jen-st-james · 7 years
Grey grinned when Jensen obliged him. “Mmm…it’ll do for now,” he said as Jensen moved next to him on the couch. He was just about to pick up his pad and pen again when Jensen mentioned the offer. “What? To write? Really?!” Within seconds he had his arms thrown around Jensen. “Why didn’t you lead with that, you oaf?” He gave Jensen’s chest a mock punch before kissing him. 
Jen laughed as his love threw his arms around him. “No, to do porn,” he teased, mock-wincing at the punch and kissing him back soundly. “Ugh stop with the abuse. I promise next time I won’t bury the lead. But seriously, six pieces, six months and I can do it from wherever I want.” He kept his arms around Grey as he told him the details. “Which means, I’m getting a nearly obscene amount of money to do what I love plus - I can follow you around and be your groupie.”
Opportunity || Greysen
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jen-st-james · 7 years
Grey had been frowning at his notebook for what felt like hours, but was likely only a matter of minutes. Writing lyrics never came easily to him. It was the composition that he found more his comfort zone. But he was stubborn and wouldn’t let anyone write his lyrics. So he agonized over it. 
He was grateful for the distraction when he felt Jensen’s arms wrap around him from behind the couch. Tilting his head back, he looked up at Jensen. “I’m being kissed by you. Duh,” he replied, tapping his lips impatiently.
Jensen chuckled and rolled his eyes at Grey’s demand. Not that he wasn’t going to give in. He kissed him soundly, hand moving to cup his cheek. “That sufficient, your lordship?” he asked as they parted, letting go and moving to plop down on the couch next to him. “I got an offer out of New York,” he began, picking a thread off his jeans. “I don’t think I’m going to be a fry cook much longer.”
Opportunity || Greysen
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jen-st-james · 7 years
Opportunity || Greysen
Jen hadn’t expected his article to go National. His little op-ed that ran in the Wilde City newspaper had taken off and was now suddenly showing up across the country and on blogs everywhere. It was fantastic but also overwhelming. Now he had a choice to make. Several offers had come in for him to write other pieces but there was one place that was offering an extended opportunity. Six months, six articles. And a higher number that Jen had ever thought he’d make. 
With Grey’s career beginning to take off, it was the perfect opportunity. He could write from anywhere. That meant that they didn’t have to stay in Wilde. If Grey had the opportunity to tour, then he could do it and Jen could still go with him. 
After getting the email, he wandered out to their living room to find his love to give him the news. He leaned over the back of the couch where Grey was sitting and wrapped his arms around his neck. “Hey. Whatcha doing?”
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jen-st-james · 8 years
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jen-st-james · 8 years
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[Jen brings home flowers made of sheet music and gourmet ice cream. Because, ice cream.]
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jen-st-james · 8 years
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jen-st-james · 8 years
Isn’t it crazy how more options just makes you all the more overwhelmed? Have you found any good contenders yet?
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Exactly, suddenly I get to decide whether I want a view. The best view I had before was the alley entrance to the Chinese place. But, yeah, I think we found something we both like. Now to actually leasing it and moving. 
I’m Jen, by the way.
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Originally posted by officialjaymcguiness
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jen-st-james · 8 years
Not recently but it sure does feel like it. I’m away from the city a lot for work. 
I’m guessing it didn’t go well? :-(
Yeah? Then I’m guessing we haven’t met. I’m Jensen.
Nah, I think we found a place. It was just super overwhelming, you know? 
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jen-st-james · 8 years
You guys are moving?? You’d better stay within visiting distance.
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We aren’t leaving you, princess. Promise. May end up with a guest room for you and everything.
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jen-st-james · 8 years
I see, I see.  I suppose that makes sense.  It’s the same as how your wallet is more organized the smaller it is, da?  Once it gets big you just stuff it full of miscellaneous things.  Oh, but I hope that the search is going a little bit well, at least?
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Yeah, exactly. But, yeah, I think we may have landed on a place. At least I hope so. Our place is way too small for us and the pets. I’m sorry, I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Jensen.
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jen-st-james · 8 years
Yeah, that was a pretty good feature considering our past with bookshelves. 
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Shared history. Gotta love it. So what do you think? Should we look at that one again?
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Originally posted by mcguinessdaily
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jen-st-james · 8 years
Is that so?  I would have thought that it would be the other way around.
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You’d think, right? But when you are poor your options are pretty limited. It’s a matter of choosing between what’s crap and what is slightly less crap. 
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Originally posted by officialjaymcguiness
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jen-st-james · 8 years
Good luck! I know how frustrating it can be.
Right? It’s horrid. Did you recently move?
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jen-st-james · 8 years
Originally posted by officialjaymcguiness
I’m starting to forget which features were in which apartments. Which one had the gross carpet in the bathroom?
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I’m not sure. I think I blocked it out because no way I was going to live with that.  I did like the one with the built in bookshelf.
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Originally posted by officialjaymcguiness
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jen-st-james · 8 years
I don’t right now and I definitely won’t once we’re moved out.
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Good. I would hate to think you’d pine over it. I hope we find something soon though. I don’t think I can take speaking to  any more supers or landlords.
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Originally posted by officialjaymcguiness
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jen-st-james · 8 years
grey-st-james replied to your photo
Stop oh my god.
Pft. Nope.
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jen-st-james · 8 years
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