jaystevesays-blog · 9 years
so i know it's been a while...
i mean y'all should take that as a good thing. it's been a while that my life's been going good (ishhhh) with minimal complaints. or that could be a bad thing saying that i only ever come on here to complain.. oh whale, my tumblr.. not yours xoxo. so this morning i realized something that i've always kinda realized.. make sense? have you ever met someone who cares but doesn't really care.. they'll never genuinely ask until they know someone else knows. and when they do find out everyone else already knows, they get mad they're last to know. but if you go out of your way to tell them first, you'll be lucky if you get an "lol" or a "k".. so it's almost like they really never cared from the get go.. ya one of those i mean we're at the age (21) where shits happening. we're graduating, forming relationships, getting jobs, losing jobs (no i haven't been fired yet), making up, breaking up, more breaking up.. and we need people to talk to. even if it's for the stupidest things. and that's what are true friends are there for.. to hear you bitch because the guy you're seeing just said "yo" to you, or called you "man" (we'll save that story for another blog). but if you can't be there for them in their times of pity needs, why the heck are they gonna turn to you for the big things.. like when he does finally ask you to get serious, or he seriously just asked you to put it in your exit hole (also hasn't happened yet, thank god) think of it like your grade 10 math teacher always explained.. r e c i p r o c i t y = what you do to one side, you must do to the other. that being said, don't be the shitty selfish friend expecting everyone to drop everything and jump for joy cause "he" texted you good morning, when you can't even sympathize (or pretend to sympathize) when i tell you my goldfish penelope just died. i mean c'mon, a fake funeral for a fish is a perfect excuse to get drunk.. isn't that what we're all aiming for here?
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jaystevesays-blog · 9 years
for starters, this
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jaystevesays-blog · 10 years
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jaystevesays-blog · 10 years
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jaystevesays-blog · 10 years
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jaystevesays-blog · 10 years
okay nick jonas, i. see. you.
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jaystevesays-blog · 10 years
ever since i was young, my dad and i always watched the challenge and the real world. not totally appropriate, ya i know.. anyways, for those who don't know, diem brown was a participant on both of those! throughout her time on and off the show, diem continued to be a role model for those of all ages, especially young women through her fight with cancer. her poise, class and self respect stood strong as she sometimes struggled physically and emotionally. i have never personally lost anyone close to me, however i find myself getting more and more emotional as people who've had an impact on my life go through tragedies - whether we've met or not. goes to show how much of an impact someone can have on your life. where's this left me now? classic statement. tell the ones you love them that you do. you never know what tomorrow has in store. cliché, i know. but it's so true.
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jaystevesays-blog · 10 years
last night, i rekindled with an "old flame".. jk i've just always wanted to say that. but i did end up hanging out with someone from my past. and it was cool. though alllllll of these rules weren't followed, i still think they're really important nonetheless.
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jaystevesays-blog · 10 years
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jaystevesays-blog · 10 years
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jaystevesays-blog · 10 years
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jaystevesays-blog · 10 years
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jaystevesays-blog · 10 years
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jaystevesays-blog · 10 years
maybe im too judgmental?
literally every little thing someone does, i have something to say. no doubt. why i mean i guess having opinions are a good thing, but let's try and keep it positive here woman! sheesh..
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jaystevesays-blog · 10 years
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jaystevesays-blog · 10 years
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jaystevesays-blog · 10 years
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