jeonkookeen · 5 years
my quick tips for working / studying from home
- get dressed and style your hair as if you’re going to school/work - even use the same perfume/ cologne as you normally do  (trick your mind into being motivated)
- plan things out - everything (plan out your week, day, meal, etc. you can make these as specific as you’d like. this will help you stay on top of your work as well as stay healthy, especially if you live alone.)
- make studying/ working the first thing you do each day - best if you can start in the morning (minimize the tendency to procrastinate)
- just start - don’t worry too much about perfecting or finishing anything yet (if you don’t start then there’s nothing for you to perfect or get done. and it will never get done)
- listen to old and simple (aka non-distracting) podcasts, Youtube videos, or café/ chattering white-noise, etc. simply leave them as background noise to create an illusion of being outside your room (bring the presence of people to you. my favorites lately have been slam poems from 2016, Mae Martin’s stages, and Awsten Knight’s crackhead podcasts)
- set timers, for both study sessions and breaks (so that you don’t overwork, burn out, or procrastinate. the Pomodoro technique works great here)
- take advantage of the comfort of your own home (light a candle, have crunchy snacks, play loud music, review notes out loud while pacing around, wrap yourself in a blanket burrito, study on your bed if you can focus there like me, etc. basically anything you can’t do in a classroom, office, or the library)
- if you miss your friends, call/ text/ facetime them, make a study group chat with them, etc. (that is what technology is for)
- choose recreational activities/ self-care for your breaks instead of going on social media (go on walks, make small art, play an instrument, stretch, take a nap, etc. I usually reach for my guitar, brainstorm writing ideas, or sketch very simple line art.)
- if you want to go on social media, do it during meal times - or the 15 minutes after your meals that you can’t work just yet (it also doesn’t make you feel like you’re wasting time)
- study in different rooms for a change of scenery (dining room, living room, the patio, etc. I have an armchair next to the window that I study in whenever I need some sunlight and don’t have to write anything down. however, if you need a designated place to focus on your work, you can also use these alternative spaces as designated “relax” or “creative” place for your breaks)
- use this as an opportunity to take care of yourself (get enough sleep, drink water, exercise, talk to your family, take your meds, be mindful of your mental health, etc.)
Feel free to add your tips. The current situation sure is unpleasant but it is unavoidable. All we can really do now is take care of ourselves, others, and try to make the best out of this.
Good luck to everyone and stay safe! My heart is with you all 💕
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jeonkookeen · 5 years
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jeonkookeen · 5 years
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3/20/2020  🌷 the lockdown got me feeling lonely so i decided to study with my tortoise roommate
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jeonkookeen · 5 years
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jeonkookeen · 5 years
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soobin: where’s the snooze button
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jeonkookeen · 5 years
TXT: [curses]
Jungkook: hey, hey, hey! no cursing in front of the baby
Kai: uh, it’s fine hyung, I don’t mind
Jungkook: no, I mean me.
Jungkook: I am THE baby.
| Cr twt correctgguk
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jeonkookeen · 5 years
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love yourself: speak yourself in seoul
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jeonkookeen · 5 years
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how dare he
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jeonkookeen · 5 years
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jeonkookeen · 5 years
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The Quran, verse 42:11
لَيْسَ كَمِثْلِهِ شَيْءٌ
There is not anything like Him (whatsoever).
Source: jahanzebjz, via IslamicArtDB
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jeonkookeen · 5 years
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Quran 6:59
Source: allah66, via IslamicArtDB
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jeonkookeen · 5 years
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jeonkookeen · 5 years
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he’s just walking but he’s killing
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jeonkookeen · 5 years
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i need a moment….
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jeonkookeen · 5 years
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jeonkookeen · 6 years
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Her Eyes Told Me Everything 🌹🍃
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jeonkookeen · 6 years
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Tokyo, Japan
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