je-suis-yiyi-blog · 5 years
Write Captions and Descriptions about Your Work
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je-suis-yiyi-blog · 5 years
Writing About Your Data: Mars Craters (Week 1)
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je-suis-yiyi-blog · 5 years
The Escalator Story: What was forgotten would never be undone
Charles is a newly married soldier. He always wears two rings after he served in the army again days after his wedding. One is his wedding ring. The other ring has been with him since he lost his memory in a war. He often suffered by this.
 One day, he received an anonymous letter which claimed him is a filthy man and he will one day pay for his evil deed. At first, he thought it was only a trick played by some friend. He intended to pretend that he never saw this letter. But the other day, he found a dead crow on his bed. He didn't try to find out who did these things until he received another letter which said the whole army base would explode.
 Charles was so confused that he thought there may be something that he didn't remember. His lost memory was just like a tiger, trying to get out of a cage.
 That evening, Charles didn't have supper. Instead, he took on a patrol of the army base. When he went close to a weapon appliance, he found a carrot on it. He felt it was very strange. He picked it up and had a close look at it. There carved a sentence on the carrot which said, 'Why do you have to aboard that ship?'
 Suddenly, he remembered everything and when he tried to turn around. A strange power had frozen him. Charles heard a familiar voice from his back saying, 'You should not leave my island. And most importantly, you should never get married again. I have been waiting for you year after year. And now I am tired of waiting. I just want to let you and everything around you disappear.'
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je-suis-yiyi-blog · 5 years
Add a Headline & Summary to Your ePortfolio
CT Image Quality Engineer: Designing algorithms to improve CT image quality for doctors' diagnoses.
I am a CT image quality engineer with 2 years of experience, and I am looking for a new opportunity in the field. 
I am a motivated and innovative professional. 
I designed image quality improving algorithms for CT products at GE in Beijing. Additionally, I applied deep learning to a new model which improved CT images quality at a large extent. Finally, I built these algorithms into CT software which could be used at CT products.
I am skilled in computer programming, image processing, English (advance) and France (intermediate).
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je-suis-yiyi-blog · 5 years
Creating graphs for my data: Mars Craters (week4)
My code for the 3rd Week′s homework is put to my github. Its link is as follows:
Create univariate graphs
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Summary 1
This graph is unimodal, with its highest peak at 1 and it’s descending as the number of layers grows.  
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Summary 2
This graph is unimodal, with its highest peak at 4 and it’s descending faster as the depth_scale grows.
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Summary 3
This graph is unimodal, with its highest peak at 1 and it’s descending rapidly as the area_scale grows.
Create bivariate graphs
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Summary 4
The graph above plots the depth_scale of a Mars crater to its layer_number. It seems that the relationship between layer_number and depth_scale is positive when depth_scale is equal to or bigger than 4.0, and negative when depth_scale is less than 4.0.   
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Summary 5
The graph above plots the area_scale of a Mars crater to its layer_number. It seems that the relationship between layer_number and area_scale is positive when area_scale is smaller than 3.0. When area_scale is 4.0 or bigger than 4.0, we don’t see obvious relationship between them because the value of layer_number is too small to observe.   
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je-suis-yiyi-blog · 5 years
Making Data Management Decisions for Marscrater Data Analysis
My code for the 3rd Week′s homework is put to my github. Its link is as follows:
Data management
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je-suis-yiyi-blog · 5 years
Run my first program and show the frequency tables for three variables of my data set (Week2)
My first program for this course is put to my github. Its link is as follows:
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je-suis-yiyi-blog · 5 years
A Study of the Relationship Between Mars Craters' Shapes and Layer Number (Week1)
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