jessica-x-lauren · 9 months
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jessica-x-lauren · 11 months
oh yeahhhhh
The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Shite Day (a Ross Gaines x Joseph Lisgoe)
This fic was inspired by the above prompt by @jessica-x-lauren because if there's one trope I'm a sucker for, it's closed off characters having That One Person they can bring down their walls for
Lisgoe was fuming, as usual. But this time, it was worse
He was speeding along the road, getting more angry with every honk from the other unfortunate drivers on the road. There were definitely a few choice words and two-fingered salutes thrown across cars, but thankfully Lisgoe didn't get out his until he was home
The car door was swung open, then slammed shut, the same treatment was given to the front door. He leaned against the door, looking rougher than usual
"If you hear a gunshot later, don't investigate!"
When his statement was met with no response, Lisgoe assumed Ross wasn't home... but his car's outside... so where the fuck is he?
That's when he heard the faint sound of sniffling coming from the kitchen. Whatever anger he currently felt started to lose its heat and he followed the sound, leaning on the fridge and being met with Ross
His partner was sat among a mound of paperwork with his head against the table, laptop open on an Excel spreadsheet. The sniffing didn't stop
"Ross, are you doing coke?"
"Why would I be doing cocaine?" His head didn't leave the table
"Your head's against the table and you're sniffing, that looks like a coke addition."
Wordlessly, Ross moved the laptop so it was blocking him from Lisgoe's view and sat up again
"Do you need a straw?"
"Joseph, for the last time, I'm not doing cocaine."
"Then let me see your face."
After a few seconds of silence, Ross moved his laptop away and glared at Lisgoe. His eyes were red
"Your eyes look like a-"
"Fucking hell, is that how you cope with your boss now?"
Ross took his glasses off massaged him temples
Then his shoulders shook
And he started sniffing again
Shit, Lisgoe thought, I don't think he's been doing coke
As he watched Ross trying, and failing, to hold in his breakdown, he thought drugs would be way easier to deal with
He pulled up a chair next to Ross and sat down, unsure how to respond to seeing the large pool of water accumulated onto the table. Neither of them knew how to deal with this
"How was work?" Ross asked, opting to speak in short sentences to keep his voice level. He met Lisgoe's eyes, pretending nothing was wrong "How much did you get?"
"Are you fucking kidding me? I come home and see Mr. Cold-And-Heartless sobbing his eyes out, and he asks how was my day at work? Fuck my day at work!"
There was silence there, Lisgoe was trying to figure out exactly what to do. He put a slightly uncertain hand on Ross' shoulder, his other hand resting on his partner's arm
He felt Ross leaning slowly against him, just as hesitant. As if the very thought of being vulnerable took most of his courage. But, as Lisgoe's arm wrapped around him, he felt himself sink slightly
"Drugs might help."
"Shut up, Joseph."
"I was joking!"
Ross rolled his eyes, shaking his head a little at Lisgoe's strange sense of humour. Thankfully, they shared that
"You didn't answer my question, how was work?"
"Shite." Lisgoe shrugged "What else is new?"
"You look shattered," Ross looked up at him, noting his slightly dishevelled nature "how fast did you drive?"
Before he could respond, Ross' hand was combing through Lisgoe's hair in an attempt to fix it
"Get off!" He jolted his head away "You're not my mam!"
"You shouldn't have driven like an idiot then. You look like you've been dragged through a hedge."
Ross' fingers weaved through Lisgoe's hair again, silently grateful that he'd decided against slicking it back today. While that style did make him look annoyingly good, it was actually soft today
Lisgoe furrowed his brows and gave him a confused look, but didn't say anything. Oddly, he didn't want to. There was something in the contact that made every memory of what happened at work eventually blur and melt into nothing. It was a weird feeling. Weird, but not uncomfortable
"We should play matchmaker with our bosses," he laughed "they can make each other miserable."
"Actually, they'd probably hate-fuck their way to happiness."
He turned to look at his semi-responsive partner and noticed his body started to go slightly limp. Instinctively, Lisgoe pressed two fingers against Ross' neck
"I'm not dead." Ross mumbled wearily "I'm tired."
"All that crying and sniffling must feel like a workout."
"Don't remind me."
Keeping one arm around Ross' shoulders, he hooked the other one under his legs and stood up slowly, hauling him out of his chair
It managed to shock Ross awake and he looked at him with shock
"Joseph, what are you doing?" He asked with a deadpan tone
"I'm not letting you fall asleep at your desk, you'll fuck up your back." Lisgoe headed for the stairs "Now relax."
"Drop me, I dare you."
"Don't tempt me."
He then let go of Ross before catching him a split-second before he hit the ground. Only one of them found it funny
"Joseph... piss off!"
"Shut up and relax."
"Put me down."
"I don't think I will, it's funny when you're pissy."
"Do you enjoy being persistantly unlikable?"
"It's my favourite activity."
Surprisingly, he managed to get Ross up the stairs in one piece. By the time he'd laid him down on the bed, he was asleep
Lisgoe watched him for a few moments, noticing the complete lack of tension in his body. There weren't any walls built up, he was completely peaceful - still and breathing slowly
Careful not to wake him, Lisgoe took off his glasses and placed them on the bedside table before taking one more look at his sleeping frame
"Dramatic bastard." He murmured in a tone that completely juxtaposed his words, it had a warmth to it that came out without him realising "You'll be fine."
"How long do you plan on insulting me?"
"Shut up, Ross." Lisgoe had snapped back into his usual, sharp speech "Go to sleep."
"I can't." Ross responded, eyes still closed
"I keep hearing things."
"Hearing things? Like what?"
"A voice... talking to me... he's nasally and speaks with a funny little accent."
"We have the same accent, you asshole!" Lisgoe made his way to the door "Now sleep, or I'll knock you out myself."
"Try it."
As Lisgoe left and Ross settled down, they made a silent vow to never bring this up again. The vulnerability, the strange tenderness: they made sure it stayed permanently hidden. It was a moment that exposed a rare humanity that neither of them were willing to face, it just wasn't in their natures
So the walls came up once again, as if they were never dented
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jessica-x-lauren · 1 year
i need a ross/lisgoe fic where they’ve each had genuinely such awful days that their tough façades even with each other completely crumble e.g, ross goes in for an actual hug from lisgoe (bonus points if he cries), lisgoe rests his head in ross’ lap whilst ross plays with his hair n although each of them are caught of guard by it neither question whats happening n roll with it n never speak of it again after. just ross and lisgoe being soft like non ross/lisgoe couples are i know they’re both secret softies at heart
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jessica-x-lauren · 1 year
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jessica-x-lauren · 1 year
let me correct this: don’t talk to me unless you’re the actor, director, writer, producer… of legz akimbo theatre company
dont talk to me unless you are the director of the legz akimbo theatre company ✋✋
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jessica-x-lauren · 1 year
Unpopular opinion but Ollie Plimsolls would calm down so much if you gave him satin pyjamas.
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jessica-x-lauren · 1 year
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tfw you’re trapped in a house waiting for your friend who you’re unaware has been killed by a couple of local-obsessed murderers with your overly invested aunt and uncle who drink their own urine and completely strip off once a month and their two creepy twin daughters who when you tried to babysit resulted in the death of two toads belonging to your uncle who constantly enquires about your masturbating habits only to find out that you’re a prisoner in the house as part of a plan to keep you here as some kind of pet
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jessica-x-lauren · 1 year
Reece Shearsmith in The League of Gentlemen
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jessica-x-lauren · 1 year
The fact I now see Reece edits and can recognise the commenters by their profile pics is jarring.
Like, I'm never going to interact with them, gosh knows I'm too shy, but darn, good to see the little guys are all there.
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jessica-x-lauren · 1 year
dont talk to me unless you are the director of the legz akimbo theatre company ✋✋
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jessica-x-lauren · 1 year
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Alexa, Show me something that’s homophobic yet gay
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jessica-x-lauren · 2 years
and the screenshot of the year goes to
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jessica-x-lauren · 3 years
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jessica-x-lauren · 3 years
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jessica-x-lauren · 3 years
noblemans guide spoilers (not major)
a whole conversation about richard bloody peele and adrian DIDNT tell monty he walloped him in the face??!!
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jessica-x-lauren · 3 years
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jessica-x-lauren · 3 years
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