jcels · 3 years
“i’ve always been kind, what do you mean? that’s the real me.” JOEL put his hand over his chest, picking up some of the dramatic antics that she used on him. “minus the times when i’m talking about your eyesight but that doesn’t count because its the truth.” he already knew she’d bring that up so he made sure to clean that verbiage up. one thing about her, she kept him on his toes at all times and he hadn’t forgotten about that and it showed. “we won’t know that but you’re clearly going to use the name anyway, me liking it or not shouldn’t measure the amount of kindness i receive back.” he smirked, leaning back against the chair for a just a second to relieve his back. often he was so engaged in the conversations, he found himself leaning closer and hunching over almost which was a good-bad habit he dealt with. listening to her talk about their time on the previous show brought back the memories as he agreed mentally. “it was a unique experience and having survived it all, i’m happy i did it and i’m happy with how it turned out.” JOEL said as he leaned towards the table again, resting his elbows on it against all the manners he had. “did i just hear you’ve become a workaholic? that’s what it sounds like, and i’m not having that. its probably hard to step away when its something you love but i wouldn’t want to see you get burnt out, so i’m glad you’re taking some time for yourself. it better be consistent too, or you’re going to have some problems with me.” he laughed but was a bit serious too because he knew how over-working could be potentially harmful. “ah, yes. when i didn’t come back with anyone my my mum took matters into her own hands and found a wife for me. she’s lovely, cooks, cleans, and worships my every step, love at first sight. she looked me in the eye almost, i told her she should’ve played basketball.” chuckling as his story went on, he finally shook his head. “i better stop, i had myself convinced for a second. but when i went back home, i just needed a break from people. besides my family, i was in the house away from everyone for a good month. i didn’t expect the fame to follow me out there and it did so if anything i made myself chopped liver trying to be incognito whenever i could.” 
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jcels · 3 years
What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you?
i tried to cut my own hair and ended up cutting a big patch in the back that no one told me about for days.
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jcels · 3 years
Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?
depends on the day and person. i don't like to argue but avoiding conflict can leave you worse off too.
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jcels · 3 years
What is their love language?
he's a big fan of quality time and acts of service. it could be something like sitting in silence together after a long day or doing something small that he likes that go a long way.
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jcels · 3 years
If your muse could be granted any supernatural or elemental power of their choosing, what would they pick?
he would want some psychic abilities, but be able to see into the future any time not just random visions.
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jcels · 3 years
How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)?
i don't hide my thoughts or feelings but i'm not going around and telling them either. if someone asks, i have no problem expressing myself but i'm never the one to randomly bring it up. i show myself as i see fit/how situations are presented.
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jcels · 3 years
What would be their twitter name? What sorts of tweets would they tweet?
his twitter: senseisaleh. he'd tweet random motivational things, wholesome tweets, and every so often ignite a fire on a twitter debate.
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jcels · 3 years
Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?
i don't believe in true love but definitely soul mates, romantically and platonically. i actually think a platonic soul mate is better than a romantic one but that's conversation for another day.
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jcels · 3 years
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jcels · 3 years
               “i wasn’t even going for that, i was simply speaking facts. but if you choose not to bask in it, that’s alright i’m going to keep it coming.” there was always a bit of a game going on between them, even if they didn’t speak on it directly the vibe they bounced off one another certainly said enough. and it was always playful and lighthearted which was enjoyable. “i didn’t trigger anything, that was already in you and just waiting to come back. i welcome it, its the real you.” JOEL joked with her. he loved to tease and toy with her any chance he got, and he showed that from the beginning and it wasn’t going to stop anytime soon either. “how can you say you’re here to support me but you’re disrespecting my age in the next breath, how does that work? don’t try to back track on my looks now, you’ve already said i’m old as dirt, i took that very personally too.” he swatted at her hand and with his being much larger he clasped his over hers completely so that it balled into a fist as he brought it down to the table. “you were much nicer to me on the other show. crazy innit? i still can’t believe that whole experience happened. days in there were very surreal and early in it, i wasn’t sure i’d actually find someone and to be a runner up? my expectations exceeded, completely.” he slowly nodded as he recalled their time half a year ago. “bringing cheerleaders to the sport might be just what i need though, you might be on to something. but i’ll keep you in mind, thank you.” there was already a lot on his plate but knowing that he had someone that would be there to help or just listen to him was nice and more helpful than he could have expressed. “you’re right though, the possibilities are really endless and that’s why i was so excited to come out here and explore all that could be. i’d rather to have come out here and felt a little uncomfortable for a bit if it lead to something bigger than stayed home. is there anything else new with you besides being apart of the dance team, and for old times sake let’s bring back the love island staple, where’s your head at?” he chuckled as he swiped his bottom lip with his tongue. 
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jcels · 3 years
          “didn’t forget to be violent either i see. but if it frizzed up into little afro that might suit you well.” he beamed back with a smile. JOEL was impressed by her ability to make this step into a career that she loved, and even more overjoyed for her as well. the energy she showed when talking about it cemented that excitement she spoke on and that alone was nice to be around. “that’s the way to be, keep that attitude and you’ll be fine. you’re this amazing dancer and i haven’t seen any of your moves, so that just tells me you’ve been holding back and i’m kind of feeling a way about that.” he titled his head down, playfully glaring at her as he shook his head. JOEL was very appreciative of her offering, though he wasn’t trying to earn any pity or sympathy he still found that gesture to be nice. “its definitely a big change, and i’m used to it in a way. i’ve moved a lot for teams so it just takes some getting used to but thank you for the offer.” he softly smiled reaching for her hand to hold for a moment but dropped it jokingly after her following jester. “ old as dirt? i liked it better when i was wood, have your fun though. it’s all coming back to you in doubles. people play the sport well into their forties so i’m not worried as much about that but will my love for the game last that long is the important question. right now, i’m not enjoying it as much as i expected, so its a little of it pays the bills. pays more than just my bills actually, this is help your family amounts and i can live with being miserable in my job if it means helping my family. but i’m hoping that it’ll get better with time.” he knew that he wouldn’t play the sport forever but what was to come after that hadn’t crossed his mind yet but maybe now was the time to get a jumpstart on it. “i’m not sure yet, i’m interested in a lot of things and i do have a degree that could be put to use. i did some modeling back home, i could easily get back into that. owning my own business has always seemed exciting too. there’s a lot things out there, i’ve just got to narrow it down.” 
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jcels · 3 years
             he thought she would immediately pick up that he was joking but the fact that she didn’t made it funnier. “i’m just kidding, you’re not any shorter than before and even if you were, it would not be an insult. you know my insults are only about your senses.” JOEL chuckled as he adjusted the brim of his hat, tipping it backwards a bit as he admired her pose. “its doesn’t look drastically different but definitely a little something. i would touch it but i don’t want to get my hand chopped off.” as they were both seated, he couldn’t wait for them to both exchange questions and answers to fill in the gaps of the past. “i bet, the routines i’ve seen at games and events are always phenomenal so i can only imagine the work that goes into that. i’m glad you stuck with it, i’m happy you’re getting to do something you love. that’s major.” he nodded with smile. “i’ve just been getting used to living in a new area, a new country, all that. the difference is bigger than i expected but nothing i can’t handle.” he explained as he stacked his hands on to of each other. “soccer has been just ok..its not as big out here as basketball, or football or baseball even and it shows. that’s an adjustment for me but i’m trying to look at the bigger picture. there’s much more opportunities here to get into other things so i’m trying to take advantage of that. i can’t play the sport forever so i might as well figure out what comes next.”   
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jcels · 3 years
              JOEL embraced her right back, wrapping his arms around her waist tightly. he was grinning ear to ear before and after the kiss as he held onto her a little longer. “did you shrink? or have you always been this small?” he questioned with a laugh. “i missed you too, lil bear. we’ve got a lot of catching up to do, let’s go find somewhere to sit.” finally letting her go, he kept one arm wrapped around her waist as he walked and weaved around people to find a table for the two of them. he wasn’t sure how things were going to be with them having spent the time apart but so far it felt like nothing changed which was a plus. “is that a new hair color? its nice, i like it.” he said to her while sliding into one of the seats. “i feel like there’s a lot for us to talk about but, its just nice being in the same place again you know? things are obviously good with work but how is it? i feel like you’re really living a dream now.”  
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jcels · 3 years
            “imagine if it was speed dating mixed in with that, loveisland should try that.” JOEL chimed in with a laugh to follow. he sat down next to the familiar woman and poked her air pod with intrigue. “what’re you listening to? if its good then its only right that you find whoever’s in charge of the music and demand to change it.”
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jcels · 3 years
              once he got to Charmaine’s, JOEL entered the establishment. as he walked inside he saw some familiar faces from loveisland as well as some people who were apart of the new cast but that wasn’t his focus and he’d talk to them at some point. it had been quite awhile since he last saw Ryan in person so this was a long time coming. things after the show ended didn’t go as they wanted and neither expected that but he wasn’t going to think about that right now. as he saw her standing near some others, he walked over and grabbed her attention with a greeting. “i was told i had a date with this dope dancer, she’s so good she works for the pro team. you know her by chance?” | @vlncis​
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jcels · 3 years
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jcels · 3 years
                  this is JOEL, a THIRTY year old SOCCER PLAYER as seen on loveisland. he comes in as a veteran from MANCHESTER, UK and he’ll be playing for the san francisco football club as a part of the sports industry. things got complicated for him on and after the show but he’s back to see what else is in store. check out the link for more info, and as always my IMs are open if you would like to plot. 
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