jealousbitchdennis · 20 days
ok episode idea: some kind of ghastly, large-scale accident occurs. the gang is watching a news report. jackie denardo appears onscreen and says, “i’m reporting live here at philadelphia general, where hospital officials say they are in desperate need of donor blood. you won’t be paid, but me and the rest of the channel 9 team will be distributing free hugs to all donors!” she hugs a couple people onscreen. dennis is already out the door. dee goes, “dennis, you asshole. people are dying and all you can think about are jackie denardo’s tits?” dennis pokes his head back in the door and says, “uh, yeah. so are you going to sit there or are you going to come with me and save lives?” and dee goes, “goddamnit.” the rest of the gang follows her out the door and they pile into the range rover.
so they get to the hospital and the gang’s in a waiting room filling out screening questions on clipboards. they hand the clipboards to a nurse, who peruses them, who then goes, “all right; you, you, and you come with me,” pointing to everyone but mac and dennis. dennis is like, “hey, what the fuck? why don’t i get to donate blood?” the nurse (in a serious breach of medical protocol and patient confidentiality, just roll with it), says, “well, sir, you answered ‘yes’ to the question, ‘since 1977, have you ever had sex with another male?’” and dennis goes, “and?” and the nurse says, “and, therefore, you’re ineligible to donate blood.” and dennis goes, “oh my god, it was one time! there was a lot of tequila involved!” and mac goes, “are you kidding me? that’s discrimination! that’s homophobia! we just want to save lives! people are dying!” and dennis is like, “are you seriously telling me that i don’t get a hug from jackie denardo because…” and mac interrupts, “you will be hearing from my lawyer!” and charlie goes, “that’s right. charlie kelly, background in bird law.” he extends a hand to the nurse. she rolls her eyes and is like, “do you three want to donate blood or not?” dee is like, “well, no, obviously not, if you’re going to ban my brother from saving lives just because he likes a dick up his ass.” dennis lunges at dee. the gang is forcibly removed from the hospital.
the gang exits through the parking lot. mac, genuinely distraught by the whole ordeal, branches off from the gang, saying he needs to take a walk and clear his head. the rest of the gang see a large, refrigerated delivery truck pull up. a couple of workers emerge from the back of the truck, carrying boxes labeled “TYPE O NEGATIVE” and “TYPE AB POSITIVE.” after a quick discussion the gang decides to steal several boxes of donor blood while the truck is unattended, with the ultimate goal of hawking it on the black market. “we can make some money and show those bastards what’s up!” dennis crows. 
the gang makes off with several boxes of donor blood and returns to the bar, shoving them into their large refrigerator alongside cases of beer, liquor, etc. just as they emerge from the fridge, mac walks through the door accompanied by three people - two women, a man, wearing suits, carrying briefcases. “ayo!” he bellows. “guess who just paid a little visit to the pennsylvania branch of the ACLU and guess who is suing the FDA for homophobic discrimination?” and the gang’s like, petrified because they have hundreds of litres of stolen donor blood sitting just a few feet away. mac points to dennis. “me and you, buddy! we’re suing the government! class action, bitch!” and dennis is like, “no, no, i’m not doing this with you, absolutely not.” 
“i mean,” mac says, “that’s fine, but…” mac strolls up to dennis and whispers in his ear, “it’d be a shame if i… told the ACLU about all the donor blood you stole… also… do you know how much this settlement is gonna be… like, millions of dollars, dude” and just like that dennis and mac become the brave faces of the ACLU’s heroic effort to overturn the federal government’s ban on gay blood donation. the very next night they appear on anderson cooper 360, where anderson cooper introduces them like, “this brave couple is challenging a long-standing federal regulation that bans gay men from donating blood.” dennis starts, “we’re not…” and mac interrupts, loudly, “THANKS FOR HAVING US, ANDERSON” and lays a hand on dennis’s knee. 
meanwhile frank, charlie, and dee roll up under the bridge with several hundred litres of stolen donor blood. frank grabs the first homeless guy he sees, pulls him over to the car, opens the trunk, points to the donor blood, and says, “hey. think you can move this?” 
back to mac and dennis, during a commercial break, having an argument in the green room backstage at anderson cooper 360. dennis wanders away from mac to go pick at the cheese plate. anderson cooper walks in, walks up to mac. lays a hand on his shoulder. “so,” he says, in a low voice. “you and that guy…” he points to dennis. “you’re not together?” and mac goes, “well… i… he… um…” dennis turns to see anderson cooper trailing a hand down mac’s arm. “hey!” he shouts. “back the fuck off, anderson cooper!” anderson cooper springs away, throwing his hands up defensively. “pig!” shouts dennis. 
anderson cooper wanders out. “what the hell, dude?” mac hisses, to dennis. “i was totally getting somewhere! with anderson cooper! his hair is the colour of stardust!” dennis’s eyes bug out. “i don’t care, mac!” he shouts. “we’ve got millions of dollars riding on this! and the social and legal equality of millions of americans! now act like you love me, dammit!”
they walk back out onto the set for the second part of the interview. “rolling!” shouts the camera guy. anderson smirks at them. “so,” he says, onto them. “you two have been together for a while, huh?” mac says, “yep!” and kisses dennis on the mouth in front of 1.2 million live viewers. cut to credits.
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jealousbitchdennis · 29 days
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Gay shit again.
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jealousbitchdennis · 2 months
babe ive had a hard day can you piss yourself please
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jealousbitchdennis · 2 months
Quinta Brunson teases a crossover for Abbott Elementary this upcoming season that will “change television”
And. well.
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jealousbitchdennis · 2 months
no glenn is right it would be very funny if dennis tried to justify having gay sex with mac as something that straight guys do with their gay friends as bros and it doesnt mean that hes in love with mac in any way shape or form
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jealousbitchdennis · 2 months
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it's what he deserves
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jealousbitchdennis · 3 months
If you called Dennis "daddy" he would note it in his diary later and award himself points in some kind of system, if you called Charlie "daddy" he'd start calling you "daddy" too like it's a thing you're doing now, and if you called Dee "daddy" she'd do a double take then start villian monologuing approvingly but if you called Mac "daddy" he'd just look over his shoulder scanning the room eyes full of hope
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jealousbitchdennis · 3 months
curious - do you think rcg may have had any notion that they may seriously explore the possibility of mac being gay in s6 era? s5 functionally lays the majority of groundwork for the subtext that they evolved into canonical text and s6 opens with mac fights gay marriage and imo mac is pretty heavily gay coded throughout that season. however, s7 totally makes me believe they hadn’t really considered it, because mac’s gay subtext is almost completely nonexistent, bar the flashback from s6 in 7x10. he is overtly “straight” that season. clearly by s8 it’s fully canon and one of the most logical next steps they could’ve taken with his character in retrospect, but i have always wondered if many of the choices in s6 wrt mac’s sexuality becoming increasingly more ambiguous were deliberate and i’m curious about your perspective.
I do 100%! I've definitely spoken about this before... I'm not sure if it was here or a Discord or maybe even an in-person conversation, but I've always thought it was so insane how they tell you Mac and Dennis Break Up is romantic in some sense. They are realising that their codependency is more than some "bromance" and it spooks them (obviously, really more-so Dennis).
I think acknowledging it on TASP isn't a surprise, but the fact that it's stated in the DVD commentary, before they even filmed S6, makes it clear that this was intentional foundation they intended to work off of. When Dee shatters the glass closet by stating Dennis' codependency with Mac is viewed as an "old married couple" situation, it fucks Dennis up way more than Mac, because Mac is unable to recognise the queerness of their relationship while Dennis can.
Once they make up, they've established something in the writers room going forward for Mac & Dennis that they clearly want to keep a part of their dynamic (again, as reaffirmed on the MADBU TASP episode): they are gay for each other. But they're not going to (mutually) recognise or accept it, because that ruins the joke.
So, in my opinion, they go into Season 6 really digging into that dynamic and playing on the joke by pushing against it: Dennis recognises the issue of being into Mac internally so he needs a wife; Mac recognises the issue of being gay externally so he needs to fight the gays. No doubt in my mind that throughout S6 they were writing and acting with this idea - though probably with no firm idea of where they wanted it to end up.
So we get to Season 7, and your point is the reason why Season 7 is one of my least favourite Seasons as a coherent part of Sunny (keeping in mind the flashbacks in How Mac Got Fat are just a scrapped S6 episode, reworked) - it seems to ignore a lot of the build up in order to make funny stand-alone episodes of the show. Was it because of Fat Mac? (Only one identity at a time for Mac, pls!) Is it because they had a chunk of guest writers? Is it because they thought there was a large chance it was the final season of the show? (They've talked about how when they shot the final scene for S7 (HS Reunion) it was under the idea that they might not get renewed)
Probably only RCG truly know (and maybe they don't even remember). As for me, while I don't think it was necessarily deliberate, like they sat down and said "actually lets roll back the gay [Mac] stuff here..." my idea is that going into S7 they hadn't yet figured out (or couldn't agree) if/how they wanted to make Mac's homosexuality crystal clear.
Maybe they dropped it for a season before deciding... or maybe this downtime served a purpose, because the reveals on Sunny serve one main goal: Subvert expectations.
Going from S5/6 to 8 is very obvious. That is a closeted gay guy. BUT when you have S7 cut in there in the middle, this working-season where they kind of play hard into Mac's aggressive temper and his stupidity and the fact that he's a voyeur, it's a little less-so. You're hit with Season 8 and that attempted kiss kind of comes out of nowhere and then every episode following has some kind of Mac is GAY moment and it's just extremely funny... Like, oh holy shit he's gay and he can't even recognise it.
But that gap does kinda throw you off like, was this a decision once they got renewed going forward that they needed one of them to be obviously gay based on their history? I really don’t think so, the foundation seems too intentional and the evidence we have that RCG acknowledged the character’s queerness (of all them) back then is enough to have me firmly believe the S6 stuff was just further groundwork for Mac’s character and his and Dennis’ opposing relationship
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jealousbitchdennis · 3 months
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I feel like you and I understand each other. We click, you know?
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jealousbitchdennis · 4 months
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Framing the scene as it was originally written
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jealousbitchdennis · 4 months
jealousy is a disease get well soon bitch
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jealousbitchdennis · 4 months
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IT’S ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA | 5.02 – “The Gang Hits the Road”
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jealousbitchdennis · 5 months
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"I fell for you and I get clobbered. You then fall for me and I, again, somehow get clobbered. I'm tired of being clobbered, you know? It's, it's just not worth it."
Rob McElhenney naming Mac and Dennis alongside Ross and Rachel as one of the greatest "will they, won't they?" couples in sitcom history forever altered my brain chemistry.
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jealousbitchdennis · 5 months
The most important thing about the gang's dynamic is that everyone wants to fuck Charlie and Charlie doesn't want to fuck any of them.
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jealousbitchdennis · 5 months
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jealousbitchdennis · 6 months
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Glenn Howerton on Conan, 9/14/11
If you’re a 6 you might be like, yeah, I did something with a dude in college, but I’m still gonna get married to a broad and have a little baby.
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jealousbitchdennis · 6 months
it's always sunny in philadelphia is no way an underground indie show but feels like it. feels too niche to be mainstream. too unpacked. so many little moments that worth a life in the eyes of a couple of dozens of queer people. love and hate's flirty blur, the narrative of not suffering alone but with the only family that accepts you, understanding that it is a curse to be this codependent but knowing it's the only thing worth seizing, homoeroticism lurking behind every single character's relationship with each other. how did this show survive till now. a beautiful cockroach smoking a cigarette in her ruin balcony watching the flames grow bigger
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