Contact Sheets - Looking for Light
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Contact Sheets - Products Shots
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Contact Sheets - Product Shots
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Contact Sheets - Product shots
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Contact Sheets - Painting with Light
I have more images but these are my favourite.
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Contact Sheets - Continuous Light
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Resubmitted images for Block 3
Story Telling - Looking for Light 
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Resubmitted images for Block 2
Location Project - Continuous Light
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Location Project - Painting with Light
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Resubmitted images for Block 2
Product Photography - Buckets and Spades
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NC Portfolio Review
Portfolio Review
By Jennifer Sibbald
1)    What was the project theme and what did you think of it?
 The theme for the first 6 pictures, were photographs over the last year that I liked the best, and the other 6 well I had 7 images in the second round of pictures. The second set of images were the 6 planned photo shoots I did in Creative class. I personally like all the images in my portfolio box, because I got to pick my favourite images that show my best work and the skills, I have learned over the last year from editing to camera skills.
2)    What part of the project did you enjoy the most / found most interesting (making the photographs? Optimising images? Printings?)
I loved optimising the images, I loved using the skills I have learned over the last year, finding something interesting and learning the skill by myself. I also liked how I got to plan my own photo shoots and took my own images.
 3)      What new techniques have you experienced?
I felt like it was a lot better to plan it out the shoot before photographing and doing the research of other photographer’s work to get my own ideas. I also liked the idea for the selective colour photography, so I learned how to edit my photos by looking at a simple walk through tutorial online.
 4)    What technique would you like to develop further?
I’d like to start editing / optimising my photos like I see while on Instagram, by adding or changing things within the image like the background etc. because it looks cool and I would like to try and experiment this for myself.
 5)    Which photographers did you research throughout this project?
I looked up photographers like:
 Brandon Woelfel (@brandonwoelfel) – for the fairy lights
 Suhail (@suhailphotos) – for the selective colour photography
 Mostly just used Goggle image for the images (so I don’t have their names).
 6)    How have they influenced your photographs?
I personally love Brandon Woelfel’s work in general, like his style of photos are amazing and he sometimes uses fairy lights in pictures, and I have always wanted to try it, so I thought it was the perfect time to try.
I saw an image on Suhail’s Instagram of a girl laying on flowers while holding a paint brush over her right eye with a paint tub next to her. The photographer has edited the image to show, the paint is grey and its looked like it spilled, and she’s painted over her eyes with the paint brush. The first time I saw this image I know I would definitely want to try the selective colour photography technique at some point, and I thought using it for an image in my portfolio would be good because it would show my editing skills.
I have always liked lights trails since I learned how to do it within college and wanted to show my skills for this technique in my portfolio. While looking up pictures on google I saw photos of light trails using planes. The light trails were from the lights on the wings and tail when it’s taking off or arriving. I liked the idea so I thought I would try it, but It didn’t really work out, but it was fine because I already had pictures for this planned photoshoot.
+ more.
 7)    Which technique did you enjoy the most?
I liked using the macro Lens in the studio for the pictures of the fruits, because I liked how you can get a lot of details from the fruit’s skin or insides e.g. the seed within the kiwi etc.
8)    What do you feel is the most successful part of your project and why?
I think it would be seeing all the final images with the white borders around them in a digital folder and going to Jessops to have them printed. Plus, also after I got them back and put them into the clear sleeves and finally putting them in my portfolio box was just a really good feeling to know I had finished that part of the course.
 9)    Did you encounter any problems in your project?
Some problems were like getting to the places because most of the time I needed my sister to drive me. I also had issues with putting the white border around the images. Another one was trying to find the right topic to photograph like I had a few ideas in my mind like double exposure or light painting etc.
  10) How did you learn from them and how did they affect your final images?
I learned how to just remove the image from the border instead of starting again, which was very helpful because it meant the border was the same size of border on most of the pictures. I learned it’s better to plan out all the pictures I could do in one day and ask my sister to drive me to all the places I needed. I personally had a few other ideas to photograph but I’m happy with my final choice and final images and white borders.
 11) What would you do differently given the chance to complete the project again?
I personally wouldn’t change anything with my final images or work, but I would maybe change how quickly I did the photoshoots and maybe do more planning and research, but overall, I think everything went well.
 12)  Discuss any technical issues with your final images? (Focus, sharpness, exposure, highlight / shadow detail etc.)
I had an issue with the portrait of Katie because of her highlighter / makeup because of the lighting, was bringing her makeup out to be shinier. I think the image of the Lens ball with the sunset could have been sharper within the ball. I also think the monochrome / black and white tree could have been sharper and straighter, but I think it’s good enough for one of my first images I took on a film camera.
 13) Going Deeper; If you were asked to do a project using this technique what would you do? What new ideas do you have? This may be explained as a visual, a drawing, sketch, photograph ... you decide how you present this section.
I personally like having an A3 piece of paper and handwriting on it, to show the information I want and need for the photoshoot.
Here is one of my 6 photoshoot plan’s below:
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The information that’s on it is:
Equipment list (Kit list)
Plan? – ?
What look do I want?
Photographer’s work
Lighting Diagram / Time of day
Location / Maps
Overall I have 1153 words in total but without the questions it’s 967 words.
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This week on Friday the 31st of May in Imaging, I posted a few things on Tumblr I forgot to post.
And Friday afternoon in Places, I started to write my portfolio review and chilled for a bit with people because it was hand in day.
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This week on Thursday the 30th of May in People & Objects class, I was in the download room all day on the Mac, making contact sheets and stuff and posting them all onto Tumblr. I also upload all my work onto moodle as well so it’s now saying Block 1,2 and 3 are all at 100% complete.
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I’m posting this after I’ve printed my finial images and are all in the box, and posted everything on Tumblr and moodle.
Monday the 27th of May, was a holiday so I did my work at home on my laptop.
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Here are my first 6 images of my portfolio with the class’s feedback on the big sheet on how could I improve it while optimising.
I used a white pen and wrote on the images to tell me what to change during optimising from the feedback from my class.
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Here is a few images of different paper types.
Some paper types are:
. Glossy
. Matte
. Inkjet Printer Paper
.Card Stork
+ More and more information on these paper types go to 
https://www.printerland.co.uk/blog/printer-buying-guide/in-depth-guide-to-printer-paper/ .
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Contact Sheets - Tiny World
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While doing the enterprise task I personally wrote down a lot of messages when planning and making the postcards.
So here is all my notes from the few weeks doing the enterprise task.
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