jessimousold · 3 years
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The tattoo artist and his Bulbasaur assistant clean up the workshop after a session! This was a commission I did recently.
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jessimousold · 3 years
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jessimousold · 3 years
You will never run out of new things to love. People, music, books, places, food, movies, hobbies... Your entire life, you will keep finding new sources of joy.
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jessimousold · 3 years
You are not broken
Whether you
have a disability
have a disorder
need accommodations
need medication
need therapy
have trauma
have scars
do not conform to society
or make mistakes
Your needs are important. You are beautiful and deserve love just the way you are.
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jessimousold · 3 years
How the fuck do I get better
For Beginners
You are not your feelings. Feelings are something you have, and something you can learn to cope with. Here are some tips how you can reduce negative, annoying or persistent feelings in your life, and how you can cope with them when they occur.
Making positive experiences
Do something enjoyable that’s possible every day (ex. read a few pages, doodle something, listen to your favorite song, sing in the shower…)
Change your life up a bit in a way that will help you experience positive feelings more often (ex. say hi to an old friend, join a club, try a new hobby, discover a new artist…)
Allow yourself to feel the positive things (ex. reminisce about the nice experiences you had before bed, focus on how good you feel in the moment, ask yourself how you’d name this positive feeling, what caused it…)
Reducing emotional and physical vulnerability
A house can’t stand without the base - Work on getting enough water, food, sleep, exercise and self care. Baby steps are completely fine. 5 hours of sleep are better than 4, two meals are better than one, etc.
Watch your health and take your medication
Avoid mood changing substances (drugs, alcohol…)
Take responsibility (ex. make small plans that you can and will do every day -> gives you a sense of control over your life and helps you believe in your own abilities)
Letting go of emotional baggage
Accept your feelings as a part of yourself as a person. We all have them!
Acknowledge that your feelings (all of them!) are allowed to be here, because they all have a job to fulfill!
Try not to judge your feelings, even if it’s hard! There’s a reason why they’re here.
Be open for your feelings. Embrace them. They will come anyway.
I have a feeling I don’t want - what now?
What am I feeling? (ex. angry, sad, guilty…)
What impulse does this feeling give me, what do I want to do? (ex. lash out, isolate myself, self harm…)
What made me feel this way? (ex. a fight, a bad grade, a mistake…)
What would be pros and cons of acting on my impulse? (ex. pro - lashing out would give me relief, con - it would have consequences…)
What decision do I make?
What skills or coping mechanisms do I need, if I need them?
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jessimousold · 3 years
It's okay to:
feel sad
put yourself first
outgrow people
talk about your feelings
re-make mistakes
struggle to accept help
take a break
say "no"
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jessimousold · 3 years
i know it's hard to believe right now, but there is more to life than sadness and trauma and mental illness. there is love and joy and hope and so much more. there's so many incredibly beautiful little things to find happiness in every day you're alive, even if things aren't good right now. there are always sunsets to admire and movies to watch and dogs to pet. i know that life is hard, but it's full of incredible things in the everyday, things that tell you that you will be okay, that there is love always.
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jessimousold · 3 years
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Some stills from the other morning😇
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jessimousold · 3 years
Cleansing reminder:
Cleanse your crystals, your tools, your room, and yourself. We don't want that negative energy around us.
Ways to cleanse: Smoke cleansing, using moonlight, using rainwater or moonwater, using herbal water sprays, asking your spirits/deities for blessings, using your own energy, using sigils, using other crystals
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jessimousold · 3 years
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jessimousold · 3 years
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Follow me on Instagram: @erin.lady.of.sorrows
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jessimousold · 3 years
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jessimousold · 3 years
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jessimousold · 3 years
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jessimousold · 3 years
visualization is a super powerful form of manifestation. if you can envision it, you can align yourself with it.
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jessimousold · 3 years
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Restores 5 points of health 🍴
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jessimousold · 3 years
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