jesssybel · 4 years
Where there is uncertainty, there is hope.
Nothing is permanent at this time. We are all shaking.
We have a lot of questions and only God knows the answer.
Best we can do is to think positive and trust Him.
Lord, have mercy on us. Give us strength. Save us.
Show us Your plans.
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jesssybel · 4 years
Its been two months now since the quarantine started and by now if you and your family members are safe and healthy, then it’s something to be thankful for. In this world full of chaos, the best we can do is to stay positive and look at things at a different perspective.
I decided to go back to blogging or writing as a way for me to express myself and my thoughts during these times. There is a lot going on in my head and I just want to put them into words and organise them.
I mean in this world where we are right now, it is full of uncertainty. We don't know how and when this will stop. How are we going to go back to our lives? When can we go back to our work? Or worse, do we still have work to go back to? As for me, I work in the aviation industry and it’s one of the greatly affected. I never imagined I’d miss flying this much. Before all these happen, (a back track to how work was on my point of view) I would have scheduled flights every month and there is nothing more precious and exciting than seeing those days off every week, because that only means having to relax at home or having a planned trip. Days off are like the pot of gold at the end of every rainbow for me but right now I just can’t wait to go back to flying. The view, workmates, workplace, passengers, destinations and the friendships made. It’s true that you only appreciate things when they’re gone.
Right now, all I could do is to have hope. Hope for a better tomorrow and better days to come.
Virtual hug to all my friends who’s silently battling with anxieties.
I pray for everyones health physically, emotionally and spiritually.
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jesssybel · 12 years
God's will.
It was something different. Its amazing. He's amazing!
Few weeks before my graduation day (March 29, 2012), I'm feeling a bit confused and anxious about which path would I take. Would I pursue my goal to become a Preschool Teacher or to achieve my dream to become a flight stewardess? I'm really undecided but life goes on.
I sent my resume to several schools that I'd like to teach. I experienced job interviews, examinations and demonstrations in different schools.  Some schools immediately gave me an offer while others would tell me to wait for their call/text. On the other hand, part of me still thinks about being a flight attendant in an airline. Since I'm very undecided I tried lighting candles in different churches asking for a sign, guidance and help with my life, and it helped. It really helped me, so once in a while I make sure that I light some candle for Him.
One day while I was browsing Facebook. I suddenly thought about clicking the '"God Wants You To Know" app without any reason. Just want to see the message or something. In short, napindot ko lang talaga all of a sudden. When I saw the message, I was shocked and felt God's presence around me as if He's just beside me and tapping my back. Kinilabutan talaga ako kasi tamang tama at saktong sakto yung message. Here:
"On this day, God wants you to know...
... that it's time you stopped hiding from life, and said yes to the adventure of being alive.
Enough of the routine already. Go on, have an adventure, - do what you always wanted deep within your heart. Do what brings you alive, and the universe will open doors where there were only walls."
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Its a sign!!! The sign that I've been waiting for. I'm in tears when I read it. :") Thank you Lord! You the best! But.... His greatness doesn't stop there. 
I texted my friend who was working as a Cabin Crew/Flight Attendant in a well known airline, Cebu Pacific. I told her about my dilemma and my desires in life. She gave advice, words of wisdom and encouraged me to try my luck and apply in Cebu Pacific. Until one day, she informed me that they will be having a grand hiring in Dusit Thani Hotel, Makati on March 30, 2012 which was the day after my graduation. At first, I was sort of hesitant to go thinking that I just graduated the day before it and I should be on party mode instead of applying for a job. At the end of the day, my priorities must go first so I'm giving it a try!
It was a rainy Friday morning, March 30, 2012. I started the day in a bad mood because I woke up a late and it was raining! Arghhh. So I had no time to prepare at all. Didn't get a chance to eat breakfast as well. Isama pa yung pagcommute to meet my friend that I'll be with. HASSLE.
So there, I arrived in the hotel 7am. Had my make up on. Fixed my self and everything! Prepare prepare. Applicants must be in business attire. Sleeveless top with blazer, skirt and heeled shoes. Pony tail for the hair and with full make up. While waiting to start, I observed the ladies who's applying for the same position as well... Until I came to realized that I was wearing a bit different among them. They are all wearing black formal blazers, formal top (mostly wearing with ruffles), pencil cut skirt and their hair is perfectly pony tailed (without bangs and used hair sprays/hair clips). WHILE I WAS WEARING; peachy pink blazer, see through peter pan collar top, black skirt with design and I'm not prepared with my hair! I didn't bring hair spray or whatever so I had no choice but to fix it on my own!! GOSH.
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Parang ako, ano ba to mali ata pinasok ko. Haha. Anyway, the registration started past 8am. While waiting in line for my turn in the registration.. A woman from Cebu Pacific was in search of someone. She was looking around the area and came to approach me and said "What's your surname?" and I said "Belulia po" and then she went away. I was like, omg ano ba mali ba talga suot ko? Feel ko may mali sakin. All eyes of the applicants was on me feeling so intrigue with what the woman asked me. One asked me "Ano sinabi sayo?" and I said, "Ano daw surname ko".
Moving on, we all entered the area. The woman from Cebu Pacific who approached me was also the sort of "host" of the event. She told us the stages that we will undergo through. First is, SCREENING where they will check our height, skin etc everything physical. Once you pass the first step, next would be, IMPACT INTERVIEW. This stage is like a small group discussion. Someone will interview and observe you. All about yourself only. She told us what we need to tell and everything. Then once you pass it, come to the next step which is the FINAL INTERVIEW. In here, it would be like panel interview. In my case 2 interviewed me. And once you got it, the last and final step, the PRE EMPLOYMENT STAGE. And viola!! Welcome to Cebu Pacific! :)
Anyway, with my experience in each stages I felt like I was wearing a lucky charm on me.  In the first stage, screening, we are group in five's. We are asked to remove our blazers and shoes to start the screening. The height limit is 5'3 but their height measurement is a bit high. Good thing, I'm exact 5'3! Haha. Anyway, one from our group did not meet their height requirement so she got out agad. 4 of us was left. Checked our skin and everything. The lady assigned to check us mentioned the name of the 3 other applicants and asked them to step forward. So I was like, okay baka sila lang qualified. Baka di to para sakin. :( BUT I WAS WRONG. The lady told them.."Sorry but you did not meet some of our requirements.." I was like, OMG!!!!! Seriously?!?! Ako ako ang tanggap?! Omgosh! The lady congratulated me and gave me the paper for the impact interview!! I was super happy and I cant believe it! 
Next step, impact interview. Again we are grouped in five's. Share something about yourself and all that. The four other applicants are tourism graduate, nurse and the two others are currently employed and with experience in the airlines while I'm a proud educator! As it ended, I felt like maybe it wasn't for me. While I was sharing about myself, I was stuttering and nervous. So feel ko hindi ako pasok. The one who interviewed came and gave her decision. The first two were given orange paper which means they didn't make it. The next one was given yellow paper meaning she needs to be ready for the final interview. Una pa lang nafeel ko na na pasok siya kasi ang galing niya sumagot and experienced na. So I felt na hindi ako pasado. But then again, I was wrong!!! The next yellow paper was given to me!!! Again, I was like OMG!!!!! My happiness is just... I cant explain!!! Extreme!!! But at the same time nervous for the final interview.
Final interview came. I was able to fix my hair with the help of the other applicants who passed the impact. Yay! So there, Americana women who is I think is one of the head of the Cebu Pacific and the other lady was from the HR department. Both very pretty!! So I felt like oh my gosh, help me. Nose bleed na to ng todo todo! Haha. At the end of it, they congratulated me and gave me the Cebu Pacific Id lace that says.. "Flying with you soon!" "Cabin Crew Trainee I am Juan with CEB"
Wooo!!! HAPPINESS ALL OVER!! I just cant explain it. But it didn't end there. Hahaha. But wait, there's more! :D
After the final interview, TV5 news was also there to televise the huge event of Cebu Pacific! I together with the first applicant who passed all the stages was interviewed!! Oh yes, I'm the 2nd applicant who successfully passed all the stages!! :) (P.S. Almost 600 applicants tried for the Cabin Crew position but only 40 applicants got in)
Everything was amazing!!!! The day started bad but ended perfect!! God's will talaga. Kung para sayo, para sayo. Thank you Lord! I offer everything to You! 
I graduated March 29, 2012 a preschool teacher and then March 30, 2012 I'm already a Cabin Crew Trainee! I achieve both my goal and dream all because of you Lord! Thank you so much!!! :)
Jessica Mae Belulia
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jesssybel · 12 years
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jesssybel · 12 years
Jack and Rose <3 
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jesssybel · 12 years
Floral room!
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jesssybel · 13 years
There’s always that one beautiful girl, who doesn’t have a boyfriend, and you can’t understand why.
(via skhazzam513)
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jesssybel · 13 years
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Photo Courtesy: southern-proper
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Omg!!! Baby your so cute!!
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I want the gray one!
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I want that red velvet!!
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How could you be so pretty?
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jesssybel · 13 years
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