 50-50 now I’m 60-40. And it still doesn’t explain what I am or anything.” -Javi just looks more confused- “and yes leaving trill and everything happened just before discovery.”
She looked at him, “I’m unsure of why it changed, I’m sorry it hasn’t helped answer your question.”
She nodded, “Makes sense.”
“So what am I? A weird human/ timelord hybrid that’s gone wrong?”
“A hybrid isn’t biologically possible. While I did use the chameleon circuit to rewrite myself human, I also tried to retain as much of my mind as was possible. That made things much more dangerous for us…”
“… you haven’t gone wrong. I expect with the energy of the time vortex it altered your parent’s dna and was passed on to you. You’ll probably live for centuries, like Joey has.”
“I’ve got more questions then answers but that’s not new. Shall we get me back to the ship and get my knee braced?” -Javi didn’t know how to feel. Part of him feel panicked. He was unknown again, something new.
Part of him was just plain scared.-
She nodded, “I’m sorry I wasn’t able to give you more answers. We’ve materialised in our quarters, and I’ve got a brace here. You’re welcome to use my cane.”
Hopefully with time they could find more answers to his questions.
-Javi nodded, a subtle shaking taking hold of him, even as a drift of gold light seemed to try and caress his hand in comfort-
She seen the golden light, and recognised it as regeneration energy. “There’s a chance you might heal faster than a garden variety human with the same injury, though I want to be cautious and not risk anything.”
“Agreed. Best not take to many risks.” -he nearly added with not something unique before reminding himself that lily didn’t care if he was unique. Lily care for him as Javi.-
Lily Bede
She nodded, “Agreed. I don’t want to loose anyone from my little mushroom patch.”
“Come on let’s go get comfy. I need a bubble gum milkshake”
0 notes
javi-reno · 1 year
J: Javi squirmed against the metal ropes holding him. He was tied in a small disused room in the very bowels of the ship. He was inside a largeish box. Big enough for him to lay flat but not much else. He knew his kidnappers wouldn’t be back any time soon. He had done the one thing He had sworn not to do, he had used his abilities to knock anyone within a floor of him unconscious. When they woke up they would be lucky if they even knew their own name. He coughed into the make shift gag in his mouth and used the last of his energy to send out a mental plea To his adoptive mum. Hoping that it would reach her.
LB: She had been sat in her ready room with a mug of tea, and felt an overwhelming sense of panic.
The mental plea came loud and clear, and she stood to get her cane and her spore phaser.
Whatever was happening onboard, she wasn’t going unprepared or under armed.
She also brought along a new screwdriver, which had some temporal improvements on the last design.
Leaving the room, she began to look for Javi.
JR: -Javi was inside his own mind rewatch the events of the day. The false repair job that needed a command code to repair, hobbling down to the room, being hit in the back with a phaser set to stun, rough hands wrapping the rope to tight, laughter-
LB: Across the bond she had seen the events of the day replay in Javi’s mind, and she stopped walking to set the phaser to a higher setting than stun.
She walked faster, the phaser in a holster at her side and she held the cane defensively.
[ I’m on my way, Javi. Just breathe, and keep telling me what happened. What floor do you think you’re on? ]
Again she thought of smacking someone with a smaller mushroom from cultivation.
JR: -Javi sent a mental map of the bowel of the ship, a place no-one ever went. He remembered behind boasted into the box and gagged with duck tape, something he would never look at the same way, the lid shutting and sending out a violet burst of fear. The guilt of knowing he had Knocked out as least this floor of people if not more and the relief of knowing that at least the people responsible had all been in that room.-
LB: She nodded and kept walking, looking around as she went just in case someone might be lurking where she might not immediately see them.
[ You’re allowed to defend yourself from harm, I don’t frown on self defence but encourage it. ]
JR: -guilt was still overwhelming, he didn’t know what harm he had caused, he had just reacted. It was why he hated his powers. A picture of a section 31 comm badge came forward. So they were involved. His mental self shivered. That explained the metal rope-
LB: She shivered when she seen the black comm badge, and gathered up some regeneration energy that she sent forward in an attempt to break the mental rope.
[ Those fucking cunts… The spore phaser isn’t set to stun. ]
If one of them had been lurking in the corridors, she’d smack them with her cane on sight.
She had every intention to make them regret boarding her ship, even if it got her a court martial.
JR: -no killing or maiming unless nessary mushy- Javi’s mental self shivered -it’s cold here. Please find me-
LB: She nodded [ If it’s necessary to defend myself from attack, or you from being attacked again, it’s not off the table. I’m on my way. ]
Continuing on, she found the hidden space and aimed her screwdriver at it. A whirring sound could be heard.
JR: A small trap door opened. -I heard that. I’m in there. At the far end. I’m in the box. The room is gonna be fillled with about 20 unconscious people. Be careful please-
LB: She nodded, using the screwdriver as a torch as she entered the room.
Looking at those unconscious, she had a brief thought of zapping them with the new screwdriver.
JR: -maybe later mushy. Please get me out.-
LB: Crouching down, she made her way to where Javi was; the blue light from her screwdriver visible in the dark.
JR: -Javi started to fight to bring his body back to consciousness dispite knowing he would be in for a world of pain when he awoke-
LB: She knelt down beside him, holding the screwdriver for light and her cane was sat in front of her on the floor. [ I’m here. It’s going to be difficult getting out of here unfortunately, with those on the floor. Are you alright? ]
JR: -please get me out of this box, I don’t want to wake up whilst I’m still in it. We can worry about the rope when I’m out!!-
LB: Once she found the box she gasped, aiming her screwdriver at it to open it as she wasn’t sure how else she would do so.
Hopefully the unconscious ones would remain that way while she worked on getting the box open.
JR: -the box opened easily with a click. It was metal and they hadn’t been expecting anyone to find it, more worried about Javi getting out then anyone find it. Javi was inside, still and pale. Mentally he was still fighting he way back to consciousness-
LB: She closed her eyes and mentally called the Tardis to them, asking it to materialise around them as a protective measure against the others.
Taking a deep breath she pushed up the lid, trying to prepare herself for what she would see.
JR: -Javi lay inside, metal rope digging into him holding his arms and legs against him tight. His face was bruised and duck tape was wrapped around his mouth. Nothing else could be seen due to his clothing. His eyes flickered as he fought to return to the present-
LB: She gasped, horrified by what she just seen.
Quickly she moved to remove the duck tape, and aimed her screwdriver at the metal ropes to loosen them so she could remove them, hands trembling as she did so.
JR: -Javi’s eyes opened with a gasp and he looked around slightly frantic. Despite talking to lily in his mind part of him was still convinced he was in the box-
LB: She looked at him while she continued to loosen and remove the ropes.
“Bloody hell, these fucking cunts stole the ropes off the guardrails along the M25 for this!” She swore aloud, now that they were inside the Tardis.
Her emotions were a mixture of concern for Javi and anger towards those in the room unconscious.
The one on the back uniform with the black badge, she wanted to go back to and give them a proper smack with her cane.
JR: “They knew from expience I’d get out of normal rope ones to easily. Being kinky has perks” -Javi’s voice was cracking and he tried to stifle the winces as the metal wire pulled away from the places where it had cut through his clothes and skin.-
LB:Hearing Javi speak she smiled, continuing to loosen the ropes. “I wonder how in the nine circles of Hell they’d been able to tie this. They’ve used it on the guardrails along the motorway and it’s always bolted on.”
Looking at him with concern, “How are you? All things considered.”
JR: “Liquid Metal. Acts like a silky flowing chain until activated then it takes this more solid form. A section 31 specialty.” -he winced again looking at the time rotor- “I’m fine”
LB: She nodded, “That makes more sense, otherwise I’m not sure how they would physically be able to do this.”
Looking at him she could see the damage the ropes had done, and knew this would be mentally traumatising.
JR: -Javi was trying hard to not feel or think, to disassociate. He didn’t want lily to worry or be stuck with looking after him again. She would have enough to do what with all the prisoners. His mental shields were still down but he had forgotten-
LB: She’d been worried since she found him, and also could have Joe help her look after him while dealing with the others.
Now she needed to carefully get him out of this box, knowing there would be new injuries, old ones aggravated by this.
JR: -Javi decided to try and make it easier for her pulling himself over the edge of the box and letting himself fall with a clang onto the tardis floor. He could feel himself bleeding from multiple places, his knee throbbing and ribs most definitely re cracked-
LB: She looked at Javi, concern for him mixed with anger towards those responsible.
Walking to the doors she opened one slightly, aiming her screwdriver at the door to contain them here so security could haul them to the brig.
She returned to Javi, mentally telling the Tardis to materialise in their quarters leaving the metal box behind.
JR: -Javi was still staring at the ceiling, mentally trying to put together a shield to prevent him from falling apart like he wanted to.-
LB: She looked at him and wanted to hug him, but she first scanned him with her screwdriver. Instead she held his hand firmly, not wanting to injure him more. “Those cunts have recracked your ribs.”
JR: “Not really surprised. I also predict a burn to my back where the phaser hit me, several deep cuts from those weird ropes, and a possible cracked cheek bone. Could have been worse.” -all of this was said in monotone. He was really trying hard not to crack. Not wanting worry lily-
LB: She nodded, already worried since she was made aware of what had happened. “This is all bad enough. They’ll be waking up in the brig, and one of them in a very secure containment.”
JR: -Javi nodded keeping every carefully blank though he was starting to feel the strain.-
LB: She nodded, “We’re back in our quarters, hopefully safe. I’m going to put the ship in lockdown and have everyone stay in their quarters when not working until this is sorted.”
JR: “Good idea. Gotta keep the crew safe”
LB: “I don’t want to alert them to what’s going on, if any are involved and sneak out that’s how we’ll know. I only hope I can keep them safe, I feel like I’ve failed you as they always target you and injure you.”
JR: “You haven’t failed me. No-one has failed. Fate just decided to use me for her games” -Javi was finding it even harder to remain monotone in face of lily self blame but if he broke it would take some time to pick up the pieces and he didn’t want lily to feel responsible for that-
LB: She nodded, listening to his words and struggling to not beat herself up. “This happened on my watch, on my ship where I’m supposed to be able to protect everyone. Our biggest dangers should be temporal issues and…”
“… and visiting planets looking for signs of mycelial life. Now it appears to be the crew with some meddling by Section 31.”
She’d seen one lying on the floor of the room, black uniform and black badge.
Javi needed to be aware so he could protect himself, and she was still thinking of how to sort them.
This would be fun to explain to Conduit St Command as she brought them in for a formal court martial.
JR: -Javi knew section 31 was involved he had seen the badge and recognised the ropes. He felt his body begin to shudder and bit his already slightly bloody lip in an attempt to keep his detactched mask for a while longer-
LB: She nodded, still unsure exactly how to deal with them as she half expected Starfleet to drop her charges in the court martial.
“Do you think they’ll stay in the brig? That particular one? I’ve no idea what’s in their bag of assorted mayhem.”
JR: “Might be better off leaving them all where they currently are as long as that door is secured. It’s the only way in and out.”
LB: She smiled, “They won’t be getting out of that room, I used the screwdriver to seal it off. Though we don’t know if that one has something that would be capable of opening that door. I’d have to let them out, or someone with this screwdriver.”
JR: “Then post a guard outside just incase and leave them in there.” -he closes his eyes and breathes deeply, his hands twitching-
LB: She nodded, “I plan to. Hopefully I’m being prepared and thinking of the possibility of them getting loose though I hope it doesn’t happen.”
JR:-Javi nodded not responding in any other way. He body was pounding and it was taking everything he had to act normal as possible-
LB: She opened the door of the Tardis and brought back the medical kit from the living room.
Handing him a pain tonic she also reached for a pain patch, though now she wasn’t sure where she could place it.
“Permission to clean and dress your wounds?”
JR: “Permission granted but your really don’t have to look after me. I know your gonna be super busy and I don’t want to take up your time.”
LB: She nodded and began to remove his shirt. “While they are contained in that room, I should sort your wounds. Hopefully we can prevent an infection.”
Reaching for gauze and antiseptic, she poured some on the gauze and began to clean wounds on his arms.
JR: -he flinched violently at the first touch. The wounds were deep in places. He felt a tear drip down his face and quickly wiped it off with a hand-
LB: She tried to be gentle yet knew this would cause pain, seeing how deep the metal ropes had gone.
As each wound was cleaned she dressed it with gauze.
JR: -he could feel himself breaking and wanted to push her away, to save her from him and the pain he brings wherever he goes. He doesn’t realise he is projecting his thoughts-
LB: She looked at him and exhaled slowly, “You aren’t responsible for this, it was another attack on you. I’m sorry I failed to protect you, yet again.”
[ I’m probably one of Starfleet’s celebrated fuck ups… ] She thought to herself, not shielding it.
JR: “Your not a fuck up. And we have all of them. If you really think your to blame then make sure they face justice. I told you before and I’ll say it again, the only ones responsible for them is starfleet.”
LB: She nodded, “I have every intention to drop them off at Command and stay to fight them in court. They all need to be kicked out of Starfleet, I wouldn’t trust them to clean loos and bins.”
JR: “Then stop blaming yourself. Please. Or try to.” - he let out a quiet sob, his energy spent after trying to comfort and help her realise it wasn’t her fault, he quickly rebit his lip, determind not to make any more noises-
LB: She nodded, though it was difficult. “Do you think you could either sit up or roll on your side? I know we’ve yet to sort the phaser burn.”
JR: -he took a deep breath and sat up with a whine, immediately curling forwards-
LB: She knelt behind him and gently wiped the wound with antiseptic, applying burn cream and dressing the wound carefully with gauze.
JR: -Javi couldn’t help rocking slightly despite how much his ribs hurt. Needing the comfort. He was slightly surprised Joe hadn’t turned up but that surprise was fleeting as he tried to remain numb to everything-
LB: She nodded, “I’ve asked him to go to that room with security. They’re probably waking up now I’m assuming.”
She applied the pain patch to the back of his neck.
JR: -Javi felt a wave of guilt as the thought of the people he had rendered unconscious before forcing his mind blank. He knew forcing himself not to feel was a very bad idea but felt it was the only reasonable choice-
LB: She wanted to hug Javi, but knew due to his injuries she would need to do so gently. Leaning forward, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders.
JB: He swayed as he walked into the living room of their quarters, his gold uniform shirt torn in a few places and he looked like he’d been in a fight.
JR: “You shouldn’t..” -he didn’t know where he was going with that sentence. You shouldn’t hug me I’m dangerous, I hurt people, I’m dirty, I’ll break. He wanted nothing more then to lean into the hug but he couldn’t let himself, something was stopping him-
LB: She continued to hug him, looking up when she’d seen Joe walk into the room.
“I sincerely hope they look worse.” She said to him, looking him over.
JB: He nodded, “Black uniform wanted a fight, and they got it. Security is watching them in the brig.”
Looking at Javi he knelt down in front of him, “Are you alright?” He asked.
He could see his wounds, though he asked anyway.
JR: “I’m fine” -he kept his voice monotone and his eyes empty-
LB: She rested her head against his, her hands clasped together resting on his shoulder as she hugged him.
She held her breath and blinked her eyes, trying to hold herself together now.
JB: He nodded, though he was sure it wasn’t possible.
After what happened, that fist fight with the person from the room felt good. They swung first and he finished it.
JR:“I think mushy needs you Pabbi” -he knew lily needed comfort. He would have given anything to do it himself, but he knew the moment he tried he would break-
LB: She nodded, “You need me too, we still need to clean the wounds on your legs from the metal ropes.”
JB: He half smiled, “I’m just going to down a pain tonic and change my shirt. Good thing we aren’t far from Earth, though the helmsman needs to know that’s where we need to go.”
JR: -Javi closed his eyes as flashes crossed them of his legs being tied. It had been the section 31 guy who had done it and they had met before. He had been one of his trainers during his imprisonment. He had…he shuddered as he remembered his hands on him, forgetting the bond-
JB: He looked at Javi and nodded, “Do you think I’ll get a court martial for kicking the shit out of him? He can’t fight for shite.”
He winced slightly as he turned, unaware of some of his wounds.
LB: She blinked back tears and wanted to scream, to go to the brig and bash them a few times with her cane.
Looking at Joe she seen the same wounds that she’d been cleaning on Javi, knowing they must have tried to tie him up too.
JR: -Javi gave lily a nudge with his mind- [go help him]
LB: She nodded, [ I will, and then I’ll come back and we’ll sort your legs. ]
Reaching for the antiseptic and gauze again, she went to Joe and removed the torn uniform shirt.
JB: He looked at her smiled, though he knew she would be tending the wounds. “They had this strange rope, swung on me and attempted to tie me up. I had to punch them a few times, repeat for roughly an hour.”
LB: She poured the antiseptic on the gauze and began to wipe his wounds, nodding. “It’s the adrenaline still, though I’m sure you feel the sting of the antiseptic.”
JR: -Javi let himself sink into his thoughts whilst they talked. Rocking himself slowly. Counting the ways he should have worked out what was going to happen and prevented it and how to do better next time. Looking to make sure both lily and Joe were distracted he pulled himself , Unsteadily to his feet. He knew he shouldn’t be walking on his leg but right now the need to get away and get clean was overwelming. Pulling everything tight within he started walking swiftly, ignoring everything else, disappearing through the dinning room, his bed room, art Room into his fresher.
Turning on the shower as hot as he could he stepped under the spray and sunk to the floor, scrubbing roughly, mindless of his bandages or remaining clothing. He just wanted to be warm and clean.
LB: After she cleaned and dressed the last wounds she could see with Joe, she kissed him softly and stood up slowly.
She didn’t immediately see Javi and became concerned again.
JB: He reached for her hand and looked into her eyes, “Let me get a shirt and we’ll go over to check on him.”
Walking into their bedroom he grabbed a grey shirt and quickly pulled it on, feeling sore now.
JR: Javi kept scrubbing, ignoring the new blood from his wound or the new ones he himself was creating on his skin. He just wanted to get clean and for the memories to stop.
LB: She closed her eyes for a moment and sought him out mentally through their bond, and she immediately began to walk quickly to where she knew he was.
When she arrived at the door she knocked. “It’s just me…”
“… You haven’t done anything wrong. That arsehole in the brig?”
If it was him, she’d wait for Javi to confirm, would be getting a zap that would last lifelong for what he’s done.
JR: He immediately followed her, and he also stood at her side outside the door.
JR: -Javi couldn’t hear them, to lost in his own thought, tear rolling down his face unheeded-
LB: She was growing more concerned, knowing that he was injured and possibly could injure himself more - though she knew he would want a hot shower.
She used her screwdriver to open the door,…
… and she walked into the shower, kneeling down.
She looked into his eyes and reached to wipe the tears she seen.
Reaching for his hands and holding them firmly she decided to speak again. “You’ve done nothing wrong, that arsehole did.”
JB: He followed her and knelt at her side, nodding as she spoke.
Now he felt a sense of pride for having kicked the daylight out of him.
JR: -Javi was rocking and shaking his head muttering to himself- “should have fought, should have known.”
LB: She looked at him, “You did fight, and it’s very difficult to tell what someone might do. People are unknowable and you’re not responsible for their behaviour.”
It felt like she was not only speaking to Javi, but also herself.
JB: He sat silently observing for now, listening to them both.
JR: -Javi pulled his hands away, scrubbing again at his skin-
LB: She knew what was happening, and immediately reached for the scrubber. “Javi, you’ll scrub yourself to the bone and still feel funny. I know from experience. You haven’t done anything wrong, you are not at fault.”
Her own traumatic memories were threatening to break through the mental locked door, and she fought to keep them back as she didn’t want to traumatise Javi with them. “I’ve been through this too, a very long time ago.”
JR: -Javi was barely responding rocking. Still muttering- “forget, must forget. Clean.”
LB: She reached for his hands again, holding them firmly. “Unfortunately this isn’t something you’ll ever forget, because of the memory that still remains. You are clean, you’ve done nothing wrong and you’re not to blame.
JR: -he looks at them both for a minute before looking down again- “I knew he was here kept seeing him. Thought it was my imagination. So stupid. Should leave. Dangerous. Not worthy. Broken.” -he broken off with a whimper pulling his arm back and covering his face and head with them-
LB: She immediately leaned forward and hugged Javi, “You are not stupid, dangerous, broken, or unworthy. You’ve done nothing wrong and there’s no reason for you to leave.”
JR:-Javi shakes his head looking at Joe, convinced he has lost the other man’s respect, that he would see what a mess he had made of everything-
JB: Joe looked at him, sensing his thoughts across their bond. “Neither of us have lost respect for you, and you haven’t made a mess of anything. I wholly agree with everything Mushie had said.”
LB:She nodded, still hugging Javi. “We have survived unspeakable things done by vile abhorrent life forms. We are not to blame for their behaviour.”
JB: He nodded, knowing what she had been through and he could guess now what had happened to Javi.
JR: Javi hide his head back in his arms despite the desperate urge to let himself hug lily back. He was still bleed mostly unnoticed thanks to the hot water pouring over him, his body shivering despite the heat-
LB: She continued to hug him, taking a deep breath. “Would you like to know what happened to me? I’d only ever told Joe. Then if you feel comfortable, you can tell us. There’s no pressure.”
JB: He took a deep breath, knowing exactly what she would say and he reached to gently rub her back.
JR: -Javi went to respond only to star coughing. His ribs burning.-
LB: She turned to Joe, “Please shut the water off, and I may need your help to move Javi. His ribs have been cracked again, and I believe the knee injury has been aggravated.”
They could always speak outside of the shower.
JB: He stood up and shut off the water, looking around for a towel and found one hanging up.
He took one down and wrapped it around Javi, trying to hug him while not hurting his ribs.
JR: -Javi shook as he tried to suppress his coughs, he knew his dressing would all need changing again and felt slightly guilty for undoing all lilys work and that both of them had gotten wet coming after him. Why did they come after him?-
LB: She moved slightly back, her hands now on his shoulders. “We came here because we were concerned, and I believe I have an idea of what’s happened but I’ll need you to confirm….”
“… you’ve done nothing wrong, you’re not at fault. We both survived this, I’d only ever told Joe. I don’t see you any differently because of what that scumbag did to you.”
JB: He moved to her side now, nodding.
JR: -Javi didn’t respond trying to push himself to his feet only to fall backwards with a whimper-
JB: He stood up and while he hadn’t been able to stop him from falling backwards, he stood now to help steady him.
LB: She felt she may have pushed too hard, though she didn’t mean to make him feel badly.
JR: “I can’t get up” -Javi’s voice was small and monotone despite the tears still streaming down his face-
JB: He bent to carefully pick up Javi, “You don’t have to, I can carry you.”
JR: -Jave let himself be carried, seemingly indifferent if not for one hand at his hip gripping onto joe top desperately-
JB: He walked while carrying Javi, going to sit down on the sofa with him and wrapping the towel around him.
LB: She followed them out of the shower, and sat next to Joe where Javi could see her.
JR: -Javi turned so he could hide his face in joes neck, his hand not releasing its death grip. Blood was staining the towel red-
JB:He continued to hold Javi, silent for the moment. He wasn’t sure what to say that might help, that hadn’t been said earlier while in the shower.
LB: She also turned and curled up against Joe’s other side, exhaling slowly and continued her attempt to keep her own traumatic memories at bay.
JR: “I’m getting you wet” -it was the first fully clear thing Javi had send since vanishing-
JB: He nodded, “It’s alright, water doesn’t hurt. How are you?”
He knew Javi must feel poorly, due to his physical injuries.
JR: “Sore. Drained. Alone.” -he nEarly whispered the last one- “I was actually more concerned about the blood I still seem to be leeking getting on you”
JB: He looked at Javi, “You’re never alone, you have us. I’m not worried, it will wash off.”
LB: While resting her head against Joe’s shoulder she nodded, “Agreed, you’ll never be alone as long as we’re around.”
JR: -he shivers coughing slightly- “im cold”
JB: He looked around for a blanket but didn’t immediately see one. “Where do you keep your blankets?”
LB: She stood up, ready to get a blanket for Javi after she knew where to look.
JR: “Can we get the bleeding stop and me into something dry before we wrap me up. I don’t want to stain anything and I don’t want to be in these trousers anymore” -he bites at his lip-
JB: He nodded, “Yes, we can do that. Once you’re dried off we can redress your wounds and get you into pyjamas.”
LB: She went to get the medical kit and another towel, returning with them and setting the kit on the floor by the sofa. With the towel she gently dried him off. “Where could I find some pyjamas for you?”
JR: -looks embarrassed- “when we went clothes shopping for me we kinda forgot pjs or anything soft enough to sleep in…”
LB: She nodded, “We’ll sort that soon, I’ll bring you a set to borrow.”
Leaving the room again she returned with a shirt and flannel pyjama trousers.
JB: He smiled, “Don’t worry, I’ll let you borrow some of mine.”
JR: “Thanks” -he wipes at his eyes with his spare hand- “I’ve been sleeping in a old pair of uniform pants and a T-shirt. Not the most comfortable but you never know when your going to be called out of bed and at least I was covered.” -Bits his lip hard to try and prevent another cough rising-
LB: She nodded, “I’ve been sleeping in that horrid dress uniform Starfleet makes for women, for that purpose. It’s definitely not comfortable to sleep in.”
Bending down, she picked up a bottle of cough tonic and removed the cap,…
… handing it to Javi.
JR: Javi looked at the cough medicine reluctant to take it, the thought making him nervous for some reason-
JB: He continued holding Javi, also looking at the bottle. “I can try some, if it would help.”
JR: Javi looks ashamed “I don’t want you to think I don’t trust you..”
JB: He smiled, “I don’t think that at all. I understand with what happened today, that you might be leery and I don’t blame you.”
JR: Javi just coughed in response, wincing and clutching at his ribs with his free hand
JB: He took a swig of the bottle, “It’s fine, tastes awful as most of these tonics do.”
Looking at Lily he spoke. “Once we get to Salford, we should stay for a few weeks so he can recover. Hopefully the crew behaves on Earth.”
LB: She nodded, “Now to decide if we’ll be at our house in Mayfair or Bridport. It might be too cold to be in Bridport now.”
JR: -Javi down the tonic before hiding his face against joe again, trying to convince his body to keep it down-
“Away from people would be nice” - he spoke in a stuttering voice once he was sure the medicine wouldn’t return-
JB: He nodded, “Mayfair, as no one would be able to scale our three meter high wrought iron fence. At least it isn’t fall, then she’d be identifying foraged wild mushrooms every afternoon.”
LB: She smiled, laughing softly. “In Bridport they call me Lady Amanita, due to the garden decorations and in the fall the Liberty caps grow plentiful there.”
JR: “Can we plan after we get me sorted. I’m cold”
LB: She nodded, “Of course. We’ll have to take you to the Starfleet hospital on Earth, we’ll stay there so you can heal and also fight the court martial of these errant crew.”
Using the towels she began to dry him gently, and would redress his wounds.
JR: “I don’t want to go into anything officially linked to starfleet. Not hospital or anything.”
LB: “We can go to a regular London hospital, your knee and ribs will need to be seen urgently. We can also handle the court martial remotely over Zoom, though I’m sure they may want me there at least initially.”
JR: “Just don’t want to be round starfleet to much right now. Sorry” -twitches as the towel catches one of his wounds but otherwise doesn’t react-
JB: He nodded, “I understand, and I’m not happy with them either at the moment.”
LB: She nodded, “I plan to nail their arses to the wall with this one, and force them to confront and control Section 31. They followed me that day we went to get more supplies for mushroom foraging.”
JR: -shudders as he starts trying to remove the wet dressings on his own-
JB: He began to help as he held Javi, knowing the wet gauze should come off fairly easily.
LB: She gently towel dried his back and arms, reaching for dry gauze to redress the wounds.
Seeing them again she felt anger towards those responsible for this.
JR: Javi was shaking, his ability to suppress his emotions gone. Unlike last time they were dressed this time he felt everything emotionally and physically.
LB: She tried her best to project calm, moving as quickly and gently as possible.
JB: He noticed Javi shaking, assuming it was due to pain and being cold.
JR:-Javi started counting to try and calm himself, one hand still gripping Joes top- “1..2..3..4..1..2..”
LB: She began to count with him, hoping that joining would help.
JB: He continued to hold Javi and also joined in counting with him, hoping that by joining they wouldn’t make him feel worse.
JR: -Javi relaxed slightly even though his shaking remained, the counting giving him something other then pain and memories to focus on. Though how they were going to get his trousers that were so stuck to him it was like glue in places off him was slightly worrying-
LB:She was also concerned about the trousers, and his knee.
Picking up her screwdriver she aimed it at them, the seams coming apart easily. “That should sort it, I didn’t want to use scissors around your knee.”
JR: “That’s one way”
LB: She smiled, “It has many uses, can be quite helpful.”
JB:He smirked at his wife, his mind going in the bin but quickly pushing those thoughts away.
JR: -pulls the fabric off with a gasp, the blood dripping onto the floor steadily- “fuck”
LB: She nodded and used the trousers to stop the bleeding, applying pressure to the wound.
JB: He placed his larger hand over hers, while still holding Javi.
JR: -Javi looked pale and closed his eyes, hiding his face- “I think these ones are deeper.”
LB:She nodded, beginning to remove her belt and looping it around his thigh. “We’ll have to do this to hopefully get the bleeding under control.”
JB: He reached between himself and Javi, quickly removing his belt and handing it to his wife should it be needed.
JR: “This sucks. Mmm” -he blinks slightly sluggishly- “in my art room under the desk is a small red pouch, in it is some very strong numbing cream and surgical suturing kit. Won’t stop me feeling it but will stop me from screaming whilst you sew me up”
LB: She nodded, “It’s better than attempting without numbing cream, sutures aren’t pleasant without it.”
Standing she went to get the red pouch with the suturing kit.
JR: -swollows harshly- “I hate needles. Scare the shit outta me”
LB: She nodded, “I do too, I’m sorry this needs to be done.”
Opening the pouch she took out the numbing cream first and applied some.
JB: He nodded, “Turn your head so you don’t see the needle, and it’s ok if you hold onto me tightly. I won’t break.”
JR: -turns his head so it buried into joes neck- “you might want to wrap an arm round my stomach or something. I can’t garentee I won’t disassociate and try and move. Just do what you need to. Won’t hold it against you.”
JB: He nodded, wrapping his arm around Javi’s waist and holding him tightly. “This should be finished quickly, she had sutured me once after I’d injured myself working on the car.”
LB: She put on some gloves from the medical kit, and took out the supplies from the suturing kit.
Moving quickly she sutured the first wound together, and looked to see if there had been others she didn’t see at first.
JR: “Back of leg, lower calf, bottom of foot, repeat on other leg.” -Javi muttered having memerised the cuts, having had them before. One hand gripped tightly at the one round his waist the other he had brought to his mouth to bite on-
LB: She nodded, moving through the wounds as quickly as she could.
When she reached his foot she applied more numbing cream, and reached for a pain patch before she continued.
JB: He nodded, continuing to hold Javi. “You’re doing well, I know this is unpleasant.”
JR: “Hurts” -Javi croaks with a whine. He knew it would be a lot worse without the crème and was gratefully lily was quick-
LB: She nodded, quickly suturing his foot before moving on to the next wound.
JR: -Javi shudders grip joes arm tighter as a high whine came from his throat-
LB: Remembering what Javi had said about the wounds repeating on his other leg she applied numbing cream and began with the wounds on his foot and calf, moving quickly.
JB: He sat still and exhaled slowly, Javi wasn’t holding him any more tightly than his wife had during labour.
JR: -Javi bit harder into his hand breaking the skin trying to control his shaking, a continuous whine now coming from his throat where he was hiding his face in Joe’s neck. The numbing crème only worked for a minute, his body burning through it quickly-
LB: She noticed and applied more numbing cream as she continued to work through the wounds.
JB: He continued to hold Javi, “She’s nearly done, I know she’ll be covering them with gauze after.”
JR: -Javi let out a sob, the first he had let out since they had started, not wanting to show how bad it hurt. He cursed that rope and it’s special properties-
LB: She felt badly adding to his pain in her attempts to help. Mentally she was cursing those involved in this, old Gallifreyan curses.
JB: He held Javi firmly, and could see that she was nearly done with the sutures.
JR: -Javi gave a wet chuckle as his mind translated lilys words- “ I don’t think that’s physically possible but it would be funny to see them try”.
JB: He nodded, laughing softly. “If they try anything further, they might be hit with the spore phaser.”
LB: She smiled, nodding. “Spore phaser than used as fertiliser for the mushrooms. Now I probably sound as bad as they are.”
Looking at Javi, she spoke softly. “There was an old curse about banishing them to a place where time didn’t exist as we perceive it.”
JR: “Certainly tempting” -he shudders- “that rope they used is special. It’s dna coded to the person they want to use it on. On another person it will hurt like it did Joe. On the dna person it turns completely solid and slowly eats away at the skin like acid…”
JB: He nodded, “When used on me it definitely hurt, though I didn’t feel it burning like acid.”
LB: She listened as he spoke and felt disgusted even more towards the one who used the rope on Javi. “Now it’s very tempting to make them into mushroom fertiliser though I’m sure they wouldn’t like it.”
JR: “It’s not the first time they used it on me. Though you probably guessed that by the fact it was coded to my dna” -he winced as more sutures were put in-
LB: She nodded, “Once you’ve been stitched back together, I want to visit the brig. Personally court martial them myself, and I’ll be sending this up to Command.”
JB: He looked at her, “Have a few of the security officers go with you, just to be safe. Some of them have been posted there to guard the brig so they don’t let themselves out.”
JR: “Be careful with the section 31 bloke, he is slimy and not afraid to use force to get what he wants or manipulate the circumstances to his advantage.” -he shudders violently- “I’d prefer if Pabbi went with you”
LB: She nodded, “That’s the one I wanted to see and personally court martial. If he gets that way with me, I’ll use the spore phaser. How does Starfleet feel about self defence?”
JB: He nodded, “I don’t like it when she goes alone, though I know she’s capable of defending herself. I agree, I’d prefer you didn’t go alone this time.”
JR: “Starfleet refs say you can use equal or lesser force in self defence if you can later prove they struck first and you only used the bare minimum.”
LB: She nodded, “Then that would rule out the spore phaser unless they first used one against me.”
JR: //tw: talk of past SA and R4pe
“I don’t know what the rule is when it comes to rapests” -Javi shuddered hard- “are we nearly done?”
LB:She looked at Javi and nodded, finishing up the last of the sutures.
Looking at him she spoke softly, “Unfortunately I’m bound by Starfleet’s regulations now, otherwise I’d sort them differently than they might.”
Reaching for his hand she held it firmly, “You’ve done nothing wrong and you’re not to blame for what happened. That scumbag is wholly responsible, for causing more harm then they have the capacity to understand…”
“… because they wanted control over you. Knowing that, the spore phaser would be showing them too much mercy.”
Now she wanted to turn them into mushroom fertiliser…
He nodded and listened as she spoke, wanting to go back to the brig and kick the shit out of them a second time. “I agree with what was just said. You are not at fault for their behaviour.”
JR: -Javi shook his head slightly- “he was alright at first. Gave me first aid and took me to medical after section 31 ‘lessons’. Made sure I got food at least once a day. But he started asking questions about discovery and my abilities. I’d been around enough to know those Questions could lead to trouble so I dodged them at first. Then he got insistent wanting answers so I refused point blank. They needed those answers no matter how they got them. If that meant making my first time ‘difficult’ then what did they care. I should of co-operated”
LB: She looked at Javi, “You had only been trying to protect yourself, knowing they could have been a lot worse if they had that information. Regardless they are in the wrong, not you.”
JB: He nodded and rubbed Javi’s back, “If you cooperated with them, they probably would have worse than they already were. You haven’t done anything wrong for trying to defend yourself.”
JR: “If I just gave them the information or lied maybe I could have prevented it happening. Then everything that happened here wouldn’t have happened?” -he wipes his eyes- “can we get me dressed. After putting some dressing on these wounds. I’m freezing”.
LB: She looked at Javi, exhaling slowly. “I’m able to see all possible timelines and outcomes, exception being my own. They would have been worse had you cooperated, using what you would have shared against you…”
“… I know it’s difficult, don’t blame yourself for what happened because this isn’t your fault or responsibility.”
She finished dressing the wounds as they spoke, the pyjamas on the sofa waiting.
JB: He nodded and reached for the pyjama shirt, ready to help when Javi was ready.
JR: -Javi wasn’t convinced but concentrated on letting go of joe wincing slightly at the bruises he had left- “sorry Pabbi”
-looks at the clothes- “eh there isn’t any underwear..” -he blushes nearly neon-
LB: She nodded, “I’ll have to find some of yours, though I don’t know where to look.”
JR: “Duffle bag under my bed.” - he winced as the forgotten phaser burn throbs-
LB: She nodded, leaving the room to walk to the bedroom to get the duffel bag.
She returned with a pair of pants for Javi.
JR: -he has his head buried back in Joe neck, body shivering, a slight fever building as his body responds to the shock-
JB: He held Javi and could feel the fever beginning. Looking to his wife, “We’ll need a fever reducer patch from the medical kit, and a pain reliever.”
LB: She nodded, bending down to retrieve both patches and snapping them first before applying them.
JR: “Thanks” -Javi mumbled, look bleary out from his hiding place. Glancing at his clothes he started trying to work out the best way to get dressed-
LB: She picked up the shirt, walking over to help Javi put it on. Hopefully dressing him in pyjamas could be done without causing too much pain by having to move around a bit.
JR: -Javi swayed and tried to help as much as he could but with his shaking he was concerned he was just being a hinderance-
LB: She didn’t think anything of his swaying, if anything she moved with him as though she were dancing.
JB: He helped as much as he could, more concerned that Javi didn’t fall onto the floor and become injured more.
JR: -Javi whimpered a couple of times but was mostly silent, embarrassed that his parents were having to help him dress-
LB: She thought nothing of it, had she’d helped dress her children in the past. He was injured and needed help.
The difficult part of dressing him would be the pants and flannel pyjama trousers, due to his injuries.
She used the sonic on the pants he was wearing, and began to slide the clean pair carefully up. “You’ll be able to remove the old ones discretely now, then we’ll sort the flannel trousers.”
JR:Javi blinked half tempted to make a comment about how easy she found that trick and how she must have had practice before blinking and changing his mind. He nodded and did what was needed telling a bit better once he was in decent underclothes.
LB: She smiled and blushed, knowing where she had learned it from…
Gently she pulled up the flannel trousers. “We still need to find a blanket for you too.”
JB: Looking at his wife he was probably as red as a stop sign. He tried to push his thoughts out of his mind. “I’m thinking tonight is a fish fingers night, when you feel up to eating.”
JR: “I think I might be better off with something less heavy to eat.” -stop and looks at his lap then the screw driver then worriedly at his adoptive dad before back at the screwdriver- “did that just melt my packer, cause I know I was wearing it this morning.”
JB: He nodded, “We could have chicken extra noodles and mushroom soup, that would be lighter.”
He picked up his screwdriver, which looked ancient compared to his wife’s new one. “I don’t believe so, she’d used hers on your pants and trousers seams.”
LB: She listened as they both spoke and nodded, “I’d only used it on your seams, though maybe I’ll go to the brig and see if there’s a melt setting to test on that scumbag. Though a good zap would also work too.”
JR: Javi’s face fell “ah I think I know where it is and I don’t want it back” -he shudders- “soup sound good. I’ll try not to get it all over you this time”
LB: She nodded, “Things can be replaced, and if we’re thinking the same thing that’s evidence for the court martial.”
Walking to the replicator, she returned with a large bowl of soup and a spoon; sitting down next to Javi.
JR: -Javi looked a lily for a second- “if he has got it it’s going to be a big nail in his coffin. I put a dna tracker in it after all my stuff went missing that time. Anyone who touches it get recorded on the data chip.”
LB: She nodded, “I swear to someone I hope he has it, because then he’s not got a foot to stand on with JAG or Command. I’m expecting his court martial to be one Hell of a fight due to him being Section 31, and I don’t back down.”
JB: Listening he also nodded, “While you’re recovering, we’ll be fighting the court martials and having them removed from our ship.”
JR: -he looked scared and slightly panicked at his parents not know how they would react at what he said next- “I’m not testifying. They can use what they find on him, photo and records that ESR has but I’m not testifying.”
LB: She nodded, “While the evidence should speak for itself, they may still want to hear from you even if it’s written. I don’t want this scumbag attempting to weasel out of this in any way.”
JR: -Javi shook his head again- “they can have a written statement but they are not seeing me in person. I’ll vanish before that happens.” -he hopes it wouldn’t come to that.-
LB: She nodded, “I will let them know if they ask that a written statement is all they are getting, and I hope you won’t vanish.”
The thought alone made her feel worried and blue.
JB: He didn’t want to his son, and reached for his wife’s hand when he could sense her emotions at the time.
JR: -Javi looked at her feeling guilty- “I wouldn’t vanish from you and Pabbi. Just starfleet. I meet a lot of people on discovery, some who would be at the court martial. Just looking at my file, enough is retracted that they may not make the connection but seeing me, they might.”
LB: She nodded, “I’m assuming it’s Command and JAG that might recognise you if you went, I thought the ship and crew had jumped to the future.”
Picking up her pad she attempted to find their ship records, wondering how Starfleet … had recorded his name since the adoption. “This sodding thing, can’t sort it out since I updated the OS.”
JR: “They have jumped. But before that, whilst Chris pike was captain. We occasionally had guests on board. And remember I was declared KIA. Jack fudged my records after my escape. I can’t have someone looking to deep into that because they think they recognise me”
LB: She nodded, “I understand, that makes sense. Now I’m wondering if that may have contributed to some of the difficulty with the adoption, when I think about it now.”
JB: He continued to hold her hand and listened as they spoke.
-Javi shivers and bites his lip, rocking slightly- “About the adoption..” he avoids looking at them “as starfleet is the issue and I’m going to a non starfleet hospital why can’t we confirm the adoption through non-fleet channels as well?”
LB: She nodded, “We definitely can. I’ll have our barrister call the court and see what can be done. He can draw up a petition and submit it.”
JB: He smiled, “Hopefully the local family court moves a little faster as is less difficult than the Starfleet Court, though it might follow the same procedure.”
JR: -he wiped against the tears on his face his voice cracking as the stress of events start catching up with him properly- “I just want to be able to properly call you my family and not be constantly worried about loosing you.”
LB: She listened as he spoke and nodded, “You already can, that part has been sorted. It’s just the legal end that wasn’t sorted, that part we can’t control. As long as I’m breathing, you won’t loose me.”
JB: He only hugged Javi tighter, “You won’t loose me, that’s not possible.”
He smiled as he thought of hanging the Christmas lights on their house this coming season, figuring he might get smacked soon by his wife.
JR: “Plus by doing it out of starfleet I could possibly use all my records making it easier.” -hugs Joe back just as tight, letting out a hum of confusion as the image he just got across the bond- “what’s with the lights and tree?”
LB: She nodded, “It should, and the nice thing our barrister does is he comes to us, and can arrange for us to attend court via Zoom and if needed submit written statements.”
Looking at Joe she shook her head and smacked him lightly.
“He has a prank he likes to play occasionally, string the lights on the house and fall off the ladder. Hell get up in three minutes as though nothing had happened. He’s like Jack, he can’t die.”
Looking at Joe she spoke again, “If you play that prank this year and scare the hell out of Javi, I’m going to throw a snowball at your bits. You know I can’t stand that prank.”
“No I meant why are you hanging lights? I mean I love fairy lights as much as anyone but why are you hanging them outside? And take them down again? And decorating a tree?” -Javi looked confused at the memories he is picking up-
JB: He smiled, “Those are memories from Christmas, an Earth holiday celebrated in December. She decorates the tree with snowflakes, icicles, and a lot of red mushroom ornaments.”
// I know we’re still months away, but could plot a holiday thread.
JR: -Javi shifted and hid his face in his hands. How could he explain he didn’t really know or understand what this ‘Christmas’ was. The memories looked fun and warm. Could something like that really be in his future?-
LB: She leaned forward and hugged Javi. This would definitely be in his future. “We’ll just need to go over your food allergies, so I can be sure there’s nothing in a recipe that would make you feel poorly.”
JB: He smiled, joining in the hug. “Hopefully by December your knee will be healed enough for you to join us going to pick up the tree from the farm.”
JR: “Why would we need a tree?” -his voice was still breaking, tears running down his face-
LB: She sat up to wipe his tears, speaking softly. “Traditionally they’d been brought inside to celebrate life during the coldest darkest months of the year, symbolic of the return of the light and warmer days.”
JB: He smiled, nodding. “Let’s not forget displaying your collection of mushroom ornaments, that you’d started collecting in 1968.”
JR: “So they kill a tree to show off orniments?” -Javi leans slightly into lilys hand, body still pressed against joe, shivering-
JB: He nodded, “That’s generally how people celebrate, though when you mention it we can get an artificial tree that we can reuse every year.”
He noticed Javi shivering, and looked around for a blanket for him.
LB: She hadn’t moved her hand, and nodded. “We can get an artificial tree, we’ll need one for our quarters here if we’re not on Earth in December.”
JR: “Kelpians hang shells and things on living plants during celebrations, then they replant it and thank it for its service. They usually do it for a good tea or kelp harvest though” -He coughs slightly-
LB: She smiled, what Javi had said just gave her an idea. “The shops sell small trees in pots, with soil. We could do the same as the Kelpians, and plant the potted tree in the spring when the weather is appropriate.”
JB: He nodded, “I like the idea, we can definitely do that too.”
JR: -Javi tried to bury himself more into lily and Joe’s warm embrace, trying to control his shivering- “I didn’t mean to change your traditions or anything” -he coughs again and wipes his face- “wasn’t there talk of soup?”
JB: He smiled as he hugged Javi, “Traditions can change over time, also new ones can form.”
LB: She nodded, reaching for the covered bowl of soup and spoon. “Extra noodles and sliced mushrooms.”
JR: -Javi hums in appreciation before glancing at his hands. He knew they we’re to shaky to manage the spoon and was still embarshed from the last time Joe had helped him eat and had ended up with food all over him- “maybe it’s not a good idea after all..”
LB: She listened as he spoke, “I can help, if you’d like to try to eat.”
She had seen his hands shake and remembered the last time, but knew he needed to eat something.
JR: “Don’t want want to make a mess..” -Javi looked at the soup before looking at lily feeling helpless. He wanted to eat, but didn’t want to make a mess, in his tired, stressed out mind he couldn’t separate that two-
LB: She smiled, speaking softly. “Any mess can be cleaned up with warm water and a napkin. I’m not concerned about a little spilled soup.”
JB: He nodded, “Agreed, we can handle a few spills.”
JR: -Javi nodded- “as long as it don’t make your cross”
LB: She nodded, “It won’t.”
Whenever he was ready she would take the cover off the bowl of soup.
JR: -He nodded again, moving so his back was more firmly pressed against joe but still clinging to an arm around him as of scared he was going to let go and leave-
JB: He smiled and held him firmly, hadn’t had a thought of leaving once.
LB: She removed the cover on the bowl, and looked at Javi. “Whenever you’re ready, don’t worry if some gets spilled.”
JR: -Javi coughed again before nodding- “ok”
JR: “Ok” -Javi nodded, rubbing his chest with one shaking hand and wiping his forehead with the other. It was odd. He was cold but felt like he was sweating. LC would… LC!- “Has anyone seen LC?!? He was with me when..”
LB: She set aside the bowl of soup, covering it again. “I can check the Tardis, I hadn’t seen LC in that room. If they had put him in the box with you, he’s probably running loose in the Tardis now.”
JB: He nodded, Javi still resting against his chest. “If he’s in the Tardis, he’s safe. She’ll be able to find him.”
JR: “He was on my shoulders when I was hit in the back with the phaser, I lost track of him after that. If anything has happened to him, it’s all my fault” -he struggles to move only to yelp and whimper in pain-
LB: She nodded, “I’ll go back to that floor, there’s a chance he might be wandering the corridor frightened. This is not your fault, the ones responsible are in our brig. Just rest, I’ll return.”
JB: He watched as Javi attempted to move and seen he was in pain. “I’m sure it’s safe enough now for her to return to check the corridor. You need rest.”
JR: -Javi looked at Joe- “go with her, please I can’t have anyone else hurt because of me.”
JB: He nodded, “She’s going to want me to stay here with you.”
LB: She stood, “I do. I can take the Tardis and make quick work of having a look around the corridors. I can scan for LC without having to leave our quarters, and know exactly where to find him.”
Mentally she recalled the Tardis to the room they were all in, walking to it and opening the doors.
She sent the request to scan for LC, and waited for a response.
JR: “Please go together. I can’t risk loosing someone else. First ESR now LC. I can’t..” he coughed and hiccuped hiding his face-
JB: He nodded, looking at her standing at the console of the Tardis with a door open.
LB: She looked up, smiling. “He’s safe, alive, and somehow made his way to cultivation! Joe, grab the wheelchair for Javi and we’re headed to the mush room!”
JR: -Javi shook his head and carefully slid of Joe wincing- “I think it’s best if I stay here…” -he looked a bit green round the face-
JB: He nodded, “We’ll be right back, and with LC.”
Standing he began to walk to the Tardis.
LB: She looked at them both, hesitant for a moment. “Joe, you should stay here with Javi. He looks a bit green about the gills, I feel badly if we leave him alone now.”
Quickly she dematerialised the Tardis, headed to cultivation.
JR: -Javi blinked at where the tardis had been, looking at Joe- “did she just…” -he was cut off as he heaved slightly-
JB: He turned around and nodded, “She did. Her Tardis can also be controlled telepathically, but only by her. I couldn’t call it back to me even if I wanted to.”
Walking back to the sofa he sat down again.
“Would want to attempt the soup or wait a few minutes, see how you feel?”
JR: -Javi looked at the spot where the tardis vanished from, his eyes filling with tears as panic washed over him- “what if she don’t come back? I can’t hurt someone else..” -his panicked talking was cuts off as he turned away from Joe to be sick-
JB: He went to reach for Javi’s hand, though he’d quickly turned away. “She always comes back. Cultivation is probably the most secure place onboard.”
JR: -Javi gripped Joes hand tight, no doubt sending a load of panic and distress along the bond. It was that and stress which had caused him to be ill-
JB: He held Javi’s hand just as tightly, nodding. His own feelings of worry mixed with some panic would be shared across the bond.
This was much different than being alone on the bridge, during her nap.
LB: She knew her sudden departure might have caused them to worry, though she would return.
Materialising in cultivation, she opened the door and walked through the bay.
As she walked around she looked through the mushroom beds, around the bases of the stipes.
Nearing the hammocks, she found LC curled up tightly in a ball.
Very carefully she leaned forward to pick him up, letting him smell her hand before she did pick him up.
Walking back to the Tardis she closed the door behind them both and dematerialised, reappearing in their quarters.
Mentally she’d asked the Tardis to open the door, and she walked from the console back into the room. “He’d been in your rainbow hammock, curled up in a ball.”
JR: -he heaved again as a image of ESR exploding flashed across him mind, of discovery leaving him. He sobbed hard. He didn’t hear lily return or her speaking to him-
JB: He moved closer to hug Javi tightly, glancing at his wife when she returned. “You scared us both doing that, and you’re the one who says not to go wandering off.”
As happy as he was that she returned, he was also a bit annoyed that she’d done what she did.
LB: She sat down next to Javi, LC walking to him along the sofa.
Gently she rested her hand on his shoulder, sending him calm vibes.
Speaking softly, “I always come back. Even Rassilon himself couldn’t keep me from returning. Sod him to Hell.”
JR: -feeling his cat, Javi pulled him close, curling around him as much as his body would allow, crying softly against the cats velvet skin. The car didn’t seem to mind, licking at his hair. Still mostly trapped in his panic he didn’t respond to lily-
LB: She sat silently for a few moments, debating whether to speak again or try to reach him through their bond.
How long had she been away, in cultivation, she wondered silently to herself.
JB: He reached forward and held her hand, that rested on his shoulder. “She’s come back.”
JR: “They always leave in the end.” -he mind was a mess of panic and fear. In some distant part of his mind he knew he needed to find a way to ground himself, but that voice was tiny in front of the storm-
LB: She nodded, in the past she’d been the one to leave. Though she’d never leave the ones who mattered most.
Gently she rubbed his shoulder, “I always come back, to where it matters most. I’d never leave you or Joe.”
JB: He completely understood the feeling, considering she’d left him once.
Though he knew she would always return, he still felt panic and worry if they’d been apart for a long length of time or if she’d left suddenly.
His hand remained over hers, he spoke softly. “Javi, Mushy came back. She’s right here and so is LC.”
JR: -Javi blinked sluggishly as he looked at her, his eyes red, wide and swollen.-
LB: She leaned forward to hug him, while LC was snuggled close to him. “I’ll always come back. I wanted Joe to stay here with you, in case you needed something. You need to rest.”
JB: He looked at her, “When you left we both felt panicked and worried.”
JR: -Javi still couldn’t speak, LC jumping out of his arms and prowling off in search of food-
LB: She continued to hug him, watching as LC leapt down from the sofa.
JB: He decided to lean in and hug them both, happy they were reunited again in their quarters.
JR: -Javi closed his eyes, dizziness making the room spin. Between being injured, stress and not having drank or eaten since the night before he was dropping fast, being sick had just made it worse. He was glad for the arms of the people around him.-
JR: He continued to hug them both, the feeling of anxiety and panic fading.
LB: She held Javi tightly, her hand resting on Joe’s shoulder now.
When Javi was ready, she would get another bowl of soup and a milkshake from the replicator.
JR: “I need..” -he broke off trying to get words to form- “I made a mess, I should clean up. And get something into me before I pass out..”
LB: She looked at him, “You don’t have to clean, the bots can sort it. I’ll get another bowl of soup and a milkshake for you.”
JR: “Okay” -he couldn’t think of anything else to say, his brain numb and just decided to let lily and Joe guide him for a bit, setting his brain into standby-
LB: She got up and walked to the replicator, returning with a bowl of chicken, extra noodles, and mushroom soup.
Handing the bowl to Joe, she returned to the replicator and got a milkshake before returning to the sofa.
JB: He held the bowl of soup and looked at Javi. “If any spills, don’t worry. We can easily clean it up.”
JR: -Javi nodded trying to find a position where I was worried about toppling over-
JB: He waited until Javi was settled, before getting half a spoonful of soup ready.
JR: -he ended up with his side propped against the back of the sofa facing joe. It didn’t feel very safe and he was swaying slightly but it was the best he could do as he opened his mouth for the spoon-
LB: She set the milkshake on the side table and sat behind Javi, in an attempt to help steady him.
JB: He brought over the spoonful of soup, moving slowly to hopefully avoid spills.
JR: Javi swallowed the soup, leaning back into lily, trying to prevent putting to much of his weight onto her, not wanting to crush her.
LB: She gently rubbed his shoulders and upper arms, not too worried about being crushed.
JB: He refilled the spoon and brought over another half spoonful of soup.
JR: The soup was warm and grounding,warming his insides whilst the presence of his adoptive parents warmed him from the outside.The fear he would lose them was still there buzzing under his skin,but in his numb state this was the safest he could be. He swallow the soup automatically.
LB: She could sense that fear, and would have to work on showing him that he wouldn’t ever loose her. Likewise she knew Joe was upset with her too.
JB: He continued to feed Javi, not letting his thoughts wander. He knew they wouldn’t loose her, that she would always return.
JR: Javi winces slightly as lily caught a sore area on his shoulders but other wised carried on eating l, occasionally turning away to cough. He felt rather sticky and made a mental note to check he wasn’t developing a fever once he had finished eaten though the thought didn’t stay.
LB: She noticed and only rested her hands there now, hoping that would help him know she was there and wasn’t leaving.
JB: He brought over another spoonful of soup, hopefully everything was alright now.
JR: -Javi leaned further into her hands, not wanting her to stop. The soup was almost gone and for once there hadn’t been a spill.-
LB: She gently rubbed his shoulders, hoping she wouldn’t find the sore spot again.
JB: He brought over another spoonful, and noticed how there hadn’t been any spills.
JR: -Javi shock his head- “no more thanks Pabbi” he didn’t want to over do it and make himself ill again.
JB: He nodded and covered the bowl, setting it on the table. “I should probably feed the cats too, I hear one meowing their head off right now.”
LB: She nodded and gently rubbed his one shoulder, “I’ve brought back a milkshake from the replicator too, when you’re ready.”
JR: “Can you give LC some food as well please Pabbi? I’ll find a way to do his ear drops later.” -leans his head back to rest on lilys shoulder- “bubblegum flavour?” -he asks hopefully- “also when are we due to arrive at earth?”
He nodded, “Of course. Where do you keep his food?”
He could hear their tabby meowing at the replicator, though he knew it wasn’t going to dispense anything.
LB: She picked up the glass, and nodded. “Yes, it’s bubblegum.”
Holding the glass, she turned it so the straw was facing him.
JR: -Javi thought for a moment before realising he couldn’t actually remember where LC food was, quickly covering up his confusion he spoke- “anything fishy cat safe from the replicator will do him” -he turns back to the straw- “any word on when we will reach earth?”
JB: He nodded, “Tuna it is, I’ll give some to our two as well.”
He got up to walk to the replicator for three plates of tuna for the cats.
LB: She smiled, holding the glass. “We should be arriving there soon, it helps having a temporal ship.”
JR: Javi kept one eye on joe as he fed the cats, using as hand to rub his forehead. He nodded, sticking the straw of his milkshake into his mouth and sucking softly.
JB: He set down the plates and returned to the sofa, watching as the three cats happily ate tuna.
LB: She continued to rest her hands on his shoulders, watching the cats.
JR: -Javi started to cough, quickly looking for somewhere to put his glass. A sharp pain had shot though his chest from his cracked rib making him inhale suddenly whilst drinking-
LB: She held the glass for him, and set it on the table next to the sofa.
JB: He looked at Javi, “Are you alright?”
Reaching into the medical kit nearby he brought out another pain patch for him.
JR: -Javi nodded trying to get his breath back- “sorry”
-Javi thought of something random- “do you think whilst we are on earth if things allow, we can see the sea..”
0 notes
javi-reno · 1 year
Javi laid on his back on his bed reflecting on the changes his life had gone through. Since being rescued from section 31 by the fascinating Captain Jack, the destruction of voyager, and becoming chief engineer and spore navigator on the USS London.
He had found a family. Something he never thought he would have again.
Rubbing his finger over the tattoo on his collarbone his mind drifted further. The mystery surrounding his origins had plagued him for years. The marks had appeared after Jacks rescue. Being able to understand lilys tardis and surviving things he really shouldn’t. The latest, falling down that elevator shaft, had lead to a trip to a space station in the tardis for medical help. Questions about his dna had lead to him and lily scanning him with the tardis looking for answers.
He was a child of the tardis. The decedent of someone called river song. At some point he would have to look further into what that meant. All he did know is that it had meant lily was able to help distroy the prision inside his mind that section 31 had put there to suppress his abilities and to suppress his autistic traits. With it gone, his emotional colour sensing abilities were a lot stronger but his autism was also more prenounced.
He was drawn out of his thoughts by his communicator going off making him frown. He was on medical leave, no-one should be contacting him.
“Reno here.”
“Chief your needed in basement level for an emergency repair. It’s needs a command code or we wouldn’t be bother you.”
He closed his eyes with a sigh. He could go down there, imput his code then leave the actual repair work to one of his crew. Wouldn’t be ignoring Doctor orders by doing that.
“I’ll come and enter the codes. Have someone there ready to do the repair. Reno out.”
LC wrapped draped himself over his shoulder as he got to his feet and grabbed his crutches. This shouldn’t take long, then he could get back to resting.
0 notes
javi-reno · 1 year
13 part 1
Sits on the floor in the living room of the family quarters sketching on some paper he had managed to find. The empty space started to fill with galaxies and ships that he had never seen in person but had seen in dreams and random thoughts. He send ESR to find lily.
He had a surprise waiting for her on the kitchen table.
She walked into the quarters, first stopping at the replicator and hesitating for a moment before asking it for water rather than tea or coffee.
“Jasmine tea is caffeine free. Also there is a present for you on. The kitchen table.” -Javi didn’t look up from his doodling not wanting to see her reaction to the flowers and picture-
She nodded, and now held both a cup of water and jasmine tea.
Walking into the kitchen she found the flowers and drawing, smiling brightly. “They’re beautiful. I love them and the drawing.”
Returning to the living room she sat down next to him, observing while he was drawing.
“I’m glad you like them. I borrowed some paints from another crewman. So I could do it in colour” -glances at her with a slight smile before swearing as his pencil breaks-
She smiled, “I do, thank you.”
The pencil sharpener wasn’t far, and she reached for it to hand it to Javi.
-blushes- “eh I kinda need a new sharpener. That one doesn’t have a blade in it anymore. Besides have you seen the size of this pencil” -holds up the pencil giggling slightly- “it only just over half the size of my finger”
She looked at it again and nodded, wondering what happened to the blade in it.
Looking at the pencil he held, she smiled and giggled with him.
-he looked at her for moment thinking before reaching into his pocket and holding out something, his sleeve rolling up showing thin red lines-
Immediately she reached for the item he held, looking at his arm. “Are you alright?” She asked.
A few moments later she stood to get the antiseptic and gauze so she could clean and bandage his arm.
drips the blade into her hand-
“I’m fine. It’s a setback but a small one. Their not deep and I managed to stop myself before I did to much and started drawing instead.” -nods to the paper covered in random ships-
She nodded, taking the blade and looking at the drawings. “Are these from memory? These ships and planets?”
shrugs- “some are places I visited with discovery, even the sphere is on there. Others are half remembered dreams” -rubs the back of his neck- “unfortunately I’m out of paper and that was my last pencil”
She nodded, “I have more paper and pencils here, I’ll be right back.”
She stood and walked to a cabinet, opening the drawer and returning with a sketchbook and more coloured pencils.
-Javi’s eye lit up seeing the coloured pencils- “coloured pencils? I was expecting maybe a graphite one like the one that just broke. Where did you get coloured ones? I’ve been trying to get the replicator to make them without luck”
She smiled, “I’d asked Joey to send some, and he sent a massive box of them. Hopefully he’ll be visiting again soon.”
“I think I’m going to like having a family if they don’t mind me drawing” -touches the sketchbook with shaking fingers-
She smiled, “I encourage it. When Joey was small we put paper on the walls as high as he could reach at the time. Then we’d change the paper regularly.”
“I might do that as an adult. Might be a good outlet during melt downs” -opens the coloured pencils and runs a finger over them- “did he send any regular pencils? Can’t really do the outlines in colours”
She nodded, “We can definitely hang up paper, if it might help it’s worth trying.”
Standing she walked back to the drawer and brought back a box of regular pencils. “He did, sent over a large box of nearly everything.”
-flaps his hands grinning- “oh my stars. This is a great day!!”
She smiled, “There are paints too, I told him to raid an art supply shop and he did. I’m happy to see you’re happy.”
“It’s so much. I don’t know how I’ll ever pay you back. Their so pretty”
She looked at Javi and smiled, “All I ask is that you continue being you, and draw to your heart’s content.”
places the art stuff carefully on the floor before getting to his feet and bear hugging lily- “thanks ma”
She smiled and hugged him back, “You’re welcome.”
“Sorry about my arm.” -glances at it before pulling the sleeve down- “nightmares suck. Oh I took a mini trip to engineering earlier and sorted it so the cats can no longer order treats on the replicators”
She nodded, “They do. What matters is that you’re alright.”
Looking around for one of her two, she smiled. “I’m sure it was Amber meowing at it first and the others followed. That explains why she appears plump. Thank you.”
“Also I believe I’ve come up with a way to prevent spores fro travelling around the ship” -hands over a padd- “been catching up on work since I’m not fully cleared for duty yet”
She nodded and looked at the pad. “I’m assuming they’d been travelling through ventilation. Did everyone behave when you visited engineering?”
“No idea I had my headphones on” -pulls up a diagram- “they are and by using a triple filter system it should catch the spores but by altering it like this, the spores will be sucked back into cultivation rather then being destroyed.”
She nodded, listening as he explained the filter system. “Well done, this saves the spores too. Perhaps there’s a way to collect them and load them into a canister from the filtration system?”
“Haven’t gotten that far yet, so far they would go automatically back into cultivation, rather then going round the ship. The only down side because of how much work the filters would need to do, they would need to be changed every 30 days”
“Makes sense, and I’m sure the filters could be carefully checked for spores too. At least now they won’t grow outside their quarters.”
“These filters will actually repel the spores due to what they are made out of. And they are reusable. I’m working on a way of making the change over less then every 30 days”
She nodded, “That’s good, and at least we aren’t loosing them by them travelling through ventilation. Maybe once the first 30 days pass, you’ll see if they need to be changed more or less frequently.”
“I’m going to be playing with the fibres to see if there is a way for preserving the repel qualities longer than 30 days before they need cleaning to be renewed but it’s a start.”
She smiled, “It is, and I’m very happy with this. This will prevent loss of spores and the mushrooms growing everywhere.”
“Hopefully you’ll be even happier with this” -pulls out a small sphere and hands it to her- “in theory this should solve our problem is people trying to steal the spore drive and the mushrooms”
She held the sphere and looked at it. “That is important to prevent from happening. How does it work?”
“It ca self programmed multi dimensional transportation device” -he explains- “at least 10 of these are placed around cultivation and the navigation cube. They map out the area inside the perimeter. When activated they take everything within their perimeter that contains
mycelium energy and transports it to the nearest source of time vortex energy. In our case your tardis. They can also be programmed to follow a target sphere. So we can put one ‘master sphere’ where we want them to take everything and they will do the work.”
She smiled, “Have I ever told you how absolutely brilliant you are? We can install the master sphere in the console of the Tardis, as well as set up a cultivation bay for them there as well. The navigation cube can be near the console.”
“I’d suggest the master cube be where you want the mushrooms to end up unless you want the console room covered in them.” -shrugs- “im just doing my job. Plus I was bored and really couldn’t deal with anymore nightmares. Had to pass the time somehow. That’s the prototype”
She nodded, “Then we’ll install it in the presently empty cultivation bay on the Tardis.”
Carefully she set the sphere between them on the sofa and hugged him. “Nightmares are a bugger, and you’ve done well in your work.”
“Thanks. I know I’ve been Ill for a while. I’m hoping this makes up for it. I knew there have been rumours that I’ve only kept my position here due to favouritism.”
She exhaled slowly, “I’m sure those spreading the rumours are the same ones who’d been causing trouble before. You’re our chief engineer and spore drive navigator, one of our best onboard. You’re also our son.”
Now some of her sarcasm would show, “They can kiss my ancient stipe, though they’d never be allowed close enough to make an attempt.”
She smiled. “They’re probably jealous too, it’s usually how rumours start.”
“I’m not upset. I don’t mind people under ederestimating my work. Means I can still surprise people then laugh in their faces when I prove them wrong.”
She smiled, “That is true, and it’s a good feeling proving them wrong.”
“I’m also younger then most of them with an unknown past that they can’t look up if they want to.”
She nodded, “I’ve never understood why they have an issue with age, they might even think I’m too old. They won’t see everything regarding my past either.”
“But your the Captain and someone that’s beyond reproach. Without my chief title I’m just a lutenient commander.”
She looked at Javi and spoke softly, “Titles or not, you’re important here. Not just as a member of our crew and command team, you’re family too.”
-hugs lily/ “I know. And hopefully command will agree and sort out their minds about the adoption eventually as well. Then it will be official for everyone else as well.”
She nodded and hugged him back. “I’m sure they’ll get it sorted soon, though I had thought it was when it was originally signed off on by JAG.”
“Maybe it was. Maybe they sent me that email then changed their mind. Better safe then sorry.”
She reached for his hand, “I hope they haven’t changed their minds, we haven’t and regardless of what they decide you’re still our adopted son.”
-grips her hand firmly but not painfully- “it’s odd having a family again. A good odd I think but still odd.” -a beeping sounds from ESR-
She held his hand as he held hers and nodded, “It is, and it grows on you. I built a new family with Joe, over time.”
Hearing ESR beeping she smiled, “Hopefully he’s happy too.”
“He is reminding me it’s time to change my patches. I’d wondered why I was starting to feel a bit warm”
She nodded and got up, “I’m assuming they’re in the medical kit?”
“Yup. Antibiotic patch, pain patch, fever patch and iron-calcium patch. Oh and my testosterone gel is in there. The patch wasn’t working well for me.”
She walked to the medical kit and brought back the items asked for. “Whichever works best, be it the gel or the patch, we’ll make sure we have plenty of.”
“Mind helping my put the gel on my shoulders, don’t want to get it in the cuts on my forearms”
“Of course, I can also help place the patches too.”
She took off the cap from the tube of gel, “How much is needed? I want to be sure you get the proper dose.”
“Two pumps. You might wanna wear gloves, unless you want to start growing masculine characteristics”
She held up a pair of gloves, and smiled. “I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be a bloke… Time Lords can switch genders if they choose when they regenerate.”
“Honestly I’m currently finding it hard. My skin has changed, I’ve got no idea how to care for it.
I’ve got acne (I didn’t even get acne the first time round in puberty). I’m tired all the time and hungry all the time.” -he pulls at his long sleeved shirt to pull it off-
She nodded, “We can find a face wash to help with the acne, and teen boys tend to have an appetite. Taking a nap daily may help with the tiredness.”
When he was ready she would apply the gel.
-make sure his binder is in place he looks at lily- “thank the stars for these new wrap binders. Makes things easier. But the acne isn’t just on my face it everywhere. You can put the gel on.”
She nodded, “I’m happy to hear they make them that way, front closure solves a lot of issues.”
She applied the gel to his shoulders, “I’m sure they make body wash and soap for it now, we’ll find it.”
“I’ve no idea. So far everything I’ve found has citrus in it which isn’t a good idea” -curls up his nose at the smell of the gel- “one day they will make this stuff so it doesn’t smell like old hand sanitizer”
She nodded, “I remember seeing one with grapefruit in it, and I know you’re allergic to citrus. They must make it without it. Yes, they do need to improve the smell of the gel.”
“Citrus is a well known grease and oil cleanser. Probably why it’s so popular. But I’d rather not have my skin peal off.” -looks at lilys hands- “sorry it takes some rubbing in then it takes about 20 mins to fully dry.”
“Hey I just had a thought. Before I return to duty properly we might need to get me remesured for my uniform. Haven’t worn my gold one yet, the last time I was fitted was when I first joined and I’ve been wearing joes stuff since I got ill”
She nodded, “It is, and with your allergy it’s best avoided. The new uniforms might not fit, as they’d been ordered in the size when you joined. We can definitely remeasure and make sure they fit properly.”
“I know my old one was getting tight across the shoulders due to muscle growth on t. But I’ve lost weight since being I’ll too. Don’t know what made me think of it.”
She nodded, “We’ll order new uniforms, that will fit properly. You’ve been working from here, and that probably made you think of the uniforms.”
“Probably, or the fact I haven’t worn any clothes that have been actually mine bar my binders and underwear since just before I fell ill.” -looks at lily- “mine were all distroyed when my rooms froze.”
Listening she nodded, “We still need to make a trip back to replace your things that had been ruined. Here the only required uniform is pyjamas.”
-shrugs- “no hurry. I very much dislike shopping. So many people, and nose…” -his hands twitch together-
She listened and smiled. “We do have the pads, we can shop online and just collect it at a star base. Though I’ve probably made more trips back to Earth than the entire fleet, with a temporal ship.”
-looks at her in shock- “your the first person to not pressure me to actually go shopping”
She smiled, picking up a pad. “I agree, it’s too peopley in shops. There are ways around it.”
-tries to wipe his eyes discreetly and sits back on the sofa, leaning forward to avoid letting the gel on his shoulder touch anything-
She looked at him, “Are you alright?”
She only held the pad, not having begun to browse the shops.
“Yup just got something in my eye, not over emotional or anything.”
She nodded, “As long as you’re alright, that’s what matters.”
“Im good”
“So what we looking at” -picks up the pencils and sketchbook so he can doodle whilst they do whatever lily has in mind-
She held the pad and smiled, “Knowing me I’ll start browsing and find something mushroom related. What would you like to look for?”
“I don’t know. General day clothes. Ripped slim jeans, plain T-shirts ect oooo mesh tops, I used to have some on discovery, used to pratically live in them over T-shirts. And baggy hoodies on bad days. Used to drive jet mad with the chains round my neck. I was quite a punk”
She smiled, nodding as she began to flip through pages on her pad. “Those can be found, and it would take more than a few chains to drive me mad. Maybe I can find a mushroom chain.”
“She just hated that my boots were covered in duck tape. Wasn’t my fault it’s hard to get boots in my size” -discreetly kicks his boots under the sofa- “she was a strict black person where as most of my stuff would be jewel tones with acid marks on from art work.”
She nodded, “I’ll have you look at the items before anything is ordered, and if it’s not available in your size we’ll keep looking. I’d be more concerned with your safety than the appearance of the boots.”
When he spoke of his art and jewel tones she smiled, “Which are your favourite jewel tones?”
She wanted to be sure she was looking at the proper things he would like.
“Amethyst, sapphire and Emerald. I hate reds.” -screws up his nose.- “i actually did quite well with the boots I ‘borrowed’ here. There only a size and a half maybe 2 sizes to big..” -that last part is spoken to himself more then lily-
She nodded, “Those are my favourite too, and I only like red when it’s related to a certain mushroom cap. We’ll have to get you boots in your proper size.”
She heard borrowed boots, and remembered a few moments ago.
“It’s not nessary. The ones I’ve been wearing are adiquet.” -he is sketching the ship to keep his hands busy-
She nodded, continuing to scroll through the shops on her pad
-LC appears twisting his way round their ankles purring-
She smiled and set the pad aside for a moment, bending down to pet LC and rub his ear.
“He loves attention” -looks down and notices him chewing on one of his boot laces that was sticking out from under the sofa- “hey that’s not food ”
She smiled, continuing to pet him. “Would you get whatever it is out of his mouth? You’re a lot closer.”
Her tabby soon appeared, having something that was made of soft plastic in her mouth. “Bloody hell, she’s stolen the toothbrushes again…”
“… she likes to chew anything that is soft plastic.”
-Javi was already fishing the shoe lace out of LC mouth bring the boot it belong to onto his lap. It was very beaten up, held together with a few pieces of duck tap, super glue and even the odd piece of welding in places.The laces were a multitude of knots.Another now being made-
She gasped when she seen the boots, picking up the pad and tapping Javi gently on his shoulder. “Oh, those look like a potential hazard waiting to happen! Do you like these? I just don’t know your sizes?”
On the screen was a shopping site, black leather combat style boots with chain decor that was secured in place.
The boots he currently had she was concerned about him being injured whilst working in.
-he looked from where he was tying the peices of lace back together to lily- “what’s wrong with my boots? Their in one piece…” -he doesn’t mention he doesn’t actually know what his financial situation is-
She looked at Javi with concern, “In one piece but held together with a lot of duck tape. I’m concerned about you getting injured.”
Money was no issue, she had more than she’d probably use herself after three centuries of working
“I don’t know my sizes. I got these from a lost property and just got the first pair I could walk in without falling over to much”
She nodded, deciding to order four different sizes to try and they could always return what didn’t fit. “I’m going to order a few different sizes, we’ll get it sorted.”
-Javi lifted his foot and laid it against the bottom of his foot. The difference was shocking. His foot looked tiny-
Before she placed the order she took off her boot and looked at Javi. “I’m a size 5.5. Maybe you’re close in size to me, and they have a conversion chart between the sizes. This might help us better guess.”
She would still order a size up and a size down from their guess, just in case.
-he held out his foot blushing at the hole in his sock, so she could hold her boot against it-
She offered him the boot to try on, not giving a thought to the holes in the socks as she had some that needed to be replaced.
-Javi held to boot against his foot looking at the size difference- “what do you think?”
She smiled, “You might be close in size to me, we can try ordering a four, five, and a five and a half just to be sure we get the right size. We’ll return what we don’t need and doesn’t fit.”
-Javi nodded- “how are we going to know which fits considering I don’t have much awareness of my feet?”
She nodded, “We could use my bracelets. One could go around your ankle and we could connect another down the length of your foot, it might help.”
-Javi nodded- “I’ve really gotta sort myself some heavy weight anklets and bracelets so I can keep track of my hands and feet
She nodded, flipping to another screen on her pad and holding it out to Javi. “I found one with onyx, hematite, and yellow tigers eye. 8mm stones so it would be heavy.”
“Pretty.” -Javi tilted his head slightly on one side- “do the stones have a meaning or are they just pretty?”
She nodded, “They’re also known to be protective stones, and they also match our command uniforms.”
“You just like things to match”
She smiled, “I try to ensure things match at least.”
“Don’t know what you see in my then. I’m the oddest thing about” -he grins cheekily-
She smiled, “I’m odd in my own way, all the best ones are. There’s no reason to be anything other than yourself.”
“I’m learning that, slowly”
She smiled, “It took me ages to relearn it, especially after living on Earth and trying to blend in with the humans.”
-Javi reached for his most recent borrowed top and piled it back on now the gel was dried, hiding his hands in the sleeves making paws-
She continued to browse on the site, adding to the basket some jewel toned shirts and some that were mesh.
So far she hadn’t had any issue finding things Javi had described.
-Javi realised he was mindlessly chewing a sleeve and blushed pulling his hands away from his face-
She smiled, “They’ll be sending everything over from the space base! We’ll just have to collect the parcel from the teleporter in an hour.”
“But I didn’t sign anything?” -how had she managed to get access to his fund with him signing anything?-
“I ordered everything under my account, I signed for it.” She answered. “There’s going to be a second parcel with some things for the cats too, the catnip mushrooms were back in stock.”
“Why your account? You shouldn’t be paying for stuff for me..”
She smiled, “I was already logged in under mine, and you needed things replaced. The least I could do is replace what had been damaged on my ship by my former errant crew.”
“It wasn’t your fault. If anything it was mine.”
She shook her head. “What happened was not your fault, they broke in and damaged your quarters and property. They are at fault, and have since been removed from this ship. You’ve done nothing wrong.”
-Javi looked doubtful. It was the first time he had revealed that fact he blamed himself for all the attacks-
She set the pad aside and leaned forward to hug Javi. “You are not at fault, nor are you responsible for the abhorrent behaviour of others. You’ve done nothing wrong…”
… You’ve seen mushrooms growing in unexpected places. They don’t ask permission to grow, they just do and unfurl their caps.”
She smiled, “Grow, and unfurl your cap.”
“Rainbow mushroom” -Javi leaned into the hug-
She smiled as she continued to hug Javi, “Yes, unfurl that beautiful rainbow cap.”
-giggles before looking at the pad as it pings- “what’s that?”
She smiled, reaching for the pad. “I’m not sure.”
Holding the pad she opened a message from Joey. “Joey sent a message from Command, they want you to check your messages. He said the court wanted to hear from you regarding the adoption.”
“I hate trying to read their paper work. It always comes through on a type of file that can only be read in black and white”
She nodded, “I can help you answer their message, Joey said it needs to be sent back to JAG from your account. I’ll ask him if he can somehow change their messages into a more easily seen type for future messages.”
-Javi digs out his pad and opens it pulling up the message and passing it to lily- “sorry about the cracked casing”
She nodded, looking at the pad and the message that had been opened. “As long as it’s still working, that’s what matters. Hopefully these can take a beating, I know they’re used for work too.”
“Well it’s been dropped from the top of a terbo lift sharf”
She nodded, “I’m surprised it still works, that’s quite a fall.”
“So am I to be fair”
She looked puzzled for a moment but nodded. “You fell too? When did this happen?”
-scratches his head looking sheepish- “two days ago…” -his voice was a whisper-
She gasped, “Are you alright?”
How she was unaware it happened, she wasn’t sure but felt very concerned for him.
-he didn’t answer, chewing a sleeve again looking guilty-
She set aside his pad and leaned forward to hug him, hoping that she wasn’t causing any physical pain in doing so.
“Sorry” -he looked at her-
She continued to hug him, “I just want to be sure you’re alright. That fall must have caused some injuries.”
“A few.” -he didn’t want her to think he wasn’t capable. He had only gone to do a quick repair job and his harness had failed. It wasn’t his harness, he had borrowed a spare as his was in engineering and he was still avoiding there unless he was on duty-
She nodded, “Hopefully nothing is broken, I’m sure being on medical leave had been driving you bonkers.”
She reached for her screwdriver to run a quick scan.
-winces at the sight of the screw driver. He knew it would show his home made splints on his leg and the slight concussion he had been hiding-
She nodded, “I know you aren’t going to be happy but we’ll need to have EMH come have a look. They’ll probably say you’ll need rest to stay off your legs and heal from this injury.”
“I’m fine” -Javi’s answer was predictable. He already felt like an idiot. He was nearly well but that lift had broken down and he was the closet engineer. It was meant to be a two minute fix-
She nodded, “You’ve got a concussion and you’re in homemade splints. While I don’t see anything broken, I still want to be sure you’re alright.”
“You and Pabbi are going to get sick of me. I’m a liability.”
She looked at Javi, “That will never happen, we would never get sick of you. The liabilities were the ones causing mayhem, and hopefully we’ve managed to catch them all and evict them from our ship.”
“But I get sick or hurt like this…”
She nodded, “Living comes with a risk of illness and injury, regardless of what species one is. You’ll need time to heal from these injuries, so you don’t risk a worse one while it heals.”
“I don’t trust the EMH.” -Javi tried not to show how much it scared him-
She nodded, “I know they’ve been reprogrammed and cleared of the viruses in their software, and I admit I’m scared of doctors and hospitals.”
-Javi clearly wasn’t convinced. He hasn’t liked the EMH before it had nearly killed him. Now it was on his top 5-
She continued to hug Javi, “How about a few days of rest here, light duties with the mushrooms and engineering, and if you feel poorly still we’ll have EMH come here. You won’t be alone with them.”
-Javi nods- “I’ll even let you properly dress my leg though the knee kinda looks like a football.”
She nodded, “We’ll stop at a base, and have them look at your knee. It needs urgent attention, that’s gone beyond rest and staying off it.”
-Javi ducks his head down- “sorry. I protected my head, back and arms the best I could.”
She gently hugged him tightly, “You did the best you could to protect yourself, and a fall like that was unfortunately going to result in an injury.”
“We were having a nice day”
She nodded, “We still can, though we’ll be stopping at a star base for your knee. You’ll be back on medical leave for a few weeks so it can heal properly.”
“All safety gear needs checks regularly. It shouldn’t have been worn like that”
She nodded, “It should be, because it’s there to prevent injuries from happening. I’m sorry this happened.”
“Not your fault. You wouldn’t even know it had happened if I hadn’t been thinking outloud”
She nodded, “I wouldn’t have, though it’s urgent we get to a star base and have your knee sorted.”
“Yes mushy” -leans his head against her shoulder-
She nodded, tapping her comm badge. “Use our highest warp and we’re stopping at the first space base you see.” She said to those whom were on the bridge.
-Javi looked at his lap feeling bad for disrupting things again-
She continued to hug Javi, “Once your knee is sorted, you’ll be back to resting and light duties while you recover. I’m sorry you’d been injured due to faulty safety items.”
“Just keep screwing up” -plays with a lace on his book, twisting it found his finger-
She hugged him tightly, “No, you haven’t screwed up. What happened was the result of an accident, those are never intentional or planned. Accidents are beyond your control.”
“I’m chief engineer, I’m meant to predict and prevent those kinda accidents”
She smiled, “You are, and you’re very accurate. Unfortunately accidents can still happen on rare occasion.”
-sighs- “any chance of a pain tonic?” -he finally admitted-
She nodded, “Of course, I’ll be right back.”
She stood and walked to the medical kit, taking out a bottle of pain tonic and returning with it. Once she removed the cap she handed him the bottle.
-he downed it quickly gagging slightly at the taste- “blegh”
She got up to get a milkshake from the replicator, pouring it into a tumbler with a lid and a straw. “This should help, I thought by now they’d find a way to make liquid medicine taste better.”
“Someone once told me they had to taste bad to do you any good” -looks at the tumbler with a straw- “you remembered!”
She nodded, “I’ve heard that too, though the taste doesn’t help it go down easily.”
Smiling she nodded, “I did. It’s bubblegum flavoured. The replicator still makes chocolate mixed with portobello, not that I mind.”
-takes the drink and sips happily- “thanks Mushy”
She smiled and sat down again, “You’re welcome.”
“Any idea how far the nearest star base is? I wanna get on with our day. We were having fun till I ruined it”
She smiled, “We’ve got a temporal ship, we’ll be there faster than any ship in the fleet.”
Turning to look out the window she smiled, “We’re approaching it now.”
-Javi rung his hand tighter nervous
She leaned forward to hug him again, “Unfortunately this time I am sure we’ll have to go to hospital on the star base, you won’t be going alone. I’ll be there the entire time.”
“It will be the first time I’ve left the ship since I’ve arrived”
She continued to hug him, trying to be comforting.
“How will we get there?”
“We’ll get a wheelchair from our sick bay, and depending on how you feel we could teleport over.”
0 notes
javi-reno · 1 year
JR: -Javi was tense when he hobbled into cultivation his crutches clanking on the floor. Someone from engineering had caused a mild explosion as a dare causing him to be called in despite being on medical leave. Some how he had forgotten how loud engineering could be and had left. His ear defenders and eye protectors behind. The attack on his senses along with the amount of talking he was forced to do to find out what was going on had drained him leading him to seek refuse in cultivation. Only he had forgotten it was a harvest day. Small dot bots were Dashing to and frow, collecting spores, making more noise then he thought he could stands. Glancing around Javi spotted a tall column looking thing in the corner, recognising the shape the TARDIS took when it was in the cultivation bay. Hobbling forward he sent out a mental plea, And the door opened letting him into the cool comforting quiet. The pilot seat had a soft glow around it and a soft mushroom blanket was draped near by. Patting the door in thanks he hoped forwards, settling down on his side under the blanket, letting the TARDIS sing to him.
It was soothing, the dim lights with gold flecks dancing in the air, the smell of something that could be oil or something similar and the song that played on the edge of his mind. Some caressed his mind gently. “Sleep. Your safe.” It said.And he believed it. Slipping into sleep.
Little did Javi know that the TARDIS had sent its own message out to its pilot @Lily_Bede as it was concerned that Javi needed more help and support then it alone could provide.
LB: Lily had been curled up on the sofa in her ready room, her cane at her side only because her cat had been jumping on her knee that was poorly.
She blinked her eyes open when she heard the Tardis calling her to cultivation, and to Javi.
Standing slowly and using her cane, she walked to the teleporter and beamed herself to cultivation.
Walking carefully in an attempt to not be ran down by the bots that had been harvesting mushrooms and collecting spores, she made her way to the Tardis and opened the doors.
Closing the doors of the Tardis behind her, she walked to the console and sat down in the seat opposite where Javi was having a nap.
She looked around, having chosen to not change the interior since the Time War.
It served to remind her of what she survived, what she hoped to be.
JR: Javi stirred slightly, his mind replaying the events in engineering, the smell of smoke and ash on his clothing not helping. The was a brush against his mind as the TARDIS attempted to sooth him to no avail-
LB: She reached for Javi’s hand, gently grasping it. Smelling the scent of smoke on his clothes she was concerned. “Javi, I’m here. Are you alright? What’s happened?”
JR: -Javi’s eyes opened with a gasp, darting round till they settled on lily- “mushy??”
LB: She nodded, “Yes, I’m here.”
Holding his hand she sent calm soothing colours, still wondering what had happened earlier and why he smelt of smoke.
JR: -he breathed deep letting her ground him- “sorry. Should have asked before coming in here but I needed the quiet”
LB: She smiled, “You’re welcome here, though I should give you a key. They can always make a copy of mine.”
Glancing toward the console, she seen a new key appear that looked like hers and Joe’s.
JR: -he nods rubbing his forehead with the hand not being held and cringing when he catches the smell of his top again-
LB: She gently squeezed his hand, holding it firmly. “Are you alright? What happened? Did something catch fire in cultivation?”
JR: “Apparently it’s now considered cool to cause deliberate explosions in engineering. The bigger the explosion the more reputation you get. I got called in. No one wanted to give me a straight answer. It was…loud and bright” -he rubbed his singed finger tips against his leg-
LB: She exhaled harshly and shook her head. “They should know better, they are no longer in the Academy. If anyone hasn’t participated in this stupidity, they won’t be spending time in the brig.”
Part of her wanted to materialise in engineering, though most assumed she was human so it wasn’t a risk she was willing to take.
She sent a telepathic message to Joe, to have a look there when he could.
JR: “I arrived as one is the bigger explosions was primed. If I hadn’t managed to dial it back we would have lost shields! And they thought it was funny!” -Javi had frustrated tears on his face-
LR: She listened as he spoke and nodded, “Agreed, that is definitely not funny and we’d be in harms way should we be attacked with the shields down. They must love the brig.”
Leaning forward she hugged Javi.
JR: Javi hugged back“their not in the brig.I couldnt find out who was involved and who wasnt, and couldn’t send the whole of engineering to the brig. Best i could do was confine them to quarters when they are not on duty.What kind of commanding officer am I that I can’t get control?”
LB: She nodded, “I wholly agree with your decision, this should prevent them from causing mayhem elsewhere. When they are identified, then they’ll be going to the brig.”
JR: “My knee hurts. I had to work without my crutches”
LB: “I’m sorry. Is ESR around? I’ll have to find them for a pain patch or leave for a moment to get one from the medical kit in cultivation.”
JR: “ESR is…temporarily out of action” -he chocks up slightly-
LB: She looked at him with concern, “What’s happened to ESR?”
She had a thought that he might have been a casualty of the mayhem in engineering, and hoped that she was wrong.
JR: -he shock his head- “it don’t matter. You said something about a pain patch?”
LB: She exhaled slowly, “It matters. I’ll get the pain patch and I’ll be right back.”
JR: -Javi nods rubbing the back of his neck absently-
LB: She stood and walked slowly away from the console, and left the Tardis for a moment.
Thankfully they’d been parked close to where the medical kit was kept, and she returned quickly.
As she walked back to the seats, she picked up the key from the console and handed it to Javi. Next she snapped the patch and placed it on the back of his neck.
“Is LC sniffing about?” She asked.
JR: “I dont know havent seen him since just after the last explosion when I stepped in to protect the shield array.He was dashing down a corridor away from engineering so he should be ok.” -Javi’s voice was toneless despite the lost look on his face as he grasped the key in his hand-
JR: “I dont know havent seen him since just after the last explosion when I stepped in to protect the shield array.He was dashing down a corridor away from engineering so he should be ok.” -Javi’s voice was toneless despite the lost look on his face as he grasped the key in his hand-
LB: She nodded, feeling her chest become tight and she blinked her eyes for a moment. “Fancy a wheelchair race around the ship? I want to find him. What happened to ESR?”
JR: -Javi looked towards the ceiling blinking back tears- “ESR was a victim of one of the dares. From what I understand what was meant to be a minor firework was placed over where he was about to roll over and set off…” -he swollowed hard grabbing onto his ESR necklace-
LB: She leaned forward and hugged Javi tightly, feeling sadness for him and anger towards those causing mayhem. “I’m sorry this happened.”
JR: “His memory is backed up in this so it’s not like he is gone..” -Javi hiccuped still trying to hold back his emotions and rationalise all that had happened-
LB: She continued to hug him tightly, though she attempted to hold back her emotions they came through as sadness for what he’s been through and anger towards those responsible.
JR: “Why explosions? And why in engineering of all places? I understand wanting to have fun. Hell we did stupid things on discovery all the time. But we never risked the ship or crew doing it..”
LB: She nodded, “Agreed, having fun doesn’t put others at risk. When it does, it’s no longer having fun.”
JR: “I can’t understand..” -he leans against lily, just breathing in the feeling of safety- “they need a sharp shock.”
LB: She held Javi tightly, having an idea. “If they can behave themselves and stop causing mayhem, I’ll let them have a paintball fight in the holodeck. Though I’m concerned if that would lead to further mayhem on their part.”
JR: “That might work but I’m thinking they need a wake up call.”-thinks for a moment- “how do you feel about a training excercise they won’t know is a training excercise?”
LB: She smiled, “I like that idea, and think it would be something they need after four months of mayhem.”
JR: “I could program a ship wide programme that makes it seem that their explosions have actual done damage….make it seem like the command crew are unavailable… say trapped on another deck due to the malfunction… would need to add some kinda incoming danger… o2 levels Dropping on another floor where other crew are (but not really just make it holograms). Make them see what would have happened if their explosions had happened….”
-shakes his head slightly- “nope that’s to much like manipulation. Tell them what is going to happen, make it a compulsory exercise. So they know it going to happen. Let their conciouness do the rest.”
LB: She nodded, “I like this idea, they do need to see what could happen as a result of their behaviour and if they have a consciousness it will affect them.”
JR: “If like it’s been told to me, this was all because of a series of childish dares then the knowledge of what could of happened should be enough to prevent it happening again” -Javi leans more comfortably on lily, finally letting himself hug her back now he had a plan-
LB: She nodded, hugging him tightly. “It should work. There’s been various training videos over the years based on the idea. Maybe have this on the holodeck so they might actually experience what could happen as a result of their mayhem?”
JR: “Actually I was thinking of putting holo admitters around engineering. Then by running a subroutine through the computer I can make it behave like it would if it had happened whilst not effecting normal running. The hill admitters would add the extra effects”
LB: “However you think is best, as you’re writing the programs for this.”
JR: -he nods against her neck where his head is currently buried, clearly exhausted- “I’ll get right on it.”
A few days later
Chief engineers report: training exercise for engineering crew.
The trainer exercise for the engineer crew took place today after the events of them nearly destroying part of the shield array and a large part of engineering in a series of explosions deliberately set on dares as A form of entertainment.
The point of the exercise was to show the crew what would have happened if thing had gone wrong and I had not intervened and de-escalated the biggest explosions.
It was also to test their reactions to such an event and teach them that actions have Coinciquences.
Casualties were made by holo emitters and all systems failers were done by computer programming whilst not effecting normal running of the ship.
Most of engineering preformed admirably. And although shaken at the reality of what could have happened many have Pledged to do better, and to think before they act in future. One was escorted to med bay. Ens Casey. Turns out she was harbouring a large amount of guilt over the whole thing and broke down shortly after the exercise begun. It appears she never wanted to join in the dares in The first place but was being subjected to bullying and was scared what would happen if she didn’t take part.
5 people are in the brig and will be reported to the Captain to face possible charges. They turned out to be the ring leaders of the whole thing. They tried to actively Sabotage the training exercise, and attempted to set of yet another explosion during it. They responded with slurs when questions and when arrested attempted to use violence. I’ll leave the Captain to decide their fate.
The rest of the engineering crew is still restricted to Quarters for the next 76hrs unless they are on duty to reflect on everything. As long as there is no further incidents I see no reason for this to go on their permanent record.
Ltn Cmmdr Javier Reno-Bede
0 notes
javi-reno · 1 year
JR: Has headed to the gym and is punching the shit out of a punchbag, occasionally swearing in a language that is definitely not English or earth standard. He wasn’t looking forward to explaining to his adoptive parents what was going on. If he could avoid telling them he would. With a snarl he threw himself at the bag causing it to topple. He lay on-top panting.
Javi closed his eyes, trying to centre himself and heard the ESR bleep as he left the gym. He slipped into sleep, laying on-top of the boxing bag, exhausted and to drained to find out where his robotic friend was going.
JB: He walked into the gym, thinking of lifting weights.
When he seen Javi lying on the boxing bag, he walked over and knelt down. “Javi, are you alright?”
JR: -mumbles a bit before opening his eyes- “Pabbi?”
JB: He nodded, “I’m here. Are you alright?”
JR: “I’m always alright me” -goes to push himself up before giving up and remaining where he is-
JB: He exhaled slowly, picking up Javi and standing again. “Mushie would say the same, even it’s as conspicuous as my ears that she’s not. What happened?”
JR: “I don’t want trouble. I’m sorting it. Kind of” -grips onto Joes top with his hand, not noticing that his shaking slightly-
JB: He nodded, “You’re not going to get any. I just want to know what happened.”
He noticed the shaking and held him securely as he walked out of the gym. “We’ll head back to our quarters.”
JR: -Javi closed his eyes trying to work out how to explain what has happened. He always felt safe when with Joe-
JB: He continued to walk down the corridor, silently towards their quarters.
JR: “Thank Pabbi”
JB: He nodded, “You’re welcome.”
JR: -Javi rested his head on Joe’s chest and remained silent for the rest of the walk-
JB: When they arrived at their quarters he used his screwdriver to open the door, walking inside and sitting down on the sofa with Javi.
JR: -Javi cuddles against his side- “I might have to report some of the engineering crew for court martial”
JB: He nodded, “I’m all ears, we’ll handle it.”
Hopefully soon the rubbish would be cleared off their ship, it had been bothering them for some time.
JR: “I was in the spore drive doing some maintenance and had hooked myself up to make sure my arm implants were working when the drive was suddenly powered up.That was dangerous on it own but just as I entered network the power was cut. It could have left me stranded in the Network but I’d built a fail safe into the implants to drag me back if something like that happened. Hurt like hell and my implants are fried but it brought me back. Could have ripped the ship in half if it had actual been in the network” -Javi pulled up his sleeves to show The damaged implants and damage round them-
JB: He listened and nodded, looking at Javi’s arms. “What matters is that you’re alright and weren’t left stranded in the network. Whoever is responsible for this will be removed from the ship.”
JR: “It’s my fault. I knew things weren’t right in engineering but felt that the spore cube update took presidency. Knew there was unrest among the crew down there but avoided it because I’m being blamed for the others we locked up due to transphobic behaviours”
JB: He looked at Javi, “You are not at fault and not responsible or liable for the behaviour of others. We locked up quite a few for their behaviour, and we’ll lock up a few more if they want to behave the same way…”
“… now their hate and bigotry put everyone else at risk because they decided to tamper with the spore drive. They’ll get more than an onboard court martial.”
JR: “They cut off before the ship was at risk. There is a tiny moment in time when I’m in the network but the ship isn’t. They chose that point to cut the energy.” -he raised on of his hands to rub his forehead, ignoring the way it was shaking.
“Such a stupid risk. And wasted a lot of spores as well. Basically the same amount as a regular jump.”
JB: He nodded, “Do others in engineering understand how the drive works, or were they just screwing off? Either way they’ll be brought in front of JAG. You’re more important than the spores, we can always harvest more…”
“… and we’ll never get another you.”
He hugged Javi, happy he’d survived what could ended horribly.
JR: “They know enough to know it’s not to be messed with. They didn’t mess with the spore drive it’s self, just with the energy input and navigation.” -hugs Joe back- “I was trying to get rid of my temper and overwhelmed feeling in the gym. But I can’t remember much after arriving” -he couldn’t work out how he had changed out of his damaged uniform into what he was wearing either-
JB: He nodded, continuing to hug Javi. “They know enough not to touch it yet still did anyway. That sort of stupidity is dangerous, and going to the gym is a good way to work through one’s frustrations.”
He would run laps around the saucer when he felt frustrated, though he would do so later at night or early morning so he’d be left alone when he did so.
JR: “I can’t remember much after leaving the spore drive and checking the ships systems where in one piece.”
JB: He nodded, “Your mind went into survival mode, and probably blocked recent memory as it was traumatic. I’m happy you’re in one piece.”
JR: “My arms hurt” -he said this in a small voice as if admitting it was a weakness he didn’t want to show-
JB: “I can get up and bring back a bottle of pain tonic.” He answered, still having yet to move to get up from the sofa.
JR: -Javi hums before double tapping his pendant- “ESR will be here soon. He has one of my strong pain patches in his carry cupboard.” -he didn’t add that the physical contact was the only thing keeping him grounded at the moment-
JB: He remained sat on the sofa, hugging Javi. “I won’t get up until they’re here, then I’ll get the patch for you.”
JR: “Thanks Pabbi. Sorry for interrupting your workout.” -he snuggles closer. He had worried that lily and Joe would get bored or annoyed with his need for physical contact, that having an adult son who likes hugs a physical reassurance would be to wierd for them-
JB: He smiled, “It’s alright, I can always go back there later.”
He remained sat where he was and continued to hug Javi, wondering where ESR was with the pain patch. Otherwise he’d need to get up for the tonic.
JR: -Javi tapped the pendant again getting no response- “ESR must be somewhere out of range”
“I’ve got some pain patches in my art desk as well. Keep them on hand incase of a migraine” -rubs his forehead absently-
JB: He nodded, “If ESR is out of range and you have some in your desk, I’ll get up and get one for you.”
JR: -Javi reluctantly let go of joe and sat with his head on his hand his elbows resting on his knees, staring between his knees at his feet-
JB: He got up and walked through the rooms, finding Javi’s and went to his desk.
Once he found a pain patch he left the room, closing the door behind him and walking back to the sofa in the living room.
JR: -javi was in a similar position to before except his hands were fully clasped behind his neck and he was rocking slightly-
JB: He sat down and looked at the patch he held and also at Javi. “Where should I put the patch?”
He also didn’t want to startle Javi with a sudden movement.
JR: “Snap it so it glows blue then either between my shoulder blade or my upper arm if you can get to skin”
JB: He nodded, snapping the patch and placing it between his shoulder blades.
JR: -Javi shuddered slightly as it was placed, coolness slowly spreading from where it was placed- “thanks”
JB: He nodded, “You’re welcome.”
He hadn’t moved from where he was sat since he returned to the sofa.
JR: -Javi started rocking again, the feeling of realising what was happening when he was in the drive returning, the panic and helplessness.-
JB: He leaned forward and hugged Javi, hoping that he hadn’t startled him and made things worse.
JR: -Javi leaned into Joe a high pitched whine leaving his throat as memories of what happened played through his head, unknowingly being sent to Joe. The pain of being unprepared for his implants to be used. The fear of being dragged into the network and suddenly cut Of from his physical body and the ship. The agony of being forcibly brought back by his implants, the mini explosion in both arm, the relief when checking the monitors and finding the ship unarmed-
JB: He hugged Javi tightly, having seen the recent memories playing again in both of their minds.
Again he felt thankful that Javi had returned from what had happened.
JR: -Javi turned and buried his face in Joe’s chest, hiding his tears. He didn’t want to admit how scared he had been. He was glad he had out the fail safe into the implants but the whole thing had shaken him-
JB: He continued to hug Javi, understanding that he’d been terrified by what had happened.
In that same situation he would have felt the same.
JR: “Sorry so sorry” -Javi stuttered hiccuping. He hadn’t meant to fall apart like that-
JB: He looked at Javi, “You’ve done nothing wrong, I’m happy you’re alright and still here.”
The thought alone of loosing his youngest son made him feel awful
JR: “I’m glad you here Pabbi. Didn’t mean to break down on you.”
JB: He continued to hug Javi, “It’s alright, I’m not upset and I don’t judge.”
JR: -Javi started to shiver, shock setting in now his kind had decided he was safe-
JB: He reached for the blanket that was on the back of the sofa and wrapped it around Javi, continuing to hug him.
JR: “What’s happening?” -Javi clung to Joe, confused-
JB: He continued to hug Javi, “You started shaking.”
He felt concerned, not entirely sure why he had started shaking a moment ago.
JR: “I’m cold” -Javi shrugged as if it was perfectly normal-
JB: That’s what he had been thinking, and why he reached for his wife’s blanket from the back of the sofa. “Hopefully the blanket helps.”
JR: “It’s helps” -he felt drained and closed his eyes-
JB: He nodded, not having moved from where he was sat on the sofa.
JR: -he blinks his eyes harshly not wanting to sleep, not wanting to face the dreams that would be waiting for him there- “how are we going to find out who tampered with the spore cube? I’ve asked round but no-one is willing to speak up.”
JB: He nodded, “Isn’t there CCTV in the spore cube room? We can always rewatch it for the cube and engineering for the time this happened.”
JR: “No-one was in the room when it happened. As I wasn’t actually jumping and was just doing some checks I was alone. Who ever did it did it remotely?”
-he shivered again at the thought of being alone when he was yanked unprepared into the network-
JB: “That’s why I wanted to watch the CCTV from engineering, as I’m assuming someone there gained remote access and they shouldn’t have been able to.”
Now he thought about trying to form a bond with the mushrooms, … and also learning how to navigate the network. This thought led to another, that his family might be too worried about him to even be ok with the idea.
JR: -Javi picked up on his thoughts through the bond- “it wouldn’t work. You would either need to be a high level empath or something similar like me or have had your dna spliced with a tardigrade. I’m ok with being the navigator. I just wish I hadn’t made the crew mad”
JB: He nodded, “I’m just an ordinary garden variety human, haven’t had any alterations to my dna. The crew needs to behave and stop taking out their frustrations on you.”
JR: “If I was t so different they wouldn’t target me.” -winces as pain spikes through his head- “checking cctv is a good idea, but they might have wiped or altered it.”
JB: He looked at Javi, “The universe would suck if we were all the same. They must have skipped that lesson at the academy. Hopefully the CCTV hasn’t been tampered with too. Are you alright?”
JR: “Headache. Bit overwhelmed. Everything is bright and loud.”
JB: He nodded, “Computer, dim the lights.”
Looking at Javi, “Is there anything I could do to help?”
JR: -Javi’s shakes his head- “your already doing it. Firm constant pressure helps. Such as grounding hugs”
JB: He nodded, continuing to hug Javi. “If there’s anything more I could do, let me know.”
JR: “It’s nice not to be alone when this happens” - Javi sighs, eyes occasionally slipping shut only to flash open again-
0 notes
javi-reno · 1 year
Javi Reno
Mar 23
Javi has fallen asleep on the command chair, face screwed up in pain, ESR beeping angrily at anyone who looks like they aren’t doing their job or talks to loudly.
Joseph Bede { RP/Parody }
Mar 23
He appeared on the bridge, sitting next to Javi and looking at the empty chair in the centre.
He half wondered if the trip back to Earth for the week may have triggered it, knowing the seasonal weather changes had an effect on her.
Maybe it was effecting Javi the same.
When he looked at the teleporter bay he stood up and walked over. It was his son, who was a close carbon copy of himself except with chestnut brown eyes.
His son was dressed in a dark blue suit, and immediately walked over. “Dad, whatever you do don’t let her go to the physical at Command. There’s strange people in black uniforms about, no idea who they are but they”
“… seemingly excited about seeing her. I’ve spoken to our CMO, and they said if you took her to our family carer they would accept the results.”
He nodded, though when he heard how they were dressed he thought they might be Section 31. “Joey, stay away from them. I believe that’s Section 31. No idea why they are at Conduit St.”
Joey nodded, and also handed him a folder of paperwork
“I know you’ve both been waiting for this, everything had been approved. So when do I get to meet my new brother?”
He smiled, “When he wakes from his nap.”
Walking with his son, they sat in the remains command chairs.
Javi Reno
Mar 23
“If you don’t lower your voices I will let ESR broadcast what he saw when he caught you and mushroom in the lift. And it won’t be the sensored version.” -Javi didn’t open his eyes and his voice didn’t carry far enough for the rest of the crew to hear-
Joseph Bede
He looked over at Javi and looked at his son Joey, not speaking.
Joey also remained quiet for a moment, though he wanted to laugh.
Javi Reno
ESR bleeped, clearly laughing as it drove circles round Joe.
Joseph Bede
He smiled, though he was a bright shade of red.
Joey got up and decided to go visit his Mum, knowing she was poorbecause she wasn’t on the bridge.
Javi blinked slowly, trying to clear his vision, fighting back neusia as the lights of the bridge attacked his aching head. Why did he take bridge duty when he hadn’t recovered from that damn infection and had a chronic migraine? Oh that right, he wanted to be useful.
He got up and walked to the replicator, bringing over a cup of jasmine tea and a straw. “Thank you for watching the bridge for us. How are you feeling?”
“Fantastic. Like a thousand dollars” -he sat up slowly attempting to look perfectly fine despite the fact he knew his fever was back. He just hoped Joe didn’t realise it, as he took his tea in his still shaken hands-
He looked at Javi and exhaled slowly, “You look as green around the gills as she does.”
He noticed, and guessed at what the issue might be. “Do you get migraines too?”
“Yup.Comes with being autistic.When your sensory profile is turned up to100 and you can hear and see more then your really meant to,not to mention feel,occasionally your brain decides it wants to leak out of your ears.Nd I may have fibed about how healed I was from the infection”
He nodded, there were things he still knew little of and was still learning. “Do you think the seasonal weather changes on earth could be making the migraines worse? You should be resting too, though I appreciate you watching the bridge for us.”
“Never noticed it causing me problems before.And I was needed here. I could either take lilys pain for her or get my ass down here and do my job. I wasnt well enough to do one so I did the other.”suddenly he stands-“excuse me you have the bridge”and disappears into the fresher-
He nodded, watching as Javi left the bridge quickly.
Looking out the windscreen, he could see nearly all of Salford from the quay.
-Javi entered the fresher and immediate ordered the lights off before heading to the loo to vomit, trying hard to protect his still healing ribs. He knew the ESR would be going mad on the bridge but there wasn’t really much he could do about it-
He heard footsteps towards the bridge, and turned to see his wife @Lily_Bede_ and son walking toward him.
She walked more slowly than usual, the lights of the bridge seemed brighter than usual.
Half expecting to be scolded she held up a hand. “I’m sure I can sit here for a little while, hopefully.” she held up a hand. “I’m sure I can sit here for a little while, hopefully.”
Javi rested his hot forehead against the porcelain, closing his eyes for a moment, trying to build up the energy to get back up
He got up and walked over to them, bending to pick up his wife and carry her to the bridge.
Joey remained quiet as he walked at his parents side.
She rested her head against his shoulder, closing her eyes as they approached the bridge. “Computer, dim the lights. For someone’s sake it’s brighter than a bloody airport runway.”
Javi wonders if anyone would mind if he passed out here as he tried to get up but the room spun. He went back to his former position deciding to try again in a moment. He knew he had approximately 3 minuets before ESR sounded an sos. Plenty of time. Probably.
He smiled, resting his head against hers for a moment before he gently sat her in the centre chair on the bridge before taking his seat.
Joey sat between them on the floor between them.
She leaned over and rested her head against Joseph’s shoulder, looking at her son and the rest of the bridge crew. Again she closed her eyes, placing her hand on his shoulder.
-He had heard lily return to the bridge and decided that was his cue to rest. Send a message to ESR to let them know he teleported to his hide above cultivation. He didn’t realise that he missed the send button-
After a few minutes he decided to get up and go check on Javi.
Joey had gotten up to have a look around their bridge. He worked in accounting for Starfleet, and hadn’t actually been on many of the ships
She had leaned over and now was laying on her side, across her and Joseph’s chair.
When Joseph seen her like this he would more than likely take her back to their quarters and tuck her back in bed.
Javi laid curled on his side,both shivering and sweating.Around him both artificial and real mushrooms glowed.The combination of migraine and infection was really draining his body but he resisted calling lily or Joe.Their son was here and they were busy on the bridge.
He walked into cultivation, knowing it was a favoured place on their ship for both Lily and Javi.
A few minutes later his son arrived in cultivation, looking around at the glowing mushrooms.
She remained on the bridge, contemplating leaving the Salford Spacedocks though she knew they’d probably stay for a few more days.
Javi sung to himself, stumbling over the lyrics, trying to ignore his aching head and body. He didn’t know his voice carried through the vent into cultivation from his den.
He looked up toward the rafters, and knew immediately where Javi was.
Quickly he had left cultivation and walked to doors to take the lift upstairs.
Joey walked through cultivation for a few minutes before he left for the bridge in a fit of giggles.
Blinking her eyes open and sitting up, she looked at her son and tapped her comm badge. “We’ve got a new issue. Joey is high on shrooms.”
While she had no issue with psychedelic mushrooms, he’d never been around the P.stellaviatori.
-Javi heard the comm but couldn’t get up, completely drained of energy and on the verge of passing out. He hoped lily thought to ask ESR, who carried the anti high kit he had given her before”.
He continued to walk to Javi’s bolt hole above cultivation, answering the comm. “For fucks sake. If he’s going to come here he needs the tablets we all take. I’ve gone to check on Javi.”
Meanwhile Joey sat in his father’s chair on the bridge in the midst of a full blown shroom trip, giggling like he’d gone mad.
Their helmsman and navigator shook their heads and ignored them
She motioned for ESR to come closer, hoping there was a shroom trip kit in there somewhere.
Sighing she looked at Joey, watching him in a fit of giggles.
the ESR came forward opening to revel the tablet and hypo needed to bring Joey back to earth.
Meanwhile Javi was still softly singing to himself,his sweaty skin glowin in the mushroom light,his padd next to him showing the message he thought he had sent along with‘message unsent’
He arrived at the door and knocked first, waiting outside in the corridor.
Reaching forward and feeling as though the ship were spinning, she reached for the tablet and hypo.
Turning to her son, she handed him the tablet and pulled up his shirt to give him the jab in his side.
Javi pressed a button by his bed to make the door open- “need me to come watch the bridge whilst you look after your son?” His voice was quiet and wobbly causing him to curse in his head
He walked into the room and sat at Javi’s side on his bed. “I’m sure she can manage a shroom trip, wouldn’t be the first time. How are you feeling?”
On the bridge, Joey started to come back from his shroom trip and stopped giggling.
She leaned back in her chair, still feeling green in the gills.
At least Joey was back to normal. Turning slightly, “There’s tablets that you take daily, to avoid shroom trips caused by them. You’ll need them, and hopefully you’ll visit more often.”
“I’m fine. Just thought I’d give you guys some time” -he promptly denied his words by rolling onto his side and vomiting into a bowl “this is a new workout.”
He listened and looked at Javi. “You’re still poorly, I could tell earlier. You need rest. If you feel up to having visitors I can bring everyone up here and a pot of mushroom noodle soup.”
Joey looked at his Mum and nodded, “They don’t usually give those out, unless you’re around those shrooms. Yours is the only ship on record having them.”
Sighing she looked at her son, “Joey, that’s what the brass wants everyone to believe. I’ll explain when we’re back in our quarters.”
“Im not sure its wise bringing everyone in here, not with lily being ill,its rather damp from being close to the mushrooms,besides I should get back to the bridge. Im still meant to be on duty”he starts to pull himself up only for his eye to roll and his legs to start giving way
He nodded, immediately standing and helping Javi lay down. “You need to rest. We can teleport you back to our quarters and technically we’re all off duty now. It’s late and night shift will be taking over.”
Joey stood, watching shift change on the bridge. He would walk with his Mum back to their quarters, curious to hear what the brass had left out of the database
She walked to the teleporter with her son, beaming them both back to her quarters.
When they arrived she looked at her son. “We are not the first to have the P.stellaviatori onboard or the spore drive. Discovery was the first.”
Lily Bede { RP/Parody } 💙💙🍄
Mar 24
Exhaling slowly, she still felt green around the gills. “They went into the future in 2259, and after that last jump no one was to ever speak of them again. It’s considered treason, yet they let Section 31 roam about unchecked or acknowledged,…”
… committing all sorts of abhorrent atrocities. They wear a black uniform that looks different from the brass or anyone onboard a ship, and their comm badges are black.”
Walking slowly to a small safe, she opened it and handed Joey a small information chip. “If anything should happen to us, take this and escalate it to the brass. It would be likely Section 31 related, and not the spore drive…”
Lily Bede { RP/Parody } 💙💙🍄
Mar 24
“… knowing them, they probably had something to do with what happened on Discovery. I can’t say for certain as this was a few years before we all joined Starfleet.”
That drive was loaded with all her evidence, and backed up elsewhere as well.
-Javi nodded in agreement to Joes plan, letting himself go limp-
He picked up Javi, holding him carefully and teleporting back to their quarters.
When he arrived he heard his wife and son discussing Discovery.
Javi closed his eyes when he heard his old homes name, images of the last battle flashing through his head. He hadn’t told Lilly and Joe about that battle. His colours spiked.
Lily walked over to them, hugging them both when she had seen Joe and Javi.
She looked to her son, who held a flash drive filled with evidence and looked as though the ship had fell on his head
“He shouldn’t take it to command” -Javi spoke through tears-
Joe looked to Javi and also his son.
Joey spoke, “Mum has kept a log of the occurrences onboard with evidence. She said to only take it to Command if anything should happen to you three.”
Gently she wipes Javi’s tears, “Hopefully nothing does happen, though we have enough evidence they can’t refute. Something needs to be done to rein in 31.”
“Not commands” -Javi repeats trying to make his voice firm- “it would need to go to boreth, and be told to be taken to the torchbearer. He would need to be told ‘Discovery wasn’t forgotten’. He would be in the best position to do something. Not command.”
She nodded, turning to Joey. “Do exactly as Javi just said, should anything happen to us.”
He nodded, walking to the sofa bed and gently laying Javi down.
Joey nodded, “Will do, Sir. There’s no records I can find in the database, and I’ve looked because of Mum having the spore drive.”
He walked to the replicator, getting a mug of tea…
for Javi and bringing it over with a straw.
She walked to the sofa bed and sat down next to Javi, her grey tabby running over and jumping up onto the bed and lying down next to Javi.
“There wouldn’t be any records. All records of discovery were distroyed shortly after its final jump. And all mention of it was classed as treason. The only person with full records from that ship is sitting right here” -looks at Joey- “I was part of the crew”
Joey nodded, “Since there’s no records, hardly anyone has mentioned Discovery at the office. I only found your records by your assignment here, but nothing previous. Now it makes sense.”
He went to sit next to his wife on the sofa bed with Javi. “Anyone up for a prawn and mushroom pizza or fish fingers? I’m sure it’s been awhile since any of us have eaten anything.”
She didn’t immediately answer Joe’s question, instead paying more attention to Javi and Joey’s conversation.
“Fish fingers please. Safe food” -Javi played with his shaking fingers watching as his tears hit them- “you won’t find a record of me, is according to starfleet I didn’t survive” -he didn’t look at his new parents not sure he wanted to see their reaction-
He nodded, placing a hand on Javi’s leg below the knee and holding his wife’s hand. The thought of Javi not surviving what happened wasn’t a pleasant thought.
Joey nodded, “They do have record of you here.”
Standing after a few minutes he walked to the replicator and he brought back a large basket of fish fingers for them to share.
She held Javi’s hand and blinked her eyes, though she knew the records were incomplete due to the wiping of all records of Discovery.
It took her a few minutes to realise Joe had left and returned with food.
-Javi looked at the food, his head pounding, making him feel dizzy, even as his fever made him shiver and sweat at the same time
She reached for a bottle of fever reducer tonic, handing to Javi. “Here, this should help.”
He sat down and his son followed him over, waiting to have a go at the basket of fish fingers.
-Javi reached for the tonic, his hands shaking rapidly as he tried to remove the top-
She reached over and helped take the cap off, handing him a straw and holding the bottle.
He was concerned about the fever that didn’t seem to be attempting to leave, and knew his wife was too.
-Javi sipped the fever reducer through the straw quickly before closing his eyes and leaning his head back-
She set the bottle on the table and looked at Joe and her son, it would be visible that she felt very worried.
He reached for her hand, and Joey nodded.
Joey spoke, “We could always stop at a space base, though med bay should be functional as a hospital. I’ve heard about the issues on board, and understand why you’ve cut back some of the crew.”
“You guys are projecting panicked purple. Calm down before I make you.” -it was an idle threat. Lily and Joe knew Javi wouldn’t use his abilities without permission unless someone was injured and needed help- “eat some fish sticks”
He held out the basket of fish sticks, hoping everyone would take some.
She picked up a fish stick from the basket, still holding Joe’s hand.
Javi picked up one nibbling on the end, wincing as his head throbbed, looking at Joey carefully-
As Joey ate one he looked around the room and at the ceiling. “Why are there mushrooms growing in here?”
He also looked up, “Hopefully they are just decorations…”
She picked up another fish stick, “Those are actual mushrooms, they’ve managed to grow beyond cultivation. Somehow we need to move them back.”
We also need to look at the EMH program. It nearly killed me yesterday.” -Javi said this quickly half hoping Joe doesn’t hear as he takes another fish stick-
He heard and turned to Javi, “It’s been decommissioned until we can sort through its code?”
Passing the basket of fish sticks to his son, he stood. “I’m going to visit engineering, maybe I’ll catch someone laughing about this…”
“… it won’t be so funny to be kicked off the ship.”
Joey looked at Javi, “May I ask what else has happened on board?”
She nodded, “It has, Javi did so immediately when he realised the software was compromised. Looks like we’re about to have a large court martial in the brig.”
Looking at Joey, “Doesn’t Starfleet have regulations against bigotry?”
Javi Reno
Mar 28
-Javi leaned his head against lilys shoulder and started ticking things off on his fingers “attempted freezing, attempted cyanide poisoning, attempted boiling, several beatings, messing with then EMH and replicators, stealing, rumours..”
Joey nodded. “I suggest we head back to Earth, offload the crew at Command and sift through them there. It might range from reassignment to being kicked out of Starfleet. That explains why Mum had been so grumpy.”
Joe nodded, “So far I’ve got six in the brig, and one I wanted to knock out though I know I shouldn’t.”
She wrapped her arm around Javi and gently rubbed his back, leaning her head against his. “I want those responsible caught, and off this ship. Their behaviour isn’t welcome here
-Javi’s eyes were unfocused unseeing outside of his head. Lost inside of memories of the finale battle on discovery, of the happy times before that. Of the fear he had felt since realising the crew here wasn’t as accepting-
-Javi’s eyes were unfocused unseeing outside of his head. Lost inside of memories of the finale battle on discovery, of the happy times before that. Of the fear he had felt since realising the crew here wasn’t as accepting-
She hugged Javi, feeling ashamed of how some of her crew had been behaving and couldn’t shake the feeling that she had failed to protect Javi and others vulnerable onboard.
Joey remained silent, almost wishing that his sister were here.
She would set traps and play pranks, it could help catch those responsible.
-forcefully pulls himself out of his thoughts looking around at everyone-“is someone going to explain why your son is suddenly here?Not being funny I wasnt expecting anyone transporting on and if I had felt a bit better in the bridge I might have shot first as question later”
Joey looked at Javi, “I had teleported on to bring the adoption papers from JAG. Everything had been approved.”
By this time Joe had already left to visit engineering.
She got up to get the paperwork, handing it to Javi so he could read through it.
-Javi glances at it before handing it back without comment looking uncomfortable-
She took the papers when he handed them back, looking at Javi. “Are you alright?” She asked
-blushes looking down- “my autism means I can’t read black and white”
She nodded and turned to Joey. “This document should be in our file, right? We could pull it up on the pad.”
Turning to Javi, “I apologise, I didn’t know.”
Joey nodded and got up to get the nearest pad, pulling up the document. “It should be there now as I’ve brought over the actual paper documents.”
He handed the pad to Javi.
Javi quickly altered the setting giving the screen a slightly blue tint and read through the documents- “Javier Reno-Bede?”
She nodded, “JAG added our name to yours, though I had told them to ask you first before doing that.”
“I hadn’t even known it was going ahead. I’d been led to believe…never mind” -changes the settings back to normal and hands it back to Joey- “thanks”
Looking at Javi she spoke softly, “We did discuss it first, and you told us you wanted us to go ahead with it. Otherwise we wouldn’t have, this isn’t something to be done without consent.”
She leaned forward and rested her head against her hands, feeling awful now and questioning herself again.
Joey took the pad, “You’re welcome.”
He began to scroll through it, looking for whom had been in the brig and why they were there.
Not you. I knew you and Joe wanted to. I meant when Jag messaged me about it.”
She nodded, “They should have messaged you or tried a video call the day after we submitted the petition.”
“They did. And oh look..” -pull his pad out and pulls up a message- “ ‘ Re:potential adult adoption of Javier Reno. Dear Mr Reno. I’m writing to inform you that their has been some serious doubts raised about your adoption. Starfleet has found it unwise to join two of our most politically influential officers to someone who has no connections or standing. Please understand we must do what is best for the federation and everyone involved…”
She read through it twice, still not believing what she had read. “They can kiss my /stipe/… We’re only considered that because I’m a rare alien and we have a temporal cruiser with a spore drive. Javi, we can appeal their decision…”
… and fight them on it, with your consent. They forget we all started at the bottom, onwards and upwards.”
Holding the pad she felt a mix of sadness and anger with JAG. “You’re still our son, too.”
Joey reached over to rub his Mum’s back, looking at Javi. “Mum will fight, only the stupid take her to court thinking they’ll win. So this means they had approved it then went back on it, I’ve never seen them do this before.”
“See this is why I was confused. Nothing to do with you and Joe. We now have. Paperwork saying you have adopted me, but I’d gotten this saying it probably wasn’t happening.”-leans his head on her shoulder-“the adoption papers are dated after the email. It might be fine”
She turned to hug Javi, “I’ll be ringing them tomorrow just to check that it is, because if not I’m appealing their decision.”
Joey brought the papers up on the pad again, looking at the date. “It’s a good idea to check that everything did go through, because that email sounded as though it wasn’t going to.”
-hugs close to lily- “we will sort it”
She hugged Javi back, “We will, and I can send the barrister back to Command on Conduit St to go through everything.”
“Sorry to cause so much trouble”
She continued to hug him, “Javi, you have not been any trouble. People beyond our control have been causing trouble, and none of this is your fault.”
Joey nodded, and turned when he seen his father return.
Joe leaned against the doorframe, talking to someone in a blue uniform. “Just keep me posted.”
Javi rubs a thumb over his collar bones before coughing again, his hands flicking in a stim in an attempt to self soothe
Joe listened as they spoke, nodding. “Call security first and then me if more mayhem ensues.”
He turned and walked back as the doors closed behind him and he sat down in a chair. “I thought we had the best…”
“… though it feels like Command sent us some of the best and the rest of whatever else had been lying around.”
Currently he was resting his hand against his hands.
She hugged Javi, gently rubbing his back and listened as Joe spoke. “I take it you’ve collected more rubbish for the bin.”
Now she was almost afraid to ask what happened while he was gone.
Javi closed his eyes resting his head against lily, listening to the conversation going on around him, letting his brain catalogue things incase they were needed-
Joey stood up, looking at everyone. “Anyone got a spare engineering or science uniform lying around?”
Looking at his Mum he sighed, “They won’t mistake me for Dad, my eyes are a different colour and I’m shorter.”
Joe looked up and motioned to the bedroom, “I’ve got an engineering one, though it won’t fit you properly.”
He exhaled harshly, “We’d caught someone vandalising the ship, one of the maintenance corridors between mycology and engineering…”
“… the one you tossed in the brig had come to tell me about the vandalism, probably thinking it would be a “get out of the brig” pass. That was our new mycologist, Kay. She’s terrified because of the others causing mayhem.”
Joey returned from his parents bedroom in the uniform that hung on him. “How should I identify myself to them when asked?”
He was an accountant, now pretending to be an ensign.
While hugging Javi she looked at Joey and nodded, wondering what exactly he had in mind.
Listening as Joe spoke she gently held Javi a bit tighter, continuing to rub his back.
She nodded, “I’m happy Kay got her mycology degree and joined Starfleet, and understand why she’s frightened. She came out to us years ago. It’s bad enough these cunts already have one target.”
Reaching for the pad, she hoped to find evidence of the vandalism and maybe even cctv of it being done.
Finding what she had been looking for she cringed.
Answering Joey, “Use my maiden name, say you’re Joseph Noble, Ensign. I only hope you don’t have to talk to any of them. Check on Kay in mycology, make sure she’s alright.”
-Javi uncliped something from round his neck and held it out without opening his eyes- “Joey wear this. It will mask your bio signiture incase someone decides to get nosy. Also acts as a secondary communicator.”
Joey reached for it and put it on, making sure it wasn’t visible but underneath the uniform shirt. “Thank you. I hope to return in an hour.”
Joe looked to his wife, smiling. “That he gets from you.”
She continued to hug Javi and nodded at Joey.
She smiled at Joe, “You recently coloured your hair and did the exact same thing.”
-Javi just shook his head slightly and snuggled against Lily wincing as his head pounded. The he remembered something and pulled up one of his sleeves slightly to show his forearm and the new port fitted into it- “their done”
She looked at the port and smiled, “Well done, I know you fitted them yourself due to EMH being decommissioned.”
Joe also smiled, “At least now the spore jumps will be easier for you.”
Joey had left the room, taking the lift to mycology before going to engineering.
“Possibly wasn’t the best idea to do it whilst I had a fever and infection but wanted to get it done incase we needed to jump somewhere in a hurry.” - he pulls he sleeve back down looking self conscious-
She nodded, “I’ll agree, and hopefully we won’t need to do a spore jump while you’re still recovering.”
He smiled, nodding. “Agreed. Hopefully Joey don’t find more mayhem tonight.”
“Can I have a drink please?” -Javi’s voice was braking and cracking-
“Of course. What would you like?” She asked, before getting up and walking to the replicator.
Vanilla milkshake. Trying to get my throat to stop stinging a bit.”
While at the replicator she asked it for a vanilla milkshake, testing it first with a spoon to make sure the replicator didn’t do something odd.
She returned to the sofa bed and held the glass for Javi.
-sips the milkshake, sighing happily- “that hits the spot. Don’t know why I didn’t think of it sooner.” -drink more slower-
She nodded, “It does help a lot with a sore throat.”
He looked at Javi, “How are you feeling?”
Hearing a noise in the corridor he stood, walking to the doors and opening them to look out into the corridor.
-stiffens at the noise, looking towards the door, hands clenched into fists-
She reached for both her cane and her sonic screwdriver, no one was going to be allowed in her quarters that was bent on causing harm and mayhem.
When he seen his son and Kay in the corridor, he motioned for them both to come inside and he quickly closed the doors behind them. “What happened?” He asked.
Joey looked from Kay to his Dad, sighing. “I’d heard them talking about Kay, and went to find her in mycology. One of the arseholes had been leering at her, making rude comments, red uniform. That was him in the hallway.”
He nodded and tapped his comm, “Security, take them to the brig. Disturbance on our floor, in the corridor.”
The creep could be heard pounding on the door, still making comments. All was quiet again within 15 minutes, after security had cleared the corridor.
-Javi forced himself upright, starting to untangle his drip so he could remove it- “fuck. Knew I should have dealt with him earlier. 2 written warning and being confined to his cabin and he still causes havoc.”
She placed her hand on Javi’s, looking at him. “Security grabbed him, he’s gone. He’ll rejoin his mates in the brig.”
Kay spoke, her voice shaking as she reached for Joey’s hand.
“I’d been looking forward to coming here, considering yours is the only ship with mushrooms. Joey came to check on me and he’d let himself into mycology and started harassing me there…”
“… It takes me time to develop feelings for someone and there’s no attraction to them without that connection. I wasn’t going to take the time to explain that trying to turn down that disgusting creep.”
She gently squeezed Joey’s hand.
She nodded and smiled. “I understand, and we’ve been trying to clear the ship of the rubbish ever since we left the Salford Spacedocks. My apologies you had to meet a creep your first day here.”
0 notes
javi-reno · 1 year
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Read photos first
JB: He picked up the glass and stood up, walking to the kitchen.
When he returned he had a new glass of water with a straw and held onto it for when Javi was ready.
JR: -he let himself cry for a few minuets before pulling back blushing, tears still dripping down his face as he looked between them- “sorry about that” -he leaned forward to sip through the straw in an attempt to hide how badly he was shaking-
LB: Gently she wiped away the tears, “You’ve done nothing wrong
JB: He nodded, noticing the shaking as he held the glass of water. He thought it was caused by what his mind had forced him to see again.
JR: “Wasn’t we meant to be having food? And is there any way of dimming the lights a bit? I seem to be a bit light sensitive.” -he squinted his eyes as his head throbbed, feeling overwhelmed.-
JB: He nodded, their plates had been on the table by the bed.
“Computer, dim the lights.” He reached for a plate and set it closer for Javi.
LB: While Joe sorted the lights and food, she began to think about what she had seen and how possibly to handle it though at the moment she didn’t have a solution.
JR: “That cage in the middle of the prision. It contains most of my abilities as well as most of my autism symptoms. They wanted to harness my abilities and when they couldn’t they decided to contain them and make me seem normal. That powers the rest of that place”
LB: She nodded, “When they couldn’t force you to be what they wanted, they tried to control you still another way and change you. There has to be a way through the chains they put up.”
JB: He went to the replicator for tea, returning and sitting on the side of the bed. “We need to sort this before we attempt anything, as we don’t want to cause additional harm trying to undo what Section 31 already did.”
“Do you want it undone though? It means my autism will be… more obvious. I’m talking twitches, more sensory issues, me going nonverbal more often. I know my abilities will be stronger and I’ll be more stable but is it worth the pay off?”-he hands nearly knocks off the food-
LB: She looked at Javi, “I want what is best for you, and would not do anything without your prior consent. I don’t want to do any harm, Section 31 has done plenty when they had you with them.”
JB: He nodded, quickly moving to ensure the plate didn’t fall.
One of their cats came around to sniff the air, meowing at the smell of fried fish.
JR: “Damn it” -Javi struggled to his feet, nearly falling before stumbling towards the fresher room “excuse me a moment”
LB: She moved aside, noticing when he stumbled. “Do you want help walking to the loo?”
JB: He remained where he was, though would get up to help if he were asked for.
JR: “I’m fine. Just need some air..” -he entered the fresher and let the door slid shut behind him, letting himself slid to the floor just after-
LB: She nodded, remaining sat where she was and resting her head against his Joe’s shoulder.
JB: He set the plate on the bedside table, covering it again and wrapping his arm around his wife’s waist.
JR: The ESR walked up to them and beeped before it’s screen flickered on. It’s showed an engine room, Javi and a older woman with short hair we’re leaning over a robot. Javi had on ear defenders and was chewing on something. “Did stamets tell you I was in engineering earlier?” Javi knocked on the table once “I was winding him up something fierce about rerouting power away from his mushrooms. His face was so red and he was getting more and more snarky” Javi tapped twice and gave the woman a look “oh don’t look at me like that little brother. I know you like the man but he is such a..” suddenly the robot before them sprung to life. The woman turned to Javi hugging him hard “told ya you could do it you numskull let’s go tell the Captain”
The screen cleared before another appeared, Javi was laying amoung mushrooms much more mature then the ones in the London cultivation bay, he was watching at stars and galaxies where projected on the ceiling whilst playing with a fidget toy in his hands.
“Here Paul.”
Javi’s voice was different in tone. His words were more drawn out like he had to think about them more. A blond man appeared and sat next to him, also looking at the ceiling.
“I heard what happened. You know being neodivergent doesn’t make any difference to your work here right? Me, Jet, Hugh, the others. We don’t care if you don’t like parties or flashing lights. I don’t even go to those events and don’t blame you for having an overload.”
Javi shrugged clearly upset
“The amabassidor who tried to restrain you and prevent you leaving is being reprimanded and escorted of the ship. Your safe here.” -the man pulled Javi into a hug and they both laid back to watch the patterns again-
LB: She held Joe’s hand while watching the screen, and she agreed with the blonde bloke she had never met previously.
JB: He remained at her side and gently squeezed her hand, watching the screen.
JR: -the screen when blank and the ESR went to the fresher door and bleeped. On the other side Javi lent against a wall, breathing hard, mumbling to himself-
LB: She stood up and followed ESR, knocking on the door. “Javi, are you alright?”
JR: “I’m sitting on the floor and can’t get up”
JB: He got up and walked to the loo, opening the door.
Bending down, he picked up Javi.
JR: -wraps his arms round Joes neck leaning his head on his chest, silently letting tears fall-
JB: He held Javi and walked back to the bed, sitting down.
LB: She hadn’t moved from where she had been, and rested her head against Joe’s shoulder while he held Javi.
JR: “Do you want me to move?” -Javi wondered if he was making Joe uncomfortable, sitting cuddled in his lap, and offered to move even as one of his hands clutched his top tighter-
JB: “No, you’re alright. I thought you needed a hug after what you had showed us earlier.” He hasn’t moved from where he was. “Are you alright?”
JR: “Not really” he didn’t see the point in lying
JB: He listened as Javi spoke, “We’ll get through this together.”
LB: She still rested her head on Joe’s shoulder and gently rubbed Javi’s shoulders.
0 notes
javi-reno · 1 year
JR: Javi stood on his step stool reaching to hand the last strand of fairy lights, through the grate nearby he could just see down into cultivation, the mushrooms proving their blue light. Th ESR bleeped once causing him to startle and wooble alarmingly before falling, his ankle mmediately throbbing. The ESR beeped loudly before disappearing with a skid. “ESR don’t…” to late, the little bot was gone.
LB: Lily slowly walked into cultivation, holding her mushroom shaped hot water bottle over her midsection.
As she walked to the replicator for a cup of red raspberry leaf tea, something didn’t seem right.
She wasn’t sure why she felt off, just something wasn’t right.
Tapping her communications device, “
, I need help in cultivation.”
JB: He had been sat on the bridge, just watching the stars as they drifted through space.
“On my way.” He got up and walked to the teleporter, sending himself to cultivation.
JR: -the ESR entered cultivation and beeped happily at seeing lily. Javi who could just here it’s beeping from where he was inside the Jeffers tube swore loudly.-
LB: he smiled when she seen ESR, and looked up when she heard the swear.
Hopefully Joe would be arriving soon,
though she would attempt to climb to where she heard the swear
come from.
JB: He walked into cultivation, seeing his wife and ESR. Walking to them he looked between them both. “Is everything alright?” He asked.
Following where his wife had been looking, he called out “Javi? Are you alright?”
JR: Javi glares at his ankle “I’m not here. It’s a ghost” he covered his face as he heard ESR beep in what could only be described as laughter
LB: She sighed and looked at Joe, “I’ll need you to climb up there. Sodding knee.”
Looking to ESR, “Laughing when someone is injured is poor manners.”
JR: -the ESR bleeped and flashes up and map of the ship and shows the easiest way to use the maintenance shafts to get to Javi as there is no access from cultivation-
LB: She reached for Joe’s hand, gently bringing him back to look at ESR’s screen. “He’s our chief engineer, here’s a map of the ship. Mind how you go, don’t get yourself hurt too.”
JB: He came back when he felt his wife reach for his hand, looking at her and then ESR’s screen. Laughing softly, “Remember my old Christmas prank with the lights on the house? I promise, I’ll be fine.”
Motioning for ESR to follow, he walked around looking for the entrance to the maintance shafts.
JR: -Javi watched them through ESR’s camera feed and wondered what they were doing.He then pulled up the map the ESR had shown them and realised it had shown them the maintenance maps and no the easy route.Moving with a swear,he laid on his back and hit his comm “Javi to lily”
LB: She tapped her comm, “We’re following the map ESR gave us, though Joe will have to do the climbing. My knee is buggered.”
JB: He also tapped his comm, “We’ve got a map for maintenance routes from ESR, sorting out the entrance now as I’ve never been in here previously.”
JR: “ESR gave you a maintenance map. He has gotten a taste for pratical jokes lately. Take the turbo lift up 1 floor,turn left on exit, 4th door along takes you into a maintence corridor.Take the first right, right, left, you come to a door with a key pad. Code 8821664. I’m in there”
LB: She nodded, walking to the turbo lift and pressing the button. “As long as he doesn’t prank us often or with something potentially serious, I think we’ll manage.”
The doors to the lift opened and she walked inside.
JB: He laughed, “As long as there’s no banana peels on the floors, or ear zaps I’ll be alright.”
They went up one floor and began to walk down the maintenance corridor.
JR: “His programming won’t let him do it in a true emergency. And strictly speaking he told you how to get to me, he just told you the long way. Though I told him not to tell you where I was..”
LB: She exhaled slowly, “That explains the long way around. Anytime you need us, don’t hesitate to call for us or send ESR.”
JB: He held her hand as they walked through the corridors, arriving at the fourth door and he entered the pin.
Opening the door he held his for his wife and walked inside after her.
JR: -Javi looked up from where he was leaning against his giant pet bed poking at his ankle- “Hey, welcome to my den”
LB: She looked at Javi with concern, immediately walking over to him. “Thank you. It looks nice here, also hidden away. Are you alright?”
JB: He followed her over and kneel down next to Javi, helping him get situated. “Do you have a medical kit here? We’ll need to wrap your ankle and put some ice on it.”
JR: “In the trunk closest to the vent” -Javi said to Joe before looking at lily- “I’m fine, over balanced on the stepping stool putting up some fairy lights. The curse of being 4ft 11.”
LB: She smiled, “I do like the lights. You could have called for Joe, he’s 6ft 1. I’m 5ft 4, a little prawn.”
JB: He walked to the trunk and opened it, taking out the medical kit and sitting next to Javi.
Laughing softly he looked at his wife, smiling. “You’re not a prawn.”
JR: “I don’t want to keep bothering you. You have more important things to do then run after your engineer” -Javi looks down at the string of fairy lights he is playing with in his hands-
LB: She looked at him, “Javi, we see you as more than just our engineer. You’re like a son to us. He’s my First Officer, capable of running things if I’m not on bridge or if I’m poorly.”
JB: He nodded in agreement, “Don’t hesitate to call for us.”
Opening the medical kit he found the elastic bandage and removed Javi’s boot so he could wrap his ankle.
JR: “Family..” -Javi looked a bit confused and stunned and just sat there as Joe tended him-
LB: She nodded, “Yes, wherever we are be it in space or on a planet you’re our family.”
JB: He looked up after he finished wrapping Javi’s ankle, “Is there a replicator around here? We’ll need some ice.”
JR: “Instant ice packs are in the trunk” -looks at lily confused- “people like me don’t get family. I was lucky on discovery but that was before my ability’s and section 31”
LB: She looked at him and reached for his hand, “You have us now, and Section 31 would have to cross the rivers across all nine circles of Hell before they have any chance of trying it again.”
She looked away for a moment and closed her eyes, “I thought the same, until Joe. I think I’ve been lucky a few times.”
While he told her what happened with Section 31, there were things she still had kept to herself.
JB: He got up to get the ice packs, returning with them and placing them on Javi’s ankle. “There’s always light, even in the dark.”
JR: “Well in this case it’s fairy lights. It was the only idea I had for lights up here”
LB: She smiled, “I like them, noticed they are little mushrooms.”
JB: He looked between Javi and his wife, “I know we’ll be getting some soon, she collects mushrooms. She’s still got the ancient orange alabaster mushroom in our quarters.”
That little stone mushroom had travelled quite a bit.
JR: “If you look closely on the grate over there, some of the spores from the cultivation bay have germinated and have started to grow. This isn’t exactly the most luxiourious place, there isn’t a replicator or washroom but it’s cozy.”
0 notes
javi-reno · 1 year
JR: The ESR dashes round the ship looking for either Lily or Joe. It knows Javi will be mad when he realises it’s gone but right now it was following its primary programming.
JB: The lights had flickered on the bridge, and he had left to check cultivation.
He knew his wife had been feeling poorly, and thought he might find her in the hammock between two mushrooms.
LB: She had been curled up in the hammock, under her duvet with a hot water bottle and a cup of red raspberry leaf tea.
The lights also flickered in cultivation.
JR: -the ESR stopped outside the cultivation bay doors and beeped at them to open only to be denied access, he beeped again to the same result. He beeped more angrily, getting more angry each time he was denied access-
LB: She heard the beeping and looked at Joe, then spoke aloud. “Computer, open the cultivation bay doors.”
The doors didn’t immediately open.
JB: He sighed, shaking his head. “I think we’re under attack.”
Walking to the doors he used her screwdriver to force them open.
JR: -the ESR damaged in flashing several rather crude emojis and beeping in a way that could only be discribed as rude swearing-
JB: He nodded, seeing the emoji swearing. “Describes how I feel.”
LB: Slowly she got up from the hammock, and walked over to Joe and ESR.
Holding the water bottle over her midsection, she looked at ESR. “Where is Javi? Is he alright?” She asked.
JR: the ESR started swear again flashing some new emoji
LB: She nodded, remembering what had happened previously. “Lead the way, ESR.”
JB: Once they had walked out of cultivation, he turned to close the doors again with her screwdriver.
The lights flickered again in the corridor.
JR: -the ESA bleeped and started moving swiftly but quietly down the corridors heading towards the communal bath on the other side of the deck-
JB: He reached for his wife’s hand and walked at her side following ESR.
LB: She walked at a normal pace though she felt poorly, her concern for Javi making her try to walk a bit faster than she was.
JR: -the ESR stopped for a second and offered Lily a sweet. ‘No ginger’ flashed on his screen’
LB: She smiled and accepted the sweet, “Thank you.”
While they continued to walk down the corridor, she noticed the lights flickered again. “Computer, engage security and lockdown.”
JB: He also smiled, though he remembered the last time she managed to get ginger drunk inadvertently - though now that had been centuries ago.
A distraction from whatever had been causing mayhem for a few moments.
JR: -the ESR stopped outside the communal bathroom door and beeped-
LB: She pushed on the doors, they didn’t budge. “Computer, open the doors.” Nothing, and the lights kept flickering every few minutes.
JB: He still had her screwdriver, and again used it to force open the doors.
Walking inside he looked around for Javi. “Javi?”
JR: -the room was filled with extremely hot steam. The centre of the room was filled with a pool sized bath. Near one side was a towel, and what could only be Javi’s boots and chain collar.
LB: She walked over the pool sized bath, blinking her eyes due to the steam.
When she seen his boots and chain she decided to walk into the pool.
JB: He walked around to the deeper end of the pool and dove in.
JR: -it immediately started scolding their skin, the temperature only slightly below what could be survivalable for a human. Javi was floating just below the surface towards the centre of the pool, his baggy T-shirt floating around him, his nose ocassioanly coming out of the pool, his visible skin bright red and blistering in places.-
JB: When he surfaced, he swore in Gallifreyan. It felt like he had dove into a river in Hell.
He swam toward Javi, and brought him back to the side of the pool. Gently he lay him on the tiles after he had gotten out of the pool.
LB: Her body temperature was a few degrees cooler than an average human temperature, though she could tell the water was scalding.
She followed Joe and Javi, kneeling down next to him.
JR: -Javi was breathing but it was only just and extremely shallow, more blisters appearing as they looked.He would also have heat stroke. The ESR rolled up and started beeping rapidly,pushing a oxygen mask out of his carry cupboard,a oxygen line attached,already blowing out cool o2-
LB: She scanned him with her screwdriver, and could tell he had heat stroke.
When he was stable they would move him to their quarters.
JB: He remained nearby, observing ESR and Javi. Hopefully they could move him from this room soon.
JR: -the ESR bleeped. An emoji on its screen
. It had done all it could do-
JB: He nodded and bent down, gently picking up Javi. “We’ll go back to our quarters.”
LB: She stood and picked up Javi’s things, ready to follow Joe and ESR.
Something dodgy was happening onboard, what was truly behind it now she wasn’t exactly sure.
JR: -the view screen in the room flickered before showing a message. ‘We will come for you one day. You have something we want” -before going blank-
LB: She looked at the screen and while it wasn’t very polite, flipped them off.
JB: He held Javi and glared at the screen, “Like hell you are.”
Turning to his wife, “At least now we know what we’re up against, those arseholes.”
JR: Javi whimpers very slightly from under his oxygen mask-
LB: She stands next to Joe, and reaches to hold Javi’s hand. “You’re safe and with us. ESR is here too.”
JB: While he held Javi he looked at his wife with concern. “We should be headed back to our quarters, call EMH.”
JR: -Javi’s head lolled, his unsteady breathing and very occasional whimper the only sign of life-
JB: He held Javi and walked carefully out of the room and into the corridor.
The lights were steady and he walked to the lift. The doors opened and he walked inside.
LB: She followed onto the lift, concerned for Javi and also trying to sort out a plan for how they would deal with their other issues onboard.
JR: -the ESR stayed close, maintaining Javi’s o2 levels through the oxygen line and mask-
JB: The lift ride to their quarters was slower than he would have liked, and he kept watching the screen of the ESR.
They arrived on the top deck of the saucer, walking off the lift and down the corridor.
LB: She felt exhausted now, though by sheer force of will kept herself going.
JR: -the ESR kept level with them, through he beeped once at lily and offered a vile with his new telescope hand that Javi had fitted the night before ‘lily painkiller Javi approved’ it’s said on the screen-
LB: She smiled and nodded, taking the vial. “Thank you.”
Javi must have added settings for her as well, and she was appreciative.
JB: At the doors to their quarters he spoke, “Computer, open our doors.”
When the doors open he sighed and walked inside, going to the bedroom and gently laying Javi on their bed.
JR: Javi let out a whine as he touched the bed, he ruby red skin raw and oozing in places, blistered in others, his clothes stuck to him. His eyes fluttered as he thought his way back to consciousness-
LB: Rather than call EMH, she was busy getting supplies from Javi’s medical kit that was in their quarters.
Looking to ESR, “Do you have burn cream, one he isn’t allergic to?”
JB: He also looked in the box, taking out a flask of the pain reliever and bringing over to Javi.
Sitting on the side of the bed, he offered the open flask.
JR: -The ESR seemed to think for a minute before information popped up on the screen. “Cool sterile damp cloths over burns, change regularly, once the heat has disappeared, treat with petroleum jelly and dressings”-
LB: She nodded, getting up to get cloths to dampen and bring back for Javi.
Joe no longer looked like a cooked lobster, though he did earlier after getting out of the water.
JB: He put the lid back on the pain reliever and got up to help his wife, following ESR’s guidelines.
JR: -Javi whimpered slightly, his eyes opened the tinest bit. -
LB: She began to place the damp cloths on Javi, looking at him still feeling concerned.
JB: He sat on the edge of the bed again, picking up the pad and deciding to run a systems check.
JR: “Lily, Joe?” Javi’s voice was only just above a whispered murmur, barely audible above the O2 mask-
LB: Lily looked at Javi, “We’re here, and he’s having a look to see if he can sort out what happened.”
JB: He set the pad aside for a moment, looking at Javi. “I’ve got the flask of pain reliever here, whenever you’re ready.”
0 notes
javi-reno · 1 year
JR: Javi sat outside his quarters rocking himself, banging his back against the wall, counting under his breath. He knew the ESR had gone to find either Lilly or Joe even though he has said not to. It was his Job after all. He had made the mistake of returning to his quarters to See what needed to be done to make them habitual again and has instantly gotten overwhelmed. Everything was damaged by cold and smelled a bit like a cold graveyard. He had backed out quickly but knew it was to late to prevent the overload which was coming
LB: Lily heard the beeping from the ESR, and got up to follow them back to wherever Javi was at the time. She found him outside his quarters, and immediately sat next to him on the floor. She looked at Javi, and projected calm vibes. “Are you alright? I know it’s a massive clean up, and we’ll get through it. You’re also welcome to stay in our quarters until it’s been sorted.”
JR: Javi just let out a whine from between his teeth, slapping his hand on his thighs as he rocked. Part of his mind reminded him that Lily hadn’t see him have a meltdown before and wouldn’t know what was going on. That she didn’t know that he wouldn’t be able to talk
LB: She truly didn’t know what was happening, nor did she know how to help. While still projecting calm, she looked at the ESR for guidance.
JR: the ESR bleeped at her before nudging at Javi’s bag. Inside was Javi’s padd, a sketch boot and a small drawstring bag. It bleeped again and showed a computer emoji
LB: She nodded and reached for Javi’s bag, bringing out the pad and other items; setting them next to Javi.
JR: the ESR beeped and the Pad screen lit up. A folder called autism was on the screen, partially filled with colourful slides. It looked like Javi had been making it for lily
LB: Lily sat silently and read through the slides on Javi’s pad, reading slowly and being silent. She knew he must have seen his quarters and it was overwhelming. Turning to Javi, she asked, “Would you like to go to the cultivation bay?…” She continued to project calm, as she had done when he was in med bay.
JR: Javi looked at her, unable to make any decisions, words just going straight over his head. The lights in the corridor were too bright and he could here them humming. He could here the whole ship humming
LB: She spoke softly, “Computer, dim the lights and muffle the sound.” Immediately she noticed the lights dim and the ship sounded a bit quieter. There had been no judgement that he didn’t answer her, and she sat next to him silently.
JR: Javi wanted pressure and to curl up but the corridor wasn’t the place for it, but words still weren’t possible and he couldn’t work out how to communicate with Lilly. He rocked harder into the wall
LB: She looked at Javi again and spoke softly, “Would you like a hug?” She remembered what she had read, and thought it a good question to ask.
JR: Javi leaned into her instead of answering, clicking with his tongue
LB: She wrapped her arms around him and held him, still projecting calm.
JR: Javi takes her hands and try’s to pull her arms tighter round him. When in this state, the firmer the pressure the better, to light of a touch would send him into an even bigger spiral
LB: She followed his lead and hugged him as tightly as she could, while hopefully not restricting his ability to breathe.
JR: Javi’s hands were shaking like a leaf, another side effect of a meltdown. He spotted his padd and grabbed at it frantically being up a program. Tapping it, it started to speak- “Need quiet, pressure, soft.”
LB: She noticed his hands shaking and she listened to the program on the pad as it played. She remained where she was, silent and hugged Javi tightly.
JR: -Javi tapped again- “people will come. They will see. Need to hide.”
LB: She listened and spoke softly again, “Computer, open the doors to my quarters.” The doors opened, and she waited without making any sudden movements.
JR: -Javi flinched at the sudden noise of the doors, slamming his hands over his ears-
LB: She remained silent and sat there hugging Javi.
JR: -the pad spoke again ‘cuddle pile somewhere softer? Yours?’
LB: She nodded, “Yes, my quarters are open.” She made no sudden movement and answered the questions the pad had spoken.
JR: ‘Help. Legs not co-operating’ -Javi bit his own hand letting out a loud whine in annoyance-
LB: She gently tried to help Javi to stand, though she didn’t want to interfere with his ability to decide for himself what he wanted to do.
JR: -Javi tried to help, his legs shaking as much as his hands. He wanted to get somewhere safe he could curl up warm, everything was screaming at him to get into lilys quaters, that it’s safe in there, but his body wasn’t co-operating-
LB: She slowly attempts to stand while trying to help Javi stand as well.
JR: -Javi is up right but unsure about how to get any further-
LB: She smiled at Javi, and began to walk slowly one step at a time toward her now open quarters.
JR: -Javi closes his eyes, clicking his tongue, letting lily lead. It was easier to balance if he muted one of his other senses/
LB: She walked slowly, one step at a time until they reached the sofa in her quarters. The living room was dimly lit, the stars shining outside in space. Her two cats had been having a nap in a hammock attached to the window. Her pillows and mushroom duvet were on the sofa, as well as a mushroom stuffie. She sat down slowly, hugging Javi tightly when they did. Hopefully ESR had followed and didn’t remain in the hallway, her focus was on Javi.
JR: -Javi moved himself so he was curled round lily, his head in her lap, face hidden in her stomach. He would move if she wanted him to and held himself stiffly waiting for her approval-
LB: She reached for the blanket and wrapped it around Javi, gently rubbing his back. The cats continued their nap, not making a sound.
JR: -Javi let tears fall as whining started in his throat. He let himself fall apart properly knowing he was safe-
LB: She kept holding Javi, gently rubbing his back and singing an old Gallifreyan lullaby that she used to sing to her children.
JR: -it seemed to take forever for the wave of overwhelming feeling to past and for Javi to stop crying. His head was pounding and everything was still to much but he felt slightly more in control-
LB: She remained sat where she was, making no attempt to get up though she wanted to offer Javi some tea.
JR: -Javi looked up at lily, his face white and tremors occasionally running through his body- “Hi” -he wasn’t fully verbal yet but one word answers he could do-
LB: She smiled, continuing to gently rub his back and kept the blanket wrapped around him. “Hello.” Thinking about the tea again, she decided to ask. “Would you like some tea? It can wait if you’re not ready.”
JR: -Javi thought for a moment- “Jasmine” -his go to post meltdown tea-
LB: Looking at Javi she spoke softly, “I’m going to get up to get the tea, and I’ll be right back.” She still made no sudden movement, waiting a moment before trying to stand and leave the sofa.
JR: -Javi still flinched at the loss of contact but nodded. He hadn’t had a meltdown like this for sometime-
LB: She hugged him before she left to walk to the replicator, bringing back two mugs of tea and handing him his before she sat down next to him again.
JR: -Javi’s hands shock round the cup and he looked at lily quickly- “help”
LB: She nodded, her mug already set aside on the end table. Gently she held his hands while he held the cup.
JR: -he looks from the cup to lily- “sorry” -he swollows hard- “useless” -he half wants to run and hide in a Jeffers tube but knows his legs won’t let him-
LB: She looked at Javi, “It’s alright, and you are not useless.” She wasn’t sure if was an aftershock of what happened nor why he thought that of himself when he had thought ahead and provided her instructions to help him.
JR: -Javi could feel himself spiralling. He couldn’t hold a cup or speak more then one word at a time. He was making his friend baby him when she should@be spending time with Joe-
LB: She felt her hearts breaking, and tried to be what Javi needed at that time. She continued to help hold the cup, holding his hands. Joe was on the bridge, she knew everything would be alright.
JR: -Javi knew drinking straight out the cup wasn’t going to work. The ESR carried silicon drink straws but he was currently MIA. He looked at lily- “straw?”
LB: She nodded and would stand up in a moment. “I do keep some in the kitchen. I’ll be right back.” Looking around she noticed the ESR wasn’t in the room with them.
This was concerning, because it was usually close.
JR: -Javi pressed the pendent round his neck. It was a call button for the ESR. It wasn’t responding. He flapped his hands waiting for lily to return-
LB: She quickly walked to the kitchen and retrieved a straw, placing it in Javi’s cup for him. The ESR not being there also had her alarmed, and she looked at Javi. “I’m going to check the corridor for ESR.” Again she waited before getting up again.
JR: -Javi again clicked the button. If ESR was within 250 meters he would have responded-
LB: She stood and walked to the doors of her quarters, looking around. The last place she had seen ESR and she was concerned because it hadn’t responded to Javi’s call.
JR: -Javi could feel himself starting to panic but tried not to let it rise. Maybe the ESR had thought they needed extra support and gone looking for joe.-
LB: She tapped her communication badge, @Joseph_Bede “Have you seen ESR recently?” While waiting for him to reply she held her breath.
JR: -Javi wrapped the blanket more tightly round himself and laid curled into a ball on the sofa, still seeking pressure-
LB: She returned to the sofa, sitting on the floor and hugging Javi.
JR: -Javi moves himself enough so his head is off the sofa and resting on lilys shoulder-
LB: She gently rubbed his arm, beginning to sing softly to him like she did earlier.
JB: While he had been on the bridge he heard a beeping, and turned to have a look. Knowing this was important he stood up to leave the bridge. He would use the teleporter, first checking the cultivation bay before checking their quarters.
JR: -Javi closed his eyes, abstantly biting at his thumb, his body still shaking randomly, half dozing-
LB: She continued to hug him and sing to him, keeping the blanket securely wrapped around him.
JR: -even in his half awake state Javi was wondering were ESR was-
JB: He walked into his quarters, immediately walking over and sitting on the floor next to his wife and where Javi could see him. “Are you alright?”
JR: -looks at Joe and shakes his head. Without removing his hand from his mouth he touches the calling pendant round his neck again to no effect-
JR: -looks at Joe and shakes his head. Without removing his hand from his mouth he touches the calling pendant round his neck again to no effect-
JB: He nodded, looking between Javi and his wife while remaining sat on the floor.
LB: She remained where she was, still hugging Javi and resting her head against Joseph’s shoulder.
JR: -Javi hadn’t noticed he had drawn blood where he was chewing at his thumb, his eyes unfocused, stil shuddering at random intervals. Beeping was heard from near by-
LB: She continued to hug Javi while resting her head against Joseph’s shoulder, and she heard the beeping which she hoped was ESR.
JB: He held his wife and rubbed her back, unsure of what he could do for Javi at the moment.
JR: -The beeping got louder and the little robot skidded into view. He was filthy and leaving dirty marks wherever he want but he skidded straight up to Lilly and opened his compartment. Stuffed tightly inside was something fluffy and blue-
LB: She turned to look at the robot, taking out the stuffie and setting it on Javi’s midsection. “What happened?” She asked ESR.
JB: He closed his eyes for a moment, thinking that the room could be sorted later.
JR: -Javi eyes cleared slightly as he grasps the stuffy and hugs it tight to his chest and uses the odd to talk- “this was in my room, hidden, he must have gone through the air ducks to get in and find it”
LB: She listened and hugged Javi, “That explains where he went.” Again she turned to ESR, “Were you able to take photos of his quarters while you were there?”
JB: He sighed, thinking of the upcoming court martial.
JR: -The ESR bleeped and Javi’s padd lit up with pictures causing him to drop it and scramble away-
LB: She reached for the pad that had been dropped and passed it to Joseph, more focused on Javi then the pad. He could sort it.
JB: He smiled, watching his wife and trying to keep his mind out of the rubbish bins. When he had the pad he stood up and began to scroll through the photos. He was livid though he knew to let JAG sort it, they had evidence past his ears hopefully.
JR: -Javi curled into himself. His dinosaur trapped against his body, his arms wrapped around his legs, trying to provide as much pressure as possible as he rocked. He couldn’t get the images out of his head. The cold damage was terrible but it was obvious someone had been in there again and just trashed the place, it was 10 times worse then when he had done it. His art work destroyed, the slurs rewritten on the walls-
JB: He glanced from the pad to Javi and his wife, and scrolled through the images again. He was livid when he seen the art destroyed and the slurs especially enraged him. Shaking his head he swore in Gallifreyan.
LB: She continued to hug Javi, and blinked back tears as she seen the images due to the bond she and Joseph shared.
JR: -Javi had gone mostly numb which was possibly a good thing with the waves of colours coming from being touched by lily. His mind was slow, like walking through thick fog, and everything seemed far away-
LB: She was hurt by seeing the destroyed art and the slurs, humanity hadn’t evolved any though she hoped by now they would have. Now she only focused on Javi, trying to be comforting and soothing.
JB: He sent copies of the photos to his pad, and set it down on the table. Rather than walking back over he sat down in his chair for a few moments, trying to calm himself down.
JR: -Javi looked up suddenly his face covered in silent tears but his voice a monotone- “you should both stay away. I’m obviously a danger to everyone.” -the ESR immediately started beeping and showing angry emojis, obviously trying to tell Javi what it thought of that idea-
LB: She looked at Javi, “No, we won’t say away unless that is what you want. The ones who are responsible for this, are the danger to everyone.” She continued to hug him, feeling as though she had failed him.
JB: He looked at Javi and also his wife, hearing the ESR beeping. He agreed with what his wife had just said. Leaning forward he rested his head in his hands, “The only danger onboard is the cunts who think those slurs are acceptable to use.”
JR: -Javi folded in on himself, retuning his head to its previous position on lilys lap, needing to be close to someone. He didn’t know what to think or do.-
LB: She continued to hug Javi, and began to sing to him again in Gallifreyan.
JB: He stood up and walked to the replicator, getting cups of tea that he had seen were previously on the table. The new cups he set down on the table, and he sat down on the floor again by the sofa.
JR: -he reached out and tentivly started to play with Joe’s hair, ready to snap his hands back the minute he sensed any disapproval from the other man. The ESR started trying to match it a beeps to Lilys singing with limited success-
JB: He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, smiling. He was thankful for the distraction from his thoughts.
LB: She smiled, continuing to hug Javi as she sang. ESR could be taught Gallifreyan, as could Javi.
JR: -Javi firmed up his fingers slightly, smiling even as he shuddered, glades to be surrounded by friends-
JB: He reached for his wife’s hand and also extended his other to Javi. They would get through this, together.
LB: While she continued to hug Javi she also held Joseph’s hand, resting her head against his and smiling. There was still light in the dark.
JR: -Javi took Joes hand nuzzleing lilys leg where his head rested and giggling slightly as ESR tried to do a stunt only to hit a wall
0 notes
javi-reno · 1 year
JR: Javi sat on the floor in cultivation with the ESR. Small tool sat next to them as they worked on his hand. After everything that had happened they hadn’t let anyone fit them for a new hand and had created one for themself. The ESR handed them Tools as they were needed as they worked inside an open panel in the wrist. It worked ok but was still very clunky and difficult to use for finer tasks.
LB: Lily had arrived in cultivation, needing the mushrooms to help her calm herself and prepare for the upcoming court martial of the errant crew on board.
She sat down on her hammock, holding her mug.
JR: -Javi looked up from his hand as the ESR dashed off towards lily beeping happily, a waving emoji on his screen-
LB: She smiled and stood up, walking to the ESR. Javi must be around here somewhere.
JR: -Javi rolls his eyes knowing the little bit would be back and goes back to trying to attach a wire that would make his little finger move a little bit smoother-
LB: She walks over to Javi and sits down next to him. “Do you need some help here?”
JR: -looks up- “oh hello, so your the reason my helper deserted me. Can you grab the smallest Philips screwdriver and that tiny torch. Angle the beam down into the hand towards the finger, i need to connect the wire.”
LB: She nodded, “I apologise, I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
She picked up the screwdriver and torch, following his instructions.
JR: “I’m only joking. It fine.” -twists the screwdriver a few times and some connects with a snap in the hand- “got it”
LB: She smiled, “No worries.”
JR: -he closes the panel on the wrist and test the finger. It was moving a bit smoother- “well that’s one finger down. Just got to get the rest callabrated”
LB: She nodded, “I’m assuming we’ll do the same for the rest. Forgive my lack of experience here.”
JR: “It’s fine. I can do them another day. I had to do that one as th finger had stopped working completely”
LB: She nodded, “What matters is that you can use your hand.”
While she sat there she leaned against a mushroom, closing her eyes for a moment.
JR: Javi looked at her carefully- “you alright?”
LB:She sighed, “I’ve been thinking about the upcoming court martial. We’ll need to speak to Command about what’s happened, I’m not looking to have them reassigned but kicked off the ship.”
JR: “Actually me and ESR might be able to help with that. ESR let Lily have the data drive from inside your draw”
LB: “Thank you. We need all the evidence we can get, this way they can’t try to worm their way back here.”
JR: “You might to see what’s on it first before you decide if you want to present it to command”
LB: She nodded, “We do have photos of your room, and the temperature readings as well. Those responsible for this will be facing the consequences of their abhorrent behaviour.”
JR: “That” -points at the data chip- “proves section 31 is involved”
She nodded, looking at it. “They’re here too?”
She looked at Javi, feeling like she had failed him again because she hadn’t caught them sooner. “For all we know, they could be after me as well. I’m not exactly human, though I look like one.”
JR: “Not sure. I went on a scavenger hunt. Section 31 reached out offering a reward and promotion to anyone who could return me.”
LB: She sighed, “That makes me trust the crew even less, that leaves one thousand, nine hundred and ninety seven to sort through. I’d keep one hundred that we can trust, if can figure out whom. Since Section 31 is involved, we’ve got issues.”
JR: “My point is section 31 are saying they are working on behalf of starfleet. Of command. Which we know is bull. But command might be able to trace what’s on that drive back to the source.”
LB: She nodded, “I hope that they can, and would. From what you’ve told me, I’m sure Command would be ashamed of how they behave and would want to distance themselves from them.”
JR: “They should have already. Section 31 was behind the reason Discovery had to jump to the future to prevent the distraction of all life.”
LB: She continued listening and nodded, “That could have disrupted the general timeline, and would have drawn in Temporal Command.”
JR: “Can’t say on that as I don’t know. On all current record, discovery was distroyed in that final battle and all hands lost. Even talking about it has a penalty of treason.” -the ESR bleeped at them, causing them to grin- “I doubt lily is going to tell on me”
LB: She sighed, “I thought loosing a ship meant an immediate court martial, though if all are presumed lost there’s no one to haul before JAG.”
She smiled at the ESR, “Not to worry, I know how to keep my mouth shut.”
JR: “There is nothing we can do until command sends for us. So try and put it from your mind.” -taps a Rythem against his thigh with his flesh hand-
LB: She nodded, still leaning against a massive mushroom. “That’s the difficult part, I keep thinking about it hoping I haven’t missed anything yet I feel dumb for things I have missed.”
JR: “If it helps what I found was buried under 26 different layers of encryption. I only found it because I couldn’t sleep” -shrugs, tapping some more-
LB: “They definitely didn’t want it found, for it to be that encrypted
JR: “I recognised a pattern in the encryption which was the key to breaking it.” -looks at the ESR who has a frowny emoji-
LB: She nodded, “I’m happy you had been able to sort it. We’re you able to figure out exactly who had been tampering with your heating from it?”
Hopefully the ESR could tell she only wanted to help Javi and keep him safe.
JR: “Nope. Unfortunately I couldn’t tell who was receiving the message just who they were coming from so to speak.” -The ESR beeps a Javi again. The frowny face still there followed by a count of 4-
LB: She sighed, “At least we figured out where it started, and know what we’re up against now.”
She nodded at the ESR, “I’m not happy about it either, though somehow we’ll sort it.”
JR: Javi was looking at the ESR- “It’s not that, he is trying to tell me something else” -it bleeped again, before letting out a sound that could only be discribed as a sign and rolled round to Javi’s over side, rolling forward till it was against his thigh and his tapping hand-
LB: She observes as the ESR moved to Javi’s other side, and looked around the cultivation bay.
JR: “Oh..!” -Javi realised what it was trying to say and clenched his hand into a fist-
LB: She stood up, looking around. Lowering her voice, “We aren’t alone here are we?”
JR: -Javi looks at her confused-
LB: She noticed when he made a fist, and remembered hearing the alarm the ESR had sounded.
She continued to walk slowly from where they were, looking around still
JR: -Javi rubs the back of his neck wondering how he is going to talk his way out of this one before deciding maybe coming clean was the best idea- “no-one is listening.”
LB: She walked back toward Javi and sat down, “I’m sorry, when the alarm went off I thought someone else was here, and it wasn’t Joe.”
JR: “ESR was alerting me to my stimming” -he rubs the back of his neck again-
LB: She looked at Javi, “I hadn’t noticed, though you’ll have to explain. I’m sorry, there are things I don’t know even though I’m ancient now.”
JR: The tapping.” -he look down at the ground- “I’m something called autistic. Before I was born something developed differently in my brain meaning it processes things differently.”
LB: She nodded, “I’ll have to learn about it, and I don’t see you any differently because of it.”
JR: “It makes some things difficult. My sensory profiles are different from most people and I stim a lot though I asked ESR to let me know when I do so other people don’t pick up on it.”
LB: “I understand, though I admit I hadn’t noticed. I also didn’t know to be looking for it. If there’s anything I can do to help make things more tolerable, let me know and I will make the adjustments.”
JR: “You shouldn’t have to make adjustments for me. I don’t want to be a hassle which is why I didn’t say anything sooner.”
LB: She looked at Javi, “You aren’t a hassle. You’re our friend, and I’ll make any adjustments that may be necessary.”
0 notes
javi-reno · 1 year
-Javi is working in engineering on making sure that the captains cats can’t access the computer when their padd dings. Looking at the screen they put down their tools and go to the cultivation bay where they hope to find lily.
LB: Lily was in the cultivation bay, lying in her hammock.
She was awake, and listening to the music of the mushrooms. It was peaceful and relaxing.
JR: hard to tell much about it other then it currently had no fur and it’s skin was purple. It had long pointed ears. Or currently one ear. 3 legs one of which seemed to be a badly fitted robotic leg. Where the 4 should have been was badly healed. One and and tail was also missing-
LB: She nodded, “We could always make a jump to the network if there’s any sightings of them, and could have a closer look if it’s safe to stop there.”
She looked at the pad when Javi handed it to her. “They look like they need a home. We can visit them,“… whenever you’d like.”
She would spoil any cat Javi adopted, as all cats deserved it.
JR: “The welfare group is currently trying to get the “rescue shelter” to hand him over to them but the shelter is refusing, and won’t say how he got into this state. They have put out a call for help which is how I got the ping.”
-looks at lily- “he is on a kill list”
LB: She nodded, “That isn’t happening because we are going there right now.”
Tapping her communication badge she spoke to the bridge, “I’m sending over coordinates now, set the highest warp because we have to hurry.”
Those on the bridge acknowledged her,…
… they were on their way to rescue this cat.
JR: “I don’t know what we are going to find when we get there. But if these photos of the place are anything to go by it won’t be pretty” -passes the padd back to lily with picture of the “rescue centre”- “are we going to be able@to handle this?”
LB: Sighing, “I’m one of the last of my kind, and that usually attracts attention especially if anyone is paying close enough attention.”
JR: “At least you know what you are, no-one been able to make sense of my dna. My starfleet folder just says human?” -stretches- “I’ll go put on some civilian clothes and meet you back here.”
Shenodded, “If I didn’t disclose to Starfleet what I am, I’m sure they would have classified me as human.”
Standing, she looked at Javi. “I’ll go change too.”
JR: -Javi nods and walks swiftly to his room. Stripping out of his uniform he drags on some ripped jeans with straps down the legs. A simple black T-shirt and arm warmers finish the outfit. Ducking into the fresher he ruffles his short hair with a bit of gel, messing up his regulation hairstyle. Smudged eyeliner round the eyes, a pistel strapped to one thigh and a dagger hidden in his calf boots and the transformation was complete. He smiles on the mirror. Lily had never seen him like this. He headed back to the cultivation bay. Bag in hand.
Lily had used the teleporter to send herself back to her room.
She stood looking through the closet, taking out a grey shirt and jeans along with a black leather jacket.
Quickly she changed out of her Captain’s uniform, and decided to arm herself to the gills, just in case. She pulled on a shoulder holster and had the spore gun concealed, as well as a dagger concealed in her boot.
She teleported herself back to the cultivation bay, looking as though she were taking her motorbikeout of the garage.
Looking at Javi, she smiled. “I’ve got the spore gun concealed, just in case. Hopefully we won’t need it.”
JR: -Javi wolf whistled teasingly- “lookin good captain. Mines strapped to my thigh and unlike you I’m not hiding it.”
LB: She smiled, “Thank you. In the past I had to conceal weapons, old habits die hard.”
JR: “Might be wise that only one of us seems armed this time. They won’t spot my dagger in my boot. We are not going to fight. It’s just a precaution.”
LB: She nodded, “That was why I concealed mine. With the photos you showed me of the place, walking in unarmed doesn’t seem safe. If a fight breaks out, we are both prepared. Hopefully it doesn’t happen.”
JR: “Shouldn’t do. I hate places like these that have no care do the animals.”
LB: She nodded, “Animals should be loved and protected, these places are horrid - especially when they don’t care for them properly.”
Roumors are this place is a cover for a animal fight ring.” -Javi digs in his bag making sure he has some basic animal first aid equipment as well as person first aid stuff-
LB: She nodded, “I’d say there’s a criminal element behind that bit. It’s a good thing we’ve decided to go armed to the gills, just in case we need to defend ourselves.”
JR: “Push comes to shove I could flood them with colours. I might not be in the best shape afterwards mentally but if it’s between that and preventing harm coming to anyone or anything I’d prefer that.”
LB: “Agreed, I’d rather use force as a last resort but if it’s necessary I’m not the type to back down and hide.”
JR: “Luckily my colours don’t actually harm anyone. Just make them feel stuff. Have we got an eta?”
LB: She nodded, “We should be there already, I told the bridge to use the highest warp setting.”
JR: “I suggest we shuttle down. We don’t want them to know we have a bigger ship near by and we don’t know if the cat will be stable enough for transporters”
LB: She nodded, “I was thinking that too, if they are the hostile sort they may attempt to fire or forcibly take over the ship. EMH should have a look at the cat, just to ensure he’s alright.”
JR: “We already know he isn’t going to be alright. I have basic animal first aid skills, something I picked up whilst working on discovery. Does the EMH even work for animals?”
LB: She nodded, “I’m just hoping he’s not too poorly, considering where he is. EMH looks after my two.”
JB: “I’m sure whatever is wrong, we can handle it. Just don’t expect him to be like an earth cat, from what little I could work out from the pictures, I’m 90% sure he isn’t from earth. Which shuttle we taking?”
LB: She listened as he spoke and nodded, “There are plenty of things from Earth that are now in space. He might have Earth cat dna.”
Using her telepathic link to the Tardis she called it to the cultivation bay.
“Since all the shuttles have Starfleet labelling, I thought we’d take my Tardis. We can materialise there and then cloak it so it stays hidden and unseen.”
JR: -looks at the ship carefully inching around it- “your ships is showing colours and I’m not touching it… how?”
LB: She smiled, “It’s actually sentient. Unlike others like it, they’re fully functional.”
JR: “Even sentient things, I don’t normally see without touching.”
LB: She nodded, “Would you like to see inside? Or we could try to find a shuttle that isn’t heavily marked Starfleet, though I’m assuming they all are.”
JR: “We can go in. Wasn’t expecting it is all..”
0 notes
javi-reno · 1 year
-Javi sat at the table in his quarters, music loudly playing in the background as he carefully followed the recipe on the Padd. When he saw a face mask made of mushrooms and edible glitter he knew he had to try it and had invited the captain and first officer to join him. After
The stress of the last few day, he figured they could use a bit of relaxation. And nothing said pampering like quality time with friends.
He smiled, “I think every Tesco’s in the U.K. knows you as the mushroom lady.”
Looking at the table, he wondered what the glitter was being used for.
-smirks at Joe's look.- "curiosity killed the cat."
He looked at Javi, “Are we decorating mushrooms?”
He was curious, and couldn’t hurt much to ask.
"no thought that's not a bad idea" -starts putting the mushroom, glitter and clay mixture into 3 smaller bowls- " I found a mushroom facemask recipe. The glitter is just my personal flair. Don't worry it s edible glitter."
She couldn’t help but smile now, looking at Joe then to Javi. “That’s very interesting. What mushrooms are we using?”
Tonight she’d be learning something new about mushrooms, and had an idea for the glitter.
Lowering her voice, “That glitter sounds like fun. Where did you find edible glitter?”
-eyes sparkle- "if you go into my room, bottom draw on the left. I've got loads. Just ignore the *cough* other stuff in there."
-in a louder voice- "it's a mixture of the common button mushroom and chestnut mushroom. Meant to be a good antioxidant"
He nodded, “I didn’t know they could be used for masks, though we’ve cooked with them for years.”
Now he was wondering what his wife had in mind, though he had an idea of what it could be.
0 notes
javi-reno · 1 year
-Javi sits in the cultivation bay, under a giant mushroom he had practically claimed as his own. His back rested against the trunk like stalk as he tried to calm himself by listening to the plants music-
Lily walked into the cultivation bay, not immediately seeing Javi.
She walked among the forest of giant mushrooms, remembering that he told her to speak or read to them rather than play music for them.
She nodded, removing her jacket after she tapped her communications device.
“Would you pick up a pizza and bring it to the cultivation bay?”
Looking at Javi she spoke softly,…
“I understand, and you won’t have to. People make me chain smoke at times, trying to quit. Nicotine, because punching people in the face is wrong.
-sighs resting his head lightly on her shoulder letting her feel the fever he has indeed got- "I just want to be seen for who I am-
She nodded, feeling the fever now and waiting for Joe to respond. “I do, and I want the same for you. This onboard bigotry is going to be found and tossed like a contam in the substrate.”
Joe answered, “One extra mushroom and pepperoni pizza, on its way. Any other toppings?”
"eww pepperoni" -javi wrinkles his nose- "prawn and mushroom please" -
"I don't know how I'm going to deal with the engineering team, there was nearly 4 accidents last shift due to them not listening to me when I was there"
She nodded, “I may need help to disguise myself as a crew member, because if I come down as I am they are likely to behave themselves. They should be listening as you’re the lead engineer.”
"also of its not to much hassle can you reset the EMH. It's refusing to give me my hormones and keep offering me birth control instead.." -Javi looks at Joe and the pizza boxes, trying and failing to smile. "Hi"
She nodded, “They are going to be reset immediately, that’s clearly a malfunction on their part.”
Smiling at Joe, “I hope there’s prawns on both.”
He smiled and sat down on the floor, placing the boxes down with napkins and paper plates. “Hello Javi. How are you?” He greeted, “Yes, prawns and extra mushrooms on both.”
She nodded, “I’ll have EMH reprogrammed again, and whoever is tampering with them is getting dropped off back at Academy.”
“We don’t know who doing these things just as we don’t know who is posting the messages on the chat boards.”
She nodded, “I’m half tempted to disable those chat boards until this is sorted, and leave department message boards alone.”
-looks at joe then back at lily- “there is something else but I don’t want you getting mad”
She looked at Javi, “I’m not upset with you. I’m upset with whoever is responsible for this, and we will find them.”
He nodded, “Perhaps I can wear a uniform of a different rank, and my glasses. Perhaps they won’t recognise me and will run their mouths.”
He wasn’t happy with the behaviour of the others either.
-pulls his pad out tapping it before passing it over to lily- “my rooms were broken into, my hormones stolen and slurs written on the walls” -the writing could be seen in the pictures: fa***t, fairy and a few more vulgar-
He looked at the pad and clenched his fists, exhaling slowly and looking at Javi. “I’m sorry this happened, and we will sort it.”
She looked at the photos, blinking back tears while feeling angry. “This should not be happening, I am so sorry it did. I’m appalled.”
-shrugs before wincing and coughing again- “it looks worse now. I kinda trashed the room upset.”
He nodded, “I probably would have done the same in anger too. Whenever you’re ready, I can help you clean it.”
-sighs knowing there was no way out of it- “I may have messed up.”
She continued to look at him with concern in her eyes. “How? What’s happened?”
-sighs again blushing- “due to recent events my dysporia has been bad, and I haven’t managed to get another binder, yet alone one I can use with my still dodgy shoulder, so I’ve been using some.. less safe binding techniques, and may not have taken a break for some time
He nodded, “We can make a stop on Earth, and find a proper binder for you.”
She smiled, tapping her communication device. “Set coordinates for Earth, London U.K. to be exact.”
Looking at Javi, “We’ll be there soon, this is important and I apologise we hadn’t gone sooner as I said we would.”
-blushes- “I’m kinda wearing ace bandages and have been for 2 days”
She nodded, “Those are better used for a wrist or knee, it must hurt your chest having to use them as a temporary binder.”
“It’s dangerous to use them as a binder as they get tighter as you breath, but I was feeling bad and not thinking” -winces again-
She nodded, “You used what you had available, and we are on our way to get a proper binder.”
“I haven’t taken them off at all in 48hrs. No binding is meant to be on for more then 8 at a time, but I haven’t got anything that will fit without it, without making my chest very..obvious”
0 notes
javi-reno · 1 year
Javi large under the largest group of mushrooms in the corner of cultivation bay, a blanket careful attached to the thick trunk like stems creating the roof of the blankets fort. On the floor was another blanket. There was large pillows scattered around. Javi was Napping, a fluffy blanket wrapped around him alike a cuccoon, soothed by a song that only the mushrooms could sing.
Lily walked into the cultivation bay, holding a book. She had been considering reading to them Alice in Wonderland, a classic novel.
As she walked through the bay, she looked at the mushrooms and found Javi’s blanket fort
He had told her before that they made music, if one only listened.
She decided to sit down near the fort, beneath a mushroom - and listen.
JR: -Javi stirred slightly and opened an eye. The music had changed. He blinked bleringly trying to focus on who else is in the room. He smiled slightly at the sight of lilly who he had come to view as a friend-
LB: She remained sat in the substrate of the mushroom bed, leaning against the massive stipe with her eyes closed.
JR: Javi tries to stifle a sneeze and cough into his blanket, not wanting to cause a disturbance in the quiet-
LB: She opened her eyes and leaned forward, looking towards the blanket fort. “Bless”
JR: looks over the edge of the blanket- "thanks. There is room for two in here you know. I made it big enough for at least 5 people and there is plenty of pillows and blankets" -he ducks his head to couch again--
LB: She smiled and carefully stood up, gently brushing herself off so she didn’t bring substrate into the blanket fort.
Walking to the fort she carefully walked inside and sat down, leaning against the pillows and setting the book aside.
“Thank you.”
JR: -he nodds- "no worries, my fort is your forts and all that" -his eyes are slightly glazed and look heavy, and he is paler then normal-
LB: She smiled, noticing the paler complexion and glazed eyes. “Are you alright? Should I call the EMH?”
JR: -grumbles, mumbling something, hiding slightly further into his cuccoon. He looked a bit like an angry kitten-
LB: She couldn’t clearly hear what he said, so she sat back against the pillows and silently observed while listening to the music of the mushrooms.
JR: coughs again before sticking out my biotic hand. The skin around the wrist was swollen red and puffy.-
LB: She looked at his hand and tapped her communication device. “EMH to the cultivation bay.”
He could have an infection, and needed to be seen by the EMH immediately.
JR: mumbles returning his hand back to the warmth of the blanket coughing again into the blanket- " it always has cold hands”
LB: She smiled, nodding. “They do, they are one of the best.”
The EMH walked into the cultivation bay, and walked around until they found the blanket fort. “Who am I seeing today?” They asked.
JR: -Javi mumbles again coughing, eyes at half mast, a slight flush on his cheeks-
LB: The EMH seen him and immediately knelt down by him, placing a hand on his forehead. “Do you feel feverish?” They asked him.
He also looked at his hand, “We’ll need to go to sick bay, you might have to stay a few days.”
JR: Javi growled slightly at the idea of being in sickbay for a few days, memories of section 31 flashing though his head.- "it's just a little cold-
LB: Lily looked between Javi and the EMH, “What about coming here regularly and checking on him?”
She remembered what he had told her, and didn’t want Javi to feel more uncomfortable than he already did being a bit poorly.
The EMH nodded, “I can. Sir, would you rather stay here in the bay? I can have equipment teleported in.”
They also looked at his wrist, and felt his forehead again. “I’m concerned about possible infection, and want to start antibiotics.”
JR: Javi moved his head out to talk- "I'm not staying in med bay, but it's not just my hand...the cuts on my arms are also..." -he trails off ducking down to cough again-
LB: EMH nodded, “I can treat you here in cultivation.”
They looked at his arms and turned to Lily. “What happened?”
She sat up straighter, speaking softly. “Q paid us a visit, he was injured during the mayhem unfortunately.”
JR: "what the captain is avoiding saying is running into Q yesterday trigged me and led me to relapse into old harm habits. Hence my arms. My new hand was injured whilst it tried to defend us from Q" -Javi was now white except for the flush of fever on his cheeks-
LB: She immediately sent Javi calming vibes, though she felt incredibly saddened hearing that had happened as a result of the run in with Q.
She blinked back tears as the EMH scanned him again. “I’m going to return with some antibiotics.”
JR: looks at lilly and holds out his good hand- "no crying. At least I get to stay in here. At some point I suppose I'd better get some quarters but i do like it in here."
JR: She smiled at him and wiped her tears, holding his hand. “I thought you had a proper officer’s quarters. I apologise if somehow it had been overlooked. I do like it here too.”
The EMH left and returned a few minutes later with some supplies.
JR: -he squeezed her hand- "I never got issued any. I've been napping in observation when you were in here or camping out here." -looks at the EMH wearily-
LB: She gently squeezed his hand, “I apologise, and will sort that immediately.”
EMH knelt beside Javi again, taking his temperature and rewrapping his wrist before beginning the antibiotics.
JR: "A drip?" -javi looked at it- "are my arms going to be cleaned, they smell weird." -he winces as his wrist and hand is wrapped a
LB: The EMH nodded, “This may sting, as I’m going to be cleaning your arms with antiseptic.”
Lily continued to hold his hand, “I believe there is an officer’s flat next to ours which hasn’t ever been occupied to my knowledge.”
JR: "I don't want to take space you might need for...owww." -Javi bites back a swear as his arms are cleaned, if possible going whiter- " wasn't kidding with that sting."
LB: She continued to hold his hand and looked at him, “You aren’t taking up space. You belong here and deserve proper quarters of your own as well. I don’t shove my friends and officers into cupboards hidden away.”
EMH apologised, “My apologies, Sir. It will prevent a new infection.”
They gently began the antibiotic drip in his other hand, standing to place the bag on a pole.
JR: winces even though they’re not still being touched- "any chances of any kinda pain killer? And why am I so cold?"
LB: EMH knelt down, holding out tablets for Javi and a bottle of water. “You’re running a fever, I’m going to give you a device that will call me directly should you feel worse.”
They also put a wrist monitor on him, for his vitals.
She remained at his side, not once leaving.
JR: takes the medication without complaint, a sign of how sick he felt.- "I take it this is a rather bad infection than doc?"
LB: EMH nodded, “Unfortunately yes, you’re being given strong antibiotics and will need to rest for a few days.”
Lily nodded, “We’ll teleport to your quarters.”
JR: grumbles a bit before remembering something a he feels a bit dizzy- "Doc it's not penicillin you’re giving me is it? I'm allergic!"
LB: EMH shook his head, “No, it’s not. Other crew members have an allergy to it too, so I have an alternative.”
She gently squeezed his hand and maintained a sense of calm herself.
JR: slows his breathing appreciating the waves of bluish purple he is getting from Lilly - "ok. If we are going to transport, let's do it and get me set up, so is top wasting folks time"
LB: She nodded, “You are not wasting anyone’s time, you’re an important member of our team and a friend.”
She held his hand still and tapped her badge again, “Computer, teleport us to Javi’s quarters.”
JR: they disappeared in the transporters beams and arrived in Javi's new rooms. Javi rather inelegantly fell to the floor, ripping the drip from his arm and banging his injured hand causing him to swear very colourfukly-
LB: The EMH appeared in the room with them, immediately getting to work to sort Javi.
Mentally she swore at herself, perhaps teleporting wasn’t the best idea. She bent down to help Javi stand again.
JR: gets up carefully with Lilly's helps laughing slightly in spite of feeling like crap- "ive really gotta stop falling for ya captain. Your husband might get ideas"
LB: She smiled and laughed softly, “He’s not the jealous type, he knows we’re friends.”
JR: smiles- "were to boss?"
LB: She smiled, “I’m sure you’ll want to rest, perhaps the bed or the sofa?”
JR: javi looked at the floor feeling stupid but needing to ask- "will you stay? This is all reminding me to much of.." -he didn't say section 31 but knew Lilly would pick up on what he was t saying.-
LB: She nodded, “Of course I’ll stay. I know it’s an adjustment having a new space.”
JR: Javi nodded relieved- "curling up on the sofa might be a good place, only I don't know if their are any blankets or pillows in here and I left all mine in the cultivation bay"
JR: She helped him walk to the sofa, and then went to the closet and brought out some pillows and blankets. “Your flat is fully stocked with things you’ll need. I brought some leafy plants in too.”
JR: Lays his head into the back of the sofa watching lilly whilst giving the EMH his arm to reapply the drip- "it's nice. A lot different to what I'm used to
LB: She returned with the pillows and blankets as EMH checked Javi again.
A loud meow could be heard through the entire ship. She brought the pillows and blankets over, “I’m happy you like it.”
The meow was heard again.
JR: looks confused- "is there a cat in here?"
LB: She smiled, “There are two in my quarters, one of them managed to open the door and hail every ship nearby because it was slightly past his food time.”
JR: winces as the EMH likes at his hand some more- "I had this weird kinda alien cat on Discovery. It didn't make it through the battle"
LB: She looked at him, “I’m very sorry to hear that. Mine can visit you, if you’d like.”
JR: "They would be welcome. At some point maybe I'll get a new one. There are intergalactic catterys all over the place.
LB: She listened and smiled, “I can bring him over, and when you’re ready we can visit a cattery.”
Her cat kept meowing loudly. “I’ll be right back.”
When she went to leave Javi’s quarters, she found her cat at his door.
“I knew you’d open the door eventually.” She said to her cat.
He ran into the room and straight to Javi, jumping on the sofa and standing to sniff his face. This time he didn’t meow but licked his face.
JR: "Yes I know I'm hurt. It doesn't mean I need help cleaning. I'm not a kitten for you to take care of." -the cats colour flooded over Javi making him giggle.- "Lilly you cat is convinced I'm a kitten who needs pampering."
LB: She smiled as her cat continued to lick Javi, eventually curling up at his side and purring loudly. “He knows you need care, and loves give attention.”
JR: -blinks at the colours that are dulling down slightly now he is laying against fabric rather then directly on skin- "that was trippy forgot how strong animals colours are." -looks at the EMH who seems to be struggling with the drip- "Problem Doc?"
LB: She smiled, “He’s full of love, and protective too.”
EMH nodded, “Please straighten your hand, Sir. My apologies for my difficulties.”
JR: -straightens his arm and hand- "no apologies needed I've got rather flat veins, kinda a side effect from section 31-
LB: EMH nodded, quickly sorting the drip. “I can see they’ve caused a lot of physical damage. Hopefully I can help reverse it.”
She walked over to the sofa and sat next to Javi and her cat. “Should they ever come here,…”
“… they’ll see my not nice side. There’s no reason for them to come here.”
Between the mushrooms and herself, she only hoped they had other things to occupy them. They certainly wouldn’t be welcome on her ship.
JR: -Javi think for a moment before lightly touching Lilly's wrist, making sure to touch her sleeve.- "actually between you and the EMH you may be able to help solve something else section 31 did." -he bit his lip nervously unsure about asking-
LB: Both she and EMH listened as he asked. “Of course we’ll try. I’m so sorry for what happened with them.”
EMH spoke next. “I’ll begin work immediately. I just need to know what happened.”
JR: -takes Lilly's wrists and leads her hands to his head- "if you feel at 3 inch intervals round the circunfsnce of my head you'll find dints. There bolt holes"
LB: She let him move her hands to his head and felt the indents made. She felt sadness for what he endured, and anger towards those responsible.
She looked at EMH, “There’s indents in his skull from those cunts torturing him.”
EMH nodded, “We’ll need to have you in for a scan, and I’ll get to work on this immediately.”
JR: javi looks up sadly- "they’re not just indents. Some go all the way through. It causes headaches. They wanted to see if they could control the way my abilities worked and get rid of the way I have to tell the truth when being touched"
LB: She nodded, continuing to listen.
EMH spoke, “After your scan we’ll need a surgery to repair the damage.”
JR: -looks nervous at the idea- "you do recall we haven't worked out how to knock me out right?"
LB: She nodded, “We need to sort that first though I’m not sure how.”
EMH stood and listened, “We can manage the headaches while we sort that. Do you have other allergies besides penicillin?”
JR: -sighs closing his eyes- "to many it used to drive the Discovery doctors mad. Latex, codine, aspirin, citrus, surgical glue, kewi. Those are the dangerous ones."
LB: She nodded, “I can’t have aspirin either.”
EMH continued to listen. “It’s important we know, to prevent a reaction.”
Her cat moved and snuggled closer, resting his head in Javi’s lap. He still purred loudly.
JR: "those are the ones that cause really bad reactions. I can't really remember then others. I take a daily antihistamine to prevent a lot of minor ones." -scratches behind the kitties ears-
LB: EMH nodded, “I’ll ensure those things don’t get used with you, and will watch carefully for others.”
The cat pressed his head against Javi’s hand, he loved ear rubs.
JR: "there is also cracked ribs and other injury's. Section 31 wasn't happy when I rebelled. I don't know how many healed properly when I ran." -scratches under the cats chin using it's colours to guide him to the beat spots. "Lilly don't look so sad and pissed. Im fine.”
LB: EMH continued to listen. “We should do a full work up, so we know what needs attention first.”
The cat kept purring, enjoying the attention.
She nodded, trying to get her emotions under control.
Section 31 had brought them out, with regard to them and what they’ve done.
JR: "do I have to go to medbay for it or is there some stuff we can do here?" -Javi wanted to spend as little time in medbay as possible but would go if there was no other choice-
LB: EMH nodded, “You’ll have to come to med bay for some things, others can be done here.”
She looked at Javi, “When it’s time to go to med bay you won’t be going alone. I’ll be there like I was last time.”
JR: looks at Lilly- "I don't want to take up to much of your time" -he dissolved into a coughing fit.
LB: She looked at him, “I’m choosing to be there. Joe can handle the bridge when I’m not there. Are you ok?”
JR: waves his hand still coughing, clutching slightly at one side of his chest-
LB: EMH comes over to scan him, looking at him. “Do you have asthma or smoke?”
EMH looked at Lily, “Captain, you need to quit smoking.”
JR: -sucks in a harsh breath- "childhood asthma and like I said broke ribs" -starts coughing again-
LB: EMH nodded, “We’ll need to go to med bay for an X-ray and treatment.”
JR: -looks up eyes slightly watering trying to catch his breath- "what now?"
LB: EMH looked at him, “Id like to do an X-ray but I can bring up an inhaler for asthma.”
Lily hasn’t moved from her place on the sofa, and the cat now sat between them both.
JR: "is it asthma? I thought I'd grown out of it? I haven't had an attack in 13 years."
LB: EMH looked at Javi, “I’m not sure, you do spend a lot of time in the cultivation bay and as a precaution think an inhaler might help.”
While she knew first aid, she didn’t have enough medical knowledge to say anything.
JR: -Javi presses hard against his chest- "why does it feel like I'm being stabbed?" -Javi really wanted everything to just stop. He wanted to relax with lilly and the cat-
LB: EMH looked at him, “I think it’s a broken rib pressing against your lung. I can return here with supplies from med bay.”
Lily looked at Javi, “Whatever happens I’ll be here.”
JR: "I just wanted a quiet day. This wasn't my idea for a day off."
She nodded, “I understand, and it’s important to have it sorted regardless.”
EMH left the quarters and returned a few minutes later with supplies.
-looks at the amount of stuff the EMH has brought and raises and eyebrow still very breathless- "did you leave some stuff in the med-bay Doc?"
EMH looked at Javi as they walked closer. “The larger machines and scanners were left in med bay, I brought the smaller items.”
"it was an attempt at a joke doc" -Javi weezed wincing- "what's first?
Lily laughed softly, and EMH walked closer.
They had a better scanner this time and went over Javi’s chest again. “It’s your ribs, since it’s causing breathing difficulty I still would like an X-ray at some point.”
You need rest, can still work but no heavy lifting for six weeks.”
They also had tablets for pain, and gave the bottle to Javi.
"What about the breathing difficulty? I know you said its the ribs, is there anything I can do to ease it?"
They nodded, “The tablets you should take twice a day, and there’s a breathing exercise that should also help. Hold a pillow against your chest when you do them.”
-javi looks awquard asking this next part but knows he has to- "what about my chest bindings?"
EMH nodded, “In the past it had recommended to tightly wrap the chest to heal broken ribs, though it’s not recommended now. I would suggest a binder a size larger to allow you to breathe more deeply.”
"and if I haven't got one a size bigger I'm guessing I'm gonna have to go without?" -he doesn't mention he has been wearing one a size to small due to starfleet no providing uniform for transgender officers-
EMH nodded, and she looked at Javi. “I’m going to leave Joe in charge of the ship, and we’re going to make a stop in London for a new binder.”
It had been years since she’d been back in space, so she only knew of shops on Earth.
She would call Command, and inquire about uniforms. Clearly they weren’t providing things that crew needed.
-Javi started protesting- "it's not nessary captain. I'm sure I can manage."
She looked at Javi, “This isn’t something you should have to go without. I’m sure warp drive will have us back to earth shortly.”
Next she tapped her communications badge, “Set a course for Earth.”
"But captain" -he glances around and lowers his voice- "lilly I can't get the current one off. It's..a bit to small and I can't lift my arms with these ribs and my bad hand" -Javi was very embarrassed, he knew wearing a binder for more then 8hrs was bad. But he was in an ±
impossible situation with his hand. He sort of wishes we was a mushroom right now.-
She listened as he spoke, “I could help you remove it, if you consent.”
She knew he was healing from a lot of physical injuries, and this situation with his ribs wasn’t helping matters any.
"it's not pretty. I'm very much black and blue from the explosion of voyager."
She nodded, “I’m thankful you survived that. Bruising was to be expected.”
"ok you can help. But if we are going to be fighting getting me out of this. Might we get all the scans we need in med bay. If im going to take 6 weeks to heal and I've got to take it easy I'd rather get all the pulling about done now, rather then in dribs and drabs" -javi wonders if he looks as exhausted as he felt at the moment.-
She nodded, “Which you want to do first? The scans in med bay or the fight with your binder?”
EMH was gathering everything up that they had brought along with them from med bay.
They both knew he needed rest.
-Javi fought for a moment- "how many people are in med bay? If there isn't many we can fight with it when we get there. We might need the sharp medical scissors to get it off."
She listened when he spoke and nodded, looking to EMH.
“It’s only me on duty at the moment, so no one will be there except me.” They replied.
"ok" -he nods tiredly- "let's get all the scans and whatever you need. Then I can come back here and chill."
She nodded and stood, waiting for Javi and EMH stood by the door.
Her cat remained, sat on the sofa and meowed at them all.
-Javi patted his head and sent him a soothing blue purple wave causing him to fall asleep before standing up and grabbing the iv pole and stood slightly uneasily by Lilly-
He curled up on the sofa, drifting to sleep.
Lily stood by Javi’s side, ready to help him walk if necessary. “I don’t think we’ll teleport again. There’s lifts we can take.”
-Javi nodded- "I'd rather not land on my backside again. Remind me how it went from a quiet day of mushroom fort building to this?" -Javi was trying to keep things light hearted-
She nodded, “Perhaps once this is sorted, we could return to the mushroom fort?”
He knew he was trying to change the topic and she went with it. “We never did get around to reading the mushrooms a story.”
"Probably not a good idea with my infected arms, but we could do that mushroom kit I saw in my quarters. You addition I'm guessing?" -he grins tiredly following the EMH along the corridors-
She nodded, “We can definitely start the kit. I’ve grown them before on Earth, leave them be and they’ll grow as large as a dinner plate.”
EMH nodded, “I’ll return with you just to be sure you’re alright, though you need rest.”
-Javi start to cough again- "how far is that lift?"
She looked at Javi, walking slowly. “It’s after my quarters. This deck is mainly living quarters.”
-Javi nods concentrating onon putting on leg after the other, trusting lily and the EMH to make sure he goes the right direction-
She remained close, walking slowly to the lift with Javi and their EMH.
Once they arrived at the lift she pressed the button and the doors opened.
JR: -Javi paused for a moment breathing hard- "stupid questions. How high are the chances of this thing breaking down?"
She looked at Javi, “It’s a brand new ship, hopefully chances are minimal. Though the replicator insists on not serving mushrooms, no idea why. Gave it a whack with a spanner and nothing.”
"I'll fix the replication, I'm just a bit jumpy about lifts.* -takes a breath and steps inside closing his eyes tightly*
She nodded, “Thank you. I’ve no idea how to repair it. I understand, and you aren’t on it alone.”
EMH pressed the button and they went to the lowest deck, as sick bay was on the same deck as cultivation.
-Javi instinctively grabbed lily's hand out of nervousness, projecting his colour without meaning to, making it clear how this who situation including the trip to sickbay was terrifying him. It also showed lily for the first time just how sick and in pain he was."
Lily noticed immediately and she hugged him, gently rubbing his back and projecting calm, that she wouldn’t leave.
She was going to do everything possible to help him.
-Javi's opened his eyes slightly and glanced at his hand- "Sorry" - he muttered. He tried so hard not to touch people without strict consent and here he went grabbing her hand without permission.
She looked at Javi, “There’s nothing to apologise for, you did nothing wrong.”
The people who kept him locked away, were in the wrong.
"are we nearly there? It's getting hard to breath again."
She nodded, looking at the open doors of the lift. “We’ll be returning to the deck cultivation is on, med bay is on the same deck.”
"how many floors left? Feels like we have been on this lift forever"
"Not really" -he was tired of pretending to be ok- "kinda want to get this done and possibly get some stronger pain meds"
LB:She listened and nodded.
EMH spoke next, “I will get them for you in med bay. Do you have any allergies
you have any allergies to the stronger tablets?” They asked.
-Javi jumped losing his balance and making friend with the floor- "hello floor nice to meet you again. I'd completely forgotten you were there Doc. And I gave you my allergies. Codine and aspirin. Though codine is in the same family as morphine so I'm not sure if that counts"
She immediately bent down and began to help Javi stand, sending calming vibes.
EMH nodded, “That rules those out, but we do have other options.”
JR: -struggles to his feet using Lilly's help- " we really need that crane. The elevator has stopped are we here?"
LB- She stayed close and helped him stand, “We would have if we both went down. Yes, we’re here. Med bay is close to this lift, cultivation is at the other end of the corridor.”
"let's get there before I make closer friends with the floor."
She nodded, again walking slowly and ready to help Javi if he were to fall again.
EMH remained close, ready to help as well.
-Javi walked carefully and was for once pleased to see the doors of med bay.-
She remained at his side, and walked with him and EMH onto med bay.
EMH led them to an exam room.
He waited to approach, also feeling concern for Javi.
“Are you alright?” He asked, not trying to be rude by not saying anything.
"I'm fine, well kinda fine?" -Javi wasn't really sure what to say, given that as soon as his uniform top was removed most of his state was going to be shown- "can we get on with this?"
She nodded, “I’ll help. We’ll try once, and if that doesn’t work we can have EMH use the scissors.”
"Uniform top first?" -Javi winced trying to grab hold of the bottom of his uniform top, silently cursing in every language he could think of-
She also took hold of the uniform top, attempting to help Javi remove it. “Command needs to send us uniforms that will fit proper. It’s not fair they sent you the smallest size they could find.”
"They were working on short notice." -yelps as they finally pull it over their head. Their torso was black and blue with bruising, the skin broken in various places. Their binder was obviously cutting in, the edges pressing deeply into the skin-
She nodded, looking as she seen the binder digging deeply into their skin.
The bruising was clear to see, and she looked at Javi. “I think it will be easier if EMH cuts this off. With your consent.”
EMH waited for consent before approaching.
"ermmm" -looks nervous at the EMH holding the scissors- "can either you or Joe do the cutting. No offence Doc."
She nodded, “I’ll get the scissors. Joe went to wait in the hall until this was sorted.”
She got up and got the scissors from EMH, sitting down and taking a deep breath.
Very slowly and carefully she cut the binder along a seam.
-javi continued to wince as it was cut, making sure to continue to breath steadily-
EMH seen the broken shoulder and hip, and the ribs.
“Javi, you require surgery for your multiple broken bones. You’ll be off duty for a while to recover.”
"why aren't they healing on their own?" -Javi had gone even more pale if that was possible at the mention of surgery-
She walked over and gently picked up his hand, holding in hers and sending calm vibes.
EMH spoke, “Unfortunately some broken bones don’t heal on their own without help. Your ribs should heal on their own, though your hip and shoulder haven’t…”
"ok ok," -he breathes trying to drink in the calm lily is sending- "let's get this scan done then we can discuss surgery"
EMH nodded, wheeling away the X-ray machine. “We’ll have to go to the other room for the scan.”
He waited for everyone before leaving the room, to walk them to the scan room.
He stood, waiting for Javi and Lily before he would leave the room.
-Javi followed the EMH uneasily, slightly worried about what the scan would entail-
Lily followed EMH, walking at Javi’s side and continuing to send calm soothing vibes.
Joseph left the room and followed behind them.
-Javi froze just inside the room at the sight of the scan machine. It was almost something directly out of his nightmares. This was going to be a lot harder then first thought-
EMH looked at Javi, “I’ll need you to lie down on the table, and be still for a few minutes. Lily and Joseph will be in the room with you.”
She looked at Javi, “I even get frightened in those machines. We will be here. You can do this.”
-Javi was frozen, memories of a near identical machine flashing before his eyes, of being bolted to it as what felt like electric ran though him-
Again she reached for his hand when he froze, sending soothing calm vibes.
EMH spoke, “There’s no restraints used, though it can be a bit loud. Haven’t been able to make it quieter unfortunately.”
-Javi thought for a moment before coming to a conclusion. Gently pulling his hand from lily and sending what he hoped was a reassuring smile her way, he did something he knew was risky but was in his mind the only way to protect both himself and everyone else in the room. He ±
shut down his emotions.
He made himself disassociate completely from his emotions and memories. He would feel the result afterwards but hopefully it meant that no-one else would feel what he had been. Walking forwards he lay on the scanners table. "Ready."
Lily smiled at Javi and watched as he walked to the scan table. She turned to Joe, “We need to project calm, it will help him.”
EMH pressed a button, moving Javi inside the machine. “Scan initiated.”
-Javi currently had very little awareness of what was going on. He had basically caged his conciousness in a cage within his own mind. When he came out the other end it was going to be hell, he just hoped that is lilly and Joe looked to close at him they wouldn't be to
spooked by his currently completely emotional-less state.-
EMH pressed another button, finishing the scan and sliding the table out of the machine.
She walked to the table with Joe at her side, and recognising herself in him at that moment.
something I fancy". -He didn't mention that he didn't think he would be able to force himself to come back to sickbay if he knew he was going into surgery. he tried to get up again only to start coughing, anxiety rising-
EMH nodded, “We can do the surgery sooner, your course of antibiotics will end tomorrow. Does Wednesday afternoon sound alright?”
Lily looked at Javi, “We will be here during surgery. You won’t be alone.”
-looks at the EMH- "I'll be straight with you Doc. Chances are once I leave here today me coming back is going to be a nightmare. As in I don't know if I will. I'm only getting through this visit now by periodically shutting down my conciousness and emotions."
EMH spoke, “We could do the surgery now, while you are being treated with antibiotics though I usually wait until they are finished.”
Lily looked at Javi, “You can do this, just like last time. I know it’s frightening, and we won’t leave.”
"Surgery now. We can deal with anything else later. Let's get this over with before I change me mind. Though I might need that crane me and lily were talking about earlier." -Javi looked where he was still on the floor-
EMH nodded, looking to Joe for help. “We’ll be going to the same room we had been in for your hand surgery.”
Lily smiled at Javi, “They may need to bribe me with mushrooms, should I need treatment. I get frightened too.”
He walked closer to Javi, extending his hand. “I can help you up.”
Looking to his wife he smiled, “I remember you’re a frightened patient, it’s why I’ve always come along with you.”
-clasps hand with Joe's bracing himself- "Sick bays are scary."
He helped Javi stand, “I admit there’s things doctors like to examine blokes for, that aren’t the most exciting thing to have to do. Either way, we’ve got to sort it.”
-leans slightly onto Joe- "let's get this over with. I'm dieing to get back to my room and turn into a mushroom"
He supported Javi as they walked, smiling. “I’m sure Lily wishes she were a mushroom at times too. Though if you turn into a mushroom, we loose our friend and navigator.”
She walked beside them, using the mushroom conversation to hopefully help take his mind off surgery. “I’ve wondered what it would be like to be a mushroom. Sitting under a tree in the sunlight.”
"No idea. Actually I think I'd rather be a goblin. David Bowie in those leggings" -he feigned swooning as he lowered slowely back into his bed-
He smiled, helping Javi lay down. “Bowie was definitely able to pull that off. Given the choice I might pick mushroom, though I did wear some silly things in the 70s.”
She smiled too, “We can always plan a Halloween party. Parties are usually best throughly planned.”
EMH approached now, “When you’re ready we’ll begin. I’ve got the anesthetiser and the nerve blocker.”
"you do remember that anesthetiser did nothing for me last time?" -Javi said, looking faintly green at the thought of being awake for all this-
Lily nodded, “I remember. I believe they will try them again.”
She reached for his hand and began projecting calm as strongly as she could, remembering how it had helped last time.
He sat beside Javi, feeling a bit green around the gills at the thought too.
Remembering what Lily said earlier, he began to project calm as well.
-Javi tried to remain calm soaking in the colours he was getting. The anesthetiser again not helping. He was getting calmer but needed more if he was going to get through this-
She held Javi’s hand, beginning to sing softly while projecting calm and peace.
She also thought of walking through a pine forest, filled with all kinds of mushrooms.
He projected calm, singing with his wife though he smiled to himself. She had been singing the names of trees and mushrooms, a guided walk through the forest in Gallifreyan.
-Javi felt himself slipping and gratefully let go of conciousness, falling into a darkness of mushrooms and trees.-
Lily continued to sing softly, guiding a mushroom walk and ensuring they were all easily seen.
EMH began to work, and they finished four hours later.
// For Readers - I do not have medical experience so that part will not be written in any detail.
He continued to sing with his wife, pointing out mushrooms along the way.
This continued while EMH worked.
-Javi woke slowely, wincing slightly at the bright lights and blinking around him, feeling this breath catch slightly at the sight of med bay-
Lily remained at Javi’s side, with Joe close as well. She smiled at him, “We’ll be getting you back to your quarters soon.”
EMH spoke next, “You’re to rest, and I’ll be visiting your quarters to check on you.”
She looked at the numbers above the doors, and continued to send healing calm vibes. “We’re nearly there, three more decks then ours.”
The doors opened on their deck, and he stepped aside for EMH.
They rolled the bed out of the lift, and headed for Javi’s quarters.
"these things should have the tradition earth feel, at least then they would feel like they are moving not floating"
“They should, though they are worse if they have a funny wheel.”
He nodded, “I think we’re still adjusting to the new technology too.”
"even with a wonky wheel I'd prefer it to this. It's making me sea sick"
EMH looked at Javi, “Apologies, Sir. We are nearly back to your quarters.”
She nodded, walking at his side.
He walked ahead to Javi’s quarters, waiting for everyone before opening the doors.
-Javi sighed in relief to be returning to his rooms. He hadn't had them long but they were somewhere he could call his.-
LB: She continued to send calm healing vibes, and walked to the doors to open them.
EMH walked into the quarters with Javi and helped to get him settled. “I’ll be back tomorrow to check on you.”
"Thank you doctor." -Javi was just glad to be out of that horrible floating bed and into one a bit more solid-
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javi-reno · 1 year
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