jazzy-red · 2 months
This artstyle wowie!!
Jack Walten is better than me cause I would have been in jail and being interviewed for a documentary cause omfg
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jazzy-red · 2 months
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jazzy-red · 3 months
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HELLO TUMBLRS LONG TIME NO SEE‼️ I like felix krnaken
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jazzy-red · 4 months
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I really like pumkin rabbit
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jazzy-red · 4 months
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Bugbo fanart, and remember, togetherness makes anything effortless
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jazzy-red · 4 months
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Jack doodles and mortality because I just watched boozoos ghost
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jazzy-red · 4 months
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Oc hours but the walten files am I right guys or am I right?
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jazzy-red · 5 months
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Doodles because I'm excited for twf 4
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jazzy-red · 5 months
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The blue alien is an oc by @zarpinski
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jazzy-red · 5 months
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I know nothing about kirby but my friend likes him so I do aswell
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jazzy-red · 5 months
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Lemon demon fanart
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jazzy-red · 5 months
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jazzy-red · 5 months
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More walten files art
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jazzy-red · 5 months
If it was Felix leaving Linda instead of Linda leaving him, would “paying more attention to cat than to husband” be a valid thing to write in a divorce paper?
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jazzy-red · 5 months
Martin did a twitter space AMA last night! I listened to a lot of it, and these are the questions and answers as I was able to paraphrase them. I've probably missed a few questions here! I was about 20 minutes late to the stream, and I struggled to hear/pay attention to a few questions here and there. That being said, everything is under the cut:
-Martin mentions there being a 20-ish minute scene in TWF4 that leans significantly more comedy than it does horror, of several characters just interacting and joking around like people. He talks about how some of the voice work done for the scene made him laugh out loud.
-Martin mentions a different scene, a five-minute argument between 3 characters that took a lot of iterations to get correct. Originally it was planned to be filmed in live action, with costumes created and everything, but he eventually just animated it using the live action footage as reference. He says he's really pleased with how the scene ended up looking.
-About the same scene, Martin talks about how he was originally really insecure about the scene's place in the episode, and how he even considered tweeting to the fanbase asking if they would even watch a five minute argument scene between [the characters], but that he ultimately thinks the scene really strengthens the episode.
-Kyle mentions the "Roof People" thing from an old stream, how just before it ended he asked the audience to look up "Roof People Cave People" to find out info about TWF4, expecting people to find an ancient shitty video he made with some friends of them bouncing around on a roof and pretending to be cavemen, that had, unbeknownst to him, been deleted because several of the friends in it were embarrassed over it. In an incredible coincidence, googling "Roof People", at the time, lead to an image of some men gathering around a shed with the letters "K-9" written on it. This was a complete accident and did not mean anything about TWF4.
-In a question about Susan, Martin talks about how there were originally a few scenes in TWF4 detailing that Susan and Linda were actually friends in highschool, and that Felix met Linda through knowing Susan. He mentions that Susan had forced him to promise that he wouldn't ever hurt Linda (meaning, like, emotionally.), to which he was like, 'of course, yeah.' These scenes were cut from the episode, but Martin personally still considers that backstory to be canon. Martin appends here that he could see a scenario where Susan has a crush on Linda, and thinks they would make a cute couple.
-Someone asks who took care of Sophie after Rosemary's disappearance, and Martin answers something to the effect of "I won't say this outright because it is a pretty minor spoiler that's gonna be revealed in episode 6, but I will say it isn't Felix. I've never understood that fan theory, considering it's implied the police knew about his drinking problem. But there is an interesting thing about how Felix kinda kept in contact with Sophie-- but that's spoilers"
-Martin talks here about planned future merch, and mentions something about a life-sized rocket plush idea that fell through because it wasn't something Makeship could make for him. He also mentions Jenny and Sophie plushies here, but I absolutely cannot tell whether he is joking or not. This is sandwiched around several 'obviously joking' and 'obviously serious' comments.
-At some point Kyle asks how big a life-sized Rocket would actually even be, and Martin compares them to the size of a Good Guys doll from the Child's Play series.
-Martin says he likes the idea of Rocket having a voice recorder inside, and that a lot of the time Jack and Rose would leave silly little 'i love you!' messages on them for Edd & Molly to hear later.
-Chris' last name is actually "Easteryear". Martin had a tendency to mix up the 'day' and 'year' suffix for a while, since English is a second language for him.
-Kyle says that Charles' favorite band was Lynyrd Skynyrd and his favorite song was Free Bird, which he could only enjoy for about a year before he died.
-Someone asks about the time Coker (Felix's former VA) mentioned that Felix was bisexual, and if that was canon, or just Coker's personal headcanon for the character. Martin answers that it was just a headcanon, but that he has no problems with people headcanoning whatever they want for his characters, and generally doesn't like to give canon sexualities for that reason.
-Kyle says semi-jokingly that he likes to see Charles as bicurious, that he could "never have sex with a man", but would definitely see a guy and think that he's attractive. Martin adds that he could see something similar for Felix.
-Kyle drops a link to his personal Charles mixtape. [LINK HERE]
-Someone asks if Martin is concerned about people who don't know the FJW lore being confused by the new episode, and he says that the episode is kinda meant to be confusing, and that there's several different plausible interpretations of its ending.
-Martin mentions finding some really cool fanart of Charles on Tumblr that he loved and that helped reinvigorate his passion to work on TWF4, but that he's never been able to find the source/artist for the drawing. Kyle posts the drawing to his Twitter with hopes of finding where it's from. Here it is: [LINK HERE]
-Someone asks "Will Jophie kiss?" and Martin goes "Yeah, they will kiss- infact, there's a Jack and Rose kiss in The Walten Files 4"
-Kyle goes "People who think they know Rosemary-- every preconceived notion about her is going to go out the window after this episode." to which Martin responds with a lot of enthusiastic "yeah, yeah, absolutely"-s
-Someone asks if we're going to get some relatively mundane character moments in TWF4, and Martin gives a very enthisuastic 'yes'. He says that he likes how this episode shows a bit of a different side of these characters, and shows off a lot of what life was like for these people before things got really bad.
-Martin talks for a bit about how Charles got a pretty major story retcon, because he came up with an idea he liked way more.
-Someone asks for a fact about "Bon", and Martin says that he adores music, especially Classical.
-Someone asks for a Felix fact, and Martin says He's afraid of the dark. Whenever he's alone, all the lights are on, and he sleeps with a nightlight. Martin adds that it started because his alcoholism made it uncomfortable for him to be in the dark, alone with his thoughts, but that his fear severely exacerbated after the crash.
-In Showstoppers lore, Boozoo ran a circus before his Bon's Burgers days, and that he's actually the person who owns the Bon's Burgers restaurant, rather than Bon, because he's the only one who knows how to run a business.
-I didn't hear this one especially well, so this might be inaccurate, but I believe Martin says here that there used to be a server at the restaurant named (he either says Charlotte or Charlie, I think?) But that they always called her Sha. She eventually joined the showstoppers as the Sha we know :)
-They found Banny in the dumpster, and Bon kinda just let her crash with them.
-Martin talks about wanting to do more funny showstoppers stuff with Sha, and that he likes the idea of writing a skit where Sha gets to be the more extreme personality and Bon has to act as the straight man for her, playing into the idea that Bon tends to be more mild when Sha is around.
-Martin mentions that Sha's previous absences in the funny showstoppers episodes has generally been because her VA's schedule makes it much more difficult to get her on for breakneck last-minute projects like the plushie ads. He says something like "for most of the other VAs I can tell them the lines I need and get them in like 10 minutes, but for Anastasia it takes a lot longer."
-Martin talks about how it's actually been a pretty hard lesson to learn that he can't always rely on a quick turnaround for the voicework he needs, because his VAs have lives and other commitments that can cause delay, and that he needs to accommodate for that in his schedule.
-Someone asks if Martin is planning on doing vinyl figures as merch, and he says yes.
-Somebody asks if we're ever going to see more of Ashley, and Martin says "Yes, but that's all I can say."
-Someone asks for a fun fact about Jenny, and Martin says that it'll eventually be revealed that she's studying psychology.
-Someone asks for Felix's middle name, and Martin says that it's "Archer", pronounced like "Arker", with a hard 'C'.
-Someone asks how it feels for Martin to manage having such a huge following that all love his work, and he's answers that it's a lot of pressure sometimes, but he's helped a lot by just keeping an eye on some smaller, more positive sections of the fandom.
-Someone asks for Jenny and Sophie's favorite band, and Martin says "I have no idea." He later adds that he thinks Blondie would be Jenny's favorite singer.
-Someone asks for a "Jophie Fact", and Martin says that Jenny works in the Entfernt, and that after Sophie moves in with her, there's a recurring issue of Sophie having panic attacks and needing to go out into the hall to calm down, creating a disturbance that the hotel owner keeps trying to kick her out over, but Jenny always comes to her defense.
-Someone asks for character birthdays, and Martin gives mostly "I don't know" answers for characters that don't already have canonical ones, but he specifies that Sophie's birthday specifically is a spoiler.
-This one I wrote down exactly: "Will there be flashbacks in future installments that involve moments pre-1974?" "Yes"
-Someone asks how Sophie's dentist appointment went, and Martin said "It went well! But then she was traumatized." They banter for a but, then Martin appends: "I will specify, the thing that traumatized her is not what you think it is, and it hasn't been revealed yet, and I can't wait to show it"
-Someone asks what Sophie's letterman is supposed to look like in canon, and Martin says something to the effect of "I don't know. I think the blue is supposed to be on top?"
-Someone asks if we'll ever hear more about Rosemary's sister, and Martin says "Rosemary's sister will be shown."
-Someone asks if Susan and Charles were close to Sophie, and Martin says that he cannot answer that.
-Martin said Susan was a cool aunt to Kevin, and helped him get a kickstart with "technology and inventions", and that there was going to be a whole (scrapped) plot line about Kevin's reaction to Susan's disappearance, but it fell through after he got rid of Kevin's VA. He mentions that he has a hard time mentally separating Kevin from his VA, and has become kind of uncomfortable with the character because of it, so Kevin's planned story roles were entirely scrapped.
-Martin clarifies that Bon's Burgers got a slight design retcon to something he likes more than how it appeared in TWF1.
-I wrote this one almost verbatim: "Will The Walten Files take inspiration from any kind of mythology?" "Ohh! There's like, there's a parallel to like, I can't remember the name, it's about flying too close to the sun-" Kyle interrupts: "Icarus?" "Yeah! There's a parallel to that."
-Someone asks if Martin likes the recent Friday Night Funkin mod! He says he "fucking loves" it, saying again, "I hate Friday Night Funkin, but I LOVE that mod." Kyle gives a funny anecdote saying that he's mad, since he had been given an invitation to do voicework for that mod, but turned it down since he expected it to go unfinished, like every other FNF project he's done work for.
-Martin says his final message is just not to overhype TWF4, and act like it's going to be the best thing to ever happen to the analog horror genre. He's happy with and excited for it, but he doesn't want anyone to blow their expectations through the roof.
-Martin mentions one final thing, that he's had some serious family stuff come up recently, and that in the event that TWF4 does not release on the 31st, he still plans to have it up within a matter of days.
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jazzy-red · 5 months
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First post, I like brian a lot
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