jclsg · 5 years
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Discipline is doing it
No matter what your emotional state is.
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jclsg · 5 years
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jclsg · 6 years
No matter how good someone is to you it doesn’t mean they’re meant to stay. If they’re not meant for you, stop forcing it. It’ll only cause more heartache and tears. The harder you try to make it work, the more it will hurt when you have no choice but to let go.
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jclsg · 6 years
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Quote by anonymous
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jclsg · 6 years
“It is not easy to let go of people, especially when they are of kindred souls to your own. You just have to trust that however short they stayed in your life, they have fulfilled a beautiful purpose - perhaps it was to touch you softly, or to wake you up from a stupor, or to teach you a lesson of some sort. Whatever it was they came into your life for, you are never emptier for their absence. Rather, you are more whole for it. Love them while letting them go. Love them even after they are gone. And love yourself all the more for your strength.”
— The Subtle Art of Letting Go // Genefe Navilon
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jclsg · 6 years
“Meeting someone at the wrong time is the saddest thing I have ever come to comprehend. There is this unfathomable pain rooted deep in knowing that you have to let go to continue growth separately when in your heart, you just know- you know that since the first day you were both put on this planet, you must have been two seeds planted right next to each other, the crossing of roots inevitable because what else could explain how you see the world almost identically? What else could explain how when it rains on the other, you feel it too? And it is for these exact reasons I know that us meeting was not a coincidence; we will meet again someday when we have bloomed a little stronger in order to maximise eachother’s growth.”
— Farewell for now, my flower.
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jclsg · 6 years
“Even the good people, the ones you dream of meeting, fuck up. People aren’t perfect and loving someone means handing them a gun and trusting them not to shoot you. But we’re all human and sometimes we get scared and we panic, accidentally pulling the trigger. That doesn’t mean that they don’t love you… it just means that Life doesn’t come with an instruction manual and sometimes we do the wrong thing. So do you banish them from your life and try to forget their existence when you might have made the very same mistake if the roles were reversed? If they shot you and are begging for forgiveness, willing to do anything to make it up to you, do you give them another chance and hope that the good you see in them will overcome the bad? Or do you just shut down and walk away?”
— I guess it depends what kind of person you want to be - Jess Amelia 
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jclsg · 6 years
“you don’t stop loving someone just because you don’t talk to each other anymore. you don’t start hating someone just because things got tough or wasn’t all sunshine and butterflies the whole time. sometimes things work out, sometimes they don’t, sometimes shit just happens, and that’s okay. love is really, fucking complicated guys. but go with it when you find it anyways. you might get lucky or you might not, but either way you can say you tried and learned. and that’s important too.”
— trying to learn from what happened (6/21/17), thekaijusleeps
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jclsg · 6 years
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jclsg · 7 years
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jclsg · 7 years
I know it hurts now sweetheart, but that’s how you know it was a relationship worth having.
Phil Dunphy, Modern Family (via suspend)
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jclsg · 7 years
It’s hard for me to trust men. It’s hard for me to trust that they won’t go, because if my own father couldn’t love me, how could a boy?
Thoughts Of A Fatherless Daughter (via bintshamal)
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jclsg · 7 years
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jclsg · 7 years
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jclsg · 7 years
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When I was little I used to be afraid of storms. I guess now I like them because it’s nice to see something that displays how I feel on the inside and can’t explain.
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jclsg · 7 years
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jclsg · 7 years
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Driving to the mountains.
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