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I bought a drawing tablet today and this is my first ever attempt at creating digital art. I definitely won’t be hanging up my inks and watercolours but I want to add digital work to my portfolio/skills. Even if all that comes out of this is that I vaguely know my way around Adobe Illustrator!
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I was asked to illustrate two articles for the Uni magazine! This one was for an article about keeping in contact with long distance friends! My very first idea was to have the illustration very literal and focused on digital communication which is mentioned in the article. (I did a lot of different sketches centres around this idea). But my boyfriend just gave me a suggestion which he thought was silly, to have two people talking around the world via tin can telephones but I LOVED the idea and I ended up making the final illustration on it! 
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Some prep work for my humanity hallows submissions. I had the idea of creating a background pattern/colour using my new gouache but it really did not scan well and just looked cracked/amateur when scanned and added digitally. I had the idea for using pencil sketches in the background to look more intentionally hand made and I really like how this turned out when scanned!
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Initial sketches vs final watercolour illustration vs digital colour! 
This was the second article I was asked to illustrate for humanity hallows! This article was about settling into your new uni home/halls. At first I wanted to be very literal but all my sketches looked so terrible and then I thought about small comforts about home. My mind immediately went to cross stitch “home sweet home” pictures and I thought about how I could make it work within my illustration. This ended up being my final design and I really like the way it came out. The digital recolour was my first attempt at colouring digitally on Adobe Illustrator and it was INCREDIBLY hard even though I only used the most basic tools!! 
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I was asked by Foundation tutor Ben Greenhalgh to submit a piece about Dodos for Humanity Hallows! I was given an article about how “researchers are piecing together new information about the life of dodos” and making this into some sort of puzzle/jigsaw illustration sprang to mind. I had other ideas about using the idea of a question mark to highlight how little we know about the dodo but this worked best and I’m happy with how it turned out!
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I bought gouache!! 
Here are my first ever attempts at using this funky new paint. I really like the ghost and the fish and want to use this media much more as I go into second year.
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I've had this little story in my head for a while about a grizzly bear who goes round stealing balloons. He turns up at parties and takes them and steals them off children simply because he just loves them but I've struggled actually starting it. So here's me beginning to understand exactly what a bear looks like so I can get good enough to draw one doing all this stealing! Let's see how it goes.
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I sketched my beautiful dog as he lay on the couch watching TV.
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Life Drawings!
Today I was incredibly stressed and anxious and when I went to life drawing, I didn’t entirely want to be there but I stayed and did some drawings I am not proud of as the anxiety in me took over and they came out entirely crazy and all over the place with random thoughts beside them...
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My friend (Amy) requested that I draw her and her boyfriend (Jordan) and make a sweet little birthday card for him. I was going on holiday 3 days after she asked for this so I had to go through many terrible ideas of doing realistic portraits, I realised it wasn’t working and eventually I came to this style of drawing and I am loving how it turned out! The 3 day time limit was really really difficult but it definitely helped me work fast as I had to draw, design, print and deliver this all within 2 days!
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Amy also commissioned this portrait of her dog, Bertie! (Nicknamed Mr. Chombles). This was SUPER easy for me to do and only took about two hours as watercolour animals are my fav thing to draw.
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My cousin commissioned a portrait of her English teacher. (Strange, I know!) And I did a simple watercolour of him and made a quick card out of it!
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Ben Greenhalgh (Foundation tutor) runs an Instagram called imaginative press which highlights daily news stories and combines them with an illustration/graphic! Naturally, I chose the most bizarre/animal related illustration I could! Here is my contribution !!! “Police called to home in Middleton after a dead goldfish covered in cheese was posted through a letterbox”
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