jenuplinger19-blog · 7 years
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Photo of the Week 5/2/2017 “Cazenovia Wildcats Junior attempts a hit to left field during the double header baseball games on Friday, April 28th at Onondaga Community College.”
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jenuplinger19-blog · 7 years
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News Photo Make-up 2/24/17 http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2017/04/photo-ark-penguin-pictures/
The article “12 Penguin Portraits Show Off Big Personalities” By Austa Somvichian-Clausan, photographs by Joel Sartore contains various images of different species of penguins from Antarctica, Australia, and New Zealand. The beautiful and sometimes comical images were published in honor of World Penguin Day on April 25th. There is 18 species shown in these photos. The top image shows the blue penguin of New Zealand that is in a rehab center after losing his left wing.The bottom image is the Fiordland crested penguin and is considered an endangered species in New Zealand. Mostly all penguins are known for their loyal relationships over lifetimes, showing them as a monogamous bird. They have lives in harsh climates for as long as we as people can remember, but with climate change happening, those colder, normal climates to them are being taken away. The air temperature has caused the species to decrease in size by almost 50% on the West Antarctic Peninsula and the Scotia Sea.Climate change will also reduce their nesting sites food supply such as krill.
I think this article shows us the personality of such a peaceful and committed animal, and I agree that they should have a day dedicated to them. These images show the various species that not everyone may know about, and that can be very informative. Also, people may click on this article just for the images, but when they come across one like the little bird with one wing pictured above, it makes us think, did we do that to him? Also, it makes us read further and see the image that has been done to their habitat and food. I think this article brings me happiness through the images, then grief when I read about how much their population has decreased. 
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jenuplinger19-blog · 7 years
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Documentary Final Project Inspiration Post https://www.markseymourphotography.co.uk/dementia/ For my final inspiration post, I chose photographer Mark Seymour. Seymour is one of the most well known Documentary wedding photographers in the UK. He is based out of London Berkshire and Hampshire. He is also a documentary photographer for certain tasks. His series featured here is titled “ :icing with Dementia: A Harmonica for Ronnie” This series is capturing his father journey after being diagnosed with dementia 5 years prior to this. Seymour took images of his father, Ronnie Seymour to show the development of the disease and how it effected him over a significant amount of time. Ronnie lost his mother to the illness, and now sadly, Mark is loosing his. The top image of Ronnie, enjoying a moment after playing his harmonica, and the second image reflects on the more negative moments this illness brings, showing the nurse with Ronnies wife and Marks mother, whose name was not mentioned. His memory and body slowly deteriorated over the course of these images, but give a powerful message and great insight into the lives of people dealing with this illness.  I chose this as a series to reflect on because of the story behind it. I like that it connected personally, but also gave us a large look inside of how families deal with this and how families just starting the process can learn from them. I am photographing my cousin and her family for my final, to show how the wife deals with the husband being away for work and dealing with her father in law, who was diagnosed with dementia not too long ago. I plan to show his story, as well as my cousins. I recommend people to view this story, it really provides a great deal of information. 
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jenuplinger19-blog · 7 years
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News Photo 4/12/17
The image above taken by Nori Yausa pictures fisherman shining bright lights into the dark water to spot the Shirasu eel in Tokushima, Japan. They hunt these eels at night since the bright light attracts them, and makes them easier to catch. This was the photo of the week featured on National Geographic website. It was also featured in the Daily Dozen after being spotted by your shot photo editor Matt Adams who stated “This image felt very out of this world and sci-fi and I just love this scene. What a cool thing to witness and then to capture with your camera." I agree with what Adams said. The photo is very interesting and you definitely have to read into it and view the photo to understand what they are doing. You can see up close, as well as see boats at least a mile away where they appear to be closer to the city. It gives the photo depth and show how many people take part in this. The caption is needed to fully understand their line of work and that they are trying to achieve. This is not something you see everyday and it is different and great to share to see how fisherman or just people interested in this spend their nights in Japan. 
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jenuplinger19-blog · 7 years
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Photo of the week 4/11/17 
“Marcellus resident Jimmy Cox practices throwing with his Lacrosse stick near his house on the first warm day of spring on 4/9/17″ 
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jenuplinger19-blog · 7 years
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News Photo 3/26/17 
News article titled: “These Iconic Animals Could Again Be hunted in Alaskas Refuges” by Jani Actman, photos by Joel Sartore. These images show predators that are throughout the Wildlife Refuges in Alaska. There are 16 wildlife refuges and contain 77 million acres of land for them to thrive on. Although these animals thrive, there was a recent law passed by the US senate on Tuesday that would abolish United States fish and wildlife service rule which banned them from being hunted before. If this new law is passed by all, this means that they would now be allowed to be hunted once again, but even worse, would allow mother bears to be shot in their dens with their cubs, and other animals like the wolverine, fox, and wolf to be hunted from planes. It is only a state rights issue, therefore would only take place in Alaska at first, but could grow. Jeff Flocked, a regional director for the North American Branch of International Fund for Animal Welfare stated “To call these practices cruel is a vast understatement.”
I think this article touches on a very important subject, and I agree that this law should not be passed. The animals are not hurting anyone being here, and these pictures show how docile they are when they are not under attack. They are creatures here on this earth like the rest of us, and should be treated well. I think the protection act should still stay, but allow people to hunt if they become over populated. The photos show great detail and let you know what the animal is like from the picture, and makes you aware of what the animal is and how it reacts .
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jenuplinger19-blog · 7 years
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Photo of the Week 3/26/17
“Maple Syrup on display at the Critz Farms Maple festival on March 19, 2017, two kinds of syrup were being offered, amber and dark” 
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jenuplinger19-blog · 7 years
Documentary Proposal
For my documentary final project, I had two ideas. The first idea consists of dealing with a life illness. This could range from a disease, to a disability, or to cancer. I think this could be interesting because it can really hit home to the people effected by diseases as well as those who are the ones dealing with all that pain. If I choose this as a topic, my plan is to photograph both my parents. My mom is currently dealing with Breast Cancer while suffering previously from Chronic Lyme Disease. Also, my dad has had Chronic Lyme Disease for about 15 years, and has everyday challenges due to the disease taking over his body since it was undiagnosed and untreated for so long. I am also planning to talk to a couple more people I know who are dealing with diseases or cancer in their family to help step out of my own household and see how other deal with illnesses or cancer. I plan to photograph within ones household or comfort zone, because with an illness, some can't get around well enough to leave their house all the time.  For my dad, one idea i had was that he likes to work on cars and do things outside, but the cold limits his mobility and he can't get around as much as he'd like to.I think this will help get a sense of what a person does at home while fighting an illness, and how that home brings them comfort in various ways. I will most likely be photographing adults for most of this shoot, but plan to get pictures of the family as well, because watching someone be in pain is just as bad as having it sometimes. 
The second Idea consists of photographing my cousin and her family, who deal with having a military father and husband. My cousin Sarah, her husband is a Lieutenant Colonal in the Air Force, and is away for months at a time, which has a large impact on their young children, and also on the wife who has a heavy work load with taking kids to school, as well as sports and working part time. With this as a topic, I would be documenting the family on a busy day, going to sporting events, or just dealing with the stress of things at home. Also, would be photographing the father, if he is present, and if he is not, possibly photographing the kids FaceTime calls with him while he is away, due to that being a connection they have to be able to see him while he is away. 
To prepare for these shoots, I would want to have my tripod, my flash as well as  both lenses. For the second one, I don't plan to have the family pose for the camera, due to it being a more interactive family and more of a human interest documentation. When the illness subject may require a few environmental portraits to show the person dealing with the illness and how they think of themselves in their comfort zone or doing things that bring them at ease while sick. Having a flash in all shoots will be helpful to provide needed light that may not be present, and can add more drama to the photo. 
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jenuplinger19-blog · 7 years
Image captions for spot news  Image 1: Two different types of maple syrup, Amber and Dark, were on sale at the Maple Celebration on March 19, 2017 at Critz Farms in Cazenovia, NY  Image 2: Owner of Critz Farms, Matthew Critz, pauses after giving a demonstration about how sap is pulled from trees and how syrup is made.  Image 3: A picture of the tasting room at Critz Farms, shows all items that were for sale, which included syrup, maple cream, and honey.  Image 4: Workers at Critz Farms, help out during the celebration by making more samples of their products and selling maple popcorn to visitors. 
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jenuplinger19-blog · 7 years
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Spot News 
For this project, I chose to photograph the maple festival going on at Critz Farm in Cazenovia, NY. It is an ongoing festival that happens every weekend starting March 18, 2017 to April 1st, 2017. Due to the cold, this past weekend was slow and, but had plenty of customers. The festival offered a tour of the tasting rooms, as well as a demonstration on the process of making maple syrup. Earlier in the day, they offered tractor rides to show where the syrup was taken from and how they were taken from the trees, and also offered a pancake breakfast using their fresh syrup. The business and farm is owned by Matthew and Juanita Critz, and was established in 1985. Although it is maple season, they also provide products for each season, like pumpkins and apples and contain their own brewing company with hard cider and wine. 
In the first image, a variety of maple syrup is pictured. At the festival, they were offering two types of syrup, Amber and Dark. Amber has a more rich taste, when Dark has a more robust taste. They also offered maple cream, also made by Critz Farms. The second image, show owner, Matthew Critz, explaining the process of maple syrup as well as how they insert the tubes through the trees to get sap for the syrup. The next image contains a wider shot of the showroom where they display the maple products. They also were offering honey products from a local Cazenovia vendor. The final image is of Critz farms workers, who had been assisting with the tasting room activities, as well as making up samples for people to try all their products. 
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jenuplinger19-blog · 7 years
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Inspire Post- Spot News. 
For the third project, I chose to work on Spot News. For the first photographer, I chose Bill Frakes. Frakes works with Sports Illustrated and had the opportunity to capture the Us Olympic Track and Field Trials in 2016. Frakes is native to Nebraska, but does work out of Florida, and has shot in 138 countries and all 50 states. He has shot for Sports Illustrated and Espn, and works with a number of companies for ads such as Apple, Nike, CocaCola, Nikon, Mars, Manfrotto, and Reebok. I chose to focus on his track and field pictures because of new sports seasons coming to Caz for the spring. There is a lot of Lacrosse games throughout this week and capturing a new sport that I have not photographed would be interesting. I plan going to at least one mens and one women game, since both teams are very good and can have a lot of action. I believe this can be spot news because they are the first home games at Caz this season and can really be exciting for the team and the college fans.  The second two images are from a local Saratoga Photographer Mark Bernard. He attended a Maple Syrup Days event that opened the maple syrup season at Sugar Bush/Toad Hollow Farms. I believe this could be a good thing to photograph, because I am planning on attending the Maple Syrup fest this upcoming Sunday in Onondaga, NY. This can involve many people and show different aspects of how something so intricate like making maple syrup. Ive always found it to be an interesting topic so I think I could capture strong photos while at this event. I decided to choose two topics to work with and possibly shoot due to weather, so either of these may end up being my finals, but I plan to shoot both for stronger shoots and more photographs. 
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jenuplinger19-blog · 7 years
Research Project Proposal
For my research paper and presentation, I chose Edward Burtynskys Industrial Landscape series. Burtynsky, born in St. Catharines, Ontario, is one of Canadas most well known photographers. His landscape work has been displayed in worldly known places like the Guggenheim, MOMA, and The National Gallery of Canada.  His Industrial Landscape series is transforming nature through industry and incorporating things like nickel, oil, minerals and silicon to show them in a different way and how we consume those products for usage everyday and us being unaware of what it does to things around us. I’m very excited to look into his work and really get a feel for how he portrays such known products and connects them with nature to show us as the viewer the negative aspect it can have on the environment, or how beautiful the landscape is when these things may not be present. 
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jenuplinger19-blog · 7 years
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News Photo 3/1/17 http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/columnist/brennan/2017/02/28/michael-phelps-usada-drug-testing-clean-sport/98548400/ The USA Today article titled “For Michael Phelps, frequent drug testing became way of life” by Charles Brennan focuses on the amount of doping that goes on in international competition and how Phelps wants to educate and push for better doping control. He spoke to the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on February 28, 2017, stating “ I don't think I've ever in international competition felt it’s clean”. The article also went on to include the amount of athletes that did not get tested. There was a total of 1, 913 that had never once been drug tested before wanting to compete in the Olympics. Next, there was a total of 4,125 out of 11,470 athletes that attended the Rio Olympics that were not even drug tested before competing. Phelps on the other hand, stated that he was tested 13 times within the six months before Rio 2016. He also then made a comment following no clean competition, that, “ In U.S. competition, I do feel it is clean.” Phelps then mentioned how while at the US Olympic Training Center, him, along with other athletes were woken up at random times, sometimes early as 6am on days they didn't have morning practice to give samples for drug tests, and fill out forms. He then made a final comment “You’re filling out paperwork quarterly, stacks of paper,” he said. “There are forms to fill out every single day if my whereabouts change. Now I go to the (USADA) app: What plane I’m on, what hotel I’m in, what room. That’s what I’ve gone through for the past 15-16 years.”  I think this is a large issue that goes unnoticed, and Phelps bringing it to attention for not only the sport of swimming, but also all other sports experiencing large amounts of doping is very important and needing to be addressed before preparation begins for the next Summer Olympics. As the most decorated olympian in history, if anyone deserves to address the subject more, it is Phelps. He will be listened to the most out of anyone, and you can tell he takes this matter seriously for himself as well as others. If an athlete was to refuse giving a drug test, it risks their competitive lives as a athlete for the next several months or years if they test later and it is positive. Taking this matter directly to the House of Energy and Commerce gets right to the point and lets them know that athletes take this seriously, and the ones that don't, may as well not enter in games if a drug test coming back positive is a possibility for them. 
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jenuplinger19-blog · 7 years
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Photo of the Week 2/28/17
Inside of the new flower shop, Simply Fresh Flowers on Linklean Street in Cazenovia, NY, you can see a variety of arrangements, ranging from fresh flowers to handmade flower wreaths.  photo taken 2/21/17
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jenuplinger19-blog · 7 years
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Project Environmental Portraiture- Reshoot  I kept 2 of the same photos, but took out the chocolate shop completely since I did not have much success shooting there. The two businesses featured are the Cazenovia Bagel Factory and Simply Fresh Flowers, both new businesses in Cazenovia. Captions are located on the photos. 
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jenuplinger19-blog · 7 years
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Project 2- Environmental Portraiture For this project, I chose to stay in the Cazenovia area and photograph up and coming businesses. This way, the people at these shops get to know the people of the town, as well as be promoted through these photographs.
The first business i chose to photograph was the Cazenovia Bagel Company, located in the Tops Market plaza. It is a great little breakfast and lunch spot, and they are very welcoming. The lady pictured pouring coffee was a worker at the establishment, and was very helpful when I ordered food as well as when I asked to take pictures. I think her posing with the coffee pot helps the viewers know it is a breakfast spot, and the background showing the preparation space of food helps them show what the workers are making for customers. 
Second establishment pictured is Gabrielles Chocolate Shop, located on the main street near Caz Pizza. The owner is pictured, and she also hand makes all truffles and various other types of chocolates and candies in the shop. They recently opened up a new location near Syracuse, so promoting this business may attract others to their new location. This image shows her working and keeping the space clean so it look presentable for customers. she was not very keen on me taking a front portrait, so i figured capturing er at work also shows how much pride she takes in her work as a chocolatier. 
The third and fourth pictures were taken at the very recently opened floral shop, owned by a woman named Kelly. The shop, Simply Fresh Flowers is located on Linklean street, ad contains a beautiful variety of flowers. I captured her at work putting together an arrangement of snapdragons, and showing her cutting the flowers so they look nicer for buyers. The second image picturing her, I chose to get a close up portrait.Both these photos use flash, since the back room where she prepared bouquets only had one one window, and the light was coming across darker than I wanted, so adding the flat for these images was helpful and created more clearer images. I spent the most time at the flower shop, and Kelly was a great lady and was very flexible with me photographing her. I had the best experience photographing her over the others. 
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jenuplinger19-blog · 7 years
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News Photo 2/20/17  Article: “How to Photograph an Elephant”  By: Alexa Keefe Photos By: Michael Nichols  http://www.nationalgeographic.com/photography/proof/2017/02/how-to-photograph-an-elephant/ The article titled “How to Photograph an Elephant” goes into depth with the photographer Michael Nichols, who has been documenting elephants in the rainforest and savannas of Africa for over 20 years now. He goes in depth on several key points of how one should be photographing this gentle giant. His main steps are, Patience, Catch them at play, and always approach them in cars, not by foot. These all are supported with various information that he has learned over the years. Nichols states he has never gotten bored of photographing the animals, and that is why he thinks learning the behavior of the elephants is the number one factor in photographing them almost everyday.  He also states that elephants use their sense of smell over eyesight, so it it good to provide them with the same distinct smell, which led to Nichols wearing the same shirt for several days following a herd. This led to him saying you should always let the elephant approach you, never the other way around, it lets them behave in a calm manner and get used to you without you invading their space. Lastly, Nichols talked about one of the key behaviors he learned, is that elephants become very agitated with flash, and this resulted in having an elephant charge at him once, due to the stress it caused the animal. Closing the article, he provided the reader with a note stating “ What makes your photograph a success is not the quality of your lens but the moment happening beyond it”  I think Nichols gives great insight on how to approach photographing elephants, as well as lear more about behavior of every animal you photograph. I chose this article since elephants are one of my favorite animals, and since I’ve always been interested in wildlife photography. It provides great information on how such giant creatures behave while in front of a camera, and how the photographer portrays their emotion while they are in front of the camera. Nichols also shows up and coming photographers that its okay to not have the most expensive lens to photograph subjects with. He closes the article with a good statement that shows that any photographer that knows what they're doing and has a background in elephant behavior, they can produce a great photograph for themselves or to share with others down the road for them to say they got to photograph the largest land mammal. 
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