jayolstadtv · 4 years
Here’s some great information on how #VideoMarketing can change your game for the better, and some easy tips on how to get started for startups!
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jayolstadtv · 4 years
If anyone knows, he would.
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jayolstadtv · 4 years
A little buffoonery during this time of anxious news clips.
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jayolstadtv · 4 years
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jayolstadtv · 5 years
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jayolstadtv · 5 years
So true in this day of information overload!
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jayolstadtv · 5 years
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jayolstadtv · 5 years
Take it from Pixar; they know how to tell a story. https://medium.com/@Brian_G_Peters/6-rules-of-great-storytelling-as-told-by-pixar-fcc6ae225f50
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jayolstadtv · 5 years
Interesting - these are similar tips I give to people who want to tell better stories. Proof that being a solid storyteller isn’t just about putting pen to paper but presenting passion at the podium!
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jayolstadtv · 5 years
Here’s a great article I found about how to tell a story and actually have people notice.
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jayolstadtv · 5 years
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jayolstadtv · 5 years
3 Secrets to Great Video Storytelling
Have you ever watched a great video and thought – “That’s so good. How’d they do that?” I’m about to tell you.
It seems these days more and more brands are realizing the power of video storytelling. Notice I didn’t write just “video” and I didn’t just write “storytelling”. Both are important, but I wrote “video storytelling”. The two go together like peanut butter and jelly.
Of course, there are lots of things that make a story great, but below are three secrets that I believe make stories unforgettable.
1. Find the FOCUS
Have you ever watched a movie or read a book and got lost? It was just too hard to follow? That’s because the storyteller didn’t have a focus. In one sentence, write down what your story is all about. By doing this, it allows you (the storyteller) to be more efficient with how you produce the video. And for your audience, it keeps it simple to follow.
2. Give them MOMENTS
Call them moments, surprises, tension - whatever. Any good story has them. These moments could be building up to something, a resolution or a call to action. Maybe it’s a poignant soundbite or capturing a killer action shot. A moment could be as simple as a nice turn of phrase in the scripting or a video sequence edited to perfection. It keeps the viewer interested. But remember - when you run out of moments, your story needs to end.
3. Offer up CHARACTERS
People bring the subject matter to life. This is especially true if you’re producing a video about something that is filled with facts and figures, or complicated and dry. If you find people behind those numbers that are relatable and real, we promise you – your video will have a much better chance of being memorable.
Bottom line – aim for the heart and the rest will follow. If this sounds good to you, maybe I can help you put it into action.
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jayolstadtv · 5 years
3 Secrets to Great Video Storytelling
Have you ever watched a great video and thought – “That’s so good. How’d they do that?” We’re about to tell you.
It seems these days more and more brands are realizing the power of video storytelling. Notice we didn’t write just “video” and we didn’t just write “storytelling”. Both are important, but we wrote “video storytelling”. The two go together like peanut butter and jelly.
Of course, there are lots of things that make a story great, but below are three secrets that we use at AMPonStage that we believe make our stories unforgettable.
1. Find the FOCUS
Have you ever watched a movie or read a book and got lost? It was just too hard to follow? That’s because the storyteller didn’t have a focus. In one sentence, write down what your story is all about. By doing this, it allows you (the storyteller) to be more efficient with how you produce the video. And for your audience, it keeps it simple to follow.
2. Give them MOMENTS
Call them moments, surprises, tension - whatever. Any good story has them. These moments could be building up to something, a resolution or a call to action. Maybe it’s a poignant soundbite or capturing a killer action shot. A moment could be as simple as a nice turn of phrase in the scripting or a video sequence edited to perfection. It keeps the viewer interested. But remember - when you run out of moments, your story needs to end.
3. Offer up CHARACTERS
People bring the subject matter to life. This is especially true if you’re producing a video about something that is filled with facts and figures, or complicated and dry. If you find people behind those numbers that are relatable and real, we promise you – your video will have a much better chance of being memorable.
Bottom line – aim for the heart and the rest will follow. If this sounds good to you, maybe I can help you put it into action.
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jayolstadtv · 5 years
3 Secrets to Great Video Storytelling
Have you ever watched a great video and thought – “That’s so good. How’d they do that?” I’m about to tell you.
It seems these days more and more brands are realizing the power of video storytelling. Notice I didn’t write just “video” and I didn’t just write “storytelling”. Both are important, but I wrote “video storytelling”. The two go together like peanut butter and jelly.
Of course, there are lots of things that make a story great, but below are three secrets that I believe make stories unforgettable.
1. Find the FOCUS
Have you ever watched a movie or read a book and got lost? It was just too hard to follow? That’s because the storyteller didn’t have a focus. In one sentence, write down what your story is all about. By doing this, it allows you (the storyteller) to be more efficient with how you produce the video. And for your audience, it keeps it simple to follow.
2. Give them MOMENTS
Call them moments, surprises, tension - whatever. Any good story has them. These moments could be building up to something, a resolution or a call to action. Maybe it’s a poignant soundbite or capturing a killer action shot. A moment could be as simple as a nice turn of phrase in the scripting or a video sequence edited to perfection. It keeps the viewer interested. But remember - when you run out of moments, your story needs to end.
3. Offer up CHARACTERS
People bring the subject matter to life. This is especially true if you’re producing a video about something that is filled with facts and figures, or complicated and dry. If you find people behind those numbers that are relatable and real, we promise you – your video will have a much better chance of being memorable.
Bottom line – aim for the heart and the rest will follow. If this sounds good to you, maybe I can help you put it into action.
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jayolstadtv · 5 years
Good stuff here.
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jayolstadtv · 5 years
Interesting stuff!
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jayolstadtv · 5 years
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