jaygatz1920-blog 10 years
Works Cited
Profile picture http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/thegreatgatsby/images/8/86/Jgatsby.png/revision/latest?cb=20130125042956 Post 1: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-LRN8-HnfsJs/UhbWCt2f_zI/AAAAAAAAAFY/xHh1zWYu4cY/s1600/Green+Light.png Post 2: https://thefiestahblog.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/gatsby-party.jpg Post 5: http://cdn2-b.examiner.com/sites/default/files/styles/image_content_width/hash/dd/33/dd335538e14200a3f0a9c309ea905ce0.jpg?itok=UJbAVJ0M Post 6: http://www.mardesco.com/wp-content/themes/mardesco/images/excited-about-marketing-crop.png Post 7: http://www.newyorker.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/the-great-gatsby-party-580.jpg
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jaygatz1920-blog 10 years
I waited all night long, but Daisy never gave me the signal that something was wrong, so I went home. I still couldn't wrap my head around what had happened yesterday. We were driving and Daisy was shaken up from what happened at the hotel, and killed someone. She killed that girl that seemed to be coming up to the car. Anyways, she still haven't called, which is funny, because you would think she would call the person who is taking the blame for what she did. Nick tells me that I should get out of town, but how can I leave now, when Daisy and I are about to be together again? I looked out to my pool and realized that I haven't used that pool all summer. I have been so distracted and enchanted by Daisy that I couldn't take an hour and just swim. I asked Nick if he wanted to join me for a swim, but he had a train he couldn't miss. He was leaving when he turned and shouted back to me, "They're a rotten crowd," "You're worth the whole damn bunch put together." I think that was the first direct compliment he has given me, and it gave me an unexpected feeling of warmth. After he left, I decided i would put that pool to good use, and went for a swim. It was lulling; the flow of the water and the quietness that surrounded me. I was thinking about Daisy, and what our life would be like together when I heard footsteps. Just as I turned around the world went black.
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jaygatz1920-blog 10 years
I had to fire all my servants and replace them, since Daisy has been coming over more and more often. I can't have people spreading the word and gossiping that she visits - it could get back to Tom. Nick and I went over to the Buchanan house, and it was as hot as days get. It felt like a thousand degrees, and the drinks we drank felt heavenly as the cool iced water ran down our throats. Daisy's daughter joined us for a short while, and she looked exactly like her mother; nothing like Tom. As soon as Tom left the room, Daisy would kiss me and hug me, and it almost made me nervous since Tom could come back in at any minute. It was almost as if the heat was going to Daisy's head. We locked eyes, and Tom saw. I think in that moment he realized he didn't really have Daisy. He was suddenly urging us to go with Daisy's idea and go to town. He wanted to drive my car, which I didn't particularly like. It wasn't completely personal, though, because I don't usually like anyone other than myself driving that car. When we got to the hotel, everything unraveled. Daisy admitted that she never loved Tom, and he seemed surprised. As if him cheating on her wasn't a big enough reason for her to not love him. She told me that she did love him, though, for some time. I couldn't believe it. This whole time, I thought she only loved me, all these years, and I was wrong.
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jaygatz1920-blog 10 years
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I had a small gathering, with just Nick, a couple people, and to my surprise, Tom Buchanan. Tom Buchanan. As in Daisy's husband. It took a while for me to absorb the situation. I casually introduced myself, and it seemed funny to me; funny that Daisy and I are in love and he is completely oblivious. He didn't even think twice when I told him I know Daisy. He did seem a little suspicious after talking with Nick, though. I hope Nick didn't tell him anything. It could ruin my chances with Daisy. When I had another one of my parties the next night, Tom came with Daisy. I was hoping she would come alone so I could get a chance to talk to her, but with her husband here it didn't look like that was a possibility. Daisy didn't seem to like the party, especially with atom hovering over her. I did manage to steal a dance with her, though, and we danced for so long that it felt like an eternity passed.
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jaygatz1920-blog 10 years
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I woke up on my own today, and that almost never happens. No alarm, I just woke myself up. I hardly got any sleep last night, I was much too excited. Tis was the day I have been waiting for for five years. I almost couldn't believe it. Today, I will be reunited with my long lost love Daisy. I was overcome with nerves, which has been happening a lot lately, and immediately got put to get dressed and make sure everything was ready. I made sure I wore my best clothes - my white flannel suit, silver shirt, and gold colored-tie, and I suddenly gained a little confidence. It was a rainy day, which I found comforting. When I showed up, I couldn't hide my nervousness. I was jittery and couldn't sit still. Nick was nice enough to pretend not to notice. When I came back, Nick opened the door, and I rushed in. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw her. She looked as radiant as ever. We made small talk, and then I nonchalantly invited them both to my house. I noticed the green light across the bay wasn't noticeable due to the mist. Then it occurred to me that the green light, was now just a green light. It used to symbolize my hope of seeing Daisy again, but now it was just a light.
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jaygatz1920-blog 10 years
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I waited up for Nick and was filled with relief when I saw him pull up in a taxi. I tried to make small talk but I was waiting for him to bring up the conversation he had with Miss Baker. I tried not to seem to eager, but it was almost impossible to hide. He finally read my facial expression and told me they spoke and that he would do it. I felt like I could run a marathon. The moment he agreed I was suddenly overcome with things I had to do before I met her. I had to have the grass cut, change the look of my house, make it seem more elegant, and oh so much more. But none of this could even be compared to the excitement I felt knowing I would be reunited with her again. All this time I had been worrying and imagining the worst possible case, and he said yes. I should learn to be more optimistic.
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jaygatz1920-blog 10 years
Today I picked Nick up at his house to drive to lunch. I was really nervous, I hope I wasn't being too obvious. I didn't want him to get the wrong idea of me, because if his opinion of me was negative, he might not help me. I told him my story and talked about the war a little. I felt a little bad about lying about my family and some of my past, but I reminded myself it was all to meet Daisy. I tried to ease into telling him about meeting Jordan, but he seemed confused. We ran into my old friend Mr. Wolfsheim, and we conversed a little but he had to leave. When I left Jordan and Nick, I started to worry. It was nerve-racking, and I couldn't help but think of the worst possible scenarios. This was it. The moment that would determine whether of not I would see Daisy again. I tried to think of other ways I could see her, but I couldn't just go up to her or show up to her house and not seem strange. It had to casual and seemingly accidental, and I needed Nick for that.
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jaygatz1920-blog 10 years
I know I have already posted for today, but I am still getting the hang of this whole Tumblr thing and I'm not very handy with technology. Usually I have my butler do most of my social media. Anyways, tonight was, aside from the usual loud, crowded party, a little different. This night gave my hope. It was just a regular evening of watching my guests enjoy and drink until they were not themselves, but then my guest of honor showed up. My neighbor who I had yet to meet and who I had been recently informed has social ties with Daisy. His name was Nick Carraway, and he was accompanied by Jordan Baker, who I know is friends with Daisy. I talked to him, and was surprised to know he served in the same war battalion I had served in. It wasn't until the middle of the conversation that he discovered I was the man who had invited him and the host of this party. I had a private conversation with Miss Baker, who I told by plan to. My plan to meet Daisy of course, because it had to seem casual. After our conversation, I had never felt more excited about anything. I could not wait until the day I could see Daisy again.
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jaygatz1920-blog 10 years
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I had another one of my "famous" parties tonight. I don't now why I keep having these huge parties. Someone always ends up getting injured from drinking too much. Like tonight, this man with big round glasses ran his car right into a ditch and almost died. You would think with glasses like those, he would have the best road vision... Anyways back to my point. Daisy has not made an appearance at a single one of my parties, and she is the whole reason I host such parties. There have been many, and every single time I get my hopes up. Every time. As if one of these days she is just going to walk right in, recognize me, and run into my arms. Oh, and there's another thing. What is she doesn't recognize me? Its only been five years, but to a beautiful, vibrant, young thing like her, that must be a lifetime. Maybe she has forgotten about me. She is too perfect to not have many other men pining after her. Or maybe, once again, I am being paranoid, and she has been waiting for me too.
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jaygatz1920-blog 10 years
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I found myself back out on my lawn today. It's the light. It's the bright green light that marks the other end of the bay - the one that marks where... she... lives. Daisy, the love of my life, the reason I can have all that I have and still want more. I can't explain the pull; it's like the green shining light lures me out of my house and leaves me thinking about what used to be. Thinking about her, what she made me feel like, and who she made me want to be. The light is all I have left of her, and I cling to it. It is my only hope that some day, I may see her again. There is a feeling, though, that I have deep in my gut; the feeling that I might get what I constantly wish for. That I might finally get to see her young and smiling face again, and that she, too, will feel again what I know she once felt.
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