jenaicomprispas · 4 years
2020 dictionary additions
Adulescence: keeping the behaviour of a teen as an adult
Alphabète: who can read and write (from Burundi and Switzerland)
Antispécisme: rejection of the notion of hierarchy between different animal species and of the superiority of the human specie
Apatridie: absence of legal nationality
Bigorexie: unhealthy exercise addiction
Bioplastique: biodegradable plastic
Bore-out: burnout caused by boring jobs/daily tasks/lack of work
Charge mentale: situation where someone, usually a woman, is expected to supervise everything regarding the house and children, generating physical and psychological exhaustion
Cryptomonnaie: virtual payment method that uses cryptography to stay safe and avoids being regulated and controlled by banks
Cyberdjihadisme: using the internet to promote jihadism
Dagobert: sandwich (from Belgium)
Darknet: anonymous network that can only be accessed using special software, configuration, or authorization
Datacratie: political weight of digital data
Dédiésélisation: process of trying to reduce the number of Diesel vehicles
Divulgâcher: to spoil (from Québec)
Emportiérage: action of unintentionally injuring a cyclist by opening a car door without looking (from Québec)
Fachosphère: whole of fascist/far-right political parties
Inclusif/ve, adj: integration a person or group to end their exclusion
Iridescent-e: iridescent
Hackaton: working marathon where a group of people work constantly for 24-48h to find new ideas, usually in digital innovation jobs
Locavorisme: eating only local/seasonal fruits+vegs to protect the planet
Nounoune: a bit naive, stupid (from Québec)
Raguiller: to put back on track (from Switzerland)
Sentience: possession of consciousness or sensory awareness
Slasheur: person, usually young, who works several jobs
Smicardisation: increase of the number of employees paid minimum wage on the long-term (SMIC in French)
Sorteur: party animal (from Belgium)
Suprémacisme: supremacism
Survivalisme: lifestyle of a person or group of people who get ready for a catastrophy on a local or world scale
Taxieur: cab driver (from Algery)
Traceur: satellite geo-locating tracker
Ubériser: making an existing business model obsolete, usually by using a virtual platform
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jenaicomprispas · 4 years
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cooperandbaby_corgi on ig
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jenaicomprispas · 4 years
hi could you share the names or works of french+ black people pls
In music:
Oxmo Puccino
Maître Gims
Aya Nakamura
Sexion d’assaut
Passi (...)
In literature:
Le Comte de Monte-Cristo + Les Trois Mousquetaires - Alexandre Dumas
Hosties noires + Ethiopiques - Léopold Sédar Senghor
Cahier d'un retour au pays natal 1939 - Aimé Césaire
Le rocher de Tanios - Amin Maalouf
Négritude et négrologues - Stanislas Spero Adotevi
Allah n’est pas obligé - Ahmadou Kourouma
Batouala - René Maran 
Histoire de la littérature négro-africaine - Lilyan Kesteloot
Les enfants du nouveau monde - Assia Djebar
La Grève des bàttu ou les déchets humains - Aminata Sow Fall
Mémoires de porc-épic - Alain Mabanckou
L'intérieur de la nuit - Léonora Miano
Matins noirs - Karfa Diallo
Poètes d'expression française - Léon-Gontran Damas
Le temps du martyre - David Diop 
From la Créolité movement: L'éloge de la Créolité (collective), Texaco - Patrick Chamoiseau, Le nègre et l’amiral - Raphaël Confiant, Le Partage des ancêtres - Jean Bernabé
In movies/shows:
Négritude : Naissance et expansion du concept - Jean-Baptiste and Nathalie Fave (documentary about négritude)
Bande de Filles - Céline Sciamma (and many more movies about growing up in the Parisian suburbs (la banlieue) and experiencing racism)
Intouchables - Olivier Nakache (staring Omar Sy)
30° couleur - Lucien Jean-Baptiste (about a man who forgot his roots)
Validé - Franck Gambastide (about rap music/culture)
Polisse - Maiwenn (staring Joey Starr)
Âme noire - Martine Chartrand (canadian, about black culture/music)
In art:
Etude d’homme (Joseph) - Théodore Géricault 
Joseph le nègre - Adolphe Brune
Le Noir Scipion - Paul Cézanne
Etude de nègre - Théodore Chassériau
Portrait de Laure - Edouard Manet 
Seïd Enkess - Charles Cordier
Portrait d’une négresse (Madeleine) - Marie-Guillemine Benoist
La chasse au nègre - Félix Martin
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I’m afraid I wasn’t able to find black artists in painting or sculpture. Also, I’m sorry about using slurs in this last paragraph, just copying the titles.
Hope this helps! x
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jenaicomprispas · 4 years
The reality about spoken french
We don’t use the negation ne. We say Je sais pas (I don’t know) or On a pas à le faire (we don’t have to do it),
Speaking of which, we prefer using on rather than the pompous nous : On est arrivé-es (we’ve arrived), On y va? (shall we go)
Speaking of which, our questions are often affirmative sentences ending with a question mark (i.e. : a high-pitched tone) : Tu viens? (are you coming), T’en veux un-e? (do you want one).
Speaking of which, we chew words. When followed by words starting with a consonant, personal pronouns can lose their final letter : J’te l’dis! rather than Je te le dis (I’m telling you).
Speaking of which, we’re lazy : Je can be Che (chais pas), Il can be Y (r’garde, y’a un chat!) and grunt : many euh (uh), ah, bah (hum), ben (well), hein (tf?) and rhooo/rhaaa (ffs). We often start sentences with but : Mais tu saoules! (you’re annoying) to express displeasure.
Speaking of which, on top of dropping négations, we drop pronouns : You’re being a pain in my ass should be Tu me fais chier but can be Tu fais chier - maybe to make it universal or dramatic.
Speaking of which, we thrive on sarcasm and irony. To someone who’s babbling, we’ll answer It makes my leg look good.
Speaking of which, we repeat (personal) pronouns at the beginning or end of sentences. We’re likely to ask Qu’est-ce qu’il en dit, lui? and answer Moi, je veux bien (tonic pronouns, careful!).
Speaking of which, we like to use the conditional mode to indicate a wish or hypothesis : lots of Si j’avais su, j’aurais dit oui (had i known, i’d have said yes), J’aimerais bien pouvoir- (I wish I could-), etc.
Speaking of which, we add useless words : Bien (j’irais bien), Petit (un petit peu), Très (très vrai), Trop (je ne sais pas trop), ça (C’est quoi, ça?)…
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Speaking of which, let’s stop before you all get disgusted and unfollow me. Remember this is spoken, private french and doesn’t apply to formal situations!
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jenaicomprispas · 5 years
What to do during lockdown
(and work on your French):
FSL homework
Work on your pronunciation
Read some classics
Read some fanfiction
Listen to podcasts
Listen to TED Talks
Listen to music
Listen to the radio
Watch french movies (detailed, by period and type)
Watch dubbed/subtitled movies: The Simpson, Cesar and Cleopatra, The Man Who Knew Too Much, The Red Shoes, La Vérité
Watch cartoons
Watch youtubers
Watch let’s plays: 1 2 3 4 5
Work on some MOOCs
Learn about black holes, Pompei, giant animals, gladiators, the Dreyfus affair, Charles Manson, ants, Leonardo da Vinci, Rome, smelly cheeses, Mozart, the Bermuda triangle, meditation…
Follow french subreddits
Search our social media
Visit the Louvre online
Check my practice tag
And make sure your priorities are in order!
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jenaicomprispas · 5 years
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a fantasy
instagram | shop | commission info
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jenaicomprispas · 5 years
you know what’s a good feeling? a real good feeling?
when sunbeams do this.
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that is all.
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jenaicomprispas · 5 years
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jenaicomprispas · 5 years
Au grand jamais - never 
Aucun-e(s) - none : Je n’en ai vu aucun / I have seen none of them  
Aucunement (rare) - by no means 
Dégun (southern slang) - no one 
En aucun cas - under no circumstance 
En aucune façon - under no circumstance 
En aucune manière - under no circumstance 
En rien - under no circumstance 
Goutte - nothing (old, rare) : On n’y voit goutte ici / We can’t see anything
Guère - almost not/nothing (old, rare) : Ce n’est guère plus rapide que le train / This isn’t any faster than the train 
Jamais - never : Plus jamais ça! / Never again! 
Jamais au grand jamais - never ever (dramatic)
Jamais de la vie - never ever 
Keud (slang), short que ‘que dalle’ (slang for Nothing)
Keutchi (slang) 
N’ - ne + vowel : Je ne t’aime pas / I don’t love you 
Nada - nothing at all : - Did you hear about that? - Nada! 
Nan (slang) - nah 
Ne - not : Je ne sais pas / I don’t know 
Ni - neither/nor : Je n’ai vu ni le chien ni le chat depuis que je suis arrivée / I haven’t seen neither the cat nor the dog since I got here 
Niet - nope! (often angry) 
Non - no 
Non plus - (n)either : Je ne sais pas non plus / I don’t know either 
Non plus que
Nul-le - none : Nos jeunes filles à nous sont tellement accomplies, que nulle des filles d’Ève ne peut lutter avec elles ! — (Modeste Mignon, Honoré de Balzac, 1844)
Nulle part - nowhere : Je ne le vois nulle part / I can’t see him anywhere 
Nullement - not in any way 
Ô/oh grand jamais : never ever (dramatic)
Pas - not : Je ne sais pas / I don’t know 
Pas autrement - not any other way : C’est comme ça et pas autrement
Pas encore - not yet 
Pas forcément - not necessarily 
Pas plus que
Pas un-e - not one : - Did they offer their help? - Pas un! 
Pas un chat - not one cat : Il n’y a pas un chat / There’s no one here 
Personne - nobody : Il n’y a personne ici / There’s no one here 
Plus : no more - Je ne t’aime plus / I don’t love you anymore 
Point - not : Je ne sais point / I don’t know (rare, old)
Que dalle (slang) - nothing : - Did you know about that? - Que dalle! 
Que nenni - no (old) : - Are they here yet? - Que nenni! 
Que tchi (slang) - nothing 
Queude (slang, short for Que dalle) - nothing 
Rien - nothing : Je ne vois rien / I don’t see anything 
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jenaicomprispas · 5 years
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Luna is enjoying the sun ☀️🌸🐥
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jenaicomprispas · 5 years
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jenaicomprispas · 6 years
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flower shop moodboard
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jenaicomprispas · 6 years
a few useful expressions #2
i wouldn’t know : je ne saurais (or pourrais) pas dire
it doesn’t ring a bell : ça ne me dit rien (du tout)
i believe so : je crois/il me semble (bien) que oui
clockwise : dans le sens des aiguilles d’une montre
don’t pull out that on me : arrête tes conneries (rude)
when i think about it : quand j’y pense
you shouldn’t have done that : tu n’aurais pas dû faire ça
i don’t want to : je n’ai pas envie
i don’t mind : ça ne me dérange pas/ce n’est pas grave
i have to go : je dois y aller
next week : la semaine prochaine
the following week : la semaine suivante
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last week : la semaine dernière
the week before : la semaine précédente 
i can’t remember : je ne me rappelle pas
i’m happy i did : je suis content-e de l’avoir fait
i’m going to bed : je vais me coucher
it doesn’t matter to me : je m’en fiche/m’en fous (rude)
i’m not interested : ça ne m’intéresse pas
i’m not mad : je ne suis pas fâché-e/en colère après toi
you’re so extra : tu en fais trop 
if we’re lucky : avec un peu de chance
how did that happen : comment est-ce que c’est arrivé ?
what do you mean ? : qu’est-ce que tu veux dire ?
what are you doing ? : qu’est-ce que tu fais ?
what did you do ? : qu’est-ce que tu as fait ?
why did you do that : pourquoi as-tu fait ça ? 
a few useful expressions #1
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jenaicomprispas · 6 years
ten expressions
- le truc, le bidule, le machin : the thing (when you don’t remember what something is called) / truc, bidule, machin-e, machin-chouette (when you don’t remember someone’s name)
- genre : like (j’étais, genre, super énervé)
- y’a pas le feu au lac (the lake isn’t on fire) : there’s no need to hurry
- on a pas élevé les cochons ensemble (we have not raised the pigs together) : you’re being way too familiar
- être présenté-e à : to be introduced to (someone) 
- au jour le jour (as in ‘vivre au jour le jour’) : without worries
- de jour en jour : a bit more every day (ex : je m’améliore de jour en jour = i’m getting a bit better every day).
- avoir le melon (having the melon) : thinking you’re too good for this world (to say with your hands on both sides on your head to mimick swelling)
- con-ne comme un balai/une chaise (as dumb as a broom/a chair) : dumb 
- tu m’en diras tant : dog my cats
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jenaicomprispas · 6 years
I was soaked and freezing cold by the time we reached this alpine lake, but something about the sound and tranquility kept me completely unbothered.
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jenaicomprispas · 6 years
i’ve had enough
here are sentences you can use when you are really done with something or someone :
- j’en ai marre (i’m fed up)
- j’en ai assez (i’ve had enough)
- je n’en peux plus (i can’t carry on anymore)
- c’est bon (that’s enough)
- j’en ai plein le dos, le cul, les bottes (my back/my ass is covered in it/my boots are overloaded with it)
- j’en ai ma claque (untranslatable)
- j’en ai ras les baskets, le bol, le cul, la casquette (my trainers, bowl, ass, cap are/is full of it)
- ça me gonfle/gave/saoule (it’s blowing me up/stuffing me/making me drunk)
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jenaicomprispas · 6 years
Un peu de internet slang
Tqt or tkt = Don’t worry (lol I hate people who say “tkt”)
Mdr = Mort de rire, lol
Jsp = Je sais pas, I don’t know
A tout = (short for “à tout à l’heure”) See ya
Ciao = Like the Italian way, bye
Ptdr = Pété de rire, lmao
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