jercme · 4 years
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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jercme · 4 years
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✈️ ‣ [DANIEL EZRA. HE/HIM. CIS MALE.] i just saw JEROME WHITAKER unpacking their bags in ROYALS RESORT. during the flight i overheard people whispering the TWENTY-SEVEN years old FOOTBALL PLAYER came to bodrum because SOMEONE’S BLACKMAILING HIM, can you believe it? you haven’t heard this from me but if you would like to get to know them better you should definitely order them WHISKEY NEAT. when i think of JEROME i think of CALLOUSED HANDS, A WINNER’S MENTALITY, & GRITTED TEETH. 
#2 xoxo 
basics:  full name: jerome jalani whitaker  birthday: august 7 (leo) hometown: new york, ny sexuality: heterosexual, heteroromantic positive traits: charming, adaptable, loyal, driven  negative traits: hostile, demanding, impulsive, jealous  hogwarts house: gryffindor  moral alignment: chaotic neutral 
background:  - born in harlem, jerome was taught to work for everything he has  - he and his little sister and brother were raised by a single mother and jerome was always helping out his mom- everything he did was to make her life easier and to help out at home  - the one thing that he had was football, he was always a good football player and knew from a young age that that could be the way to get a better life for him and his family  - he worked his ass off to be the best player he could be and ended up getting a scholarship to uconn to play football there  - after graduating, he got drafted back home to play for the ny giants- something he is SO happy about and proud of  - he moved his mom and siblings to a new home and he’s living the high life, livin it up as a popular football player  - the catch, now, is that he’s being blackmailed DUN DUN DUN  - a girl he used to date is blackmailing him, she wants him to claim that he is the father of her baby (even tho he is not) otherwise she will release a bunch of explicit photos and videos  - so, instead of dealing w the problem... he went on vacation, ANYWAY 
personality:  - kinda a dick  - pretty full of himself, he knows he is hot and the best football player etc etc  - but despite that, pretty charming, pretty good with the ~ladies~ (esther and i cannot relate)  - super protective of those close to him, will defend them with ALL that he is  - will fight someone if he has to  - not really booksmart at all, but he knows what’s up and is ‘people smart’  - a softie when he loves someone and not afraid to show it  - it takes a lot to see his vulnerable side bc he doesn’t know who to trust with it, but once you see that? a soft man 
possible connections:  - friends- give him some pals plz, he’s fun to hang out with  - exes- listen... ig ladies from new york or who have spent some time there... i just love ex plots oops  - enemies- he can be an ass, i’m sry  - fans?- people who watch american football and like the giants  - drinking buddy- someone he hits up the open bar with  - hookups/fwb- listen... idk what else to say  - summer fling- give him a lil crush, someone to pursue idk, let him be cute and cheesy 
OK SO, plz love us and let us love YOU 
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jercme · 4 years
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jercme · 4 years
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