jayvii-blog1 · 7 years
y'all just remember that months don’t exist and time is a human construct you ain’t gotta wait until new year to start your life
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jayvii-blog1 · 7 years
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jayvii-blog1 · 7 years
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jayvii-blog1 · 7 years
-You are loved-
Do I need to be poetic?
To express how I feel
Pulling the deepest
Most romantic words won’t help
Don’t bother
There’s no need to hide
Why cover?
Why not say it in plain sight?
I know it’s not enough but
For now, let me just say this
You are loved
You are, by me and nothing
Nothing will ever
Change this reality
//Me to Her//
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jayvii-blog1 · 7 years
I pledge to carve this passionate love into my heart
Sơn Tùng M-TP - Lạc Trôi (via feel-the-lyrics)
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jayvii-blog1 · 7 years
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jayvii-blog1 · 7 years
I thought of you ..........................
• m a n i a •
your eyes said what your mouth didn’t
when they met with mine for the first time,
mirrored by the freckles on your cheeks
and the upward lift of your lips.
your hands steadying me,
earthing the lightning into yourself
preventing my kindling heart from setting ablaze.
your gaze reassuring me
of insecurities I had not even thought,
of promises your hands made,
the wildfire extinguished the moment of the spark.
you became a drug, one I could not live without
my body craved for your touch
my souls for your yours
the giving sweet, like the craving for sweet sweet pie.
Instagram: duaakundi
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jayvii-blog1 · 7 years
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The Eugene Guard, Oregon, December 27, 1961
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jayvii-blog1 · 7 years
You kiss me with your mouth wide open like you’re not afraid of swallowing poison. I taste the good and bad in you and want them both. We call this bravery.
Anita Ofokansi, Literary Sexts (via books-n-quotes)
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jayvii-blog1 · 7 years
I was like a patient who cannot tell the doctor where it hurts, only that it does.
Khaled Hosseini, And the Mountains Echoed (via books-n-quotes)
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jayvii-blog1 · 7 years
You chose them over my loyalty
You chose the ones,
who will feed your wonder,
but you were not sure
if they’re as good
to keep you
or should they
keep you entertained.
You chose the ones over me,
and you chose the ones
you would hang on
to your secrets not meant
for them to know,
you chose them over my loyalty.
-Chuck Akot
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jayvii-blog1 · 7 years
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jayvii-blog1 · 7 years
I’m sick of people telling me it’s just a “get over it” situation. Fuck you. You don’t know what it’s like in my head.
The Newsroom (via help-n-quotes)
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jayvii-blog1 · 7 years
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Today we had the second doctor’s appointment I am starting to get more relaxed in this new world we are both traveling. The doctor is awesome she makes it all super relaxing hell today she even wore her comfy clothes. Here are some notes from the appointment today:
KaiNeKvrsun  notes 143 lbs KaiNeKvrsun: ok lets get vitals KaiNeKvrsun  notes 120/78 JuelzDior  watches the machine and the numbers   KaiNeKvrsun  checks pulse KaiNeKvrsun: i loooooved your tumblr btw KaiNeKvrsun: i blushed so hard JuelzDior: it has been fun creating the blog of this experience JuelzDior: we had to share it with you KaiNeKvrsun: i showed my gf like bae loooooook KaiNeKvrsun: lol JuelzDior: awwe KaiNeKvrsun  notes 80 bpm
KaiNeKvrsun: i would like to get a listen at your lungs of thats ok
JuelzDior: yes of course
KaiNeKvrsun: ok aweome
KaiNeKvrsun: this table right here
KaiNeKvrsun  grabs stethoscope 
KaiNeKvrsun  rubs it over your back locating your left lung 
KaiNeKvrsun: deep breath for me
JuelzDior  breathes in deeply 
KaiNeKvrsun: ok and exhale 
JuelzDior  exhales as directed KaiNeKvrsun  moves to right lung KaiNeKvrsun: inhale please JuelzDior  inhales as directed KaiNeKvrsun: aaand exhale JuelzDior  exhales once more KaiNeKvrsun: perfect KaiNeKvrsun  puts scope on your heart and listens
KaiNeKvrsun: ok perfect KaiNeKvrsun: great news KaiNeKvrsun: we can actually take a look at the baby(ies) KaiNeKvrsun: i know you want it to be a surprise so the way ill do it is JuelzDior: oh wow really?
KaiNeKvrsun: ill switch up from the single sonogram to the twin jus to keep you wondering KaiNeKvrsun: lol JuelzDior: oh wow lool JuelzDior: ok KaiNeKvrsun: you can both follow me KaiNeKvrsun: let me wash my hands KaiNeKvrsun  washes hands and puts on gloves
JuelzDior  wiggles toes while anxiously wondering what to expect KaiNeKvrsun: ill need to lift your shirt a bit more KaiNeKvrsun: and just so you know this gel is cold KaiNeKvrsun: i hate it but its necessary JuelzDior  pulls my shirt up higher and relaxes
KaiNeKvrsun  applies gel to your belly and grabs transducer KaiNeKvrsun: are you excited? JuelzDior: im a little nervous JayvionDior  peeks over and goes back to my phone recording the appointment   KaiNeKvrsun  rolls transducer around your tummy and zooms in
JuelzDior  lowers eyes as her hormones had her thinking Jay was not paying attention or on Facebook KaiNeKvrsun: i know its a bit hard to see but tht there is a baby
JuelzDior  looks at the image and waves "hi baby" KaiNeKvrsun: its kind of looks like a smidget tadpole KaiNeKvrsun: but the cutest one i ever seen KaiNeKvrsun: lol JayvionDior: loll JuelzDior: Tadpole Dior
JayvionDior: is there only one tadpole? KaiNeKvrsun: here at month 2 your baby has already began to develope its heart spinal cord muscles brain and bones KaiNeKvrsun: you sure you wanna know JuelzDior: is it a girl brain? KaiNeKvrsun: i cant tell you lol KaiNeKvrsun: i made a promise to 2 wonderful people KaiNeKvrsun: lol JuelzDior  palms face "ok we can wait"
KaiNeKvrsun: now your placenta and amniotic sac are still forming along with the baby so itll still move around quite easy KaiNeKvrsun: you wont feel it dont worry JuelzDior: can i ask how long will my nipples be so sore? KaiNeKvrsun: the umbilical cord had formed also and connected to the baby for the supply of blood and food KaiNeKvrsun: its just the beginning love KaiNeKvrsun: but they wont be so tender around trimester 2 JuelzDior: ughh that sounds like awhile lool KaiNeKvrsun: but then much more tender around trimester 3
KaiNeKvrsun: now you cant see bc of how small he/she/they are KaiNeKvrsun: but the eyes and limbs are also starting to form
KaiNeKvrsun: and the little one is about the size of a bebe pellet KaiNeKvrsun: very very small JuelzDior  sends kisses to the screen   KaiNeKvrsun: we can only see this much thanks to zoom KaiNeKvrsun: lol
KaiNeKvrsun: good pictures come at 4 months when i typically do the gender reveal JayvionDior: can't wait JayvionDior: she is carrying 8 babies in there loll KaiNeKvrsun: lmbo KaiNeKvrsun: oh i sure hope not JuelzDior  glares at JAyvii KaiNeKvrsun: shes gonna try to kill us both JuelzDior: you gonna be a Zaddy seeking a new home KaiNeKvrsun: lol KaiNeKvrsun: z JuelzDior: with a rehoming fee KaiNeKvrsun: lawd
KaiNeKvrsun  grabs radar and rolls it on your tummy seeking a hb KaiNeKvrsun: is your sound on JayvionDior: yes KaiNeKvrsun: it may be very faint so listen carefully JuelzDior: yes they are KaiNeKvrsun: ok listen carefully JayvionDior: wow JayvionDior: time to listen JayvionDior: yay KaiNeKvrsun: hb JuelzDior: oooooooooooooooooooooooo JayvionDior: there it goes JuelzDior: i hear ittttttttttt JayvionDior: you hear it JuelzDior: hiiiiiiiiiiiii my tadpole's heart
KaiNeKvrsun  cleans off radar and wipes off your belly KaiNeKvrsunKaiNeKvrsun Whisper: how are you feeling a far as your nausea JuelzDior: i would like for someone else to have it JuelzDior: im over that KaiNeKvrsun: lol trust me i understand
KaiNeKvrsun Whisper: itll tone down a bit after trimester 2 as well JuelzDior: its hard out here with a pregnant belly KaiNeKvrsun: yes maam it is KaiNeKvrsun  takes off gloves and grabs prescription pad
KaiNeKvrsun: im gonna write you a prescription for zofran KaiNeKvrsun: you dont need water to take it KaiNeKvrsun: just place it under your tongue and let it dissolve JuelzDior: ok dr thank you KaiNeKvrsun: it pretty much works instantly KaiNeKvrsun: but before taking that try a little lime or lime water its very good for it as well JuelzDior: i will try the lime water because my facebook support group said try ginerale and it was too strong JuelzDior: way too much carbonation KaiNeKvrsun: yes i typically dont recommend it JuelzDior: ah ok KaiNeKvrsun: lime can be harsh if you have too many but maybe one freshly squeezed lime inside an average cup of water can do the trick JuelzDior  taps the information on her phone under notes about baby JuelzDior: thank you dr this will surely be helpful KaiNeKvrsun: i love that you take notes KaiNeKvrsun: lol JuelzDior: of course it will be on the blog later JuelzDior: lool KaiNeKvrsun: so many women are clueless even with all the information i give KaiNeKvrsun: lol ooo i cant wait to see
KaiNeKvrsun  hands you your shoes KaiNeKvrsun: ok my favorite part KaiNeKvrsun: hit me with the uestions KaiNeKvrsun: questions* JuelzDior: no questions at the moment i am so ready to go furniture shopping JuelzDior  grabs keys "come on baeeeeeeeeeeeee lets go to kids r us or target" KaiNeKvrsun: lol KaiNeKvrsun: dont drag him too far lol KaiNeKvrsun: i know i went overboard the other day JuelzDior: ty dr so next weeks appointment will resume on thursday correct? JuelzDior: and i need you to relax you have a bundle baking KaiNeKvrsun: yes maam normal time
JuelzDior: see you in 2018 KaiNeKvrsun: happy new years and have the best night ever! JuelzDior: thank you KaiNeKvrsun: goodnight mr dior JayvionDior: good night and Happy New Year
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jayvii-blog1 · 7 years
When the right one comes along, you figure it out. You move mountains, you change your life and you do whatever it takes to keep them with you.
Jay Crownover, Jet (via books-n-quotes)
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jayvii-blog1 · 7 years
Waking without you is exhausting me, my love. Please grant me some rest.
Daily Haiku on Love by Aishwarya Nair (via aishwaryanair)
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jayvii-blog1 · 7 years
I’m only quiet because I’m worried that if you push me too far, one day I will open my mouth and I will scream so loudly, it will shatter and break the whole world.
Iain Thomas, I Wrote This For You (via goodreadss)
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