jcsxys-blog · 6 years
T’Challa plays Black Jeopardy. (x)
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jcsxys-blog · 6 years
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jcsxys-blog · 6 years
This is too funny 😭😂
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jcsxys-blog · 6 years
i thought i was okay . .
so i was diagnosed w severe anxiety ALSO almost severe depression. IDK i was depress bc i literally living my life, i have family and friends who are there for me. So i thought it is prolly bc of school (im taking degree now) and i was like yeah that prolly the reason and also he say it is also cause by sadness. he asked me am i losing someone or my partner left me. i am single like since born and i still have all my family members. he was like then why r u so sad? what making u this sad? i say idk . . then he say u prolly alws overthink shit and inna abusive friendship environment . . Harsh truth but yeah . . i got home and cried my eyes out bc the people that i love is killing me . . then i put on my Moisturising Facemask and take a 6 hour nap and felt so much better . . i called my grandparent but i didnt tell them bout it just wanna check them in. i had chicken dish for dinner and a bottle of beer. we can weep but somehow life must go on . . we have to be strong bc ppl is going to kill us.
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jcsxys-blog · 6 years
hi, sorry to interrupt your scrolling, but I just wanted to remind you that you are beautiful and loved. thanks! carry on
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jcsxys-blog · 6 years
so i was thinking to post some of my writing here like imagine reader x kpop idols, so if anyone wanna me to take their request or something like that, reblog this w your genre and idols <3 
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jcsxys-blog · 6 years
umbrella | Lee Jeno
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pairing :  Bestfriend! jeno and reader y/n 
genre : angst 
warning : none 
word count : i didn’t even count aajkakkh
a/n: this is my first time publishing something of my own. i didn’t actually prove read this but i hope it’s okay  :’). happy reading! 
[6 april 2016]
dear diary,I’ve always thought he was beautiful, those moon shaped eyes that shone brighter in the night, the one who’s always there to comfort me.well, not anymore. and who you may asked?he’s my bestfriend, lee jeno. back then, we were  inseparable,it’s funny how jeno and i became friends so quickly. all because of we both loves cats but also allergic to it. but jeno still adopts them anyway and has 3 in total.jeno being the one who always help me with my illness, we share everything together too, promised that we will never keep secrets,always doing things together that people assume we were dating.but jeno quickly denied it. it was fine at first,not until she came in frame. my one and only light is dimmed now . my jeno. mine? since when he’s yours y/n? you didn’t deserve him , you will never be good enough.i don’t hate her i promise.but it hurts, the heart-wrenching pain i felt that tugs my heartstrings, wanting the affection of someone i know i can never have. and that was the first time i dealt with my first heart break. i’m in love with lee jeno and i can’t do anything about it. maybe, maybe it’s for the best.
if i have to describe lee jeno,he’s The person I love the most and  is somewhat reserved, but he is generous and kind. He is happy to be out of the limelight, and I thrive in that, so we complement one another. He is also thoughtful, so it makes me proud to know him as he deals with others.He has never had someone dislike him or think he’s a bad person. He has a fairly even temperment. He is curious about everything, loves to scrunch his cute nose, need facts to understand things, and isn’t easily duped. i love the boy so much, so much that i’m also good at hiding my feelings from him. i will never tell him how i feel. never. i can’t lose my best friend over my stupid feelings. he can never know.though, i have this one habit even jeno doesn’t know.i know, we made a deal with each other on not to keep secrets with each other, but if it’s too much to handle, i tend to bottled up my emotions. i always told myself, i’m fine. but am i? 
the day i realized i fell in love, was also the day jeno told me he was also in love. but, the lucky girl wasn’t me. i tried so hard not to let my tears fall and to broke down. instead, i gave him a smile, and say “im glad you found someone that can make you happy”. we grew apart since then. i’m not doing a good job either. i avoid him at all cost and give him countless excuses so we won’t meet. and it worked. he stopped trying too. 
i miss my moon. and i miss him dearly. It starts at the bottom of your stomach, and slowly grows with every passing day. You don’t notice it at first—you think you’re fine. But you are watering this weed every day, so it just grows stronger. It strangles your organs—you’ll notice it when you lose your appetite. From then on it slowly grows taller, and when you notice that you can’t breathe, it’s too late—way too late—it will have started working on your heart and it will continue growing until it extends out, past your lips.this feelings i felt in my heart every time is unbearable. too painful as if i can’t hold on much longer. 
im tired jeno. i’m tired of being your umbrella. i can’t be the one that you pulled from the back of your closet on a rainy day that never comes. maybe it’s time i realized that my best friend has another umbrella that’s taking care of him . maybe, its time,
to let go. 
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jcsxys-blog · 6 years
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jcsxys-blog · 6 years
Beautiful gift for iKONICS 💝
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jcsxys-blog · 6 years
im so ready to be in a relationship so whenever the universe is ready hmu with a keeper
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jcsxys-blog · 6 years
Y/N breaks another record!
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All we can say is wow wow wow. Y/N has been slowly breaking records ever since the release of her debut album almost a year ago and it seems to be gaining traction months after its release. Billboard announced today that Y/N has broken a total of TWO records which is incredible. She is the first kpop solo act to make it to the top 10 on the Album 200 chart as well as being the first act ever to have a debut album on the Billboard Charts. JYP made a statement minutes after the news was released.
JYP Entertainment wants to congratulate Y/N on her success not just in Korea but overseas as well. We are excited to continue the journey together and are thankful to all the fans that helped her obtain these achievements.
Y/N is definitely making waves since her debut and it looks like this is only the beginning and we can’t wait to see what else Y/N can accomplish! Congrats Y/N, fighting!
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⚠️ Everything on this blog is fake and is a fanfiction/imagine that is written as a gossip site that holds no truth, anything resembling real life is merely a coincidence. All content on this blog belongs to its rightful owners. ⚠️
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jcsxys-blog · 6 years
Big Hit surprised everyone this morning by dropping what they’re calling a part 1 trailer for their upcoming tour which basically confirms that Y/N is going on tour with BTS and the internet has lost all chill at this revelation. We reached out to Big Hit just to confirm 100% that the two are, in fact, going on tour together.
Big Hit Entertainment is happy to announce that Y/N is going on tour with BTS and the details have been discussed and agreed upon with JYP Entertainment. We’re excited at this new adventure we’re partaking in as a first in kpop and hope that fans of both Y/N and BTS will enjoy the multitalent concerts. Dates will be announed soon so please keep a look out for updates regarding the upcoming tour.
Needless to say everyone is excited and if you thought getting tickets to BTS’s tour last year was hard this year is going to be even more difficult. So save up your money and get your clicker finger ready because when the dates drop you’ll be part of the hunger games.
After everyone freaked over the confirmation of the tour fans were quick to analyze the video and fans think that this might possibly mean a small collab between the two while they’re on tour. We wont know for sure until the first show because we’re sure Big Hit and JYP are going to be keeping a tight lid on anything to do with the upcoming tour details. 
You can’t deny the chemistry between them and it’s incredibly hard to miss. Considering this can be seen as a love song a lot of fans think they may be hinting at something with this trailer release. Unfortunately we’re left in the dark until either Y/N or Jungkook decides to shed some light on what’s going on between them, but don’t get your hopes up…the two tend to keep intimate details of their friendship to themselves and we can understand why.
*we’ve updated our survey for readers so please take a moment and fill it out*
⚠️ Everything on this blog is fake and is a fanfiction/imagine that is written as a gossip site that holds no truth, anything resembling real life is merely a coincidence. All content on this blog belongs to its rightful owners. ⚠️
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jcsxys-blog · 6 years
the mood today is loving and cherishing Bambam
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jcsxys-blog · 6 years
Re-blog if you're accepting anonymous asks from anyone about anything
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jcsxys-blog · 6 years
im just realised that i do have feeling for my senior . . help 😭
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jcsxys-blog · 6 years
soo, i have publised two books of bts imagines and got7 imagines . . wonder if my friends here would like to read it, go to wangjufinest in wattpad and follow 😁 thank you
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jcsxys-blog · 6 years
AM Confession
i have kids level of attention mean that i cant focused on this particular thing for a very long time because i will get distracted . . thats why ppl who know me will prolly know why im good at multi-everything . . and the best multi i have is multi-fandom . . remembering the name is hard at first but then u will be use to it and u will be very good at it like u can tell who is who by hearing their heartbeat.
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