jennifrlwrence Β· 2 years
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Lately I had this urge for movies I watched when I was younger than I am now, not saying how young, it’s not important, but I just wanted to watch old comedy movies I loved back in the day. I watched β€˜Good Burger’, β€˜Are We There Yet?’ and β€˜Daddy Day Care’. What a nice time that was. Got any old movies you used to enjoy you wanna share with little old me? / @hollyweirdstarters​​
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good burger, what a classic. fond are the days when i look back and think of how i embarrassed the shit out of myself in front of kenan for the first time i ever met him trying to impress him with my stellar recollection of good burger quotes. i mean, i practically grew up on dumb and dumber, monty python and the holy grail, and, of course, the first few scary movie films. god, talk about classics. you’ve got hella good taste in comedies, margot. i’m wondering why it’s taken us this long to bond over this, aside from the fact that i am otherwise captivated by you and how magical you are and therefore afraid to approach out of fear you’d run away. you’re like a unicorn. a wonderful, beautiful, excellent-taste-in-dumb-comedy-films unicorn. and then there’s me.
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jennifrlwrence Β· 2 years
I’m the first to admit that some days just aren’t meant for you. Today is for sure that type of day for me. One minute i’m trying to relieve a hangover educedΒ by my on tequila, the next i’m dropping my ice cream cone all over my driver seat. Yes, to answer your question i sat on it. I think it’s time i head back to my house before something much worse takes place. Enough about my day though, how is yours going?Β 
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oh, kenny, my heart. it’s aching and crying out for you. if it makes you feel any better, just know that this is like, unfortunately, my day to day? except i’m stone cold sober these days and i’m just floundering about all on my own. that’s a real tragedy. just adopt my philosophy: get back in the bed, and try again tomorrow. it’ll hopefully be a better go of things then. my days all blur into each other nowadays. me and the baby are truckin’ along, which is nice. things are nice. i certainly don’t have any complaints. except, of course, the fact my life has been barren without you. how’ve things been? how are you?Β 
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jennifrlwrence Β· 3 years
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instagram: jlaw uploaded a photo.
it’s been ten years of me pretending to know how to handle a bow and arrow in front of the entire world, and i wouldn’t trade it for the world. happy anniversary, katpiss. you’ll always be my best girl. 🏹πŸ”₯ #10YearsofTheHungerGames
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jennifrlwrence Β· 3 years
πŸ“² JenΒ πŸŽ‡
Hunter: No way, every parent has the cutest kid in the world and that's allowed to be fact for every single one! I've no doubt in my mind you're absolutely right, ahaha. Really?? It's an honor to hear you say that. 😭 I'll baby sit any time, of course!
Hunter: I love *you* so much. You're making me cry but to be honest I was already crying. Today has been a rollercoaster but in the best way possible. You think you can keep a secret, babe? 🀫
Jen: see, this is one of the infinite reasons that i adore you as much as i do β€” your optimism makes me feel about 900 times better about myself than i would other wise. wouldn't say it if it wasn't true, love! πŸ’• ugh, you're the sweetest. baby and i owe you some quality time any time you're up for it, just so we can relish in your sunshine β˜€οΈ
Jen: i'm happy to hear it!!! rollercoasters are supposed to be fun, not scary. um, always. i take ur secrets and trust in me very, very seriously. SPILL.
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jennifrlwrence Β· 3 years
πŸ“² JenΒ πŸŽ‡
Hunter: I'm gonna bring you all the cheek squishes you could possibly imagine. I bet she's the cutest, having you as a mom, how can she not be? Those genes, already blessed up to the gods. Hahaha, listen, sometimes I think it's a good thing I can't get pregnant because I'd be in big fucking trouble right now, I'm more than certain. Haha. But no surprises for me, unfortunately. ~
Hunter: It makes me tear up hearing you're having such a happy experience. I'm so fucking ecstatic for you. I'm really good! I hate giving that answer because it's so boring, but I've got nothing to complain about. Life is busy and surprising but I'm happy to be here enjoying every day and to be honest with you jen, I really wasn't for a while there. So...Yeah. Good, really good.
Jen: SFHKSJDFHSKJDF i can't lie, the genes were pretty good πŸ˜‡ so fucking cute. i'm biased, of course, but i dunno, i feel like in my heart of hearts i'd be able to recognize if i had an ugly baby? it's just one of those things that regardless of all my mom instincts and biases, i'd be able to point out. not that far up my own ass, lol. you are more than welcome to borrow the little one any time you want to get your fill, of course! you're one of the few i trust.
Jen: you are the sweetest, hunt, i love you πŸ₯Ί i'm glad you're moving through life happy, that makes me happy. it hurts my heart to hear that there was a time when you weren't and things were hard, though β€” i mean, i know it's something that we've all had happen once or twice, but still, you're like human fucking sunshine. you deserve to always feel the warmth that you put in everyone else's life. and any time you can't feel it, i hope you know i'm here to keep you warm until you're back on your feet.
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jennifrlwrence Β· 3 years
πŸ“± ⇝ ms. lawrence.
tom: yeah, patrick star has the best things under his rock and i've got nothing, jen, how is that fair? you might be right about the marvel powers probably did rig my rock that way to keep me from spoiling things. like, sorry i can't lie like everyone else, i guess?
tom: congrats! i'd heard, love, that you had the little one already after i'd sent the text. i can imagine that you're tired, being a parent looks exhausting if i'm honest, and i can barley take care of myself? thank you, that makes me happy to hear that you've been reading all the spider-man stories, that means they'll be very awesome! even if your just humouring me, i'll make myself believe that you're doing all this with your newborn, okay? i'm doing really well, love, thank you!
tom: question, are you at disney? i want to see you of course if you are!
jen: sounds like you really need to take it up with your rock realtor!! like, sure, marvel's got their reasons, but...c'mon. cable???? i think you'd be okay with cable.
jen: thank you, thank you! it is utterly exhausting but i've been over the moon about it all. one of those 'i'm very lucky to be stressed and exhausted' type of things. i'm glad to hear you're well, mr. i owned 2021's ass!
jen: course i am! my mom all but shoved me on the plane to florida β€” i think she's looking at this trip as a perfect excuse for me to sleep for arguably the first time since baby's been born? and to also steal extra snuggle time, but i digress. what's been your fave thing you've done here so far? come meet me somewhere!! we'll go terrorize main street or something
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jennifrlwrence Β· 3 years
after a Wild day at work, i’m coming home and decompressing, which means tomorrow is a day full of disney things 😌 give this post a little heart notif if you want threads with jen or taylor and i will get them going tomorrow β€” make sure you leave me a comment if you have specifics in mind ! love y’all x
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jennifrlwrence Β· 3 years
πŸ“² JenΒ πŸŽ‡
Hunter: I hear there's a BABY for me to meet?
Hunter: I know you spent a long time baking it and whatever but I'm most concerned with the part I get to squish some liddle baby feets and cheeks.
Hunter: I guess I can squeeze your cheeks too if you ask nice enough. ~ How are you doing NEW MOM????? Holy shit. You're a mom!
Jen: me and baby will take all the cheek squishes you have to give. especially me. but, baby will be happy to have some lovin' from someone other than the lawrence clan. i can't wait for you to meet this sweet lil' thing. dare i say you just might be struck with baby fever after???
jen: holy shit I'M A MOM!? crazy to say. crazy to think about. but yes, i'm a mom. i'm doing really, really good! sleep deprived as hell, but i've never been so happy to have bags under my eyes. how are YOU, my sweet? we've been watching euphoria late at night while nursing and god, you're such a show stopper.
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jennifrlwrence Β· 3 years
My week has been very much making my dreams come true. Number one on youtube, got a feature on a kanye song, what’s next for me? But, sorry if you don’t know who I am. Hi, I’m jack and it’s great to meet ya’ll. So, tell me about yourself, what’s your dreams in life, what’s your hobbies, you drink, smoke? Let me know.
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kinda living the dream there, aren’tΒ β€˜ya? sky’s the limit, dude. go do all the damn things. what’s on your list to do next? nice to meet you jack, i’m jen. current dreams in life involve sleeping through the night again in the near β€” or far β€” future, my hobbies include house cat-wrangling, looking at houses on zillow that i will never own, and scrolling through the depths of farm tiktok. it’s a really glamorous life to live, i’d understand if you were jealous.Β Β 
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jennifrlwrence Β· 3 years
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i may be a parisian housewife with a kid, but tell me β€” drinkingΒ β€˜round the world? me, you, and lily-rose? i’ll pretend to be your guys’s mom, we could start all kinds of rumors while we’re there.Β β€˜super weird family dynamic takes over disneyworld.’ it’s fitting for florida, i’d say. also, i believe some belated congratulations are in order for you! nice job, georgie. you picked a damn good one. how’ve you been, neck deep in wedding planning?Β @hwmackayg​
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jennifrlwrence Β· 3 years
πŸ“± ⇝ jlaw.
dylan: look all i got from what you just said is that you secretly have a shrine set up for me in your house. you do don't you? did you pray to it each night in hopes that someday soon dylan o'brien will talk to you? if so, your prayers have been answered! also, keep your heart beating i can't be responsible for the death of jennifer lawrence, i feel like i'll be chased down with fire and pitch forks!
dylan: high as fuck dylan is a wild ride. soon as you pop that baby out, i'll let you experience him in person!
dylan: i'm glad you're doing good, though obviously you've made the baby feel far too comfortable that they're never going to want to leave! i remember how crazy it was when cindy was due, i was pretty sure i wasn't remotely prepared! i've been better, but that's my own doing! and my little one is doing amazing, she's getting so big already. she'll be two months in a few days and i can hardly believe it!
jen: i can't lie...i'm pretty sure that's what i said, too. hormone brain. DAMMIT, you've exposed me. i do have a shrine to you, and that's been one of my *many* prayers to it. all this means is that it works and that i'm making a shakira shrine next. i need her to acknowledge me, lest my heart actually give out. honestly, i think they'd throw you a celebratory parade if you were the reason i bit the dust.
jen: baby has EXITED THE PREMISES! so... πŸ‘€ we doing disney high or what?
jen: i really don't think there's any parent who's prepared in full for having a kid? like, i think you can lie to yourself and say that you are, but once they arrive, it's game over. i'm sure you're the best dad to your little one ❀️ something about having them in your arms changes everything. two months? holy shit, dude, you'll be sending her off to the prom next thing you know.
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jennifrlwrence Β· 3 years
πŸ“± ⇝ ms. lawrence.
tom: love, i've clearly been living under a rock and just been informed that you're pregnant? this rock i've been living under clearly doesn't have good telly reception, or wifi.
tom: how are you doing? when's the little one going to arrive? have you read it spider-man stories and told them all about their uncle tommy?
jen: you need to consult with patrick star about a new rock, he gets cable and EVERYTHING under his. helps keep him in the loop. although, i'd wager to bet that the marvel powers that be rigged your rock that way to keep you from spoiling anything 🀭
jen: but yes! pregnant and now not pregnant. little one arrived and we are both doing great. i'm tired and over the moon, which i think is par for the course with having a kid? been reading ALLLLL the spider-man stories. we've recounted the plots of every movie thus far at bedtime, so far we're on homecoming. we're very riveted by it. we'd love an appearance by the one and only. how are you??
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jennifrlwrence Β· 3 years
@pedropascal1: are you in la or nyc? my little one is due any day now, so if you aren't local it may be after my little nugget is born. but i'll happily take all the facetime calls to meet them. @jlaw
@jlaw: @pedropascal1 i'm in la. no traveling for me for the next little bit! i can't believe we're gonna have kiddos this close together - they're gonna be insta best friends, i'm calling it. keep me posted on your nugget ❀️
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jennifrlwrence Β· 3 years
grandpadisco: you got chickens?! 🀩🀩 for real, congrats. i'm gonna cry.
jlaw: NO TEARS ALLOWED, i am a hormonal mess and a half. but yes, yes, i have chickens galore. am living the dream. now we have our own lil future taste tester πŸ₯Ί
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jennifrlwrence Β· 3 years
BlakeLively: Congratulations! @jlaw
@jlaw: @blakelively thank you, you legendary mama πŸ’ž gonna need ALLLLL the tips you got.
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jennifrlwrence Β· 3 years
@mazzmurray: If this is what I think it is, congratulations. @jlaw
@jlaw: @mazzmurray it is! thank you so much ❀️ and congrats are in order for you, too - i hope you and the babies are doing well.
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jennifrlwrence Β· 3 years
@pedropascal1: congrats. @jlaw proud of you.
@jlaw: @pedropascal1 thank you πŸ₯Ί let me know when you wanna come by and meet the lil jellybean. door's always open for you
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