Art Journal Entry XV: Art Exhibit
”Best artwork from Art Appreciation subject”
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April 28, 2021
9:55 pm
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Art Journal Entry XIV: Refining My Artwork
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Technical and Creative- need more details to show what is the message of art
Creative- color to specify the art work
Cultural and historical- it's about psychological disorder, but add more life to the art.
Critical approach- the artwork must exhibit connection from the artist.
Aesthetic approach- since the artwork doesn't have any color, the artist must express the message of this artwork by using color and objects.
April 27, 2021
10:06 pm
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Art Journal Entry XIII: Soul-Making
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This is my life! With myself, family, friends, boyfriend, and my K-POP and anime life. Ever since these people came into my life, all I can say is that IT'S THE BEST THING that ever happened to me. These people makes my heart complete, without these human beings my life would be boring. I'm very grateful to be with all of you, to be with the one who completes my heart ❤️
April 14, 2021
11:39 pm
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Art Journal Entry XII: Local Arts
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April 13, 2021
9:27 am
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Art Journal Entry XI: Philippine Art History
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The Manunggul Jar
The Manunggul Jar is a secondary burial jar excavated from a Neolithic burial site in the Manunggul cave of the Tabon Caves at Lipuun Point in Palawan, Philippines. It dates from 890–710 B.C. and the two prominent figures at the top handle of its cover represent the journey of the soul to the afterlife.
Period: 890-710 B.C.
Artist: found by Dr. Robert B. Fox and Miguel Antonio
Type: Burial Jar
Medium: Clay
Location: National Museum of Anthropology, Manila
Dimension: 66.5 cm (26.2 in); 51 cm diameter (20 in)
Resource/s: https://g.co/kgs/GnZomA
Islamic Art (AD 13-1521)
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The Malong is a large, wrap-around tubular garment. They are used by the Maranao and Maguindanao from Southern Philippines. It can be worn by women as a dress and men over trousers as a formal wear. Traditionally, the malong is handwoven by women using a back strap loom.
Period: 1521
Artists: Fernando Zobel
Medium: Cotton
Location: Mindanao
Dimension: 165 x 165 cm.
Resource/s: https://artsandculture.google.com/exhibit/the-art-of-the-malong-ayala-museum/owKCDBBzFibtIg?hl=en
Spanish Era (1591-1898)
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San Agustin Church of Paoay
The Paoay Church history began in the 17th century. What started as Paoay Church drawing turned into reality. The construction of the Simabhan ng Paoay in Ilocos Norte was spread over a century beginning from 1604: the cornerstone of the church was laid in 1704; the convent in 1707; and the belltower in 1793. Even while still unfinished, Paoay Church was already used by parishioners. In 1896, it was finally inaugurated. But in 1706 and 1927, it was damaged by earthquakes. Its scars made it more beautiful and worth visiting. Because of San Agustin Church Paoay’s historical and artistic significance, it was designated as a National Cultural Treasure by the Philippine government in 1973 and a UNESCO World Heritage Site among the country’s baroque churches in 1993.
Period: 1593
Artist: Padre Antonio Estavillo
Medium: Brick
Location: Paoay, Ilocos Norte
Heritage Designation: National Cultural Treasure, UNESCO World Heritage Site
Dimension: 110 metres (360 ft) 40 metres (130 ft)
Resource/s: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.zenrooms.com/blog/post/paoay-church/amp/
American Era (1898-1941)
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Women Working in a Rice Field
Fabián de la Rosa was born in Paco, Manila to husband and wife Marcos de la Rosa and Gorgonia Cueto. Born to a family of artists, he was exposed to art at an early age and learned to draw well before he could write. He was trained to sketch portraits and landscapes by his aunt, Marciana de la Rosa, when he was ten years old. He also apprenticed under his uncle, Simón Flores y de la Rosa, a well-known painter of portraits and church interiors from the nineteenth century.
Period: 1902
Artist: Fabian Dela Rosa
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Location: Unknown
Dimension: 65 x 96 cm. (25.6 x 37.8 in.)
Resource/s: http://www.artnet.com/artists/fabian-de-la-rosa/women-working-in-a-rice-field-wqGqWn0oZ1trVqGmV0TaxQ2
Japanese Era (1941-1945)
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The Rape of Manila
With rape on the streets and everywhere else, the Bayview Hotel became Manila’s rape center. After the dirty deed was done, nipples were sliced off, and bodies bayoneted open from the neck down. The devastation of Manila was one of the great tragedies of World War II. Seventy percent of the utilities, 72 percent of the factories, 80 percent of the southern residential district, and 100 percent of the business district were razed…Hospitals were set afire after their patients had been strapped to their beds. The corpses of males were mutilated, females of all ages were raped before they were slain, and babies’ eyeballs gouged out and smeared on walls like jelly.
Period: 1945
Artist: Fernando Amorsolo
Medium: Oil on canvas
Location: Manila, Philippines
Resource/s: https://www.google.com/amp/s/globalnation.inquirer.net/99054/february-1945-the-rape-of-manila/amp
Modern Art (1946-1969)
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Granadean Arabesque
National artist Jose Joya was a pioneer modern and abstract artist who was active as a painter, printmaker, mixed-media artist and ceramicist. It has been said that it was Joya who “spearheaded the birth, growth and flowering of absract expressionism” in the Philippines.
Period: 1958
Artist: Jose Joya
Medium: Oil on canvas
Collection: Ateneo Art Gallery Collection
Dimension: 305 cm by 118 cm
Resource/s: https://ncca.gov.ph/about-culture-and-arts/culture-profile/national-artists-of-the-philippines/jose-joya/#:~:text=His%201958%20landmark%20painting%20Granadean,modern%20art%20in%20the%20country.
Contemporary (1970-present)
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Little Monster
Ronald Ventura was born in the Philippines in 1973. He earned a BFA in painting from the oldest university in Asia – University of Santo Tomas – and was invited to stay as an instructor for his academic excellence. He is acclaimed for his boundless imagination and mindful observations on reality; there are many layers to his work that veil his acute perceptions on art history, surrealism and society. He was named “Artist of the Year” by Art Manila in 2001, and was awarded the prestigious Ateno Art Awards – given to the most promising local emerging artist – for his 2005 series Human Series by Ateno de Manila University in the same year.
Period: 2011
Artist: Ronald Ventura
Medium: Oil on paper
Location: Asian 20th Century and Contemporary Art
Dimension: 119×152 cm. 46 7/8×59 7/8 in
Resource/s: https://www.cguardian.com.hk/en/auction/auction-details.php?id=168603
April 7, 2021
11:57 am
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Art Journal Entry X: Asian Art History
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Portrait of Abu'l Hasan, The Last Sultan of Golconda
The sultan is shown with a radiant gold nimbus, a convention of Deccani portraits of rulers. The Mughals finally conquered Golconda after a long siege, and Abu'l Hasan spent the last 17 years of his life in confinement. It is likely that this portrait was created after his death; it clearly celebrates him as a great ruler rather than as a defeated captive. This painting has lost the decorative margin papers that once framed it, leaving the blank edges of the page visible.
Period: late 17th-early 18th century
Artist: Minuchihr
Medium: Opaque watercolors and gold on paper
Origin: Deccan, Telengara, India
Location: The item is not on view
Dimension: sheet: 11 3/4 x 7 5/8 in. (29.8 x 19.4 cm) image: 8 x 5 1/4 in. (20.3 x 13.3 cm)
Resource/s: https://www.brooklynmuseum.org/opencollection/objects/124863
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Yungang Grottoes
The Yungang Grottoes are considered by UNESCO to be a "masterpiece of early Chinese Buddhist cave art represent the successful fusion of Buddhist religious symbolic art from south and central Asia with Chinese cultural traditions, starting in the 5th century CE under Imperial auspices.
Period: 220–598 CE
Artist: Chinese Buddhist Art
Medium: Architecture
Location: Shanxi, China
Dimension: up to about 55 feet [17 metres] tall
Resource/s: https://www.britannica.com/place/Yungang-caves
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Three Beauties of the Present Day
Three Beauties of the Present Day is a nishiki-e colour woodblock print from c. 1792–93 by Japanese ukiyo-e artist Kitagawa Utamaro. The triangular composition depicts the profiles of three celebrity beauties of the time: geisha Tomimoto Toyohina, and teahouse waitresses Naniwaya Kita and Takashima Hisa.
Period: 1793
Artist: Kitagawa Utamaro
Medium: Wood
Collection: Museum of fine arts, Boston
Dimension: 37.9 cm × 24.9 cm (14.9 in × 9.8 in)
Resource/s: https://g.co/kgs/6asWpq
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SPOLARIUM (Philippines)
The Spoliarium is a painting by Filipino painter Juan Luna. Luna, working on canvas, spent eight months completing the painting which depicts dying gladiators. The painting was submitted by Luna to the Exposición Nacional de Bellas Artes in 1884 in Madrid, where it garnered the first gold medal.
Period: 1884
Artist: Juan Luna
Medium: Oil Paint
Location: National Museum of the Philippines, Manila
Dimension: 4.22 m × 7.675 m (13.8 ft × 25.18 ft)
Resource/s: https://g.co/kgs/eos9Xt
March 23, 2021
11:03 pm
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Art Journal Entry IV: Western Art History
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Erechtheion (or Erechtheum)
The Erechtheion, named after the demi-god Erechtheus, the mythical Athenian king, was conceived as a suitable structure to house the ancient wooden cult statue of Athena, which maintained its religious significance despite the arrival of the gigantic chryselephantine statue within the nearby Parthenon. The building also had other functions, though, notably as the shrine centre for other more ancient cults: to Erechtheus, his brother Boutes - the Ploughman, Pandrosos, the mythical first Athenian king Kekrops (or Cecrops) - half-man, half-snake, and the gods Hephaistos and Poseidon.
Period: 421-406 BCE
Artist/Origin: Mnesikles, Erechtheion/Architects, Greece
Material: Marble
Medium/ Media used: Architecture
Dimension: 22.22 m x 11.16 m
Location: Athens, Greece
Resource/s: https://www.worldhistory.org/Erechtheion/
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Berlin Crucifixion
The scene is a turning point in traditional iconography, after the experimental innovations in the Crucifixion of Giotto's Scrovegni Chapel frescoes. The cross of Jesus is lifted from the center of the painting in hieratic splendor from a uniform gold ground. Sorrowful angels surround the figure of Christ, while Mary Magdalene (in a red dress) embraces the base of the cross.
Two groups gather at the painting's sides, leaving the center with Christ isolated. At left, the group of women surrounds Mary, who is fainting, and a young girl looks at her worried. Saint John the Baptist stands at right, with a man on horseback who is raising his arm, a traditional gesture made by those recognizing Jesus as the son of God.
Period: 1320
Artist/Origin: Giotto
Material: wood: cedar, pine and cypress.
Medium used: Painting
Dimension: 58 cm × 33 cm (23 in × 13 in)
Location: Gemäldegalerie, Berlin
Resource/s: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berlin_Crucifixion
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The Creation of Adam
The Creation of Adam is a fresco painting by Italian artist Michelangelo, which forms part of the Sistine Chapel's ceiling, painted c. 1508–1512. It illustrates the Biblical creation narrative from the Book of Genesis in which God gives life to Adam, the first man.
Period: 1508–1512
Artist/Origin: Michelangelo
Material: Paint, Plaster
Medium: Paint, Plaster
Dimension: 280 cm × 570 cm (9 ft 2 in × 18 ft 8 in)
Location: Sistine Chapel
Resource/s: https://g.co/kgs/FEHkn6
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Les Demoiselles d'Avignon
Les Demoiselles d'Avignon is a large oil painting created in 1907 by the Spanish artist Pablo Picasso. The work, part of the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art, portrays five nude female prostitutes in a brothel on Carrer d'Avinyó, a street in Barcelona.
Period: 1907
Artist/Origin: Pablo Picasso
Medium: Oil Paint
Dimension: 243.9 cm × 233.7 cm (96 in × 92 in)
Location: The Museum of Modern Art
Resource/s: https://g.co/kgs/rSj58N
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Taking Flight
Known for his dramatic lighting and sensitivity to mood, Blackshear has produced illustrations for advertising, books, calendars, collector’s plates, greeting cards, magazines, postage stamps, and national posters
Period: 1977
Artist/Origin: Thomas Blackshear
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Dimension: 63 X 29
69 X 35.5 Framed
Location: https://broadmoorgalleries.com/artworks/taking-flight/
March 18,2021
1:15 pm
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Art Journal Entry VIII: Principles of Design
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"Grateful to Be With You"
It's hard to find someone who will help you in good times but especially in hard times, but I found someone who's more than than that, and I'm very grateful to have him, thank you for always helping me, thank you for always being supportive every single time! This artwork is for you, my love. I'll help you from all your problems, assignments, school works and all, just the way you help me to get through from my anxiety and all, you handle me everytime my mood is really annoying hehe. I will also help you to get through your hard times, I will support your dreams, your games, and everything just ask me and I am willing to help, I will always be by your side good times and bad times! There's a lot of people who love you, and I'm one of them, so shine love, reach your dreams, and I will always stay and love you! Thank you.
March 10, 2021
8:36 pm
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Art Journal Entry VII: Elements of Art
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"My other half"
This digital art is made by connecting lines, as you can see it's a two people hugging each other, and by hugging we feel the presence, love and the heart of our other half. My love language is physical touch and quality time, so whenever I feel alone or sad I just close my eyes and feel that I'm hugging the person I'd like to see and hug. It's very important to feel love and happiness, and it's okay to feel it by yourself, because love comes to those person who know how to love themselves first. I'm grateful that lines can make something not just ordinary lines but a connected lines that you can express yourself with it.
March 7, 2021
9:21 pm
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Art Journal Entry VI: Curation
”Life Goes On” by BTS
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”Hug” by Seventeen
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”21st Century Girls” by BTS
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”Smile Flower” by Seventeen
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”Wings” by BTS
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These 5 K-POP songs are from BTS and SEVENTEEN, my two ultimate fave group. These music motivate me every single time! My worries go away everytime I play these song. They inspire me to just be myself and love myself genuinely. Many people can't understand what they are saying especially when you're not from south korea but there's always an english translation, our second language is English so I can fully understand their music. These are some of my favorite quotes from SEVENTEEN Joshua "it's always good to try your best, but what I want you to know that it's okay to have a break once in a while or you'll burn out" from BTS Namjoon "No matter who you are, where you're from, your skin colour, gender identity, speak and love yourself". They are not just my favorite groups but they are my motivation and source of energy, especially I'm always alone because my family are old enough so they're working and minding their own business, my parents are busy working, and since I'm the youngest I'm always alone in our house, so when I watch BTS and SEVENTEEN videos my loneliness and my unmotivated mind all that thoughts disappears and change into a very good mood.
These are some of my favorite lines or phrase in these five songs; from Life Goes On by BTS "With the ”annyeong” that we start and finish the day, let us thread tomorrow with today stopped for now but don't hide in the shadow. Once again daylight will glow." From Hug by SEVENTEEN "No matter how much you hide it you know you can't hide it forever so we can smile together don't be sorry, don't worry don't be scared, now don't cry to me you are very precious you can tell me today was tough I am here, you suffered a lot I love you I will hug you." From 21st Century Girls by BTS " You worth it you perfect deserve it just work it You look elegant, elegant. Also you’re pretty, pretty you shine, shine. You’re the truth and the reason." From Smile Flower by SEVENTEEN "I can smile because we're together I can cry because it's you so what can't I do? Whenever, wherever even if we're not together, just like always our smile flowers bloom I'll be the spring to your smile." Last is from Wings by BTS "I believe me, you, though the beginning may be humble, the future will be prosperous fly fly up in the sky fly fly get 'em up high."
March 3, 2021
10:43 pm
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Art Journal Entry V: Technique Exploration Painting
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”My Forever Love”
My beloved Snowflakes who just died on monday, feb 22 2021. I used watercolor and thick paper. While I was doing this I just can't help but to cry because I remember when she always stayed by my side, whenever I'm crying she always come to me and lick my hand and that comfort me every single time, she died because of cancer and I saw her struggling and hurting, I immediately went to vet with her by my arms crying, blood flow to her nose, while my shirt is full of blood, I can't help but to cry while I was in vet. My mind still can't process everything, so I know in myself that she's alive so I still did everything that I do when she's still here but eventually I know that she's happy now, she's not suffering anymore, and I know that she loves me so much more that I love her. You did great buddy! You're still my number 1 kasama in every labas sa bahay, every bili sa tindahan and every natutulog ka sa lap ko ikaw padin, mahal na mahal kita snowflakes ko! Maraming salamat sa mahigit tatlong taon na kasama moko/kita. My best buddy, and my daughter. I love you.
February 26, 2021
11:18 pm
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Art Journal Entry IV: Artist, Artisan and Production Process
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”Taylor Alison Swift”
Taylor Swift is an American singer-songwriter, born in December 13, 1989 and now currently 31 years old. In 2004 to pursue a career in country music. She broke into the country music scene with her��eponymously debut studio album in 2006, which featured the singles "Teardrops in my Guitar" and "Our Song". Taylor Swift rose to mainstream prominence with her second studio album, Fearless (2008), a country pop record with crossover appeal. Aided by the top-ten singles "Love Story" and "You Belong with Me", Fearless was certified Diamond by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). Swift's third studio album, Speak Now (2010), blended country pop with elements of rock, featuring the top-ten singles "Mine" and "Back to December".
I'm a big fan of her since grade 4, I remember that I was always printing her lyrics songs like some of my favorite songs like Enchanted, The Story of Us, Mine, Dear John, Back to December and all of her songs. She inspire me to write some songs or poems, I also like to sing her songs in karaoke. She never let haters bring her down but instead she focus on her fans, without her we don't have a legend like her who does her own music. Indeed she's a very good artist that inspires others.
If you want to listen to her songs, please do visit this link:
February 15, 2021
9:49 pm
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Art Journal Entry III: Self-portrait
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”Pieces to Pieces”
Subject: Made by Jenelle
Let me explain my own title first, pieces to pieces, I draw the original photo then I thought "hmm this is too simple" so what I did is the first picture wherein I cut the original photo to my drawing then I paste it to give emphasize to my drawing and to my original photo. I am different inside and out, but it's still me. I may look a happy person outside but there still loneliness inside my mind. But I always try my best to be genuinely happy, that's my dream and I hope that's everyone dream. Myself is still a pieces to pieces but still trying to be a whole person where I can be myself that can truly love herself. The process of life is hard but you can still be happy in that process, you deserve it if you work it.
February 6, 2021
6:32 pm
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Art Journal Entry 11:
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6th MINI ALBUM ; You Made My Dawn
'Hug' by SEVENTEEN (vocal line)
This song will not just hug you but also comfort you everytime you're unmotivated and doesn't have energy at all. This song made me feel like I'm not the only one that crying is okay but saying sorry about yourself isn't good, "it's time to stop saying hurtful words with yourself, don't worry, don't be scared, don't cry" this song really comfort me, this is my 'go-to' song whenever I feel drowning by my own thoughts. I love their song so much because you will feel their love for their fans, fun fact that seventeen is the one's who make their own music, that's why you will feel the sincerity and comfort of this song. I have so much to share but when this song came across my mind I was like "this is it, it's the song that you'll never get tired of" and I guess that's why I chose this masterpiece. "Even though we're miles away from each other, I am virtually there for you, I will hug you, and be with you everytime you feel alone" I hope if someone is reading this, you MUST listen to this song.
This song is both aesthetic and beautiful because this will linger to your ears and comfort you by the lyrics of this song, and I will never get tired of listening to this.
January 29, 2021
7:05 pm
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Art Journal Entry 1: Scribbling Soul
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A yellow flower 🌻 We all know that flower can makes us happy and loved. Yellow flower symbolizes happiness, joy and friendship, as the symbol itself I'm the type of person/ friend who always want to make others happy, I also express my love by hugs and kisses even my friends are disgusted with that, but when it's me who will do that to them they'll eventually fall for it. I also love sunflower and it's color yellow, so this artwork of mine really represent my personality.
I actually didn't know that I will see flower the first time I saw what I scribbled, it may look cliche or what but I didn't expect that it will turn in to my flower, I used my creativity and imagination to create this beautiful yellow flower.
January 19, 2021
6:15 pm
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