jaylynnembry-blog ¡ 8 years
Being a Beginner
Despite the fact that I forget to think about it all the time, one thing I need to remember is when it comes to my writing, I’m a beginner. I wish it weren’t the case, that I had the knowledge as vast as someone who has been writing longer than I’ve been alive, but for now, I just have to accept where I am.
 Frustrating and challenging as it may be, being a beginner at something isn’t all bad. There are, in my opinion, advantages to being in this stage of your life. A major advantage I have come to find is when a person is just starting to do something, it creates a time when they are best in the frame of mind to learn. When taking on a new task or project, more often than not, your mind is wide open. You are well aware that you don’t know much about what your doing and your hopefully prepared to learn everything you can about the task at hand. You will be more patient in listening to someone tell you how to do something, and you will likely be more forgiving of your mistakes when you do make them.
 A person who has been doing something for years, and feels as though they know the task like the back of their hand, are far more likely to have a closed mind. They may feel as though they know enough to be content with what they're doing and there is no use in learning more, or they may just be out right unaware there is more to learn. Knowledge is something that’s constantly evolving, constantly changing, and constantly discovering. One example I like to use is a teacher who retired 30 years ago, would not be considered a qualified teacher in today's day and age. Technology being the leading cause for that.
 More than keeping your mind open, being a beginner keeps your world open. It leaves you open to a world of possibilities and is a wonderful way to not only show you what you're truly meant to do but also what you were never in a million years meant to do. It’s highly possible that you will try several things before you find something you actually want to stick with and pursue. Or maybe you’ve had a dream for years, and know exactly what you want to do. There is absolutely nothing wrong with either place in life. They simply present different opportunities.
 Another excellent advantage of being a beginner is having the opportunity in life to fail. There is no one person in this world that can do it all. It’s just not possible. Personally, I’m glad one person can’t be everything, because if we could, how would anyone ever get good at something? We’d be too busy trying to do… well, everything. Failure makes us who we are. It gets us to where we are in life and outlines the path to success. If we didn’t fail, we wouldn’t learn. There are several situations in life we wouldn’t know the outcome of if we didn’t try, and I don’t have to tell you that not everything tried in this world has worked.
 Failure helps make us who we are. More often than not we figure out we’re not mean to do something by trying to do it. School is a perfect example of that. We’ve all had courses we were required to take, only to find out we absolutely hate them and were largely incapable of. High school taught me that science and history are two areas of life I should avoid like the black plague. Other’s I knew, learned they couldn’t write worth a damn, but accomplishing the science needed to be a doctor was easy. All of us learning by failing.
 While being a beginner brings with it great failure, it is no stranger to success either. Trying something new is always a risk, but part of that risk brings success. There will always be new things in life you try and come to find you wish you had discovered them long ago. Maybe it feels like a wake-up call, finally showing you what you are truly meant to do with your life. Or maybe it won’t be that big. Maybe it will be as simple as finding something that is more time efficient, more economical, or just more enjoyable. Trying something new doesn’t have to be life changing, but it can be.
 Meeting new people is something I always love. This is why it is one my favorite things about being a beginner. Quite often when you first try something new, you can’t do it by yourself. While advancing technology is making it easier and easier to become self-taught with something, you still can’t do it all, alone. All of our resources come from somewhere. Whether it’s finding a mentor, or reaching out to someone who has already successfully done what you’re trying to do, not only does it has major advantages, it brings new people into your life. This opens the door to all sorts of new relationships, and I really can’t say anything negative about that.
 Regardless of what advantages being a beginner brings you, whether easy or hard, it will leave you with a positive impact. Be it something I have discussed here, or something I haven’t even thought of yet. It might not always feel positive, as trying something new can be uncomfortable and challenging, but it will be. Even if all you learned is that what you tried was a complete failure, you still learned something, and learning is never a bad thing. You can be scared, just don’t let your fear inhibit you.
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jaylynnembry-blog ¡ 8 years
Why I Get Out of Bed
There is a reason this post is titled ‘Why I Get Out of Bed’ and not ‘Why I Get Out of Bed in the Morning’. That’s because it’s not always morning when I get out of bed, but I do get out of bed for a reason. To chase and find inspiration.
 I don’t sleep like a normal person. Wait, I don’t like that. In my opinion there is no such thing as a “normal person”, everyone is different and unique in their own way. What I should say is, I don’t keep a regular sleep schedule, but there is a reason for that. Inspiration, motivation and ambition don’t run on a schedule. They come and go at some of the strangest moments in life.
 I’m a person who lives to be inspired and lives to write. Sometimes these feelings keep me writing until ungodly hours in the morning, making me sleep all day, or it keeps me from sleeping at all. Other times I feel like I can’t write at all and have to force myself to go to sleep in hopes that I will wake up with a new idea or different state of mind.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.
 Despite the irregularities in my sleeping, one thing has never changed and never will. The reason I get out of bed. I will always get out of bed to find my inspiration, because I know no matter how hard life may get, it will always be somewhere. Speaking as someone who copes with mental illness in a major way, I really have to rely on inspiration, sometimes just to get through my day, and I know I’m not the only one doing that.
 That being said, let’s talk about ways to find inspiration, and stay inspired. Now the thing about this is it’s not going to be the same for everyone. As I have mentioned before I feel as though every person is different and unique in their own way, so how can what works for one person work for everyone? It really can’t. To begin, I will share the resources that work for me, and then leave you with a list of other ideas I have.
 The first thing I had to do to find my inspiration was find myself. In a way I had to make a decision. I had to really decide who I want to be. I don’t think it’s easy for anyone to really figure out who they are, and I found it particularly challenging with several mental illnesses constantly clouding my mind, and controlling my emotions. It was as though I woke up one day and decided I was tired of my illness controlling me, and that it was time for me to control my illness. Once I made that decision I finally felt free to be whoever I want to be.
 I also find a big part of finding your inspiration is knowing or figuring out what you love to do and where your passion is. Though it’s something I long kept private, I knew I loved to write, and I knew that was where my passion truly was. Once I decided that writing was what I wanted to pursue, I then had to gain the confidence to do it. I had to come to terms with the fact that it might be an utter failure, or it might be a wild success. I also had to come to terms with the fact that I might be liked or I might be hated. Most of all though, I had to decide not to care. I had to decide that I was just going to do my thing and see where it takes me. I still have no idea where it’s going to take me, and it’s entirely possible it might not take me anywhere at all, but one thing nobody can take away from me is the fact that I tried, and didn’t give up. I’m still trying, and giving up is a thought I refuse to let cross my mind.
 As I’ve said a million times, everyone is unique and finding inspiration or a reason to get out of bed at all is going to be different for everyone. Maybe your not looking for inspiration at all, but have a far more important reason to get out of bed. However if you are looking for ways to become inspired, my suggestions are as follows:
-Find a Role Model
-Communication – talking to people
-Exploring/Going on an adventure
-Pursue an interest
 I am still just beginning to find myself and find inspiration. I hope to one day know exactly who I am and end that search, but as for inspiration, I really hope that’s a never ending journey. Who wants to stop feeling inspired?
 So if you take nothing else from this post, take this… There IS something out there that will inspire you, and you CAN find it. Or maybe inspiration is not the #1 reason you get out of bed, but something else is. That’s great too! Maybe you haven’t yet found the reason to get out of bed. That’s okay too. Just try to keep faith, that you someday will. Have confidence that there is a reason out there for you, and you will find it. If you want help trying to find it, contact me! Either way, do you, be you and don’t worry what anyone else thinks!
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jaylynnembry-blog ¡ 8 years
Welcome to My World!
It has taken me years to come to terms with putting my writing “out in the real world”, but the time has come for me to stop being self conscious and just try. So… Welcome to My World!
 This blog is something I have created to be able to express myself in anyway I desire. It will include the majority of thoughts, inspirations, and ideas tumbling through my crazy, complex mind. I could be setting myself up for failure in entirety, but that’s okay. As with our successes, with our failures we too learn. The term “learn from your mistakes” is used for a reason. So if I fail, I’m completely okay with that. It will simply be another chapter in my life.
 I can’t perfectly outline what will be written here, because I can’t predict the future. Will I feature articles from other writers? It’s definitely a possibility. Will this blog blow up and be read by many or remain something almost nobody knows about? Who knows. Will I be loved or hated for what I write? Well that’s unknown to us too, but so is the future, and we’ve been living with that idea our entire lives.
 So I say again, welcome to Jaylynn’s Randoms. A mysterious place where you never know what you might read. A place where a young girl expresses herself and hopes other’s find inspiration or relativity to and from the life experiences I go through, inspiring me to write and be who I really am.
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