jericohudson · 6 years
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“no cure? i’ve been told there’s ways to get rid of it.” but maybe that witch bitch was pulling his leg for a little cash. he snarled again, and if she was lying he was going to hunt her down and tear her head off. “i don’t fucking know! another wolf that didn’t fucking slaughter my parents!” levi roared, his eyes glowing a bright golden hue, his fangs elongating. this happened all the time when he got angry. levi closed his mouth tightly, blinking his eyes rapidly as jerico spoke. “it should have poisoned you before you got it out.” he commented, confused. jerico was grinning as if he had not a single worry in the world. but when he dropped down levi would swoop in and drag him off to his house where he’d chain him, and give him a slow and painful death. 
“A fool’s dream.” Jerico commented, shrugging. Then he gave a tiny huff of a laugh, “I could have killed you, pup. But why should you die for their sins?” He watched with some amusement as the boy struggled to contain himself, “I can teach you how to control that, pup. How to shift fully. You think any other wolf is going to offer that when you still walk and talk like a hunter?” One of Jerico’s brows arched slightly. 
He laughed at Levi’s confusion, “That’s another thing I’ll have to teach you pup. You hunters learned tricks of your trade. Learned to find a weak point. So we learned how to treat that. I fixed your problem bullet before it even became a problem. I was expecting you.”
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jericohudson · 6 years
It wasn’t normal for Casper to be out and about during the day. He was a night owl. Sleeping when most of the world was awake and awake when most slept. However, today he needed to get food. Restock on a few things around the apartment and that meant he was barely making his way through the streets. His current high was just about the only thing keeping him awake. And even that couldn’t keep him from yawing as he walked down main street. 
There was a scent. Spiced and familiar that made Casper’s head jerk up right as he walked. His eyes scanned the street and landed on… Well fuck. Jerico? Casper stiffened. Last time he saw the Alpha, he’d stolen from the pack and run away as quick as possible in oder to do the job he was doing now. He never expected to see him here of all places. “Fuck me.” Casper breathed and pulled his hood up over his head. He turned around and paused for a second. If Jerico was here, where his parents? Was the whole pack in Ashden? Christ. Fucking christ. They were going to skin him alive. Use his pelt as a throw rug. Casper glanced over his shoulder and then started down the street in the way he’d come. Hopefully, hopefully he’d get lucky and Jerico wouldn’t have seen him. But luck was very rarely on Caspers side. 
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He heard Casper before he saw him. It was barely a puff of breath but it set off bells in his brain. He hadn’t seen Casper since before the world temporarily came crashing down around his ears. Although the other wolf had always known him as an Alpha, he hadn’t been Pack Alpha when Casper had still been around. That had been his mother. Realistically, she’d let the little thief get away with what he’d done. They could have gone after him, could have hunted him down but she had been measured. Jerico hadn’t decided what he was going to do yet. 
Turning on his heel, he followed the sound and the scent as it grew stronger before finally pinpointing the other wolf. Speeding up a little, he reached out once he was close enough to yank the hood back and clamp a hand down on his neck. “Casper, my man, it’s been a while!” His tone was, for now, faux-friendly and the look on his face was somewhat predatory. “Where the hell have you been?”
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jericohudson · 6 years
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levi’s jaw clenched and his nostrils flared as he stared the man down. he righted a wrong, in his mind. but levi didn’t see it that way. he saw it as his parents were gone and he was grieving and angry. “i don’t know.” he did know. he wouldn’t think it was wrong. the wolf inside him stirred and it was recognizing this man as the one who turned him, the one bonded to his wolf. it sickened him, all of these feelings he felt but the main one for now was disgust. it still over powered the rest of the confusing muddled mess of emotions. 
“i need to learn to control it until i find a cure. but i don’t want you teaching me. i want to see you in a ditch six feet deep.” levi snarled. anyone other than him would probably see this as a gift. extended lifespan, faster healing, heightened senses… but this was a curse. he was raised to think this way, and he would always think this way now that they personally attacked his family. “you’re going to pay for what you did, and i wanted to stop by to tell you that.” the bullet embedded into the others shoulder was laced with wolfsbane, a stronger type. he’d be on the ground in minutes. 
“There is no cure. It’s not necessary for a gift.” Jerico told him, chuckling again at his display of anger. “Who else do you think can teach you pup? Ain’t no one can teach you like the one who made you. And I made you.” He straightened up a little from where he’d been leaning against a tree. “Sure will pup. Only not the way you think I’m gonna pay. See, when I was your age – I was already taught all the tricks and tips. Like how to deal with bullets from cocky little hunters.” He grinned, like he wasn’t worried at all. 
“You’re gonna have to embrace your wolf eventually. You seem like a survivor to me.”
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jericohudson · 6 years
“Never was a fan of staying at home.” He was a troubled child, one his parents could not deal with. It wasn’t until he was in high school that he started his escape. First it was books then it was a very passionate teacher who took his mind off of all the things that never settled. “Mm,” He hummed as he took a hit from his cigarette. “I would have been had this girl not gotten boobs that year. Damn it.” 
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His laugh was barking, genuinely amused by the human in front of him and his quip. “You’re quick.” He commented, nodding slightly in approval. “That can get you places.” Like a wolf pack, if he was impressed enough. Although usually Jerico wasn’t about turning without some kind of agreement. Levi had been a special case. No one had turned him down yet otherwise though, but in truth he was careful about who he offered the bite to. “Name’s Jerico.” He introduced himself, even offering up a hand to shake.
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jericohudson · 6 years
He managed to get the guy out of the middle of the road, so that was nice. What he wasn’t expecting was the company, though he really fucking should have. “Once,” He admitted with a light laugh. “dad was backing out of the drive way, didn’t realize I was there and hit me. Gave me a nice scar on my elbow and a reason not to go to school, so it was almost worth it.”
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“Almost.” He commented, looking the human over appraisingly. Maybe he’d grow his pack even further while he was here. The little hunter would be a longterm project but other humans would probably be a little easier to deal with. “At least you got a story to tell out of it? I bet you were star of all the school talk.” It might have sounded a little condescending even though he didn’t actually intend it to this time.
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jericohudson · 6 years
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Had he not grown up here, Theo would have been a little suspicious of a grown ass man standing in the middle of the road inhaling the air like it was a matter of life or death, but now he merely just shrugged off the weird shit. “Hey,” He called out to the man, despite the size difference he was far too fucked up to be concerned. “are you trying to get hit by a car because that shit fucking hurts, believe me. I know.”
His grin was positively wolfish, almost enough to give it all away on his own, turning to face the human who had called out to him. “Why?” He asked, “Have you been hit by one?” But he retreated from the road, walking over to the boy without a care in the world. He certainly wasn’t worried about getting hit by a car.
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jericohudson · 6 years
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it was probably very obvious he wasn’t as experienced as his parents, and they only had just begun to teach him more and bring him on more hunting expeditions before they were killed. his parents were in their fifties, and levi was still very young. the only one he had now to teach him the things he missed out on was his brother, who he hadn’t talked to in weeks. “haven’t you heard of the damn saying two wrongs don’t make a right?” he countered, eyes narrowing and his glare becoming even more intense if possible. if looks could kill his sure would.
“to be more?” he scoffed, holstering the gun for now. he wouldn’t let the alpha tear him apart if he shot at him again. “you think we aren’t going to be enemies after you mauled my parents? fuck you’re fucked in the head! i hated you mutts before this shit happened and i hate you even more now! i hate myself!” levi snapped, his blood was beginning to boil. “i don’t want to be pack. i want your head above my fireplace.” his voice was tight, hands balled into fists that hid the claws digging into his palms. though the metallic scent soon wafted through the air. 
“Only counts if I did wrong. I righted a wrong, pup. There’s a big difference.” Jerico said simply. He tipped his head to one side, “If my parents had killed yours, I doubt you’d think killing them was a wrong. Would you?”
The wolf crossed his arms over his chest, reminding himself to be patient. It would take time. “Spitfire. I like that, pup. But you still have a lot of learning to do. I understand. It’s what you got taught and human is all you know. But you’re not human anymore. You’re not restricted to a tiny lifespan, dulled senses and no healing.”
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jericohudson · 6 years
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Something smelled oddly familiar in Ashden. It wasn’t Levi, he recognised the scent of the wolf he’d turned probably more easily than anything. He was damn well going to turn the boy into a pack member eventually. Other pack members were making their way into town but it wasn’t them either. He couldn’t quite put a name to the scent but he was sure when he found the owner he would figure it out. 
Of course, standing in the middle of the street and inhaling deeply while looking around him probably wasn’t the most subtle thing in the world he could have done to find the owner of said scent either. Jerico was somewhat past hiding these days though. 
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jericohudson · 6 years
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when jerico’s voice cut through the silence levi whirled around and shot again, but missed. hitting a nearby tree instead of his intended target. a animalistic growl tore from the youngers throat as he glared directly at the other wolf. he hated it still, the sound sickened him. clearly the shot had done little to the wolf, if only he’d shot to kill. but a moving target without a sniper was hard to hit on the mark. “these toys could blow your brains straight out of your head.” levi snapped at the man, hands tightening around the weapon. “and you deserve it.” though now he was less confident face to face with a much older, formidable wolf. he wouldn’t let him fire another shot. he’d kill him first. its been months, and finally he’s decided to seek out the wolf who killed his parents. “you ruined my fucking life.” he spent days thinking about what he’d say but all that came out was that. “you fucked everything up for me! you took away the people i loved most! and for what? to teach me a lesson that killing your kind was wrong?” murdering was wrong. his soul was already tainted from that. “then you had the fucking nerve to turn me–i didn’t ask for this. i didn’t want it.”
“Only if you got lucky, pup.” At least now he was on guard. Especially since Levi wasn’t quite as experienced as his parents. “I didn’t take them to teach you a lesson. Killing my kind is wrong but I killed your parents because they killed mine. Eye for an eye and I don’t care if the whole world goes blind.” Jerico grinned devilishly.
It sobered slightly when he cleared his throat, “Turning you wasn’t about revenge.” Kind of. His feelings on that were a little more complicated. There were different reasons behind turning Levi and they changed depending on the hour, in all honesty. “It was about giving you a chance to be more. You’re already enjoying your new senses, aren’t you? And there’s more I could teach you, pup. We don’t have to be enemies. The killing is done. You can be pack.”
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jericohudson · 6 years
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☾ ~ ( MICHAEL B JORDAN, 225, HOMOSEXUAL ) oh look! that’s [ JERICO HUDSON ] that just passed by. i heard that [ HE ] is a [ WEREWOLF ]. i’ve heard they’ve lived in ashden for [ 3 MONTHS ] and apparently they’re [ UNEMPLOYED ]. depending on the day they can be [ AGGRESSIVE ] and [ LOYAL ]. hopefully no one finds out that they [ KILLED THE COLLINS FAMILY AND TURNED LEVI ] because if they did it could stir up some drama. 
It’s Rogue again, send help.
I’ll keep this one short and simple (since it’s not exactly sweet.)
All you really need to know about Jerico is that his parents were killed by Levi’s parents. After taking up the role of pack Alpha (his mother was pack Alpha before him) he came for revenge. With both of Levi’s parents dead, he decided to give the boy a chance (or maybe it was just even more revenge, he doesn’t even completely know) and turned him.
POTENTIAL CONNECTIONS: Pack: The rest of Jerico’s pack will be trailing their way into Ashden. There are loads of possibilities here if you wanna take part!
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jericohudson · 6 years
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snow was falling that evening, and with each step the snow crunched beneath his booted feet. it was only five in the afternoon yet it was quickly growing dark. he’d been keeping on the down low ever since his parents were murdered and he was left to deal with this beat planted inside of him from the disease. he’d rather have been killed too, but clearly it hadn’t been his choice. he wasn’t as fortunate. his emotions have been out of whack since it happened. his anger at an all time high and he couldn’t control himself. the first full moon he had sedated himself, and chained himself in the basement and he barely kept himself contained. the second one was the same way.
the only good thing about this burden was his heightened senses. he could see in the dark, he could hear things he couldn’t hear before, and smell things. which all helped with his hunting.  like tonight. he was lurking in the shadows, outside of the murderers house. watching him through his windows a ways away before firing his gun ( silencer on ) through the window, hitting him in the left shoulder. though when he went to fire again and adjust his aim jerico was gone. “shit.” levi breathed out, quieting himself to listen for the other. 
Usually he was the one lurking, watching. But tonight the tables had turned, sort of. Jerico had been aware of his presence, after all, he was the one who had turned the boy outside his home. One shot was all he was going to give the boy. He supposed he deserved it, fractionally. But the reality was, Levi’s parents had killed his, so taking the boy’s parents was only right. He’d been generous enough to allow the young one to live though, giving him the gift of the bite. Whether he would embrace it or not remained to be seen.
While Levi had brand new senses he’d never had before, Jerico had hundreds of years experience with them. It meant that despite the boy’s senses, he could still sneak in. in the shadows himself now, he spoke, “You’ve still got a lot of learning to do, pup. And that thing you’re holding is merely a toy. You’ve got natural weapons now, why not use them?”
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jericohudson · 6 years
Hey kid (hey kid), do I have your attention? I know the way you've been livin' Life so reckless, Tragedy endless Welcome to the family
Hey, there's somethin' missin' Only time will alter your vision Never in question, Lethal injection Welcome to the family Not long ago you'd find the answers were so crystal clear Within a day you find yourself livin' in constant fear Can you look at yourself now? Can you look at yourself?! You can't win this fight And in a way it seems there's no one to call When our thoughts are so numb and our feelings unsure We all have emptiness inside We all have answers to find But you can't win this fight Hey (hey kid), I have to question, What's with the violent aggression? Details blurry, Lost 'em too early Welcome to the family Hey, why won't you listen? Can't help the people you're missin' It's been done, A casualty rerun Welcome to the family I'll try and help you with the things that can't be justified I need to warn you that there is no way to rationalize So have you figured it out now? So have you figured it out?! You can't win this fight And in a way it seems there's no one to call When our thoughts are so numb and our feelings unsure We all have emptiness inside We all have answers to find But you can't win this fight Gunning for you And all mankind I've lost my mind Psychotic, rapid dementia I won't be fine I see, you're a king who's been dethroned (been dethroned) Cast out in a world you've never known (never known) Stand down, place your weapons by your side (by your side) It's our war, in the end we'll surely lose but that's alright (you'll surely lose to me) So have you figured it out now? So have you figured it out?! And in a way it seems there's no one to call When our thoughts are so numb and our feelings unsure We all have emptiness inside We all have answers to find But you can't win this fight Deep inside Where nothing's fine I lost my mind You're not invited So step aside I lost my
Deep inside Where nothing's fine I lost my mind You're not invited So step aside I lost my
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