jesusismyhyung Ā· 5 years
guess iā€™ll die (Ā© arisdruck)
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jesusismyhyung Ā· 5 years
2 for the prompt thing? really really love your writing! :)
ahh youā€™re so cute!! i also love this prompt. have a little drunk david moment xx itā€™s a little short though sorry for that laksdjn
2. ā€œYou smell nice.ā€
David feels like heā€™s on another plain. Heā€™s not sure how much heā€™s drunk at this point but he feels so great. Right now heā€™s on the couch listening to the boys telling some ridiculous story, waiting for Matteo to get back with his water. Really heā€™s a bit checked out of the conversation. Heā€™s tired and wants to just got home so he can be with Matteo and no one else. When Matteo does come back he hands David the water and watches him drink. He gets involved in the conversation properly but David really canā€™t be bothered.Ā 
He just leans into Matteoā€™s side and when someone asks him a question he just shoves his face into Matteoā€™s chest.Ā ā€œYou good there babe?ā€ Matteo asks putting a hand in his hair.Ā ā€œMm yeah all good, you smell nice.ā€ David says smiling to himself. He really does smell nice, like warm and safe and Matteo. He really loves it and just wants to stay here smelling it forever.Ā ā€œThank you.ā€ Matteo laughs softly.Ā ā€œDo you think youā€™re ready to go home and get to bed?ā€ David sits back and grins,Ā ā€œHell yeah Iā€™m ready to get you into bed, out of these clothes.ā€ David leans in to try to whisper to him,Ā ā€œAnd into me.ā€ Matteo rolls his eyes and starts to get up,Ā ā€œCome on. Itā€™s definitely bedtime for you.ā€Ā 
send me prompts from this list x
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jesusismyhyung Ā· 5 years
It's actually ending isn't it?
I am not ready to let my hyperfixation go #DRUCK
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jesusismyhyung Ā· 5 years
Kill me please
Okay all this Lukas and Michi content and I can't even appreciate it because i can feel all my cells dying inside . I didn't ask for this !!!!! #DruckPleaseStop #ActuallyDontStop #SaveMyLifePlease
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jesusismyhyung Ā· 5 years
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Whose kidney do I have to sell to keep this show going ??? #druck #lukasalexander #michi #IamNotReady #Pleasesaysike
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jesusismyhyung Ā· 5 years
s03e02, clip 6: re-imagined
(boredom made me do this donā€™t judge)
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jesusismyhyung Ā· 5 years
My Druck fic masterlist
I decided to make a post with all my fics on it in one easy to find place.Ā  But then I decided, looking at how many Iā€™ve done, that Iā€™d split it by fandom.Ā  So this here is my Druck list.Ā  Because itā€™s shorter than my Skam one, and therefore easier to do, Iā€™m doing it first.
1. Learning to Breathe.Ā  Summary:Ā Itā€™s reckless, stupid. The dumbest idea Matteo has ever had in his history of extremely dumb ideas. Run away. What a way to phrase it, like heā€™s escaping, like heā€™s trying to get away from his life. Like heā€™s the sort of person who needs to do that. But David seems to get it; maybe he remembers Matteoā€™s desire to just get in a car and drive. His need to just get away. Or maybe he just feels it too, the cloying deadly drag of being in this place.
David agrees to the dumb, stupid reckless scheme, and just like that the pall Sara cast is gone, the thought of her eliminated almost as soon as her presence was.
2.Ā "Please donā€™t shut me out.ā€œ (dialogue prompt fic).Ā  Summary:Ā His arms straining, Matteo pulls as hard as he can on the door. Unfortunately, the equal pressure on the other side is exhausting his energy, and he can feel it slipping, slow motion as inch by inch it gives way. Laughing, gasping for breath, Matteo slumps as the force finally turns against him and the door thuds shut. Matteo beats his fists on it in mock horror.
ā€œNooooo. Jonas! Please donā€™t shut me out!ā€
Aka the one where Jonas wants to talk a bit but Matteo doesnā€™t think he needs it.
3. The art of exploration.Ā  Summary:Ā After a second or two, Davidā€™s eyes flit over to the graffiti on the walls opposite them, barely discernible in the torchā€™s glow, and he adds, ā€œthereā€™s something really beautiful about these abandoned places.ā€ Matteo can feel his face twisting with the pain of that thought. Thereā€™s nothing beautiful about being abandoned.
In which David reveals parts of himself via urban exploration and Matteo learns some things about himself along the way.
4. Fake solutions to real problems.Ā  Summary:Ā  Since more than 99% of people have soulmates by the age of 18 itā€™s become normal to assume everyone has one. Worse, most of the benefits of adulthood only kick in with proof of the soulmate bond. So when Matteo gets to 18 and his life falls apart, everyone assumes all his problems will be solved through his ability to access the soulmate benefits. The only problem is that Matteo doesnā€™t have a soulmate and isnā€™t likely to find one conveniently lying around in time to avoid his troubles. Then David makes a suggestion that could solve everything ā€¦ if it doesnā€™t destroy Matteoā€™s heart first.
5. Rings, Riddles and Revenge (wip, dialogue prompt fic).Ā  Summary:Ā Matteo frowns at the man on the other side of the gleaming counter. Itā€™s glittering under the bright lights and pale walls of the store, but Matteoā€™s attention isnā€™t on the luxury of his surroundings. Itā€™s on the outrageousness of what the man told him.
ā€œExcuse me? What did you just say?ā€
Matteo can hear the panic bleeding into his voice and grimaces in frustration; this is not the way to go about questioning the veracity of the statement. Confirming Matteoā€™s suspicions that heā€™s being slightly unreasonable, and with a patient, well-worn retail smile on his face, the man calmly repeats,ā€œthe diamond in your engagement ring is fake.ā€
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jesusismyhyung Ā· 5 years
Matteoā€™s Instagram story 20/08/2019 translation
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jesusismyhyung Ā· 5 years
David: And action.Ā 
Matteo: At home.
David: A bit louder.Ā 
Matteo: At hoooome. At home.
David: Ok, good. Wait, Iā€™m gonna climb-
David: And action.Ā 
Matteo: At home.
David: Look down worriedly a bit. Thank you. Cut. Very cool. Thank you. Be positive!
Matteo: Gonna be really good.Ā 
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jesusismyhyung Ā· 5 years
awwww those kisses tho~~ ToT my heart canā€™t take those~~ ToT
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jesusismyhyung Ā· 5 years
druck clip 166 translation
David: Do you hear that?
Matteo: What?
David: Do you hear that?
Matteo: Dude, no!
David: Really now?
Matteo: They can't be serious, right...
David: Music?
Matteo: Mhm.
David: Goddamn.
Matteo: Yeah, at least one couple has fun.
Amira: Hey!
David: Na?
Amira: Na?
David: How's it going?
Amira: Guys, what are you doing here? Why don't you go inside?
...Holy shit. Holy shit!
And what's up? How's it going with your application?
David: Ah, quite well. Thanks. I'm finishing up the application film at the moment.
Amira: Mh.
Matteo: Top film.
Amira: Really? What is it about?
Matteo: Tell us.
David: Uhm... it's a bit hard to sum it up in two words...
Matteo: Nonsense, you can do it.
Amira: What is it?
David: Uhm... yeah, well... it's a concept with a lot of different...
Matteo: Aliens.
Amira: Aliens.
Matteo: Mhm.
Amira: Aliens?
David: Yeah, but, uh, at first glance aliens but at second glance it's just... a deeper meaning behind it.
Amira: And what?
Matteo: Body parts that fly around.
Amira: Mhhh.
David: Yeah.
Amira: How creative. Yummy.
Text from Mohammed: When can we meet?
Matteo: And you?
Amira: Huh?
Matteo: What's going on with you?
Amira: Uh, yeah, everything's great.
Matteo: I actually believe you.
Sam: Hey!
Amira: Hey!
David: Na?
Sam: What's wrong, why aren't we going inside? Are they fucking?! Okay.
Amira: Okay, I'm done. I'll stop them now.
Sam: No!!! Maybe they're doing the happy baby position.
Amira: Ugh, Sam, stop it.
Sam: Why? Why are you always such a prude?
Amira: I'm not a prude?
Sam: Oh well?
Amira: Yes? Boys, am I a prude?
Matteo: Hey! Would you look at that, beer!
Amira: Rude!
Sam: Actually, what was that thing with Mohammed?
Amira: Huh, what do you mean?
Sam: I saw you outside. I didn't know you're into him.
Amira: Sam... I'm not into him. He's so... totally... not my type.
Sam: Mhm, okay okay. Yeah. But if you're into him, I won't be sad.
Amira: Mhm, okay. But I'm not into him.
Sam: Okay. But if you're into him, it's really not a problem, okay?
Amira: Okay.
Sam: Okay?
Amira: Okay.
Sam: Okay.
Amira: Okay.
Kiki: Hello!
Matteo: Oh hellooo!
Kiki: Have you been waiting for a long time?
David: No, absolutely not.
Amira: Yes, we just now... all...
Matteo: ...arrived.
Kiki: Yeah, I'll uh... change into proper clothes quickly. We had to clear up something with the landlord.
Amira: Ah!
Kiki: Yes.
Matteo: And where is the landlord?
Kiki: We were talking on the phone. So, we cleared things up with him over the phone.
Sam: Where is Carlos?
Kiki: He's sleeping... but you can come in.
Sam: Carlos is sleeping...!
Matteo: God, yeah. Probably had a hard time!
Amira: Carlito!
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jesusismyhyung Ā· 5 years
Translation Druck s4 episode 3 clip 1
This is a pretty rough idea of what was said.Im not german so anything else except the texts, i couldn't translate.
Mohammed(text):"Wow Amira thank you"
Amira(text):" who are you?"
"Your sms is really sweet"
Text:"Mohammed,it was truly beautiful that you were there today. I really like you but somehow you make me completely shy.Amira šŸ˜˜
A(text):"You have written a text message from my mobile phone?"
M(text):"ā¤šŸ’”"" Bad?"
A(text): "Yes!!!"
A(whispering almost):"Mohammed"
M(text):"By the way, that's the way it is for me too."
"I find you very nice but sometimes I do not know how to talk to you ... "
"A song for you by Jean-Cyrille"
A(text):"I really like the song"
M(text):"I thought you just listen to Arabmucke (he probably means arab music i have no clue)"
A(text):"Sure, only !!"
M(text):"Well then..."
And then he sings to her a song and then says:"I don't like my voice but i would do anything for you,my love" something like that
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jesusismyhyung Ā· 5 years
honestly if you arenā€™t reading something tragic and something so magic what are you even doing with your life
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jesusismyhyung Ā· 5 years
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šŸ‡©šŸ‡Ŗ German Notes Printable!Ā šŸ‡©šŸ‡Ŗ
Hey guys~ I compiled a bunch of notes from wikibooks as well as my own notes and textbook (Deutsch Na Klar (7th ed) - Di Donato & Clyde), and thought Iā€™d share them!
Topics include:
pronouns in accusative, nominative, dative and genitive cases
possessive pronouns
gender patterns so you can more easily guess a nounā€™s gender
relative pronouns
reflexive pronouns
coordinating and subordinating conjunctions
passive voice
subjunctive I and II
adjective endings (including a brief explanation of weak nouns)
prepositions arranged by which case they take
and a whole bunch of verbs that take certain prepositions (including case and translation)
Just click on the title to download! theyā€™re available in both pdf and word so you can edit if you need to x and please let me know if you find any mistakes so I can edit them!
Enjoy!Ā šŸ¦†
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jesusismyhyung Ā· 5 years
I might be gayer than I thought I was
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Kristen Stewart as Sabina Wilson in the Charlieā€™s Angels Official Trailer
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jesusismyhyung Ā· 5 years
David/Matteo fic masterlist
Thought Iā€™d make a masterlist of all the Druck fic Iā€™ve written so far, so I can link to it and itā€™s all organized! All links lead to my AO3 account.
Canon compliantĀ 
94 percent of the timeĀ | 4k
One of the more exciting things about being with David, Matteo has found, is finding out about all the ways that make him so imperfect.
(and babe) my hands are freeĀ | 4k
This must be what people mean when they say they canā€™t look away from something bad, like witnessing a car crash. This right here is the ultimate car crash. The worst part is that Jonas had told him what link heā€™d be opening. The words ā€˜gay pornā€™ and 'former neighbor Klaus, the bullyā€™ had all been right there in the texts, and yet Matteo still hadnā€™t expected this.
This being gay porn starring former neighbor Klaus, the bully.
could get used to this, so I keep you nearĀ | 4kĀ | Misty!ficĀ 
Matteo and the cat have a mutual feeling of Iā€™d-rather-be-with-David.
(Itā€™s time to leave this town) itā€™s time to steal awayĀ | 4k
They just get in a car and take off down south to try and chase the nice weather - catch some sun and catch some waves. Theyā€™re headed down to Portugal, but thatā€™s 2500 kilometers away and a lot can happen in 2500 kilometers.
Youā€™re the reason that I just canā€™t concentrateĀ | 4k
ā€œYou know what helps with studying?ā€ Matteo asks.
ā€œFocussing on the textbook instead of on me?ā€ David tries, flipping a page in the comic heā€™s reading on Matteoā€™s bed. ā€œNot having me here at all?ā€
Alternate Universe
And donā€™t play like you arenā€™t madly in loveĀ | 10kĀ | YouTube AU
David gets home from running some errands and picking up a package at the post office to a couple more mentions on Twitter than he shouldā€™ve.
It wouldnā€™t have been unusual to have come home to maybe a dozen new mentions, tops, but to check his phone and see over a hundred new tweets after not having done anything to warrant that? Thatā€™s unusual.
Maybe even a little worrisome.
If my like if in shambles (why do I feel so good?)Ā | 10kĀ | College!AU
The IKEA pencils are undoubtedly the worst. Theyā€™re too short, so theyā€™re quite uncomfortable to work with long term, and they donā€™t write that well either. Matteo worked weekends at IKEA last summer though, and on his last day, he kind of took a whole box home with him.
This guy doesnā€™t seem to share Matteoā€™s appreciation for things that are free and there though. Instead, heā€™s looking down at the pencil in a very ā€™this is not what I didnā€™t pay forā€™ way. Matteo literally has nothing else to offer though.
An alternative universe where Matteo and David meet in uni. The Boy Squad is Dumb, and there are a lot of misunderstandings.
+ SEQUEL (funny) I ainā€™t ever felt betterĀ | 4kĀ 
The first time Matteo kissed a guy, it felt like relief. His brain and his body had felt steady. Kissing girls had been about tricks; tricking himself and tricking others. This was just kissing someone because they wanted to kiss him, and he wanted to kiss them back.
Kissing David for the first time is the opposite of steady.
twenty-nineĀ | 10kĀ | neighbors AU
Matteo is convinced most people get their first love out of the way when theyā€™re teens cause this shit is almost impossible to combine with an actual adult life.
Or: David and Matteo meet for the first time when theyā€™re 29. David has a niece he loves dearly, and a weird dog he looks after sometimes. Matteo has a crush on his new neighbor.
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jesusismyhyung Ā· 5 years
rb if youā€™re a bi bitch who loves carbs
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