jefferylyons63108go · 6 years
Contacts Between Russian Officials And Trump Campaign
By far the most witnesses are asked for information about this one point: “any contacts, direct or indirect, between or involving the Russian Federation and its officials, agents, intermediaries, and/or instrumentalities.”
It’s a basic question, and one that’s been asked in various forms since Trump descended the Trump Tower escalator in June 2015 into the national political scene. House investigators appear to be casting a broad net with this request, demanding information from nearly anyone with a connection to the campaign.
House investigators are interested in the following witnesses and entities:
-Cambridge Analytica CEO Alexander Nix
-Trump CFO Allen Weisselberg
-Translator for the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting Anatoli Samochornov
-Private equity executive and cousin of Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg Andrew Intrater
-Brad Parscale, digital media director for Trump’s 2016 campaign, vendor to the Trump Inaugural Committee
-Brittany Kaiser, director at Cambridge Analytica during the 2016 election
-Cambridge Analytica, a UK-based political consulting firm
-Carter Page, Trump campaign foreign policy adviser
-Venture capitalist, Deripaska-linked Christopher Bancroft Burnham
-Columbus Nova, Intrater’s company that signed a $1 million contract with Michael Cohen
-Former Trump campaign chair Corey Lewandowski
-Former White House Counsel Don McGahn
-Donald Trump Jr., presidential son and Trump Org executive
-Eric Trump, son of the president and Trump Org executive
-Former Blackwater CEO Erik Prince
-Flynn Intel Group
-Frontier Services Group, Erik Prince’s company
-General Services Administration
-Victor Vekselberg,  Russian oligarch and ally of Vladimir Putin who signed a lucrative consulting contract with Cohen
-George Nader, Middle Eastern fixer with links to the United Arab Emirates who is cooperating with the special counsel probe
-Trump Transition
-George Papadopoulos, former Trump 2016 adviser who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI
-Hope Hicks, former Trump campaign press secretary and White House communications adviser
-Trump Org
-Irakly Kaveladze,  Russian-American real estate developer who attended June 2016 Trump Tower meeting
-J.D. Gordon, Trump 2016 national security adviser 
-Trump Foundation
-Trump campaign
-Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and White House adviser
-Tony Fabrizio, Republican pollster and strategist questioned by Mueller about polling data Manafort shared with pro-Kremlin individuals during the 2016 campaign
-Manafort spokesman Jason Maloni
-Tom Bossert, lawyer and former Trump Homeland Security Advisor 
-Jeff Sessions, former attorney general
-Tom Barrack, real estate investor and chairman of Trump’s inaugural committee 
-Jerome Corsi, conspiracy theorist who appeared to have advance knowledge of WikiLeaks’s release of John Podesta’s emails
-Peter Smith associate John Szobocsan
-Wikileaks founder Julian Assange
-Cambridge Analytica CEO Julian David Wheatland
-Ted Malloch, London-based writer who served as Corsi’s alleged WikiLeaks contact
-KT McFarland, former Fox News talking head and former deputy to Michael Flynn on the National Security Council 
-Kushner Companies
-Matt Tait, cybersecurity expert contacted by Peter Smith to obtain Clinton emails
-Steve Bannon, former Trump 2016 CEO and White House chief strategist. Ex-vice-president of the board of Cambridge Analytica
-Michael Caputo, GOP operative and Trump campaign adviser
-Michael Cohen, former personal attorney and fixer for President Trump
-Michael Flynn, former Trump campaign adviser and U.S. national security adviser
-SCL Group Limited,  parent company of Cambridge Analytica
-Michael Flynn Jr., Flynn’s son and an aide on the 2016 campaign
-The White House
-National Rifle Association
-Paul Erickson, Republican strategist who helped connect ex-girlfriend and admitted Russian agent Maria Butina to NRA and GOP bigwigs
-Sam Nunberg,  Trump 2016 campaign adviser 
-Paul Manafort, former Trump campaign chairman awaiting sentencing for tax and bank fraud
-Estate of Peter Smith, deceased GOP operative who sought to obtain Clinton’s emails during the 2016 campaign
-Randy Credico, associate of Roger Stone who Stone claimed was his “conduit” to WikiLeaks
-Roger Stone, GOP “dirty trickster” indicted for lying about his efforts to obtain Clinton’s emails from WikiLeaks and for interfering with witnesses
-Reince Priebus, former RNC chairman and White House chief of staff
-Sean Spicer,  ex-White House Press Secretary and Trump administration communications director
-Rhona Graff, Trump’s longtime personal assistant at the Trump Organization
-Rob Goldstone, British music publicist who helped broker the Trump Tower summit between Kremlin-linked Russian attorney and Trump campaign officials 
-Rinat Akhmetshin, Russian-American lobbyist who attended the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting 
from DIYS https://ift.tt/2TffDYU
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jefferylyons63108go · 6 years
Russian Financing Of Trump Organization, Of Trump Family Members
Numerous Trump Organization employees are asked about whether Russian state-owned or private entities financed the Trump organization, or members of the Trump family itself. The request also appears to extend to Jared Kushner and his family real-estate business, the Kushner Companies.
Different requests focus on whether this potential financing include purchases of Trump-owned apartments, or whether it came in the form of loans or large capital investments.
House investigators are interested in the following witnesses and entities:
-Trump Org CLO Alan Garten
-Trump CFO Allen Weisselberg
-Translator for the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting Anatoli Samochornov
-Private equity executive and cousin of Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg Andrew Intrater
-Brad Parscale, digital media director for Trump’s 2016 campaign, vendor to the Trump Inaugural Committee
-Venture capitalist, Deripaska-linked Christopher Bancroft Burnham
-Columbus Nova, Intrater’s company that signed a $1 million contract with Michael Cohen
-Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust
-Donald Trump Jr., presidential son and Trump Org executive
-Eric Trump, son of the president and Trump Org executive
-Former Blackwater CEO Erik Prince
-Trump Moscow Tower planner, Trump SoHo associate Felix Sater
-Flynn Intel Group
-Frontier Services Group, Erik Prince’s company
-General Services Administration
-Viktor Vekselberg, Russian oligarch and ally of Vladimir Putin who signed a lucrative consulting contract with Cohen
-George Nader, Middle Eastern fixer with links to the United Arab Emirates who is cooperating with the special counsel probe
-Trump Transition
-Hope Hicks, former Trump campaign press secretary and White House communications adviser
-Trump Org
-Irakly Kaveladze, Russian-American real estate developer who attended June 2016 Trump Tower meeting 
-Trump Foundation
-J.D. Gordon,  Trump 2016 national security adviser 
-Trump campaign
-Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and White House adviser
-Tony Fabrizio, Republican pollster and strategist questioned by Mueller about polling data Manafort shared with pro-Kremlin individuals during the 2016 campaign
-Manafort spokesman Jason Maloni
-Jeff Sessions, former attorney general
-Tom Barrack, real estate investor and chairman of Trump’s inaugural committee 
-Kushner companies
-Steve Bannon, former Trump 2016 CEO and White House chief strategist. Ex-vice-president of the board of Cambridge Analytica
-Trump Org COO Matthew Calamari
-Michael Cohen,  former personal attorney and fixer for President Trump
-Stefan Passantino, former deputy White House counsel for compliance and ethics 
-Sheri Dillon, personal attorney to Trump
-Michael Flynn, former Trump campaign adviser and U.S. national security adviser
-Michael Flynn Jr., Flynn’s son and an aide on the 2016 campaign
-The White House
-Paul Erickson, Republican strategist who helped connect ex-girlfriend and admitted Russian agent Maria Butina to NRA and GOP bigwigs
-Sam Nunberg,  Trump 2016 campaign adviser 
-Ronald C. Lieberman, executive vice president for management and development at the Trump Organization
-Roger Stone, GOP “dirty trickster” indicted for lying about his efforts to obtain Clinton’s emails from WikiLeaks and for interfering with witnesses
-Reince Priebus, former RNC chairman and White House chief of staff
-Rhona Graff, Trump’s longtime personal assistant at the Trump Organization
-Sean Spicer, ex-White House Press Secretary and Trump administration communications director
-Rob Goldstone, British music publicist who helped broker the Trump Tower summit between Kremlin-linked Russian attorney and Trump campaign officials 
-Rick Gates, former Manafort deputy, ex-Trump campaign and transition adviser, now a cooperating witness in the special counsel probe 
-Rinat Akhmetshin, Russian-American lobbyist who attended the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting 
from DIYS https://ift.tt/2EvU8sL
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jefferylyons63108go · 6 years
Hush Money Payments To Women, AMI ‘Catch And Kill’ Agreement
Former Trump attorney Michael Cohen pleaded guilty last year to engaging in a scheme by which he funneled hush money from Trump to Stormy Daniels, a porn star he allegedly slept with.
The arrangement worked in part by National Enquirer parent company American Media Inc. buying exclusive rights to the story, and then never publishing it. Cohen and numerous AMI officials (as well as the company itself) are asked for information related to the scheme.
House investigators are interested in the following witnesses and entities:
-Trump Org CLO Alan Garten
-Trump CFO Allen Weisselberg
-American Media Inc.
-Brad Parscale, digital media director for Trump’s 2016 campaign, vendor to the Trump Inaugural Committee
-AMI CEO David Pecker
-Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust
-Donald Trump Jr., presidential son and Trump Org executive
-AMI Chief Content Officer Dylan Howard
-Eric Trump, son of the president and Trump Org executive
-Trump Org
-Hope Hicks, former Trump campaign press secretary and White House communications adviser
-Trump campaign
-Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and White House adviser
-Tom Barrack, real estate investor and chairman of Trump’s inaugural committee 
-Stormy Daniels attorney Keith Davidson
-Steve Bannon, former Trump 2016 CEO and White House chief strategist. Ex-vice-president of the board of Cambridge Analytica
-Trump Org COO Matthew Calamari
-Stefan Passantino, former deputy White House counsel for compliance and ethics 
-Michael Cohen,  former personal attorney and fixer for President Trump
-The White House
-Ronald C. Lieberman,  executive vice president for management and development at the Trump Organization
-Roger Stone, GOP “dirty trickster” indicted for lying about his efforts to obtain Clinton’s emails from WikiLeaks and for interfering with witnesses
-Rhona Graff, Trump’s longtime personal assistant at the Trump Organization
-Sean Spicer, ex-White House Press Secretary and Trump administration communications director
-Rick Gates, former Manafort deputy, ex-Trump campaign and transition adviser, now a cooperating witness in the special counsel probe 
from DIYS https://ift.tt/2TjtehN
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jefferylyons63108go · 6 years
See where house flippers get the best ROI in Wisconsin: Slideshow
Tumblr media
The Milwaukee-Waukesha-West Allis metro experienced a surge of homes on the market that were previously flipped by real estate investors in 2018, according to a study by California-based property database ATTOM Data Solutions. Among metro areas with at least 1 million people, the Milwaukee metro ranked in the top 10 in the U.S. with a year-over-year increase of 8.3 percent in home flipping rates. The home flipping rate is a percentage of flipped properties that accounted for total home sales for… from DIYS https://ift.tt/2Tx8pif
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jefferylyons63108go · 6 years
Amazon to Leave Seattle's Rainier Square - National Real Estate Investor
Amazon to Leave Seattle's Rainier Square  National Real Estate Investor
(Bloomberg)—Amazon.com Inc., which scrapped a deal this month to open offices in New York after clashing with local politicians, is pulling out of a lease in ...
from DIYS https://ift.tt/2Vnpjx1
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jefferylyons63108go · 6 years
Roofstock Pitches Stakes in Single-Family Rentals - National Real Estate Investor
Roofstock Pitches Stakes in Single-Family Rentals  National Real Estate Investor
SFR start-up Roofstock to offer investors direct access to rental income from SFRs without the need to carry a mortgage.
from DIYS https://ift.tt/2Tb6AaL
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jefferylyons63108go · 6 years
East African real estate investors discover the working class - The New Times
East African real estate investors discover the working class  The New Times
The last 20 years of real estate boom in East Africa has changed our building landscape and inventory, as it quite rightly should have done. Our starting point ...
from DIYS https://ift.tt/2EwpeS1
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jefferylyons63108go · 6 years
Chip and Joanna Gaines Buy a Castle That Could Do Them In—These Pics Reveal Why
HGTV; realtor.com
Chip and Joanna Gaines have fixed up a whole lot of houses—but are they ready to tackle a castle?
Cottonland Castle, a 129-year-old, 1,700-square-foot stone building in the Castle Heights neighborhood of Waco, TX, is a historic landmark, but has been vacant for about 20 years. The previous owner, an Oxford University scholar, had hoped to renovate the place but realized it was just too much work. So he listed the place for $425,000, and Chip and Jo snapped it up (the final sales price is still unknown).
“I can confirm that Magnolia has purchased the historic Cottonland Castle,” Magnolia spokesman John Marsicano wrote in an email to the Waco Tribune-Herald. “For nearly two decades, Chip and Joanna have admired the property as a hallmark of the Castle Heights neighborhood—they’ve even made past attempts to purchase it. The property is an iconic piece of Waco’s history and while specific plans have not yet been determined, one thing is for certain: Their efforts will focus on fully completing the home’s long overdue and well deserved restoration.”
Chip and Joanna Gaines have bought Cottonland Castle in Waco, TX.
But have these “Fixer Upper” stars bitten off more than they can chew? Adding some shiplap and a farmhouse sink to a house is one thing; overhauling a leaky, creaky castle is a far bigger endeavor—one that could easily drain even the deepest of pockets dry.
This historic landmark suffers from water damage, rotting woodwork, ancient electrical and plumbing systems, and other issues that, according to one estimate by a previous contractor, would cost anywhere from $600,000 to $1 million to fix.
“The range quoted by the previous contractor, of $600,000  to $1,000,000, is worryingly wide,” says Brian Davis, a real estate investor, landlord, and a co-founder and real estate writer at SparkRental.com. “Unique, historic buildings like this one are notoriously unpredictable and expensive to renovate as well. The Gaineses will have some additional legal hoops to jump through, given its historic landmark status.”
And even after they have poured their hearts, souls, and bank accounts into completing this royal pain of a renovation, what could the Gaineses possibly do to turn a profit?
The interior of Cottonland Castle—which clearly needs work
Is Chip and Joanna Gaines’ castle a good or bad investment?
“Whether the castle proves to be a good investment or a money pit will depend on what the Gaineses plan to do with it after renovating it,” says Davis.
The most obvious option is to flip the place, but that’s unlikely, given its high price tag.
“Looking at comps in the area, I doubt they’re doing it as a flip,” says Ben Mizes, founder of Clever Real Estate. “It could work, but it’s tough flipping a property like this when the pool of potential buyers are so small.”
The Gaineses could, on the other hand, keep the property and, say, turn it into a bed-and-breakfast or wedding venue.
“This castle has a ton of potential to host weddings and other events,” says Mizes. “Having recently attended a wedding at a castle in Lake Tahoe, I can attest to the positive reactions from the guests, and the excitement of the bride and groom. If the business was successful, the income from weddings should be enough to cover their mortgage payment.”
A run-down fireplace at Cottonland Castle
However, past discussions to use this castle for commercial purposes have been thwarted by local community members who hate the idea of this beloved landmark being used as a wedding backdrop, or a crash pad for out-of-town tourists.
“A bed-and-breakfast would be an uphill battle, given the community’s past refusals to approve that kind of use,” Davis adds.
Yet Mizes doesn’t think it’s such a doomed idea—particularly if the neighborhood gets something in return.
“A bed-and-breakfast could work if it was positioned properly to the community,” Mizes says. “If the community says no, the Gaineses could offer a portion of their income to go to a neighborhood improvement fund, so everyone benefits from the newly renovated caste.”
“Perhaps if they did do something charitable with it, they would keep it for events but also open it to the public for tours with a portion of proceeds being donated to Waco,” says Florida real estate agent Cara Ameer. “That way, they give back to a town that has given so much to them.”
Cottonland Castle is a historic landmark building.
From money pit to gold mine?
In other words, if the Gaineses navigate this tangle of renovation problems and community issues carefully, they could come out ahead—and in the red.
“Let’s give Chip and Joanna credit where credit is due: They definitely know how to make lemonade out of lemons and make a profit, too,” says Sheryl English, a real estate agent in Dallas. “They are also real estate agents and investors and know a great opportunity when they see it. Although some in the community may oppose this property being a bed-and-breakfast, they bring business and opportunities to Waco, and tourism. I’m sure the city welcomes the tax revenue.”
“Due to the success of their initial run on HGTV, the Gaineses are building an empire, so tackling a project of this magnitude suggests they’re trying to push the envelope and take what they do to a whole new level,” says Ameer. “Anyone can flip a home, but tackling a complicated and ornate historic property like this castle is another matter. The Gaineses have the capital, resources, and wherewithal to turn this property from a money pit to a gold mine.”
At the end of the day, “what could possibly be wrong with continuing to invest in the community where they live? They could easily be spending their money on a castle in a different country, so that right there speaks volumes,” points out real estate expert and interior designer Ana Cummings.
“So many people are flocking to Waco now, there absolutely is a need for an upscale place to stay,” she adds. “Chip and Joanna, I’d surely stay there!”
The post Chip and Joanna Gaines Buy a Castle That Could Do Them In—These Pics Reveal Why appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from DIYS https://ift.tt/2Eyj5VH
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jefferylyons63108go · 6 years
real estate investors look to recast Goose Island - Crain's Chicago Business
real estate investors look to recast Goose Island  Crain's Chicago Business
A recent string of deals are the latest steps toward a rebirth for a patch of mostly industrial land that some investors hope will become an enclave where people ...
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from DIYS https://ift.tt/2IsYKoK
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jefferylyons63108go · 6 years
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jefferylyons63108go · 6 years
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from DIYS http://bit.ly/2BSnEbJ
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jefferylyons63108go · 6 years
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from DIYS http://bit.ly/2GMXXMG
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jefferylyons63108go · 6 years
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Greystar Real Estate Partners, Together with Investment Partners APG Asset Management, Bouwinvest Real Estate Investors, and Macquarie, Announce First Close of US$450 Million China-Focused Fund  Business Wire
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from DIYS http://bit.ly/2Xarmq7
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