Geo-location in social media
For our team teaching projects, my team and I decided to focus on the topic of "geo-location". Geo-location apps have became so popular in the recent years, and this is a topic that was not heavily touched upon in #NewhouseSM4. Geo-location apps work to pinpoint your exact location using either GPS, A-GPS, cellular, or wi-fi. These geo-location apps work in different ways to let your followers or friends know exactly where you are. The two apps we decided to focus on for our project were Foursquare and SVCNGR. 
While working on our project, we communicated also through Google Documents. This allowed my team to add things to our presentation and we could all easily access it. We also had a Google+ hangout session with DR4Ward. I thought this was a great tool that we were able to utilize and I had never done this before! It was awesome! My teammates and I were able to "video chat" with Dr. Ward and show him our presentation. We went slide through slide with him and he gave us advice on how to better our presentation. He also showed us different features of Google+ hangouts. Below is a picture of our Google+ Hangout session! 
As a team, we decided to collaborate and experiment using social media tools. Twitter was very useful for us because we created a hashtag (#SM4geolocation) that organized all of our information. Through this hashtag we were able to compile articles and resources for our #SM4geolocation presentation. Pearl Trees was another tool we used to help us organize our project. This allowed us to bookmark videos, articles, and notes. Click here to view our #SM4geolocation Pearl Tree. 
Our project allowed me to learn much more about Foursquare and SVCNGR. Not only did I learn about these two geo-location apps, but I learned about Yelp, Facebook places, and other geo-location social media sites. In our presentation, we also discussed geo-location for the future. Where do you think geo-location will go in years to come? We showed #NewhouseSM4 a video of "project glass" at the end of project, which showcased an augmented reality of where geo-location may be in the future. 
Below is a picture of my group after we presented: 
My team worked very well together and I'm glad we picked the topic of geo-location! I was able to learn a lot about these social media sites while teaching the class about it too. At the end of our presentation, we used a few tools to analyze our impact on our followers and others. We ran Hashtracking and Tweetreach which showed us how we did. According to these sites, 253 tweets generated 107,180 impression which reached an audience of 27,169 followers. 
I hope everyone liked our presentation! Here is our final presentation on slideshare: #SM4Geolocation Presentation
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Trying out Pearltrees
Most of my friends hadn't heard of the site Pearltrees when I asked them. I was introduced to this social media site in my COM 400 social media class with dr4ward. Pearltrees is a site that allows you to group your interests together in different "pearl trees". Within a pearl you can also organize what you like to do on the web.
I had some trouble in the beginning understanding this site, but now I am getting pretty used to it. First, you bookmark your pearltree so you can save any interesting website or article you want to. Next, that website or article becomes a pearl on a specific pearltree that you indicate. Eventually, you will have a bunch of pearls and you will start to see your pearltree form. 
I think this site is great to group things together that someone finds on the web! It really organizes content and makes it easier to manage your interests. Heres my pearltree! 
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My journey through social media
As I think back to my first social media experience, it's funny how little things like logging onto Facebook or Twitter I take for granted. I think my journey really began when I created a "screen name" for my AOL account. I was probably about 10 years old and little did I know I was entering the vast world of social media. All my friends started to make funny screen names but my dad told me to keep it simple (my initials and numbers from my birthday). 
I was never too fond of MySpace so I stayed away from that site. In High School, towards junior/senior year, most of my friends started to create Facebook. I decided when I got accepted into Syracuse University that it was time for me to make one. I quickly started to enjoy this social media site and added friends, pictures, and information. 
Since then, social media has become a much bigger part of my everyday life. It has enabled me to become part of different online communities, share information about myself with others, and connect to the online world. I used to think Facebook was my favorite social media site, but I'm beginning to really enjoy Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest. 
When I was trying to figure out my courses for this current semester, "Social Media U Need 2 Know" immediately stood out to me. Last summer I interned in the Digital Ad Sales department for Instyle.com. Social Media was something I needed to be familiar with for this internship. I learned a lot along the way, but I knew this course would help me for the future. 
My professor, Dr. William Ward, has been teaching us throughout the semester about various different social media platforms and ways to brand ourselves. When I graduate in May, I plan to use social media for my future endeavors. 
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About Jennifer Paulenoff
Jennifer Paulenoff is currently a Senior, Public Relations student at the S.I. Newhouse School of Pubic Communications at Syracuse University. She is graduating in May and is passionate about the public relations profession. 
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