jefferygoins · 2 years
Everything You Need to Know About Ceiling Cracks
Ceiling cracks can be a cause for concern for homeowners. They can be indicative of underlying structural damage to your home and foundation. In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of ceiling cracks and what each one means for your home. We will also provide tips on how to repair every kind of crack. So, if you are seeing cracks in your ceiling, read on for more information!
What causes cracks in the ceiling?
Cracks in the ceiling can be caused by various factors, including structural issues, shifting foundations, and overexposure to moisture. It is important to identify the cause of any cracks you see as soon as possible to address them properly.
Types of Ceiling Cracks:
There are several common types of ceiling cracks, each with its implications:
Hairline Cracks: These thin, often barely visible lines usually indicate foundation shifting or moisture damage present. They may also be seen in older homes due to plaster drying out over time.
Stair-step Cracks: These longer cracks typically run along joists and beams in your home's structure. They are usually caused by a major shift in your home's foundation and should be addressed as soon as possible to avoid further damage.
Diagonal Cracks: These cracks usually indicate severe structural damage, such as a failing load-bearing wall or beam. It is important to contact an engineer or contractor if you see these types of cracks to assess the situation and develop a repair plan.
Spider web cracks: These types of cracks are common in plaster ceilings and indicate that the plaster is drying out or becoming brittle. If not addressed quickly, they can become larger over time, leading to more serious damage.
Bowed ceiling: Not exactly a crack but a bowed ceiling can indicate a structural issue. It usually means that the house is settling and the foundation has shifted, thus pulling on the drywall and making it bow outward.
It is important to identify the type of crack so as to address and prevent any further damage properly. Hairline cracks can be easily repaired with caulk or joint compound, while larger cracks may require a more involved repair process. A professional should always assess Stair-step and diagonal cracks before attempting any repairs.
How do you fix ceiling cracks?
The best way to repair any ceiling crack depends on its size and severity. For smaller hairline cracks, using caulk or joint compound may suffice. Larger stair-step, diagonal, and spider web cracks typically need structural reinforcement and drywall patching or replacement. Here are some of the most popular methods to fix your ceiling cracks:
Caulk or Joint Compound: For small hairline cracks, caulk or joint compound can provide a quick and easy fix. When using caulk or joint compound:
1. Clean the crack with a damp cloth and allow it to dry
2. Cut the tip of the tube of caulk at an angle
3. Place the nozzle into the center of the crack
4. Slowly squeeze out a line of caulk along the entire length of the crack
5. Smooth out any excess caulk with your finger
6. Allow to dry completely before painting or wallpapering over the area
Drywall Patching: For larger cracks, you may need to use a piece of drywall to patch up the entire area before applying joint compound or spackle. This process can be time-consuming but is necessary for more severe damage. The process of drywall patching:
1. Measure and cut a piece of drywall to fit the size of the area to be patched
2. Score the backside of the drywall patch with a utility knife
3. Apply adhesive to both sides of the patch
4. Place the patch into position on the wall and press firmly
5. Use screws to secure the patch in place
6. Fill any gaps between the old wall and the new patch with joint compound or spackle
7. Allow it to dry completely before painting or wallpapering over the area
Structural Reinforcement: For more severe cracks such as stair-step, diagonal, or bowed ceilings, you may need professional help for structural reinforcement to prevent further damage from occurring. An engineer or contractor can assess the severity of the problem and advise you on the best course of action to take. You cannot DIY structural reinforcement as it requires specialized tools and knowledge.
No matter what type of crack you have, it is important to ensure the cause is properly addressed before attempting any repairs. The best way to do this is by consulting with a professional engineer or contractor who can evaluate the problem and advise you on the best course of action. You should also inspect the area where the crack appears for other signs of damage, such as water stains or sagging drywall. This can help you identify if any underlying issues need to be addressed for the crack to be repaired properly. 
It is also important to note that while some ceiling cracks can be easily fixed with caulk or joint compound, others may require a more involved repair process. By understanding the different types of ceiling cracks and the necessary steps for repair, you can ensure your home remains safe and secure for years to come.
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jefferygoins · 2 years
Outpace SEO
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jefferygoins · 3 years
How to Sell a House With Foundation Repair: The Ultimate Guide
If you're selling a house with foundation repair, it's essential to take the necessary steps to ensure a successful sale. When putting your home on the market, there are many things to consider, especially if you don't want to repair the foundation. In this guide, we will walk you through the entire process of selling a house with foundation problems, from preparing your home for sale to closing the deal. We'll also provide tips on negotiating with buyers and getting the best price for your property. So if you're ready to sell your house with foundation issues, read on!
Are there buyers who will consider buying a house with foundation repair?
Yes! Many buyers will consider purchasing a home with foundation problems. Some buyers may even see it as an opportunity to get a great deal on a property. However, it's essential to be upfront about the repairs that have been done and disclose any potential issues to buyers.
Should I repair the foundation problem before putting my house for sale?
Yes. In most cases, it's better to repair the foundation before putting the house up for sale. This will help ensure a successful sale and avoid any potential problems down the road. It's also important to be upfront about the repairs that have been done and disclose any potential issues to buyers.
What should I do before putting my house up for sale?
You can do several things before putting your house up for sale to make it more appealing to buyers. First, make sure the exterior is clean and well-maintained, and fix any broken or damaged windows or roof tiles. You may also want to paint the exterior in a neutral color to appeal to more buyers. Inside, de-clutter the rooms and make sure everything is neat. You can also paint the walls a light, neutral color to brighten up the space.
How do I disclose foundation repair to buyers?
It's essential to be upfront about any repairs that have been done to the foundation when selling your house. You should disclose any potential issues in the property disclosure statement, which is a document that lists all of the problems with the property. This will help buyers make an informed decision about whether or not they want to purchase the home.
What should I do if buyers are interested in my house but won't budge on the price?
If you're having trouble negotiating with buyers, there are a few things you can try. First, you could offer to pay for some of the repairs yourself. This may make the buyers more willing to negotiate on the price. You can also try offering a home warranty or credit towards future repairs. If all else fails, you may have to be willing to walk away from the deal.
What are some tips for negotiating with buyers?
There are several things you can do to negotiate with buyers and get the best price for your property:
-Be realistic about the condition of your home and what needs to be repaired. Don't ask for more than the home is worth.
-Be upfront about any repairs that have been done to the foundation and disclose any potential issues to buyers.
-Offer a home warranty or credit towards future repairs.
-Be willing to walk away from the deal if you can't reach an agreement with buyers.
-Make sure all repair work has been completed properly and up to code
-Be prepared to offer a credit or discount on the asking price
-Have a realistic timeline in mind for completing the repairs.
And always remember, the only way you can convince a buyer to purchase a house with foundation problems is to convince the buyer that they are getting a great deal, despite the glaring foundation problem.
What are some tips for closing a sale with foundation repair?
There are a few things you can do to make sure the sale goes smoothly and closes without any problems. First, make sure that all repairs have been completed before putting your house on the market. You should also have an inspector check the property to ensure everything is in order. In addition, it's essential to keep communication open with buyers throughout the process and answer any questions they may have. Finally, be prepared to negotiate the price and make sure you have a realistic expectation of what your house is worth.
Should I get a foundation inspection before selling?
One of the primary reasons many buyers deter away from houses with a foundation problem is that they are unsure about the long-term consequences. As a seller, it's essential to get an inspection done on the property so that you can be upfront about any potential repairs that need to be made. This will help buyers make an informed decision about whether or not they want to purchase the home. It may also help you negotiate a better price for your house.
If you're selling a house with foundation problems, it's essential to be prepared for potential negotiations. Be realistic about the condition of your home and what needs to be repaired. Offer a credit or discount on the asking price, and be willing to walk away from the deal if you can't agree with buyers. Make sure all repair work has been completed properly and up to code. Get a foundation inspection done before putting your house on the market so that you can be upfront about any potential repairs that need to be made. Keep communication open with buyers throughout the process and answer any questions. Finally, negotiate the price and make sure you have a realistic expectation of what your house is worth. With these tips in mind, you'll be able to sell your home with foundation problems in no time.
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jefferygoins · 3 years
Will My House Collapse due to Foundation Problems?
No, it probably won't. A house will not collapse just because you have some cracks along your walls or your floors are uneven. Houses are built to last, and they will last for a long time. But that doesn't mean that the inevitable will never happen. A minor wall crack can develop into something significant over time if left unchecked. And if pushed to the edge, your house can collapse from something as simple. This is why, it is essential to start foundation repairs after spotting early signs of trouble. But when should you start? These are some clear signs that you should start foundation repairs or call a professional for an inspection.
Signs of foundation problems and how they damage your house
Excessive cracks in a foundation can be a sign of a more significant issue. Foundation problems are common, and it's essential to know the signs that your home has been affected.
Holes or gaps in exterior walls: Cracks in exterior walls can be a sign of foundation issues. If moisture is allowed to seep into the cracks, it will further damage your home's structure. Other signs include warped doors or windows that won't close properly and electrical outlets that don't work anymore due to shifting foundations.
Sloping floors: Sloping floors are another indication of structural problems with your house. If you notice an increasing slope throughout the different rooms of your home, this may mean there are more significant problems at hand with its foundation. Cracked tile grout around bathrooms or showers also indicates deeper issues within the sub-flooring panels beneath floor tiles. If water penetration occurs around these areas, it will damage the wood beams underneath without you even knowing.
The door is falling off or won't open: Sliding doors that don't slide easily and exterior entryways that refuse to stay shut are signs of a more significant problem. If the foundation around your front door has been compromised, the pressure from opening and entering may damage it over time. 
Ceilings: Cracks in ceilings also indicate deeper issues within a home's foundations. This suggests problems with the upper levels. A sudden drop-off of ceiling height is another indication that something more significant is taking place beneath your feet.
While some common issues appear across all regions, several situational and geographical factors can affect your foundation, and the best way to spot foundation problems is to get a professional evaluation.
How severe is my foundation problem?
Foundation problems can vary in degree of severity. From small cracks and gaps to significant widespread issues that affect the entire foundation structure around your home. If you notice any of the signs above taking place within your house, it's best to contact a professional immediately for an evaluation. They will be able to determine the extent of the damage and advise on future courses of action. With structural problems, the initial fee is cheaper than long-term repairs. So don't put off making that call today if you notice anything unusual with your house. 
Have I waited too long to get foundation repairs?
Foundation Repair costs can range anywhere from $15k to upwards of $100k. It mostly depends on how extensive the damage is and what needs to be done. The earlier you seek out professional help, the less expensive it will be. If significant issues are found beyond repairable ranges, your foundation may require a complete teardown before starting on repairs. This could mean having everything removed, including your yard or pool areas which may have been built around the foundation.
Will the floor cave in if I don't take care of foundation issues?
Yes! If your house is built on a faulty foundation, the integrity of its structure will eventually begin to decline. This can lead to problems throughout the house. The best way to prevent this from happening is by scheduling regular inspections so you know when something needs attention before it becomes serious again later down the line.
To answer the question, will your house collapse from foundation problems? No, it most probably won't, but it will continue to weaken over time until it can no longer sustain the weight of your house anymore. If you wait too long, your floor could collapse, causing severe damage, which may even require excavation work before rebuilding a new foundation altogether!
Foundation problems can be major or minor, depending on how extensive the damage has become over time. If you notice any signs, it's best to seek out professional help as soon as possible. Even in the worst cases, don't consider a DIY foundation project. Contact your local foundation repair company, and they will get you started. The earlier you recognize the problem, the cheaper it will be for repairs. 
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jefferygoins · 3 years
SEO steps before launching a brand-new website
For many businesses, it is not enough to have a website. They need to be running at peak efficiency and doing all the things that are necessary for success. This includes checking functionality, monitoring analytics, and making sure that SEO techniques are being used properly. If you want your new website to succeed, make sure to review everything before launch!
Choose the right domain name: The first thing to do when planning a website is choose the right domain name. The easiest way to start this process is by using Domainr.com, where you can search for available names and see how much they cost on each registrar's site. It may take some back-and-forth with your IT team, but eventually, you will find something that everyone agrees upon and works best for SEO purposes! When selecting a domain name, make sure you pick one with the correct spelling, especially if people misspell your brand quite a lot. Also make sure that the domain name is marketable and targets the relevant keywords.
Review everything: There are any number of things that could go wrong when launching a new website. It could be a few broken links, misspelled headings, incomplete content, inappropriate images, or something you had never thought of. A website is the face of your company, and it has to be perfect. Make sure you take a look at everything before launch!
Enable Responsive Design: A growing number of people are visiting websites exclusively through their handheld devices, like phones and tablets. If your site isn't compatible with multiple screen sizes, visitors will bounce within seconds because they can't browse the way that makes them comfortable. Customizing your website for all platforms ensures success in an ever-changing online landscape.
Check Functionality: One common issue when launching new sites happens around broken links or missing images, but there could also be issues with forms not working correctly or lead generation tools failing at critical times. Take time to make sure every aspect of your site is optimized to function in the best way possible for visitors.
Prepare Analytics: Analytics must be prepared before launching a new website so that you can monitor traffic, sales conversions, and key performance indicators (KPIs) all at once. Once everything else has been reviewed, it makes perfect sense to use this time to make sure your measurements are set up correctly to provide accurate information when needed most.
Check images, videos, and alt tags: Ensure that all photos, videos, and alt tags are filled out completely before your site goes live. While these may not be issues for some users, others won't have a good experience because the content they seek isn't available to them.
Use SEO techniques: You need an edge to get ahead of the competition; making sure that search engine optimization (SEO) techniques are applied can help you get that edge! There are proven techniques available for search engines to crawl and index your brand new website. Google has been clear that one of its main priorities is putting user satisfaction above everything else. This means websites that aren't optimized for search engines will eventually fail as more visitors turn to other sources. There are many proven ways to increase visibility in organic searches. Some of them are keyword optimization, creating great titles and meta descriptions, optimizing images with descriptive file names, and writing quality content that is well organized for faster indexing by search engines!
Backup your website: It's always a good idea to back up files before making any changes; in the same way, it is prudent for businesses to have an emergency plan just in case something unexpected happens. After all your hard work preparing everything else on this list, it would be tough if someone accidentally deleted important content at launch time because nobody remembered about backing things up beforehand. Make sure you keep regular backups of every page on your site throughout its entire lifespan!
Test usability and site speed: Several issues can arise when testing usability and site speed. For example, if you have too many active plugins or an incorrect theme, then your site will take longer to load for visitors, which could cause them to leave the page before it even finishes loading. Make sure all pages on your website are fully optimized!
Optimize your code: Several things can be done on a technical level to optimize code. For example, you could look at the amount of HTML and CSS used by certain elements in your website, which will increase load speeds for pages with more content or images. 
So, what's the takeaway? Before you launch your new website and start to get traffic from search engines, make sure that it has an easy-to-follow hierarchy so visitors can find their way around. Make sure there is a clear call to action on every site page for all potential customers. Don't forget about content - create articles and blog posts with keywords in them.
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jefferygoins · 3 years
The Benefits of Roof Vents and Why You Should Get One
Roof vents are an essential aspect of any home. Roof vents help regulate the temperature of your home, reduce moisture buildup in your attic, and even provide an extra measure of protection from the sun's UV rays! This blog post will discuss why roof vents are so crucial for you and how they can be installed for surprisingly affordable prices.
But how do roofing vents work?
Proper roof ventilation allows the air to pass through your attic and prevents the attic from getting overheated and sucking in the excess moisture. However, the ventilation will only work if there is airflow. The airflow can be either natural or artificially done. If it is not ventilated correctly, there will be no fresh air in the attic, and you might experience some health issues due to the lack of proper ventilation!
One way that roof vents work is by allowing the warm top layer of your home's insulation to release heat into the cooler conditioned space below. There are two types of roofs, vented and unvented (also known as sealed).
Sealed roofs have all their gaps tightly closed with various materials like plywood, asphalt, etc., which does not allow any outside/inside airflow. Although this kind of roof has an excellent R-value, they run hot because there is zero ventilation, resulting in significant energy loss every year.
On the other hand, a vented roof has plenty of gaps that allow outside/inside airflow and proper ventilation for your attic. Therefore, it is always better to go with a vented or unvented roof instead of a sealed one because they are way more affordable than its counterpart!
In addition to being energy efficient, ventilated roofs have several benefits as well:
Extends the life of your roof: Roof vents allow proper airflow and prevent moisture from accumulating, which reduces the risk of your roof getting damaged. In addition, vented roofs also come in handy during the winter if icicles form on the edge of your roof. These icicles can cause severe damage to the edge of your roof and can result in you having to change the entire roof only after a couple of years. Roofing vents can help prevent that.
Proper air ventilation: Ventilated roofs provide better air circulation around your attic, which helps in trapping cooler outside air throughout the year and keeping it inside during warm seasons. This prevents you from experiencing health issues caused by hot temperatures.
Protects against UV Rays: A ventilated roof allows insulation below to breathe because they are not covered with other materials that can trap all available oxygen under them, resulting in suffocation!  
Also provides a visual appeal: Ventilation gaps ensure that there is no accumulation of dirt on top of your home's exterior surface, allowing for an aesthetically pleasing look.
Reduces energy costs: Vented roofs are more energy-efficient than unventilated ones because they allow air to pass freely through your attic, which in turn reduces the chances of overheating. This saves you money on cooling costs too!
Reduces moisture buildup: Ventilation allows outside/inside airflow that helps reduce excessive accumulation of moisture inside your home's roofing structure and prevent mold growth which is very dangerous for health! It also prevents the rotting of wood components!
Prevents ice dams occurring during winter months: If there is a buildup of snow above the vented area, it melts due to heat from below, causing water to get trapped under new layers forming an icicle-like formation called Ice Dams. They can damage by forcing extreme pressure down on your roof, which can result in complete collapse. This is where proper ventilation comes into play!
Increases home value: Homes with vented roofs are always better than their unventilated counterparts because they provide all the benefits you get from having a ventilated attic without any of its costs.
Reduces fire risk: Roof vents allow air circulation throughout your attic, which means there won't be pockets for heat buildup - whether accidentally or intentionally. It also reduces the chances of combustion within your attic space, leading to potential fires. If this happens inside an unvented roof, then these gases will accumulate quickly and explode!
Reduces indoor temperature extremes: If your attic is vented during the summer, it reduces indoor temperature extremes. It allows you to save on AC costs and ensure that there are no extreme hot or cold temperatures inside your home!
Increases overall comfort: A ventilated roof provides proper air circulation, which means less energy consumption = more money in the owner's pockets while providing a better living experience by avoiding unsanitary conditions due to mold growth, etc.
Prevents pest infestation: Pests such as rodents love dark environments with little access to sunlight - unventilated attics provide just that, making them ideal for rodent nesting resulting in further health problems caused by their droppings, etc. On the other hand, insect/pest infestation can be avoided when vents are present, which leads to better health and comfort.
In conclusion, roof vents are a must, even if you have an unventilated or sealed roof. They not only provide all the benefits of having a vented attic but also prevent damage to your home from occurring because they allow airflow throughout your roofing structure and keep it safe in every way possible.
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jefferygoins · 3 years
11 Types of Foundation Cracks That You Should Know About
Foundation cracks are a big problem for many homeowners. They can make your house look old and outdated, but they also pose serious structural issues. Foundation cracks occur when the soil underneath the foundation shifts or moves, causing it to crack. This can happen because of strong winds, heavy rains, earthquakes, ground movement (due to nearby construction), or from natural causes like tree roots that grow under foundations. It's essential to identify what type of foundation cracks you have to get them fixed as soon as possible!
Horizontal Cracks: Foundation cracks that go horizontally across the foundation are typically due to soil settling. As such, these cracks can be fixed by adding more dirt underneath your house or even through re-building the foundation.
Vertical Cracks: Vertical foundation cracks mean an issue with either your footings and piers (the small pillars in between each footing). This is because vertical movement causes both of them to move differently from one another. To fix this type of crack, you need a repair specialist who will adjust your pier blocks so that they're level again and then fill up any horizontal space between them. You may also require additional support near the corner where two walls meet if needed!
Cracks Through Porches Or Steps: Foundation cracking through porches or steps is an indication that you have a bigger foundation issue. If they're caused by soil settlement, then the same fixes as above will help resolve them; however, if it's due to another cause (like piers being uneven), your best bet would be to hire a professional who can fix the problem for good!
Cracks With Displacement Or Bulging: Foundation cracking with displacement or bulging means there are issues with either your footings or piers. Cracking through concrete walls typically occurs because of faulty construction methods where the sand was used instead of gravel, causing shrinkage over time and weakening these parts. It may also mean that one side has more weight than another, so hiring someone to come in and re-level your foundation will fix this issue.
Foundation slab cracks: Foundation slab cracks are typically the result of soil erosion or tree roots. To fix this type of crack, you need to eliminate all trees near your house that threaten its structural integrity and then replace any destroyed areas with concrete that will be stronger than the original foundation material.
Bowed Foundation Cracks: Bowed foundation cracks can happen for a variety of reasons, including shrinkage over time, too much weight on one side due to poor construction methods (like not using enough gravel), or because water has weakened it in some way - so if they're caused by something like leaking pipes inside or below your home's foundation, fixing these issues is critical before repairing them!
Broken Concrete: Broken concrete means there is either an issue with your footings and piers. This type of crack occurs because the ground has rocked underneath your foundation, causing it to shift, which in turn can cause concrete slabs to break over time - so hiring a professional right away is best!
Diagonal cracks: Diagonal cracks occur when certain areas of your home settle faster than others. To fix this, you need to completely level out any rough places before filling them in with concrete.
Buckling or Bowing Walls: Foundation buckling or bowing walls means an issue with either your foundation's structure. This type of crack could also be caused by uneven weight distribution among different parts of the house, which makes this problem even more severe since you need someone who specializes in leveling out homes just for repairs on this level!
Wavy Cracks: Wavy foundation cracks indicate that there has been movement on both ends but at slightly different rates, which will put stress on certain areas over time. To fix this type of crack, you need to hire a professional who specializes in leveling houses to apply steel plates to the foundation.
Large Cracks: Large cracks within your foundation are typically due to soil settling. This may mean one side has more weight than another or that something happened underneath your home (like construction), causing it not to be level anymore! If this sounds like what's happening under your house, hiring someone will help balance out all sides for safe use again!
You can't fix most Foundation cracks by yourself, typically meaning there's some significant structural damage happening at your home. This usually happens when two of your foundation walls have shifted drastically from one another due to too much pressure being applied to either side of it. If you find yourself dealing with something like this, then hiring a professional who can come in and fix the problem for you is an excellent idea. Tampering with your foundation without proper knowledge will only lead to further problems. If you spot any of these cracks, the best thing would be to call in a foundation repair expert.
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jefferygoins · 3 years
How to Determine If Your Foundation Has Issues
Whether you are trying to protect your own home or you are deciding whether or not to put an offer down on your dream home, it is crucial that you keep an eye on the building’s foundation.
While many foundation issues might seem subtle or unimportant, if they are left untreated, they can quickly escalate into major problems that will cause you a lot of headaches and cost you a lot of money to fix.
It’s important that you recognize the key signs that there is something wrong with your foundation so that you can detect foundational issues and have them repaired before they become unmanageable.
Signs of foundation issues
Here are some signs to look for when you’re checking your foundation:
Cracks and fractures
While vertical cracks can be a sign of normal expansion and contraction of your homes’ framing, diagonal cracks or fractures wider than a quarter-inch in the drywall can be signs of foundation issues.
If you spot cracks in your drywall or on your ceiling, and more cracks appear over time, your foundation may be shifting and settling more than normal.
Flooring dips
If one side of your house is lower than the other or you are noticing dips in your floor, your foundation needs to be repaired. Keep an eye out for sloped floors and dips, even if they are only a centimeter or two because they can quickly grow to a couple of inches.
Chimney cracking
Uneven foundations can cause chimneys to crack as they settle. If you’re not sure whether or not your foundation has any problems, look for chimney fractures. This is a good starting point if you’ve noticed some of the other signs and you want confirmation that you need to bring in a foundation expert.
Counters, cabinets, and wall trim separating from the wall
When you grab a dish from your kitchen cabinet or you set your mail down on the countertop, have you noticed any gaps between these structures and the wall? If so, you may be dealing with foundational damage. If your wall is sloping because your foundation is uneven, it will cause the counters, cabinets, and other wall structures to shift from the wall causing these gaps.
Basement and crawl space moisture
If you are trying to determine if your foundation has issues, go down to your basement and check your crawl space. If either of these areas has a damp, mildew-like smell, it’s a sign of foundation problems.
This damp smell and moisture are caused when water gets into your basement or your crawl space from small cracks in your foundation. If you notice this odor, have someone check your foundation right away, as excess moisture can also lead to other problems in your home.
Resolving foundation issues
While the signs above are all good indicators that your foundation needs repair, you will not know exactly what problems need to be addressed until you have your foundation examined by a professional.
If your cabinets are starting to pull away from the wall, your floors are dipping, or you have a growing number of cracks and fractures in your chimney and drywall, consider calling an foundation repair expert to come to evaluate your foundation, pinpoint the source of these issues, and tell you your next steps.
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jefferygoins · 3 years
Ways Foundation Repair Contractors can Scam You
If you need foundation repair services, it is essential to be aware of the tactics that people may use to scam you. These scams can come in many different forms and from various sources - some might even appear legitimate at first glance. This blog post will discuss how these scammers operate and what steps you should take if someone tries to scam you!
Multiple names: This is one of the most common scams that are not just limited to foundation repair experts. In this scam, foundation repair contractors run multiple ads on different platforms under different names and phone numbers. When you contact each of these companies, they offer you different prices and different quotes. And while you rack your brain wondering which company you should hire, in reality, there is only one company for you to work with.
Changing the name: A foundation repair contractor will change their name depending on how bad their reputation is. One of the most common ways this occurs is if a company is disreputable, they will change their name. This way, when you search for them on Google or look up reviews about the company online - it won't come up!
The insurance scam: Think about all the repairs you have done on your house. When was the last time you had to rely on the contractor's insurance because something went wrong? For most homeowners, this is never. Due to this, foundation repair contractors skip out on getting insurance yet assure their customers that they have it. Often, they don't even have it, or if they do - the insurance is not active. This scam can lead to many lawsuits and other problems for homeowners looking for foundation repair services!
The bait-and-switch: The 'bait-and-switch' refers to when a contractor puts out one price but then finds something wrong with your house that requires them to charge more money than what you agreed upon at first. For instance, if there was no problem with your foundation at the beginning of negotiations, but the contractor finds an issue while working on it anyway. 
Mimicry sites: These mimicry websites seem like legitimate websites because their design looks exactly like others. However, they are not. They may have similar names or logos, but there is no connection between them and other foundation repair contractors. If you try to communicate with these companies - they will never reply!
The industrial scam: When a contractor charges you for industrial work that does not need it, this is considered an industrial scam. For instance, if your home needs three new windows on the first floor of your house, but the contractor quotes a high price for just one window replacement, then they might be committing this type of fraud against their customers.
Hiring subcontractors to do your work: Hiring a foundation repair contractor is a lengthy process. You don't want to work with just any contractor in your locality. Any contractor that you work with should be trustworthy and experienced. But what if the foundation repair contractor you hired because they checked all the right boxes didn't do your work at all? Some foundation contractors outsource their works to subcontractors without telling you. As a result, you might be scammed with the quality of the repair.
A better offer: This is another scam that you might encounter working with a foundation repair contractor. In this case, the company offers to do all the work for a lower price than everyone else quotes. However, once their workers start showing up at your doorstep - it turns out that there were other hidden fees or additional repairs needed, which will cost you more in the end even though you thought everything was covered from the beginning!
Billing for unperformed work: As a homeowner, how much do you know about your foundation and foundation repair? If you are anything like most of us, foundation repair is a relatively unknown subject. This is what some foundation repair contractors like to pounce upon. Some contractors include a bunch of technical terminologies while billing and charging for unperformed work. At the end, the only way you could confirm if they used six piers or seven piers is if you were on-site to monitor every little thing.
The 'I'm going to quote the job higher' scam: This is a common trick that most foundation repair scammers use when dealing with homeowners who do not know much about their homes and foundations. In this case, they try to convince customers that there are more problems than what exists to get them to pay more money.
Asking for payment before starting the work: This is common sense. Never pay your foundation repair contractors in full before they have begun the work. Some contractors might convince you that they will take a deposit and then continue with the work. The only problem is, once your contractor gets paid in full - it won't be long before they disappear out of thin air! Or perform a shoddy foundation repair.
Do not pay your contractor before they have done their work! And, never hire just anyone unless you are sure that they are reputable and experienced. Also, be clear about what is included in the cost of repairs up front. Some contractors might try to get more money out of homeowners under the guise of unperformed work or other hidden fees, which may lead to problems with foundations. Lastly, make sure all communication between yourself and your contractor is documented. If any changes were made without your knowledge, it would be easier to track down the culprits!
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jefferygoins · 3 years
Glass Doors: Understanding the Different Kinds of Glass for Your Door
Glass doors are not just for offices anymore. The use of glass in doors is growing more and more popular, as people are looking for ways to beautify their homes while staying within their budget. However, many different types of glass can be used in doorways, so it's essential to understand their differences before making your purchase. This blog post will discuss some of the most common types of glass that you'll see on a typical door.
Antique glass: This is probably the most common type of glass found in doorways. Antique glass is created by layering several pieces together and then etching them with acid, making a beautiful iridescent look with many different colors, depending on how light hits it. It can be very expensive to purchase antique glass for your doors because each piece needs to be cut individually based on measurements.
Crystal: This type of glass looks like diamond-encrusted ice when placed into an iron framework between two panes of clear plate glass. There are several types available, but typically you'll find either cathedral or bullseye patterns used somehow in these designs. The crystal pattern will refract light differently than other styles, giving off a prism effect. This type of door is typically more ornate than other options, making it perfect for anyone looking to make a bold statement with their entryway.
Interior frosted glass: Interior frosting creates the illusion that there are no panes at all, which can give your home an open feeling that you may be lacking otherwise (especially if you live in an apartment). Frosted interior doors will still allow light through them. They're often installed above opaque or translucent panels to prevent any natural lighting from coming into the room. These types of doors also work well on sliding doorways too due to ease of installation because there's nothing but plain flat glass here--no iron framework, etching patterns, or anything else involved like you'll find with exterior doors.
Exterior frosted glass: You can use this type of door on the interior, but typically it's more commonly found on exterior applications because it's interesting to look at from both inside and outside a home. This option is used much like interior frosting, except there will be an iron framework around all four pieces (since you're putting them together before installing). The design work is usually done by etching or acid-cutting after installation; however, some manufacturers may cut these patterns into the glass before shipping so they arrive ready for installation. Again, since there isn't any iron framework involved in exterior panes, if someone wants something fancier than plain flat glass, one would need to buy custom work for an additional fee.
Decorative glass: This type of door is very similar to the cathedral pattern you'll find with crystal doors, but it's much cheaper because there are no diamonds or anything else inside them that would increase their cost. There are many different types available here, so if someone doesn't want plain flat glass, they have options--whether they're looking for a standard smooth surface or something more ornate like swirls and circles within the panes themselves. These interior panels can be used on opaque and transparent surfaces depending on your needs/wants; however exterior applications will require custom work done by a professional before installation. These patterns typically go around all four pieces rather than one panel being decorated while the other three are clear.
Annealed glass: Annealed glass is a basic type of door with one pane of plate glass surrounded by another, which creates the iron framework for installation. This design can be etched or acid-cut to add some exciting pattern work within the panes themselves. Still, there's nothing more going on here than that--no diamonds or any other embellishments like you might find in decorative options.
Frosted annealed glass: You can use this option for both interior and exterior panels; however, it will only come with plain flat glass instead of having anything added inside each piece (like clear diamonds) when done as an exterior application because, again, these types of patterns go around all four pieces rather than just one like in interior applications. If someone wants to have some pattern work done to the glass on an exterior door, then they'll have to purchase custom-made panels for additional fees.
There's no limit to the types of glass you can use on your doors, but if someone wants something unique and custom glass, they'll need to expect additional costs due to the extra time it takes for a professional installer or manufacturer to create these patterns before installation. The more complicated the design is, the higher the cost will be associated with buying them. But this also depends on what type of door and where it's going because exterior panes tend to be much pricier than interior applications due to vandalism issues that arise out there in public spaces. Understanding different kinds of glass can be used in your doors like antique, crystal/bullseye pattern, etching, interior frosting, and exterior frosted glass.
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jefferygoins · 3 years
7 Red Flags to Look Out for When Hiring a New Roofing Contractor
When it comes to roofing, there are many things to take into consideration. Whether you need a new roof or just repairs, hiring the right contractor can be difficult and confusing. It is essential that you always keep your eyes peeled for red flags when looking for a new contractor. This blog post will discuss seven red flags that might indicate that the company you're considering hiring is not legitimate and should be avoided at all costs!
Storm chasers: The first thing you should note when hiring a new roofer is whether or not they are local roofers. Many roofing companies show up during storms to repair roofs, and while there is nothing wrong with that, it can be hard to determine the quality of their service. These roofers primarily work during the storm and leave the town once everything is sorted. Due to this, it can be hard to track them down should any other issues arise with your roof.
No portfolio or references: Another thing to keep in mind when hiring a new roofing contractor is the lack of portfolio. Many companies offer portfolios that showcase their work, but if they do not, it can indicate that there are no quality projects under their belt at all! The best way to avoid this red flag is by asking for company references and follow up with them before signing anything. This will give you peace of mind knowing exactly what type of service you'll receive after making your decision on who to hire.
Asking money upfront: Contractors that ask for money upfront is another red flag you need to watch out for. This can be any amount of money but usually happens before the job has even started. Many times these contractors will not return your calls or come back to finish the work they promised because as soon as they have your money, it's goodbye! Always make sure you hire someone who comes highly recommended from trusted sources such as family members and friends if possible.
Unnecessary pressure: If a contractor pressures you into signing anything right away - do not sign it! This includes contracts, estimates, etc., especially during high-pressure sales tactics like "today only," "limited time," and "act now." Always take your time when reviewing documents, ask questions about anything you do not understand, and make sure you are comfortable with everything before signing on the dotted line.
High-pressure tactics: Another red flag you should keep an eye out for is high-pressure sales tactics. If a contractor uses words like "today only," "limited time," or any other similar phrase, it's best not to work with them at all! This means they try to rush you into deciding without giving you enough time to take everything in and become comfortable with their services before signing on the dotted line. Roofing companies that use high-pressure sales strategies usually involve some bait & switch tactic in their contracts or services they offer. For example, a roofer may show up to estimate materials, but once there is agreement on the price, increase it by 20%. They might also pressure homeowners into certain repairs like flashing improperly installed gutters or skylights, which can cost thousands more than initially expected. If these things sound familiar, then stay away! Don't let them push you around; if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is!
Unrealistic bids: Roofing companies that give unrealistic low bids are also another red flag you need to be aware of when looking for a new roofer. Usually, contractors will charge based on square footage, and while there is nothing wrong with this, it can lead to problems if someone does not know how much labor goes into every job or has an inexperienced team working for them. Hire someone who provides accurate estimates so that everyone knows exactly what's expected from start to finish; otherwise, mistakes might happen, which could result in more costly repairs than originally discussed!
Exaggerated damage claims: Damage claims on roofs can vary depending upon certain factors like location, type of roof (flat vs. sloped), weather conditions (snow load), etc., so any potential contractor must provide proof before making exaggerated statements about the severity of the damage. If they are quick to make claims without any evidence, do not hire them!
When it comes to finding quality roofers, there are several things that you should stand by. Find a roofer with a license and insurance coverage. They should also have reliable references from reputable contractors, friends, or neighbors. The contractor should offer you a written contract that includes the exact price for each of the work items outlined in their proposal. You will want an experienced contractor willing to stand behind your job if anything goes wrong after they have been paid in full at the end of the project (including warranty information). Out-of-town roofers may not be available when things go wrong with your new roof down the road. If they don't live near you, it might take them longer than expected to make repairs when there are weather-related events like storms or hurricanes.
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jefferygoins · 3 years
Why Basement Waterproofing Is Crucial?
The basement is the most commonplace for water damage in a home. The basement is surrounded by dirt and soil, making it most at risk for water damage. Soil soaks up free water and can seep into the walls and floors of a basement. 
The waterproofing of a basement is unnoticeable, but it makes a big difference in the quality and safety of the home. It’s very important to have the knowledge of the importance of drainage and waterproofing your basement. Waterproofing diverts the water away from the foundation, which prevents it from entering the basement. This allows the house to stay dry, and for the homeowners to experience more positive outcomes of a waterproof basement. These positive outcomes include:
Waterproofing redirects free water away from the home, making a home flood very unlikely. It will prevent the basement from filling with water that would damage the home. It would also reduce the need for insurance claims to restore the flood damages. This saves the homeowner both time and energy, as well as money from higher insurance rates. 
Homes are also at risk for water to seep in and collect in the basement. These collections of water may seem inevitable, but waterproofing can prevent it. The water can damage the foundation of the home, and reduce the usefulness of the basement. If the homeowner chooses to use the basement as storage, the water can damage belongings. Waterproofing allows for safe storage in the basement. 
If a home is not waterproofed, water can seep in through the concrete walls via capillary action. This is a phenomenon where liquid spontaneously rises in a narrow space. This allows water to sit on the walls of the basement and compromise the paint and foundation of the home, as well as opening up the risk of mold infestation. Mold infestations can risk the health quality of the home, and stagnant water can create musty-smelling air. A waterproofed basement can prevent mold and improve the air quality of the home. 
Water can greatly damage the structures of the home. It can break down the foundation of the structure if exposed to water enough, and the dampness of a home can affect the interior wood. Excess humidity can make wood expand and warp. This may make wooden doors and frames difficult to open, and it would lessen the quality of the wood over time.
A waterproof basement prevents humidity from affecting wood, which prevents wood rot. It also prevents the foundation from being comprised, as it ensures the ground where the foundation sits does not shift and affect the home. 
Waterproofing can save homeowners money by preventing insurance claims from rising, but it can also save money on utility bills. Waterproofing improves the efficiency of the home’s heat and air conditioning, which reduces the price of the electricity bill. It is harder for air conditions and heaters to change the temperature of the home when the home is more damp or humid. Waterproofing diminishes the home’s dampness and allows the heater and air conditioner to use less electricity. 
Waterproofing can also lessen the amount on the water bill. Damp air can make wood expand and warp, as well as making water pipes expand and leak. After a storm, the home is much damper and can cause the water pipes to leak. These leaks can be small enough that they are unnoticeable, but they make an impact on the home’s use of water. The leaks can waste up to 90 gallons of water a day, increasing the price of the water bill. Waterproofing prevents the home’s air from getting damp enough to affect the water pipes. 
Basement waterproofing can greatly improve a home’s structure and air quality while saving homeowners money in the long run. 
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jefferygoins · 3 years
7 sure-fire ways of finding cheap moving companies in Oklahoma
Residential moves don't come cheap. Depending on the distance and the amount of personal belongings, moving costs can escalate quickly. More often than not, moving costs end up being a lot higher than your first estimate. While hiring a cheap mover can help you alleviate a lot of that financial burden, you rarely come across cheap moving companies that don't compromise on quality. To help you with your search, we have compiled a list of 7 essential things that you can do to land cheap moving companies in Oklahoma. 
Get started early: There aren't many cheap moving companies with quality service to go around. And since everybody wants a piece of their services, cheap movers don't have a ton of time on their schedule. This is why the earlier you start your search, the better. Even if you find cheap movers with quality service, you might have to fit your move around their availability. You can try holding your moves during the off-season, winter, fall, or spring to have a better chance of landing the moving company of your choice. 
Ask around: Moving concerns are the same for everyone. People want quality service at low costs. The best way to find a cheap moving company in Oklahoma is to ask around. In most instances, people have either used the services of or have at least heard of an affordable moving company that offers quality service. Once you have the lead, you can either research the company or drop in for a direct visit and inquire about their services. 
In-house price estimates: While a moving company would be more than happy to give you a quotation over the phone, they are seldom accurate. Ask your moving company to provide an in-house estimate. Since moving costs depend on the number of personal belongings, an in-house estimate is the best way to get an exact estimate. Moving experts will also look at stairs, tight corridors, and any other factors that might challenge moving and fix their prices accordingly. 
Compare: Make sure you ask for an estimate from at least three companies. That way, you can effectively know what each company is offering and which company offers the best value for your money. Finding a cheap moving company is not just about low moving prices. While they factor in your decision-making, taking note of which company offers better value is equally crucial. Make sure you keep an eye on the additional services and extra costs. Most moving companies quote you a low base price and charge more for additional services. 
Know average moving costs: How do you know what's cheap and what's not? To find an affordable moving company, you need to know the average costs of moving. This can be a tough ask as moving costs vary from move to move. That being said, you can find an average range of what a move would typically cost. By roughly estimating the number of laborers and trucks and what it would typically cost to hire each, you can get a rough idea of how much your move should cost. You can also check for reviews on the internet and ask a few questions on moving forums.  
How cheap is too cheap: It can be easy for people to focus solely on the price when hiring a cheap moving company. This makes you an easy target for fraudulent companies. Watch out for low-ball estimates from shady moving companies. If you get an estimate significantly lower than the average cost of a move or what other companies are offering, proceed with extreme caution. Don't get lured in by cheap moving quotes. Try to figure out why their cost is so low, and if you fail to come up with a plausible reason, they are probably out to scam you. 
Try negotiating: The best way to find a cheap moving company is to negotiate the price. While moving costs vary from company to company and move to move, they tend to stick to a similar range. Try and negotiate with local moving companies. Since moving costs are determined by a ton of other factors, compromising in a few places can help you bring down the moving costs. But make sure you know exactly what you are compromising on and what you are getting for your money. 
While hiring a cheap moving company is the best way to reduce the move's price, you can do a few things to help you move cheaply. From selling or donating personal belongings you no longer need to packing on your own, you can reduce moving costs as long as you are proactive about it. You can always start packing a month before the move to ensure that when moving day comes around, all that's left is to load and move.
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jefferygoins · 3 years
Tips for finding the Best Movers in OKC
Moving is stressful, especially if you are doing it on your own. Muscle strains, sprained fingers, strained backs, moving can not only leave you tired but also with a few injuries. This is why you are always better off finding a mover. Since they offer professional moving services, they are best-equipped to take care of your move. And unlike you, they can do it with a lot less injuries involved. That being said, you want the best moving companies handling your move. And best movers are not exactly a dime in a dozen in OKC. So, if you are on the lookout for the best movers in Oklahoma City, here are a few tips to guide you along your way.  
Researching in advance: The best tip to find the best movers in OKC is to research in advance. While there is no suitable time frame to get you started, it might be best to get started two months before moving. Be on the lookout for local companies who know the layout of the city properly. This will go a long way to ensure that you stay out of traffic and will be able to finish the move on time. Most local moving companies also offer a free estimate and will map out the route to a T. Compare online reviews of different companies, talk to your friends and family and narrow down your list to the top three best movers in OKC. You can then start calling each one to see their availability.   
Get references: While it is common to ask a few friends and family if they know movers around OKC, many movers never actively look for reviews. When it comes to finding the best movers in OKC, you should not only consider the opinions of friends and family but also scour the internet for online reviews. Since online reviews are not restricted to your social circle, you can get many people's opinions and how they feel about the company. Make sure you keep an eye out on not just the positive reviews but also how the company handles the negative reviews. Be sure to cross-check references and contact previous customers. As a rule of thumb, be sure to contact three customers who have previously worked with the moving companies. Ask what they thought about the overall experience, their likes, dislikes, and, more importantly, if they would work with the company again.  
The walk-through should be thorough: Before providing you an exact estimate, the movers will come to your home to understand the scale of the job. And the best movers in the business do this for free. A tell-tale sign of the best movers in OKC is how often they ask you questions. The person who is giving you an estimate should ask you questions about the scale of the job. Before you call in a company for the assessment, make sure you know exactly what you are taking and what you are leaving behind. If you still have not made up your mind about what you are taking with you, it might be best to postpone the estimate.   
Read the contracts: Don't treat your moving contract like the terms and conditions page of the new software you are installing. Many moving companies hide additional moving fees inside the agreement, which you will have to pay if you sign the contract without going through it properly. While the best movers in OKC will let you know about any additional or hidden charges upfront, reading the contract is never a bad idea. If you don't understand specific clauses or don't feel comfortable signing up for them, take it up with the moving company. Unless it is a crucial clause, the best movers in OKC will be happy to settle on a compromise and draw you another contract.  
Packing expenses: Packing expenses can be hard to estimate. The best movers in OKC also offer quality packing services, but it will cost you. On the other hand, packing on your own can be chaotic. For first-time movers, it can be challenging to find the right boxes for everything and ensure that nothing will break during the move. A moving company offers breakage insurance during packing, so that should anything break, you will be insured against it. But if you take the DIY route, make sure you are careful with your belongings.  
Moving is never easy. No matter how many times you move, it takes time, effort, and extra planning. But with the right mover, the overall experience can be enjoyable. But finding the right mover is a task easier said than done. When choosing a mover in OKC, make sure you have a list of three excellent movers just in case the one you really wanted has a packed calendar or an over-the-top moving cost.
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jefferygoins · 3 years
How to Choose an Experienced Roofing Contractor
If you’ve seen some missing shingles on your roof or noticed water spots, a leak, or even some protrusions, you want to hire a roofing contractor as soon as possible. When it comes to home improvements, especially on a critical structure like your roof, you want it done right the first time.
Your roof system is your home’s first line of defense against the elements. If the outside of your home is well maintained and properly constructed, then the inside of your home will be protected.
Your home’s roofing system is only as good as the contractor you hire, and the materials used. That’s why it’s important to use good quality products and professional contractors when repairing or installing a new roof.
So, how do you choose the right roofing contractor?
Do Your Research
Do your research on products and techniques, get several estimates, and interview multiple roofing contractors if it’s time to have your roof repaired or replaced.
Research and obtain the services, fees, and warranties provided by several different roofing contractors before making the final hiring decision. The worst thing you can do is to go with the first contractor that pops up on your internet search. If possible, you can even check out a roof done by them in the area.
Not all contractors will have an easy-to-use website where you can look up the details, like who you’ll be hiring and what their physical address is if there’s any trouble. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
Check Credentials
Licenses, training, and certifications are all necessary credentials in an experienced roofing contractor. Licenses are required for any legitimate business to operate, so that’s the first thing to ask about. If they don’t have a license, do not hire them. It’ll only lead to trouble otherwise. Depending on your location and state laws, permits are also typically required before starting any construction.
Training and certifications don’t necessarily have to be extensive, but at the very least you want to make sure that all employees you’ll be working with have training and experience in the roofing services you’re looking for. It takes special skills to repair a roof and not just any contractor’s team will have them.
Ask About Insurance
Make sure that your contractor has worker’s compensation and liability insurance. Worker’s compensation will provide coverage if a contractor is injured on the job, and general liability insurance protects your home if a contractor damages it while completing work.
These insurances are put in place to protect you. In the unlikely event that some sort of accident did happen, you would be held fully responsible otherwise.
Do They Have References?
References can provide you with feedback from customers with real-life roofing experiences. Any reputable roofing contractor should be able to provide you with several references. The catch is, they’re most likely not going to give you a reference to a customer that had a negative experience.
People are twice as likely to share a negative experience as they are a positive one, so while it may be helpful to inquire about online reviews, they may not be as accurate as you think. If you’re able to speak directly with a reference, they can provide you with facts based on their experience and feedback on product performance since the work was done.
Knowing how to choose an experienced roofing contractor will help put your mind at ease that you’re getting the best experience for your budget. Remember, your roof is a critical part of your home, and you want the job done right the first time.
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