jemick39 · 6 years
This is How it Happens
This is how it happens...
Colluding is not illegal
Trump calls press, Fake news
Hitler called It the lying press
Without the press the people lose
Children ripped from mothers
Caged and lost in the system
We wonder how this can be...
Don’t be complacent listen
Passports are being taken
People detained without recourse
This could be your family
We must be their voice
We are bullied into silence
Do nothing and you will be asked...
Didn’t you hear their cries?
Don’t forget the past
This is how it happens...
History will repeat itself
Only we can stop it...
Rise together and take a stand
Blog, YouTube, Protest
For Complacency....
Is the enemy!
Vote 2018!
JE McCormick
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jemick39 · 6 years
Lady Justice
Lady Justice
Why were you blindfolded?
Did the men in power not want you to see?
How your laws could be used for more power?
Power over the common people...
Power over women
Power over pregnant women
Power over children
Power over the elderly
Power over social security
When did serve your country become serve yourself?
Did you see who ripped your dress?
Forced your legs apart and took your Justice?
Will you be able to stand for the people while in tatters?
We will believe in you
We will fight for you
We will try to protect you
But it is up to all Americans to save you.
JE McCormick
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jemick39 · 6 years
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Another faerie house
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jemick39 · 6 years
Pinot noir
Should I be in my femme fatale slinky outfit?
Smoking a cigarette, I blow, smoke in your face.
My lips are softly pursed, as the smoke passes across...
Your eyes riveted on the red painted flesh...
Imagining what else those lips could do.
You are already lost.
A victim, like all noir genre.
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jemick39 · 6 years
Waiting to clock in
Waiting in traffic
Waiting in offices
Waiting to meet someone
Waiting for service
Waiting in hospitals
Waiting for time
Time that was
Time that’s lost
Time that will not return
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jemick39 · 6 years
Doggary Forest, Pacific Northwest, United States ~ 2018
The vile stench overwhelmed her senses. Never had she smelled anything so foul. She realized that her elders prophecy of her flying into trouble that could end her life may be this day. She had followed the stench looking for its origin, even though she knew she was in forbidden territory. She believed the elders made up the fairytale of Trolls. There were no more Trolls in the modern world. Everyone knew the Trolls had been defeated 200 years ago at the Battle of Mount Hood. There was something very wrong in this part of the forest.
Dogarry Forest seemed off. The forest was silent. No calls of the birds. No scampering and rustle of ground leaves as chipmunks and squirrels hopped over them. She flew into the open end of a rotted, moss and fern covered log and peered from the dark interior through a smaller hole in the log. She could feel the vibration first. Then a slow and steady thump and crunch of trees and plants being squished under a very heavy tread. A grotesque and ginormous image appeared down Balch Creek. She had never seen one, but it could only be a Mountain Troll!
The steady, crushing pace continued toward her! She was frozen in disbelief. As the Troll raised his leg the stench almost caused her to pass out. Fortunately, it did jolt her senses enough to get her flying out from the log, out of the path of the Trolls giant foot, and under the safe coverage of a moss-covered stone near the creek. She peeked around the stone as the Troll continued down the creek. Should she follow the Troll? Her legs had not stopped shaking and even her wings felt limp.
This is one time she knew she was over her head. She did not know how many Trolls had survived if they had traps set in the forest, but she knew whatever they were up to would not be good for the forest. She knew the code of the Dogarry Forest Fairies, “Protect the forest, animals, plants, and humans that appreciated the woods and trails. And, “Do no Harm.” That had been a hard lesson she had learned as a wee faerie. She had been too young to understand that changing winter colors of the plants and flowers of the forest to pretty spring and summer colors damaged the plants’ natural rhythms. Even though it was prettier it was not natural or healthy for the plants. She was sure the Troll did not understand the forest codes. She shook herself, spread her wings, lifted her chin and shoved off from the Forest Floor.
“Raaaach!” Screeched Jay...the Steller Jay, “You are so in trouble! The elder has been asking where you are, and already believes you have done something forbidden. Of course, I told her that you would never go that far? Tell me you did not go that far, Wild Rose?” Jay followed his rambling with a typical Steller Jay aggrieved noise…chk, chk, chk, chk…. He looked closer at her appearance and noticed the forest debris clinging to her long red curls, the torn sleeve and freckles sticking out on a very pale face.
“It’s WR, please. You know I hate to be called Wild Rose.” She quickly changed topics and asked in an offhand way, “Have you flown over Balch Creek lately?”
“Gobber shnots, no! That is Fairy Area 51! No one is allowed past the ravine! The elders must know you have been out there. I bet one of the black crows ratted you out. You know you can’t trust a crow as far as you, oh never mind. Raaaacht,”
“I did not say I was at Balch Creek, just wondered if you had seen or, WR paused, smelled something.”
“We have been friends since you were first found and brought to the forest. We have practically grown up together. There is nothing you can hide from me. We have gotten into and out of trouble and I know your trouble face! Do not try to disassemble your story to me, it would be an insult to our friendship.” Jay looked at her with concern. “What has happened?”
The sun was cutting through the mist turning Dogarry Forest into an “enchanted” land, usually a time of day she cherished. Wild Rose loved the early mornings before the other fairies were out and about. It was the time of day she could do what she wanted without comment. Unfortunately, this day she knew there would be comments aplenty.
“I saw a Troll!”
“No way!” Screeched Jae
“I was on my early morning flight, you know how much I enjoy that time of day. I wasn’t paying attention, just enjoying the forest when I smelled something horrible. It was just wrong and did not belong in the woods. I wanted to know what it was and followed the stench. I knew I was heading into forbidden territory, but I felt it was important to find out what was going on. As the stink began to make me nauseous I heard and then saw a Mountain Troll. They are worse than you can imagine Jay.” Said WR.
“We should hurry to the council house. We need to let the elders know what has happened. You may get into trouble, but I agree with you that it was important that you followed your fairy sense and discovered this atrocity.
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jemick39 · 6 years
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Dogarry Forest - Wildrose in front of a faerie entrance.
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jemick39 · 6 years
Faeries of Dogarry Forest
The Faeries Of Dogarry Forest A snippet of what is to come…
Prologue ~ Porton Down (Defense Science and Technology Laboratory), England 1941
“They’re gone!” yelled Timmons, breathing heavily from the sprint up the stairs from the basement level. “That is impossible!” Dr. Stephanie Moredun shouted back. She knew Timmons could be a slacker, but he had the muscle and the mindset needed to enjoy pulling wings off butterflies or in this case Faeries. “Did you fall asleep on the job? Forget to lock their boxes? If you lost our entire supply you will pay in ways you can’t even imagine!” Timmons tried to hide his reaction to her statement. He could almost feel his bowls release in fear. He knew how vindictive and evil this woman was. Whoever thought women were nurturing creatures had not worked with Dr. Stephanie. She scrutinized his every move. If he did not enjoy the work so much he would not have stayed this long at Porton Laboratory. He truly did enjoy torturing the little buggers while the “good doctor”, took their blood, spit, urine and any other liquid she could squeeze out of them to find a way to corrupt their magic. “Everything was secured when I left the holding area to bring you your next subject.” When I went back they had vanished! It is not my fault! You know those little bugs are tricky.” Timmons whined. “Idiot! Imbecile! I can’t believe this! We just got funds for five more years of research! I am going to kill you!” Dr. Stephanie screamed. Her face had taken on an almost purple hue and her eyes looked like they were going to explode out of her head. Timmons had never been so afraid in his life. He felt like she could easily peel the skin slowly off his body and enjoy the process. He looked at the wee faerie secured to the table. He had not been put under yet. The faerie known as, Subject B, looked surprised and he thought he saw a flash of anger at this news, before he looked back calmly. “Come see for yourself. I did not do anything different than I have in the past.” He turned and led the way out of the laboratory and headed for the basement stairs. He stopped at the door and stepped back waving his arm forward and said, “After you Doctor.” Dr. Stephanie glared and curled her lip at him and almost snarled as she pushed past him to go down to the basement. Timmons waited until she was five stairs down and slammed the basement door and locked it. He knew she could make him disappear from the face of the earth and no one would care or ask whatever happened to him. He knew he would be blamed for this incident, so he decided it was time to find other opportunities. He could hear her screaming threats and pounding of the door as he walked back to her office. He opened the top drawer to the desk and got the keys to the Packard. Then turned toward the hideous painting of fishermen on a rough sea and took it off the wall. There was the safe that he had watched Stephanie open many times. She should be more careful, but she had such a low opinion of him and to high opinion of herself. He turned the dial quickly and heard the tumbler click into place. He turned the handle and opened the safe. There he grabbed several sacks of money and headed for the door. He was about to leave when he thought of Subject B still secured in the lab. He decided he would pay the good doctor back for her spiteful attitude and behavior towards him over the years. Losing the Faeries was not his fault, but he decided he would free Subject B and leave her with Nothing!
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