jennysrps-blog · 9 years
Just a Quinn player looking for her Finn! Also willing to play Fabray/Hudson OC!
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jennysrps-blog · 9 years
I’m kind of in the mood to do a Fabson 1x1..... anyone? Or, if you’re in a RP that’s looking for someone to play Fabson, also message me! :)
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jennysrps-blog · 9 years
Always looking for more 1x1s! Hit me up!
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jennysrps-blog · 9 years
Give me a plot where Muse A and B are famous movie stars, and they both get invited (and nominated) to some award show and since neither of them have dates or are seeing anyone, their managers set them up with each other because they’re long time friends and they thought it would be cute. And maybe they both win and at the after party they both get a little too tipsy and end up celebrating together. Then the morning after they both have to try to hide from the paparazzi because it was “just a one night stand, okay?” and they didn’t want their fans to have the wrong idea. But then they also see an article about them leaving the party together so they have to pretend like nothing actually happened.
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jennysrps-blog · 9 years
A plot with a football/soccer player and his teammate’s sister though
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jennysrps-blog · 9 years
Girls Like Girls Inspired Plot
Muse A is a womanizer who’s notorious around the high school for being just as bad as the football playing jocks, if not worse. She goes after anyone pretty but she loves going after girls with boyfriends. As you might expect, this lands her in trouble often. Muse B is a girl who’s new to the city– she’s from a small town and just moved. She’s a genuinely sweet girl who leaves an impression on a lot of the guys in school. One of the popular guys in school invites her to a party and she accepts. But, Muse B is completely overwhelmed by the party; she’s never been to a party so crazy and is incredibly uncomfortable. She goes out to get some fresh air and as soon as she steps out, Muse A crashes into her. Muse A is bleeding all over the place and grinning like a maniac, which freaks Muse B out. Muse A is in the middle of a fight with the boyfriend of one of her girl toys and, despite a split lip, she’s actually doing well. But, Muse B catches her eye and she flirts with Muse B during the fight. Muse A winds up running away from the party/fight, but she’s got a new goal in mind: Muse B.
Bonus Plot Twists:
Muse A is actually training to be a professional fighter one day. Muse B’s parents are actually both women and they want Muse A to stay the hell away from their daughter. Muse A actually hasn’t slept with many girls– it’s more of an Easy A situation. Muse B has a long distance boyfriend back home. Muse A is actually a top student who just doesn’t try hard. Muse B is a star athlete/musician/artist/etc who came for the schools excellent program. Muse A is the daughter of the principal/football head coach. Muse B picks up a job at the same place Muse A works. Muse A’s parents don’t know she’s attracted to girls. Muse B moved to the city because she’s estranged from her parents.
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jennysrps-blog · 9 years
hey pals. anyone want to start a smut 1x1 plot or 2x2? g!p or not is welcome.
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jennysrps-blog · 9 years
no but gimme a plot where the girl’s a mob boss’s daughter, and the boy is a cop fresh outta the academy and he doesn’t realize that the girl he’s been flirting with is the daughter of the guy he’s trying to get behind bars.
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jennysrps-blog · 9 years
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jennysrps-blog · 9 years
kinda want a plot where Muse A is going to get married, but their fiance/fiancee calls it off, so Muse A takes their best friend, Muse B, on the honeymoon because hey, they’ve got the tickets, why waste them right? and the whole time they’re on the honeymoon, they have to pretend to be a couple and it leads to drunk kisses/sex and i don’t know where i’m going with this bUT I WANT IT
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jennysrps-blog · 9 years
ok but best friends falling in love with each other will forever be my favorite plots of all time ): here are some that will ruin ur life: 
ur the new kid and i invite u to sit w me at lunch and oh i noticed ur wearing my favorite band / movie / have my favorite book and we have a rly interesting conversation and oh ur in like a lot of my classes wow cool and hey we’re friends now and like now we’re best friends and then u start dating someone else and im ok w it until i realize no the fuck im not daTE me instead ): 
we have no idea what personal boundaries are and yeah we’ve made out before a lot and yeah it was ok but we’re friends ok f r i e n d s and why r u staring at me like that? why are u holding my hand always? why are u telling me how much u adore me? we’re not dating? oh u’ve been in love w me for years and i’m a doorknob ): pls come back 
i confessed i might be in love w u and u said u weren’t interested in dating me bc we’re just friends and i’m getting over that heartbreak but u show up on my doorstep and kiss me and we end up in bed and in the morning u tell me this was a mistake and before i can stop u, u leave. u show up again. lather rinse repeat. ):
we share a mutual friend but we’re not rly that close until our friend takes us to a party and they ditch us and we’re not rly part of the crowd so we just sit together and talk a lot. turns out we like a lot of the same things (or we hate a lot of the same things or ur opinion sucks balls here is why ur wrong wow pls continue talking i love how much passion u put into ur opinions even tho they suck balls lol) we grow close and p soon we’re always together. turns out i actually rly rly like u. will u kiss me now? no? ): but why? oh ur in love w our mutual friend and im so sad now ):
we were friends throughout childhood and school. i was a dweeb and ur my way cooler friend but u moved away when we were like 15 we grew apart even tho we promised to stay in touch. i see ur facebook updates and i read ur tweets and i miss u and i wanna talk to u but i dont ?? so we fade away and then one day u show up in my life again and ho ly fuck my heart is doing the beepboop thing but i’m still a loser and ur a fuckin god/dess. ): u wanna catch up and holy shit its like old times again and wow im fuckin in love w u – oh ur getting married ): but … ilu? pls? 
we tried the whole dating thing and it didn’t work out and we’ve moved beyond that. ur my go-to friend on anything and everything and any problem u got i will fucking mow down hell to fix and wow ur smile just lights up my world and pls dont be sad who made u sad i will throw them in hell and mow them down and – oh wow. i never got over u. ur my fucking world and i just want u to be happy but u can only see me as a friend bc when u look at me u see our failed relationship but im not the same person i swear to god. ): 
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jennysrps-blog · 9 years
a single dad x kindergarten teacher plot where his kid is in love with the teacher, always talking about them when they get home, making them pictures and always raising their hand in class being the best student they can be. the father finds this adorable because the kid is so whipped by this teacher he’s never met due to work and the fact his mother is always picking them up. so, parent teacher night finally comes and it’s time for them to meet. and the dad realizes the reasons why his kid is so whipped in the first place. 
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jennysrps-blog · 9 years
“i hate you and have for years. i can’t even stand the sight of you and we argue anytime we’re even in the same room, how did we end up naked in the same bed after that party last night?”
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jennysrps-blog · 9 years
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One of Glee’s hottest pairings. Pure genius.
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jennysrps-blog · 9 years
Hey there. I’m Jen and I’m 19 from the EST. If anyone wants to 1x1, hit me up.
ships. plots. application.
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jennysrps-blog · 9 years
1x1 g!P roleplay anyone?
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jennysrps-blog · 9 years
I really want a plot where muse a & muse b are really close friends, but like not childhood friends ya know like they are recent best friends but that doesn’t take away from their closeness, and one night at a party they hook up and the next morning they actually end up laughing about it- jump forward a few weeks and muse a gets a significant other and muse b feels a little weird about it but just ignore it because they feel like it’s not their place and they totally don’t have feelings what’s that no but a month later muse a gets dumped and is crying on muse b’s shoulder and somehow they end up hooking up again and after the second time muse a proposes that they make it a regular thing of just them hooking up cuz they are already bffs so it’s all cool and muse b is cool with that cuz muse a is really good in bed and waking up next to them is really nice- wait what- but suddenly muse b catches feelings and one time after a hook up muse b tries joking about feelings but muse a gets defensive and kinda mad and is just like “we’re only friends don’t try to change anything” and muse b is more hurt than they think they should be but they just go with it because oops muse b is really in love with muse a….
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