jedixamidala · 4 months
Should I make an AU Aayla Secura blog where she survives Order 66?
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jedixamidala · 5 months
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Padme stepped off of the ship into the bustling landing pad on Coruscant, it was a day back from yet another mission for the Order, trying to stop the war raging. Padme just wanted to go back to her chambers in the Temple and sleep for a few rotations after the exhausting mission she just had and she was almost there to when a voice called out to her from behind. as much as she wanted to tell the other that now she didn't want to be bothered she turned and smiled a genuine smile to the other. "Oh fancy seeing you here." She chuckled, nodding at the other. "Was there something that you needed from me?" The Jedi Knight inquired.
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jedixamidala · 5 months
Happy Star Wars Day! couldn't think of a better day to come back to this blog so does anyone want to RP?
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jedixamidala · 1 year
So I think I'm going to make a Shin Hati to blog at some point in the near future.
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jedixamidala · 1 year
Anyone wanna RP?
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jedixamidala · 1 year
The last thing that Padmé remembered was the face of Dooku explaining that she would soon be meeting his master, for her execution before everything went black from the Carbonite freezing. It wasn't until many years after the fact Padmé would be woken up.
Everything was just a bunch of bright shapes and colors when she looked around. Blindness was a short term effect that was known but she still wasn't prepared for it. "Who's there?" She inquired looking around as shapes and colors danced around here sight.
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jedixamidala · 1 year
Guys so I think I'm gonna make a separate blog for Sith!Padmé because I have a lot of muse for her so yeah.
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jedixamidala · 1 year
"My husband is still alive. Don't you dare speak of him as if he wasn't" She sneered stepping towards him, anger growing on her face. "There is peace justice and security in our Empire and once the rest of the Jedi are hunted down it will just be me and Vader as the only force users." She smirked lightly.
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Padmé's fall to the dark side wasn't graceful in the least. Palpatine orchestrated a ruse to turn Anakin over to the dark side and it worked, though Padmé had a price put on her head by Palpatine as a way to control the newly christened Darth Vader. Despite all the attempts she had managed to survive Order 66 unscathed and after Vader found out Padmé was alive overthrew Palpatine easily, making himself Emperor and after capturing Padmé eventually managed to turn her over to the Dark side and rule by his side as Empress. Padmé stood on the steps of their former temple, now the Imperial Palace.
"You know it's foolish to try and sneak up on a sith." She chuckled as she heard the footfalls behind her. "Especially when that Sith is the Empress." She spoke drawing her lightsaber and igniting the blade, what used to be a bright emerald green now a crimson red.
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"So tell me , why you're here." She spoke, slowly turning to face the other.
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jedixamidala · 1 year
A laugh escaped her lips, heartbroken? What would I be heartbroken about." She spoke, eyes glaring over the man. She had never seen him before. "You dare insult the Sith Empress on the steps of her own home, bold move."
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Padmé's fall to the dark side wasn't graceful in the least. Palpatine orchestrated a ruse to turn Anakin over to the dark side and it worked, though Padmé had a price put on her head by Palpatine as a way to control the newly christened Darth Vader. Despite all the attempts she had managed to survive Order 66 unscathed and after Vader found out Padmé was alive overthrew Palpatine easily, making himself Emperor and after capturing Padmé eventually managed to turn her over to the Dark side and rule by his side as Empress. Padmé stood on the steps of their former temple, now the Imperial Palace.
"You know it's foolish to try and sneak up on a sith." She chuckled as she heard the footfalls behind her. "Especially when that Sith is the Empress." She spoke drawing her lightsaber and igniting the blade, what used to be a bright emerald green now a crimson red.
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"So tell me , why you're here." She spoke, slowly turning to face the other.
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jedixamidala · 1 year
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Padmé's fall to the dark side wasn't graceful in the least. Palpatine orchestrated a ruse to turn Anakin over to the dark side and it worked, though Padmé had a price put on her head by Palpatine as a way to control the newly christened Darth Vader. Despite all the attempts she had managed to survive Order 66 unscathed and after Vader found out Padmé was alive overthrew Palpatine easily, making himself Emperor and after capturing Padmé eventually managed to turn her over to the Dark side and rule by his side as Empress. Padmé stood on the steps of their former temple, now the Imperial Palace.
"You know it's foolish to try and sneak up on a sith." She chuckled as she heard the footfalls behind her. "Especially when that Sith is the Empress." She spoke drawing her lightsaber and igniting the blade, what used to be a bright emerald green now a crimson red.
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"So tell me , why you're here." She spoke, slowly turning to face the other.
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jedixamidala · 1 year
At seeing who it was Padmé shut off the saber almost immediately. "What happened to you?" The sith empress asked, placing her hand on his side and placing pressure on the wound.
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Padmé's fall to the dark side wasn't graceful in the least. Palpatine orchestrated a ruse to turn Anakin over to the dark side and it worked, though Padmé had a price put on her head by Palpatine as a way to control the newly christened Darth Vader. Despite all the attempts she had managed to survive Order 66 unscathed and after Vader found out Padmé was alive overthrew Palpatine easily, making himself Emperor and after capturing Padmé eventually managed to turn her over to the Dark side and rule by his side as Empress.
Padmé stood on the steps of their former temple, now the Imperial Palace. "You know it's foolish to try and sneak up on a sith." She chuckled as she heard the footfalls behind her. "Especially when that Sith is the Empress." She spoke drawing her lightsaber and igniting the blade, what used to be a bright emerald green now a crimson red.
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"So tell me , why you're here." She spoke, slowly turning to face the other.
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jedixamidala · 1 year
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Padmé's fall to the dark side wasn't graceful in the least. Palpatine orchestrated a ruse to turn Anakin over to the dark side and it worked, though Padmé had a price put on her head by Palpatine as a way to control the newly christened Darth Vader. Despite all the attempts she had managed to survive Order 66 unscathed and after Vader found out Padmé was alive overthrew Palpatine easily, making himself Emperor and after capturing Padmé eventually managed to turn her over to the Dark side and rule by his side as Empress.
Padmé stood on the steps of their former temple, now the Imperial Palace. "You know it's foolish to try and sneak up on a sith." She chuckled as she heard the footfalls behind her. "Especially when that Sith is the Empress." She spoke drawing her lightsaber and igniting the blade, what used to be a bright emerald green now a crimson red.
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"So tell me , why you're here." She spoke, slowly turning to face the other.
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jedixamidala · 1 year
Guys, guys guys, just a PSA, I'm totally loving Sith Pamdé...lol
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jedixamidala · 1 year
"Yeah, it allows me to clear my mind, get away from everything for a few moments." She admitted. She had long since stopped questioning why the Sith woman was allowed in the Temple but she didn't mind as long as no conflicts arose between them, and as far as they could tell she wasn't the Sith Lord behind the clone wars.
"I look out at the city and think of how different it is than Naboo and how every time I go back, Coruscant feels more like home." She spoke with a sigh
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Padmé looked out at the cityscape of Coruscant. It was a peaceful moment, and for a second she could forget about everything, the war, all the strife and any other worries. Of course Coruscant wasn't like her homeworld but she had grown up here, in the Temple, and it felt like home to her, even as it seemed she'd prefer the peace and quiet life on Naboo. As she stood watching all the different speeders and ships fly about she heard the steps of someone behind her and reality came back once more, it was probably someone who came to tell her the Jedi Council wanted to meet with her for a mission or something of the sort. Turning she saw a friendly face. "Oh sorry I wasn't expecting you, pleasant surprise though." She commented, giving a warm smile.
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jedixamidala · 1 year
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Padmé looked out at the cityscape of Coruscant. It was a peaceful moment, and for a second she could forget about everything, the war, all the strife and any other worries. Of course Coruscant wasn't like her homeworld but she had grown up here, in the Temple, and it felt like home to her, even as it seemed she'd prefer the peace and quiet life on Naboo. As she stood watching all the different speeders and ships fly about she heard the steps of someone behind her and reality came back once more, it was probably someone who came to tell her the Jedi Council wanted to meet with her for a mission or something of the sort. Turning she saw a friendly face. "Oh sorry I wasn't expecting you, pleasant surprise though." She commented, giving a warm smile.
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jedixamidala · 1 year
Okay I wanna do an RP expanding upon my canon that she was frozen in stasis like Kix and lost in a Separatist ship crash only to be awoken years later, could be during or after the empire really. If anyone is interested I'm down
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jedixamidala · 1 year
Still gotta say I love this picture of Anakin and Padmé as Jedi together
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