jeagerhearts · 2 years
when ur cuddling, sakusa kiyoomi makes sure to put ur bonnet on for u after u accidentally fall asleep. he takes ur hair care almost more seriously than you do.
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jeagerhearts · 2 years
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Sometimes at night I think about timeskip Aran’s arm sleeves and I cry (happily)
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jeagerhearts · 2 years
taking care of their sick s/o ★ aot various
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— pairing: aot various x gn!reader ෆ fluff, modern au ෆ wordcount: 982 warnings: none!
a/n: hii! i hope anon who requested this likes this. anyone whos sick, take care of urself and stay safe <3
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eren is your little personal butler when your sick. he doesn't really know what to do so he's worried and undone all over the place. he tries to remember what his dad used to do with him when he was a kid, but not sure if the same things would work for you; he's your confused little doctor. he'll stick by your side all the time, and doesn't care if he gets sick. he always asks you if you need anything and if you do, he'll bring it straight to you. he makes sure you stay in bed and rest, and when you do, he's a perfectionist all of a sudden: he fluffs up the pillows and dusts off the blanket when he sees you feel uncomfortable, he disposes your used tissues in the bin for you, and he makes sure the room is the right temperature for you. overall, he's trying his best and will take care of you the best of his abilities.
you never thought mikasa would have a medical degree, but when she realized you were sick, you were sure she did. at the slightest hints of you feeling uneasy, she starts interrogating and examining you like a licensed doctor: "does your stomach hurt? yeah? where? can i press here?" "what did you eat yesterday? maybe that's why." "when did you start feeling like this?" and when she makes a reasonable conclusion, she asks you if you want to go to the doctor for a thorough checkup. if not, then she'll be the doctor for you. she monitors you and how your feeling, makes sure your getting enough water and food, and that your not skipping appropriate medication. and while your sick, she's sitting next you, reading a book to you. or, she's laying next to you and watching your favorite show together. if you want to sleep, she'll leave you be and while your sleeping, she's watching doctor-approved youtube videos and articles about your sickness, so she knows how she can make you feel better.
armin is a total sweetheart when your feeling sick. when he finds you feeling sick, he immediately dashes out of the front door. you thought he ditched you, not wanting to catch whatever you had, but after a good hour, he's coming back with rigid breathing, with bags in his hands, and a flower bouquet. he would be so gentle with you, going: "do you want to take this pill? it's quite big so you don't have to if it makes you uncomfortable, i don't think it's a mandatory medication anyway.. or! we can put it in the water bottle so you could drink it like normal and not feel the pill, maybe?" he's feeding you your favorite snacks, but strictly limits it so you also get a good amount of healthy food too. he cuddles your side, becoming your own weighted blanket and heating pad in one package. overall, he's a caring and gentle boy.
sasha who doubles her affection for you when your sick. she's all over you: complimenting you, hugging and kissing you, keeping you warm with her arms, she's just so lovey dovey. while your laying in bed, she's the one helping you take your medications, while she goes: "careful pretty.". after she helps you with putting a damp towel on your forehead, she's sitting next to you with her legs folded, her elbow on her knee, with her face on her hand, saying genuine sappy things like: "you look so cute right now." "your nose is perfect, did i ever say that before? i did? well.. your nose is perfect." she's just an affectionate girlfriend, who makes sure you know she loves you when your sick, and is willing to get her hands dirty for you.
jean is the cheery boyfriend when your sick. he teases you lightly, but makes sure it doesn't annoy you or make you feel worse, since he knows your probably feeling terrible already, so he tries to make you feel happier, he says cocky jokes like: "i can tell your sick. atleast it's not of me.". when your sick, he likes to sit next to you, and binge watch movies together, he makes sure their happy ones though, so you feel better. and while your watching, he lets you lay your head on his shoulder as your bundled up in a blanket per his request. but if you don't watch to watch or have a headache, he'll be laying next to you whispering stories of the weird things he did as a kid. while you both watch or talk, he has a 40 minute timer constantly running on his phone, and every time it alarms, he flees to the kitchen to make more tea for you, since he believes that drinking tea is very good for your sickness.
you would want to purposely get sick for connie to take care of you. he's just so nice. when he realizes your sick, he'll get his hoodie, toss it in the dryer to make it warm, and let you wear it. and while it's in the dryer, he's in the kitchen making you warm soup. he sticks by your side playing board games with you, or, just laying in comfortable silence in the dark, holding your hand as he spoons you, whether he's the little or big spoon. when it's been a while of silence, he'll occasionally kiss you on the face and whisper how much he loves you. his priority is always you get lots of rest, feel loved, and slowly regain your health again. if your sickness gets worse that you feel like going to the doctor's, he'll be in the doctor's office with you, holding hands with you tightly, reminding you it's going to be okay, he'll be by your side, and your going to feel much better again.
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any support given are greatly appreciated <3
taglist [always open!]: @hirugummies @sir-boba-bear-tea
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jeagerhearts · 2 years
Eid Mubarak to all those who celebrate.
Eid Mubarak to Palestinians living under Israeli occupation who will be spending their Eid in mourning.
Eid Mubarak to Yemenis who have been suffocating under the war and devastation in their country.
Eid Mubarak to Muslim Indians who are having their rights taken away from them.
Eid Mubarak to Syrians who have been scattered around the world and had their lives shattered.
Eid Mubarak to Kurdish Muslims who are fighting to be recognized and for their right to exist.
Eid Mubarak to Black Muslims who are fighting to be heard and for an end to white supremacy.
Eid Mubarak to AAPI Muslims who have been facing violence and discrimination.
Eid Mubarak to French Muslims who are having their religious freedoms taken away from them.
Eid Mubarak to LGBTQ+ Muslims who have been rejected from their families and homes.
Eid Mubarak to Muslims everywhere who are facing injustice and pain this Eid al Fitr.
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jeagerhearts · 2 years
find someone like Eren who's ready to destroy the world for you so that you can live a long happy life
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jeagerhearts · 2 years
just the little things
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冫notes: actions that speak a thousand words.
Jean's part was inspired by @alert-arlert with their posts about jean and his hands :) !! also shout out to Yumi for beta reading ♡
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— mikasa:
↳ always gives you the bigger half of the food portions and always lets you eat the last bit of food. It could be the last slice of pizza in the box or the very last grape in the bag and she'd let you have it, no questions asked. she really doesn't mind, plus seeing your face convert to bliss once you take a bite is all worth it.
— hange:
↳ since they're a creature of the night they stay up somewhere in the AM and when they see your sleeping form laying in the shared bed Hange always plucks your glasses off your face to make sure they don't get damaged right before huddling under the covers alongside you. It also reminds them a little to take off their own pair of specs.
— pieck:
↳ each time she greets you pieck laces your hands together and kisses the back of yours. Whether you spend a minute to a full day without each other she never forgets to give your hand a soft peck and a "Hi lovely." following quickly after.
— onyankopon:
↳ always has extra clothes for you. a sweater? a more comfortable shirt? sweatpants? he's got it. Especially if you're out and about and you get cold because you forgot your jacket. He'll run back to the car and go grab one for you.
— armin:
↳ he's very attentive when you're talking. Makes eye contact, nods along to show you that he's engaged with whatever you're telling him and even responds back with witty comments or advice if you're just ranting. You will always have his attention, even if you're not speaking and he wants you to feel heard and understand when you do.
— jean:
↳ reminds you through soft touches that he's always there. Hand on your thigh while driving, on the small of your back guiding you through a crowds of people, and him caressing your face ever so softly while enjoying the comfortable silence between the two of you. His touch is kind, warm and loving.
— annie:
↳ gets two of everything, but particularly with food. If she's getting a treat after work, she's getting you a little something too. It can also range from cute charms to pretty jewelry since she's always thinking about you and doesn't want you to miss out. Plus she knows better now considering half of her closet resides at your house (*cough* her hoodies *cough*)
— eren:
↳ always calls you to say goodnight instead of texting. It's his favorite part of the day to hear your voice and wish each other a 'goodnight' just before he drifts off to sleep. Sometimes he forgets to end the call and you can hear him snoring on the other end of the line.
— porco:
↳ whenever you drift towards the edge of the bed in your sleep he pulls you closer to his body. It's almost like a seventh sense to make sure you don't face plant into the floor in the middle of the night and each morning you wake up snuggled securely in his arms.
— historia:
↳ if you need a ride anywhere or need to be picked up she's on it! she loves driving and sitting safely in the passenger seat helps her relax and puts her mind at ease. She really doesn't want you walking in horrible weather, late at night or trying to go somewhere intoxicated. It could be 2pm or 4am and she's just a call away.
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jeagerhearts · 2 years
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let’s all get along, like adults…
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jeagerhearts · 2 years
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armin arlert has been stuck living on a schedule for so long, he could barely remember the last time he lived life freely. though he's happy either way, his friends are a bit worried about him, but their worries didn't last long until love came.
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#1 : includes gender neutral reader, social media au (smau) college!au, fluff, the show's inside jokes, slight crack(?), cursing and caps, y/n likes kim taehyung—isn't that interested in bts, cute trope I swear✌
#2 : ongoing, slow updates
#3 : this is the same person who runned @tamewkii's blog, i decided to change some stuff and repost here since I've moved blogs, I hope ya'll understand. enjoy the series!
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armin's gang + y/n's gang
ch.1 || “you're moving?”
ch.2 || ...
ch.3 || ...
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taglist, send in an ask: @id-rather-be-an-outsider @yoasobiis @bubs-world @ahnneyong @thatonekermit @pretty-pop-princess-hs
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jeagerhearts · 2 years
feat. armin, connie , jean , eren
a/n: ctfu at my own post rn
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jeagerhearts · 2 years
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Jujutsu Kaisen 0 (2021) + letterboxd reviews
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jeagerhearts · 2 years
yo L was so fucking stupid
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jeagerhearts · 2 years
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9K notes · View notes
jeagerhearts · 2 years
13. spills and bills
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pairings: eren jaeger x gn!reader, armin arlert x gn!reader
summary: transferring to your childhood friend’s college seemed like a good idea at first. until you meet his friends, and have to make a choice that’ll possibly effect the future of a friendship immensely.
a/n: haiii sorry for disappearing for a year😅😅🤗but i’m back and better than ever💯 also ramandan mubarak!!! <3
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"i'm doing it right."
"no you're not, eren."
"i am, you don’t even work here." is what eren said, right before the top of the dreaded machine popped off. the sudden spurts of coffee coming from said machine caught eren off guard, retracting his hand from the handle as soon as the brown liquid pinched the skin of his palm.
the yelp that managed to escape eren’s lips seemed to send ymir into a fit of laughter, controlling it as much as she could so that she wouldn't distract the student studying in the corner of the cafe.
eren's new job at the bear themed cafe that just opened shop not too far from his apartment— he was told about their hiring by a classmate who overheard a conversation him and connie were having about being jobless(and broke)— the owners were a nice couple and the pay was good; he didn't see a reason not to apply.
the first few days were regular, the place seemed to be doing really well. then by the second week, the shop would be packed on the days he worked, mostly with people around his age.
unfortunately, eren was painfully unaware about his ability to draw customers in, so he couldn't understand why there were less than usual today.
the lack of customers didn't seem to bother him as much as soon as sasha and ymir walked into the shop. he hadn't thought it was a bad idea asking them to come, wanting as much company as he could get. that was until they watched him burn his hand with hot coffee— and laughed.
“is this thing broken?!”
"how'd you manage to break something on your third week?"
"better than the first," sasha chirps. taking a sip of the iced latte eren brewed up for her not too long ago, she looks over the pink counter to see how her friend was handling the situation. "eren! you have to turn the machine off so it can stop fizzing!"
"don't let my coffee go to waste eren," ymir buds in.
still focused on the spill, and his hand, a look of disbelief takes over eren's features. "my hand is burnt and you're worried about your coffee?" he scoffed, quickly unplugging the machine so that he could go back to holding his palm. “who drinks hot coffee during this season anyway," he mumbles.
right before ymir could throw a sugar packet his way, a figure walked through the doors of the back room, sporting the same white and pink apron as eren, her name tag reading 'cherie'.
she doesn't make a move to come any closer to the three friends, standing by the pastry rack as she waves eren over.
she sends him a bright smile as he makes his way. "hey, thanks for restocking the syrup. did you finish grinding up the-" she stops mid-sentence as she notices eren cradling his right hand in his left, worry immediately taking over her features. "are you alright?"
eren's eyebrows furrow in confusion, not sure what the girl was going on about until he remembers how unlucky he got a few seconds ago. "oh this? its nothing,'' he chuckles, "was just being dramatic."
"you seem really hurt though. here, let me see." she insists, reaching out in an attempt to take his wrist in her hand.
the confused look on eren's face comes back. was he not loud enough when he told her it was fine? "i'm good cherie, really," he says a little louder, gaining the attention of his two friends who made themselves comfortable by the window seats.
she doesn't budge, reaching her hand out for him anyway, and eren swears ymir was about to tell her off if it wasn't for him backing up, creating some well needed space between cherie and himself. she seems to finally get the hint, mumbling a 'sorry' as she retracted her hand, heat rushing to her cheeks.
eren only laughs it off. the last thing he'd want is to be on awkward terms with the person who he works with every day. "it's alright. and yeah, i finished up the coffee beans a while ago." he said, sending a small smile her way. "is that all?"
cheeks still hot, cherie brings her hands up to fiddle with her fingers. "uh, no i actually, um," she rapidly taps the tip of her sneaker on the recently mopped floor. looking anywhere but him, she continues. "i wanted to know- i mean, i was just wondering if-"
before she could finish, her sentence was cut short by the sounds of the wind chime as the front door opens, causing both their heads to whip in that direction.
eren can't tell who it is exactly, but as he sees the figure make their way to greet the two girls seated, along with a cheerful call of your name from sasha, he lets out a faint gasp.
a more brighter, genuine smile takes over eren's features almost immediately when he sees you approaching him. "sorry cher, one sec," he doesn't even spare the poor girl a glance before excusing himself, making his way over to you.
not wanting to potentially get caught off guard by his boss, he settles for hugging you from across the counter, smiling harder (if it was even possible) when the two of you finally make contact. he wishes he could stay like this forever.
he holds his frown back as the two of you pull away, reminding himself that you guys are in public and are not dating.
"i thought you couldn't come?"
"nope, i just didn't reply. i never said i wouldn't," you grins eren started to pout. you poke at his sides through the pink apron, successfully breaking his frown. "i just wanted to surprise you. surprise!"
"well you're better than sasha, she can’t do surprises to save her life." he says a little too loudly, as sasha heard him from her spot by the window. "your coffee sucks, by the way!" she counters, empty coffee cup in hand.
"my coffee is great!" he rolls his eyes, giving you his full attention once again. "you want some? it's on the house," he insists, already reaching for the essentials. "i should probably finish ymir's before she kills me, though."
leaning your arms against the counter gave you a better look at his work station; glass and paper to-go cups stacked neatly in the corner, four different coffee bean bags placed neatly alongside the straws and one too many flavored syrups. there were many other components to the organized counter, but what caught your eye was the spill of coffee next to the big jug of the brown liquid.
"looks like you had a little trouble along the way," you tease, pointing at the spill when he sends a confused glare your way.
he rolls his eyes once again. "don't even remind me. it's basically ymir's fault i got this burn." a frown pulls on his face when he's reminded about the slight stinging on his palm.
your teasing demeanor is quickly replaced with worry when he brings up the mention of a burn. "you got burnt?" you frowned, gesturing for him to display his hand out for you. "does it hurt?"
he doesn't even wait for you to tell him to give you his hand, happily placing it in yours. "yeah." he pouts, trying his best to hide his smile as he hears a faint scoff come from ymir. as much as he hates to admit it, he loves being babied: especially by you. it made him feel like the most important person in the world, and he’s sure he’d trade anything to be cared for by you forever.
from the spot eren left her, cherie subtlety watches the two of you speak as he prepares your drink in pure disbelief. why do your conversations seem to flow with more ease than when she and him talked? how're you making him beam like he was the sun itself? and why did he give you his hand so willingly? did you even ask? who even are you?
she swears she's never seen you around campus before, or around eren, and she sees him pretty often. the only reason she told him about this place was so that they could spend more time together, get to know each other better, possibly confess her crush on him along the way. but to her demise, it doesn't seem like that was happening any time soon.
how could she not have fallen for him? with his warm smile and his painfully effortless charm; she swears she feels her heart skip a beat any time she hears him call her 'cher'. despite it being just a simple nickname, she believes it brings them closer. well, at least she thought it did.
eren never mentioned being in a relationship before, but the sight in front of her leaves her to believe he just might be.
of course she can't do anything about it at the moment, she doesn't even know who you are. but she believes she still has a chance, still has a chance to show eren that him and her are meant to be, so she doesn't let the display in front of her bring her spirits down. instead, she takes a deep breath, straightens out her apron, and walks back into the storage room.
“can i get another cup? pleaseee”
“oh? i thought my coffee sucked?”
“please eren, you know i didn’t mean it!”
you and ymir idly sit back and watch sasha practically beg eren for another iced latte, and it’s not until she threatens to show a particular dance video from middle school that he gets back behind the counter to make her drink. she does end up feeling bad, and tells him she’ll pay for it.
as you watch eren work his magic, your phone vibrates on the table. when you pick it up, a notification from twitter appears.
cherie.xoxo started following you!
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requests are open for aot, jjk, and tokyo revengers!! ♡
if ur user is in pink, it won’t let me tag you D:
tags! - @loveprisms @kurcrow @paradigm-e @thenamesholly @idontevenknow129 @erensslutt @pockitparks @1-800-simpingcowbaby @erens-piss-cleaner @maxi-ride @jennie-rubyjane @vitalthot @frzenhans @why-couldnt-it-be @euphorin @mywldflwers @ameovo @eurydiceux @eren-luvr @sallyface-babes @chwlogy @c0urtn3y @lagrimasdeglitter @punicorn999 @hitomimanga57 @perry-gallifrey @expectoscamander @calumsfringe @rebekah-trader @ayannamika @alienvarmint @thearminarlerts @tinyjeo @basic-asian @windex-princess-ami @revrse @hwop @tendo-sxtori @bubs-world
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jeagerhearts · 2 years
hi! not to inconvenience you but can you tag me in your smau with the user @kurcrow instead of starlightsemi ? changed blogs lol also glad to see you're back!!
hey!! no worries at all, i’ll go do that right now <3
0 notes
jeagerhearts · 2 years
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506 notes · View notes
jeagerhearts · 2 years
13. spills and bills
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pairings: eren jaeger x gn!reader, armin arlert x gn!reader
summary: transferring to your childhood friend’s college seemed like a good idea at first. until you meet his friends, and have to make a choice that’ll possibly effect the future of a friendship immensely.
a/n: haiii sorry for disappearing for a year😅😅🤗but i’m back and better than ever💯 also ramandan mubarak!!! <3
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"i'm doing it right."
"no you're not, eren."
"i am, you don’t even work here." is what eren said, right before the top of the dreaded machine popped off. the sudden spurts of coffee coming from said machine caught eren off guard, retracting his hand from the handle as soon as the brown liquid pinched the skin of his palm.
the yelp that managed to escape eren’s lips seemed to send ymir into a fit of laughter, controlling it as much as she could so that she wouldn't distract the student studying in the corner of the cafe.
eren's new job at the bear themed cafe that just opened shop not too far from his apartment— he was told about their hiring by a classmate who overheard a conversation him and connie were having about being jobless(and broke)— the owners were a nice couple and the pay was good; he didn't see a reason not to apply.
the first few days were regular, the place seemed to be doing really well. then by the second week, the shop would be packed on the days he worked, mostly with people around his age.
unfortunately, eren was painfully unaware about his ability to draw customers in, so he couldn't understand why there were less than usual today.
the lack of customers didn't seem to bother him as much as soon as sasha and ymir walked into the shop. he hadn't thought it was a bad idea asking them to come, wanting as much company as he could get. that was until they watched him burn his hand with hot coffee— and laughed.
“is this thing broken?!”
"how'd you manage to break something on your third week?"
"better than the first," sasha chirps. taking a sip of the iced latte eren brewed up for her not too long ago, she looks over the pink counter to see how her friend was handling the situation. "eren! you have to turn the machine off so it can stop fizzing!"
"don't let my coffee go to waste eren," ymir buds in.
still focused on the spill, and his hand, a look of disbelief takes over eren's features. "my hand is burnt and you're worried about your coffee?" he scoffed, quickly unplugging the machine so that he could go back to holding his palm. “who drinks hot coffee during this season anyway," he mumbles.
right before ymir could throw a sugar packet his way, a figure walked through the doors of the back room, sporting the same white and pink apron as eren, her name tag reading 'cherie'.
she doesn't make a move to come any closer to the three friends, standing by the pastry rack as she waves eren over.
she sends him a bright smile as he makes his way. "hey, thanks for restocking the syrup. did you finish grinding up the-" she stops mid-sentence as she notices eren cradling his right hand in his left, worry immediately taking over her features. "are you alright?"
eren's eyebrows furrow in confusion, not sure what the girl was going on about until he remembers how unlucky he got a few seconds ago. "oh this? its nothing,'' he chuckles, "was just being dramatic."
"you seem really hurt though. here, let me see." she insists, reaching out in an attempt to take his wrist in her hand.
the confused look on eren's face comes back. was he not loud enough when he told her it was fine? "i'm good cherie, really," he says a little louder, gaining the attention of his two friends who made themselves comfortable by the window seats.
she doesn't budge, reaching her hand out for him anyway, and eren swears ymir was about to tell her off if it wasn't for him backing up, creating some well needed space between cherie and himself. she seems to finally get the hint, mumbling a 'sorry' as she retracted her hand, heat rushing to her cheeks.
eren only laughs it off. the last thing he'd want is to be on awkward terms with the person who he works with every day. "it's alright. and yeah, i finished up the coffee beans a while ago." he said, sending a small smile her way. "is that all?"
cheeks still hot, cherie brings her hands up to fiddle with her fingers. "uh, no i actually, um," she rapidly taps the tip of her sneaker on the recently mopped floor. looking anywhere but him, she continues. "i wanted to know- i mean, i was just wondering if-"
before she could finish, her sentence was cut short by the sounds of the wind chime as the front door opens, causing both their heads to whip in that direction.
eren can't tell who it is exactly, but as he sees the figure make their way to greet the two girls seated, along with a cheerful call of your name from sasha, he lets out a faint gasp.
a more brighter, genuine smile takes over eren's features almost immediately when he sees you approaching him. "sorry cher, one sec," he doesn't even spare the poor girl a glance before excusing himself, making his way over to you.
not wanting to potentially get caught off guard by his boss, he settles for hugging you from across the counter, smiling harder (if it was even possible) when the two of you finally make contact. he wishes he could stay like this forever.
he holds his frown back as the two of you pull away, reminding himself that you guys are in public and are not dating.
"i thought you couldn't come?"
"nope, i just didn't reply. i never said i wouldn't," you grins eren started to pout. you poke at his sides through the pink apron, successfully breaking his frown. "i just wanted to surprise you. surprise!"
"well you're better than sasha, she can’t do surprises to save her life." he says a little too loudly, as sasha heard him from her spot by the window. "your coffee sucks, by the way!" she counters, empty coffee cup in hand.
"my coffee is great!" he rolls his eyes, giving you his full attention once again. "you want some? it's on the house," he insists, already reaching for the essentials. "i should probably finish ymir's before she kills me, though."
leaning your arms against the counter gave you a better look at his work station; glass and paper to-go cups stacked neatly in the corner, four different coffee bean bags placed neatly alongside the straws and one too many flavored syrups. there were many other components to the organized counter, but what caught your eye was the spill of coffee next to the big jug of the brown liquid.
"looks like you had a little trouble along the way," you tease, pointing at the spill when he sends a confused glare your way.
he rolls his eyes once again. "don't even remind me. it's basically ymir's fault i got this burn." a frown pulls on his face when he's reminded about the slight stinging on his palm.
your teasing demeanor is quickly replaced with worry when he brings up the mention of a burn. "you got burnt?" you frowned, gesturing for him to display his hand out for you. "does it hurt?"
he doesn't even wait for you to tell him to give you his hand, happily placing it in yours. "yeah." he pouts, trying his best to hide his smile as he hears a faint scoff come from ymir. as much as he hates to admit it, he loves being babied: especially by you. it made him feel like the most important person in the world, and he’s sure he’d trade anything to be cared for by you forever.
from the spot eren left her, cherie subtlety watches the two of you speak as he prepares your drink in pure disbelief. why do your conversations seem to flow with more ease than when she and him talked? how're you making him beam like he was the sun itself? and why did he give you his hand so willingly? did you even ask? who even are you?
she swears she's never seen you around campus before, or around eren, and she sees him pretty often. the only reason she told him about this place was so that they could spend more time together, get to know each other better, possibly confess her crush on him along the way. but to her demise, it doesn't seem like that was happening any time soon.
how could she not have fallen for him? with his warm smile and his painfully effortless charm; she swears she feels her heart skip a beat any time she hears him call her 'cher'. despite it being just a simple nickname, she believes it brings them closer. well, at least she thought it did.
eren never mentioned being in a relationship before, but the sight in front of her leaves her to believe he just might be.
of course she can't do anything about it at the moment, she doesn't even know who you are. but she believes she still has a chance, still has a chance to show eren that him and her are meant to be, so she doesn't let the display in front of her bring her spirits down. instead, she takes a deep breath, straightens out her apron, and walks back into the storage room.
“can i get another cup? pleaseee”
“oh? i thought my coffee sucked?”
“please eren, you know i didn’t mean it!”
you and ymir idly sit back and watch sasha practically beg eren for another iced latte, and it’s not until she threatens to show a particular dance video from middle school that he gets back behind the counter to make her drink. she does end up feeling bad, and tells him she’ll pay for it.
as you watch eren work his magic, your phone vibrates on the table. when you pick it up, a notification from twitter appears.
cherie.xoxo started following you!
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requests are open for aot, jjk, and tokyo revengers!! ♡
if ur user is in pink, it won’t let me tag you D:
tags! - @loveprisms @kurcrow @paradigm-e @thenamesholly @idontevenknow129 @erensslutt @pockitparks @1-800-simpingcowbaby @erens-piss-cleaner @maxi-ride @jennie-rubyjane @vitalthot @frzenhans @why-couldnt-it-be @euphorin @mywldflwers @ameovo @eurydiceux @eren-luvr @sallyface-babes @chwlogy @c0urtn3y @lagrimasdeglitter @punicorn999 @hitomimanga57 @perry-gallifrey @expectoscamander @calumsfringe @rebekah-trader @ayannamika @alienvarmint @thearminarlerts @tinyjeo @basic-asian @windex-princess-ami @revrse @hwop @tendo-sxtori @bubs-world
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jeagerhearts · 2 years
makiszn<< jeagerkiss
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