jdmrgcn1 ยท 9 months
( ๐Ÿ“ฒ sms ) Finally watched the new Little Mermaid. Was about 40 minutes into it before the afternoon edible started wearing off and I realized King Triton wasn't you ๐Ÿ˜‚ I really thought I was going to be the only one who didn't fall into that trap.
jeff: oh come on man. i'd expect it from most people but not from you! i'm just going to have to try harder to make sure i look nothing like javier bardem
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jdmrgcn1 ยท 9 months
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JEFFREY DEAN MORGAN as the sexiest peepaw ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ’ฆ
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jdmrgcn1 ยท 9 months
Pedro, my guy! Where the fuck are you? I hope you weren't in LA because I've been there for a few weeks. I hope all is good on your end though man. // @pascalispunkhq
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jdmrgcn1 ยท 9 months
It wouldn't be the same without the original cast, and I don't think it will have the same reaction either. I think if they wanted to reach a new generation they should bring in new people. But most of the people who were fans of the old show would want to see what the guys are up to these days. Hey man, if you put on the charm, that paired with your handsome looks will definitely get you the attention. To be, you still look like a spring chicken, but maybe that's just because I'm old. Then, maybe it's time you all got together to put this idea forward, see if they'll pick it up for a pilot. // @lvfferty
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jdmrgcn1 ยท 9 months
I know, which is why I moved my flight forward, and I'm back in New York now. I'm sorry, I know I said we could hang out while I was in LA, but I needed to get back. I couldn't be away from them both for much longer. What's wrong though, is everything okay?
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Iโ€™m heading back to New York soon to see the kids, I had George calling me to tell me she wants me home and you know I canโ€™t say no to that kid. So if youโ€™re free, we can catch up before I do? // @alycas
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you better never tell that gorgeous girl no. what princess wants, princess gets. it's nice that you are able to fly back and spend time with them. i'm sure they miss you a lot. please give them both all the kisses and hugs for me. of course, of course. i haven't been feeling the best the past week or so, so a familiar face might be the pick me up i need.
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jdmrgcn1 ยท 9 months
jeff: of course i did jeff: look, chris is a great guy, i don't know him too well, but from what i remember he's top notch. however, that doesn't mean i can't look out for you and make sure he knows he will have me and your dad to deal with jeff: okay, i've said my piece, i've given him the warning and now i'll back off and let things be. but know i'm here if you need me jeff: how are things with you anyway? besides the new boyfriend
cami: you need to do no such thing cami: but what i've heard from him, you've already done that ๐Ÿ™ƒ cami: look, i doubt much will scare this man off. not even you and pops ganging up on him cami: we had a rough start and he knows first and foremost that if he hurts me, he'll be dealing with me first of all. and i know he doesn't want that again. cami: don't worry okay ??? i actually genuinely like him. and you know him?! so you should know he's a gem.
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jdmrgcn1 ยท 9 months
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Hereโ€™s to mischief.
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jdmrgcn1 ยท 10 months
I'm heading back to New York soon to see the kids, I had George calling me to tell me she wants me home and you know I can't say no to that kid. So if you're free, we can catch up before I do? // @alycas
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jdmrgcn1 ยท 10 months
jeff: hey kid jeff: what's this about you getting yourself a boyfriend? jeff: do i need to give him a talk? tell him that if he hurts you i'll kick his ass?// @cmila-morrone
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jdmrgcn1 ยท 10 months
I don't think it will ever been too soon for a One Tree Hill reboot, as long as the original cast are in it. I think it would be a great opportunity for you all. You look no different as you did back then, I can see you back in those uniforms, playing basketball. But, on a serious note man, if they actually asked you to do it, would you?
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There's been a resurgence of nostalgic shows in the last few years. These days I'm just waiting for a call from the network announcing they're rebooting One Tree Hill. I always expected it to happen, but it would feel a little too soon. No complaints from me if that's the case. The idea of returning to Nathan is pretty exciting and being around a cast that became a part of my family would feel like going home. Not to brag, but Chad and I still got it in us. Throw us a basketball and it feels like we never even left. / @hillsfmsstarters
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jdmrgcn1 ยท 10 months
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jdmrgcn1 ยท 10 months
I'll get one if you get one. Ever since taking my daughter to see the movie it's all I've been singing. Rightly so though, it was a great movie. I like to think I'm not much of a materialistic person, but I did recently buy a jacket that I'm patiently waiting to wear once fall comes and the temperature drops enough.
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This is so weird but I keep singing I'm just Ken and now the temptation to buy a Kenergy shirt is real. I need to stop with these impulse buys. I already have two Beyonce shirts on the way. But at the same time, what have been some of your favorite things recently? | @hillsfmsstarter
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jdmrgcn1 ยท 10 months
Oh shit yeah, I forgot you were working on the new Gladiator movie, how is filming going? Or has things been put on pause for the strike? Of course, I wouldn't trade them for anything, although if you had asked me that a few nights ago, my answer might have been different. Just kids beings kids I guess.
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What have you been up to in the UK? Is it a business trip, or more for pleasure? I know how to keep my friends happy, plus I might be a little selfish with this. I could do with some adult company, the kids are driving me nuts.
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Kind of both. I was visiting some artist friends in Margate and I was also doing some training for Gladiator in London. You certainly do! Oh please, you wouldnโ€™t change them for anything and you know it! Theyโ€™re the sweetest.
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jdmrgcn1 ยท 10 months
Don't tell her that, you'll end up having her for the entire weekend, you know how much she enjoys your company. But, if you really are okay with having her for a few nights, I can drop her off Friday after school and then pick her up anytime Sunday, whenever best suits you. Just don't send her back to me with a sugar high, the last thing I need is that kid jumping off the ceiling on a school night. She'll be over the moon though.
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George seems to be desperate for a sleepover at your place. I keep telling her that youโ€™re busy and she canโ€™t just come over whenever she pleases. But, if you wish to make a little girl extremely happy, and prevent her dad from going insane. Iโ€™ll provide the money for food and snacks. // @alycas
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but this is where you are wrong sir, she absolutely can come over whenever she pleases, because what queen george wants, queen george gets. i have nothing going on at the moment and my schedule is wide open, so if she'd like to come over and spend a few nights with me then i'd be honored to have her. we can build a blanket and pillow fort in the living room, watch every single land before time film in existence, and eat dino nuggets and mac and cheese out of my fanciest wine glasses.
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jdmrgcn1 ยท 10 months
What have you been up to in the UK? Is it a business trip, or more for pleasure? I know how to keep my friends happy, plus I might be a little selfish with this. I could do with some adult company, the kids are driving me nuts.
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Pedro, my man! Are you in LA? The kids are with their mom for the week. So how does, me, you and MF Bonfire sound? If youโ€™re lucky I might throw in some good old authentic pizza, curtesy of Papa Johns. // @pascalispunkhq
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I am back, yeah! I just got back last week, I had been in the UK for a little bit. That sounds perfect to me, and pizza as well? You do know the way to my heart.
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jdmrgcn1 ยท 10 months
You can say that again. I believe I have a couple more gray hairs than I did back then. Safe to say though, you don't look any different, time has been extremely kind to you. It definitely seems like a lifetime ago. Italy? Now, that's a beautiful place to spend your summer, I hope you got to soak up all the rays and enjoy a break. I can't say much is happening with me, which in our line of work is never a bad thing. Just been spending time with the kids.
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texas killing fields! i remember that. time really has this cheeky way of sneaking up on us. one moment you're watching those 'babies' on screen, and the next, bam, you're looking at them wondering where the time went. hey, weโ€™ve levelled up now. i'm doing fabulous, have just soaked in some sun in italy and now i'm back home. and how about you, superstar?
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jdmrgcn1 ยท 10 months
George seems to be desperate for a sleepover at your place. I keep telling her that you're busy and she can't just come over whenever she pleases. But, if you wish to make a little girl extremely happy, and prevent her dad from going insane. I'll provide the money for food and snacks. // @alycas
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