jestes34 · 3 years
Watch out for Wattpad
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(Source here) They’re making a deal where your stores will be up for grabs to other companies. This is super sketchy since technically if they just take bits and pieces they most certainly wouldn’t need to tell you about it.
Please consider moving your stories to Ao3 which is a non-profit specifically put together to protect authors from crap like this and has a legal team that will fight for you when needed.
Ao3 even does easy imports, directions here.
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jestes34 · 3 years
my favorite thing about empires is the different cultures and how people read them.
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jestes34 · 3 years
*opens eyes wide* Tommy found an 11 music disc in the locker room chest in his first visit to the prison and Sam told him it was left there by a previous visitor.
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jestes34 · 3 years
Hey uh old mcytblr. Rb this post if you know who a6d is
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jestes34 · 3 years
Do you ever just think about us fans being the citizens of L'manburg like:
Artist drawing and making monuments of the glorious moment of independence. Of their favourite hero. Musicians writing songs and singing ballads about the battles and welcoming the heros home after a big fight
Quite moments of the citizens at night, wondering if Dream's side will attack soon and make them lose their home or life. Hushed whispers of encouragement and "I'm sure our heros will win"
Young people going up to Tommy and Tubbo and giving them apples and flowers and drawings to thank them. Them playing with the kids, interacting with everyone with smiles and gratitude. Wilbur coming into town to play everyone a tune of his new song
People being there for the duel and afraid for not only their future but also Tommy when he loses and celebrating when they still get the independence. Cheering at the "YOOOOO SUCK IT GREEN BOOOYYYY" with the same enthusiasm as Wilbur does
The absolute fear once their home gets blown up, the outrage when Schlatt is in control, the vocal disagreement when Tommy gets exiled. Demonstrations being held in his name, his face everywhere
The citizens realising that their home got destroyed. Them being scattered around. The people still having trust in Tubbo moving to Snowchester. Those who don't settling in the new kingdom, some even finding themselves in Las Nevadas
Just. The smaller people. The ones without a name, that still shape the story and tell the tale of L'manburg in its glory to the new generation that came and to the ones that will still come
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jestes34 · 3 years
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Boneless (?)
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jestes34 · 3 years
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The Able Sisters gets progressively louder the closer they get
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jestes34 · 3 years
exile arc but every day someone puts on a blonde wig and red n white t shirt and takes Tommy’s place as they all try to gaslight Dream
quackity: Hello it is me tommyinnit
dream: you aren’t tommyinnit and you don’t look or sound like him
quackity: *in a British accent* hello it is me tommyinnit
dream: tubbo I can see that it’s you
tubbo, wearing the ugliest blonde wig known to man: what? im tommyinnit. here I’ll prove it I just need some flint n steel and the location of your house
dream: are you ghostbur?
ghostbur: yes!
Phil: oh I forgot to tell you! Tommy’s street name is ghostbur. that’s why he said that :)
dream: oh hi “Tommy” why is your hair blue?
jack manifold, who didn’t own any other wigs: I’m going through a mid life crisis
dream: Ranboo I can see that you’re an enderman
ranboo, wearing a red and white suit: im tommyinnit. I remember everything. i can definitely swim mhm mhm
Dream: you aren’t even wearing the red and white. you’re just another blonde guy
purpled, a paid actor: wdym didn’t you know there’s only one blonde person ever. im tommyinnit
dream: technoblade what I meant to think of this
technoblade, wearing a sign that says ‘im tommyinnit’: well most people think I’m annoying at first
dream: you’re literally a pig
technoblade: that’s kinda rude to say about the British
Dream: how are you here. you’re dead.
glatt, who pierced the veil of life and death in order to make fun of tommy: no im tommyinnit. pogchamp or something
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jestes34 · 3 years
Here's another one I made 🥲
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jestes34 · 3 years
An edit I made 😁. I have more and one of just the bench Trio. I just added the dream team to it. Enjoy?
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jestes34 · 3 years
Tubbo 💚
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jestes34 · 3 years
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Enjoy some ranboo ☺️☺️.
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jestes34 · 3 years
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The amount of pictures I have of these two are.... More than I'd like to admit lol. Enjoy anyone who sees this 😍
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