jaxradd · 9 years
“Hm. Odd that they brought them. I heard another batch of them came when Lockhart was teaching here. At least, that’s what Mr. Malfoy said.” She smiled and leaned over to kiss him gently. “Some of them are mint and some hazelnut. Why? Do you want me to get the champagne ones?”
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“I heard that too. I guess I’ve got some research ahead of me to find out exactly where they came from. But I think that can wait till later.” Jax kissed her  softly and shook his head. “I think a mint one would be just fine.” He told her and shifted slightly to face her. “You’re going to spoil me with all these good chocolates and what not you know that?”
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jaxradd · 9 years
I was just so bored! Like, there’s nothing to do around here in the summer.”
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“I second that. I mean it’s something I’ve never done before but it’s something I’m okay with not doing again either. What are you taking this coming year?”
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jaxradd · 9 years
Not really. Not unless you can end this stupid… shit that the Ministryi s doing.
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I wish I could Aiden. But I doubt even my sparkling smile can get us all out of this one. I’m sorry mate. I really truly am.”
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jaxradd · 9 years
I mean, I kinda get how they feel about being stuck here, seeing as I’m… yeah. And I think the ones who are close to the seventh-years will stay. I mean, they get an excuse to stay and screw around with their friends, so why not?
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Jax nodded and shifted uncomfortably back and forth on his heels. “Yeah ... yeah I suppose you would know.” He cleared his throat before looking up at the ghost. He couldn’t put his finger on it but he just didn’t know how to feel around .... “I guess that’s one way to look at it and it’s one less year of dealing with being an actual adult. I can see the perks.”
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jaxradd · 9 years
“Well, how would you know if they migrate or not? Have you ever gone out tot the Forest and asked them?” Declan teased.
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“Well ... no but everything I’ve read says they don’t. You can’t go wrong with gobs of research.” He chuckled and shook his head at him. “When I go ask you can come with me as a translator.”
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jaxradd · 9 years
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“I didn’t take care so I have no clue if they actually do or not. Did the ones here migrate or something?” She sat down next to him. “So I just got some truffles that I think you might like.”
“I have no idea. I’d have to look at the history book for that one but I don’t believe so. If I’m correct one of the founders brought them with them but don’t quote me on that.” He looked over at her and smiled softly. “And what exactly do these truffles contain?”
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jaxradd · 9 years
Are you sure? I thought I read somewhere that they might. I think it was a new study or something on the species.
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“From everything I’ve read they don’t. But that’s possible there’s a new study. Hell there could be a dozen by now but to the very best of my knowledge they don’t. Where’d you read it at? Now I have to see this for myself.”
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jaxradd · 9 years
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“That’s complete rubbish. Pixies don’t migrate. That’s the biggest load of ... well its’ just stupid.”
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jaxradd · 9 years
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“I’m not a cheater at heart, but I cheated at one point and I told her that I didn’t and then later on it came out and I confessed to the fact that I lied about it, and it did not end well for me. I came to terms with it myself and told her at the end of the day. Lies in general are just no good. The world would be a much better place if nobody lied about anything.”
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jaxradd · 9 years
Maybe I do. Want to come with me on my chocolate run?
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I think that’d be fun. I’ve had an awful hankering for butterscotch lately. Are you ready now or should we get going?
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jaxradd · 9 years
“Yep, that sounds about right. Although I’m sure she’s nicer about it with you than she is with me. As seriously? She actually lets you touch the hair?” He whistled. “Damn, I’d say you’ve made more progress with her in–what, a month?–than I managed to make in years. Not that that’s saying much, but…” He wasn’t sure if he should be congratulating Jax on dating his fiancee, and he wasn’t exactly sure how much Jax knew about the situation, but hey, at least they weren’t going to get into a fist fight over Odette. “Good,” he said. “You can join Peter in the Ravenclaws cheering for Slytherin club. And yeah, I figure they’re gonna start branching out, meeting people they love, and then they’ll have new homes. But at least they’ll be with friends, so I can still see them.” He shrugged. “I really, really should’ve noticed, probably. And honestly, I’m a little worried what that means about the people Morgan doesn’t like. Kneazles are good judges of character, right?”
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“I didn’t realize that was such a feat but yet I’ve touched it. It’s actually quiet lovely.” He chuckled and pressed his lips together. It was awkward a bit but nothing overly bearing. “I figured as much that I’d not be the only one rooting for you. That and you’ve got a few friends outside of our two houses too.” Jax nodded in agreement, clasping his hands together in front of him. “If you’re ever curious about a person or their intention it wouldn’t hurt to have Morgan or one of the kittens around. I’d take the word of an animal over a person some days. You can never be too sure if they’re going in for their own benefit sometimes.”
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jaxradd · 9 years
I’m so glad I’m not the only one that’s excited. 
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Who’s ready for the new school year??
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jaxradd · 9 years
Augh… it’s shit and it’s really fucking annoying. No I don’t know anything yet.
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I’m sorry they’re doing this to you. Is ... is there anything that will help?
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jaxradd · 9 years
I can’t say I’d be particularly pleased with having to stay in the castle for an extra year if I was in their shoes. But some of them seem to be handling it better than others. I’ve seen a few champing at the bit to get the heck out of here.”
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I know. I think I’d feel the same way. Actually I know I would. But I guess we’ll have to see if the eighth year will stick around when this year is over. Funny how things work out like that, huh?
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jaxradd · 9 years
Have some faith, Mr. Raddock, of course I can come up with something on a whim. What do you think I did last year?
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Well Professor I have to say I’m impressed. And I should also say I hope you can top it. I actually enjoyed potions for once.
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jaxradd · 9 years
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jaxradd · 9 years
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