jcdeyn · 4 years
“I have a gay answer.. depending on what the question might be,” Jade said with a smirk as she leaned forward and rested her face in her hands, eager to see what the other woman had in mind. “Please surprise me. I’ll answer anything.”
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“I have a gay question for you,” Athena drawled out from where she was sitting, seeing the other woman in the peripheral of her vision. Adjusting her glasses, she slowly turned to face them with a mischievous glint in her eye. “Do you want corny or wildly inappropriate?”
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jcdeyn · 4 years
Finley was so happy to meet someone who matched her energy, someone she knew would be perfect for causing havoc with. When it was announced they were to be roommates, Fin had been ecstatic. They’d become fast friends, and she couldn’t wait to further the bond they already had. Her gaze lifted away from her phone when she heard the other woman speak, a wide grin replacing her once concentrated look. “Okay but when do I not want to hear you out on anything you have to say? I am one hundred percent here for any idea you have, so shoot!”
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The fact that Jade was free to cause havoc with her roommate was nothing short of amazing. Each and every day, they would come up with the most ridiculous ideas to scare and/or prank people around them, including themselves. However, Jade was wary of what Fin was gonna be up to now that they were roommates. They could easily pick on each other without the other noticing, that’s how sneaky they were, and they definitely made a great team. “Okay, okay, true!” Jade said excitedly before she took a deep breath. “What if we... created a Youtube channel together?! I know it’s like.. really cheesy and shit, but if we did our prank videos on there whilst getting attention from the show, it would be fuckin’ brilliant!”
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jcdeyn · 4 years
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Florence Pugh photographed by Paul McClean for ES Magazine
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jcdeyn · 4 years
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jcdeyn · 4 years
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jcdeyn · 4 years
Jade was extremely excited to finally have a roommate. She was happy to meet most of the girls that were aboard this crazy TV show experience, but she was most excited to meet Finley, her new roommate. When they first met, they discovered that they had a lot in common, including how they both suffered with ex-girlfriends in the past. Jade had sworn and promised her that next time anybody were to ever hurt her, she would easily kick their ass. One day, Jade came up with an idea that she hoped Finley would get aboard on. “Mate! I have a brilliant idea for us! Pay attention, because I need you to hear me out on this one!” Jade said excitedly as she sat on the couch bouncing in excitement.
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jcdeyn · 4 years
“No word of a lie.” Cybelle nodded, head tilting slightly to one side as she listened curiously to the other woman’s elaboration. “You fight professionally?” Evidently impressed by the notion, she could feel her face flush with warmth at the involuntary mental image such inspired. “Damn, well, after that little preview, I don’t doubt it. Remind me never to piss you off, yeah? I’d hate to be on the receiving end of those dirty moves.”
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“Sure do! Well... did.. before I came onto the show,” Jade replied with a shrug. She did miss fighting professionally and wished she got the opportunity to do it again. “My last meet was back in London, and it was just a friendly local. I used to compete in world championships and such.” Jade chuckled and shook her head knowing she’d never want her to be on the receiving end, especially since she was just absolutely stunning. “Don’t worry, I don’t doubt that you would. Besides, I’d rather not hurt someone as gorgeous as you.”
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jcdeyn · 4 years
“Please do. Did you compete professionally? Or, more of a hobby?”
Standing up to the bag, CJ held it steady. “Feel free to go as hard as you can, I can take it,” she says, the lingering dirt off her tongue, smirk evident. “That’s a super pretty name. I’m Claire James, which is definitely not as cool as Jade, so I go by CJ.”
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“No way, you have to show me footage. Or at least score me tickets for the next time you compete — I wanna see you get down and dirty.”
“No, I used to compete professionally. Now that I’m semi-retired.. it’s become more of a hobby, although I wish I was out competing again.”
Jade nodded her head and threw in a few punches. To add a little extra flair, she added a couple kicks too, hoping she didn’t put more pressure on CJ. Luckily, she could handle it. “Oh please, your name is just as cool as mine!”
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“You bet. I’ll show you footage of the last competitive meets I had. I kicked one girl’s ass hard and it almost got bloody. It’s pretty sweet.”
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jcdeyn · 4 years
Jade hadn’t properly gotten a good night out in a long time. She had spent the last few days at the gym trying to manage her anger and the rest of her emotions. She finally decided that today, she would take a break from the gym and just relax over by the poolside. Putting on her best swimsuit with her white sundress, she headed over to the waters to let her feet soak for a little bit. She didn’t happen to notice anybody else there, until she heard a voice. The other just so happened to hold what appeared to be a joint, which immediately took Jade’s attention. “Yeah? I’m intrigued,” she said as she moved closer to them as she held her hand out. “I haven’t gotten a good hit in a while, so I’m hoping what you say is true.”
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their feet dipped under the warm water as they sat on the edge of the pool. the sun had long since set and the stars twinkled above. it was rather beautiful. all the while, a perfectly rolled joint steady rested between their fingers. aaliyah thrived off this– everything about it. the perfect setting. the perfect weed. it was a nice reprieve from their life back home. despite the constant shadowing of cameras, whether hidden away or directly behind them, it was still calming. their eyes darted towards one of their housemates and a warm smile curled on their lips. “hey, doll,” they hummed, taking a slow hit. they held it in for as long as possible before releasing. “this stuff supposed to be some of the best in the islands… wanna give it a go? swimming and smoking are like an aphrodisiac together.”
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jcdeyn · 5 years
[ text ] You know what I forgot to pack for the show? My favorite fishnets from fighting. Now I regret not grabbing them smh
[ text ] ......oh shit
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jcdeyn · 5 years
texting starters send a symbol for…
🌻 a worried text.
🐰 a goofy text.
🦋 a loving text.  
🧦 a half-asleep text.
🌳 a happy text.
🍎 an apologetic text.
⚠️ a text meant for someone else.
🕰️ an early morning text.
💫 a late night text.
🗑️ a text that wasn’t sent.
💡 a scared text.
💀 an urgent text.
🥇 a supportive text.
🔪 a hateful text. 
🌊 a sad text.
⚡ an angry text. 
🚀 a goodbye text.
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jcdeyn · 5 years
Jade: My darling, I’d love to. Just tell me the time and place.
Sophia: The Sauna is broken. My disappointment is immeasurable :( What are you doing, gorgeous?
Jade: Is it? How inconvenient. I was thinking about going there after my workout. Guess I’m free now 😊🤷🏼‍♀️
Sophia: Shall we meet for a glass of wine instead?
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jcdeyn · 5 years
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jcdeyn · 5 years
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Florence Pugh at “Little Women” premiere in Paris, France (December 12, 2019)
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jcdeyn · 5 years
Jade: Is it? How inconvenient. I was thinking about going there after my workout. Guess I’m free now 😊🤷🏼‍♀️
Sophia: The Sauna is broken. My disappointment is immeasurable :( What are you doing, gorgeous?
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jcdeyn · 5 years
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Florence Pugh at the Paris premiere of Little Women
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jcdeyn · 5 years
Jade had to admit what she needed after a few long days at the resort and kicking her own behind in exercising was a relaxing day by the pool. She slipped into her own comfortable bikini and a sundress so she could stand out a little bit. Hearing the girl next to her, Jade smiled and turned to her saying, “Tell me about it. I could be here every day and won’t get tired of it. It’s like living in paradise if you ask me.”
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Status: Open to all ! Location: Poolside @ the Hotel 
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   “I could get used to this,” Shiloh commented from her lounge chair in the sun, a class of wine in hand (her second, wait, third?) and her curls safely wrapped on top of her head. In her navy blue bikini, she’d been enjoying the sunny rays and had finished a very enriching meditation that morning that had Shiloh feeling relaxed and friendly. The rosé certainly did not hurt things. Flipping onto her side, the smiling beauty spoke more directly to the other woman in a nearby lounge. “Even if I don’t find love, this is so worth it.” 
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