jaysditzes · 1 day
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Made up A Malaprop request for @bimbodiaries (who also provided the new name)
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jaysditzes · 1 day
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Glossy luster
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jaysditzes · 1 day
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"Hiiiiii! Do you like my outfit? It was all super specially chosen."
"The white stockings and jacket are, like, a reminder I used to be a super-smarty scientist in a big white coat. I think this looks cuter though!"
"The denim skirt and pretty 'lil top are cuz I always used to cover up. Probably cuz of liek the chemy-cals I was playing with. But since I made a whoopsies with that already, I might as well show my new boobies and butt!"
"My fave collar and adorbs pigtails are, like, ummmm...signs that I'm Mommy's good girl? Mommy was like, my partner or something, but it makes sooooo much more sense for her to be in charge and steer my ditzy head by my hair!"
"Lastly, the most important piece...my fluffy ears! For some reason people kept calling me 'Katherine' even after my accy-dent. So I started wearing my ears to, like, make it suuuuuper obvious that I'm Kitty now!"
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jaysditzes · 6 days
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Dumbo Thick
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jaysditzes · 6 days
"Hurry up! Drive faster!"
"I'm trying!"
Another button was ejected from Georgina's blouse as her chest continued to inflate. They were the size of her head and not stopping.
And there went the button on her pants as her hips cracked wider.
"God dammit Jim!" she cursed to her husband who glanced over in shock. The whole ordeal was alarming but the language from his very Christian wife was another level.
"My boobs are getting huge!" she said uncharacteristically as she arched her back more almost on instinct. Her rising melons pressing through the open gap. She had forgone a seatbelt out of concern of being trapped in it as she grew.
"Honey just stay calm and try not to focus on it. We'll be at the hospital soon," Jim attempted to reassure her as he struggled to keep his wandering eyes on the road.
Georgina tried not to think about it but they were dominating her vision now. Closing her eyes she remembered earlier. Yelling at her daughter for showing up on Easter with a boob job. While nothing extreme at all with a C cup but just complimenting her daughter's body more than being flat as a board like her, she flew off the handle. Her tirade calling her all sorts of names. A hussy. A stripper. A bimbo. All manner of things to convey her anger at such a blasphemous act. Ruining the holiday for all as her daughter ran off in tears. It wasn't long after that her that she felt a tightness in her chest followed by the rapid overfilling of her bra. Getting her husband to drive her to the hospital she darted out of the house as she felt her underwear ride up.
Opening her eyes she unconsciously let out a giggle. She was definitely bigger than her daughter now. Every bump sent her chest moving but not in a natural way. Her top was tight but inside the orbs were of 1 solid mass as each bounce dropped them lower.
"Baby I need to show the doctor my fat titties," she said in and almost moan of frustration. Her face was pouting now as even her lips were becoming inflated.
The darker tan of her tits that was pushing out her top didn't match the pale white of the rest of her body. It began to creep up her neck, not that she would notice. She was too busy looking at her longer red and well manicured nails. They looked... pretty. The old her would have thought "whorish" but only spoke "harlot". The shiny red matching her new lips as the tan spread across her face, meeting her hairline before it reacted violently changing from dark brown to bright blonde starting at the roots.
Jim focused on the road. He dare not give into temptation as he gripped the steering wheel with white knuckled hands. In the distance the sign for the hospital was lit up.
"Almost there honey. Just hold on," he said through grit teeth.
As if to thwart their advance the light ahead turned red causing them to come to an abrupt stop. The force pulling the weighty mass of Georgina's chest forward accompanied by the lewd filling noise.
Her tits and ass ballooned further together. The cab was filled with red light as she stared blankly at the light. Her fully blonde hair reflected it in contrast to the darkness of her tan that covered her body, even her ass cheeks that swelled from her pants. It was so pretty like her nails and lips and..."
"My totally big juggies!" she yelped. Another button freed along with the destruction of her zipper. Now the top was open enough to see miles of solid round tit meat and instead of what should have been her bra was a red tightly stretched latex material barely attached between her orbs. She could feel the smoothness of the material pushing into her hard nipples.
Suddenly she was jerked back as the light turned green and Jim sped to the entrance. Taking the turn into the hospital drive sharply she could feel the immense weight on her chest pulled toward Jim and as he righted the vehicle they swung back around bounced off the door with a dull thud. Rounding the entrance circle the vehicle stopped and Georgina immediately opened the door as Jim turned to see his wife leave. Or wheat should have been his wife.
Bending over to scoot out of the seat rent her pants in half as her tanned globes spilled into the nights air. Between her globes a matching red triangle was being devoured. Leaping down there was the light CLAK of her shoes turned red stripper heels connecting with the pavement that she didn't notice either. With eagerness she made her way to the door. Each step accompanied with more bounce than before. Her tits and ass were wobbling wildly as each step tore more clothes off. Her pants split from her legs completely, revealing long, tight, red stockings and several new hummingbird tattoos.
With a final lurch her tits freed themselves from her old top and stretched the barely there replacement to the limit. Like two basketballs in size and bounciness they tried to counterbalance her equally wobbly and fake ass. Finally she reached to door and with pristine nailed fingers opened the door.
Inside was darkness. No light. Just the sound of her heels and the creaking of her clothes as she walked forward into nothingness.
"Hello? Like, I need some help with my titties," she asked into the emptiness without even an echo.
Suddenly light directed at her with the intensity of the sun seemed to hit her. Blinded she put her hand up to block it. A deep base reverberated through her and the area as music began to play. Subconsciously her hips began to sway.
"Now everyone it's time for the ever popular, Gigi Giggles!" came an ominous announcer followed by the roar of a crowd.
All around her lights lit the stage she had suddenly found herself on and in front of her was a gleaming silver pole. Confusingly she found herself reaching out, grasping the pole and in a motion more fluid than should have been for someone who had never before been on a stripper pole, twirled around till her massive booty was facing the crowd. Rocking her hips she shook her wobbling fake ass for the crowd much to their pleasure.
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For 10 minutes she jiggled and writhed on the pole for the audience. No one would have guessed 30 minutes ago she was a deeply religions woman heavily opposed to cosmetic surgery instead of the bouncy, giggly woman with the fake tan, hair color, tits and ass pushed to 11. Finally she cam bounding down the steps of the stage, stressing her top to the max with each heavy bounce.
Lost in a haze of adrenaline and lust Gigi made her way through the crowd till finally she made it to the bar when a hand smacked into her ass loudly and harshly sending it bouncing causing her to look at who it was.
"My, my. You turned out better than I thought," the stranger said. "Hypocrisy has suited you."
Gigi didn't really get what they were saying but she liked it when they touched her.
"Are you gonna, like, fuck me?" she asked hopefully.
"I thought I was done but I guess you were a pretty big bitch before," they said reaching over and opening the door to the VIP rooms. "If you're lucky your clothes may still fit and you might even be able to remember how to put them on," they said with another swat to her ass making it just a bit bigger.
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jaysditzes · 6 days
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Sometimes I forget what my viewers care to read. They are mostly silly bimbos who have much simpler needs.
They don't want a big wall of text. They want big tits and sex.
They don't have to have an intricate backstory and plot. They just wanna see intimate backsides that are hot.
They don't need to know who a character is and who they've become. All that matters is they are now happy, giggly, and dumb.
So to keep things simpler this time: just stare at this pretty picture and repeat my rhyme:
"Be hot. Be a thot. Let your mind break. Your life mission is simple - be plastic and fake."
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jaysditzes · 8 days
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jaysditzes · 8 days
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jaysditzes · 10 days
Stupid is better than stressed
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Sarah felt so stupid. She just got done with a stressful quarter end at work and was looking for a simple way to blow off some steam. Her friend has suggested she hook up with someone. Sarah laughed it off, but when she was leaving one day, she saw a new intern. A young, chiseled intern and thought 'what the hell, I've got nothing to lose.'
Mark was all too happy when his sexy manager asked him if he wanted to help her loosen up. In fact, he had just the thing to help her.
Now Sarah found herself in Mark's apartment, unsure how to sit on his bed while he made her a drink. She felt so stupid, wearing a micro bikini and probably looking anything but sexy.
"I should leave," she said as Mark came back into the room. Mark was stunned with the body his manager was hiding under her work clothes.
"Oh come on, you've come this far. Just one drink. I promise it will help you feel better."
Sarah sighed, "fine, one drink." She knew this was wrong. She knew she should leave. But she saw the way Mark looked at her and knew she wanted him too.
"Oh, this is strong!" She said as her world rapidly faded. "Oh my god. Oh my-. Ooooooooh." She felt her stress vanish, leaving a dull pleasure pulsing through her. Each time she moved, she felt that pleasure grow. "Oooooh fuck me."
Sarah may be stupid, but at least she is stress free.
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jaysditzes · 10 days
Your neighbor had been complaining about the noise from your apartment but after completing your Bimbo Ray you didn't think that was a problem. The prototype was fairly large and had to be wheeled on a cart but you managed to the window to line up a shot. You heard moans and screams all night. Her poor daughter probably didn't sleep much. Retroactive reality bending much like cell phones will get smaller with time. Now Tabitha, likely Tabby now, was bouncing her tits as she eyed your crotch after inviting you in when you came to asked her about the noises last night.
"Like OMG I'm so embarrassed you heard me. When I play with my titties I moan like a total slut."
"I'm pretty sure I heard some screams too," you insist.
"Yeppers! Momma gets carried away when she starts cumming and she just got a new toy. It vibrates! She's totes a screamer fer sure."
Your brows furrowed at her statement. "Your... mother? So you're..."
"It's me Dia silly! You know my titties are way too small to be like momma. But I'ma keep sucking your cock like you told me so I can get, like, super big."
Dropping to her knees Dia, formerly Claudia, began to undo your pants as if she had a hundred times before. You were sure you had hit Tabitha last night. But the machine was retroactive so it must have worked its way back in her timeline. A bimbo would probably have a bimbo daughter. Genes would have to be passed on and if you changed someone enough it was bound to affect the offspring. But you hit her mom at setting level 9 so that meant...
"Oh my total gawd! If it isn't my lil cocksucker and my favorite cock."
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She glared at your crotch with envy/jealousy as Dia pulled out your length and her cockpillows pushed around the tip. In one motion she hilted your shaft causing you to lean over and grunt as you grabbed her hair. Coming around you Tabby smashed her huge jugs around your arm almost swallowing it as her breath caressed your ear.
"Mommy's horny so hurry up and cum so we can play," she whispered. Lightly she began to nibble your ear as her thick lips engulfed nearly half of it. Bringing her hand around she grabbed her daughters hair and began to roughly force her daughter to face fuck you. You weren't going to last long but you couldn't help but wonder. What if I set it to 10?
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jaysditzes · 10 days
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She should've known Jake would be an annoying housemate. They had been friends for years but he was a fastidious neat freak and she very much wasn't. But, as luck would have it, she'd been dumped at the same time his lease ended and neither of them could afford a place on their own, so here they were.
After the third or fourth argument over dirty dishes had nearly come to blows, they agreed (for the sake of their friendship and their sanity) to have regular house meetings and lay down some mutually-agreed house rules.
The first few had been straightfoward enough - dividing up the chores that each of them preferred and making a rota for the rest, that kind of thing. Jake had made a spreadsheet. Then after a while, they started to get more specific, like scheduling who was allowed to use the big TV in the living room when.
She still didn't understand that one. Jake never even seemed to watch anything. He just put the TV on and abandoned it (despite his own grumbling whenever she forgot to turn off lights). It was always showing some weird flashing pattern and making this strangely rhythmic buzzing noise.
The first time she caught sight of it, she had stared for... a while. Fifteen minutes, maybe? Or a couple of hours. She didn't quite remember. She tried a figure it out a few times after that but it hadn't gone any better or any faster. She kept meaning to ask him what the hell the deal was there but somehow it always slipped her mind.
Anyway, the next proposed house rule was that she had to go topless whenever it was just the two of them around. She had rolled her eyes at that but eventually agreed, after getting a guarantee he wouldn't complain about the heating bill when winter came.
In retrospect, she thought, she really should've put up more of a fight because the rules came thick and fast after that and it got harder and harder to say no.
Jake changed the schedule so she had to do all the cleaning. Then all the cooking, which they had always done for themselves before. He imposed a curfew that made it impossible for her to go out after work, even though he was allowed to, and somehow it sounded so fair and reasonable when he said it.
And now he had summoned her to yet another boring house meeting so he could add yet more rules. It couldn't have been a week since the last one, could it? She had complained about the amount of them last time but Jake had simply taken her by the hand and led her to the living room, sitting her down in front of the TV again. And yet again, she just went along with whatever he wanted.
This time, he apparently wanted a new rule that said they had to fuck whenever he wanted. She sighed and nodded. At least he hadn't made a schedule for it.
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jaysditzes · 10 days
What You Do All Day
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"Hello Zoey"
"It's good do see you sweetheart. Dressed just the way I left you. What did you do all day while I was away?"
*STARES BLANKLY* "Ummmm...I don't remember?"
"Okay then let's try remind that silly little mind of yours. Did you do any writing today?"
"Were you spacing out on your doll juice and bimbo bud?"
*GIGGLES NERVOUSLY* "Oh yeah! I kinda got sooooo silly allllll day"
"I see. Did you even get out of bed today?"
*THINKS HARD* "Wellllll it was kinda hard with all the sexy videos I was watching and my hand kinda got stuck in my panties. Oh! But I did, like, get up to do my hair and makeup. Does that count?"
"Not really. But did you at least find some good lesbian erotica or sexy hypno videos to get you into a blank mindless state?"
*GUSHES HAPPILY* "Oh yes! I found sooooo many good ones today!"
"Good girl Zoey. You did EXACTLY what I wanted you to do. Just be my pretty little empty headed doll who only thinks about finding the best bimbofication content. Now pull up some new sexy pics and pass that bim-blunt. After the day I've had, I'm sooooo ready to get into bimbo space with you" *GIGGLE*
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jaysditzes · 10 days
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"Oh don't be shy, dear. Come out and show me how pretty you are!"
"I know you're nervous. But even from afar and with your body partially obscured I can tell you look amazing. I can see your luscious blonde locks falling into view like a golden waterfall. That pretty, frilly, angelic lingerie you've picked out peaking out perfectly. Those thicc, creamy hips certainly can't hide with their wonderful width"
"There you go, baby. Oh it's so wonderful to see that face! Your innocent baby doll eyes. High cheekbones. Quivering, pouty lips. Hurry over so I can eat you up!"
"Awwww there's that pretty smile on my pretty little doll. It's almost as cute as the way you totter over here a little quicker at each compliment. Baby steps in your kitten heels that will become big strides in stilettos soon enough."
"Good girl! You're safe in mommy's lap now. Isn't it nice to be seen up close as your true self? You've been hiding this side of you for too long. I'm glad I could convince you to face your fears and embrace your bimbo form just like you're gently hugging me now."
"It's ironic. You started off hiding. But now you'll always be Heidi, mommy's bimbo sweetheart. I think you're going to be quite proud of showing that off soon."
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jaysditzes · 10 days
Choose-Your-Own Bimbofication # 7 (Finale!)
(Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
In fact, once the papers are drafted up, you get to be his new… TROPHY WIFE!
It made perfect sense. You woke up in this lavish mansion, too young and dumb to have this kind of wealth yourself. But you always had a taste for luxury, and with your luscious lips and fat ass, you found yourself a partner who could feed that taste for nice things.
Nice things like the implants your hubby bought you soon after getting together, taking you from busty to bimbo-built! He didn't care about your chubby build when you were just his sugar baby, but as a trophy wife, you'd be spending your days exercising and lounging by the pool to become the perfect arm candy.
"There you are." A man walks in from the next room and looked you over. "You've come along beautifully. I knew you had potential. But you must change out of that schoolgirl get up; as sexy as it is, I have a brunch to bring you along for."
"Zank you, husband!" Your bubbly voice was still heavily accented. Looking at the well-built man you met one night at a bar, your swollen lips tingle. "Vould you like suck before brunch?"
He chuckled and shook his head. "Such a good girl. We're running late, but if our guests are boring enough, maybe we'll sneak away to give you a treat."
When you came to America as a mail-order bride and things didn't work out, you thought you'd spend your days stripping to get by. You count yourself lucky that your hubby picked you out at the bar last night!
No, that wasn't right. It couldn't have been last night. It had been at least a year since that evening when you went out for drinks with friends.
After all, you didn't become some Nympho Russian Barbie Bimbo overnight! That'd be silly.
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jaysditzes · 12 days
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"There's no such thing as a chip that has full control over someone's brain. You're not an inventor; you're just crazy!"
"Oh? Maybe you're right. But why do you suddenly need to slide out of your panties?"
"I'm not..." Her hands lifted the hem of her skirt, looping fingers around the waistband of her undergarments, pulling them down her hips. "Oh, um. Well, these panties are a little too tight. They're... uncomfortable? That's just a coincidence."
"And it has nothing to do with your body suddenly feeling incredibly needy, right?"
She opens her mouth, but the rush of heat gives her pause. Her face flushes red as the center of her body heats up. "N-n-not at all. I'm not feeling horny—I mean needy."
"Definitely not. But maybe the horniness is why you've forgotten your own name, Cammie."
"That's stupid. You just said my name. It's..." She stared blankly, like she took a wrong turn and found a wall.
"In fact, why stop at your name? If you're going to be stubborn, maybe you don't need the language centers in your brain controlling English."
"But if wha bleh veshkel wub... ahl com bloh?" Her eyes opened wide, trying to dig around for words to form her thoughts around.
"Such a shame you never thought to learn another language. While this has been fun, I have Things to do today. Let's convert all that willpower into obedience. Oh, and... what's you're name again?"
"Good girl!"
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jaysditzes · 12 days
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jaysditzes · 12 days
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A Bimbophi inspired tgtf bimbofication~ really love their work with the before and afters~
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