jerbeargilbert ¡ 5 years
♊ — He laughed outright at Jeremy’s assessment of Kai’s magical prowess. “Bonnie doesn’t count, alright?  It’s not fair if she counts.” The only witch that could and would ever strike fear in the Gemini. Well, perhaps that wasn’t entirely true – not after twenty-thirteen. “I want what everyone wants, Jer,” he offered with an equally nonchalant shrug. “What do you want?  To protect the world from what goes bump in the night?” He smiled at that. “Maybe it’s because I know the better things in life are worth playing a little dirty for.”
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“Well she does count..” he pointed out. “Not actually... I protect the ones I love and the ones who deserve protecting... I have grown to learn that a species does not make a person... whether a wolf vampire witch.... if they are decent people and try their best, I will protect them.” he admitted to the gemini. “ I know that... I have done some things I am not proud of for the right reasons..” he pointed out.
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jerbeargilbert ¡ 5 years
♊ — “That was your arrow?” He had gasped, seemingly impressed. “No one wanted to give me a straight answer.” In Kai’s defense, he really didn’t see much when he was taken down at the high school. One minute he’s sauntering down the hallway with twin in hand, and the next he was getting poked and prodded with all kinds of fun stuff. “You did when Bonnie’s life was on the line,” he pointed out. “I’m not the worst person to strike a deal with and you know it. And I’m hella talented.” His teasing subsided some, and he’s cocking his head at the other. “Do you think I have an ulterior motive, Jer?” It was a simple question. “It’s okay if you do.”
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Jeremy shook his head with a sigh. “Bonnie has done everything she could to help me and Elena... it is only right I return the favour..” he admitted - although he did still love her at that point too. “Yes, you may be talented, but I know a witch or two who are much more talented...” Jeremy  replied. “I am not sure... you seem cocky enough to have one... but what could you possibly want now... “ he paused for a moment to think. “Why do you think everyone has a ulterior motive, Kai?”
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jerbeargilbert ¡ 5 years
“I get it, I just want you to know I’m always here for you - even when you do something incredibly stupid.” All teasing aside, the witch was loyal to her friends to a fault, even when it killed her to do so ( literally ). “You or Damon… or Kai… until no one…” Lifting her spirit the best she could, a smile taking the place of the frown at his last comment, she simply shrugged. “I do stupid things for the people I love. It’s sort of my thing.”
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Jeremy smiled at the female. “I know, I have done something incredibly stupid on a number of occasions... although I suppose some people class getting together with you being one of those too... I know how it ended was incredibly stupid though. “Yeah... but we both know I’m the best one out of them..” he admitted with a wink before laughing. “Yes it is... although you do it again and I will find a way to bring you back and kill you... the world is a better place with Bonnie Bennett in it.” he admitted.
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jerbeargilbert ¡ 5 years
“Well, I was five when Bill died so I can understand why I never came up much.” Brady offered with a shrug, though she took another note when he mentioned that they’d been lifelong acquaintances. “So you helped them start it up? That’s cool… I just always took you for the lone ranger type.” she mused, pausing for a moment before adding “If you see Care, can you not mention me? I’m trying to surprise her.” 
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“Right... I mean I heard a little about you... but I didn’t know it was you.” he admitted. “Well not start it... I was their idea..” he stated. “Well I mean... I grew into one, but I used to always be with my friends...” he confessed. Jeremy nodded his head at the females words. “Sure. I’ll keep quiet... but I would find her soon... she can be rather busy with the school..” he stated.
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jerbeargilbert ¡ 5 years
Now that revelation brought a frown to her face as she looked at the younger Gilbert. “No one should be alone for the holidays… you know my door is always open, right?” she offered gently, a small frown painted on her lips as she reached out and put a hand on his shoulder for a moment before pulling it back. “I know a little something about that.” She knew all too well what it was like to be alone for so long and struggle to come back. From death, from the prison world, it was all the same, and it wasn’t easy. “We always survive - somehow.”
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Seeing the frown appear on the females face , Jeremy shook his head a little. “No don’t feel bad... I enjoyed it... and I know you are always there...it was nice to just be alone at home , you know?” the Gilbert admitted. “Yeah I know...although be fair most of the tine you had me with you...”he teased. “He remembered how heart breaking it was for him to act like Bonnie was fine, when in fact she was dead. “You always did the stupidest things...especially for me and Elena...” he pointed out.
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jerbeargilbert ¡ 5 years
Now Brady believed in coincidences, but the more he said, the weirder it all seemed. He was from Mystic Falls, a small blip on the map most people had never heard of, and he worked at the same school her stepsister helped run? “Yeah, her names Caroline Forbes, and apparently you guys work together…” she said, her curiosity more than obvious. “Never took you as the boarding school kind of guy.”
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“Care?” He repeated but using her abbreviated name. “You are her step sister? I never knew that... I mean I have know Caroline since I was a kid... she is one of my sisters best friends.” Jeremy stated. How odd it was that no one had ever mentioned it before. “Well no I am not... I didn’t attend there... I just helped them when it was set up and stuck with it... Alaric... who opened it with Caroline...he was...is sorta like a surrogate father to me.” Jeremy admitted.
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jerbeargilbert ¡ 5 years
♊ — “Aw, I’m not a snake?” he argued weakly, a twinkle in his eye. “Being a rat implies there’s someone out there who’s the snake, and I just feel like that’s not true.” The only person who could best Kai, in his eyes, was Bonnie Bennett – and she was way more like a mongoose than the snake. He liked his analogy better. “I thought he was cute too.” The smile the heretic wore was oddly sweet, gazing down at his little companion. When Jeremy veered the conversation off, it pulled him out of his much fonder thoughts. “Yeah… I don’t trust that. You need a favor or something?”
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“Definitely not... more like a deer - one shot and your put down... even if it is only temporary.” he pointed out. Jeremy had no issue with the other male - luckily for him, his hunter insticts as part of the brother hood helped him - and if he did get killed, he would drive the vampire to suicide so it was not a bad outcome either way. “Well don’t trust it, Kai, but you wil have to come to terms with the fact that not everyone has an ulterior motive. And I certainly do not need a favour from you.” he corrected.
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jerbeargilbert ¡ 5 years
Brady was sure she must have imagined things, that he wasn’t there, it didn’t make sense. Then he replied, and he knew her name, and the impossible seemingly became possible. Walking over to him, she tilted her own head as she looked at him. “Came to see my step-sister, what about you? What are you doing here, Jer?”
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As the female moved towards him, he let a small smile cross his lips. “Oh? I never knew your step sister was from Mystic Falls... I Live here... This is my home... I actually work at the salvatore boarding school.” he admitted to the other. He knew how ruthless she could be, and wondered why she would be in town - especially when it was overrun with supernaturals.
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jerbeargilbert ¡ 5 years
“How were your holidays?” the witch asked, raising an eyebrow as she looked at the hunter. Her smile faded just a bit at his comment. “It’s not all bad.” She had to admit, she was anxious about the recent resurrections herself, but worrying about them wasn’t going to make it stop, or change the fact they’d happened. “We just have to be careful.” 
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“They were pretty quiet... I spent most of it alone... when you spend months alone, coming back to so many people can be quite the adjustment.” he admitted. “How about you?” He questioned for a moment. “Yes, luckily for us, Mystic falls seems to have this little habit of sticking together to sort these things out..”
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jerbeargilbert ¡ 5 years
Jeremy smiled seeing the femalw. He hmstill had lingering feelings for the female -after all they had been through so much together.”Bonnie..Merry Belated Christmas... did you have a good time?” He questioned. Jeremy watched the female. “I would say Happy New Year, but woth all the dead coming back I would be surprised if it went smoothly.”
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“Merry Belated Christmas, Jeremy.” Offering her former flame a smile, she added “Happy New Year too.”
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jerbeargilbert ¡ 5 years
Jeremy was out in town, grabbing a bite to eat for lunch and a sneaky bourbon. He had not really settled back in town yet, it was like he felt out of place at times. Heading out to the square, he moved across it not paying much notice to anyone until he heard his name being mentioned. Looking up ,he tilted his head a little. “Brady?” He offered with a small smile. “What are you doing here?” He wondered aloud.
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Brady Howlett had been busy familiarizing herself with Mystic Falls since her arrival. With the school out of session, it seemed like the best use of her time, especially if she was going to take care of everything that threatened the citizens of the town. Though she told herself she was prepared for everything, she had to admit, she wasn’t prepared to see a familiar face. “Jeremy?” it couldn’t be, why would he be in middle of no-where Mystic Falls?
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jerbeargilbert ¡ 5 years
♊ — “Brace yourself – he’s pretty fucking adorable.” Kai’s cupped hands slowly opened to reveal a remarkably calm rat, cozy between his palms. Even as he began speaking to Jeremy again, it seemed more than happy to just chill and sniff curiously at the air. “Aw, Jer. Always the flatterer.” Not exactly, but really, it was nice to hear. Made the heretic smile. “You were one of my favorites, you know. A rebel, doing the wrong things for the right reasons.. while managing to not be super obnoxious about it.”
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Jeremy rolled his eyes again before looking to the rat. Unlike most, he was not to bothered by rats. “Well they do say animals hang around with their own... rats go with rats..” he pointed out. “However, I would say he is rather cute.” He stated. “Well I guess there is a compliment in there somewhere... although doing the wrong things for the right reasons is something others should do...” he admitted. He knew what it was like to be seen as an outcast. “As much as I hate you for everything you have done...especially to Elena and Bonnie... I do understand how you can be pushed to do something like that.” He stated. He never thought her would sympathise with Kai, but here he was -perhaps he had more empathy or understanding as he grew older.
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jerbeargilbert ¡ 5 years
❤️- For a secret crush
“At this moment I would say nobody...since I haven’t been back in town all that long... i guess there were a few when I was on my travels though”
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jerbeargilbert ¡ 5 years
♊ — The excited wiggling from the hybrid ceased, but the wild look in his eye was there to stay. “Is that your way of telling me you’d like to see him?” he asked the hunter in a baby-voice. “It’s good to be back, J-Dawg.”
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“Yes, I am dying to see what has the audacity to put up with you...” he admitted with a roll of his hues. The brown hues finally settled on the male again. “Oh I am sure it is good... just sucks for everyone else... I mean I am thrilled obviously. I couldn’t survive with seeing your perfect face every day.” He replied.
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jerbeargilbert ¡ 5 years
“You got a friend? Thats strange...last time I saw you everyone hated you...” he admitted with a shrug. “How great it is to have you back” he mused obvious sarcasm in his tone.
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♊ — “I’VE GOT A NEW FRIEND –” the heretic wailed in his joy; hands cupped to contain said partner closely (and affectionately) to his chest. “– and he probably bites!”
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jerbeargilbert ¡ 5 years
Jereny laughed a little at the female. “I get that...it takes so  much getting used to the first time yet alone time and time again.” He gave a small smile to the female. “I think i will join you... but first drinks on you deal?” He questioned with a laugh again.
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“This whole ‘Alive, dead, dead dead, spirit, alive’ thing is a freaking roller-coaster. And if I have to go though that entire cycle again, I will personally crawl my way out of the ground, find the source that has a hand in it and put an end to it.” Or thank them, considering the circumstances. “Until then, I’m gonna enjoy this beer. You’re welcome to join me.”
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jerbeargilbert ¡ 5 years
Jeremy sat on the chair in the  room and laughed a little at alarics words.  “Awe is everything getting on top of you pops?” He teased. “I mean I know there has certainly been an increase in the amount of people coming back again. “ he admitted. “I did look into the necromancer again... but it doesnt seem like he is responsible or has the power to do it on such a large scale.” Jeremy finished.
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Just getting back from what could have been a recruitment had things not gone South, Alaric stepped out of his car taking a look around. The naked eye could tell the school has gotten more populated with the dead returning, still it surprised him that the school is where they were all going. “At this rate, we’re going to need more apartments.” He breathes, locking the doors.
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