jeffludlum · 21 hours
ALL Metta
Boiled down mantra, For my kids, For all kids, For everyone, For a better everyday, Like so: “Slow Calm Quiet At Ease.”
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jeffludlum · 2 days
Snippet Work
Learning to work in snippets, a true life skill that will serve you well. Snippet, a little bit, something special; the skill to work in bits, for sure something special. And clarifier if you will, By work I mean chores, professional work, reading, writing, just about anything… For most of my life I’ve thought (mistakenly) I needed big chunks of time to get things done; not so. While some…
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jeffludlum · 3 days
Raw Moment
I think most of my posts on this site are 100% honest. At least that’s what I strive for. Observations, perspectives, facts for sure…and honesty…truth. It’s all intended to be completely forthcoming. And that’s what I deliver. Sometimes in addition to being honest, it is a bit raw, more unfiltered. Here’s one. After two marriages that ended in divorce, I still, STILL, don’t want to be alone;…
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jeffludlum · 4 days
Pippen Wisdom
Taking the liberty of reposting this bit of wisdom from Scottie Pippen, basketball legend and celebrated complete man to another legend on the court, Michael Jordan. Amen, Mr. Pippen, AMEN. “ As you get older, you’ll realize that a $30,000 watch and a $30 watch both tell the same time. A Gucci wallet and a Target wallet hold the same amount of money. A $10,000,000 house and a $100,000 house…
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jeffludlum · 5 days
Heaven Forbid: Right Lane, Checking Email, Checking Messages
Heaven forbid, The good, the bad, the ugly, Time to time, as I speed down the highway on the commute, Lane Two, or Three, my preference, There in Lane Four, far right side, cars sometimes slower than the traffic pace, Slower than I’d like, glance over, the driver is looking down, to the middle of his/her steering wheel, Holding a smart phone, pocket computer, checking the screen, eyes…
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jeffludlum · 6 days
RIP, Señor Flores
One of my favorite colleagues passed away yesterday from cancer; he had battled for several years; it final did it’s worst. Señor Carlos Flores. Somewhere in his early 60’s, I think. One of the most quietly friendly, most empathetic people I’ve ever worked with. Fantastic, dry sense of humor; yet always ready with a supportive word too. He is survived by his wife and two adult daughters. You…
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jeffludlum · 7 days
Fear & Faith
Belief. It comes down to belief. Believe in yourself. Believe in your place in the universe. And realize the courage is not the absence of fear; courage is taking necessary action in spite of the anxiety and fear, in spite of the uncertainty. Have faith, and do. GOOD.
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jeffludlum · 8 days
Ideals, Institutions, & Democracy
I believe in Ideals, Institutions, and Democracy. I’m just going to leave this right here: “George W. Bush’s attorney general, like Bush’s VP, says he is voting for Harris: “It is the president’s integrity, honesty and respect for our institutions that may be the most important and reliable check on abuses of power.””
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jeffludlum · 9 days
Insisting A Reset
Consider the reset. Watching a football game recently, One team down by a couple touchdowns in the first half, Commentators talking about the losing team wanting to get to half-time, get to the locker-room, To Reset. Just about now as I scribble this down, I’m working on a reset, One more work day, solo weekend, ambitious list of various do’s, need to, want to, Get to reset to clear,…
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jeffludlum · 10 days
Soothing Sounds
Soothing sounds in the world around, surround, Coffee pot cooking, Wind chimes singing, Fan humming, Kids in slumber, Creak of an old house, Heart beating, breath in, out, Soothing sounds, GOOD.
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jeffludlum · 11 days
I love the feeling, the spark of interest and inspiration from unexpected places. Like Jake Moody. 2nd season with the SF Forty Niners as their Placekicker. And as a Kicker? Certified bad-ass. See Wikipedia for his impressive stats in college. And for his NFL numbers so far too. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jake_Moody?wprov=sfti1#
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jeffludlum · 12 days
Frustrated Football, Then, Gratitude
DIRECTV & Disney in contract dispute means NO MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL in my house. ABC? NO. ESPN? NO. So…thankful for NFL Channel and Game Center. Sorta like radio with X’s & O’s, plus stats; and some occasional live game video. Humph. I was gonna bitch. Instead I’ll be thankful for what I have access to. GO NINERS !! #gratitude
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jeffludlum · 12 days
Three-Auto K9 Commune
There’s a grocery not far from my house; it’s in a shopping center with a half dozen other stores. There’s a big, shared parking lot; small trees cluster here and there in the cement-lined dirt planter boxes.
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jeffludlum · 13 days
Seems much of my adult life I’ve had an effect, a connection to people. All shapes and sizes. For a while decades back I considered the religious life, as a monk, or priest. Ended up staying in the secular world of vocation. But the connections have never stopped happening. Related topic, several years back good friends asked if I could, would officiate at their wedding. The honor of a…
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jeffludlum · 14 days
Bits of Good: Leftovers, et. al.
Bits of good, mixed together, Clear containers in the fridge, a half can leftover, Mix well, top with a fried egg, oh so good, Micro dose IPA, Beam, Topper just right, chaser just so, Mindset, make it, mix it, GOOD.
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jeffludlum · 15 days
Everyday Art
Find it where you can, appreciate it when it appears, savor the moment, GOOD.
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jeffludlum · 16 days
Peel Off: Make Lasting Good
Earlier this week, standing with my 11-year-old son out front of the house one morning before school. We were standing by my 23 year old Toyota Echo: what o call the little blue car. One of the car window rubber liners had started to come apart; understandable, after more than two decades. My son proceeded to peel that part off, running it all the way along the bottom of the window. And this…
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