jdoste · 9 years
Programita en C para resolver sistemas de ecuaciones usando determinantes (de matrices)
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {        int dtr,x,y,z;    double valorx,valory,valorz;    int y11,raux11;    int aux1,aux2,aux3;    int xaux1,xaux2,xaux3;    int yaux1,yaux2,yaux3;    int zaux1,zaux2,zaux3;    int raux1,raux2,raux3;    int x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3,z1,z2,z3,r1,r2,r3;        printf("Ingrese los coeficientes de la matriz con el siguiente orden \n");    printf("x1 +/- y1 +/- z1 = r1 \nx2 +/- y2 +/- z2 = r2 \nx3 +/- y3 +/- z3 = r3 \n");            printf("x1= "); scanf("%d",&x1);    printf("y1= "); scanf("%d",&y1);    printf("z1= "); scanf("%d",&z1);    printf("r1= "); scanf("%d",&r1);    printf("x2= "); scanf("%d",&x2);    printf("y2= "); scanf("%d",&y2);    printf("z2= "); scanf("%d",&z2);    printf("r2= "); scanf("%d",&r2);    printf("x3= "); scanf("%d",&x3);    printf("y3= "); scanf("%d",&y3);    printf("z3= "); scanf("%d",&z3);    printf("r3= "); scanf("%d",&r3);            //calcular determinante    aux1 = (y2*z3)-(z2*y3);    aux2 = (x2*z3)-(x3*z2);    aux3 = (x2*y3)-(x3*y2);        y11 = y1*(-1);        dtr = x1*aux1 + y11*aux2 + z1*aux3;        printf("Determinante: %d \n", dtr);        //calcular x    raux1 = r1;    raux2 = r2;    raux3 = r3;        xaux1 = (y2*z3) - (z2*y3);    xaux2 = (raux2*z3) - (z2*raux3);    xaux3 = (raux2*y3) - (y2*raux3);        x = raux1*xaux1 + y11*xaux2 + z1*xaux3;    valorx = x/dtr;        printf("El valor de x es %.2lf\n",valorx);        //calcular y        yaux1 = (raux2*z3) - (z2*raux3);    yaux2 = (x2*z3) - (z2*x3);    yaux3 = (x2*raux3) - (raux2*x3);        raux11 = raux1*(-1);        y = x1*yaux1 + raux11*yaux2 + z1*yaux3;    valory = (float)y/(float)dtr;        printf("El valor de y es %.2lf\n",valory);            //calcular z        zaux1 = (y2*raux3) - (raux2*y3);    zaux2 = (x2*raux3) - (raux2*x3);    zaux3 = (x2*y3) - (y2*x3);        z = x1*zaux1 + y11*zaux2 + raux1*zaux3;    valorz = (float)z/(float)dtr;        printf("El valor de z es %.2lf\n",valorz);             return 0; }
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jdoste · 9 years
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jdoste · 10 years
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jdoste · 10 years
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 My "first iOS app" (al least I I've understood every line of code that I write and and what does each of them)
After months focused only in ObjC, today I jumped to Cocoa/Cocoa Touch and I get into iOS :D
So the adventura begins...
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jdoste · 10 years
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jdoste · 10 years
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Acabo de probar Oculus. Exactamente el Development Kit 2. Experiencia genial. Aunque todavia hay margen de mejora, mas que nada en cuanto a calidad de grafico. La resolucion aun no es tan buena y eso permite que se arruine un poco la experiencia virtual. Sin duda cuando salga el nuevo prototipo, el Crescent Bay, lo compraré. La prueba estuvo mejor de lo que esperaba, porque al probarlo en un shopping, la cabina donde me sente, vibrara y se movia entonces eso mejoró la experiencia. Aunque para usarlo tuve que pagar 15 reales(5,90 U$S)👎 pero igualmente valio la pena 👍
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jdoste · 10 years
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Harry Potter is Star Wars
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jdoste · 10 years
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Acabo de ver Predestination y me siento como...
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jdoste · 10 years
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jdoste · 10 years
Mozilla FireBox. Save us one more time.
The other day I was thinking in a cloud storage that be open source, I found a few services, like ownCloud, which is very hard to install and use, compared to Google Drive or Dropbox. Finally I installed Seafile, which seems good, easy to use and with a good interface.  But, the problem is the free storage that they  give you, I mean I'm not a hungry of storage, but 1 GB is very little. 10 or 15 would be enough for me. But in that case, I mean, like that is open source, 5 GB would be enough. So, all this for say this: "Mozilla FireBox" Yes, I thought of the option that Mozilla make a service of cloud storage, like that made the browser. I mean, a good service, stable, dependable, easy to use, with great design and focused in privacy, the style of Firefox. An storage open source service that may compete face to face with Google Drive, Dropbox, Onedrive,etc. I'd like that Mozilla make a service like that, it's necessary, must there an great open source alternative for Google Drive. And even I thought in the name! It's a great name, coincides with the other names. Unfortunately, the name and the domain dotcom is taken by a clothes shop :( Please, Mozilla make it real. Save us one more time. NOTE: I thought about that from a user/consumer standpoint. I mean, I didn't thought about the process to make this real, I know that would be difficult and hard to make it. But well, I wanted tell this idea, that came to my head and I couldn't get it out.
#mozilla #firefox
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jdoste · 10 years
switch from Chrome to Firefox
A week ago, I decided install Firefox and stop use Chrome. There was no specific reason. I just wanted do the change, try new things. I've been using Chrome for al least, 5 years. Always was my favourite browser. I thought that the change would be hard. I thought it would cost me to make the change. I was so accustomed to Chrome. But no, I quickly got used to Firefox. Now, I want to stay here, I don't want to return to google's browser. I noticed it faster. And above all it's open source, it's backed by Mozilla, a non-profit organization. An amazing company that fight for our internet and web rights. The web is important thing, it shouldn't be appropriate by selfish companies. Also, one more great thing about Mozilla: the community. It's awesome connect to people who are agreeable to help you with whatever you need. It's great know that your contribution,however small it, impacts to mozilla's users around the world. I love the idea of using the browser and also work to make it better. This, with Chrome, however much you love it, is imposible. I mean, is imposible collaborate with that browser, unless you're a Google's worker. Also, is incredible how much you can learn collaborating with the company. Right now, I'm learning javascript, is amazing learn doing. And the first thing that I did, 3 days ago was a translation. I translated  "Where is the Firefox Hello button?" to spanish.
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jdoste · 10 years
What show applications when we have not internet connection.
Muy bueno! Qué muestran las aplicaciones cuando no tenes internet
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jdoste · 10 years
Muy buena pagina, recopila videos y charlas de fundadores, ingenieros, diseñadores y más. 
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jdoste · 10 years
Bill Raduchels fue la persona encargada en Sun Microsystems de reunirse con Steve Jobs en las oficinas de NeXT Computer, empresa que el entonces ex-CEO de Apple
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jdoste · 10 years
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jdoste · 10 years
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Muy bueno!
Prototipo de home screen de iOS basada en el  Watch. 
articulo en 9to5Mac: http://9to5mac.com/2014/10/22/apple-watch-home-screen-design-iphone/
codigo para probarlo en el iOS Simulator: https://github.com/lmmenge/WatchSpringboard-Prototype
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UggYGThmFEo
creado por @lmmenge
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jdoste · 10 years
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#homescreen #ios8
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