jenarodriguez · 7 years
Why 95% Of Websites and Blogs Fail
Hi There,
My name is Anthony Aires.
And I’ve been blogging since 2008 that’s when I launched my very first blog.
At the time blogging was just starting to hit mainstream.
It was all new to me because before then I just knew how to launch basic websites that I was able to get on the first page of the search engines for my targeted keywords.
That first blog was quite an adventure and learning experience.
There were ups and downs like starting any other business.
Luckily I made it through the gauntlet and am here today getting to tell you about how you can succeed with blogging.
I’m fortunate enough that I don’t have a quitter mindset and I keep dusting myself off after failed attempts until I prevail.
Today blogging is one of our main income generators bringing in a healthy 6 figure a year income working just 90 minutes a day from anywhere on my laptop.
Now I’m not saying you’re going to make as much money as me…you might make zero or you might make more.
There are folks that I have told about blogging that learned some strategies I taught them and they’ve gone on to make more than I do.
And there are other folks who have done nothing with what I have taught them.
I just want to be 100% transparent with you that this is NOT a GET RICH QUICK scheme.
In the beginning of getting your blog off the ground you’re going to have to roll up your sleeves and put in the work.
Once you do you’ll get a grasp … you’ll see the matrix things will get easier.
Your knowledge will compound and so will the results you get with your blog.
So, you want to start a blog?
That’s why you’re here right?
And why not?
Everyone’s talking about doing it, and you hear stories of the stay-at-home mom launching a recipe blog that’s making five-figures every month like clockwork – and the best part is that she can do it from anywhere she can carry her laptop.
Or, how about the guy who quit his job because his car blog started to make more than his 9 to 5, and he doesn’t have to deal with the 40 minute commute each way to and from work?
But before you start a blog you should know that the New York Times re-published a study from Technorati, which runs a search engine for blogs, stated that “only 7.4 million out of 133 million blogs had been updated with content in the past 120 days.”
That translates to 95% of all blogs treading their way to the internet graveyard.
And those are not just blogs that are dying – they are dreams that are dying with them.
Which is kind of a bummer if you think about it like that. Wouldn’t you agree?
I’m one of the few that have run and sold a few successful blogs, and I’ve been doing it for over 9 years. I figured I’d at least give you some reasons why this happens, and how you can avoid having your blog sent to the internet graveyard.
First, you should want to make blogging work for you.
Because blogging is an awesome, proven way to make some extra income from anywhere you can carry a laptop, working only part time every day.
In fact I personally have mastered a system that generates six-figures a year from my blog, working only 90 minutes a day so I know what the heck I’m talking about.
Here’s the 1st reason blogger’s fail.
They run out of ideas to blog about.
And the reason that happens is because they don’t pick a big enough niche to blog about.
See, the most important thing is that you never run out of content to blog about.
Because the more content you add to your blog, the more chances you have of getting visitors to come to your blog – and that’s when the magic happens.
When you have a lot of content to write about, you get visitors.
So, the question arises, what niche should you pick?
That’s an entire training on it’s own merit since it’s a very involved process.
This is probably the most important step that most folks rush through when they shouldn’t.
If you get this part right you can do almost everything else not so great and you’ll still have a blog that succeeds.
I actually teach this in-depth inside of our Blog and Prosper Academy.
And I show you how to know if your ideal passion niche blog will be profitable before you even launch your very own.
The 2nd reason blogger’s fail.
They don’t have a deployment plan for their blogs.
See, the way my system works is simple: I’ve devised a deployment plan that only takes me 90 minutes per day.
And blogging is like the turtle and the rabbit story: consistency and steadiness wins the race.
When you get it right with blogging you’ll actually make more while working the same, after you’ve gotten your blog off the ground.
That’s because blogging has a built-in passive income compounding traffic leverage effect that multiplies with the more posts you create for your blog.
The great thing about blogging, is that over time your traffic and income become passive.
But, people are trying to have the six-figure-success happen tomorrow.
Frankly, that’s just not going to happen.
Take it from me; I’ve been doing this for 9 years and I know all the shortcuts you can take.
And I show them to you inside of my Blog and Prosper Academy.
The 3rd Reason Bloggers Fail
They set their blogs up on a free blogging platform.
The challenge is that these platforms are usually very limited in performance-features.
Blogging becomes way easier when you host your own blogging platform.
You’re also limited on how you can make money when you have a blog on free blogging platforms.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want anyone limiting how I make money – especially online, where you have no limits J
The scary part about it is that at any moment they can change their terms of service and start charging you, or decide to shut down because they can’t stay in business simply because they’re not charging anything.
You want to be in control of your blog platform.
It’s your hard-earned work.
You gain control of your blog platform when you host it with a hosting service that is secure, fast, and reliable, has backups, is hacker-free, and can help you get un-hacked if you somehow do.
If you want to setup your blogging platform on the same hosting service I use (which you should, since I’ve been doing this for 9 years and I’m an internet marketer that generates 6-figures from blogging, alone while running a 7 figure business.)
My Blog and Prosper Academy members get free hosting for a year (you can switch hosts anytime) plus we’ll set up your blog for you with 20 different advanced mobile responsive design themes, and the best plugins for an optimized finely tuned up blogging platform (the same way I set it all up)
The 4th Reason Bloggers Fail.
They get tech-overwhelm.
Listen, when you’re getting started and are still new at this whole blogging thing, the technology can be daunting and overwhelming.
Especially if you’re doing the setup yourself.
There’s a lot to learn, like:
What is a plugin and which ones do I install?
Which theme should I use?
How do I optimize my posts for SEO?
How do I tag images?
And much more.
Our Blog and Prosper Academy members don’t have to worry about this since we handle all the tech setup and backup while keeping the hackers away.
You can be running your blog in no time flat, without breaking a tech sweat.
So you can just focus on the most important thing … content that creates passive income compound leverage.
The 5th Reason Bloggers Fail.
They don’t know how to get visitors to their blog.
If you build it, they will not come.
You actually have to build it – and then you have to work it J
You’ve got to get the word out when you first start your blog.
You have to get in front of your targeted audience.
There are many ways to do that.
And that’s the big problem: there are so many ways that people try to go about doing that, and they fail miserably at all of them.
See, the way you must do it is by picking one or two ways to bring in visitors and focus on them initially.
Once you master them and the visitors start coming in, you can use the visitors you’re getting to help spread the word even more.
And if they if they like what you have to say…they’ll share your blog posts on their social media.
Then, you can scale to two more traffic sources, and rinse and repeat. Use those new visitors to spread the word for you, and so on, and so forth.
I’ve got a bonus training session that I’ve created on how to get in front of any audience instantly – you’ll see an actual case study of people doing it, and they don’t have to pay for ads, either.
You can have this entire bonus training when you watch this free video.
These are the main reasons people fail at blogging.
And now you know them – and knowing them is half the battle.
One more very very important detail…
Understand that your blog is your asset that you’ll keep on building.
The more you build it the more you’ll make.
It’s also the most sustainable business model online because blogs are content, and content is the internet, and all platforms from Google to Facebook to Twitter they need content.
Blogs feed content to those platforms J
Thanks for stopping by.
I look forward to hearing about your blogging success stories and seeing you on our next webcast workshop.
Yours For Prosperity,
Anthony Aires
7-Figure Internet Entrepreneur
     source https://anthonyaires.com/5428/why-95-of-websites-and-blogs-fail/ from Anthony Aires http://anthonyairescom.blogspot.com/2017/09/why-95-of-websites-and-blogs-fail.html
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jenarodriguez · 7 years
OMG It Farted
source https://anthonyaires.com/5415/omg-it-farted/ from Anthony Aires http://anthonyairescom.blogspot.com/2017/09/omg-it-farted.html
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jenarodriguez · 7 years
EXPLODE Your Content Concepts By Avoiding These 10 Critical Thinking Mistakes
For content creators, there’s one skill that stands paramount above the rest: critical thinking.
It has more far-reaching benefits than you imagined; Critical thinking may sound a bit collegiate, but it can be valuable when applied even to practical situations at school, office, home, and life. With faster-paced timelines and information-rich resources posted as big challenges to everyone by today’s new internet economy, the call for high performance and productivity will only grow.
People trying to find out how to produce more in little or no time at all may send them off on a quest for pricey solutions, but the key may actually just lie with simple critical thinking. In fact, critical thinking skills were recognized as the top vital skill needed from organizational leadership to be competitive in the 21st century. This involves the practice of systematic thinking that draws from logic, truth, context, and options while using data and facts to solve situations. Since critical thinking could influence thoughts, then thoughts can be mobilized to affect actions.
With a better thinking process, wiser decisions could be reached, faster results can be accomplished, and hence, overall happiness can be achieved.
What’s great about critical thinking is that can be learned and developed – you don’t have to be born with a deductive mind! So next time you find yourself wandering around and lagging behind schedule, keeping in mind these critical thinking habits can turn you around to become more productive wherever you’re at.
What’s bad about the critical thinking process is that most people fail to garner results despite putting in their best efforts. In this post, I’ll discuss mistakes that hamper productivity. Here we go.
1. You aren’t zeroing in on the problem
To be systematic, critical thinking starts with a purpose which should set you off with a problem to solve. Try asking these questions: What exactly is the output you want to produce? What specific outcome do you want your actions to result in? Whatever that is, the problem must be clearly recognized and defined.
For instance, before opting for a rigid food diet program, determine first whether what you’re aiming for is weight loss, increased energy, or improved nutrition. It helps sometimes to break down a large chunk into smaller bits so you can dig into the problem more easily.
2. You aren’t considering different perspectives
It does nothing but benefit you by keeping your mind open to alternative opinions, especially from industry influencers or key opinion leaders who can provide trustworthy advice for more feasible solutions.
Considering different perspectives actually permits you to see through others’ eyes, thus leading you to approach the solution more creatively or even from “out-of-the-box”. As you recognize others’ perspectives, it’s proper to cite your sources to build up a strong case for the solution if ever you decide to act on it later.
In order to understand other perspective, businesses regularly collect customer feedback. It helps to gain insights that are used in building relevant strategies. Moreover, it empowers businesses to identify the roadblocks that hamper customer experience, and subsequently, rework it.
3. You aren’t getting a leg-up by brainstorming
You may not always have the answers to a given problem. Or, sometimes a problem’s solution may be drawn in different possible ways. When you have this inkling, brainstorming with a group can be worth the effort in order to gather and list down viable options that can be narrowed down to the most promising solutions.
Remember, critical thinking is more entitled to getting things right than with being right every time.
For instance, customer support reps can work with different teams to brainstorm solutions that will best suit the need of the customer. If it’s a technical issue customers are facing, support teams can collaborate with the engineering department to find the reason for the problem and provide an answer accordingly. To make this process as smooth as possible, use Shared Inbox. It will help you assign tasks easily to team members without cluttering their email inbox.
4. You rush to judgment before gathering enough data
Premature conclusions are an absolute NO-NO with critical thinking. Guesswork or hearsays won’t help in any way. Focus instead your efforts on gathering data to bring light to complex solutions.
Also equally vital when conducting data gathering is determining which sources are credible given the plethora of internet information around. It’s helpful to refer to a checklist guide on how to evaluate online resources so you may know how to tell which one is authentic from a hoax.
5. You don’t go beyond the facade of data sheets
On the flipside, critical thinking goes past the face value of data. Data accuracy and inclusion of any assumptions should always be checked to fill up breaks in truth and logic during the thinking process.
Maybe you’re quick to assume that the data handed to you by a close office mate is reliable when in fact the person is neither competent nor knowledgeable at all about the subject. When this happens, pause for a while, step back and think again.
6. You’re ignoring the picture as a whole – large and small
Once you have enough data and facts, you can try linking them together like pieces of a puzzle when analyzing. Be mindful of similar patterns, surfacing trends, cause and effect behavior, and other telling signs that could make way for more meaningful and relevant information as a basis for sound conclusions later.
By continuously asking questions like: what does this mean? how does this relate to that? or why was this included? you’re able to connect the “small” picture elements with the “big” picture, which is the ultimate problem that needs to be solved.
7. You rely on emotions, rather than logic
Critical thinking puts prime value on logical reasoning. Strive to remain with the objective side by getting rid of emotional factors when evaluating statements. For instance, your thinking may be affected by preferential biases or selective listening.
Also, sometimes it’s just convenient to be too accepting to avoid confrontational conflicts. When you drift from reason, try to think out loudly and clearly as a way of filtering out emotions. This could let you get through with a valid examination of case arguments.
8. You aren’t drawing logical conclusions
Conclusions drawn out from the practice of critical thinking must follow logically from the supporting information and evidence available at hand. As different solutions may answer for different situations, logical conclusions should also be able to determine what can best work for the problem recognized at the beginning.
9. You’re thinking short-term
Somehow, critical thinking doesn’t just end with the task of making facts-based conclusions. You also need to be critical of what may be the long-term implications of your decisions.
While no one has a hold of the future, training yourself to think long-term will encourage you to be a continuous learner for information which could be vital for the present and future time.
10. You’re rushing action
When you’ve gotten all possible solutions sorted out, don’t jump too quickly towards the best obvious option. You may try the reverse elimination process to arrive at the best solution by dashing out the least viable alternative, then moving on to the next least, and so on. This trick helps further refine your thought selection and decision-making by trying to look at all “what-if” possibilities.
Upon eliminating the rest of the options, take action next by implementing your decision.
Critical thinking isn’t as hard as you think
The practice of critical thinking isn’t as complex as what the concept may sound like. With its practical application at school, office, home, and life, its valuable benefits can translate to wiser decision-making and problem-solving, increased productivity, and leads to an overall greater sense of happiness.
In fact, critical thinking serves as a crucial skill for organizational leadership to better compete in today’s internet economy. With just a conscious effort and firm desire to elevate the quality of your self-thinking process, you too could be able to infuse any, if not all, of these critical thinking habits wherever you’re at.
Anthony Aires Chief Executive Officer
Real Deal Productions, LLC Prosperity Publishers, LLC
P.S. Keep coming back to AnthonyAires.com to take advantage of the free goodies I share.
If you’d like to connect with me my social media channels you can go here:
Anthony Aires Facebook Timeline: Friend Here >> http://facebook.com/anthonyaires
Anthony Aires Facebook Fan Page: Follow Here >> http://facebook.com/aireswins
Anthony Aires Never Stop Striving Facebook Group: Join Free Here >> https://www.facebook.com/groups/AnthonyAires
Anthony Aires Twitter: Follow Here >>http://twitter.com/anthonyaires
Anthony Aires YouTube: Subscribe Here >> http://youtube.com/anthonyaires
Anthony Aires Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anthonyaires
If you’d like to learn how I make 6 Figures A Year Working Only 90 Minutes A Day?
Then jump on my next FREE webcast workshop that’s going to show you how I does it…
You can sign up for FREE for the next one by saving your seat here >> https://anthonyaires.com/webcast
Thanks for being a part of the Aires Crew
source https://anthonyaires.com/5412/explode-your-content-concepts-by-avoiding-these-10-critical-thinking-mistakes/ from Anthony Aires http://anthonyairescom.blogspot.com/2017/09/explode-your-content-concepts-by.html
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jenarodriguez · 7 years
Fingerlings Liv Purple Finger Interactive Robot Monkey Bar Playhouse Review Unboxing WOWWEE
Fingerlings Liv Purple Finger Interactive Robot Monkey Finger Monkey Robot Bar and Playhouse Review and Unboxing WOWWEE Farts Watch video on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/FBe7vZWRSGo from Anthony Aires http://anthonyairescom.blogspot.com/2017/08/fingerlings-liv-purple-finger.html
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jenarodriguez · 7 years
My List of The Best YouTube Intro Creators
If you’re looking to get the most out of your YouTube channel by cranking out a lot of videos, you’ll need to use an intro maker to quickly and easily slam some of your branding onto the start of every video. In this article, I’ll take a look at the best 13 YouTube intro makers and explain why each is worth checking out. Renderforest Renderforest is a great intro maker because it offers a huge number of simple templates which you can easily append bells and whistles to. Renderforest will give your videos the appearance of professionally animated content in a few clicks. Like many competitors, Renderforest is free and offers a lot of customization options which you can quickly implement once you’ve picked the template. You’ll be able to nail whatever tone you want in your intro by playing with the lighting, speed, and templated animation options. Like most of the other intro makers, some of Renderforest’s templates are better than others. In particular, the particle-effect heavy templates don’t look that great on Renderforest. Keep things relatively simple, avoid dynamic light sources, and you’ll be fine. Renderforest’s templates go beyond making intros, which can be useful if you have other animation or graphics needs. You can easily make an animated explainer video, slideshows, space-themed backgrounds, or basic DIY cartoon animations. Tube Arsenal Tube Arsenal’s strength is its selection of abstract flat design templates, which are extremely aesthetically appealing. Tube Arsenal also gives you access to a few particle-effect laden templates, some of which are pretty good. The drawback to Tube Arsenal is that the customizability of each template is quite limited. To use it, you’ll need to pay on a per-intro basis, which is relatively cheap at $9 but could quickly get expensive if you have several brands. It’s important to note that if you want your intro animation to be in HD you’ll have to pay an extra two dollars. There are a few deals and offers which you can use to get a single free intro, though, so if you’ll only need one you can probably get it free. The free offers might not include high definition, however. Panzoid Panzoid has an excellent and deeply featured editing suite which you can use to easily modify any of the templates on the site. The editing suite at Panzoid is intuitive to use, and it’s easy to iterate a few different ideas to see what works the best. Panzoid is free to use. Their template library is quite limited, and tends to be composed of simple logo presentation animations rather than fully fledged animations. You can also use Panzoid to edit other videos and make custom backgrounds and other art for your Youtube channel. If your channel is just getting off the ground and you’re looking for a one stop shop, Panzoid might be the right choice for you. More established channels looking for an intense animation to put in the introduction probably won’t be able to find what they’re looking for at Panzoid. It’s worth using Panzoid’s editing suite to play around and generate ideas, even if you end up going elsewhere for your final product. Filmora Filmora is the Cadillac of intro makers and is a fully-fledged video editing and animation creating studio that successful channels will get the most use of. It has some monthly pricing schemes, all of which are more expensive than $30 with some as expensive as $300. If you’re not scared by the price tag, Filmora probably has a lot of features that you can use, but they’re pretty complicated. There are tons of effects and motion elements that you can implement, with more available for purchase. Unlike most other intro makers, Filmora comes with quite a few musical tracks which you can use for your intro. Filmora also has a mobile application, which may be useful if you plan on doing some light animation on the go. Biteable Biteable is a no-nonsense intro maker which makes up for its lack of individuality by its ease of use. Biteable is free and is effective at making 2D animated intros that look polished if a bit bland. If you’re fine with having Biteable’s watermark on your intro, it can be a cheap solution. Thankfully, Biteable has a niche: people who need the ability to create a lot of relatively similar intros to separate serial content on a channel. You can easily modify your intro to be specific to each video that you produce, which would be very hard to do with a more complicated 3D animated intro maker. If your channel is composed of lectures, speeches, blog entries, or similar content, Biteable can be a quick and easy solution for you. Biteable will work the best for when your viewers are being referred directly to each video, or perhaps to a playlist of videos all containing videos along the same theme. If you’re looking for an eye-catching or viewer-wowing intro that goes beyond simply describing the content, you should look elsewhere. RenderFx Gaming Intro Maker RenderFx’ Gaming Intro Maker is the maker to go to if you’re looking for flashy particle effects that will get your viewers amped for the content to come. Though some of the animations aren’t the most original, they’ll do the trick for anyone interested in having a 3D animated intro with their logo. Unfortunately, RenderFx’ Gaming Intro Maker isn’t the most intuitive to use, nor is it the most flexible. It’s easy to get confused while inserting images into your video clip or trying to get your video to render. You’ll need to accept that the template animations which RenderFx offers are nearly immutable, lest you struggle against the interface. If you’re still interested in struggling, YouTube has an abundance of walkthroughs on the RenderFx platform which you can jump into and get some guidance. Intro Cave Intro Cave offers a different spin on the video maker concept by allowing you to pick a base video, splice in your content, and then render it for downloading. There are a lot of beautiful particle effects that you can easily commandeer for your logo, but you’ll end up looking a lot like any other video made with the app. Intro Cave is extremely easy to use and is free if you are okay with standard definition and a watermark. Yes, this is yet another service where you’ll have to pay to get rid of the watermark on your intro video. Higher definition videos will cost you anywhere from $5 to $20, which isn’t so bad if you plan on only making one intro for every video on your channel. Unfortunately, right now Intro Cave only accepts PayPal for payment processing, so if you don’t have a PayPal account, you’re out of luck. Flixpress Flixpress is a great intro maker for small businesses who can see themselves making multiple videos over the course of a month. Their pricing plan is a bit confusing, and it bears mentioning up front: you’ll have to pay to use this service, as the free option has few features. If you can see your YouTube channel producing less than 10 minutes of video introductions per month, you can get away with paying less than a dollar per month, which is quite inexpensive. This pricing tier might be perfect for educational channels. For commercial rights to your video intro created with Flixpress, you’ll need to shell out at least $10 per month, however. You’ll have access to a bunch of infomercial-like animations, backgrounds, and other content when you use Flixpress. Likewise, you won’t have to waste much of your time while using Flixpress—it’s very straightforward, and you can easily iterate on templates. If you’re looking for flashy animations or entertaining features, look elsewhere—Flixpress is meant for business. Wideo Wideo is a great tool for making simple cartoon animation videos for your channel, which may serve the same purpose as a traditional introduction. It falls into the moderate ease of use category, as it’s deeply featured but not necessarily well documented. You won’t have any major troubles making animated videos with the app if you set your mind to it, however. You can easily make templated animations in great volume without expending much additional effort per video. It also comes with a seven-day trial, which is more than enough time to figure out whether it’s right for your needs. The main drawback of is its scope: this is a tool for making simple flat-design animated videos, and nothing else. If this doesn’t intimidate you, Wideo is a great way to bring a lighthearted touch to your channel’s introduction. Ivipid Ivipid is a straightforward intro maker that is best for just-for-fun channels that don’t have any commercial aspirations or hopes of viral appeal. You’ll be able to make channel introductions that are customizable mimics of the MGM lion’s roar and other Hollywood studio intros and outros. These videos are easy to make and reasonably customizable, but your selection of templates is rather limited. Ivipid’s pricing scheme uses credits, which means that each option you pick on your video has an associated credit cost. You purchase chunks of credits, with the “most popular” credit package costing $7. If you want a higher definition video, that’ll cost you more credits. There’s no free option, so it may scare people off despite its relatively low prices. A few bucks might be a good investment if you like the comedy shtick. Intro Champ Intro Champ is a no-frills video intro maker which charges by the template. Most templates are $5, and end up looking decent, if a bit stereotypical. There’s not a ton of customizability with Intro Champ, but you get over 300 templates to choose from. The templates range from the flashy particle-effect introductions loved by gaming channels to the more austere logo fade-ins or lightly animated text. Some of the animations in the templates look like they’re very high quality, though it’s in the eye of the beholder. It’s clear that not all of the templates are created equal. Some feature outright bad animations reminiscent of early CGI, whereas others show somewhat polished animation and careful use of particle effects. You’ll have to scrounge to find the right animation for you. Intro Champ’s main appeal is that you can go from thinking about making an intro video using your logo to having a video with your logo in less than five minutes for only $5. Intro Maker Intro Maker is a lesser known intro making service which is simple and specializes in abstract animations to pair with your logo. You’ll pay upwards of $5 depending on which animation template you decide to use. It’s possible to make good looking and clean intros with Intro Maker. You could use this service to make an intro for your business just as easily as you could use it to make an intro for your personal channel. There isn’t a lot of customizability to each of the templates, but Intro Maker makes up for it by being easy to use and have relatively good results on average. Videobolt Videobolt is a quick and effective intro maker which offers a wide selection of expensive ($30) yet good looking templates that you can customize to your liking. Their design gallery has offerings which run the gamut from flat-design animations to cleaner corporate logo animations. If you’re interested in making a flashy particle effect video for your gaming channel, Videobolt can do that too. The versatility of the service is part of the reason why it carries such a high price tag on a per-video basis. If you’re not afraid of the up-front cost, it is a great choice for practically any application.
Now you know a little bit about some of the best intro makers out there. It’s time to put your knowledge to use – jump into action with the video makers that I’ve described today and try out two or three until you find the one that works best for you. Let me know in the comments which one you went with, and some recommendations if you have any!
Anthony Aires Chief Executive Officer
Real Deal Productions, LLC Prosperity Publishers, LLC
P.S. Keep coming back to AnthonyAires.com to take advantage of the free goodies I share.
If you’d like to connect with me my social media channels you can go here:
Anthony Aires Facebook Timeline: Friend Here >> http://facebook.com/anthonyaires
Anthony Aires Facebook Fan Page: Follow Here >> http://facebook.com/aireswins
Anthony Aires Never Stop Striving Facebook Group: Join Free Here >> https://www.facebook.com/groups/AnthonyAires
Anthony Aires Twitter: Follow Here >>http://twitter.com/anthonyaires
Anthony Aires YouTube: Subscribe Here >> http://youtube.com/anthonyaires
Anthony Aires Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anthonyaires
If you’d like to learn how I make 6 Figures A Year Working Only 90 Minutes A Day?
Then jump on my next FREE webcast workshop that’s going to show you how I does it…
You can sign up for FREE for the next one by saving your seat here >> https://anthonyaires.com/webcast
Thanks for being a part of the Aires Crew
source https://anthonyaires.com/5396/my-list-of-the-best-youtube-intro-creators/ from Anthony Aires http://anthonyairescom.blogspot.com/2017/08/my-list-of-best-youtube-intro-creators.html
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jenarodriguez · 7 years
From Floods To Toys
source https://anthonyaires.com/5393/from-floods-to-toys/ from Anthony Aires http://anthonyairescom.blogspot.com/2017/08/from-floods-to-toys.html
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jenarodriguez · 7 years
Toys R Us Tea Time Adventure
http://AnthonyAires.com Toys R Us Tea Time Adventure Watch video on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/P8YUUJ9-5tQ from Anthony Aires http://anthonyairescom.blogspot.com/2017/08/toys-r-us-tea-time-adventure.html
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jenarodriguez · 7 years
How To Drive In A Flood
source https://anthonyaires.com/5390/how-to-drive-in-a-flood/ from Anthony Aires http://anthonyairescom.blogspot.com/2017/08/how-to-drive-in-flood.html
0 notes
jenarodriguez · 7 years
How To Drive In A Flood Southwest Florida Flooding
http://AnthonyAires.com How To Drive In A Flood Southwest Florida Flooding Watch video on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/0471SSy39Go from Anthony Aires http://anthonyairescom.blogspot.com/2017/08/how-to-drive-in-flood-southwest-florida.html
0 notes
jenarodriguez · 7 years
SEO: How To Use My Favorite Analytics Tool
So, I’ve been asked several times how I monitor the SEO health of some of student’s blogs.
Also, let me make it clear before I start going on a tangent about this product – I do NOT get any affiliate income from this blog. This is my personal blog meant to help you get the most out of your own blogging endeavors, not an affiliate channel for me. I just know that this app is one you could benefit from tremendously.
I can find in-depth analysis on their site health, review internal and external links, and do it on-the-go with a simple, but kick-ass app that I think everyone should have. And, for most people, SEOquake is the last SEO tool you’ll ever need.
SEOquake combines a fully featured SEO analysis suite into a single package which you can run quickly and easily via a browser plugin, or even on your iOS device.
If you are serious about your digital marketing success, dabbling in the information that SEOquake provides will rank up your game.
In this article, I’ll take on SEOquake and show you the ropes, starting from the very bottom.
You’ll learn how to install SEOquake, how to use its overviews, and how to dive into the deep reports that the app can generate.
The best part about SEOquake is that it’s intuitive to use and can explain anything which might be confusing for you, so don’t be afraid that you’re not experienced enough in SEO to get started.
How to Install SEOquake
Speaking of getting started, you’ll need to install the SEOquake plugin or app.
The install process for SEOquake varies slightly between each of the platforms you can use it on, but the gist of it is navigating to the app or plugin “store” for your browser and adding it.
The browser should do the rest.
On Google Chrome
If you’re using Google Chrome as your web browser, navigate to the plugins center.
Once there, search for SEOquake, which should take you to a screen identical to the above.
Click the “available on Chrome” button in the upper right, and SEOquake will automatically install itself. You’ll need to restart your browser before using SEOquake.
On Firefox
In Firefox, SEOquake is considered a “browser extension,” but the installation process is the same.
Navigate to the “plugins” section of the Mozilla Firefox website, search for SEOquake, and press the green “Add to Firefox” button. Like in Chrome, you’ll have to restart your browser before using SEOquake.
On iOS (iPad & iPhone)
If you’re an iOS user, you already know where this is going. Navigate to the app store or iTunes, search for SEOquake Go, and click install. Unlike in Chrome and Firefox, you won’t need to restart anything. If you’re running SEOquake on an iPhone instead of an iPad, you may want to close other apps that are running because SEOquake can take up a lot of resources.
SEOquake Features and How to Use Them
Now that you’ve installed SEOquake, it’s time to get started with analyzing sites and links. If you have a particular site in mind load it up now. Otherwise, just follow along with the example here. The example here is of Google.com’s search engine results for the search terms “shrimp fishing on horseback.”
You don’t have to use SEOquake on a page of search terms, but doing so can give you a lot of interesting information about your competition, so you should try it at least a few times with keywords that are relevant to your site.
Once you’ve navigated to your site of choice, it’s time to run SEOquake.
Getting Around SEOquake
SEOquake is only running when you click on the badge. To prompt SEOquake to run an analysis on the page that you’re currently looking at, you’ll need to activate it on your browser’s toolbar. To enable SEOquake on your browser’s toolbar, you’ll need to click on the green badge icon.
Finding the Badge
SEOquake’s badge icon lives next to your search bar on Firefox and Chrome. You can recognize it by its “SQ” text, like in the example below.
If you don’t see the badge popping up in your browser’s toolbar after you’ve installed SEOquake, there’s a good chance that something went wrong with the installation. It’s also possible that the badge is hidden because of your browser’s toolbar settings. Be sure to fix the problem before continuing or else you won’t be able to use SEOquake.
Click the Badge
Once you’ve located the badge, left click on it to expand it. You’ll see in the above example that SEOquake pops up as an overlay on the page. Accessing SEOquake via the badge gives you a quick snapshot of what’s on the page.
All the features of SEOquake show up in the badge menu, but they won’t display their full amount of data until you expand the individual tabs into their full size, which you can do by clicking on the tab heading. If you’d rather cut to the chase and skip the overview that you find via clicking the badge, you can also right-click and select from the “SEOquake” menu that should appear at the bottom of the list.
What’s in The Badge?
At the top of the badge, you’ll see the tab headings. Each heading corresponds to one of SEOquake’s major features.
Each tab has a wealth of information which you’ll see at a glance via the badge, but your real in-depth analysis will come from viewing the full data set, which lives in each tab’s heading within the badge.
If you ever want to get to the complete analysis, just click the “view full report” button at the bottom of each tab of the badge.
We’ll go over the badge menu in detail in a moment, but first, take a look at the two numbers next to the “Internal” and “External” tabs.
These numbers are simply the number of internal or external links on the page.
If you’ve ever even thought about SEO, you know that more links pointed toward a site means a better page rank.
Not all links are created equal, but remember to take a glance at the top of the badge to get an idea of the scale of the site’s incoming and outgoing links.
Next, let’s see what other pieces of information we can pick up at a glance.
Above, you’ll see the badge as it will appear to you in full. This overview is an estimation of the total traffic heading to the site.
For a site like Google, in our example, it’s no surprise to see billions of visits. You’ll also see the site’s global traffic rank, the number of unique visitors, and other stats.
On the right, you’ll see the way that people navigated to the site. For Google.com, it’s clear that most people just click a link or type Google.com into their search bar.
For other sites, you may want to optimize your content for search traffic or social traffic. Be sure to take frequent snapshots of your site with the overview from the badge.
Display Advertising
One of it’s great features is the ability to take a glance at the advertising profile on the site that you’re analyzing.
The “Display Advertising” tab on the badge clues you into the total number of different ads and publishers that live on the site you’re analyzing and breaks them down into media ads versus text ads.
This information is precious if you’re planning to deploy advertisements for your site on another site. After all, you wouldn’t want to deploy your text ad on a site where media ads dominate and vice versa.
Next, let’s look at how SEOquake gathers its data and how it figures out the numbers that you see in the badge and elsewhere.
Changing Parameters
If you’re interested in breaking into the guts of how SEOquake estimates the traffic that a site gets, check out the “Parameters” tab.
In the Parameters tab, you’ll get a deeper look into the data that you saw reflected on the overview, and you can also modify the indices and rankings which SEOquake uses to make its estimations.
To alter, remove, or add to the Parameters, just click on the little arrow next to each parameter.
If you click the gear in the top right of the badge, you’ll see SEOquake’s preferences and configuration page. Here, you’ll be able to enable or disable SEOquake itself as well as see patch notes, and get access to the even larger preferences menus.
If you do end up looking at the larger preferences menus, you’ll be able to define the filenames of your CSV exports, add delays to your parameter requests, and alter every other aspect of your app.
You don’t need to get involved with these preferences to make full use of SEOquake, but if you wish that you could change a certain setting and aren’t sure how it’s probably in the extended preferences menu.
Once you’ve configured your parameters and plugin to your liking, it’s time to take a deeper dive into SEOquake’s full analytics suite.
Page Info
Click on the “Page Info” tab, then navigate to the full report.
You’ve already seen most of this information on the preview, but there’s a few tidbits worth picking up here that aren’t on the badge.
The meta description of the page is especially worth a look.
You could harvest this information without SEOquake by looking at the page’s source code, but it’s faster this way.
Page SEO Audit
You can navigate around the full reports by clicking on the tab above each report. Clicking on the “Diagnosis” tab takes you to this “Page SEO Audit” report, which contains a ton of valuable information that you’ll need to understand.
On the general audit page, you’ll be able to see whether the URL length, meta description, headings, and images are properly proportioned to optimize for high ranking.
Check out the top of the page and make a note of the icons which indicate which metrics your site has passed, which need to be fixed, and which could be improved.
If you’re not sure about why your site isn’t optimal, click on the Tips tab to get some tutelage courtesy of SEOquake. As search algorithms change, so will the advisories.
Next, it’s time to see how our site stacks up to others—perhaps your competition.
Compare URLS or Domains
Part of the appeal of SEOquake is that you can easily compare the page rank and SEO friendliness of a bunch of different sites at once.
Click on the “Compare URLS/domains” tab, and paste all of the URLs you want to compare.
Click the “process URLs” button, and a detailed report will spit right back at you.
Using this page, you’ll be able to crunch the numbers and optimize your site for keyword competition or other SEO strategies.
Don’t be afraid to import dozens or hundreds of links via a CSV file, either—it might take a while to get your results back, but you can also export the results for safe keeping and charting.
You could probably use SEOquake for this feature alone, so be sure to play around with it.
Internal Links
What would an SEO analysis tool be without reports on the internal links within a site? The internal links tab offers a full report on just that.
If you’re concerned about the kind of links or the throughput of the links that you have on a given site, this tab is your friend.
External Links
Similarly, external links are of critical importance when trying to optimize your site for page rank. The external links tab is identical to the internal links tab and worth a look.
Getting Started on Your First SEOquake Analysis
Now that you’re familiar with the badge and SEOquake’s basic features, it’s time to take it out for a whirl on your own.
You can pop open the badge on whichever site you navigate to, so take advantage of SEOquake and use it to help you understand how sites rank for different properties.
If you’re not sure which stats you should be the most interested in, just let the plugin’s tips guide you.
I specialize in all things blog related – so please hit me up in the comments below if you’re looking to get started on creating your own revenue generating blog.
Anthony Aires Chief Executive Officer
Real Deal Productions, LLC Prosperity Publishers, LLC
P.S. Keep coming back to AnthonyAires.com to take advantage of the free goodies I share.
If you’d like to connect with me my social media channels you can go here:
Anthony Aires Facebook Timeline: Friend Here >> http://facebook.com/anthonyaires
Anthony Aires Facebook Fan Page: Follow Here >> http://facebook.com/aireswins
Anthony Aires Never Stop Striving Facebook Group: Join Free Here >> https://www.facebook.com/groups/AnthonyAires
Anthony Aires Twitter: Follow Here >>http://twitter.com/anthonyaires
Anthony Aires YouTube: Subscribe Here >> http://youtube.com/anthonyaires
Anthony Aires Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anthonyaires
If you’d like to learn how I make 6 Figures A Year Working Only 90 Minutes A Day?
Then jump on my next FREE webcast workshop that’s going to show you how I does it…
You can sign up for FREE for the next one by saving your seat here >> https://anthonyaires.com/webcast
Thanks for being a part of the Aires Crew
  source https://anthonyaires.com/5374/seo-how-to-use-my-favorite-analytics-tool/ from Anthony Aires http://anthonyairescom.blogspot.com/2017/08/seo-how-to-use-my-favorite-analytics.html
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jenarodriguez · 7 years
Psychological Struggles Entrepreneurs Face And How To Overcome Them
You’re an entrepreneur – an individual who doesn’t let fear become a paralyzing factor. Daunting odds and discouraging investors don’t stop you from achieving your dream. You are an Alpha in a sea of people warning you to never break the status quo. You have values, talents, and gifts to offer the world. There are seemingly unconquerable obstacles that come complimentary with the life of an entrepreneur – but you already know that, and it doesn’t scare you off. That’s why you’re here. But depending on the stage of your business ventures, some of these obstacles and mental barriers may arise. Don’t panic. You’re still the entrepreneur you know yourself to be. These obstacles are all things we as humans struggle with in creating something of value in such a competitive, busy world. I’ll walk you through these common obstacles and ensure that they’re merely speed bumps on the way to your success. 1.     “Where Do I Start?” If you’ve already embarked on the long, arduous process of deciding the type of business you’re looking to get into (fashion, drop-shipping, kitchen goods, etc.), then congratulations! You’ve gone further than 90% of the entrepreneurial population. Now comes the even harder part – actually taking that first step to turning your idea into a tangible business. It may be that you don’t have enough knowledge of your market, or maybe you aren’t familiar with the technical aspects of creating and maintaining an e-commerce store. In these cases, you’ve lucked out. In the age of the Internet, there isn’t much information you can’t access. Maybe it’s a decisive issue; you can’t make up your mind on whether you’re ready and motivated enough to take the plunge. Don’t worry, this is common. But, you can’t let it push your aspirations to the side. One of the most important qualities a successful entrepreneur can have is a sense of urgency. Whether that urgency arises after a traumatic incident like a divorce or being fired from your job, you can’t ever lose it if you want your business to continue growing. There’s a world of hungry people out there – make sure you never become a full one. Motivation comes in many shapes and forms. Whether it’s exercise, meditation, keeping your finances to a minimum to induce that hunger, etc., just make sure it’s dependable and sustainable for you. 2.     Marginal Benefits While the entrepreneurial legends devoted every waking moment to their businesses, that isn’t always possible for us. You may have a family to support. A degree you’re still earning. Your business model could be slow in the initial stages and you may not have the financial cushion to take huge risks. Whatever the case, if you have to start your business on the side, you have to make sure you’re allotting enough time and effort for it to thrive. This means taking a highly disciplined, highly methodical look at your decision making in regards to time management. You have marginal benefits that come along with making decisions, and you also have costs. Our natural psychology typically leads us to take action and make decisions when the marginal benefits outweigh the costs. Take for example, your living space. Every day it gets a little bit dirtier with dust, water bottles, little pieces of trash, dishes, etc. We could take five minutes out of each day for basic cleaning, but you don’t. You usually wait – wait for the grime to significantly show, the bottles to pile up, and the sink to get full before we start cleaning – and then it takes us two hours to finish. This happens because, at first, we don’t see the benefit of fixing small inconveniences worth the time in the long run. The marginal benefit isn’t worth the cost. Yet, when it gets unbearable, the brain decides our quality of living is worth taking the extra hours out of the day to clean it all up. The marginal benefit outweighs the cost. What does this have to do with your e-commerce site? As an entrepreneur, it’s crucial you reevaluate this natural decision-making process. Your business needs to thrive, and there are a lot of little tasks that need to be done over a long period of time in order to build your venture into a successful, profitable business. Eventually, you should hire out other people to complete these small tasks so you can focus on big, money-making moves. But until then, it’s on your shoulders, and being the slightest bit lazy will compound into business-killing excess. These things won’t show you any returns immediately, which is why it makes this one of the hardest psychological obstacles to push past in the e-commerce world. Things like choosing the proper products to sell online, setting up ads, publishing blog posts, (heck, building a blog!), developing social media channels, etc., all takes time, and provide hardly any instant gratification. But, in the long run – if you do these things daily, and conquer this mental barrier – it’ll pay off and be the building blocks of your brand. 3.     The False Productivity Façade This is a super common problem that affects e-commerce entrepreneurs especially. This is when you feel like you’re doing something useful… but the action really does nothing to further your business goals. The biggest culprit: tweaking your website. Customizing the layouts, rewriting the copy, adding new photos – you can spend TONS of time messing around and updating your website. But, is it really furthering your goals? In the beginning stages of your business: no. Eventually, once you have a following of readers, website redesign can compound that audience and show them you are evolving with the times. But as I said, in the beginning you have to simply get your website up and done. Try to move on without looking back… you’ve got plenty of other high-level tasks to do. At the end of the day, it’s all about revenue. Is your site gaining traction in your niche? Are you getting visitors? Most importantly: are you getting sales? Just get your site up, interact with real people, and get them to make some real purchases. 4.     Failure vs Momentum It’s easy to stay motivated and productive when you finally see results. On the flip side, there’s nothing more discouraging than the massive amount of failure you first encounter when launching an e-commerce business. Momentum is the good stuff, the kind of things that push you forward and make you want to keep hashing away at your work. Things like seeing a boost in traffic, ranking higher for your keywords in SEO, and being sought after as an influencer. Failure is the drudgery that keeps e-commerce entrepreneurs from continuing their dream. And it’s rarely failure in the large sense, but small setbacks that make your work feel hopeless. This is the kind of stuff that causes most people to give up after a few months. Things like posting a really great article that drives no traffic and gets no exposure, or sending emails for guest posts and asking for product reviews only to get radio silence. So, how can you cope with failure? In the words of Craig Ballantyne, author of The Perfect Day Formula, “fail forwards.” Also, consistency. In the face of denial, you’ve got to keep hammering away. One of the best ways to do this is by creating a written plan that details how you’re going to market your site: How many bloggers you’ll contact for product reviews, backlinks, guest posts, etc. Marketing your e-commerce site ultimately comes down to a numbers game. The longer you stick it out, the more attention you bring, the higher your sales will be. Again, nothing builds more momentum than pure revenue. Building a successful online platform and selling great products is a long and arduous road filled with more mental barriers than most people can handle. But you’re an entrepreneur. It’s never going to be easy. That’s why you love it! And also why only a select few in this world are successful. Don’t let any of these psychological obstacles keep you from building your dream – because at the end of the day, these obstacles can’t stand up to your determination.
Anthony Aires Chief Executive Officer
Real Deal Productions, LLC Prosperity Publishers, LLC
P.S. Keep coming back to AnthonyAires.com to take advantage of the free goodies I share.
If you’d like to connect with me my social media channels you can go here:
Anthony Aires Facebook Timeline: Friend Here >> http://facebook.com/anthonyaires
Anthony Aires Facebook Fan Page: Follow Here >> http://facebook.com/aireswins
Anthony Aires Never Stop Striving Facebook Group: Join Free Here >> https://www.facebook.com/groups/AnthonyAires
Anthony Aires Twitter: Follow Here >>http://twitter.com/anthonyaires
Anthony Aires YouTube: Subscribe Here >> http://youtube.com/anthonyaires
Anthony Aires Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anthonyaires
If you’d like to learn how I make 6 Figures A Year Working Only 90 Minutes A Day?
Then jump on my next FREE webcast workshop that’s going to show you how I does it…
You can sign up for FREE for the next one by saving your seat here >> https://anthonyaires.com/webcast
Thanks for being a part of the Aires Crew
source https://anthonyaires.com/5370/psychological-struggles-entrepreneurs-face-and-how-to-overcome-them/ from Anthony Aires http://anthonyairescom.blogspot.com/2017/08/psychological-struggles-entrepreneurs.html
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jenarodriguez · 7 years
The Ultimate List Of Affiliate Programs For Beginners
I’ve already written about affiliate blogging and even made an extensive list of some of the terms you may come across. Affiliate marketing – if done correctly – is one of the richest ways to create a passive, reoccurring income from your blog.
This is a massive online industry that benefits merchant and affiliate marketers in huge ways; the merchant easily gains access to existing, warm audiences, and the affiliates get an easy way to monetize their blogs. Well, it isn’t all that easy – you still have to go through the legwork of creating a loyal, sizeable readership, first.
Once that’s done, though, you’ll be inundated with the sheer size of the marketplace. Which affiliate programs are great? Which ones actually treat their marketers fairly, and which ones are known for click fraud and frequent charge backs?
Don’t go through the long, painful process of test driving different merchants. I’ve made 6-figures through affiliate networks alone, and I’ve done business with plenty of merchants across a variety of niches in the process.
Here’s my ultimate list of the best affiliate programs to be a part of.
Clickbank is a huge affiliate program that deals with tons of digital products like eBooks. They’ve been around for a long, long time. The great thing about Clickbank is the ability for merchants to sign up for free and start selling products immediately. You don’t need permission to start, and you don’t have to buy anyone’s product to sell it; just click the promote button, and get to selling.
Free registration
Huge choice of products
Quick payment
Good commission (10-75%)
Simple process
Commission Junction is also a massive affiliate network that gives you access to a ton of different industries and products in the same platform. You get the option to choose from different companies that sell different products and services – things like fashion, health and beauty products, and electronics.
Large merchant base (over 3,000 – millions of products)
Simple interface
Streamlined reporting
Access to tons of data (to help you improve your sales)
AvantLink is a company that connects merchants to affiliate marketers. Merchants provide info about their programs, set the affiliate charges, and fill in all the necessary product details. Then, the affiliate decides which merchants to take on, and start earning commission from the sales. Their system handles all of the sales and payments.
Access to plenty of niche-focused merchants
Wide range of product categories
Easy for beginner use
Amazon is the largest affiliate platform that offers many different advantages to merchants and affiliates alike. I usually refer most of my beginner affiliate bloggers to Amazon as a great place to start because of this. With over a million merchants, Amazon is also a great platform for advanced merchants with custom tools and API’s along with Amazon implementations.
The earning potential for affiliates working through Amazon is nearly unlimited.
Ease of use
Extremely flexible product markets
Huge partner network
Massive brand exposure/popularity
It’s incredibly easy to become an affiliate for eBay. Just scroll down to the bottom of the site and click on the affiliate link, fill out the application, and start selling when you get approved. You can make money as an affiliate from just referring people to the registration page. For every person that registers with eBay from your site, you can earn up to $35, along with the regular commissions you can make from just selling products.
Earn DOUBLE commissions your first 3 months
Diverse product ranges
Seasonal discounts (you can get a ton of business with holiday posts)
Easy payments via PayPal
Higher commissions than most programs
Revenuewire is another global affiliate program that deals mainly in digital products. Creating an account and getting approved is fairly easy – just fill out the application for the products/vendors you want to promote, and collect commission.
Simple sign-up
Good commission
Excellent UI with easy navigation
ShareASale is a pretty sizeable affiliate network with over 4,000 merchants listed – and a fourth of those are exclusive only to ShareASale. Whether you’re a merchant or an affiliate, you’ll fall hard for the extremely easy user interface. A great thing about this platform is that it offers features like Reversal Rates, Average Commissions, Average Sale Amounts, and EPC’s. All of this allows you to monitor campaigns and focus on different ones respectively.
Large partner network
Quick payment cycles (on the 20th of every month)
Easy to compare offers
Like I’ve said several times before, affiliate marketing is one of my favorite methods of monetizing blogs – aside from selling your own services/products. It offers easy revenue streams, takes advantage of blogging’s compounding readership, and has the potential to provide massive commissions depending on your niche.
Just make sure your offers and links are in line with your brand, or you’ll risk sell-out status and drive away your readers.
source https://anthonyaires.com/5367/the-ultimate-list-of-affiliate-programs-for-beginners/ from Anthony Aires http://anthonyairescom.blogspot.com/2017/08/the-ultimate-list-of-affiliate-programs.html
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jenarodriguez · 7 years
Why The 1% Own Such Huge Libraries
We aren’t born with the knowledge necessary to make it in this world. We’re taught everything – from saying our ABC’s to driving a car. But, many of us are far, far from home and the luxuries of having a parent teach you the things they think you need to know.
That importance of having a learning source, though; that never changes.
Ever wonder why you’re so encouraged to get a mentor?
It’s because of our ability to pass down knowledge from generation to generation that has enabled the human race to reach the pinnacles of engineering and innovation that we experience today.
If you’ve ever been to a rich person’s home, you’ve seen their mentors – from Aristotle to Warren Buffet.
Why The Rich Own Huge Libraries
The rich know something that most people in this world fail to acknowledge…
There really are shortcuts to success.
They’re called books.
The 1% of this world haven’t gotten to where they are today by split testing and judging by trial and error the best form of advertising or how to write computer code. They didn’t waste time by guessing.
Instead, they built a library with enough information to refer to that they’ll never have to pause and ask themselves “what do I do next?”
You Have To Build Your Own Library
You’ve already begun, whether you know it or not. If you’ve already bought yourself a few manuals on the craft you’ve set your sites on, then you’re already beginning to set the foundation for your success.
If you haven’t – well, you’re here reading this – and we’ve already started compiling loads of information here for you for free.
But, if you still haven’t achieved the levels of success you’ve envisioned for your life, my guess is it’s because you don’t have enough knowledge of the possible systems in place to help you do so. You just don’t have the proven “secrets” necessary to launch yourself into the luxury lifestyle, yet.
Until you gain knowledge of those systems, you’ll be stuck trying to figure everything out by yourself; which, is possible… But, it takes years of long, painful studying and application.
When I first started out, a lot of proven, qualified systems of success were being released into the world by people who had accumulated a LOT of wealth. I was sick of not being one of them. So, I hunted down retired millionaires, people who were the exact definition of financial success, and learned directly from the source about what it takes to get to their level.
It took years of my life to learn everything I needed to, but the results paid off in tremendous ways.
I launched myself forward with massive results in the real estate business, and made millions of dollars off of deals that I wouldn’t have been able to without the help and guidance of people who had already learned the system.
And then, when the real estate market crashed in 2008, I only continued to grow my wealth; but, I did so through an entirely different method.
I always recommend diversifying your income, and never relying fully on one stream like real estate. So, I consulted with experts in SEO and learned the systems that were in place through thousands of hours of research and studying. By the time the market collapsed, I was already moving on to making 6 figures from SEO alone.
Throughout all of it, I’ve learned some extremely key, extremely valuable things:
How to build a business from scratch, drop the 9-to-5, work from anywhere in the world, and live the life of my dreams.
People noticed. People wanted to know how I did it – so, I told them.
I gave them access to MY “library.”
Guess what? Their lives changed. They slowly but surely applied my knowledge and set themselves up to not only reach their goals, but far supersede them. Then, people in THEIR lives began to notice, too. Before long, I started getting emails from people I’d never even met before from across the globe wanting to know how I got to where I am today, and how I helped others do the same.
So, I created this site; my own library, full of the knowledge and systems that I’ve learned over the course of my life that will put anyone in the 1% category, if applied correctly.
I created a plethora of webinars, videos, and in-depth articles to help them get there.
Because, in the end, it’s all about your dreams.
Don’t let them still be called dreams when the day finally comes for you to leave the world.
Take advantage of the knowledge that’s been passed down to me from some of the most successful people in the world.
There are no “secrets.” They’re all here, for the taking.
Anthony Aires Chief Executive Officer
Real Deal Productions, LLC Prosperity Publishers, LLC
P.S. Keep coming back to AnthonyAires.com to take advantage of the free goodies I share.
If you’d like to connect with me my social media channels you can go here:
Anthony Aires Facebook Timeline: Friend Here >> http://facebook.com/anthonyaires
Anthony Aires Facebook Fan Page: Follow Here >> http://facebook.com/aireswins
Anthony Aires Never Stop Striving Facebook Group: Join Free Here >> https://www.facebook.com/groups/AnthonyAires
Anthony Aires Twitter: Follow Here >>http://twitter.com/anthonyaires
Anthony Aires YouTube: Subscribe Here >> http://youtube.com/anthonyaires
Anthony Aires Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anthonyaires
If you’d like to learn how I make 6 Figures A Year Working Only 90 Minutes A Day?
Then jump on my next FREE webcast workshop that’s going to show you how I does it…
You can sign up for FREE for the next one by saving your seat here >> https://anthonyaires.com/webcast
Thanks for being a part of the Aires Crew
  source https://anthonyaires.com/5303/why-the-1-own-such-huge-libraries/ from Anthony Aires http://anthonyairescom.blogspot.com/2017/08/why-1-own-such-huge-libraries.html
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jenarodriguez · 7 years
Webinars Your Big Profits Guide
Webinars are an excellent way to increase sales and conversions, especially on big-ticket items. Because webinars are interactive, they are more engaging and thus have higher conversions than other types of marketing.
A few benefits of webinars over other sales presentations include:
• The limited time nature increases participation. People can’t procrastinate if a webinar is only available at a specific time. • Active participation in the form of chat, question-and-answer sessions, etc. makes for a richer, more engaging experience that makes people pay attention and take action. • Social proof from other participants can increase conversions.
In this report, you’re going to learn how to set up and run successful webinars, with a focus on selling high value items that pay a higher commission than average products. You’ll learn how and why you should run automated webinars, and how to increase webinar conversions.
So let’s get started.
Selling High Ticket Items via Webinar
Webinars can certainly increase sales to smaller ticket items, however generally speaking they are much more cost-effective for selling high-ticket items.
The main reason why these big-ticket items make more sense is because of the limited nature of webinars. Most webinar programs only have a limited number of seats available, generally due to the limitations of the software itself, which might not be able to handle large numbers of users at once.
Because there are so few people who will be able to attend each webinar session, it only makes sense to promote higher ticket items. If you are only paid $10 commission on a small ticket item, and you only have 50 attendees, you’d need a 20% conversion rate to make 10 sales, which would only earn you $100 in commission.
That’s not exactly a princely sum for the trouble of planning, organizing and carrying out a webinar. And remember, a 20% conversion rate is very difficult to achieve even with a webinar.
However, if you were paid $100 commission on a large-ticket item, with the same 50 attendees, you’d only need a 10% conversion to get 5 sales, which would earn you $500 in commission.
As you can see, you’d need half the conversions to earn five times as much income. So large-ticket items really make sense when you have a limited number of people to market to, such as you do with a webinar.
Not only must you worry about the physical limitations of your webinar software and server, but the schedules of potential attendees as well. You may see fewer attendees than you expect because people are busy at the time you schedule your webinar.
It’s possible to record your webinar and distribute it to people who cannot attend, however conversions on recorded webinars aren’t likely to be nearly as high as during the live broadcast, because you can’t have viewers of the recorded webinar interact with you as they could during the initial live broadcast.
Doing the Math
Before you plan your webinar, it’s important to do a little math to be sure your webinar has the best chance to be profitable. (In other words, worth your time.)
First, figure out which product you’d like to promote. Ideally, this should be a product that you’ll make at least $100 in commission from, though higher amounts would be even better, obviously.
However, don’t choose a product solely based on its commission. It’s better to choose a product that makes a bit less commission and converts much better than to choose a product that has a very high commission and won’t convert at all.
Let’s say your product will make you $100 in commission. If you want to make at least $500 from the webinar, you know you need to get a total of five sales.
You may not know the exact conversion rate of your product, but you can estimate it. A 5% conversion rate is a good starting point as an estimate. It helps greatly if you’ve tested the product already, or if the product owner has released public information about its overall conversion rates, but 5% is generally a safe estimate for most products.
In order to get five sales at a 5% conversion rate, you need a total of 100 people in attendance. You could make more, or you could make less. But getting a minimum of 100 people to attend would be your goal.
If you have a high-converting product that gives you $500 commission, you would only need one sale to earn what you desire. This means a higher-priced product would require much fewer attendees.
Automated Webinars
Automated webinars make it easy to set up webinars at times when you cannot theoretically be in attendance. This is great for providing access to people on varying schedules and all around the world without having to be there constantly.
You may wonder why it makes sense to do an automated webinar when you could simply do a single webinar, record it, and offer access to a video
There are many reasons to use an automated webinar system instead of simply offering a video recording:
1. People are much more likely to attend when they feel they are on a time constraint because they don’t want to miss the event. If they are given a link to download a video, they are likely to put off watching the video until “later”, but “later” is likely to never come. People tend to procrastinate unless they have a set timeframe for something.
2. People tend to perceive the value of a live webinar as much higher than the value of a single video, even though the information is technically precisely the same.
3. A video recording does not allow audience participation of any kind. Some automated webinar scripts allow audience members to chat with one another and also chat with you if you are available at the moment.
4. A recorded video cannot be set to play at a specific time so that late attendees believe they are attending a live webinar. However, with some automated webinar software, the video will begin at a specified time, and if people are late or leave and come back, the video will not resume from the same place they left off, giving the impression of a live broadcast.
There are many different automated webinar systems available. Here are a few of the most popular.
>> http://www.EvergreenBusinessSystem.com – The Evergreen Business System is one of the most popular automated webinar systems. At $497. This system delivers a tremendous number of features, most of which cannot be found elsewhere. For an additional $97 monthly fee, you can also run an unlimited number of live webinars using their servers.
>> http://www.StealthSeminar.com – The Stealth Seminar system charges as $97 registration fee (after coupon), and then an additional $69.95 per month. While this is cheaper upfront than the Evergreen Business System, you will find that it lacks some of the features people want in a webinar host. However, it does integrate with almost all major autoresponder systems.
>> http://www.EasyWebinar.com – Easy Webinar is only $297 for a 10-domain license. It is less costly than other systems, but again it doesn’t have quiet as many features as the two listed above.
Planning a Webinar (Structure, Pitching an offer)
Planning the full webinar before it begins is absolutely essential. Without proper planning, you’re likely to end up with long periods of dead air or being unable to answer questions posed by attendees, which can throw off your webinar and cost you conversions/sales.
Webinar Formats
There are several different formats you can choose from for a webinar. Different formats have different benefits, so you may want to use different formats at different times based on your needs.
Let’s take a look at some of the various formats and their benefits and weaknesses:
Single Speaker
In the single speaker format, one person does the complete presentation and may ask the attendees questions or answer theirs.
One major benefit of this particular webinar type is that you won’t have to train multiple people how to use the webinar software. Additionally, you don’t have to worry about timing and coordinating multiple speakers, or having presenters talking over each other answering questions.
The biggest potential drawback of the single speaker format is that sometimes people are reluctant to interact with a single speaker, because they feel it can be a bit intimidating, because the single speaker becomes somewhat of an authority figure. However, this is also potentially beneficial, because if you are seen as an authority figure, people will be more likely to take actions you recommend or request, such as buying a product.
Interview Style
The interview style webinar involves two or more people working together. One person is usually the interviewer, and that person interviews one or more other people.
Some people find that hearing several people at once helps make a webinar more interesting. Also, since the interviewer is asking the other person questions, many times this encourages attendees to ask questions, increasing interactivity.
This means you’ll have to ensure everyone is able to use the webinar software, including the interviewer and all interviewees. You may also run into scheduling conflicts, because you will have to coordinate multiple people to run the webinar.
Moderated Panel
A moderated panel has several people online at the same time with one moderator who ensures only one person can speak at a time. This is done either through the software itself, allowing the moderator to mute everyone who isn’t currently speaking, or in the same way a moderator facilitates a live discussion, by giving individuals permission to speak.
Like the interview style, this type of webinar allows users to hear different perspectives and different voices, which makes the webinar more interesting than a single speaker style.
However, as with an interview style, you’ll have to ensure all parties know how to use the webinar software and be careful of any scheduling conflicts. But perhaps the biggest challenge with this format is keeping the conversation flowing well without people talking over each other. The moderator must take great care to keep things organized.
The interactive format requires a single individual to lead the attendees in various activities such as question-and-answer sessions, lessons or other interactive content.
Because this format is extremely interactive, people generally get more out of the webinar. Attendees can ask questions, and even answer questions for other attendees. This can be very helpful if someone asks a question that you don’t know the answer to.
The main problem with this format is that it can really only reasonably accommodate a small number of individuals, because large groups can cause a lot of confusion if everyone is trying to speak at once. You need to be reasonably skilled at running this type of webinar for it to work effectively.
Planning the Presentation
You will need to plan your presentation carefully from start to finish, and you won’t want to deviate from that format too much during your webinar. The reason for this is that once a webinar has been derailed, it can take a long time for it to recover and get back on track, thus making your webinar run over time.
Since people have to plan to be present at a particular time for a webinar event, they generally don’t allot time over that. They may make plans after your webinar, and if it runs over, they may have to leave. Or they may just get bored if the webinar runs too long.
Here are some things you might want to include in your presentation:
1. A slide that introduces your webinar, including its purpose, what time it begins, how to use the various webinar functions, and how long the webinar is estimated to last.
2. A slide that gives information about the webinar host/presenter and any other presenters, interviewers or interviewees. Include their name, their professional credentials, and a picture if you have one.
3. A short presentation of the webinar’s agenda, including the topics to be covered and any other material to be presented.
4. Screenshots or videos that demonstrate primary elements of your presentation. You may be able to keep these on your computer and present them as needed, as some webinar software allows you to share your desktop so everyone can see what you’re doing live as you do it. This will let you show videos, slides, screenshots or whatever else you need to display.
Plan Attendees
Keep in mind that a lot of webinar software has hard limits on the number of attendees. This is due to a number of different factors, such as bandwidth, software limitations, etc.
If you know you have a limited number of spots available, be sure to let potential attendees know this in advance. This will help increase the number of people who sign up for your webinar, because it will lend an element of scarcity.
Record the Presentation
It’s a very good idea to record the webinar to allow those who could not be in attendance to view it at a later date. This will increase your conversions, because you will be able to reach more people than could be present due to their own scheduling conflicts or due to the space limitations for the live presentation.
If you’re going to record the webinar, you’ll want to plan this in advance so you can be certain your webinar software allows recording, and to learn how to use the function properly.
Create the Agenda
It is very important to create an agenda with approximate times so that the webinar flows smoothly and doesn’t go too much over time. Remember, if you run over time, you won’t make it to your final sales pitch with some participants, which will severely cut down on conversions.
Your agenda should contain a list of topics that you plan to discuss during the webinar so that you don’t forget any important points.
The agenda should also contain a rough guide for each segment of the presentation, including the order in which speakers will make their presentations, a list of interview questions, etc.
Here’s a sample agenda for a webinar beginning at 6:00 PM:
6:00 – Introduction to the webinar and its presenters. 6:05 – First topic of discussion. 6:15 – Second topic of discussion. 6:25 – Third topic of discussion. 6:35 – Questions from the audience. 6:50 – Product is introduced, letting people know their unanswered questions can be answered by it. This is the sales pitch. 7:00 – Webinar is concluded, attendees are thanked for their presence, and the final sales pitch is made.
Schedule Presenters
If you intend on having any special guests, additional presenters, experts, or interviewees, you need to schedule them well in advance so they are certain they can be present and on time for the webinar.
Don’t forget to schedule all presenters for a trial run, too. This should be done at least once before the day of the webinar in order to ensure everyone knows how to use the software properly and that everyone knows their role and can stick within the time constraints.
Plan a Dry Run
A trial run is absolutely vital for ensuring your webinar goes smoothly. There isn’t much that will kill a webinar’s effectiveness faster than a bunch of people saying “um” and “uh” every couple of minutes because they don’t know what they’re doing or what should happen next.
It’s a good idea to do two or three dry runs, but you must do at least one. The dry run will help ensure everyone knows how to use the webinar software correctly, the order of events, what they plan to say, and how to stay within time constraints.
You won’t be able to plan for things such as user questions as well, but you can anticipate some of the things attendees might ask and be prepared to answer those questions.
The dry run should include, at minimum:
1. Practice the webinar introduction, including introducing individual presenters.
2. Making sure presenters know how to use the webinar software.
3. Check all software and equipment. Make sure the web server is running optimally. Be sure everyone has working headsets and knows how to use them and mute them when necessary.
4. Go over the complete agenda with all participants. Do a run-through of all presenters’ presentations, including visuals such as screenshots and videos.
Fine-Tuning Your Pitch
The most important part of your webinar is obviously your pitch. This pitch must be as finely tuned as possible before the webinar begins, and it must contain the perfect blend of selling versus informing.
If the product is yours, you can be a little more aggressive with your sales pitch. People will expect this if you’re selling your own product, so they won’t really be upset.
However, if you’re selling an affiliate product, people are likely to be rather skeptical about the product if you’re selling too hard. Instead, try to focus on talking about why you personally like the product rather than just saying, “Buy! Buy! Buy!”
Here are some things you might want to include in your sales pitch:
• A few of the most important features of the product • The best benefits of the product (Remember, benefits are different from features. Features would be things like a server’s bandwidth or hard drive size. Benefits would be no loss of sales due to bandwidth limitations or never running out of server space for critical backups.) • What the product has done for you personally • Why you believe everyone would want the product
Be careful not to oversell the product or people will smell the sales pitch a mile away and won’t feel it is genuine. The more personal it seems, and the more you relate to them what it has done for you, the more people will want to buy it.
Pre-Qualifying Participants
Something you may want to do if your webinar is very limited is to pre-screen potential attendees to be sure they understand the product you are presenting, its basic features and its price. You don’t want valuable webinar spots being taken by people who would have absolutely no interest in the product you’re selling or wouldn’t be able to afford it even if they were.
Thus, before your signup form, you might want to include a short survey asking people questions that pre-qualify them for your webinar.
Some example questions for a weigh loss webinar might include:
• Are you interested in losing 50, 75, even 100 pounds or more in the next six months? • Have you tried other weight loss products and failed? • Are you sick of weight loss systems that try to charge you a monthly fee on and on, yet they never work? • If you could pay a one-time fee of just $497 to lose all the weight you want, and be guaranteed success, would you be interested?
This will ensure participants are both interested and willing to pay the cost of the product.
Webinars can be extremely profitable if care is taken with the setup, presentation, and pitch. Remember that they are best used for pitching high-value products that pay a larger commission in order to take advantage of the limited nature of most webinar software.
Remember, you can continue making money long after your webinar has ended by allowing others to view the recording of it. But don’t forget that your webinar’s effectiveness will diminish significantly if you only offer a standard video stream or download of your broadcast.
Instead, consider using one of the automated webinar systems that make your broadcast seem like a live event. This will increase urgency and ensure that more people will view your recorded webinar and take action, too.
I wish you the best of luck with your webinars, and I hope you find wild success with all your future webinars!
Good luck!
source https://anthonyaires.com/4750/webinars-your-big-profits-guide-2/ from Anthony Aires http://anthonyairescom.blogspot.com/2017/08/webinars-your-big-profits-guide.html
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jenarodriguez · 7 years
How To Avoid Content-Block; Never Run Out Of Ideas
Have you run out of ideas of what to say on your Facebook Page? Has Twitter got you in knots because you’re (frankly) bored – have you hit a content brick wall? Fear not my friends. There is a simple solution. My best guess is that you have forgotten who you are talking to (or want to talk to for that matter). In fact, I would lay my bets that you haven’t even thought about WHO you are writing for. Your main driver to date has more than likely been, “What can I share about me? What’s interesting enough about me to share?” Can I let you in on a secret (that’s not so secret)? It is NOT about you. Identify Your prospect The reason you are stopped in your tracks with producing content for your blog, social media channels and indeed, more than likely for your email marketing – is because you have either forgotten – or never formulated your prospect. Identify Your prospect And no, I do not mean the blue people from the big James Cameron blockbuster. (But how cool would that be!) An prospect – or Persona – or Ideal Target Audience – is the one person you are writing a specific piece of content for. Once you nail that, and I mean properly nail that, the content just flows and flows. Follow my 5 prospect Tips below and I promise your content will be overflowing. TIP #1: Get to know your prospect like he/she is your best friend Write out exactly who your ideal target audience is – you may have a few different audiences who you target (to perhaps align with different services or products) – choose one to start with. Answer these few questions about your prospect: How old is your prospect? What is their home life like? What car do they drive and where do they live? How much do they earn? What traits do they have – that are interesting to note? What hobbies do they have? What does their typical day look like? Who do they hang out with? Where do they hang out? (Virtual and physical places) Color this picture in as much as you can – so you can tell the story of your prospect like they are a person standing in front of you. Once you are done – name your prospect. Let’s call him John for the sake of this exercise. (Mmm…I should have found a male blue person image.) If you need more help on this score – I highly recommend listening to Amy Porterfield’s Podcast on this subject: “Are you Repelling or Attracting Your Potential Customers?” Amy interviews Jasmine Starr who introduces us to her prospect called Elle. You really feel like Jasmine is talking about a close friend of hers. This drives her every move when shaping anything for Elle. TIP #2: Map out what your prospect likes, wants, desires and needs This is a fun exercise – so literally draw it out. (Get out those colored markers and highlighters). Start with your prospect’s name in a circle in the middle of your paper and then move branches outwards from the centre (like a mind map or huge spider). Things to consider: Does John have any daily / weekly / annual challenges? Weaknesses – what knowledge is John lacking to get a certain task or job done? Strengths – what are the tasks or skills that John is really good at? How does John make decisions about selecting who he works with? What or who influences him in the workplace? What or who influences him outside of the workplace (that you know of)? What is the one thing he really desires? What is his burning need (might be linked to his challenges)? What gets him up in the morning? What keeps him up at night? What kind of language does John use? (What words or phrases does he use frequently? Are there specific terms he uses because of his industry / what does he call his staff, customers and products?) And anything else that springs to mind… Note it down – don’t stop until everything you know about John is on the paper. Map Out Your prospect with a mind map or spider diagram TIP #3: Identify themes From your very detailed understanding of John’s lifestyle and his needs and wants – you should be able to stand back from your map of him and clearly identify themes. These themes will give you a content plan for next 12 months to work from. Your themes could look something like this: John’s challenges are: 1,2,3,4 What John is really good at, but could do with the resource to do even better is: 1,2,3,4 John is lacking these things to move his business to the next level: 1,2,3,4 How you can help John is in the following ways: 1,2,3,4 (use his words to describe his needs) These are the measures that John uses to select suppliers/providers: 1,2,3,4 (and you position your solution-based blog post on the ‘measure’ – turn the subject around on how you fulfil or deliver on that measure) Map Out Your prospect Fully Until You Know Him or Her Like Your Best Friend CLICK TO TWEET TIP #4: Flesh it out Take one of the items within each theme and flesh it out completely. So, for example, in the Challenge Theme above, let’s choose Item 1 from the first point that you listed. Let’s say that John’s biggest challenge is recruiting the right team members to help him deliver a quality service to his clients. You are a specialist recruitment consultant. Your piece of content (preferably a blog post) is going to talk about or be positioned as follows: Providing a ‘lay-of-the-land’ of what it feels like to have the wrong team in place (all the extra pressures, extra management time, losing other great staff members because of a bad team member; having a long standing client say they will need to go elsewhere; etc.) Provide practical guidance on how to take control of such a situation – bold, but sensitive advice on how to take the reigns back and how to put good, solid performance management processes in place. Research the correct HR advice (if you don’t know it) and give a general framework to follow. Include a sentence now and then about how you have helped a client in a similar situation resolve this specific issue. Very subtly – do not bolster yourself at all…just relate a story within your story. Close the piece with some compassionate advice and an offer to converse with you, if the reader is experiencing this issue in their business. Give them a private way to communicate with you (email) as well. Now you can do this for every one of the items you have in TIP #3. Can you see that you will have at least 20 bulky blog posts out of that? TIP #5: Vary the format, method and delivery Now take the meaty blog post you have written above – and slice and dice. Take parts of that blog post and do things like: Run a Facebook Live Q&A session on that subject and invite participants to ask questions about that issue Co-host a Blab session with an HR professional who specialises in assisting clients in dealing with difficult staff members. Promote this to your existing clients, as well as across your other social media channels to get an audience to watch, listen and have their questions answered Create about 4 different graphics and images around statistics on this specific issue and perhaps some quotes from successful business people who have been quoted on this specific subject. Create the images yourself (but obviously give credence to the quote author) – add your logo and flair to them. Write 4 to 6 individual tweets – pulling nuggets from the post – and add the link at the end (you now have up to 6 unique tweets that you can use to recycle going forward) Create two attractive Facebook posts with images (optimised for Ads) and share on Facebook – test them through the ads platform and target them at the audience you want to reach And I could go on – but you get where I’m coming from. Reward Diagram Conclusion Can you see how…if you start at the beginning and really understand who you are communicating with on your channels (and it may be that you have John for one platform and Sally for another) – it gets easier? You should have a good idea of how to plan out your content now – based on who you want to speak to. Remember that over and above the work you have done above, you will have some very targeted campaigns planned to promote a specific product or service or solution – but you will always need to know who that campaign is directed at. Get your prospect(s) in place before you do anything else – and you will always be able to go back to it when planning a fresh year of content. Good luck! And let me know how you get on. Any questions – just pop them below and I’d be happy to answer them for you.
Anthony Aires Chief Executive Officer
Real Deal Productions, LLC Prosperity Publishers, LLC
P.S. Keep coming back to AnthonyAires.com to take advantage of the free goodies I share.
If you’d like to connect with me my social media channels you can go here:
Anthony Aires Facebook Timeline: Friend Here >> http://facebook.com/anthonyaires
Anthony Aires Facebook Fan Page: Follow Here >> http://facebook.com/aireswins
Anthony Aires Never Stop Striving Facebook Group: Join Free Here >> https://www.facebook.com/groups/AnthonyAires
Anthony Aires Twitter: Follow Here >>http://twitter.com/anthonyaires
Anthony Aires YouTube: Subscribe Here >> http://youtube.com/anthonyaires
Anthony Aires Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anthonyaires
If you’d like to learn how I make 6 Figures A Year Working Only 90 Minutes A Day?
Then jump on my next FREE webcast workshop that’s going to show you how I does it…
You can sign up for FREE for the next one by saving your seat here >> https://anthonyaires.com/webcast
Thanks for being a part of the Aires Crew
source https://anthonyaires.com/5254/how-to-avoid-content-block-never-run-out-of-ideas/ from Anthony Aires http://anthonyairescom.blogspot.com/2017/08/how-to-avoid-content-block-never-run.html
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jenarodriguez · 7 years
5 Signs You’re Meant To Be An Entrepreneur
You don’t complain – you change.
You know the type: they’re always complaining about a different problem in their life every single day of the week, but never offer an alternative solution.
Those are the type of people who won’t succeed as entrepreneurs.
But you aren’t one of them. When you come across a huge problem in your life, you figure out ways to bypass those problems, or fix them entirely. You know pure complaints don’t lead to gold, but only waste your time and take your mental attitude down a few levels.
That’s a sure sign you’re a purebred entrepreneur.
Take Elon Musk for example: he wanted to create a simpler, easier way to transfer money – so he made PayPal. He wanted to turn the world toward cleaner energy solutions and drive an electric car that didn’t suck – so he created Tesla. He wanted to find a cheaper, more efficient way of getting humans into space – so he created SpaceX.
Instead of complaining about the issues of the world, Elon actively seeks solutions.
Pure, unkindled passion.
Passion is a staple in every entrepreneur; you just can’t survive the long work weeks, lack of funding, and heavy stress that comes associated with starting your own business without it.
But, you can’t just be passionate about something. There are tons of people in the world who are passionate about things. Even worse, there are people who become enraged with passion so intense that they burn out in a matter of days.
This can’t be you.
If you want to not only succeed, but thrive doing it, you have to be consistently passionate about whatever it is you’re trying to accomplish. Motivation is fleeting. Passion – for you as an entrepreneur – must be undying.
Take Sara Blakely as an example: she began her billion dollar business, Spanx, while she was working a full time sales job selling fax machines door-to-door. So, after a grueling, hot day of rejection and meager commissions, Sara would continue selling people on her prototypes at night.
Not only that, but she couldn’t afford to pay a patent lawyer, so she taught herself how to write her own from a textbook she bought at Barnes & Nobles. She would drive from Georgia to North Carolina at night, with no sleep, and pitch to factory mills where she would meet nothing but rejection. Until, finally, she found an investor.
There’s only one thing that keeps someone striving for their goal like that: passion.
You aren’t happy without competition.
As an entrepreneur, you’re going to go through some of the toughest, strenuous times of your life when you first start.
But, you’re going to love it.
You’ll love it because you know things in life don’t come easy. That’s especially true in a capitalist economy, where trade flourishes from pure competition. You’ll always be looking out for the next player on the block, and you’ll always find a way to beat them – because a competitive nature is what’s going to get you to the top and keep you there.
You’re an independent soul.
There are people who need to be guided on how to start a project, and then there are people like you.
Entrepreneurs don’t wait on data and testing and long guides on how to create the next greatest product. Mostly because, well, nobody has created some of the products that you’ll create.
That’s why you have to be a self-starter.
Even if you aren’t creating a new revolutionary product, you have to be an individual who doesn’t put things off but rather jumps neck deep into the market and starts hashing out their business. That’s the key, here: you have to be someone who isn’t afraid to start.
When J.K. Rowling was living off welfare and struggling to take care of her child as a single mother, she didn’t piddle around waiting for a bestseller to fall in her lap.
No, she sat herself down at her keyboard, and started.
You don’t think inside boxes.
There are always linear solutions to problems, and sometimes those are the solutions that haven’t been thought out, yet. But most of the time a revolutionary invention, or form of marketing, isn’t thought of by following linear paths.
As an entrepreneur, you have to be proficient at looking at the world through an objective, outside lense.
Look to Google as evidence for this: there were already tons of search engines on the internet before Google was born. Sergey Brin looked at the internet, and their poor search engines, and thought of a new way to index search results via backlinks. This was revolutionary, and completely rocked the digital world with an idea that was formed by looking at a problem with an outside view.
Whatever it is that you’re planning on creating – even if it’s already been done – you have to find a way to approach it from outside of the box.
That’s how entrepreneurs turn millionaires.
 These are only some of the dominant traits found in entrepreneurs, and is by no means a defining list.
The thing about entrepreneurs is, even if you found a way to categorize all of their traits in simple lists, they’ll still find some way to break expectations and shatter your perceived image of them.
That’s what entrepreneurs do; they change the status quo.
Anthony Aires Chief Executive Officer
Real Deal Productions, LLC Prosperity Publishers, LLC
P.S. Keep coming back to AnthonyAires.com to take advantage of the free goodies I share.
If you’d like to connect with me my social media channels you can go here:
Anthony Aires Facebook Timeline: Friend Here >> http://facebook.com/anthonyaires
Anthony Aires Facebook Fan Page: Follow Here >> http://facebook.com/aireswins
Anthony Aires Never Stop Striving Facebook Group: Join Free Here >> https://www.facebook.com/groups/AnthonyAires
Anthony Aires Twitter: Follow Here >>http://twitter.com/anthonyaires
Anthony Aires YouTube: Subscribe Here >> http://youtube.com/anthonyaires
Anthony Aires Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anthonyaires
If you’d like to learn how I make 6 Figures A Year Working Only 90 Minutes A Day?
Then jump on my next FREE webcast workshop that’s going to show you how I does it…
You can sign up for FREE for the next one by saving your seat here >> https://anthonyaires.com/webcast
Thanks for being a part of the Aires Crew
source https://anthonyaires.com/5250/5-signs-youre-meant-to-be-an-entrepreneur/ from Anthony Aires http://anthonyairescom.blogspot.com/2017/08/5-signs-youre-meant-to-be-entrepreneur.html
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jenarodriguez · 7 years
Creating A Successful Blog For Your Design Services: A Beginners Guide
If you’re a designer, you probably already have a website set up. If not, don’t sweat it – I have a few webinars to walk you through the process of setting up your first website. For the sake of this article, though, I’m going to assume you’ve already got your website ready to go.
I’m going to be real honest with you here so that you aren’t shitting your pants later on down the road when you see the sheer size of the market you’re about to enter; There are a ton of design blogs out there.
Don’t let that discourage you, though. I wouldn’t spend the time creating a piece about how to run a successful design blog if I didn’t think it was very possible.
Why do you need to blog as a designer?
There a lot of reasons you need to start blogging as a designer, but I can narrow it down to two primary ones:
1. Blogging helps designers market their services.
That may come off as odd since design is a highly visual practice, but blogging doesn’t deal only with words. Many designers post pictures of some of the work they’ve done – aside from the things already featured on their portfolio – and talk about the process that it took them to get there.
This is hugely effective from a self-marketing standpoint. You get to visually broadcast your work so your clients not only get a taste of the final product, but also the meticulous hours and thought that goes into it. The more clients know about your quality of work, the better.
2. Blogs are a great way to interact with other designers.
Designers are a creative breed, and it’s not a secret that creatives have a high tendency to be introverts. Blogging is a great way to not only break that shell a little bit, but it also helps you reach other designers across the world who you wouldn’t be able to talk to otherwise.
Online, the designer community is wildly active, so take advantage of the feedback, inspiration, and teaching moments that’ll arise from your design blog.
My 6 steps to creating a successful design blog:
1. Read, read, read, read.
Spend a ton of time reading other design blogs. By reading other designers’ blogs, you’ll get a firm grasp on what designers are already doing, how they’re approaching the medium, and the functions of it all. This’ll also help you start to work out where you can fit in the online designing world.
2. Find your niche.
Like I said, there are thousands of design blogs out there already, and new ones are just being created daily.
Your design blog can’t just be another design blog – you have to have a carefully thought-out niche in mind. This is a key marketing strategy in most forms of digital marketing: find a unique angle surrounding design and repurpose that angle for your blog.
For example, don’t create a blog that focuses on design as a whole – you won’t get far. Instead, create a blog about architectural design for major cities. That will generate some seriously targeted traffic, and put your name on the block as the go-to authority for that niche.
3. Market your blog as a valuable resource.
This isn’t going to be a blog about your random thoughts, experiences, and rants that go on in your head. In order for this blog to turn into a revenue/client-generating medium, you’ve got to market the hell out of it as the go-to resource for valuable content.
You need to be writing articles that inspire, persuade, and teach your audience about your craft, then hit social media hard with self-promotion. Don’t just shamelessly promote, though – promote your help. That’s what your blog is going to provide, and that’s what will draw people to it.
4. Use social media to connect with your audience.
Every successful blog has social platforms that they use to directly connect with their audience. It’s free, it’s immediate, and it’s personal. You can promote your content, lead discussions, handle issues – all with immediate, branded touches.
Your blog can be the greatest thing on earth, but it doesn’t mean a thing if nobody can find you. Make sure you’re following like-minded people and tastefully promoting your content with the value of it in mind.
5. Create golden content.
You don’t have to be a modern-day Hemingway or anything, but you do have to create interesting, valuable content. You’re a designer, so your strengths lie in the aesthetics of things – that’s fine. But, we aren’t talking about pure pictures, here. You have to create content that people are going to take time out of their day to click through and read.
At the end of it all, just ask yourself: is this something I’d personally click on and read all the way through?
If not – don’t post it.
6. Make sure your site’s design reflects your own professionalism aesthetics.
Yes, the blog is about your content – but what kind of audience is going to respect what you have to say as a designer if the very design of your blog is sub par? We judge books by their covers, let’s be honest. Make sure yours is clean, fresh, and visually appealing to even the most meticulous designer’s scrutiny.
 It’s going to take some time to start generating real, definable results from your blog – that’s why so many people give up after a short period of time.
But, you aren’t like most people.
Stick to your chops, create original content frequently, and blast social media channels with your value; your designing service website will become a massive powerhouse within your niche in no time.
Make sure you stay updated on my content – I’ll have more design-oriented articles to come – just sign up for my newsletter! And, as always, I’m ready to help you if you need anything.
source https://anthonyaires.com/5246/creating-a-successful-blog-for-your-design-services-a-beginners-guide/ from Anthony Aires http://anthonyairescom.blogspot.com/2017/08/creating-successful-blog-for-your.html
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