jbillong2270 · 4 years
Electronic Notepad NEED TO KNOW!
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jbillong2270 · 4 years
Bitcoin Leverage Trading USA - $400 On A SINGLE TRADE! Hey guys, just sharing this video where I talk about making nearly $400 on a single trade using my favorite exchange offering leverage trading to USA customers for crypto, forex, gold/oil, and more. Enjoy!
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jbillong2270 · 4 years
How Halving Affects The Bitcoin
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Bitcoin received a strong endorsement from PayPal recently which will certainly bolster confidence in its credibility as a reliable alternative to conventional bank card or cash transactions on the internet and on the high street. You can now hire a White Label Bitcoin Trading Platform software provider in the crypto industry.
Bitcoin surged this year because investors speculated that the currency would gain wider acceptance and that it would increase in price. If the secret keys are lost, the associated Bitcoins cannot be recovered and would be out of circulation Cyprus was another good example - when the government tried to seize people's money, Bitcoin took off in the country because it is far more fluid on a world scale and can be sent instantaneously to another person anywhere in the world without the need of any government intervention. Houses were expensive, sure, but with a stable job and a fixed-rate loan from the bank, you could plan your future and expect to have a place to be in your retirement even if you had to cut back financially in other ways. Since this currency is only used online, its value is determined by demand on currency trading websites.
The currency is decentralized, so this is a great advantage to traders. Once upon a time in America, owning your own home was the holy grail of the American Dream Let me close with this. Through this article, we are going to help you be familiar with the service. This makes the digital currency more transparent and predictable. We are also going to shed some light on the advantages of the service. Now you can certainly continue singing those same songs Given below are 5 expert tips that can help you avoid some common mistakes while you trade Bitcoins. Earn by selling your products or make bitcoins through downloads. Even today, Bitcoin is one of the most lucrative markets.
Bitcoin does not have this reputation. Gold is nature's money, and since it was found, there is no one really in charge of how it works Mt. Similar cases are experienced in the Japanese Line and Russian platform Yandex. An apparently leaked internal document indicates that the site may have been the victim of a major theft, in which perhaps more than $300 million worth of Bitcoin "disappeared" from the exchange's accounts But again, if anonymity is important to you, that's a small price to pay. How about "muttcoin"? I've always had a soft spot for mixed breeds. This distributed software generated the new currency, creating a small number of bitcoins. It is a platform where the access point and the exit point needs some amount of fee, that directly goes to the Cryptocurrency exchange owner
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jbillong2270 · 4 years
Buy Crypto With A Prepaid Card - INSTANTLY
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View My Tutorial Video Here: Buy Crypto With A Prepaid Card THIS IS NOT ADVICE... I'm just sharing something I find valuable.
I get it...
You may not be into this stuff.
Hey, it's cool - NO HARD FEELINGS - more money for me when the price flies up as a result of hyperinflation from trillions of dollars in stimulus packages.
If you know anything about the economy, you know that Bitcoin was used by many investors as a hedge against inflation. The reality is, the value of the dollar has been sinking.
You can't just print out money endlessly and expect its value not to drop. Think about it, if the streets were all made of gold - then gold would be worth as much as pavement (which isn't all that much).
That's because a huge amount of value is based on 'scarcity/rarity.'
It's why GOLD is valuable - it's why DIAMONDS are valuable... It's why old, rare cars and antiquated collector's items are valuable.
The less rare it is - the LESS valuable it gets. That's what happens when you print out too much money.
The value drops.
It may not happen instantaneously - but it does happen.
It's why a loaf of bread used to cost only pennies, but now it costs dollars.
So, anyway - this is part of the reason why I AM into this stuff.
Below is a link to an article where I explain the method to which I have purchased over $2,000 of Bitcoin with a prepaid Walmart card.
The only reason I'm sharing this is because of how RIDICULOUSLY hard it was to figure out how to buy bitcoin with debit card or to buy bitcoins with prepaid card
I had to shop around forever back in the day, so now I'm sharing it with anyone who is interested.
Please keep in mind, there is always risk involved in any investment. Therefore, this is not advice and I will not be liable for gains or losses.
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jbillong2270 · 4 years
Buy Crypto With A Prepaid Card - INSTANTLY
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View My Tutorial Video Here: How To Buy Bitcoin With A Prepaid Card. THIS IS NOT ADVICE... I'm just sharing something I find valuable.
I get it...
You may not be into this stuff.
Hey, it's cool - NO HARD FEELINGS - more money for me when the price flies up as a result of hyperinflation from trillions of dollars in stimulus packages.
If you know anything about the economy, you know that Bitcoin was used by many investors as a hedge against inflation. The reality is, the value of the dollar has been sinking.
You can't just print out money endlessly and expect its value not to drop. Think about it, if the streets were all made of gold - then gold would be worth as much as pavement (which isn't all that much).
That's because a huge amount of value is based on 'scarcity/rarity.'
It's why GOLD is valuable - it's why DIAMONDS are valuable... It's why old, rare cars and antiquated collector's items are valuable.
The less rare it is - the LESS valuable it gets. That's what happens when you print out too much money.
The value drops.
It may not happen instantaneously - but it does happen.
It's why a loaf of bread used to cost only pennies, but now it costs dollars.
So, anyway - this is part of the reason why I AM into this stuff.
Below is a link to an article where I explain the method to which I have purchased over $2,000 of Bitcoin with a prepaid Walmart card.
The only reason I'm sharing this is because of how RIDICULOUSLY hard it was to figure out how to buy bitcoin with a debit card or to buy bitcoins with a debit card in usa.
I had to shop around forever back in the day, so now I'm sharing it with anyone who is interested.
Please keep in mind, there is always risk involved in any investment. Therefore, this is not advice and I will not be liable for gains or losses.
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jbillong2270 · 4 years
BET YOU CAN'T GUESS What $100 Of Bitcoin In 2010 Would Be Worth Today!
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Prepared for the appropriate response? Here's a short clarification and the appropriate response is beneath. On the off chance that you got inside 10 million, YOU WIN! Producer sure to share the post so your companions can play as well!
On 8/17/2020 the cost of Bitcoin is about $12,300. Toward the start of 2010, Bitcoin was worth just $0.008 pennies. That is not exactly a penny! 
That implies $100 in 2010 would have gotten you around 12,500 Bitcoins. 
So what's the appropriate response? Find out here: https://endlessolutions.tech/how-much-would-100-dollars-worth-of-bitcoin-in-2010-be-worth-today/
How about we illuminate that. One-Hundred-Fifty-Three-Million, Seven-Hundred-Fifty-Thousand. 
… Wouldn't that be pleasant! 
Through the span of Bitcoin's history, it has had many good and bad times (as does each market). Huge financial specialists and banks used to laugh at the digital currency industry, making expansive expectations of collides with zero – again and again and again and again… 
Prepare to be blown away. 
It never occurred. Bitcoin and the cryptographic money industry is setting down deep roots and make each one of those extravagant financial experts and merchants eat trillions of dollars worth of their own words. 
A portion of the bigger businesses are at last taking interest. Organizations like Paypal, who for quite a while didn't permit any crypto buys, are prospective revealing the capacity to purchase crypto legitimately from Paypal accounts. Mass appropriation is occurring. Again I state, Bitcoin and crypto are digging in for the long haul. 
I know, it feels like you passed up a major opportunity, however actually essentially isn't accurate. 
The thing is, it isn't past the point where it is possible to get included. There are new undertakings emerging constantly that serve new capacities. 
Better approaches for holding, marking, and loaning are being framed with crypto ventures, for example, LEND, COMP, and TEZOS, among numerous MANY others. 
There are amazing web based life that permits every client to take genuine responsibility for account and get paid in crypto, which is worth truly $ in any fiat money (now and then worth very much) with ventures like HIVE. 
I for one have made a large number of dollars messing with crypto. The stuff is astonishing – yet there is significantly greater fervor in the gaming business. 
In the end, crypto will take into account the adaptation of games. This implies you will really have the option to bring in genuine cash (at some point, perhaps a not too bad living) simply playing computer games. 
Have you seen the film Ready Player One? 
All things considered, crypto is most likely going to make that 'gamer's wet dream' film work out as expected. There are as of now various undertakings that permit individuals to make genuine $ messing around. There are some gigantic uber organizations that have made crypto resources like VeChain (VET) which plans to actualize these fiscal angles into the significant gaming world. 
VeChain, or Thor Network, is as of now engaging with computer games like PubG, among other enormous establishments that are played on Playstation and X-Box reassures. 
Actually, crypto is coming to all over. Get included. Possibly join Hive and find out about it. It's somewhat of an expectation to absorb information, however it's absolutely justified, despite all the trouble once you begin getting its hang. 
Try not to get left behind! 🙂
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jbillong2270 · 4 years
How To Create A Blog That ACTUALLY Gets Traffic
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All in all, you want to run a successful blog? You need your own blog to get traffic so you can adapt and rule in your own one of a kind online niche, correct? 
An admirable motivation you're after. A few bloggers make upwards of $200,000 or more a year. For a ton of those beginning (hell, for anyone) that is a decent wad of cash. 
On the off chance that you are simply beginning and have never attempted this, this article about building a blogging strategy merits a read. 
On the off chance that you resemble such a large number of us, you may have really gotten your hands a LITTLE blogging filthy. You may have thought that it was troublesome (even difficult) to get traffic to your site. You went through hours composing excellent articles that truly could increase the value of the peruser – in the event that they at any point found the opportunity to understand them. 
What's more, there you sit, clicking to and fro from your Google Analytics tab, trusting that the traffic will come in – however it just doesn't come. 
For those of you who relate more with *theAbove, this article is DEFINITELY for you. 
Blogging SUCCESS Is About Strategy 
That's right, procedure. 
Regardless of what you do, the most ideal approach to blog is deliberately – however what does that truly mean? 
Indeed, it implies before you ever choose to manufacture another blog that gets no traffic and put a huge amount of time into composing articles that will never get found – you have to IDENTIFY subjects that may yield achievement. 
This implies you need to pick a theme you may ACTUALLY have the option to rank (in web crawlers like Google) for. 
An enormous measure of your capacity to succeed is needy whereupon subjects you decide to blog about. This is on the grounds that a few themes are RIDICULOUSLY over-soaked with data over the web. For example, the odds of you positioning a blog about 'Skateboarding' isn't especially high. 
Presently, if you somehow happened to decide to blog about something somewhat less secured on the web (like 'drift fishing') you may have significantly more achievement. 
"However, in what manner can distinguish a decent subject to blog about?" … I thought you'd never inquire! Presently, hold tight only a second and I'll let you know. 
The following thing of significance is that you LOVE what you are going to blog about. Pick something you are really keen on finding out about or engaging in – you know… IRL. 
Presently, onto thinking of a blogging system that will get you traffic and permit you to adapt your sites. 
Making A Blogging Strategy That WORKS 
We realize that surfacing with a procedure is significant. Going into the online space of blogging is a WARZONE. There is a huge amount of rivalry from all regions of the planet. Every last bit of it is battling for YOUR traffic! 
So as to rule blogging, your methodology must be instinctive. You need to comprehend your crowd, your opposition, and in particular – SEARCH ENGINES. 
You have likely known about SEO. All things considered, think about what – It's STILL significant as all hell. You essentially can't get any traffic without using SEO. While there are numerous features to acing the craftsmanship, we're simply going to begin with getting you the data you need most.
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jbillong2270 · 4 years
You Can't Be A Competitor Online Without Utilizing This Strategy!
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What is the secret to harnessing the power of the internet to create sales at the least cost? Do you know the difference between inbound marketing and lead generation - and the massive edge it can give your business over outbound marketing? If you don't, you need to find out the REAL FACTS!
Do you have good feelings about SEO? Or bad?
There are many things that can be overcome, but if you want to be a real player in the game and provide some competition for your competition - you need to make continuous improvements to your inbound marketing strategy.
One of the ways to do that is by improving your SEO on multiple fronts...
...but... "why is lead generation in SEO so important?"
I'm glad you asked. If you visit the corresponding article, you'll find out all the facts you need to know to understand JUST HOW IMPORTANT the utilization of inbound marketing is for your business.
The reality is, we simply can't grow and scale effectively without it. The results are incredible.
You'll dramatically cut down costs when it comes to add spend...
...and you'll get the RIGHT KIND of traffic to your websites..
"What is the RIGHT KIND of traffic?" You ask?
It's the kind that CONVERTS...
It's the kind that was already looking to buy what you have to offer...
These are the most likely people to buy, use your service, engage, click, etc...
Because they were already looking for you...
So, let's help them FIND YOU!
Check out these important statistics about inbound marketing that every proven marketer who is successful ALREADY KNOWS!
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jbillong2270 · 4 years
Check Your Website Rank In Google
Building a site can be a great deal of work, yet how would you realize when it's truly paying off? How would you check your site rank in Google? 
You can check your site rank in Google with some free tools. You can likewise look at every individual page and find what EXACT keywords were looked and where your article positioned in that search. 
It's critical to check your site rank in Google for various reasons. Regardless of whether you are building an advertising business or selling your own items, getting inbound traffic is vital to lead conversion so you can make your sales or gain new customers. 
You may likewise need to use a website audit so you review what enhancements you have to make to your site's convenience, execution, best practices, and SEO.
Advantages When You Check Your Website Rank in Google 
At the point when you check your site rank in Google, you can discover exactly how much traffic you are getting and HOW you are getting it. This implies you can discover WHAT you are doing well and well, NOT so well...
"What if I'm doing something incorrectly. Will I need to change my entire site?" 
Actually no, not really. 
Truth be told, when you check your site rank in Google utilizing a powerful tool, you might have the option to fix it instead of attempting to reconstruct your site figuring, "this isn't working, I'm getting no traffic. Back to the point where it all began!"
There are some important things you should know about Google as well...
Want to learn more? Read the rest of this article here.
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jbillong2270 · 4 years
How IMPORTANT Is It To Know Your Website's WEAKNESSES?
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Have you heard the story of the 'diamond farmer?'
It's actually a true story about a LITERAL farmer somewhere - IRL.
If you have, you know exactly what I'm talking about... Or do you?
Actually, you might not know how it could relate to the title of this article, but I assure you - it does.
If you haven't heard it, I'm going to give you the 'condensed version' and then we'll get to the point - just hold on a LITTLE longer...
Basically, the story begins in a 3rd world country (my memory is fuzzy, but I don't think the setting matters that much). There was a farmer who was poor. He worked hard his whole life and barely was able to make ends meet and take care of his family.
One day, the farmer heard that people were finding diamonds in some other area of the world. The news reports said they were sprouting up everywhere.
The farmer began to think.
"What if I could get a piece of that?"
To break out of the story for just a moment and INTO YOUR LIFE, let's relate with this farmer a little bit...
If you opened up this post, you probably have some desire to 'get rich online' 'improve your business strategy' 'build a booming blog' or 'succeed online in some way, somehow.'
Maybe you have jumped from one project to another as the websites you build seem not to get you the results you desired.
Now, let's go back to our farmer...
He ended up selling all his land and going to the country, kissing his family goodbye, and leaving to search for riches in another country - hope in his heart - confidence in his smile.
Do you think he found any diamonds?
NOPE. He ended up committing suicide.
But the person who bought his land ended up finding out that his entire field was full of diamonds...
They found the biggest diamond on record at the time IN THAT VERY FARMER'S FIELD!
Sucks huh?
You might be wondering HOW THE HECK this story can possibly apply in digital marketing?
You might be sitting on a field of diamonds and not even know it.
And like most things in online marketing - and in life really - persistence is sometimes key.
Match PERSISTENCE with INTELLIGENCE and you have a formidable force.
That is the reason why - if you are building websites - you NEED TO HAVE...
...Not just good..
...But GREAT software for a website audit, seo, and competitor research.
Your competition does this, and the only way to get ahead of the game is to DIVE IN AND COMPETE.
To find out more about WHY this is so important and HOW you can start DOING IT...
Visit Here: Blow Away Your Competition With An Awesome Website Audit
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jbillong2270 · 4 years
You Can't Be A Competitor Online Without Utilizing This Strategy!
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What is the secret to harnessing the power of the internet to create sales at the least cost? Do you know the difference between inbound marketing and lead generation - and the massive edge it can give your business over outbound marketing? If you don't, you need to find out the REAL FACTS!
Do you have good feelings about SEO? Or bad?
There are many things that can be overcome, but if you want to be a real player in the game and provide some competition for your competition - you need to make continuous improvements to your inbound marketing strategy.
One of the ways to do that is by improving your SEO on multiple fronts...
...but... "why is lead generation in SEO so important?"
I'm glad you asked. If you visit the corresponding article, you'll find out all the facts you need to know to understand JUST HOW IMPORTANT the utilization of inbound marketing is for your business.
The reality is, we simply can't grow and scale effectively without it. The results are incredible.
You'll dramatically cut down costs when it comes to add spend...
...and you'll get the RIGHT KIND of traffic to your websites..
"What is the RIGHT KIND of traffic?" You ask?
It's the kind that CONVERTS...
It's the kind that was already looking to buy what you have to offer...
These are the most likely people to buy, use your service, engage, click, etc...
Because they were already looking for you...
So, let's help them FIND YOU!
Check out these important statistics about inbound marketing that every proven marketer who is successful ALREADY KNOWS!
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jbillong2270 · 4 years
Plumbing – Tools To Get The Job Done
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If you know the basics of plumbing in Sioux Falls, SD, then you will find it a lot easier to choose a good plumbing company to help you out whenever the need arises. Some might not mind looking for plumber at six in the morning or midnight or any other time of the day for that matter. Probably not you! With so many options to choose from, you will be able to decide which plumbing company is your ultimate one based on how much money they are charging for their services or what sort of service they are provided The course is designed to make you understand the different working conditions of water based on its temperature. Barring the occasional accidentally dropped object like the engagement ring, plumbers generally see the same types of home clogs in sinks, toilets and showers. Watch out for the call out charge, especially if it's evening or weekend. Its important to be knowledgeable about preventative tips, DIY possibilities and when its time to call in a professional plumber. This is an important system within a home and it must be done proficiently Even if you aren't interested in replacing your plumbing immediately, but you may be in the future when you have an issue and the more knowledgeable you are, the better decisions you will make later. Your family and friends can be the best resource when searching for a plumber. Well, perhaps you just wish to protect yourself and your home from possible issues at a later time. The tips above will help you hire the best plumbing contractors for emergency plumbing needs. However, most of the people are unaware of the attributes good contractors possess Remember, plumbing tasks involve risks and you should hire the services of bonded professionals only. They are also available online as well. Ask for their charge for individual tasks, so you will have an idea. If your pipes are made of lead, you must completely replace each one as soon as possible. If your pipes are made of polybutylene, a popular piping material choice in the 1970s, your plumbing is at high risk for breakage They also maintain an easy to use website to search if your plumbing contractor is properly licensed. Friends and family members will give you truthful advice on who to hire and which company you should stay away from. A licensed plumber will give importance to the safety of your home and will follow codes that unlicensed plumbers do not even consider A repair clamp with a rubber sleeve can be applied to the area to prevent additional leaking. Actions can be taken before cold weather sets in to further avoid this problem. They also maintain an easy to use website to search if your plumbing contractor is properly licensed
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jbillong2270 · 4 years
Plumbing – Tools To Get The Job Done
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If you know the basics of plumbing in Sioux Falls, SD, then you will find it a lot easier to choose a good plumbing company to help you out whenever the need arises. Some might not mind looking for plumber at six in the morning or midnight or any other time of the day for that matter. Probably not you! With so many options to choose from, you will be able to decide which plumbing company is your ultimate one based on how much money they are charging for their services or what sort of service they are provided The course is designed to make you understand the different working conditions of water based on its temperature. Barring the occasional accidentally dropped object like the engagement ring, plumbers generally see the same types of home clogs in sinks, toilets and showers. Watch out for the call out charge, especially if it's evening or weekend. Its important to be knowledgeable about preventative tips, DIY possibilities and when its time to call in a professional plumber. This is an important system within a home and it must be done proficiently Even if you aren't interested in replacing your plumbing immediately, but you may be in the future when you have an issue and the more knowledgeable you are, the better decisions you will make later. Your family and friends can be the best resource when searching for a plumber. Well, perhaps you just wish to protect yourself and your home from possible issues at a later time. The tips above will help you hire the best plumbing contractors for emergency plumbing needs. However, most of the people are unaware of the attributes good contractors possess Remember, plumbing tasks involve risks and you should hire the services of bonded professionals only. They are also available online as well. Ask for their charge for individual tasks, so you will have an idea. If your pipes are made of lead, you must completely replace each one as soon as possible. If your pipes are made of polybutylene, a popular piping material choice in the 1970s, your plumbing is at high risk for breakage They also maintain an easy to use website to search if your plumbing contractor is properly licensed. Friends and family members will give you truthful advice on who to hire and which company you should stay away from. A licensed plumber will give importance to the safety of your home and will follow codes that unlicensed plumbers do not even consider A repair clamp with a rubber sleeve can be applied to the area to prevent additional leaking. Actions can be taken before cold weather sets in to further avoid this problem. They also maintain an easy to use website to search if your plumbing contractor is properly licensed
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