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Experimenting with paper towel.
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Exploring folds, creases and rips. Minimal intervention, but an intervention never the less. How far to take this? Japanese paper too expensive to do lots of separate works. Individual tute with Christian suggested I try paper towel and see what happens...
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More Gabriel Orozco. Collecting, categorising, documenting, mapping…
I am interested in his use of the organic and the industrial. I see his collecting as creating communities in a way. The discarded finding their way home.
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Looking at Gabriel Orozco. I like the way he shows how he sees the world. I like the way he sees pebbles stuck in a car tire tread can be art. I like the way he collects things- a mix of the organic and the industrial. I am interested in how he documents his collections and ways of seeing. There is an effort to find order amoungst chaos that I relate to in his work.
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Sound stations for “GroundHoverBelow” as part of “Banyule: a different perspective” set up at various locations around Banyule including opening night at Heidelberg West Mall.
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I was interested in creating a body of work which used sound as a way of exploring and connecting with place.  Merging field recordings and my voice, I was interested in exploring the voice as part of landscape.  By merging the human singing voice and sounds from the environment I wanted to explore the effect of transversing external (landscape) and internal (psychological) spaces.  I was interested in the question “How many places did you just go through?”.
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My good friend and community artist, Lisa Watson invited me to be part of her photography exhibition.  With a grant from Banyule council, Lisa created a series of photographs to be exhibited at a run down Heidelberg West Mall. She was predominately interested in creating a body of work around the unseen areas of the suburbs of Banyule; she wanted to create work which challenged the glossy Banyule calender which depicts the green, clean and wholesome aspects of the area.
I created a series of five separate soundscapes for the exhibition.  Each soundscape was set up in public listening spaces around Banyule and the entire collection of the soundscapes, titled “GroundHoverBelow” was accessible to viewers of the exhibition at the Mall via their smartphones and a link to the work on Soundcloud . 
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Setting up "catching stations" for my collection of things... Want to set up stations in nature too.
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Enjoying these little collection of things. Using masking tape as a framing device to bring the unseen into the seen.
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Tamara Saulwick’s performance piece, “Endings”.
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Tamara Saulwick is a Melbourne based performance artist.Her work uses light and sound in interesting ways. I saw her show “Endings” last year.  The mechanics of the lighting and sound elements were revealed by the performers “playing” them; light and sound were characters in the work.  I especially liked the use of tape to tape reel players on stage.  They were functional as well as scultpural as well as being performed.
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Feedback from group tute.
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Group tute.  This space revealed itself to me as I was setting up.    
I needed a space with ceiling fans, could be made dark, and a ceiling rack to hang the speaker from.  Only two spaces were suitable.  This is the drawing room in building 4.
The heavy felt curtain was an unexpected and important addition as were the two sets of extra lights I found in the space.  
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Experimenting with movement, space, light, fans, sound and this black cinefoil...
Wanting to reveal the conventions of installation ie lights, fan, speakers as being objects in a space as well as being functional.  
 I am liking the sculptural qualities of the cinefoil.  Once again my inability to be precise and exact with the manipulation of materials ( I was trying to create a precise rectangle of light) allows me to work with mishaps and things being not quite right. Liking the white sound coming out of the moving speaker...navigating the space  
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Individual tute with Greg. Creating spaces which the viewer isn't sure if they're in or out. -could there be other forces at play? Eg fan on floor but not on, fan on roof is making things move -does showing the mechanics of the work eg lights and fan become too distracting from the ephemeral, poetic and sublime narure of the work ??? -bekons you into the sublime, reminds you of the present as the same time
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