jerkmusubi-blog · 8 years
To everyone not in the military, “Military Grade” seems like its good quality but to everyone in the military, “Military Grade” is actually cheap and low quality
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jerkmusubi-blog · 8 years
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jerkmusubi-blog · 8 years
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Betty and I come as a matching set. You want one, you take us both.
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jerkmusubi-blog · 8 years
The truth is so sad man organic is the same pesticide garbage with a raised price because a sticker was slapped on it
A few decades ago people advertised their food as tasty and fresh. Today, they’re just trying to convince you that it’s real. -More Shower Thoughts Here!
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jerkmusubi-blog · 8 years
After being in the military, I don’t trust anything that says it’s, “Military Grade” -More Shower Thoughts Here!
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jerkmusubi-blog · 8 years
I'm almost certain that there's at least N64 at some retirement homes
When our generation ends up in retirement homes. Bingo will be replaced with Smash Bros and Mario Party. -More Shower Thoughts Here!
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jerkmusubi-blog · 8 years
Smartphones should have a “Google this Phone Number” button when you get an unknown caller.
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jerkmusubi-blog · 8 years
Astrology makes everyone get to feel special while astronomy makes everyone get to feel insignificant
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jerkmusubi-blog · 8 years
A physicist is basically a collection of particles trying to understand themselves
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jerkmusubi-blog · 8 years
CPR is the human equivalent of hitting a machine to make it work again
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jerkmusubi-blog · 8 years
What if films like The Matrix, The Truman Show and Inception is the outside world subtley trying to communicate with us?
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jerkmusubi-blog · 8 years
We always brag about how much time we spend working instead of bragging about how much time we spend with our family
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jerkmusubi-blog · 8 years
Imagine the anxiety if your farts were visible
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jerkmusubi-blog · 8 years
Private investigators are just licensed stalkers.
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jerkmusubi-blog · 8 years
Life starts getting harder around the same age people stop caring what your favorite color is
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jerkmusubi-blog · 8 years
A broken clock is right twice a day but most working clocks are wrong all day.
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jerkmusubi-blog · 8 years
Now that there aren’t smoking and non smoking sections in restaurants they should change it to children and non children sections
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