She smiled at the new boy.  So many were gunshy or skittish when they arrived she’d noticed.  Part of her wanted to make them comfortable by welcoming them, part of her hoped it didn’t have the opposite affect.
“Nice to meet you James,” Janet said as he tipped his head.  Something you didn’t see every day she thought.  “Did my directions make sense?  I could walk with you to the office if you wanted.  I know how easily it can be to get lost.”
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It took him a total of five seconds to process the fact that the girl’s offer was kind and not laced with any malicious intent. His brain had easily translated her offer to be condescending and it took added effort on his part to ensure that he didn’t interpret every word someone said in the most negative way possible. 
“Yeah, that’d help,” he finally managed, plastering on another smile. “These corridors just look all similar. Pretty sure I’ve walked the same one thrice now.” Not everyone is a possible threat, he reasoned with himself. Least of all this girl, right?
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Posture could tell a lot about a person and, for someone who was used to constant bullying (and far worse), it was always something Bruce paid attention to. He couldn’t help himself from tensing as the guy in front of him crossed his arms and scanned the hall. Bruce had seen that look, someone ready to fight, looking for adults that might put a stop to it, witnesses who might rat him out later, a locker large enough to fit someone in. Only this time it was different. If someone were to target Bruce now, they’d probably end up dead and Bruce would end up locked away, constantly kept under, or put down like a rabid dog.
The paranoid thoughts - is it paranoia if Fury’s already promised to do it? - threatened to overwhelm him. Bruce could feel his pulse pounding in his ear and could’ve sworn he saw the hints of green in his periphery, if only for a few seconds.
Then, a slow exhale from the guy in front of him brought Bruce back to the present. That wasn’t a sign of someone about to start trouble. For a moment, he considered that he might be facing someone similarly… unsettled. Either way, it was enough to force something resembling calm.
“Yeah. Only been on campus a day,” Bruce answered, trying to answer with a smile of his own. “I haven’t really tried to find my way around though.”
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An irritated sound escaped Bucky at the mentioned of trying to find his way around because hell if he hadn’t been trying to do the exact same thing for the past hour. It didn’t help that the hallways looked the same - it didn’t help either that he could somehow not remember the goddamn instructions. “I’ve been trying,” he practically growls and then blinked when he realised he was starting to lose control again. Disorientation was not a good look on Bucky Barnes.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to...” He trailed off with a sheepish smile, ducking quickly to hide his face for a while. 
“Uh, I just can’t seem to figure this place out, y’know? Ain’t great with new places. And this place looks too... clean.” The word hanging on the tip on his tongue was clinical but he had already probably spooked out the anxious boy so much that doing so further would have been the end of Bucky’s possible social life. 
“I’m James,” he introduced himself, sticking out his hand as if offering a peace treaty. “New here as well.”
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Doubt you’ll have a problem there. ..Yeah, but it’s…just Steve. Buck?
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... All right then, just Steve. Catch you sometime soon. 
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And hey, call me Bucky. Most people call me that. James is a lil too... stuffy, y’know?
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Wouldn’t be the first time for sure. 
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Hey, just don’t steal all of them. Ain’t got a problem otherwise. See you ‘round then, cap?
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Janet held up as she walked and smiled at the unfamiliar boy.  There were a lot of them wandering around; she had said hello to more than a few already,  “Hi.  Oh you’re not a bother at all.  The General Office, sure,  It’s down the hallway and around to the right.  You can’t miss it,” she replied with a smile.  “I’m Janet Van Dyne, hello.”
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Not that he was opposed to any shred of happiness in his life but man, this girl was bright. He practically blinked a couple of times to clear the ring in his ears from her voice. At least she didn’t set off every fucking security warning somehow drilled into him. 
“James Barnes. Pleasure’s all mine.” He tipped his head to the side in a familiar action, not even thinking through once about what he was doing. It was easier to function on automatic pilot rather than make conscious choices. 
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The hint of a scowl on his face tempered with something resembling despondence, Bruce had been wandering the halls for close to two hours now. Sure, he could have just stayed in the dorm and stared at the ceiling, but he could feel the gamma itching beneath his skin as he struggled to keep his temper in check. Rock meet hard place.
Bruce almost didn’t notice the guy walking toward him until he spoke up, dragging Bruce from the circles him mind was running.
“Uh…” Bruce stammered a moment as his gaze drifted from one end of the hall to the other. He offered a sheepish, apologetic smile and shook his head. “To be honest, I don’t even remember what building this is.”
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Instinct was something Bucky relied on much more than his other senses - instinct kept him from throwing himself off the rails whenever he tried to understand what was going on. And instinct told him loud and clear that the boy in front of him was trouble. He wasn’t sure why but the sight of him made the hair on the nape of his  neck stand. So he slipped into a defensive stance - weight shifted on to the back leg, hands crossed in front of him. 
“You’re not the only one,” he replied with a tight smile, glancing around the place again. Exits were too far in the case of attack though he could probably use of the lockers as leverage-- Oh for fuck’s sake, he was in school. He exhaled slowly before forcing some sincerity into his smile. 
“You new here too?” 
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I think I can imagine how you felt. 
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I am. A beefcake, huh? Don’t know about all that, but I’m pretty good with a ball. 
... That’s sure to break a lot of girls’ hearts. 
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Yeah, timezone change has me kind of out of sorts I guess. I’m just trying to make it to dark before I rack out. 
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I think I’ll be okay. Most of my gear is in my room, just trying to get the lay of the land. Which is easier said than done. 
Yeah tell me about it. I woke up in fucking Ru-- Nowhere near here. That’s where. 
Uh- hey- You the new football captain? Heard someone talking about a beefcake. 
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MMhmm. Probably not, I just got to campus a little bit ago. Guilty as charged. New transfer. 
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Ja-mes, huh?Nice to…meet you. This can’t be happening. 
(( a long stare followed by a soft cough )) Yes, you just said that three seconds ago. You all right? Been a long day? 
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Hey, need a uh- hand? I just shifted in so I can help you out as well. 
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Yeah they’re…big alright. Bucky? I’m sorry you look just like…a guy I used to know, I’m Steve. 
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Steve...? Uh, hey, nice to meet you too. I don’t think you’ve seen me around. Well I hope. You new here as well? 
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And it’s James.James Barnes.
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Yeah... yeah. They must be pretty loaded. Whoever they is. Did you see the walls around this place? Fucking massive. 
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Man they were not kidding when they said this place was huge, huh?
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Two lefts and a right and it’ll be on your…
Bucky frowned slightly as he turned to his left, coming face to face with a blank wall instead of the general office. He frowned at the wall - the wallpaper was nice but still not exactly a door - and wondered whether he remembered the instructions wrongly. Well, most probably. He let out a long sigh and stopped the first person he saw along the hallway, right hand waving in front of him.
“H-hey, sorry to be a bother but uh… any idea where the General Office is?”
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Captain America’s sidekick James “Bucky” Barnes died in action in the closing days of World War 2, only to be resurrected by Department X, the Soviet Union’s secret science division and brainwashed to be their perfect cold war assassin: the Winter Soldier!
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“My dreams are the worst I’ve ever had. Images of the Winter Soldier fold in on each other… I see things I forgot happened… Like a door unlocking in my mind… Torture… Slaughter… And training others in their use… So much horror… I wake up vomiting. And don’t feel much better afterwards. My bad dreams linger…but I wouldn’t expect anything else..”
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