jbodner20ahsgov · 5 years
Civic Action Assessment of Issue
1. I see my role as a necessary piece to a bigger whole. I see the role of a citizen as vital to the success of the nation. It’s really important that everyone within the country has their own civic responsibilities, because everyone contributes to the well being of our nation.
2. I have learned that civic responsibility is something every citizen have and share equally. Nobody in the eyes of the country is better than anyone, sacrifice and hardwork for the preservation the nation is what’s important. If you don’t change what you what to see changed, you can’t expect change to come.
3. I do feel that it is my civic obligation to help address the problems my civic action issue has created. I believe because I researched this issue for so long, it should be my duty to inform my peers about it. I think spreading awareness about the issue in different ways is something that is very important and powerful, and can really help solve an issue.
4. I have not yet volunteered my time to this issue besides research as of now. It’s very unfortunate, because I had planned on attending the food bank, however I had no ride to get there. In the future, though, if an event like this one arises, I’d be more than happy to go.
5. I would be willing to attend local meetings about internet privacy to get different opinions about the issue. I think it would be something that I would really benefit from, as I have spent all semester researching this topic. I think as an informed individual, I could really sharpen my knowledge about internet privacy by attending an event like this.
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jbodner20ahsgov · 5 years
Executive Action Assessment of Issue
1. President Trump hold cyber security as a very serious matter. He believes “cyberspace is essential to our national security and economic stability”. He has released a lot of information that supports the increase in cyber security these past couple of years during his presidency. The Trump administration is constantly making sure that cyber security can keep up with the constant advances and developments in the cyberspace.
2. I agree with his position on cyber security, because especially in politics, cyber security is a necessity when dealing with foreign interference and international hackers.
3. Secretary of Homeland Security manages my issue.
4. The mission statement for Homeland Security is to protect America from threats. It’s missions are wide-ranging however it’s one goal is clear: to protect the United States of America.
5. The secretary of the department of Homeland Security is Chad F. Wolf. He has had over 20 years of experience in the public and private sector, so he is very qualified for this job and not just merely a political appointment. This impacts the department, because the decisions are headed by a man with experience and knowledge.
6. The service I found that related to my issue was Voice, Video and Data for Public Safety. This helps first responders gather the data they need to respond to an issue as quickly as possible.
7. President Trump has taken a decent amount of executive action when it comes to my issue of internet privacy. One thing I noticed was that internet privacy played the largest role to the Trump administration during his election and Hillary Clinton email controversy. I think he used the issue to accuse candidate Clinton and gain better footing in the election.
SACAPS - My own article
The subject of my article is DNS attacks. DNS attacks occur when a hacker disrupts the host of a machine or resource than disables users from using it. The author is Ryan Stewart. The context was millions of dollars lost by DNS attacks every year. The bias is directed at these cyber-hackers because they make governments lose a lot of money annually. The significance of this article demonstrates the importance of cyber security. With improved cyber security, these governments could have saved themselves the money they have lost already and money they will potentially lose to these attacks in the future. I definitely agree with this article because it makes the reader aware of these security problems.
Article: https://cyware.com/news/dns-attacks-cost-global-governments-an-average-of-7-million-each-year-a-new-study-says-eb60ecb6
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jbodner20ahsgov · 5 years
State and Legislative Action
1. a - I did not find any press releases connected to internet security. I think why I didn’t find any releases is because it is not as pressing of an issue to these agendas as issues like school, public works, etc. I think although it doesn’t necessarily fall under federal authority, it is not that big of an issue. However, I do see it increasing in importance in the future as we move farther into the tech world with new innovations and ideas.
b - I disagree with their views on not taking a stance, because I view this issue as rather important especially in the 21st century when technology is being used on a day to day basis.
c - I didn’t find any legislation on internet privacy passed by Bauher-Kahan, I believe because she is new to her job, however I did see that in 2017, Glazer passed the Gambling Control Commission Online Posting of Votes, which ensured the safety of online voters.
2. a - The Bill that I found is AB-1782.
b - The bill was introduced on February 22, 2019.
c - The last major action of this bill was for automated license recognition info. It allowed information captured by license plate detecting devices to be retained by the California Highway Patrol.
d - I agree with the bill because in this day in age, with a lot of intensity between the civilian population and authority, it’s important to have digital rules as well as real ones.
e - Not applicable.
3. a - Senator Feinstein has passed nothing related to internet privacy, however both Harris and Desaulnier take the issue very seriously and have worked to ensure privacy on the internet.
b - In June of 2019, Kamala Harris Cosponsored bill S.1980, to ensure the privacy of LGBTQ+ people that take online federal surveys. I could not find any sponsorship of legislation from the other two senators.
4. a - Yes, there are 4 bills that are related to cyber security.
b - The bill number of the bill I chose to analyze is House Bill 2114.
c - The Bill in question asks should or shouldn’t the Energy Department give individual states money to protect themselves against cyberattacks.
d - It will benefit the Energy Department from international interference from foreign countries and groups.
e - I would definitely vote yea. As we saw in the 2016 presidential election, foreign tampering is very real, and we must do everything we can to stop it.
f - It originated in the house. The Energy and Commerce committee reviewed the bill, and recently the bill passed.
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jbodner20ahsgov · 5 years
Political Interest Groups, and PAC’s Assessment
1. a) - The interest group I decided to research is compTIA
b) - compTIA believes in free competition online and promote a highly educated workforce in the internet world.
c) - Five pieces of info that gives a picture of what this group is about is that it has a 50 state advocacy program, it works to develop laws that protect user privacy, they educate lawmakers about security, the work to build a cyber culture around security, and they promote businesses who practice cyber hygene.
d) - This group endorses net neutrality as they believe in free online competition.
e) - This group is located in all 50 states. In November, there will be a Tech Summit in Newport Beach, California.
f) - I did not see any volunteer opportunities listed.
g) I really like how the website is set up. Because they are focused on the internet, I believe it is fitting how their web page is very easy to navigate and use.
2. After looking extensively on the site, I was a bit frustrated to not find any state interest group that represents internet security, nor technology/communications in general under the subsection. So, after thinking on what other issue I could do that’s related to internet security, I chose to do Civil Liberties and Rights, as these rights are related to the internet.
a) - The name of the interest group is the California Civil Liberties Advocacy. 
b) - The position of the interest group is to protect the liberties and rights of individuals within California
c) - Five of the pieces on this site that give me a picture of what this group is for is the support for certain policies that uphold the rights of Californians, they seek to let lawmakers know that they work for the people, to speak up for those who are lacking in knowledge, they engage in grassroots campaigns, and to influence public policy.
d) - They support the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018.
e) - This interest group is located in Sacramento, California and there are no local meetings as of now. 
f) - There are many volunteer opportunities like legislative aid or fundraising director for civil liberties and social justice.
g) - I like how it’s specifically targeting California citizens.
3. The one that seems more organized would definitely have to be compTIA. The website is much easier to navigate, the layout of the pages look better, and overall has a more official look to it. Granted, their target audience is all of America while the California Civil Liberties Advocacy only applies to California. I really don’t like how the website looks for the CCLA, though.
4. a) The name of the PAC is Amazon.com
b) The position of the PAC is mostly down the middle, only favoring Republican a little bit more than Democrat.
c) Total receipt, they have raised $491,364 and spent $681,391 on contributions to federal candidates.
d) - 48% goes to Democrats while 52% goes to Republicans, so it is pretty even.
e) - some of their donors are John Harrobin, Patty Stonesifer, Cem Sibay, etc. This reflects the interests of the PAC as pretty evenly divided between Republican and Democrat in donors.
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jbodner20ahsgov · 5 years
Political Party Action
Republican Stance on Internet Privacy - I noticed that it doesn’t describe internet privacy too much, unless the internet privacy relates to a Democrat. An example of this is the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails. 
- I disagree with the republican stance on Internet Privacy, because there should be no terms to privacy digitally or in life. It shouldn’t be an issue suddenly in the event of a specific political candidate.
Democratic Stance on Internet Privacy - Internet Privacy is something the Democrats hold as very important, because in a democratic society, freedom necessary for the individual, and in 2018, they pushed for an “Internet Bill of Rights”.
- I definitely agree with the Democratic party on internet safety and I believe the internet bill of rights is actually a great idea.
The libertarian party took a stance on internet privacy and is something they emphasize, as their party advocates the freedom of speech and the first amendment.
- I agree with the libertarian party on the issue of internet privacy because I agree with what they say about the first amendment and how that applies to the digital world.
 I could not find anything related to internet privacy in the green party, because they are focused on the environment and an agenda pertaining solely to saving the environment. 
The peace and freedom party advocates for internet privacy, because like the libertarian party, the peace and freedom party strongly emphasizes the first amendment.
- I agree with the peace and freedom party on internet privacy because the first amendment is very important to me.
4c. I agree mostly with the libertarian view on internet privacy, because freedom of speech is very important to me. With this new digital age it is important to have online freedoms, as well as freedoms in real life. Their view on internet privacy is not much of a surprise to me and I would definitely vote for the presidential candidate.
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jbodner20ahsgov · 5 years
Constitutional Issues
Oyez.org Portion -
The name of the case I decided to research was Golan v. Holder. The term was decided in 2012. The case dealt with copyright and public domain starting in Colorado’s federal court. The question my case dealt with was: Would the Progress Clause of the US Constitution stop Congress from pulling works out of the public domain? The first amendment is in question and the application of the first amendment to the internet. The final decision was 6-2 in this case was in favor that congress was justified by passing the Uruguay Round Agreement and established the precedent that Congress could protect unprotected works. I agree with the court’s decision, because there are already first amendment protections built into the Agreement, so I think it is fair and the agreement can be changed in the future if there is an issue with it.
Twitter portion -
I couldn’t find an article on Twitter that pertained to my specific topic, so I decided to look up an article from a reputable source instead. I found an article from the Washington Post that looked interesting to me. The subject of the article is internet privacy and the author is Geoffrey A. Fowler. The context is internet sites beginning to use hidden codes to track Americans. The intended audience for this article is any and every internet user, so they can be aware of the dangers that lie behind normally unassuming websites. The bias of the author is that he is a tech columnist and his perspective on this issue is that the internet is moving way faster than internet privacy. The significance of this article is great. It shows the flaws in the internet and shows the real dangers that the internet poses that we may not even think about. I agree with this article because I believe that it’s very important to be informed about these kinds of things and speak out against the websites that track its users.
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jbodner20ahsgov · 5 years
Media Assessment of Issue
2. - My first article is from Mother Jones which skews liberal. The subject of this article is internet privacy/ transparency, and how today you cannot hide anything from the NSA. The intended audience of this article is all internet users. It seems their really isn’t any bias in this article which is interesting. The significance of this article is it shows the reader how dangerous and unsecure the internet can be. I do agree with the article because it is important to know the potential dangers of the internet, although I believe the positives heavily outweigh the negatives.
- My Second article I chose was from the National Review. The news from this media site skews conservative on the media bias chart. The subject of this article is internet privacy improvements and how securing personal information online is very difficult as of now, written by Michael O’Rielly. The intended audience for this post is any user of the internet. The bias of this author skews conservative. The significance of this article, is it provides insight at the weak spots of internet security and how a long path lies ahead for improvement. I agree with this article because it, like the first, illustrates the dangers of the internet and warns the viewer against flaws in internet security.
- The third article I chose was from the New York Times. The New York Times is listed as impartial on the media bias spectrum. The subject of this particular article is hackers targeting school districts. The author of this article is Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs. The intended audience of this article is anyone receiving an education that uses the internet. After reading this article, it seems the author has no bias, or at least does not make it apparent. The significance of this article is to encourage schools and scholars to keep their data safe and to help them learn why hackers have been targeting schools. I agree with this article because it states non-biased facts that leaves the audience to formulate their own opinions on the issue.
3. The similarities of my articles all show dangers of internet security. The conservative article tended to bring politics into the issue, however the liberal and non-biased articles did not which I found very interesting.
4. I identify the most with the non-biased article from the New York Times, because in this day and age when everyone is stating their own opinions and take on different issues, I think its important to have some information that is just facts and not opinions so the audience can make their own opinions instead of taking them.
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jbodner20ahsgov · 5 years
Conceptualizing the Issue and Assessing Types of Action
1. The civic action I chose was internet privacy because I was particularly interested in cyber security in this day and age.
2. Internet Security is an issue because hackers and even the government can gain your information without your knowledge.
3. I think we need to improve firewalls to stop hacking.
4. Im following USS Los Angeles, Circle CL, SecurityWeek, StateoftheInternet, and Sans ISC. I think the overall aim of these accounts is interesting and shows a care in the security of the internet
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jbodner20ahsgov · 5 years
Conceptualizing the Issue and Assessing Types of Action
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